Channel Awesome Contributors Today: Where Are They Now?

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and I think it makes perfect sense that under the circumstances it would essentially crush this entire brand and I think most people were expecting the website to just die out completely and are maybe a little bit disappointed that it hasn't [Applause] [Music] well everybody and welcome back to both cuts and I would say today we're doing something a little bit different but the truth of the matter is that every day we're doing something a little bit different aren't we as usual I wanted to talk about something that is almost at this point completely passe but I haven't chatted about yet and it's something that I think there was a lot of dialogue and dispute and controversy around and no real tangible resolution and there's some discussion that I feel like never really happened that I feel like should probably happen so I'm gonna go for my general thoughts on the whole channel awesome controversy and where we're at now then I'm gonna go through every single one of the coming creators who made channel awesome what it was and are no longer part of that brand today if you want to jump ahead to the channel segment that reviews there'll be a timecode here and below that you can click and jump right to that portion in the video and fortunately although I felt like there was the potential for something really positive to come out of this entire ordeal I don't feel like we ever really got there the conversation just sort of fell short fell away if you will as of recording it's been exactly one month since channel awesome offered its formal response not it's not apology apology from Doug Walker but its actual response in which it essentially implies that it is in fact not guilty of the accusations that had been leveled against it for several months prior and although there were very very few even hardcore fans who actually defended the formal response unfortunately nothing really came of it I think some people were tracking like the subscription count for channel awesome and it dropped for a long time and then it just sort of leveled out and you know as far as I know they still have over a million subscribers the websites still going strong still posting content not only from Doug Walker fro but from some other contributors as well and none of the folks directly involved have offered any sort of personal insight into you know why what occurred occurred or more importantly why they're still operating basically business as usual I'm kind of making some assumptions here that you already know what the whole channel awesome controversy was about if not the quickest way I can basically recap it is to say that channel azam is a content aggregator essentially they're an entertainment website and YouTube channel that aggregates content mostly video reviews and commentaries previously from dozens of Internet personalities who basically talked about media everything from music movies cartoons videogames and their history goes back way beyond even the existence of the branding of channel awesome but for the last almost decade in one form or another they've been basically dominating the kind of content review field for media and entertainment on YouTube more recently there's more polished and higher budget commercial kind of channels that have really been giving them a run for their money but they've sort of carved up their niche as being like a really independent unique voice that still has a lot of interconnectivity where a lot of contributors basically collaborate on regular basis and creates just this this real sense of community that I think has helped them kind of raise above all the other noise on YouTube another platform but after years of rumblings of basically workplace harassment and borderline assault if there were a lot of formal allegations that were compiled by a few contributors almost everyone added their grievances to a collective Google document and that went public and they were basically looking for some serious changes within the management of channel awesome and that simply didn't happen channel awesome instead was super defensive and stubborn and bullish and to this day hasn't really offered a let alone a good apology but actually any insight into why what occurred occurred and why they haven't changed I don't really want to make this about the allegations per se but essentially it ranged from everything from basic mismanagement and contributors basically having to pay for things on their own dime for work that they had received no compensation for to you know actual sexual misconduct and assault that was reported and never acted upon by the management and people who responsible were not held accountable so these are very serious allegations and although as far as I know there was never really a legal battle over this because for one thing it's not really a traditional company and these are not traditional employees so there's some gray area there in terms of the accountability but the allegations were serious enough to capture the attention of mainstream media and a lot of folks who had never really been following the channel awesome brand or weren't even aware of the existence of the website and I think it makes perfect sense that under the circumstances it would essentially crush this entire brand and I think most people were expecting the website to just die out completely and are maybe a little bit disappointed that it hasn't want to tell people what they can and cannot consume and I don't want to judge people for watching the entertainment that they watch but I am kind of disappointed that I think there's still actually a lot of people believe it or not probably even people on YouTube who just aren't really aware of the full scope of the allegations and so they're still subscribed and they're still watching and consuming this content let alone people basically in this in a silo on the channel awesome website and and if that was your perspective on this entire ordeal just what you saw on the channel awesome website you wouldn't really have a good idea of the scope of the allegations or the detail provided by those those brave souls who came forward basically raised the red flag the biggest tragedy for me is that this was a really unique model essentially and something that you know a lot of people have been suggesting recently as outdated and no longer has a place on YouTube or in social media and I beg to differ channel awesome the website actually was born out of necessity because contributors were realizing that a lot of their content on YouTube was being flagged or removed and they were having they were struggling basically with the monetization systems on YouTube especially being essentially mostly film and TV critics they were referencing content in a fair use context for the most part and they were getting copyright strikes from YouTube because YouTube's copyright strike system is so infamously inadequate at defining the difference between you know genuine piracy and actual fair use and that's a problem that still exists on YouTube yeah it's gotten maybe a little bit more relaxed a little bit better people have come up with better ways of avoiding copyright strikes in that genre but it's far from being resolved and if you look at most of the the real like YouTube authorities people who offer actual professional consulting and advise YouTube channels not unlike the folks who are associated with Channel awesome what they're telling you right now is and I know this from my own personal experience what I'm told all the time is don't focus entirely on YouTube it's not a sustainable business model there's always a chance that your channel would get entirely taken down and if not or any avenue of promotion would be removed and YouTube would stop suggesting any of your content so you know everyone's being recommended to basically collaborate more which is what channel awesome was all about to create their own website and their own independent brand which is what channel awesome is all about and then we have these big commercial professional entities coming on to YouTube whether from cable TV or you know bigger existing corporations like AMC doing movie news and entertainment news how do you compete with that if not by bringing together all of the independents under one United brand united front where they can have a website that has every bit as much that has every bit as much content and turnover and entertainment and just like is it is every bit as much alive and integrated as these big brands the only way to do that as an independent creator even if you're full-time youtuber is to collaborate with others and share one web platform and some social media with those other creators and that's exactly what channel awesome should have been and and was essentially for a long time and it all just fell apart because of essentially a couple people you know two or three people who screwed things up and one of the three as far as I understand Mike Rashad wasn't even really a content creator he you know what was he even doing there he was basically a manager who was terrible at management and brought the whole ship down now we're at a point where most of the contributors and producers and writers who were associated with channel awesome have kind of merged back into YouTube and are doing their own thing mostly on YouTube or on other social media platforms on Twitch on Twitter etc it still lacks something and if you look at a lot of these channels you know they peaked I would say like four or five years ago and since then they're kind of their views and their exposure has been declining and it's I don't think it's any fault of their own and they all have different objectives so I don't want to say that they're not succeeding in their goals but I do think that a lot of these channels don't get the exposure that they deserve frankly and that discovery search and discovery is the biggest obstacle that they face without being tied into a bigger brand if I was more ambitious and had more time with my hands and who is more skilled and talented and connected what I would basically try and do is recreate something like the channel awesome model but where the actual website itself is entirely collaborative in nature where everyone has a key to the castle and essentially a system of consensus and democracy is built into the actual content management system in other words everyone can be posting their own reviews and their own updates to the actual website maybe within a certain limit maybe on certain time slots that are prearranged and likewise if multiple moderators or administrators try and block somebody else because they find their behavior on toward that happens automatically and it's not just one manager who controls the entire system it really is community driven and community run and has a total system of profit sharing for the advertisements that are coming in either you know the ad money goes to the creator whose article drew in that individual visitor or you could have a much more simple system where it's simply an aggregate of the amount of content you post dictates the percentage of the revenue that you get as a creator I think there's not only an opportunity for that but there actually is a need for that not only because of the fragmentation between the different social media platforms but again because of the volatility of those platforms that we are still experiencing to this day it's like every month or some other you know ad pocalypse or some other issue with YouTube and I have nothing against YouTube but you know as they are working through so many issues and still figuring out the relationship with their advertisers and how to balance that with the content creators an independent website is really a safeguard if nothing else so with all that said I want to get into the main portion of this video which is essentially just a look at where the the contributors from channel azam are now and the reason that I had to do this video I was never a what I would consider like a regular channel awesome viewer not being a regular channel awesome visitor it was only this controversy that actually brought my attention to a lot of these creators others I've been following for years but I'd never even realized that they were connected to the channel awesome brand there's always sort of been some of my favorite youtubers who I feel like deserve more exposure I'm a very small channel myself so I'm not gonna pretend that this is gonna create any real opportunity for these folks but I thought it'd be worth sharing with my few subscribers and maybe some folks who are searching specifically for this as I was just an a recap of all of the individual creators from channel awesome what they're doing now what their channels are why they deserve more subscribers and why you might want to subscribe to them today so I want to make this as concise as possible this is in no particular order but without further ado here basically all of the channel awesome content creators who are no longer on that platform but absolutely deserve your views first up we'll talk about channels that primarily cover cartoons Alex Dudley with D toons news a frenetic mix of crossover fan animations parodies and let's draw Style commentaries mostly on the contemporary American cartoon industry thirdly well cram your inbox this is the only post every two to three weeks or less and it's definitely a case of quality over quantity so if you're a Cartoon Network fan definitely dive into D Tunes familiar faces a talented illustrator an avid animation fan Chad Rocco's YouTube channel has been up and running for some five years and grown to include cartoon retrospectives game demonstrations comedy shorts art live streams and much more Chad's claimed to channel awesome Fame though was his familiar faces series of film reviews usually shining a light on animated oddities and including as much about their history and makers as critical analysis if you love to swim in the sea of strange then consider familiar faces the perfect diving board Chad's videos once pulled in tens to hundreds of thousands of views but his you were drawing videos and letsplay rarely break five thousand I don't think this has anything to do with the decline of channel awesome though and if anything it's kind of refreshing to see a youtuber who's motivated more by their own evolving interest than views for views sake Eric Power a gay Eric powerup the plight of the YouTube animator you can have all the talent commitment and individuality in the world a narrative prowess and a sharp focus on relevant topics but unless you can find a way to crank out cartoons at an inhuman pace or make every video about spider-man and also getting it on in some neon slime or something to the beat of daddy fingers you can kiss goodbye to the prospect of earning a living wage through YouTube I try to be a little more upbeat about this than most people because there are examples to the contrary and ways that animators can beef up their output without breaking their backs but it does seem pretty grim when you realize that folks like Eric Power have a meager four thousand subs after 11 years on the platform not to put down power-ups achievements I just think he deserves way more subs starting with you so get over there you slackers swayed you know the comedic voice-over review style of channels like I hate everything or your movie sucks well suede applies that to the original Pokemon anime series like every single episode it's pretty funny actually but obviously with the kind of a niche appeal he also does short commentary vids gameplay QAS and top 5 / top 10 lists so he's been posting on YouTube for about four years but his channel really started to take off two years ago or so and he now is almost 10,000 subs but as clearly stayed true to his personal persuasions favoring niche and quirky content / trending topics if you dig Pokemon anime you owe it to yourself to check out his Pokemon journey series how I move on to channels that are primary surrounding classic cinema Topher Ames with full fantastic full fantastic is exactly the kind of channel that I wanted to make this video to draw attention to Topher Ames started writing for Channel awesome as a teenager but has only been working on this independent channel for the last month or so so his modest subscriber count under 150 is totally understandable what it means is that now is your chance to be able to say you are among the first 200 original subscribers when full Fantastic blows up in a couple years or less it really could because the content is strong and honest with razor sharp focus right out of the gate Ames covers mostly classic cinema but also future classics with the universal depth and admiration revealing for newcomers and casual viewers what made each films so important in its own era and why it might still be celebrated today the videos are short sweet and simple but the content is thoughtful and on point if you have even just a passing interest in classic cinema you'll probably be delighted to discover full fantastic the last angry geek the bulk of Bryan Hines content is just pure on eboshit unadulterated but highly pop-culture educated updates and musings on comic books and equally geeky TV and movies Bryan definitely understands the importance of quantity on this platform but every once in a while he also prioritizes quality with a fresh new format or series his early RiffTrax on old public domain PSAs are a great example of his creativity and sense of humor movie nights this is one channel on YouTube I've been following for a few months without ever connecting the dots it turns out this is the same obscurest loop of channel awesome feign Allison's commentary on the channel awesome debacle is among the most insightful and level-headed in my opinion but she's generally too busy diving into the distant past to dwell too much on the recent and by distant I mean mostly late 80s Early 90s failed and forgotten genre fare from decades past that's sort of the name of the game but movie nights is more than the usual sarcastic RiffTrax and rants sure that's here but it's complemented by the kind of obscure trivia and honest critique that there's just not enough of on YouTube and that's why I think movie nights deserves way more views and that'll act as sort of a segue into general slash other movie reviews and commentary channels Lindsay Ellis yes Lindsay Ellis was instrumental in bringing down channel awesome but I would argue she was even more instrumental in expanding the appeal of that guy with the glasses and helping channel awesome reach its full potential as the nostalgic chick back in the day I hope no one takes this the wrong way but while many of the original channel awesome contributors including to some extent Doug Walker have ratcheted down on the tried and trued formats under the onslaught of commercial competition as late Lyndsay else's content has been more of a constant evolution it's now as fresh and honest as ever and frankly it's better than it ever has been beyond the usual podcasts and reviews with each video she seems to dive deeper and deeper into the why with part narrative analysis in part film history but always colored by her unapologetic and entertaining personal appraisals and nostalgia the fictional elements of her original on-screen persona are entertaining enough but Ellis as well Ellis is so much better it's just no wonder some of her recent videos have caught the attention of Guzman DOE and numerous influencers across social media pushing our average views as late to well over half a million on videos that commonly top 30 minutes so needless to say Alice's independent future on YouTube is hardly in jeopardy some jerk with a camera I was gonna say some jerk with a camera does exclusively Disney content but then I realized that only is true retro actively since almost everything he's ever covered has since been bought by the relentless colonial powerhouse that is the house of mouse or at least is related to it in some way or another still if you're a fan of Disney shows theme parks Star Trek Marvel etcetera you'll feel right at home with Tony's energetic inarticulate reviews if you're less of a fan person but still fascinated with contagious Disney culture you'll especially gravitate to his coverage of media on the fringes of Mickey's gravy train with his insightful look at indie anomalies like escape from tomorrow and the Florida Project I personally love the mashup of highly edited long-form mini Docs with short vlogs casual reviews and everything in between gold marks videos strike that difficult balance between feeling 100% spontaneous and authentic but also containing the kind of contact detail and conciseness that would take most creators myself included a detailed script to achieve Toni's channel goes back 11 years on YouTube how's that for being an OG content creator despite this his respectable subscriber count of 11,000 is still way too low so go check him out the Amanda Hagan the independent spirit of the og Channel awesome community is proudly on display in this punk-rock mashup of weird movie reviews cult movie podcasts and cat videos Haggin and her allies are part of unique sub community that celebrates pulp and I'll turned culture without the thinnest veneer of conventional consumerism it's kind of the community that would be totally overlooked by your typical entertainment site or multi-channel network especially in today's competitive YouTube landscape but I'm glad to see it holding its own as an independent Channel 21 thousand subscribers strong the Dom the Dom coins himself is the adaptation critic which is fair enough I guess seeing as his most popular series lost in adaptation is all about the ruthless abridgements and bastardization Zin the translations of classic literature for the silver screen his content prioritizes humor above all else with the kind of long-winded set ups and meandering comedic diatribes you expect from channel awesomes landmark content creators which sounds a lot more backhanded than I intended it's not really my kind of humor for the most part but I can definitely tell the guy's Got Talent I also appreciate his open-minded approach to the source material taking into account the strengths and weaknesses of creative writing and filmmaking respectively in ways that few people do when questioning why their favorite characters slash scene slash 30-page monologue was cut from the movie while simultaneously lamenting it's tiring length the Dom recently went full-time on YouTube with silver play button status so he's clearly not suffering in the absence of channel awesome sursum or so Jill is the ultimate celebration of geekdom with book and movie reviews character profiles and analysis but it's her ability to tie in practical tutorials and even spark constructive social conversations that really sets her apart also she recreated the island from the Thunderbirds using paper mache and recycled food containers which equals an instant sub for me film brain watching a film brain video is kind of like going back in time but it's worth the trip I had to say it but Matthew bucks production design is kind of 2005 with that delicious tin dinner combo of potato cam video and tin can audio he's perfected the early channel awesome aesthetics and fits with the selection of dated films that buck reviews which are usually only on the cusp of being old enough that they're cool again I know it probably sounds like I'm browsing Phil brain but I'm actually not in a flooded space he talks about films that no one else does with commentary that is raw humble and hilarious as his low-key visuals he does occasionally also cover new releases but his self-explanatory bad movie beatdown series is definitely the highlight the angry Joe show with almost 3 million subscribers I don't think angry Joe really needs my humble shout-out but if you've been living under a rock for the past nine years you just need to know that Joe Vargas is that fellow who posts popular reaction videos movie game and merchandise reviews and other fanservice pop-culture content with a tongue-in-cheek attitude on a basically daily basis he certainly knows how to entertain with a prolific output which seems to be half the battle on YouTube now we'll move into primarily analytical film commentary channels with Dan Olsen's folding ideas if you've ever felt the only content that thrives on YouTube is immature clickbait that appeals to our most juvenile and ignorant instinctual cravings then allowed Dan Olsen to prove you wrong with undoubtedly the most academic abstract and analytical channel to rise from the channel awesome Phoenix folding ideas has racked up almost 200,000 subscribers with lengthy theories and commentary on visual narrative design he only post about every two weeks or so and even less recently but his content is always well produced and even better researched his skill in applying this philosophical format to trending topics is probably the secret of his success if you love pop culture and appreciate the educational style of Vsauce then you owe it to yourself to check out folding ideas Brent as Moe phantasm was another great example of someone whom each down in the relatively early days of YouTube and still stands out on the platform because of it through his needs morg a series and similar content rant as Moe critiques cult and mainstream movies through a queer perspective through equal parts humor artistic analysis and socio-political commentary his prolific reviews collectively tackled the recurring issues of the often shallow or outright inaccurate representations of gender and sexuality and pop culture but you really don't have to be majoring in gender studies to get a kick out of rent as most content frankly completely outside of its underlying theme rent as most channel makes a lot of great points and unique observations about the entertainment that falls within its scope and somehow Brent as Moe does all of that without ever talking down to his audience or raising the ire of those over exposed to overly PC pop-culture commentary and since he focuses exclusively on media with at least some tenuous relevance to a non hetero worldview it's a good way to hear about film and television that you likely wouldn't even otherwise know existed the Omega ever wondered about the psychological implications of Fraggle rocks on-screen interlocking macrocosm community oh come on you know you did if incredibly niche specialized in yet personable content is the reason you love YouTube then the Omega geek might be your next god the exploits of the mighty Omega geek include recurring series like Psych Media Center on psychological theories explored through children's television and her long-running lesbian talk podcast in which the host candidly touch on gender studies politics and internet culture as they browse pop culture and art film topics in traditional channel awesome style her videos are low in Flash and high on substance which could explain why the Omega geek channel is generally underappreciated with just over 1000 subscribers no doubt it's not for everyone but if your interests align just so I can imagine that discovering Omega would be one of those inexplicably religious internet experiences Kyle Calgary Calgary news another creator who only came to my attention recently despite being on the platform for three years his film criticism centers on interpretive and thematic qualities first and foremost and the content he covers is more in line with a film school curriculum than your average Channel awesome subscribers DVD shelf but he still managed to accrue 50,000 subscribers and for good reason his latest solo video is a half-hour review of the watermelon woman which effectively examines the history of sexism racism and homophobia in Hollywood through the amusingly admittedly narrow and self-deprecating perspective of the stereotypical white film buff it's pretty excellent content all around Cal Greene succeeds in not only challenging himself in his audience but doing so with the kind of good-natured humor that makes it more entertainment and less lecture lucky six productions I have profound respect for any movie channels on YouTube that both walked the line and talked the talk making creative short films from scratch and applying Mac experience to the critique of other independent films and mainstream blockbusters alike lucky six is one such channel and it's been at it for some six years more importantly the Creator is a real individual in the best way possible with Ryze self-deprecating humor and unfiltered opinion he's jumped on the podcast bandwagon too because who wants to watch and listen when you could just listen I guess now we'll move on to primarily cult in sci-fi channels with Brandon ken olds and Brandon's cult movie reviews bread is another guy I've been subbed to on YouTube forever without even realizing his channel awesome origin story and dare I said his channel looks almost too contemporary and polished to even be associated with the anti aesthetic of the perpetually dated Channel awesome and much of its content through an unrivaled consistency and dedication on YouTube Brandon has done the unthinkable building a committed fanbase of over 40,000 subscribers off hilariously bitter reviews of movies that nobody really even cared about when they came out some fifty years ago the amazing channel our that thumbnails definitely have something to do with it except debris I increasingly hear the term short documentary thrown around when discussing YouTube videos more often than not I find it a bit pretentious on the opposite end of the spectrum there are those channels that are so humble and unassuming in their analytical prowess that their creative nonfiction is simply overlooked even with tens of thousands of views on average I think SF debris could fit into that category with a prolific stream of videos that are regularly more informative than anything that's played on the History Channel in the last 10 years okay so most of it revolves around fictional timelines and characters but what does that matter I mean SF debris brings together science fiction content of almost every kind imaginable and somehow makes it feel cohesive whether in-depth character biographies news and updates on leading franchises or retrospectives on genre classics sci-fi geeks will feel right at home the audio centric static editing style of Charles videos might not be for everyone but makes them perfect for listening material while multitasking or simply getting lost in the speculative fiction that they so successfully honor neon Harbor how in God's name does his channel only have 4000 subscribers after years of popular webtoon and skit content ed glass are shifted into comedic retrospectives on forgotten mach busters and unauthorized fan films of with his popular deja view series his videos are energetic spiffy full of depth and wholly amusing what's not to like sadly the last videos posted to this channel are now 5 months old I feel like Glasser was on the brink of blowing up and I hope he makes a bold return with his fresh and unexpected content as he's been known to do blockbuster Buster Arad was one of the last channel awesome holdouts but I think he'll do well is a completely independent creator his candid no-nonsense talking head content tends to deal with cartoon and comic book adaptations of the big screen but he frequently hops off of the Marvel blockbuster bandwagon to bring our attention to lesser known features or industry issues presented with a level head and Mark knowledge and ty Lopez commercials check him out that sci-fi guy that sci-fi guy is kind of like the Brandon tunnelled of contemporary sci-fi except he doesn't post anywhere near as often which probably explains his relatively small sub count his satirical reviews and pop-culture character studies are more entertaining than they are informative but sci-fi geeks will appreciate his passion for the genre renegade cut Leon Thomas dives headfirst into the philosophical and political implications of America's favorite films he loves to challenge the lightweight appeal of mainstream with weighty topics of discussion recent videos include Hot Fuzz utilitarianism and the greater good metropolis tanned Marxist theory V for Vendetta what is anarchism and he also boasts tons of candid podcast roundtables he's best known for his renegade cut series which is basically in-depth story analysis on cinematic classics thankfully in spite of the academic underpinnings Thomas doesn't take himself for his audience too seriously now we'll move on to primarily horror channels the horror guru through his countless uploads of the bloody splattered blog the horror girl brings at least two horror movie reviews to his fourteen thousand subscribers almost every week covering relatively new films ranging from foreign Indies to mainstream American blockbusters there's nothing remotely unusual or gimmicky about these videos it's just the horror Goro straight-up honest sharing his thoughts with the camera no fancy set no glossy editing or graphics and no movie clips what you do get is a dude who actually deserves the Guru moniker for once clearly he's been doing this for a while not only is his knowledge of the genre impressive but his commentary is concise and logical and just really honest if you're sick of reviewers trading nuanced appraisals for endless outlandish rant videos or overblown academic hyperbole then you'll dig the straight-up goods dished up in the blood-splattered vlog Count Chocula one of the horror reps of the channel awesome mutiny appears on the surface like the crazed gothic bloodhound you would expect from such a John rabe but dig a little deeper and you'll find Jack Ulis content is often as smart and sensitive as it is animated he posts with admirable consistency and quality with a voice that remains as unique on YouTube as it was back in 2014 he's not afraid to break character to tackle relevant cultural and political issues which I also appreciate oh and to everyone else on this list who's using an on-board camera mic that's eight feet away from the camera please take a lesson in audio from Count Chocula Haven of eventide aka vampire reviews maven of Eventide is a great example of how to stand out in a crowded scene rather than covering everything grim and gory Alisa hones in on the supernatural vampire sub-genre celebrating books films and anime that revels in the gothic aesthetic of Stoker style fiction she posts weekly via her on-screen persona the maven of eventide with an awesome bow transylvania accent against a backdrop of gothic doodads and collectibles her reviews usually go beyond the standard good bad comparisons with tons of insight on each film's narrative approach to its topic as a reflection of the vampire fair that it's preceded I'm kind of more of a werewolf and myself but still this is a impressive channel that's well worth the sub terrib-- Spira Leslie Rice roofies classic and obscure horror movies alike on terror obscura his reviews are sparked but accessible and he definitely knows his stuff what really sets rice apart though and what has made up the bulk of his channel recently is those original radio dramas or YouTube audio dramas I guess it's kind of a shame he isn't working with an illustrator or animator yet to make these projects a little more visual but they're definitely worth checking out for anyone who likes a creepy story rice teased a big announcement on his channel earlier this month so it seems likely he'll be moving to another platform or perhaps collaborating with additional content creators in the coming weeks why not subscribe now never know you could see the emergence of the next big horror trend on YouTube now move on to channels that are primarily about videogames reread even if you're not a big gamer you've likely seen reread videos floating around YouTube since 2013 it's been posting highly polished quality gaming content it's made its biggest mark by reviewing indie and unauthorized consoles peripherals and emulators as well as indie games and forgotten classics some of its most popular content is retrospectives on obscure nintendo games and accessories Louis's unique positives review series pushes back against the abundant RAM style critiques popularized by the likes of the angry video game critic to focus on the overlooked highlights of infamous games wells purview and identity is more mainstream a little bit than similar channels like metal jesus rocks it's also much more personalized and less corporate than its other nearest competitors rebus has a bunch of videos with several hundreds of thousands of views which isn't really reflected in its sub count of one hundred and forty five thousand this might be because Luis refreshingly excuse for this self-promotional norm with videos that don't waste an extra second to ask for a like or sub I can admire that but seriously I think he should be reminding people to subscribe because he definitely deserves a bigger audience Larry Bundy jr. Larry's bombastic British commentary on ridiculous video games in the events that define them has made him a virtual mascot of the kind of top 5 list you just can't help but click on his clear formula for mainstream success makes him one of the most conventional creators on this list but the quality he achieves given the abundance of content on his channel is truly admirable his success is well-deserved following seven years of near constant uploads over which time his love of gaming has been relentlessly on display weird video games I'll be honest grasping the main theme of this channel and host Tom White's quirky sense of humor is about as hard as grasping the content of his videos based on the thumbnail alone which is to say it's a puzzle but one that can be kind of entertaining I mean let's face it a channel all about weird video games hosted by a total conventional square like myself would probably be pretty insufferable like most x channel awesome content weird video games content is unapologetically strange and irreverent occasionally awkward kind of ugly and just way more real and relatable than the bulk of its contemporaries besides weird video game content white posts live Let's Plays and excerpts and most interestingly short commentaries on strange aspects of retro games in game history go check them out and help weird video games get to 10,000 subscribers boy in a bargain bin Nicolas post very light-hearted reviews of rather serious games on boy in a bargain bin also includes the occasional game movie review skit or discussion with his close-knit community of bargain vinners Nicholas's roots traced back to his bargain boy review series on channel awesome where low-budget games mostly big-budget ripoffs and tired movie Cashion's were mercilessly but thoughtfully reviewed yo Mars here's another gaming channel that's managed to stand apart on YouTube with and without the help of channel awesome over the last four years yo Mars has garnered 10,000 subscribers by doing comedic review video compilations on particular game genres series or themes often obscure bargain faire mobile ripoffs or infamous movie tie-ins he also boasts long-form podcasts and some slightly more philosophical retrospectives with a few exceptions his videos are really high-quality and his branding gets him noticed more importantly yo Mars consistently triggers the critical combo entertainment and information in one fell swoop I especially love this series on Android ripoffs and Cashion's the mobile game landscape is so inundated with mediocrity that is shocking to me how few channels successfully build value by both mocking its failures and heralding as rare glimmers of success yo Mars is one such channel sadly as posting schedule has been a bit sporadic recently I can't help but think of he posted weekly or even more his channel is right to explode in a good way Lotus Prince Louis Prince does Let's Plays in gaming podcasts usually skips the kind of high energy hyperbole that dominates the genre relaxed and strangely soothing commentary which is pretty fitting for the artistic Indian retro games that he gravitates to his views are all over the place which i think is indicative of prince's priority and picking interesting games instead of whatever is already trending on the platform ill knees Anish came out of the gate strong with comedic what we had to watch series on negative reviews before establishing a brand built on Nintendo fan chat and musical parodies mostly about Pokemon Zelda and the life he also narrowly makes this list because of excluded channels that were inactive for a year and Alisha's been down for about 11 months which seems to have come at a very inopportune time for the growth of this channel even Alex if I hate everything was sorry to see him leave the platform hopefully his indefinite hiatus wraps up soon best for a buck best for a buck also barely squeaks onto this list because he hasn't posted in 11 month which is a shame because it seems like after struggling to find his groove on YouTube he was just starting to drum up some serious interest in his titular best for a Bach comedic review series focusing on bargain bin and small-scale indie games instead of trying to maximize watch time or cranky lazy Let's Plays he spared some change for the oversaturated gaming space with short runtimes and goofy yet strangely practical insight it's a shame he didn't stick with it because I think his investment was just about to pay off who knows though maybe you're just out of arcade Quidditch and just looking to kill some time on the undiscovered side of old YouTube content and best for the buck might just fit the bill dan it takes a unique talent and personality to keep a loyal audience while weaving seamlessly between My Little Pony commentary and survival horror Let's Plays but that's exactly what the cyber cast does along with retro game reviews art streams film reviews and more posting three to four videos every week two smarty John page is one of few gamers who survived the rise and fall of channel awesome and remains relevant after years in YouTube's most competitive category albeit probably with less average views than you might expect from his sub count he's also toyed with reviews mini docs challenge videos and even blogs cementing his enthusiastic personality is the anchor in a wide range of content MMO grinder John Burkhart is a self-professed newbie in the wide world of mmo's but uses his relative fresh perspective as an advantage making his content both more objective and analytical than a typical gameplay review and more accessible to casual gamers and newcomers than most of his competitors his videos are tightly edited clearly constructed and entirely unpretentious all things that help them stand out well it takes to be a loyal follower of MMO grinder is a couple minutes of your time on a weekly basis and if you have even just a passing interest in PC gaming it's time well spent Mars girl whether it's reviewing food covering musicals gaming or participating in an epic six seasons of her be the black rims podcast Mars girl doesn't worry about the dilemma of how to brand a variety channel and instead just focuses on making entertaining content almost every single day and it seems to be working pretty well for her too she's also been one of the most outspoken critics of channel awesome the past few months and if you're keen for some reasonable insight into the backstory of this whole [ __ ] show then she has a few videos that you might want to watch gaming wildlife I'll be honest I'm not a huge fan of the cynical game industry skits and parodies these guys thrive on but I have to give them top marks for creativity in YouTube success most of their videos fall into the wildly popular if they were on a series mocking the video game industry for its endless hyperbole and hypocrisy no one is safe from their negative portrayals which is hilarious when it's justified but forced when it's well just forced just my opinion though 236,000 subscribers can be wrong right there's also a couple channels that primarily focus on music rap critic wait what's this someone from channel awesome who's not a white movie nerd can't be rap critic has a quarter million subscribers on YouTube who tune in to hear and pontificate on the virtues of American hip-hop even when he's tearing it to shreds which is often the rap critic maintains a fresh sense of humor and sarcasm it's all really light-hearted and accessible even if you're not a hardcore rap aficionado I also like the way he takes patreon requests that often see him dive into the pretty obscure topics of albums from the past his commentary on overarching rap politics is usually also super level-headed and smart without ever getting too heady rocked reviews area of music journalism is often largely overlooked on video centric culture hubs like channel awesome and to a lesser extent on the YouTube platform specifically there aren't really that many focused on objective music critics especially not with the kind of knowledge and passion for specific genre that Luke Spencer demonstrates rocked reviews also features interviews short docs and concert clips on mostly contemporary American rock music Spencer has found a new home on music existence calm and is amassed 20,000 YouTube subscribers then there's a couple channels that focus primarily on well of their stuff mic jeevan's mic jeevan's is the ultimate youtube masochist he got his start with snarky reviews of crappy infomercial products but as portfolio has grown to include junk movie sequels and excessive stints of junk food dieting or is that undying cheapens others recurring shtick is his sardonic self-aware British humor often juxtaposed in a landscape of American in a culture on the flip side some of his blog style updates and food reviews are surprisingly serious and in-depth jeevan's always has a fresh take on things in his recent milestone of 100,000 subscribers is well-deserved nerd to the third power this one technically fits the bill but isn't really a traditional YouTube channel so much as a podcast posted on YouTube with very occasional extra content nerds of the third power covers nerd culture and games television and Internet and beyond with more than a sprinkling of satire all those been running for years going back to that guy with the glasses calm they seem to be struggling a bit to reconnect with their core fans on the YouTube platform or to attract a new audience have a listen and be sure to subscribe if you think they deserve more than six hundred subs weekly manga recap weekly manga recap is well exactly what it sounds like unfortunately for us YouTube fanatics it's actually a super casual freeform podcast with separate video feeds from the hosts and interviewees and not really a full-blown visual new show with manga previews still if you're nuts about the stuff and your eyeballs aren't busy it's not a bad way to get your manga fill on YouTube Radio dead air Nash Poe's our chats live about stuff all kinds of stuff actually apparently this used to be a Doctor Who channel which explains the channel awesome connection but now it's just kind of a quirky new story centric musical smorgasbord live video podcast thing buh-zard is a classic radio entertainer and is recurring guests all have a great sense of humor radio dinners weekly shows reliably pull in eight to nine thousand viewers and frankly I think if buh-zard use clickbait thumbnails like the rest of the youtube universe those numbers would be a lot higher but hey 10,000 subscribers ain't too shabby well if nothing else guys I hope this video brought to your attention some content creators who you might want to subscribe to and follow and check out that you weren't aware of before like it certainly did for me whether did or not or whether or not you were a fan of channel awesome before all the [ __ ] hit the fan I want to know your thoughts on the whole controversy and the fact that channel awesome is still basically going despite all of the really negative news and horrible rest that they've got recently on YouTube and beyond I really do read all the comments and it's definitely my favorite part of having this YouTube channel is just participating in the dialogue that continues after I post the video I'm Joseph this is buzz cut so thanks again for watching appreciate your eyeballs [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Buzzcuts
Views: 17,967
Rating: 4.3990149 out of 5
Keywords: channel awesome contributors, channel awesome contributors 2018, channel awesome contributors leaving, channel awesome, channel awesome 2019, channel awesome lives, channel awesome update, change the channel, #changethechannel, #hoa, brandon tenold, ca, count jackula, doug walker 2018, google doc, hangouts on air, horror guru, lindsay ellis, movie nights, movies, nostalgia chick, obscurus lupa, review, reviews, rob walker, terror obscura, thatguywiththeglasses, the cinema snob
Id: pbtZLGYm_UY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 32sec (2432 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 02 2018
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