How to Get 100 in All Skills in Fallout: New Vegas & Ace The Early Game THE RIGHT WAY

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leveling up in fallout new vegas to see this screen is probably one of the most satisfying things you can do in the entire game oh my god smell that air however in order to max out all your skills to 100 you need to follow a very specific plan and also build your character in a certain way now i've made videos about this in the past but i've learned a lot about fallout new vegas since then and i made some mistakes in those videos so i wanted to make a new updated and definitive guide on how to max out all your skills to 100 build a perfect character and also have the best possible early game to start you out strong so let's not waste any more time and just get right into it okay so now i'm going to show you exactly what to do with your special stats because you need to be very deliberate with how you distribute your points if you want to max out all your skills and also have a really strong early game so the first thing you want to do is dump your charisma to one and that's because we won't have enough points to do what we want to do without dumping a stat and charisma is just the least useful special stat it only increases your speech and barter and it's only a requirement for two perks in the entire game and the perks aren't very good so just dump your charisma to one the next thing you want to do is raise your endurance to eight and this will let you get every single implant from the new vegas medical clinic that will raise all of your special stats by an additional point and then you can also get one more implant which would be the subdermal implant because that will increase your damage threshold now you're gonna miss out on the implant that makes you regenerate health but that implant is actually not very good it's only plus one health every 10 seconds and to invest nine endurance to get that is just not worth it in my opinion next you want to get eight luck and luck is very important for many reasons the first off is that luck increases your critical hit chance by one percent for every level so eight luck you'd have just a natural eight percent chance to crit luck also increases all of your skills by one point for every two levels so for instance at one and two luck you're gonna have plus one to all your skills at three and four luck you're gonna have plus two to all your skills and so on so at eight luck you're gonna have plus four to all your skills and then when you get the implant it's gonna push you to nine luck and you'll get that plus five to all your skills which is really nice because if you think about it that's basically a free plus 65 skill points from having nine luck also luck is really important for the early game because we're gonna bankrupt the casinos to get a bunch of early caps to get all of our implants so this leaves you with three points remaining and you can kind of do whatever you want with these but what i recommend doing is getting seven strength because there are a lot of useful perks that require high strength it also increases your carry weight and helps with weapon handling so all around strength is a very useful stat and then i recommend getting six agility because there are a lot of perks that require six and seven agility and it's useful to invest in that especially if you like to use vats so this setup in my opinion will allow you to get every single perk in the game that's useful especially like the most powerful ones like better criticals the implant will put you at six perception etc etc now the common misconception is that you need to have a lot of intelligence and i've made this mistake in the past as well now you can do this with five intelligence in fact it's even possible going lower but the margin for error is really small and you'd have to make very few mistakes so i just recommend leaving intelligence at five you're gonna have plenty of skill points and everything you need to do to max out your skills and then everything else is gonna be really strong so for your tag skills it doesn't really matter what you decide to tag but i do recommend tagging barter because it's super low from having one charisma and we're gonna sell a lot of stuff early game and it's nice to get extra caps the last two don't really matter i'm just gonna go with lockpick and speech i know a lot of people also like to do guns so it's really up to you and finally we have to pick our traits now there's really only two decisions you need to make here the first one is that you have to get skilled and skilled is really strong because it increases all of our skills by plus five so this is basically a plus 65 free skill points very similar to nine luck you do suffer the -10 experience gained but this really isn't a hindrance at all there's already so much experience in the game and it's really easy to level up so this isn't going to affect your progression at all now i know there's an exploit where you can pick skilled again when you leave good springs and revise your character and you can also pick skilled a third time in big mountain when you use the auto dock but in my opinion that's just an exploit and that's basically the same as cheating and if you're willing to just cheat to increase your skills then you might as well just use console commands or some other technique to increase them as much as you'd like so if you're planning to do this legitimately just take skilled once you don't even need the extra skill points from exploiting it two and three times taking it once is more than enough so now that you have skilled you have to decide what you want your other trait to be and in my opinion there's only three that are really viable the first one would be build to destroy if you want to go for a crit build the second one would be small frame because this is a nice way to get a plus one permanent boost to agility or wild wasteland which is pretty self-explanatory so depending on your bill just go ahead and pick whichever one you like okay so now i'm going to quickly show you what your skill should look like if you follow this exact build if you add all this up it's going to be 322 skill points which means we're already off to a really strong start right at the beginning of the game so now you should be prepping to steal everything of value from doc mitchell's house victor shack and the prospector saloon because we're trying to get as many caps as possible before we make our way to new vegas now victor shack has a chance for a stealth boy to spawn in the back ammo crate so make sure you make a save right before you go in and if the stealth boy isn't there just keep reloading your save until it spawns and then we're also going to loot the efficient batteries the other ammo crate and the weapon repair kit now the only other place to get a stealth boy this early is from joe cobb but i choose to not get involved with the ghost town gunfight quest so it's also important that you go get the salesman weekly from the back of the prospector saloon because this is going to give us a really important barter boost later on when we sell some high value items don't use it with chet though just go and sell everything you got here in good springs to check and if you did everything correctly you should get about 600 caps okay so now i'm going to show you guys the exact path i take to get to new vegas with the stealth boy at level 1 and how to also get 4 000 caps before you get there now also make sure you grab the snow globe on the way up to the cemetery before you leave while this is playing in the background i'm going to use this opportunity to explain all the other steps you need to take to max out your skills and the correct build you should be pursuing the first thing i want to talk about is educated and comprehension now i've made this mistake before in my previous videos and i've also seen it a lot online a lot of people think that you need educated to max out all your skills and that's just not true it is nice to get the plus two skill points every time you level up but educated is just not necessary you can max out all your skills without educated and when you look at it that way educated is also just a wasted perk because at level 50 you're not going to be leveling up anymore and educated literally does nothing for your character so in my eyes if you want to have a perfect character you should just avoid wasted perks like educated so definitely do not pick educated comprehension on the other hand is very useful because this is going to give us one extra point from every skill book we read increasing it from three to four skill points now at level 50 you could say well that's also wasted but the benefit of comprehension is that you get double the bonus from reading any sort of magazine which is really helpful all throughout the early and middle game to think about getting a plus 20 skill point boost to anything you need to do that helps with really early speech checks barter checks lock picking hacking terminals etc so comprehension is very useful throughout the entire game compared to educated now this brings us to the topic of skill books because obviously if we're taking comprehension we want to track down all the skill books in the game so there's a guaranteed 94 skill books in fallout new vegas if you have all the add-ons there's 52 in the base game 13 in dead money 16 in old world blues and 13 in lonesome road so with these 94 skill books times four points each with comprehension that means we have a guaranteed 376 points from skill books and the reason why i have honest hearts listed at the bottom as 0 to 16 skill books is because honest hearts has a really weird mechanic with the workbench crates there are a total of four unique workbench crates scattered around honest hearts and the way they work is their loot is determined when you first enter the area so you're going to want to know where all the locations are and make a save before you go there so you can keep loading your save until the workbench crate has what you want now the workbench crates have a chance to spawn a bunch of random things including skill books and they can spawn up to four items so that means that every workbench crate does have the chance to spawn up to 4 skill books however this is extremely unlikely it comes out to a 1 in 625 chance to spawn four skill books and considering there's four workbench crates to do that four times that's just a ton of saving you'd be doing like around 2500 saving and loading on average so that's just not realistic what's more realistic is to expect about one to two skill books per workbench crate if you want to save a little bit and load however you don't even need any skill books from honest hearts to max out your character so if you want to choose to just avoid all of the saving and loading because i know it is a very big hassle you can just choose to get no skill books from honest hearts and you'll be completely fine so the last two things i want to talk about are the skill points you get from leveling up which is going to be where the bulk of all this comes from and also the skill points you get from getting all these special implants from the new vegas medical clinic so the way that leveling up works in fallout new vegas is you get 10 plus your intelligence divided by two skill points every time so with six intelligence we're going to get 13 skill points every time we level up and we have 49 more levels until we get the max level of 50 which means we have 637 skill points available to us from leveling up now the way that special stats work is each one of them is tied to one or more skills and every time your special stats are permanently increased your skills will also permanently increase so if you get every single special implant this will also increase your skills by 39 points if you followed the exact build i showed here before i finish the last section of this guide i just want to show you all how this comes together so you get 322 skill points from starting the game 376 from skill books 637 from leveling up and 39 from implants as you've seen that i broke down in the video so this comes out to 1 374 total skill points available if you follow this guide now you only need 1300 skill points to max out your character so that means you have a 74 skill point cushion in case you make mistakes like getting a skill book too late or something like that once you're almost at new vegas we need to make a quick detour to durable done stacked caravan it's very close to the ncr sharecropper farms i'll show you on my pip boy in a second but the reason why it's so important to come here is there's two van graf thugs that both have black combat armor and plasma rifles there's also some ash piles with some decent loot as well now the plasma rifles and black combat armor are very important because this is where we're going to get most of our caps at this point we want to use the weapon repair kits that we get from gun runners arsenal from starting the game and the one we found in victor shack to fix our plasma rifles we're also going to use the barter magazine that we found in the prospector saloon before we sell all this stuff to the various vendors because you're gonna see even with the barter magazine and tagging barter at the start of the game we barely make over 4000 caps using this strategy so it's very important that you do that i also recommend discovering the vendor tron and both of the free side gates before you use the magazine so you can just quickly fast travel and retain the bonuses so sell the most expensive stuff like the black combat armor to the crimson caravan company and gun runners the gun runners are going to go a little bit over so just buy a gun for a couple hundred caps and then sell everything else to mick and ralph's and julie farkas at the old mormon fort and you'll see that if you follow the strategy you're going to have slightly over 4000 caps at this point you could go get an implant at level 1 if you wanted to but that's actually not necessary what we want to do is go to the atomic wrangler and start gambling and this is going to accomplish a few things the first thing you want to do is make at least a thousand caps so we can go buy an implant and still have some money left over to keep gambling also if you play 10 games of blackjack you're going to complete a challenge that gives you 90 experience it would normally give you 100 but we have skilled so we have that 10 percent debuff but it doesn't matter this is gonna put you to level two and you're gonna be able to distribute your skill points and you'll see that at level two even with five intelligence we're still gonna get 13 skill points so this is basically the same as if we had six intelligence so it's basically pointless to go get the intelligence implant at level one because it wouldn't give us any sort of benefit the best thing to do right now is to actually get the luck implant because gambling with eight luck is okay it's enough to still influence the outcome of the game but you will go on losing streaks and that can get frustrating so it's way more consistent to just go get the luck implant right now get nine luck and it's going to make gambling for the rest of our caps way easier the last thing we need to do is go bankrupt the atomic wrangler which will happen once you make over 5000 caps and with this money we can go get the intelligence implant but before we do that while our pockets are fat we want to go get clearance to enter the strip because you need at least 2 000 caps for that so just do it right now while you have all this money and now we're going to be level 2 with both the luck and intelligence implant and as long as you spend time to get all the skill books you're gonna have everything you need to max out your character and you can also spend the early game getting all the other casinos bankrupt and you're gonna have a really strong start so that's the end of the guide thank you for watching and i hope you all found it helpful if you enjoyed the video please consider leaving a like comment or subscribe and until then i'll see you all next time
Channel: CamBamGames
Views: 623,793
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fallout: New Vegas, All 100 Skills, Max Out Skills, Perfect Character, Perfect Character Guide, Fallout, Fallout New Vegas, FNV
Id: QCXa0N3ozks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 08 2022
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