Cessna 152 & Piper COLLIDED MID-AIR at Farmingdale, NY #N43450 #N4672M

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Republic Tower we have a mday mday mday we have a collision we are four of five miles to the east 76076 Runway 1 n cland cland 76076 32 Alpha Victor 12:00 and a mile and a half you see assistant directly ahead of you he's also on the final advis when you pick him up get number two all right we're looking we're number 230 to Victor for 4317 Delta you can start left B for Runway One n traffic you follows at Cherokee on Final over Expressway Cher inside 4317 the Turning base that's the 273 uniform your traffic is on a left down just past the expressway just on the north side of it turning a left face it's a low Cheroke advise you to pick him up number four yeah he's really far away okay I follow him well he's a mile and a half east of you on a left face I should say she is so she's not far away at all she's only a mile and a half from me at this time oh all right I got to run the base now okay 3:00 and a mile got him okay very good 467 to M about a m south of north 467 to Mike Republic report left down hyper 302 Alpha Victor still 34 of a mile in trail to that cesa 172 he's on a very short final just coming up over the airport bany advis when you pick him up I believe I have him 302 I'm going to slow down a little Tower Le just coming around on this base to uh down to base and looks like we're about six and a half out yeah that's too close unfortunately 55 November Yankee I cannot accommodate you there's your 55 November Yankee right base so as the turn final outside of seven miles Roger we'll set that up outside of seven for that base and republ car to the 4 450 Oscar we are showing 10 to the north that's the 450 Republic report entering left down left down window for one n test to 72 Mike possible traffic off your 11:00 and a half a mile Westbound at 1,100 M Traffic repic Tower we have a mday mday Mayday we have a collision we have four of 5 miles to the east we need immediate Landing instructions all right who's that please 43 450 sir to 43 450 450 proceed direct to the airport then if you're able let squa give you a transponder code squa 770 0 770 0 we have the little Collision we are still under control but but we'll let you know okay understand S 3 40 start a left base Runway 190 cland cl340 the 72 Mike are you on the frequency sir 723 going to departure good luck 723 switch to departure senica 340 disregard that senica 340 climbed to 1,600 and just continue westbound for the time may I have an emergency do that Saro 450 is that correct I want to make sure I have the call sign that had the possible Collision sir we had a collision 450 we are coming in for the one Niner 450 cland Runway 1 n Sarah 450 CL land Runway one Niner to win 20 at 8 say number of souls on board and fuel please Two Souls on board and uh fuel is about uh 3 hours worth of fuel we do have three green light Landing light see if you can see gear down Sara 450 we're looking out the window now for you just turning final High correct okay say the 72 mik Republic if you read me uh were you involved with that other aircraft say the 72 Mike if be read your C land Runway 1 n say the 72 Mike you C land Runway one Niner 534 cirle overhead the airport at 1600 go Northbound and join the right down one for now plan our right base near the mall okay we're turning Northbound now 340 it appears that you do have gear affirmative the gear appears to be extended on Saratoga 450 cand say the 72 Mike if you read the tower you clear theand Runway 1 n we have you low out there at 400 ft so that's the 4672 Mike if that's you I'm not sure sure because you're not talking to me right now I presume it's you 4 66 go8 as we'll be holding over 6 to gol thanks it be a few minutes uh I believe there was a near midair or a midair s a 450 as feasible uh you can clear Runway 1 19 there's a rescue truck near the main terminal waiting for you yes sir we see the stuck thank you help we going to making the right turn I'm just very glad that you made it very good and the other fellow still flying too I believe is he is he still in contact with you he's on a short final directly behind you if you could turn left at that high speed that' be appreciated cesa 72 Mike you're clear land to win 207 cesa 72 Mike senica 340 turn right you can join the final for Runway 1 n cland both aircraft are on the ground 340 we do that so that's the 4662 golf report entering left down one where are you right now we're negative 8 so left down one for what now left down one for Runway one Niner the wi 207 Altima 3022 okay we're Northwest of the field can we get a straight no I can't do it right now say the 72 mic if you're disabled there sir that's not a problem we're going to send Rescue out to help you sir if you want you can just shut the aircraft down [Music] there 450 it definitely appears that shut it down be very careful and please exit the aircraft and get a safe distance away from the airra rescue is aware of it to rescue three do you want me to respond to uh the fuel drop rescue three I would definitely do that for the time being you can proceed out on to Runway one 19 proceed to the Saratoga taxiway golf 3 rescue tree proceeding to GF three and actually uh GF two you just proceed Runway to Golf 2 that's the shortest R public Tower n Delta holding short that's go so 99 Delta we're not going to do touch and goost right now we uh we did have uh an aircraft incident accident however you want to look at it I'm not going to be able to prove touching goes right now I don't want to do that leaking fuel right now but it's not on fire so how's the other aircraft I was involved we'll stay away from them you going to keep the runway open you keeping the runway open you haven't heard any word from operations traffic right now at Delta will not be able to do touch and go um this is St pilot on first solo um request to text it back to uh alha round okay 89 Delta I would recommend you just go back to the ramp for right now uh we've got some problems going on please rescue one I got a second aircraft that was involved in this up there at Bravo One if you need to go up there and check him out please in route right now rescue one okay and uh Delta I would recommend you just taxi back to your ramp right now okay watch going tax it back can you make the 180 there or do you need to come out of the runway I think I need to come onto the runway okay 89 Delta you make the left turn on Runway One n left turn Delta taxi to Alpha Del [Music] [Music]
Channel: Flight Follower
Views: 30,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JCh0zSqHyqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 5sec (485 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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