Chain and Bungee Firewood Splitting Method

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okay folks we're gonna demonstrate the chain and bungee firewood splitting method now disclaimer I did not invent this method I did first saw it on YouTube thought the video could be explained a little better a little more details but it is the best method for splitting firewood unless you have some really nasty now see the yellow blinds which we'd love to have around here so works for first jack fine larch anything decent and you will never pick up another piece of firewood again as long as you live on may have seen the tire method on videos throw a lot away garbage doesn't only works for similar size would still its waste order so I'll do a few few pieces of what demonstrate put them on the file boom BAM we use a mall this is an eight pound mall dull I have only split cut a couple bungees in six or seven years give her a world here put on here Bundy around down around the bottom third quarter of the wood a little bit attention scrap drum swings very hard-hitting rate spot and there you go close you want we have pretty small fire box in our wood stove can outdo the neighbors wood splitter probably almost twice as fast unless we get into some nasty wood then he beats me but I get exercise don't burn fuel burn ball my bark and never pick up another piece of wood now we'll do anything a foot above diameter best bus you can step you can whack this does not make up for bad so we got it 12 14 15 G here one in pinch closer with a dog chain I got about four feet of dog Jean as far as biggest would I go open up the other end a little bit so you can unhook it easy and you're off to the races cost you boat three 350 be the best money or sprint and makes it awesome Christmas gifts carry on
Channel: Brent Tingstad
Views: 186,066
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: firewood, splitting, chain and bungee
Id: 9jm5PNhqeqQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 3sec (243 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 28 2016
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