Channeling 101 - How to Channel and Connect with Your Guides! Michael Sandler

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hello bright and shiny beacons of light so glad to see so many of you looks like i am having a bad hair day out here in the joshua tree desert but we're gonna work with that so excited to talk channeling all things channeling with you this evening it's an interesting evening as it is an hour earlier because we had daylight savings time which means our three kitty cats and a rooster don't understand why i'm on air right now and so they're asking for food they're asking for walks they're asking for everything that they possibly can and so we are working through that and we are working through getting the lights set up for proper lighting for it being much much brighter so with that said let's talk all things channeling this evening and i'm so excited to talk about channeling although truth be told i never expected in my whole life to be giving a talk about channeling to have written a book on channeling or to have anything to do with channeling i was studying science i was studying business what in the world happened and what in the world is happening with the animals right now well we'll talk a little bit about that tonight but a funny thing happens when you start down the channeling road and that's where we're starting with you this evening when you start down the channeling road doors start opening up experiences start taking place things start happening in the most beautiful way that are out of your control but also the coolest metaphysical stuff starts taking place and so i want to share a really brief story with you here of what happened earlier this evening jessica is in the background and has we have gentle bird music going on that has turned into something of 80s pop so earlier today i went for a bike ride which i tend to do every sunday and i try to do something pretty epic because i was a performer a former professional cyclist and i understand the value of still challenging ourselves and putting ourselves into a little bit not of a painful discomfort but uncertainty or discomfort where we get to step back from ourselves and we get to really come alive so i went on this long epic bike ride today had been snowing up in the hills above here and i wanted to ride to the snow i rode to the snow i rode past the snow all the way to the outskirts of big bear california a beautiful mountain town up uh thousands of feet higher than we are here by joshua tree and i turned around and it turns out i was more tired than i expected not a big deal i can get back not a problem but my legs were really really heavy and so one of the things i've been doing a lot lately and i'm going to encourage you to do is i've been working to bring the angels in more throughout the day bring them in when i wake bring them in before i go for a ride bring them in when i eat every time of the day start to make this connection with my angels and my guides and so when i found i was exhausted i said hey angels and guides i could use not a lift but i could use a little assistance here now my legs were getting very tired i'd done a run with ruru in my arms up the base of mount jacinto yesterday and i rarely carry food with me because i like training my body to go into that state of ketosis on my rides to learn how to burn fat better but sometimes that doesn't help you get back so i prayed for save not safety and guidance i prayed for assistance like an angelic tailwind about 10-15 minutes later i round this bend on a um i don't know if we call it a busy uh dirt road but there'd been 50 a group of at least 50 off-roaders who had passed through and other assorted jeeps and rock crawlers going on this really gnarly dirt road but i rounded this bend and there in the middle of the dirt which should have been crushed and ground into sawdust was an eight pack of um i don't know cheddar cheese crackers cheese cracker sandwiches i guess is the best way i don't know something by nabisco that i haven't eaten since i was like 12. but it was a brand new pack completely unopened and i'm like looking around and and they're like all these vehicles that had gone by a little while ago but there was nobody there and so i picked this thing up and i'm allergic to dairy and i said thank you angels and started munching on these things knowing my stomach would be fine it has been knowing that this was divinely ordained it had to have been i've never seen food in the middle of a road completely intact unsmooshed brand new ready to go and i went about my way and my legs felt great and i got back with plenty of energy and pep and here we are what does this have to do with channeling it has to do with developing a new relationship inside of you with your angels and guides a softening of your heart a letting down of your guard that allows something special in so it's interesting early in the ride going back to it for just one minute i was in very much a young place uh former professional athlete i have two modes i have gentle kind loving loving easy michael and i have early in the ride i had the er out but then i went and prayed to the angels while on my ride and i could feel my heart softening and i felt that i could ask them to do the heavy work when it comes to channeling when it comes to mediumship a big part of this isn't for it to be a parlor trek or for it to be something that we use in the living room on a saturday night although that's pretty cool a big part of this is about raising your vibration elevating your state of consciousness helping you to stay as paul selleck's guides call it in the upper room because it is there that all things are possible that is also where we channel and hear the best it kind of goes both ways channeling leads to a higher vibrational state a higher vibrational state leads to channeling how does it get any better than that it's actually something i've been teaching about in a sense with the law of reversibility and devil goddard in our wednesday evening manifestation mastery classes which is a whole another topic coming from channeling so a mentor of ours was recently talking to us about the new earth and this is a paradigm shift that i've been seeing occurring for i don't know 10 20 years but really accelerating in the last 5 or 10 years we're vibrating at a different frequency we're understanding things differently heck yoga mainstream in the movies everywhere the talk of universe of source everywhere karma as a different level understanding everywhere our ability to tune into other people's thoughts or to know who's calling before almost the phone has even rung everywhere what's going on what's going on is we are in the middle of a powerful transformation as a species going forward one electron state to a much higher electron state and if you remember high school physics it doesn't go linearly up it bounces right it jumps vibrate by every more more more and up to that next level right now we are that electron vibrating incredibly quickly it feels violent it feels uncomfortable we feel spun time seems to be moving much much faster we're completely um what's the word for it discombobulated wasn't the word i was going to go for but that's the word i was just given we were we are feel completely discombobulated out of sorts why because we're struggling because we're vibrating where we should be snapping up to that higher level but we're still stuck here in this physicality and we don't know what to do with the energy that we've been given which means really it's more important now more than ever to play with this energy to get in touch with this energy to kind of mold this energy which i've talked about before like silly putty to get into attunement with this energy so that we can bounce to that higher state of consciousness it's interesting what's happening right now and the reason you're so attracted to this show is on one level you can feel it you can feel you're closer to the other side of the veil you can feel that the messages are right there for you you can feel that there are angels and guides although you don't know how to express it or maybe speak with them but you can feel that they're here but because you don't know how to reach them it feels incredibly uncomfortable you feel a bit like you're torn apart that's okay i mean it's actually better than okay if you feel torn apart congratulations it means you're vibrating at a very high level you're just playing in a very heavy density you're vibrating at a high level in a heavy density and so there is this fight going on inside of you once we start channeling once we play the mediumship game of getting in touch with our angels and guides every single conversation you have with them gets you lighter you start to leave more and more of the heaviness behind you can consider it a healing you can consider it an unmooring from the old which is so incredibly important at this time it's a process both jessica and i are going through appealing away of the old appealing away from the of the old because everything around us has a frequency and a vibration to it and it is hard hmm let's use a different word it is uncomfortable and the reason i'm choosing to go away from the word hard is hard is the old paradigm and so i want to be careful not to use that word hard or strive or drive or work hard so we put the hard back in there with work because what that does is that brings us down back into the muck and mire brings us back down into the heaviness but what we get to do is start to cut a lot of those chords so that we bounce up to that higher state of beingness that's what this is all about channeling leads to lightness lightness leads to channeling so going back to myself it's interesting how rapidly things have been changing for me and i hear lumiere in the background cheering us on please understand our kitties are exceptionally well fed and they are exceptionally spoiled and they are exceptionally vocal what's been happening to me well for many years i was a very heavy meditator that's an interesting term heavy meditator jessica and i held space on a meditation center in maui for years three four hours a day in fact that's where we rescued lumiere whose sing and call was saying rescue me bring me into your lives rescue me and we did we rescued him we brought him home and he hasn't stopped singing since but we love him very very dearly and it's that song that brought him home but as we were meditating and holding space uh at this beautiful center for so many amazing people our lives were crashing down all around us why because it's one thing to go quiet but then we have to set intention to hear hear from our angels hear from our guides hear from something or anything on the other side and connect spirit is always waiting to connect with you but you need to make the call you need to call on them that's where our automatic writing came in and we actually have our next class on automatic writing this coming thursday come join us we made the call in automatic writing and said please speak with us please guide us please help us and we started to hear from spirit we started to find our purpose find our path find our direction get on track get our income going now living infinitely better than we were at the time all amazing things have happened since we started diving into our automatic writing and channeling because automatic writing is basically you go quiet you put pen to paper and the angels or guides speak through your pen it's wild and again we're teaching that thursday but with that said a funny thing happened which is the angels and guides have been saying michael you're a teacher we don't want to and you're teaching automatic writing we don't want you just going into automatic writing one time a day we want you going into automatic writing at least two if not three times a day in fact they are calling it the automatic writing sandwich start the day with automatic writing have some call that the bread have some meat of automatic writing midday and then have some automatic writing in the evening why because what they've shared is there's a vibrational attunement or an alignment when you start channeling it brings you up to a higher frequency and what's happened since i started doing that and i can't say whether it's the chicken or the egg i do it for all of my interviews i do it for my coaching sessions but really i was challenged by jessica through her automatic practices to teach a wednesday evening manifestation mastery circle fancy way of saying i channeled neville goddard and taught that for a month now i'm channeling uh or napoleon hill taught that for a month now i'm channeling neville goddard and teaching that every wednesday evening and then it'll be florence gloval shin and i had to dive into my automatic writing at an entirely new level and here's what's happened there has been not only a softening of my heart which i'm sure i'm not sure how much jessica can hear me from right now she's running all things in the chat room but i think she would agree there has been a massive softening of my heart which is a dropping of the shields even further letting go even more and allowing the angels and guides to take the reins and there has been hearing spirit at a much higher level and synchronicities coming about that are craziness synchronicity after synchronicity after synchronicity coming about as i'm getting in this higher vibratory state so i will mention this real briefly then i want to dive back into things if you're interested in automatic writing it's really easy to learn and we would love to teach you to really get you on the fast what would we call it not the fast track it would be the on-ramp to the super highway of connecting with spirit well didn't see that one coming and and i am connected to spirit when i do this so funny things come out and they've got a one heck of a sense of humor when it comes to me which i love they come to you in the form that you are i'm a goofy guy they bring me goofy uh groofy statements but if you come join us to the super highway of connectivity with your angels and guides this thursday we will teach you how to get up to speed super fast tonight you're going to learn the basics but that will get you up to speed and that is and come join us thursday night live class ask all your questions go through it with a bunch of people also learning together and um it is by far the fastest way to learn really high level channeling with that said i'm going to take a breath here actually i'm gonna take a breath and clean a bit of my glasses because there's still a little dirt on them from earlier today there we go thank you it's not about developing a fancy skill automatic writing create automatic writing will help tremendously but at the end of the day it's not about developing a skill of channeling and writing it's about developing your skill to listen to listen on my ride i was doing my best to listen to the angels it's interesting uh to keep myself going and kind of like rocky eye of the tiger i put on music at the start of the ride usually by the middle of the ride i have no music on and on the way back when i'm trying to pep myself up i have music again this time i had the music on just one year so that i could be listening not just for vehicles but for spirit each and every moment then i came back and took a bath and went quiet for 20 minutes and put the intention and asked spirit is there anything you want to share with me is there anything that you get to tell me at this time you see spirit angels guides mother earth mother nature god source universe jesus buddha allah jehovah whatever we want to call spirit is always trying to communicate with us that's the thing we think channeling i've got to be a super special person i've got to set incense i've got to do my whatever no the first thing that we get to do is probably catch our breath and listen now certainly we can set intention and we can ask so critically important what do i need to know what do i get to hear channeling mediumship is about becoming the receiver the receiver shorts out when it's blaring loud what's blaring loud our minds but not just our minds because if your mind is focused on spirit spirit may be able to get through if our mind is focused on drama on bickering on back chatter on what about this terrible thing what about the other terrible thing it's pulling us down think of wow i can't believe i'm going to go there an old school antenna tv antenna if you've ever seen one of these things on the roof almost looks like it's got angel wings it's got whole rows of wings behind it usually we get knocked down by any good storm and it's up there to catch a signal out of the ethos when you're having negative worrisome uh thoughts thoughts of of things that have taken place that you've been upset about things thoughts of people who have been upsetting it's like pulling down your antenna antenna and closing it you can't hear anything if instead you're having higher vibrational thoughts so like lumi is is apparently he's gonna sing for this whole class and he's awesome if i go oh my god my cat is singing my cat needs something my cat needs something even though he's been fed my cat near something i'm pulling down the antenna if each time he sings i go i send lumi love i send lumi love i can see all this glorious food that lumi has i send lumi love i can transcend that negative energy and bring myself to a higher state where i have cranked up the antenna that's what we get to do now with that said i channeled the notes for this class and it's interesting they told me at this point to do an attunement that's not mine it's an attunement from the guides from paul selig's work which i cannot recommend enough and his guides in many ways are the same as my guys are the same as jessica's guides the same are so many of our guides the guys aren't particular they work with everybody who calls on them and they asked me to do an attunement which helps us raise our antenna at this time and get to a higher state so i really want to give credit where credit is due it's paul selig's work who channels i am the word the book of freedom book of mastery and so and so on and so forth incredible incredible works all right i'd like you to say this with me or after me you don't even need to know what it means but what it has is a vibration behind it that's what we're talking about tonight we're talking about listening here and we're talking about listening as a form of being a tuning fork being in attunement being in a cord being in vibrational alignment if i can get you in vibrational alignment tonight then it doesn't matter if you're doing gazing with a mickey mouse doll or gazing in the middle mirror it doesn't matter if you're picking up a stone and screen which is to focus on the stone and right it doesn't matter if you're writing with the other hand or writing in the other hand while looking in a mirror the technique is less relevant once we get into vibrational alignment it's sort of like saying do you want the pores the ferrari or the pinto well as long as the pinto doesn't blow up there's a whole story for another day it gets you from a to b it doesn't matter which tool at that level you use because you're in alignment meaning you got the key you've got fuel in the car the car works it'll get you from a to b but we get to get an alignment so here is the clearing statement or vibratory statement actually i'm told it is a statement of attunement from paul selig's guides i know who i am in truth i know what i am in truth i know how i serve in truth i am free i am free i am free i am in the upper room god is god is god is just breathe that in for a minute can you feel the energetic state change can you feel how much things inside of you have dropped down into deeper waters can you feel how much easier it would be to hear spirit at these times so the channel is first to listen and then here's where it gets really fun it's to clear away the gunk of the old to make space for the new to come through so i'm getting a visual right now of hardened arteries and it's interesting i've been getting visuals more and more which is something i never used to experience which gets into clear sentience and clear audience which we might go uh we might go in a little bit but i have this vision of an artery and then i have a vision of like these little oxi cleaners from tv going around and scuba scrubbing the artery clear what does that have to do with anything to do with channeling well it has to do the vibrating vibratory energy of everything around outside and inside of us inside of us we get to look for repeating dwelling statements that we make and we get to clear those out we have a lot of shows about how we can clear those out externally if everything has a vibratory frequency to it we get to clear away more of the old do i need this old sweater do i need this remembrance of a past relationship do i need this memento or something that doesn't do anything can i get rid of the old can i oxiclean my arteries to make way for the new so in other words to increase the capacity of your pipeline to get it vibrating at that higher level where it can act as like a swiffer pushing things through i guess they're they're what i gotta remember it the biology term not alveoli cilia to be the cilia inside of you poor inside of the tube pushing things through we need to get rid of the gunk that's dragging those arteries down it's interesting and and this i guess is the next point of clear sentience and clairaudience you start into your channeling like you start into your automatic writing you get little snippets you begin to get more you begin to get more then you're getting whole sentences then you're getting i haven't gotten poetry in prose but many people who do automatic writing are i've had many people who dove into automatic writing who have now become professional mediums and channels which is really cool spirit starts to give you more and more what you need to do what you do and for myself it's morphing now and it's interesting because like i said i never planned on going down this road i never planned on becoming a channel or a medium or anything of that sort i was very proud of my science degrees um and political science degree way back in the day um and business degree story for a whole nother day but they started with words words which had a frequency behind it the word is not the word it's an interesting thing when you channel or when you do automatic writing the word is not the word the word is a vibrational wow the word is a prayer each word that you're given from spirit is a prayer and it is a prayer to help raise your vibration up the more prayers that you allow in the faster you get to a higher vibrating frequency now this is a new earth we're all vibrating faster but we're very confused because we're like being pulled up here and at the same time we're stuck down here that's why i'm encouraging you to clear the channel so each word is a prayer but here's what happens as you start vibrating at a little bit higher level a little bit higher level then your gift comes out and your gift could be clear sentience an ability to know things clear audience an ability to hear things clear um voice and ability to see things there are a whole bunch of claire's my claire so far was clear sentience and ability to know things which i believe came from both my near-death experiences and diving into on a daily basis but now i'm getting pom pom pom all these images coming to me which is a little bit bewildering fortunately they're coming in once or twice every few hours um so that i have the ability to go oh artery we're talking about this here and i see little scrubbers oxiclean i get it all right and then in coaching sessions i'm like tell me about the windowsill or what can you tell me about your parents and blah blah it's starting but this comes as your frequency starts to go up see the veil really is much thinner now in the old days in order to get this level of information you have to go paid to pay a channel pay a medium pay rabbi pay us somebody who could actually scoop out of the ethos have a giant butterfly antenna and scoop out this stuff or net at ten thousand feet high and bring it back down to you now it's right next to you the veil is so thin what does it take all right let's talk about what it takes let's talk about the nuts and bolts was is it take two channel first and this is so key you must make a choice well that seems pretty evident not the choice that you think it is not a choice to channel well that actually is a good choice that's not the important one the choice is to quiet calm or still the mind now i'm not talking about becoming a buddha i'm not becoming talking about becoming a monk in a cave i'm not even talking about meditating for hours a day i'm talking about cutting down on the chewing gum of your mind and particularly cutting down on the chewing gum of what i'm calling back chatter what is back chatter it means negative self-talk negative talk about others negative judgment of anything and instead flip it to the positive or flip it to the angels that's why crackers i believe appeared for me in the middle of the road crackers sandwiches how does it get any better than this and cracker sandwiches are something that i'm allergic to of which it had to be a leap of faith to eat it and i ate it and guess what no allergic reaction how does it get any better than this okay maybe there was no actual cheese and it was all chemicals but still normally i'm the canary in the coal mine my stomach will bloat and turn into looking like i'm i'm six months pregnant if i dare eat something that's out of alignment but i've been coming back to the angels again and again and again and that's what you get to do in all areas of your life come back into alignment call them in in every way that you can so one thing that we can do and we're going to go in order of a handful of things here is to begin cluttering your life that's why we were brought to the desert we were brought out here to by joshua tree to get light and so yesterday we were actually looking at rvs i'm you know we looked at rv's a while back and it didn't feel good we looked at them yesterday and mine is going to the dealership that the angels and guides told me not to go to but it was right across the street so i went there anyway and then we felt like we needed to take a shower and like luffa sponge our lives because we were filled with so much slime and gunk but when we looked at rvs yesterday we felt awesome it felt in a higher state of vibratory alignment and we came home and what did the pookie start doing also known as the pook star also known as jessica lee my most amazing wife my most amazing my only wife and she is most amazing and she started saying do you think i should keep this do you think i should keep this what about that what about the other thing in other words she started getting light that is huge i've heard that hair has an energy or has a memory to it and i'm not suggesting everybody shave their heads far from it although i do feel it's haircut time but with that said when um i had my first near-death experience after i got out of the hospital i grabbed some shears and i shaved my head bald why to let go of the old energy to declutter in a sense and so i want to encourage you and say it's even your job to make space to make time to choose to listen to declutter in every area of your life especially up here specifically going after judgment and instead when you go to judgment bring it back to the angels oh man and you look at that driver hi angels do you have anything to say to me oh i can't believe what my boss said oh angels do you have anything to share with me just keep bringing it back make a conversation with the angels they'll speak speak back that's channeling i know it sounds like we need something fancy but channeling at the end of the day is to listen and so every time that you bring it back every time you link judgment every time you link a negative thought with bringing it to the angels you're channeling and you're going to a higher level and a higher level and a higher level still so let's go through a handful of steps here and then let's go to zoom q a and we are going to do a channel opening meditation at the end in about let's see we're about 45 minutes in so in about 30 minutes from now we are going to do a channeling open the channels meditation all right here are the things you want to do in order first there is a choice an intention that gets to be made i desire to speak with angels so for instance this could be when you say and i'm going to purchase automatic writing and you click on the button and you come join us for class on thursday to learn how to speak with angels but first is the choice i desire to speak with angels then there is a new choice i will do whatever it takes to speak with angels what's the difference between i desire to speak with angels and i will do whatever it takes to speak with angels one is setting the intention and one is taking action they go hand in hand if you intend to win the lottery but you stay on the couch chances are as the expression goes you ain't gonna win diddly squat now if you're a really good manifestor somebody might knock on the door and say we have a gift of a ticket for you it's not impossible a lot of work gets to be done in that imaginal realm but you still have to take the ticket out of their hands i will do whatever it takes to speak with angels one i desire to speak with angels make that choice set that intention two i will do whatever it takes to speak with angels three i will clear time and space in order to speak with angels got that let's go through that one more time intention action i will clear time and space in order to speak with angels one two three number four reaching out this can be reaching out in automatic writing this can be reaching out in so many different ways but first it begins with asking the angels just put it up to the to the heavens angels i wish to speak with you i don't know how many guests i've had on the show who've cracked her wide open while they were standing in the middle of the street forgive me i hear profanity going through my head right now see if i can say this without any profanity it's coming in loud and clear they're standing in the middle of the street screaming at god help me speak to me why the bleep bleep believe this is going on i need you to do something about this please help me ask and ye shall receive ask and it is given they made the call now i'm picturing i'm giving an image of jim carrey in the movie what was it uh um god almighty jim almighty i don't remember the exact i'm gonna call it god almighty um and then there was what evan almighty he made the call he had that moment where i think he's got his middle finger up going finger finger finger finger finger finger finger finger finger god and god called him back up we get to make the call now is that the highest vibration call no are there better ways to do it hey it worked make the call step four reach out angels please speak with me step five choose a tool it doesn't matter which tool you use but pick one and start playing with it choose a tool to play with it can be automatic writing it can be screening holding stones it can be using crystals it can be gazing it can be uh drumming it can be uh shamanic journeying it can be ecstatic dance it can be ecstatic drumming it can be through music it can be through um practicing ohm it can be through chanting pick a tool that works for you i teach automatic writing because to me that is the single easiest tool to develop that two-way communication heck grab oracle cards grab an angel card deck start playing with it each evening but pick a card and don't go to the book the book is a crutch don't go to the book ask a question pick a card and go quiet and then speak you're not speaking as if you're the angel just speak imagine that you're doing a reading for somebody else and you pick a card that is the joker and you hold the joker in front of you and you go wow did you know you drove you drew the joker card is there anything in your life that doesn't appear to be as it is is there anything that seems off is there anything in your life that seems like it needs a reversal or is there any sort of kind of trickster coyote energy in your life going on because the joker card to you means that you get to look at your life and look at what objects are not as they appear to be where'd that come from it didn't come from you that's practicing you don't have to give a perfect answer i'm still getting comfortable with the visuals truth be told when the visuals come up and i'm working with a coaching client i'm like oh gosh oh can you tell me something about a swimming pool or i had a guest on the show a couple days ago martha beck amazing and i'm like i've got this visual of i guess it's uh ah that's it it's a solar eclipse there's a blackness there's there's the corona around it ah what they're trying to say is that this is a portal what you're talking about marta martha is that this is a portal to another dimension and she's like oh my god well yeah where'd that come from not from my thinking mind so i get to practice with that too we can go and practice together so it's not the tool that's important it's the practice so we choose a tool two more steps we continue to clear out our dramas it's hard to be a drama champion and channel at the same time why because if you're championing drama there's no room for anything else to come in so make a conscious choice you've just said here's gonna be the tool i'm gonna play with and now i am choosing to dial back the drama in my life what does that mean what's interesting i i love what i am i love what i'm doing i love almost every aspect about it except that it's quite a bit right now between you and me since we got here to the desert it's been full on it's been like a lot a lot now drama would be to say oh my gosh it's this it's that it's the other it's a label drama is a label drama is judgment drama is making a story it's none of those things it is until it's not now i can choose for it to be not and i'm working oh it's a dangerous word i am playing we're trimming the bonsai tree and i love the direction that things are heading love it but at the end of the day it's very simple choose to let go of the drama oh this is cool i get to do this that's cool i get to teach that that's cool we get to do this other thing that's cool and to do the best job of clearing out the drama you can give away the hot potato so earlier today i'm on a bike ride and the angels have been challenging me not to do less riding and usually sundays is an epic ride and i thought i was going to do something that was less epic than today or today and the angels are like your epic nature gives you great joy we don't want you cutting that back we want you doing more of that so we'll tell you what michael you do the the biggest longest baddest in quotes bike ride that you want and you give us the heavy lifting and we'll give you the energy to teach tonight and we'll give you the lessons and we'll give you everything and it will feel easy in grace and flow and ease you don't have to worry about any of it give it to us so what you're saying angels is if i give this to you then i don't have to worry about how much time in there is in the day i don't have to worry that i'm going to come back after i guess it was quite literally the longest hardest bike ride that i've done um in 10 years yes since my first year death accident wow it's pretty cool i don't have to worry about it and they're like no you don't have to worry about it give it to us so give all your dramas to angels guides in the universe don't do them don't take them every time drama comes up saying i can't do this you guys take it do you realize how much spirit is around you do you realize how much spirit wants to help you do you realize how much spirit is already doing its best to guide you but right now we don't listen so give the drama to the angels give it to your guides so that you can hear better and then practice any one skill each and every day without fail why there is a cumulative effect to practice you do a little bit your vibration goes up a little bit you do a little more your vibration goes up a little more and up a little more and up a little more and up and up and up and up it goes by doing it each and every day so make the vibratory connection it can be going the cards every day it can go to automatic writing every day whatever it is dip into it every every single day last point and this is a biggie i'm gonna breathe in for a minute you already know how to connect you already have connected and you have forgotten how to connect if you're attracted to this show tonight then either as a kid you had a connection or you had a strong connection in your dream time and dream world or you had a very specific experience in dream time in waking time some sort of spiritual aha moment that at the moment seemed important to you but has grown fuzzy over the years or you've kind of pushed it aside but it meant a lot in that moment and then we shut it down what happens when you have that experience that moment of awakening that moment of awareness that a moment of grace something starts to open inside of us and then we quickly tamp it down or as kids we are fully open until it's squashed out of us because we find out that there are monsters all around us monsters that say you must get with reality or you're going to be eaten and we tamp that down and we squash the connection well truth be told the connection is still there and that experience is your key what do i mean if you can remember what you did as a child even remotely even if it's playing with an invisible friend if you can remember that experience or that dream or whatever it was that you went wow to get your self back to that and you go but i've lost it it's gone nothing is ever gone okay we can talk about the bad stuff and you can cut the strings to that but nothing is ever gone it's still in the akashic records it's still in the field it's still in your energy you can draw on it anytime you wish in fact now that you're awake and aware you can draw on it at a higher level how does it get any better than this so what we want to do is go into your memory bank sort of like going into a drawer and looking and finding that precious memento finding that clock or that i see a like a golden um timepiece on a gold chain from your grandmother for instance or finding a ring or finding something else in that door or an old photo it's simply tucked away pull that back out and begin playing with it again because if you can get back into the state that you were in when you had that experience then you are there and we're gonna go there in a meditation in just a little bit but then you are already there and lastly four five six this is the angel number that just keeps coming to me again and again and again and again and again and again and again four five six what does that mean it means the angels are always there they're always surrounding you they're always ready to help if you would ask and that if you step forward with tiny little baby steps four five six means take one small step then the next then the next they will support you they will help you they will love you and most importantly four five six will bring you into the highest vibrational alignment possible not with these grand gestures not with this a massive a hard work remember hard work is a paradigm that keeps you stuck and sucks you down but taking these tiny little loving baby steps will bring you into channeling into mediumship into connecting with your guides at a much higher level than you could ever ever imagine so with that said let us you know what i want you to do is i get to clean my glasses again i'd like you to take 10 seconds and shake things out for a second get things kind of loose you can go ah where you can do jumping jacks in your chair you can go to a bunch of woohoos i just want you shaking things out for just the briefest moment while i clean my glasses here because if i get you moving if i get your energy going and energy flowing you have more energy and space to hear what's coming next because if we've been sitting for close to an hour now then the um excuse me the energy has pulled and the energy gets stuck and if the energy stuck it's like a cup that's completely full and how can you accept anything else so i need you to pour a little bit out so shake things out for another second here all right we feeling good we feeling ready let us dive into some questions here and we have some awesome ones here tonight mr danny good all right let me get the font a little bit bigger here so i can read this night it's always good to tune into your program oh thank you question i was thinking of spirit guides and channeling here i am listening to you on this topic is this a coincidence or a message there is no there there is no mr daddy good greatest question in the world there are no coincidences there's not a single coincidence there never has been a coincidence and there never will be a coincidence never not once not ever we are marionettes we are having strings pulled on us there is an infinite web dancing in all directions like being blown by the wind that has us connecting here to this person here to that event here to this experience here to that memory and whenever they come together it is always deliberate what does this mean when a coincidence comes about coincidence i would look at it i would step back i would examine it i would ask questions i would go to the angels i would go to my automatic writing i would say what was i thinking at the time what have i been thinking about lately and what is the message behind this what is the guidance that the universe is trying to tell me or steer me toward in this moment because there is always a powerful reason brilliant question mr danny good hermina you called the angels by name not necessary in the beginning not necessary ever although i have my favorite three that i go to which are michael gabrielle and raphael uh there's also my guardian angel max maximilian i certainly call him in but you don't need to call on the angels by name you can actually see over time who's speaking to you can you call them yes any harm no do i teach a a statement that has michael gabriel raphael in there absolutely is there any harm calling particular ones no simply calling on angels gets you and being there to listen gets you into the flow into the stream i'm picturing somebody standing on the top of the roof arms out like this and kind of like this jet stream of energy coming through gets you into the stream where stuff starts to come into you you start to hear things you start to pick things up it does not need a name at all all right um cool peacock does animal communication count i really want to talk with the animals absolutely and so you can work to communicate with the animals you can take classes from animal communicators you can learn automatic writing and specifically call in the animals alive and passed on some of my greatest teachers are my loved one animals my furry creatures uh four leggers who have crossed over to the other side and teach me powerful messages and so you can absolutely positively use connecting with animals and connecting with animal spirit as a way to vibrate at a higher level okay cue qual cues quality question in the tenth chakra two feet above your head is our highest self in the angelic plane of our guides have you considered asking for the angel guide of spontaneous right actions thank you that is an excellent point because when you go to the angel guide of spontaneous right actions they help you take the steps forward appropriate to your time appropriate to your circumstances even more than that when you go to the angel guide of spontaneous right action it becomes very easy and clear to see what feels best to you we all too often go to the thinking mind what do i do next let me get a list let me do a checklist let me uh let me see let me think let me think let me think let me think i was watching a really fun movie older movie uh where is it will ferrell in it uh stranger than fiction and in stranger than fiction there's an author who has a writer's block who cannot think of what's the right solution to end her book she cannot think about it it was only when she got out of her thinking mind who was doing something that had nothing to do with the book that the answer came to her it's all creativity is coming from the angels it's coming from our guides it's coming from the other side if we would step into asking for instance an angelic guide of spontaneous right action if we ask for guidance and feel into it we will be guided every step of the way and get out of the thinking lower level thinking mind which gets us into trouble and so i love that cue to put up the antenna to the angel guide of spontaneous right action which we're going to use the 3d illustration of it being up here and then to listen to feel and to allow when circumstances appear when coincidences appear for us to recognize it and take action on that federico rihe now i feel disconnected from myself i am struggling with lots of pain how can i get that aliveness that i need well federico since we're talking about going to angels and guides tonight i would give it to the angels and guides and now i do not make light of this federico i've had i won't even go into all of what i've had but i do have twin titanium femurs twin titanium hips and a bunch of other assorted coolness in the body um that i don't ever need to repeat thank you angels um so i've been there i've been there first off there are a lot of practices that we can do to transmute that pain but we can also lean into the pain and make it a spiritual practice i know that sounds awful but we can actually lean into the pain and make it a spiritual practice but federico i would look for where you're out of alignment in life right now and i would ask the angels actually federico i believe you already know what this is but you can still ask the angels for confirmation why am i out of alignment and what do i need to do to get back into alignment because when you get back in alignment you will feel that life now certainly there's a lot of clearing work that can be done but we have to give you permission to get back into alignment i had martha back on the show just a few days ago her show will be out uh april 6 stunning amazing woman such a brave masterful human being and we were talking about her book on integrity and integrity to her means standing in one's truth being one's true authentic self no matter what no matter what and she would say that the core root cause of all suffering not pain pain is you get hit by a car it hurts you get a disease it hurts but a cod that the all suffering is caused by being out of alignment out of truth with who we are we say things that aren't true we take actions that aren't true we live a life that isn't true and that that's suffering and you may have heard the buddhist expression uh pain required suffering optional huge difference between the two when you get in alignment with your true authentic self the suffering goes away when the suffering goes away you come to life okay when i do bike rides i like to do what i call riding on the rivet or on the rivet's edge what does that mean well in the old days world war ii planes maybe even before that if the plane was flown too fast the rivets that held the sheet metal together would pop out and the airplane would crash and so to ride the rivet or ride on the rivet's edge means for me to go so hard that if i even go a fractional amount of a push a pull of something faster i'm not going to crash and blow apart literally but i'm going to fall apart uh from an aerobic point of view and not be able to continue now at that point there's lactic acid building up the lungs are breathing heavy the legs are feeling heavy i could i could equate that with huge amounts of pain and suffering i could give it a message of suffering this is really hard this is really difficult i can ascribe meaning to it i talk about that a lot to a scribe or a scription or i could give it very different meaning and say wow how cool is it that i'm able to go at this level wow this is exactly where i should be wow this is actually awesome so i'm not saying i feel for you that you're in pain let me put it that way i feel for you but we can ascribe a new meaning to it so thank you thank you thank you beautiful questions send all my love um okay do you i think this is oh wow we've got so many questions i'm gonna try to move through these uh very very quickly expeditiously and gently do you distinguish between calling on angels versus calling on your higher teacher jesus buddha god call on whomever you desire this is a game where desire doesn't come from you it's something that neville goddard and i have been talking a lot about recently desire doesn't come from you it comes from the spiritual plane never did come from you you came in here in a sense knowing whether you liked chocolate or vanilla because it didn't come from you so when you feel like doing something it didn't come from you so what does that mean it means call on whomever or whatever pulls on your heart irregardless of what culture says is the right thing to do irregardless of what a religion or a teacher or whomever says for you to do call on the one or ones it could be your whole team that pull on your heart all right so a question that's coming up multiple times in multiple ways here is what if my angels and guides aren't speaking back to me first off they are always speaking always sometimes we lack the stillness or the tool in order to hear them so i would replay this over and over again tonight and i would start to dial in the space and the listening skills realizing that angels aren't necessarily going to be a booming voice turn left here it could be a feeling it could be a puff of wind it could be a bust that cuts in front of you they will speak to you in a language that gets your attention the easiest but what we want to do is set intention heck you can go to sleep tonight i love this go to sleep tonight and ask for a sign tomorrow ask for a blatant sign that your angels are by your side and then tomorrow be bug-eyed be looking for it left right and center because when you latch onto it once then it becomes easier to latch onto and becomes easier to latch onto you can also this is where i'm coming back to my automatic writing here which really isn't mine it's the angels it's the guides although i did write the book or co-create it which is up for debate how we call that with spirit but with that said get into a process get into a practice where you're gonna hear from them each and every time you're going to hear them as you dive into awe every single person over time who's delved into awe first they start to feel better then they start to hear messages that's why i had to write the book that's why spirit hounded me to write the book to give a super simple technique for everyone to be able to learn and again we have a class this thursday on it listen we get to listen all right boston 34 celtics i am claire sentient get random visions and extremely vivid dreams all the time do you have any advice for connecting before bed so a couple different things three different things one we can do automatic writing before bedtime that's one of the tools that i love to use before bedtime two go to the cards for instance pull a card before bedtime and see what comes up three just set intention go quiet for a minute or two do it in bed as you're half asleep and say angels guide spirit please help guide me tonight please help make my connection even clearer please help me to understand my visions and understand my gifts and then last i guess we've got four boston 34 celtics write down your dreams each and every morning and then allow the pen to continue this is something we teach in awe how to specifically do dream interpretation but at it's very basic come up with an idea without the thinking mind of what the dream may mean imagine that you're interpreting the dream for somebody else and keep that pen going that's what i want you to do i just noticed i can't really see the chat but i see this block of blue coming in and hey elliott's has made a donation that says keep it up thank you hey hell it's is that right hey hello hi hey hello it's again thank you thank you thank you all right couple more questions then we get to so we're going to take these last two questions and then we get to dive into a meditation here cute what oh come on oh my gosh how does it get any better than this thank you cute thank you cute thank you q and thank you thank you melissa oh my god oh guys thank you it's the energy thank you thank you thank you i feel the love and i send it right back your way thank you thank you thank you all right um okay last two questions and we're going to dive into a meditation here amanda can you use on to connect with your grandparents who've crossed over yes absolutely can you how do you trust what's coming through amanda it's a practice so in the beginning the real brief version when i first learned a version of automatic writing not the version that i teach in the book now things came through right away and i thought they were um fos is the best way to put it i thought it was my ego speaking to me it and then i put away the practice and didn't do it for a few years picked it back up it came back up again same thing put it away for another year and then got brave and came back to it and said wait a second maybe these messages aren't coming from me maybe they are coming from spirit and so it became a matter of determining with practice amanda is this light is this heavy is this a thought a shoulda woulda cut or getting shut it all over or something from my egoic mind trying to keep me small and safe and keep me down or is this something that's expansive that's um that feels light that feels amazing even if it doesn't feel easy we're being called to be back on the road this spring summer which i'm very excited about not necessarily easy so many steps but the angels are like we've got that for you but you get a sense of the tenor of the um the tactile sensation behind it to determine whether it is real or not now as far as grandparents my grandparents is an interesting one i have had my grandparents speak to me and i've had my grandmother who we really butted heads in the physical plane who really wants me to establish a deep deep connection with her now i have started speaking to her it's actually a little bit scary but i have leaned into it grandparents have incredible wisdom they will also cut through a lot of the bs in our lives because they're like yeah yeah yeah let's that's all right let's go here which is actually a good thing so i would recommend in automatic writing to dive into your grandparents our mentor jack who was 89 years young when he was our best man at our wedding he crossed over a few years back and he speaks to me on a very regular basis on the other side and is one of my greatest guide by far on the other side and i would say in many ways guides me more now than he did then and yes he still gives me a swift kick in the pants now and again um if i don't take the action that he feels in is a great action for me to take always coming from a place of love chef alex oh my god thank you how does it get any better than this how does it get i just want to give you guys huge enough hermina oh my gosh huge hugs huge hugs huge hugs i love you guys i love you guys not just everyone who's donating and this is so beautiful i love you all you are like the ambassadors of love ambassadors of the angels ambassadors of spirit because you're going to take this stuff and you're going to do something with it and i know you will and that's why i do this that is why i do it because i know that when we connect with spirit first off we're helping get that electron state change for everybody not just for a few select few this is the new earth this is the time where it's for everybody in the past it was a select few now it's a strange way to put it but we have democratized spirituality everybody can tap into spirit everybody can channel everybody can be a medium on some level not everybody will be the michael jordan of channeling it doesn't matter but everybody can be and what happens when you connect with spirit your energy goes up your vibration goes up your light goes on and you become contagious to everyone around you all right i'm supposed to stop questions but the questions keep coming in here so let me see if i can take this one last question here i guess we've got two here okay i'll take these last two um how do we interpret what an animal is trying to communicate with us um with animals i like going to images i feel images with animals are very powerful so see what you see and it's okay if it seems like your imagination at first because where does your imagination come from spirit now is it your spirit is it the animal spirit it doesn't matter play with the images that come up when it comes to animals and feel into what they are trying to tell you i've really been working on the animal communication with ruru why well because he's a very powerful young rooster and has very strong opinions and so the better that i feel into it and try to understand what he's saying to me the better our relationship gets and so i would play with this you can certainly craigslist you can certainly take something and write it down and i do a lot of automatic writing in fact i teach about automatic writing communicating with animals but you can just write down what comes to you rather than what your thinking mind tries to say all right i thought it was one last question but we're going to take two one last questions i like this all right still waiting for your uh carol i'm still waiting for your book to arrive it's been ordered since you said it was available itching to go so carol i believe then you're in some place like the uk and i know we got an email from someone from the uk recently um and so i've actually been in touch with my publisher for those in the uk and there's still a little bit of weight because so many people have wanted it um and they were actually talking tonight the publisher was talking about it getting into um other countries as well um i see this book going everywhere um they said now that it has legs i like that i've been using that term recently legs and so they said now that it has legs how does it get any better than this so i hope that book comes to you quickly carol but if you can come join us for class thursday let's get you doing automatic writing by friday morning so that's all right but you have a question let's go there um i'd love to talk to my animals present and past absolutely can do now for myself i have an easier time talking with them in the past meaning animals that have transitioned because i'm more practiced at it a and b my thinking mind wants to try to interpret things i'm getting better at it i just haven't done it that much where it's sort of like a myelinated superhighway what you um neurons that fire together wire together the more that you practice communicating with present animals the more you will get better at communicating with present animals and i get to do that more myself but you can actually do that through your automatic writing um and then last last last question who who put up all those hearts i just saw like a thousand hearts pass q oh my god thank you q lots of love right back your way because i can't see the chat all i see is just this edge of the block right there because if i see everybody's chat i end up going from this connection here to la la land i don't know how jessica does it but thank you q love you um how did you get so good at establishing that connection michael practice very well practice intend okay it goes back to that whole list that i gave earlier there was intention there was stepping forward there was practice there was clearing the channel there was breathing into it there was softening my heart there was allowing there was going back and going back again kind of repeating this circle at a deeper level i guess we can call it a deeper level and a deeper level and a deeper level if we call it 3d or we can be that spiral upwards each time i keep practicing each time i keep clearing the channel it gets louder and louder and louder still and i had no i i wasn't the oh yeah i saw this and that when i was a kid nope didn't exist oh but i nope nope didn't exist almost nothing there was one experience that i can remember standing on a like on my tippy toes on a fisher-price uh parking garage set and the parking garage slipped slipped and i hit my chin on the window and a tooth popped out my first tooth to pop out at five years of age that's why i'm going like this right now because i'm putting myself back in the memory but in that moment i had been thinking about consciousness about uh about reality about do we exist if our eyes closed if my parents leave do they still exist and and so i had a sense of oneness in that moment and the tupac poop the tooth popped out to punctuate that moment but other than that i didn't have any of this stuff growing up i was never never good at it never into it never anything but it became a practice and out of that practice i got i'll say really really good at what i do going to neville going to uh napoleon hill i'm really good at it i can't say i'm the level of you know your grandfather has come in and wants to share with you about i haven't practiced that and that's not what spirit has given me spirit gives you what you need for your path often often best when we ask and so i imagine maybe because i don't see dead people because if i did i'm not so sure i could do the show maybe that's a limiting belief probably is but it gave me the tools that would help me on my journey to help others as well so angelica i would practice first off super biased go into automatic writing simplest easiest way you can do any of the ways though i don't want to say it has to be automatic writing certainly does not but pick up one practice and practice it all right thank you guys so much so let us dive into a meditation here and i am really really excited for this one that's weird i have background uh music going which has been a bunch of birds and the birds went silent as i said let's dive into a meditation and now i think it's crickets that have come up how does it get any better than this all right i'd like you to sit tonight ah i guess i'd like you to sit up good and tall tonight but relax no tension in the back i just imagine that you're a giant antenna an antenna going up 10 stories high and so as you visualize your antennas and your antenna nature i want you to breathe in through the nose down to the belly and out through the nose in and out in and out as you continue to breathe in and out i would like you to make an imaginary connection to someone in this group standing on your right someone on your left whether they're listening to the show now whether they've already listened whether they will listen to it later and i want us to form a giant circle we'll call it a circle of intention but what i am getting a visual as if if you've ever seen the movie contact i want you to imagine the most amazing giant radio telescope in the world and that we are each holding hands creating the most magnificent dish from which to hear and communicate with the other side breathe in and out together in and out grow that visual of the dish even stronger in and out and now as you continue to breathe in and out i'd like you to say the short prayer i call on my angels i call on my guides i call on spirit to begin communicating with me now and always at a deeper easier to understand and clearer level i will do my part to clear the channel to listen even more closely and to call on you every chance i can and now as you continue to breathe in and out i want you to feel angel wings brushing your back and holding you securely feel the feathers feel that strength and feel that love and support so we're in a giant circle now connected to each other is the greatest receiver and transceiver in the world supported by our angels who truly have our back and now i want you to go back in time maybe it's a few months ago maybe it's a few years ago maybe it's a little kid go back to any experience you can remember where something unusual happened some spiritual experience some magical experience something you just can't explain or that just felt so amazing if you can't come up with one think of a dream any dream where you woke up and said wow let me have you replay that dream replay that moment or that experience and i'd like you not to see the experience but to be the experience you are that child again you are that adult again you are having and living that dream again can you feel it can you see it as real as if it's happening again today if you can't come up with anything simply go to the moment where i've experienced the greatest sense of love in your life that too is the work of the angels really anchor this in feel it in your bosom feel it in your belly feel it in your entire beingness can you feel it in your fingertips maybe there's a buzzing or a tingling can you feel it in your palms open up all of your fingers maybe your whole fingers and hands are going snap crackle pop or your palms are getting warm maybe they're even getting hot or maybe your entire body is starting to buzz and tingle this is your master key to connect with the angels this is an angelic vibration and frequency it didn't come from you what does this mean it means when you get in this frequency you unlock the doors to the kingdom of heaven you unlock the doors to communicating with spirits with your angels who once gave you this key which you have now reclaimed congratulations you now have the key to the kingdom of heaven quite literally and so i'd love you to come back to the state any and every chance you can once you've felt this once it gets easier and easier and easier still to come back to it this alone is a practice a super simple one that gets you in the resonant frequency of your guides can you feel that buzzing and tingling can you feel that energy going through your body if you can feel it in your hands bring your hands up come one over the other and bring it right into your heart for that is where the master key belongs where it's hidden where it always resides just waiting for the moment you wish to pull it out and unlock the door to heaven angels and your guides feel free to stay in this state now as long as you desire and you can certainly come back to this meditation any time you wish the more that you play in this frequency the more that you play in this vibratory state the more you will hear your angels hear your guides experience coincidences and synchronicities and repeated digits and people calling you an unexpected magic in such incredible ways all because you found the vibratory key so use it i love you guys so so so so much thank you so much for joining me here this evening i can't wait to see so many of you on thursday and actually i get to see so many of you for our manifestation master circle on wednesday then for class on thursday for a select few of you who have been joining us on our tuesday evening class i look forward to seeing you as well i want to wish everybody the most magical amazing connected with spirit connected with the angels evening ahead and week ahead this is an intentionality game this is a practice just the fact that you have joined us here tonight is setting in a powerful intention to the universe to help you connect so thank you guys so so oh my gosh michelle cool oh i love you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you and and and julia uh please make ah come in spanish i set that intention right now angelia i want that in espanol ten times a hundred times a thousand times i see it i experience it i feel it i can see the pages it will help me practice my spanish because i can read it in english and then go to the spanish and back and forth and so i see it i feel it i know it's coming so yes yes yes yes yes and and uh barefoot hippies how does it get any better than this how does it get any better than this all right love you guys so much have the most amazing evening ahead thank you for your kind words thank you for your donation see you or see you wednesday for a manifestation mastery class with neville goddard and a huge thank you thanks out to everybody who's been holding space here tonight i know who you are you know who you are and to jessica aka the pook star because i have no idea you want to talk about angelic i have no idea how she manages the chat with so many beautiful comments and amazing people here i am blown away oh tuesday night we have an incredible incredible interview with stephen kotler on motivation on coming to life on flipping that ensuite for your passion for your direction for stepping forward that's tuesday night same time and then thursday night another um wow really powerful show with me on well it was on oh angels and manifestation no no that's tonight angels and manifestation what was it on we did a rear another rear wow i channeled a beautiful class it'll be out thursday i channeled it was in such a state with neville goddard that i couldn't actually tell you exactly what it is except that it was way way cool it's what happens when i get into the channeling state i'm like what did i say i don't know but it anchors in my energy at an even higher level all right love you guys so so much keep on shining bright and yes love you q love you guys thank you allison
Channel: Michael Sandler's Inspire Nation
Views: 60,420
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Id: feH8vMMS65g
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Length: 94min 20sec (5660 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 15 2021
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