Cessna 150 Is The Airplane Everyone Can Afford

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hello everybody welcome back to module group Mike here today we're checking out one of the most popular airplanes in civil aviation and I feel like I should have covered this airplane a long long time ago we're gonna check out the Cessna 150 stay tuned guys this plane is still one of the hidden gems in civil aviation today the Cessna 150 and the one we have today is a 1975 model 150 M beautiful still clean if you're new to flying this is one of the most prescribed airplanes anyone would tell you to learn how to fly you see Cessna built these for about 20 years they started building these planes in 57 and they built them all the way to 1977 a lot of models you still have that made it into the 80s but really they were built early on Cessna built over 20,000 of these planes so you still have a lot of them in the sky today and this one here is still in very pristine condition as you can see you also see it's a fixed landing gear and if you know the history of this plant it was actually built off of a tail dragger the Cessna 140 and so we go around it here there's nothing really special about the design of this plane but there are some really key unique features about this particular model that you will not find on all the Cessna 150 because this 150 here is one of the later models as a matter of fact this Cessna 150 was built in 1975 you had it as one of the last models before Cessna start building these models as you know the 150s were later replaced with the 152 and so one of the key features you'll find with this plane first let's start here with the powerplant all Cessna 150s have about a 100 horsepower there's a continental Oh 200 engines so it puts out about 100 horsepower but something I want you to pay attention to you see the front face here for this 150 if you check out an older one 50 you see that this is more squared-off okay and that's one of the key features of this column here and this is a similar column that you will see in the later models of the 152 so again this model being one of the later models that Cessna built before they stopped making these they put a lot of the good features from the 152 in these early models now also if you come to the back here I'll show you another cool feature that this 150m has you look at the vertical stabilizer here when they build bees they added about six inches to the vertical stabilizer and it helps the plane fly a lot better your controls are a lot smoother with that taller tail and so when you see an older Cessna 150 you see that this tail here is a little bit longer and just your normal stuff back here you've got your elevators you've got your rudder here and your vertical stabilizer and again it is a tricycle landing gear a lot of Cessna 150 believe it or not we're converted to a tail dragger so if you wanted to convert this plane to a tail dragger you can still do that and put some wheels back here rather than up there but that said let's check out the wings of this airplane this is one of the cool components of the 150 and what makes it fly really good again this plane was built as a trainer and when you're flying a 150 I wouldn't go out and say that you can't stall this airplane you can but it would be really really hard this is one of the most stable planes you could possibly fly it flies slow it's not the fastest bird in the sky but that means also is that you can fly it really slow and it does help that it's a high wing okay if you look underneath here one of the cool features of having high wing is you have shade so if I come underneath here I'm all shaded man and also the entry into the plane for high winds is a easier than if you were flying a lowly and I'm a low-wing guy and I can admit that but let's check out the interior so to get in see the doorknob here just pull that and your door opens and check out this beauty I mean you look at this plane and you can tell that it's been well-maintained and the owner I just spoke to him you know he recently bought this he's had this now for about six seven months and he's been flying for over thirty years and he's only flown in the 150 I mean I don't see I can't see any love greater than that if you stick to one model and he flies this because he loves how they fly he loves that they're very easy to fly and you see back here you've got a ton of room back there if you wanted to go places now this is not a plane that you take on a long cross-country trip but if you wanted to go a few hundred miles maybe two hundred miles three hundred miles you can do it in the 150 and you see here the amount of load you can put back there 120 pounds which is pretty standard even for bigger airplanes some airplanes you may be able to put hundred pounds so with this bird you can now another thing I would mention about the 115 you look at this cabin space it's not the largest and this plane was not built for that again this is not a plane that you take on long trips this is a plane you used to build time you can train in them you can build time with it and if you want to go 60 miles to 100 miles you can do that to see the rudder pedals they're pretty much within reach now these seats may be adjustable but I would say that if you're on the tall end it will be really tight in this cabin if you're flying a Cessna 150 but let's look at the cockpit here you see nothing fancy it's your standard analog gauges and most Cessna 150s will come with this now you may have something that's been upgraded with the avionics but the owner of this plane loves everything just as is you've got your six pack okay you look in the middle here your controls are your throttle and then you've got a mixture that's because this is a fixed pitch airplane so there's no need for a prop lever and you've got your standard yoke and if you look here we've got an old GPS device here this helps you fly now this is a VFR airplane you can use a Cessna 150 for IFR flights and you can train or build time with it but this particular model is a VFR and the pilot also is a via for our pilot and you come down here this is your trim tab you've got your audio jacks there again nothing fancy or modern here you've got a car charger plug in there but if you're looking for like a USB port or anything like that chances are you want to find them this fit except maybe you installed one later and guys you know that I'm very very big on interior space you know I I see a lot of really cool airplane or beautiful airplanes on the outside but the inside just looks like crap but you look at this plane again it just it looks very clean for its age and you see the seats are still in very top-notch shape very clean here and so you can tell the owner is taking good care of it now again this is an airplane you use for short missions and for training okay let me close the door here so when you think of your mission why would you want to get a Cessna 150 well I'll tell you if you are new to flying or even old you've been flying for a long time the owner of this airplane has been flying for over 30 years and they still love to fly this plane because it fits their mission perfectly but who's flying a Cessna 150 if you need a trainer an affordable trainer because these planes you're not breaking the bank for them this these are some of the most affordable airplanes you'll find in the market today so if you need a trainer or you need a plane just to build time or just fly for fun this is the plane for you again you're not going anywhere fast your normal cruise speed in the Cessna 150 100 miles per hour but also that means you're not burning a lot of fuel so you're burning maybe 5 to 6 gallons of fuel per hour ok go maybe a hundred miles 200 miles that's about what this airplane can do but if you need training or you like to build time I think this is this is one of the top choices I would always encourage anyone to buy price wise you can find these planes anywhere from 20,000 to 25,000 at least one in this top notch shape you can still find a lot of Cessna 150 that are much more affordable even less than $18,000 that you can find them and the Cessna 150 is a great plane that you can finance again it's not a plane that you have to be you know the CEO of a company to fly the average Joe flies this bird and you can finance it it's like buying a car and so if you are looking for a plane to just build time to train or to go on short hops I definitely definitely recommend this plane and when you think of your purchase price the maintenance and just the front flying of it you can't go wrong with this bird and if you can get a later model like this you be in even better shape because they have some cool features that perhaps the earlier models didn't have okay guys this is my review of the Cessna 150 y'all have requested this plane so many times and I know I have a bias for lolling airplanes but this actually is one of my favorite high wing airplanes and it's one of the planes I always recommend to any new pilot or any mid-level power ok I hope you enjoyed this video if you did be sure to give it a thumbs up and if this is your first time make sure you subscribe to modulate with the notification Bellhorn guys a great way to support the channel is by becoming an MVP and mold your grip dotnet /nv thank you all so much for watching and thank you for the support and I will catch you on the next video peace you
Channel: MojoGrip
Views: 128,462
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cessna 150, cessna 152, cessna 150m, cessna 140, cessna 172, cessna, airplane, aircraft, pilot training, cheap plane, grumman yankee, piper sport, piper tomahawk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 26sec (686 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 14 2020
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