CHAOS on Australia's OLD TELEGRAPH TRACK! Floating across Nolans Brook! We did it SOLO! Cape York

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can't believe it here we go we've made it to the old telegraph track sure it's got to be australia's most iconic track if not very close to maybe i should have just brought a boat for this track instead oh god help me [Music] [Music] [Music] that's always a good sign when there's a number for towing at the crossing all right packed up cam first crossing of the day which is this creek or camped on there's a few options we're going sort of like the deeper one but also the smoother one just take it nice and slow through all this stuff but there's no need to panic and speed it through as usual you got a whole crowd watching you at every crossing through all that we'll keep heading north on the tele track that was quite a big hole that came up through there there was an easy option around there i've hit the next crossing only a few k's down the road which is sam's creek there is a bit of a shallower line around to the left if you want to sort of creep up around the trees and drop back in but i'll go to the deep one just for a bit of excitement all right sam craig done having a swim here at sam's creek so it seems like teletrack life is dry for half hour to an hour do a couple creek crossings and then pull up a one and swim for an hour or two it's so warm out here and just the creek's just absolutely beautiful there's a uh secret slash not secret because everyone knows about it waterfall just down there they're gonna go swim down at in a minute but i'll just have a little muck around this top one [Music] here's the next little creek cross scene just a short little deep bed and then up out the other side i'm just taking it nice and slow through all these i'm in preservation mode 3000 kilometers from and the next crossing this northern section of the teletrack's definitely the better one just the all these creeks are amazing it's just sort of nicer area but in saying that the southern section is also really good too cannibal creek i swear this one's called from memory from memory of watching videos of it not from me actually being here but we've dropped down a yeah cannibal creek we've dropped down a bank there and then looks like i've got a deep hole and then you swing around and pop up out the other side now we've got a bit of an exit up out of here kind of land you into the bank it's a bit muddy and sloshy and a few uh wombat holes there to contend with as well let's crawl our way up out of here but should be all good well there goes that mirror on the bank let that suspension work and the locker definitely going to struggle on that without a locker or a heap of suspension travel you're going to have to send it up there most of these creeks have a numerous exits in and out of them that's the only exit out of that one quite a few flexi wombat ruddy sort of sections through the bitter road between that last one cannibal creek and the next one which i believe cyprus which is that rickety old wooden bridge you gotta drive across now tyre pressures for this track i've been running them at 15 psi the whole track which gives plenty of bag gives plenty of grip on all those creek crossings that seems to be working really well and then just before anyone asks the tyre size five r16 they're falcon wild peak mud terrains and then it is a two inch lift it's got uh the long travel shocks in the rear this bridge actually looks messed up look at that wow you're gonna have to try and guide me we need to put wheels here and wheels there we can't go in there or the car's going through the bridge well is this thing for real has anyone been across this daddy i i'm i'm literally barely stomping and it's shaking i'm not even like trying i'm just like going like all the logs washed up over time that other people have used here there's this bridge for the bridge for real the middle of it there's sort of collapsed in you've got to put a wheel obviously on that side of the wheel on that side doesn't give me confidence that i've got no one here to guide me except kyle and he'll probably just guide me straight into the creek remember when i was trying to guide you and you didn't follow my guidance and then you ended up in a hole yeah well didn't trust you i really need to make sure i gotta tire up on that there dude i'm not good at hiding yeah well i gotta put a freaking car on this dude it's just gonna fall this is a horrible idea ah there's no other way i'm not feeling great about this here on my own how am i looking should i have a seatbelt on maybe oh god help me this kid for real oh yeah too bad wow yeah ultimate pranking stop that's always a good sign when there's a number for towing at the crossing this one is uh really deep i think so yeah this is definitely the deepest so far this one's over waist deep i've seen this one before it's a very deep crossing bottom seems alright though so we just have to plow our way through it you ready for this deep crossing try not to flood the car there's tracks over there where people have sort of plowed their way down vertical banks but it looks very very muddy there looks like he's getting bogged there that way isn't it isn't as deep at least but yeah i think we'll make it through or they're all good even that's like still a bit deep is it is it boggy there yeah yeah you definitely get bogged in that maybe i should have just brought a boat for this truck instead i'm not gonna put my seatbelt on maybe i'll go second but just really slow at second now go first yeah first feels all right it's definitely wow that's real deep wow definitely the deepest crossing of the trip so far we still got nolan's book to go that's the next crossing which is the one where many cars get written off and i've been hearing the last week on the way up here there's been cars getting ridden off in that daily so that's gonna be fun the next crossing there's been cars getting like just flooded and destroyed in there like every day it's like it's probably as deep as that maybe slightly deeper but it's like really buggy dude what are our like card rounds oh we got we got the tow truck number over there yeah i got the tow truck number so we're good yeah just right write that down in no tonight a snorkel is definitely the must-have mod if you're doing the telly track and then breathers are always a good idea as well so i've got diff transfer gearbox breathers just so they breathe up nice and high because otherwise they're trying to suck water in them down there super low when you're doing those deep crossings and all those crossings apart from nolan's brook because it's still to come it's maybe slightly different but all the others you can see i've crawled them all i've had no problems at all i don't think momentum really gains you anything only sets you backwards you're just like smashing into the water only forces a heap of water up into the engine bay and then you're looking at problems with fans radiators belts bearings in there alternators are just a whole list of things so that's why i'm in preservation mode super duper slow finished up lunch on to nolan's brook we go feeling slightly nervous about this upcoming [Music] crossing come to another one before nolan's brook i've got no idea what this is but we'll figure a way through it looks like everyone's going maybe through there all right it's not too deep putting in uh low range i'm going back to sort of high range between the crossings fair fair bit of it because i don't need low range it's going to slowly drop in here then yeah it's uh not too soft in there not too deep let's go straight into this next one it's not too bad and looks like we're through and then don't know well i think nolan books the next one but i thought that last time and then we met that are you gonna go fight it or is he gonna sing that's so deep it's just floating [Music] oh no his engine's cut i think his engine shut off maybe there goes another car and no one's broke dude this is terrifying [Music] oh i don't know what happened but that's terrifying that's a lot of water so yeah welcome to nolan's brook it's very soft in there and it's like about belly button deep wow when you have to swim across it that's when you know it's deep yeah i'm gonna start setting up a recovery plan here two soft shackles under the bridle and then we'll probably hook a rope up on the other side i'm also gonna knock some more out of air out of them we're gonna get serious and go down to maybe six and i was there and back up over the other side well so i have a chance of driving through it's so soft in there maybe i'll go eight all right that's eight feet so i'm gonna do a psi around so we've got a car that's going to strap us up and pull us across if need be we'll probably just pre-connect the strap i'll try and drive it as soon as i come to a stop they'll pull yeah that car right in front of me just drowned they're tiring now tying it out of there so wait but like a legitimate tow truck well he's tying it up the road i don't know what they're going to do with it he cooked his engine he got water all through it so doesn't instill confidence in me when i'm up next how do you how do you how do you repair that i don't know it might be the end of his car so got it i got the inverter up off the floor there so now everyone who always laughed at me for having wires and inverted just sitting on my back floor well they're not laughing now got everything up off the floor got down to eight psi i put don't know what else i'm gonna creeping down now cheers thank you well i drove that all good that just seemed to motor through that that was first gear low re-locking like i had accelerated at all i just took it nice and easy through that um and yeah that eight psi like let your tyres right down and the grip they have at that is incredible all right that's nolan brook done and the last obstacle on the tele track well that was deep there's those tyres at eight psi they're like donuts yeah there's no tension on that strap at all but you want it there just in case like i could sort of consider should i not hook it up but i thought if i don't make it i'm sitting out there then trying to hook up straps i'm gonna regret that my car never got any water in it either never got any water in it on all the tele crossings it seems to have really good seals in it i've never ever had water come in that thing but obviously if you're sitting there for ages it would but yeah yeah i i got two photos and it was above the engine yeah and you get no water in the seals so that cruiser came through after me and he got stuck he had to get pulled out he basically just powered it straight into the middle spun wheels and buried and you got to go slow do not power it it's crazy it's like a wrecking yard over there there's five cars that have all got cooked engines from that crossing just just from day four is it i was just trying to exaggerate so four and just to show it's not like all toyotas or new ones or whatever there's a pajero there's a cruiser there's a discovery and then there's a nissan what's the nissan wagon version of mine the older one i forget but there's four brands of cars over there this place is no joke [Music] there he goes he's driving he's going he's going easy all those guys behind us let their tyres right down as well and think they all drove it you just stick right that's definitely the key here goes the camper trailer [Music] oh he's gonna drive it [Music] oh we sort of hit it we saw my nolan's book for a bit and then we hit it from there back out of the pdr that's the last thing on the telly track um and we punched it up to the jardin we just hit here at 4 35 because uh you got to get across the ferry by five so we just bought our return you buy your return ticket here 100 bucks return just get across the jardine river but yeah we're making it across they're up now into the final uh top section of australia now across this river how cool is this going across the jordan river we've got um reception for the first time in a few days there's no reception on the tele tracks you have to keep that in mind we've got reception first time a few in a few days so just letting everyone know that we're still alive we've grabbed ourselves a camp spot here just as that sun's going down up along the jardine river a little bit no one around which is nice and we're on the edge of the river this river has crocodiles in it so we need to be careful we're just going to go down for a look now to make sure there's none resting in this immediate area let's go down for a quick swim you look for any slide marks near the water as well there's not that many up this end of it from what i know which is nothing because i've never been here my life but from what i've heard there's not many up up this end but there's heaps down are further close to the river mouth but we're still we're far away from the river mouth up here but yeah be careful beautiful spot here heaps of uh bird life around as well might get this fire going and make some dinner we do have magnetic stubby coolers as well people always been asking me for these here's kai's review on the magnetic stubby cores so kids this is what we call a magnetic stub we call it we got the tyler thompson youtube professional car drawing i could not draw that good i'm a review guy not an artist um so basically you put it and it's like magnetic so um well it's not magnetic file it's got to go on the car well this is an epic review so basically um you got to put it on the main gear so uh yeah and then you know you come back then you put it back on with your drink doesn't help us and that's the review over [Music] it's a beautiful night out here so peaceful on the edge of this river woken up by a few birds this morning one thing i've noticed is the further north we get because we're never nearly at the top now the hotter it gets it's about eight o'clock in the morning and it's pretty bloody hot up here that's what we call physics if you get like higher well yeah obviously the higher you get but just it's like noticeably different each like 100 each 100 well it's like noticeably different each day as you progress further i can't believe after all these years finally did the teletrack so we spent 48 hours on it we started late monday afternoon finished it late wednesday afternoon then just shot across the jardin such an awesome track like you can see why it's so popular and so many people like it i guess the best part is all just those amazing creeks along it and then there's camping spots at all the creeks on either side of them there's heaps of camping spots along the track northern section was definitely my favorite that 48 hours seemed to be plenty plenty of time for us we took it slow we kept pulling up for swims along the way and stopped at all the crossings and all that sort of stuff like definitely stay longer if you want to set up camp early on but yeah that was a good amount of time for us i definitely say nolan's broke crossing the last one we did yesterday is the biggest challenge on the track there's other like harder challenges like gunshot and stuff but you don't actually have to do them there's tracks around them whereas in nolan's brook there's not really an easy option it's uh yeah very deep water i guess unless you're here late in the season so that was where we camped not last night the night before not at the elliot falls campground but just back on the track here at the actual creek there's a campground there and then that was all what we did yesterday um that's nolan's brook there and then basically from there we came up a bit and then shot out to the pdr up across the jardine then today we got the final i don't know how far it is maybe 100ks or so to the top and then we're going to hit the northernmost point of australia we're gonna check that out and then we'll probably come across and do the five beaches run we'll spend a couple days up there exploring and checking out the sites and then we'll probably start heading back down of i don't know how long we've got i've got sort of eight to ten days to get back home to new south wales so we don't have a massive amount of time this is sort of only a three-ish week trip up the top still well and truly worth doing but yeah we don't have weeks and weeks up here for taking it easy we're just finishing packing up camp and then we're gonna head to the top of australia i've always wondered what this looks like so that's the jardine river crossing further upstream from the ferry now i used to be able to drive across it um but i've put i've closed it off now but you can like you can still go down there um the last time i remember like on sam isles videos they all drove across it that was quite a few years back now and i remember a couple of them got badly bogged down the middle looks like a pretty deadly deadly crossing which is why they've closed it off plus there's crocs in that river like and even walking down there into the start you sort of weave your way through some swampy stuff there then out onto the sandy riverbed you just don't really know what it's going to be like and i wouldn't want to walk down through all that to check it check it out oh yeah it says beware of crocodiles and riverbed can change frequently and stuff anyways it's just interesting to see what the setup here was but we'll keep uh going out of here we have made us just after lunch came up through bemidji and got a bit of food what's muddy there got a bit of food and stuff in bambiga and the car park's just back around there and we're walking around the beach around to the northernmost point of australia we did it kai made it to the northernmost point of australia round of applause the enthusiasm is unbelievable now we drive 3000 kilometers back home well it made it to the northernmost point of the show we got the photo down there next to the sign it's pretty pretty bloody windy out here today and there's rain coming as well but we made it first time ever here can't believe it there was a fair drive up here we did a little bit over 3000 kilometers and a few rough four wheel drive tracks on the way but we made it 2000 2500 kilometers on instagram uh you're already wrong yeah so we did a competition guess to see how many kilometers it'll do this trip and it's definitely going to be over six thousand [Music] so another thing another thing is well that wind and just make a podcast yeah well crossing river motivation podcast and going into them fast only oh that wind and going in the jardine river is the jardine the garden for those those two days those that 48 hours gave us that 48 hours seemed to be plenty of time for us like we took it slow uh i'd definitely say nolan's brook is the biggest we'll spend a couple we'll spend i've always wondered what this looks like so that's oh well we have well we did it made it to the northernmost point we got our obligatory is that the word [Music] you
Channel: Tyler Thompson
Views: 55,090
Rating: 4.9753847 out of 5
Keywords: 4wd, 4x4, offroad, oldtelegraphtrack, capeyork, australia
Id: JtqB18-vlz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 53sec (1733 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 28 2021
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