Easy Backpack Guide (120 Extra Carry Weight) - Fallout 76

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foreign [Music] hello everybody I hope you're having a fantastic day today thank you so much for checking out my video today I'm going to be covering how to get a backpack so you can increase your carry weight by 120 pounds which is extremely useful now this is going to be a long video so just keep in mind this is a bit of more than a couple of tasks but you can get it done trust me I'm going to really make it easy for you so let's get into it here now you do get a backpack from completing the main quest well not even the main quest early on in the main quests you do get a backpack but you're obviously going to want the Pioneer backpack which we're going to show you how to get now to get this you're going to have to do this order of the tadpole Quest and like I said it is a bit tedious but you can get this done trust me so to start this you're going to have to come over to here where I'm showing you on the map and talk to this robot and this will basically start the order of the tadpole um I did this today probably within two or three hours but I was recording as well too so you could probably get this done in a couple hours just to throw that out there so when he's done talking um he's going to give you the order of the tadpole is going to be updated and you're going to get some miscellaneous missions now this can be extremely confusing so you can just keep both up there which would probably be your best bet but if you didn't want to and you want to just focus on one of them I'm going to show you how which is what a lot of people do so once you start this there's two miscellaneous missions that you have to do and that's bravery and helpfulness now it's on the order of the tadpole and it's under miscellaneous now I knew this and it confused me a bit so it might not confuse you but trust me it definitely has the potential to so I'm just showing here if you take off miscellaneous you will not be able to see these two objectives on the map so you need for you to start these objectives you need to go under the order of the tadpole has to be active see as you can see I take that off and I'm like okay let's go do these miscellaneous missions which is what a lot of people might do and just in case you do I just want it to show but as you can see it's not showing me where to go I knew I had to go over there but I'm like why is it not showing me so what you do is is just take those off and then make sure the order of the tadpole is on and then it'll show you to come over here now when you come over here it can be a bit confusing too you're going to talk to Pompey and he's going to talk for a bit but when he's done you have to do these miscellaneous missions now if you just have the order of the tadpole active it's not going to show you where to go as you can see right here you're going to have to activate the miscellaneous missions again so this could be extremely confusing I really wish they would rework this and just put it all into one Mission somehow it would be a lot easier but I think I covered that enough so you won't be confused so now that you're doing this first miscellaneous Mission which is just over here in the toxic Valley um I just wanted to say keep in mind too there's some snallygasters over here a Grafton monster like just be careful when you go over here and what and even some scorpions here as well but what you're going to be doing is is collecting a bunch of this toxic waste and I think there's five of them and it's pretty self-explanatory you're just gonna run up to each one and collect it and then you're going to have to bring it back to a safe place which is right here on the map at kitty corner cabins it's called and then you just put these Into the Blue waste container and then that miscellaneous mission is done now you're already off to a good start to getting this backpack don't give up keep going there's a lot to do so the next miscellaneous Mission kind of works the same way just you know if you want to be able to locate it have the order of the tadpole on and it'll show you to come to Dolly sods over here and then you'll talk to scout leader treadley I think his name is here and once you're done talking to him it'll start up a daily called stings and things I think it's called yes stings and things and then you might want to go under dailies and actually activate that now as you can see this is confusing like I said I really wish they would rework this a bit but I feel like I definitely simplified this so I hope you don't have a problem and the stings and things daily all you do is go around to these places and collect parts from Bugs basically pretty much as simple as that everybody and yeah it's five of them uh blood bug propagosis a bloat fly gland a sting Wing Barb and a tick blood Sac now there's a trick with the tick blood Sac um I would get that first actually I didn't hear it's kind of funny that I wound up finding the tick last anyway but there's actually a tick where you finish this Mission so there's no point in going to that place so that's why I would say go to it first so you don't accidentally go to it while you're out searching for the other ones and when you're done obviously you know come back to Dolly sods and like I said maybe before you leave this is where you can find a tick so as soon as you spawn into dollies like you're going to talk to the robot he's right there in the cabin to the right and then just come over here and just be careful there is a Yao gwai as well but there's also a tick over here too a couple of them I usually see and then you know you'll have all of the stuff that you need just to complete the repeatable the daily actually like I said I lucked out I could have went and found a tick when I didn't need to when I could have been going to another location you know what I mean so definitely do this one first and then it will be removed from your map and then you can go to the other four Places come back here talk to the robot and then you will complete the daily and then you are done the miscellaneous missions for this backpack fairly simple it's just a lot of stuff to do everybody now another thing you have to do to get kindness is to revive an ally now I highly recommend you get a friend to help you with this if you can't find a friend I'm sure if you hop on your microphone and ask somebody in the in the server they will help you I guarantee you if you ask a couple people if you ask me I would so if the first couple people say no which I doubt they will just keep asking and I'm sure someone will help you get this challenge tell them you're going for the backpack and they'll be like oh my God yeah I'll help you and then just maybe have some enemies kill your and your friend here because it just makes it easier to revive them if you shoot them then it might be a little bit harder to get the revive and thank you cacti for helping me earlier thank you buddy now what we're going to be doing is you have to get three tadpole badges as well after that so basically six things you have to do two miscellaneous revive a friend and then three tadpole Badges and we're going to be focusing on Archer athlete and Hunter and I'm going to show you how to do most of these I think the only thing I don't show is how to get your charisma and your strength up but that's pretty self-explanatory so the first place I want you to come over to is Camp Venture because we're going to be doing the athletic Possum Point and basically for this you're going to have to run some mini marathons and the and this is the to be honest this whole this whole um getting the backpack is just a lot of fun like I've done this like three times now A lot of people will say it's tedious it is but just the fun stuff you get to do it's not like shooting guns all the time it's just some cool stuff and so basically with the athletic course to get into it here is you're gonna have to run three of these and you're gonna have to run between these yellow flags and you'll hear a prompt when you go through them just keep in mind when you go past these yellow flags right here if you're not hearing a prompt then you may have missed it like I did here I had to go back back down and then as you can see it prompt me to go forward again and they're fairly easy to do the next one here is at the New River Gorge Bridge and it's at the top of the bridge so if you spawn under it just keep in mind you have to come up here and it is on the east side I think it was there and you just start the test up right here and it's fairly easy the third test you're gonna have to do is that Sunny top ski lanes and just keep in mind with this little run marathon whatever you want to call it that there are a lot of traps on this one so just have some stem packs ready and maybe not run too fast on this one like take your time you know don't try to Barrel through it maybe run through it but a little slower maybe jog if you know what I mean because it'll just stop you from running into all these traps which I'm going to show you and I wanted to point out too that this challenge gives you excess of a lot of time they all do you'll find like if you're familiar with video games then this will be fairly easy for you to do all three of these um as you can see there's traps there's a Trip Mine there there's a bear trap that caught me there's a grenade going off there's some other stuff look at this just keep in mind on this one there are some traps but you have lots of time to complete it now once you've done all of that and gotten your strength and Agility to five you will just have to take the test now we're not going to take the test we're going to start working on Archer because we're going to do all three of these tests at once so to start with archer I want you to come to the Palace of the winding path right here on the map and when you do you're going to come over to this location and grab yourself a crossbow and this crossbow is going to help us complete a lot of these hunter missions as well too we're doing the Archer one now I think it is yeah Archer athlete Hunter but this will help with Hunter as well so once you get the crossbow you're gonna have to go to a tinker's workbench and don't make arrows by accident like I did here make sure you make crossbow bolts or you won't have what you need to shoot stuff and then we're going to come over here to the Pioneer Scout camp and you're going to be coming this way to the archery range and that is where you pretty much spawn in I just did want to show where to go a little bit here because it can be a little tricky to find make sure you equip your crossbow and we're going to be doing a little bit of a shooting challenge right here which is also a lot of fun and if you're this far I just want to say keep going don't give up you're almost there halfway so when you get here there's a weapons workbench make sure you repair the crossbow because repairing it three times is going to get you a challenge complete and after you've done that you could start the tadpole archery test I showed you how to start it there you just go up to that little intercom and then you'll have to get five bullseyes with all of these targets that I'm showing and they can be a little tricky to get but just you know enough practice and I'm sure you'll get it I got it the first try if you don't just keep trying it's pretty easy you got it and once you're done the archery test that is another you know step to finishing this lots to do I know so as you can see we have the repaired crossbow once as well want to keep track of those now what we want to do is start killing enemies with the crossbow which you can go wherever you want I highly recommend Morgantown because the scorcher fairly easy to kill with the crossbow unless it's a legendary like I'm showing here but you can kill any enemy and it's it's fairly easy you just have to get 50 and I just want to tell you to make sure you're picking up the loot from the enemies or at least checking the enemies after you kill them because you will get a lot of crossbow bolts back so just so you're not running out of ammo you have to kill 50 enemies remember now once you've gotten halfway through about 25 enemies killed I want you to come repair the crossbow again make sure you're not wearing or make sure you don't have gunsmith equipped or weapon Artesian equipped make sure you do not have those equipped because this will stop you from being able to repair the bow just keep that in mind so now that we've repaired it twice we're off to killing some more enemies and I just wanted to show you if you get you know enemies that are harder to kill with the crossbow like I found ghoul's word just sponges for the crossbow bolts I just took out a lesser powered weapon that I would normally use and I got which is more powerful than the crossbow and I just got there Health down really low and then I use the crossbow to kill them so that will make it a little bit easier and then once you're done and you got all 50 kills make sure you head back to your camp or wherever you want to go and repair that crossbow and then you will have all three repairs completed it's much easier than going searching for crossbows I found earlier on today and as you can see we are done the athlete exam now okay so now we're going to get into Hunter this is probably the hardest challenge to do so and that is kill a yaguay with a pipe syringer and trust me this can be a little bit tricky I highly recommend you get the marsupial serum I will link in the description a video showing you serums and how to get them because the marsupial serum will help you jump and it'll keep you alive while you're shooting this bear trust me but before you go do anything I want you to craft a combat knife if you can and con or sorry Craft um a syringer as well if you cannot craft these then you probably haven't progressed far enough in the main quest and I suggest you do that and also do not forget to craft some syringer ammo because you're going to need a bit I would craft at least 30 or 40 shots now if we come back over to Dolly sod you can remember there's two bears over here so if you do accidentally kill the first bear like I did here don't worry there's another one over here because the trick is is we're going to try to lower the Bear's health and then kill him with the syringer because the syringer is extremely underpowered which I'm going to show yeah you can see like that did no damage so what I do is as I pull out you know an average powered weapon and just lower the Bear's Health as much as low as you can get it or as you're comfortable getting it just keep in mind that saringer is not going to take off a lot of points but you can get it to a point where you will kill him trust me just keep at this and keep shooting him and you might have to shoot him 10 dimes with the surrender just keep doing it trust me that bear will die and then you have the hardest challenge complete and you're literally seven minutes in this video away from completing this backpack so do not give up keep going now that's our first Hunter challenge done make sure you have it done as well you wouldn't want to you know not have it done or it just glitched out just make sure now another challenge you're gonna have to do is to kill another yaoge with a shotgun so you could head over to the alpha forward Station Alpha where there's a nuke launch uh place I'm sorry I can't it's right here on the map as I'm showing um you can come there or you can just hop servers and go back to Dolly sods there's two bears there and then shoot them with a shotgun shotguns are extremely easy to find and you're gonna need a hunting rifle as well you can get these from super mutants at West Tech pretty much any enemy will drop a shotgun or a hunting rifle scorched as well so pretty straightforward to find those and then like I said you already have a crossbow to kill the rad stack so where we're gonna come for a wolf is where I just showed on the map right there I forget what it's called I apologize for that but I'm sure you can find it and again I just lowered the wolf's health because I wasn't sure how much the knife would do damage wise but it did do a bit and I just you know switched to the knife when it's low Health go over to the wolf another challenge complete easy peasy now to get a black powder weapon you're going to have to come over here which is to the left of the palace that we got our crossbow from and just come upstairs here there'll be a button that you can activate it'll open these display cases and then you'll have access to a black powder pistol right here I think there might be a rifle in there now you're going to have to find some deer or rad Stag and I just suggest going around the toxic Valley that's like the whitish grayish part of the map with all the toxicity in it which is part of the northern part of the map and there will be rad Stags around there and you're gonna have to kill one with the crossbow like I showed and with a hunting rifle like I'm showing here and those are two more challenges done and then again at White Springs Resort just beside the clubhouse where all the the ghouls are um there's usually a couple rad Stags over here as well so you know if you just want to come over here to start that might be a good place and then again you're going to need a kill with the black powder pistol now you're going to have to come to this place again to get a bear kill you don't have to like again I like I said you can hop servers to get a bear kill to get the automatic weapon which is fairly easy to find you can get one off of a super mutant or maybe even a scorched I'm not sure but you'll have to find an automatic weapon and kill another bear do not forget to pick up the meat from them because you have to cook their food as well with the bear food and you don't have to cook wolf and radstag you only have to cook one of those and then you were done the hunter challenge it's as simple as that now once you are done all those come back to the Pioneer Scout camp and we're going to take the three tests all at once we're gonna Hammer these out now before you go to the test I just suggest you go around to these cabins and take out all the ghouls you don't want them bothering you while you're taking the tests I don't know if it'll fail you or if it'll let you start over again from where you were but just to be safe just come over here into the cabins take out the ghouls and make sure they're not going to be bothering when you come over to these two computers I don't think it matters which one you go to and you're going to take the test now you can try to answer these yourself but I just want you to keep in mind that you have to get five for five to complete the tests and pass it so just keep that in mind you have to get every question right and these questions are ridiculously hard so I'm going to leave a link in the description of all the answers for every test so you don't have to just you know trial and error these trust me these tests are really hard if you want to try to you know pass them on your own then all the power to you but just in case you don't want to I will leave a link in the description with all the answers and then after you've completed those three tests the Archer athlete and the hunter you just come over here and talk to the robot and you will have all the challenges done and you will get a backpack and a backpack plan which I'm going to show and there you go everybody 60 plus carry weight yeah it gives you a backpack as well I just want it to show and here it is everybody 60 plus carry weight now if you get the high capacity carry mod I think it's called something like that we're going to show it here it will give you a total extra carry weight of a hundred and twenty so when you craft the bag which you can now as I said after you complete this of course you can craft it and make sure you make the level that you are if you beat this at level 40 or 50 or sorry 30 or 40 then make sure you come back and make a level 50 bag once you're a higher level now to get into the mod as I was saying I do recommend the high capacity backpack mod or even the fridge mod I forget what it's called and you get it from not this vending machine these are the Pioneer Rewards for the tadpole rewards I guess I should say um they're all pioneer rewards I think but anyway you want to come over to this one the scouts and the one you're looking the two you're looking for is the backpack high capacity mod and I would recommend the refrigerator mod it's great for you know keeping food from spoiling but if you do want the total of 120 plus carry weight which is what I use and a lot of people use then I do recommend this mod for it now to get these points you need to get eight for each of these now that is easier said than done now you need to do these possum challenges now they're just like the other challenges but these ones are a lot harder and they might take you a lot more time now I'm not going to get into these ones because this would be like a two hour video if I got into these ones I just suggest looking through them and going through them and maybe completing the ones you think that would be best suited for you but to be honest the best way to get these mods is is to get them from Reddit and as you can see here once you do put the high capacity backpack mod on it gives you an additional carry weight of 120 rather than a hundred and sorry 120 rather than 60. you can see it's 60 there now it's 120. and like I said everybody the best way to get these is trading on Reddit you can get both of these mods or one of these mods but you can get both of them on Reddit but you can get them for 10 to 20 000 caps and it's really not hard to use Reddit I can't stress in my videos enough that you learn how to use Reddit this is the best way because getting it you know through the the points is just so much of a struggle trust me but if you want to all the power to you I hope this helps you get a backpack thank you so much for watching everybody have a great day
Channel: MrWestTek
Views: 415,231
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: backpack, high capacity mod, Fallout 76, fallout, mods, xp, glitch, modded, angry turtle, bethesda, grind, rank up, fast, new, chainsaw, westtek, west tek, buffs, playthrough, nuka world, tips, tricks, the pitt, expeditions, review, 2x, call to axeion, legacy, nerf, buff, news, weapons, builds, titan, strategy, playstation, xbox, free, 2023, pc
Id: dgqMynRXeEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 19sec (1339 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 31 2023
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