Ceremonial welcome of President Donald Trump at Rashtrapati Bhavan

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[Music] everybody diplomats and as it is now trip remember [Music] maajid hey satti master for the Donald Trump Oh mr. pokey salami case at rush to 50k and RockShox uniquely president baby God's Cabrera escort Cuyahoga Asheboro hidden jewel America key modern Irish petite Donald Trump key a chronically expect the rush to the people on K Bradford are not a when we came in America the Vasuki subsea packet where our traverse time I see a cake or parrot fish wiki subsidy romantic shopping in Indonesia sugar empanada sake which a Matata artistic own home ja hey Roz net agnostic on demo he does she call Samantha geun-hye expect severe contusion monami - petite Donald Trump car monami rushed Betty Kane Farabaugh case a person he rushed the deep event k4 court may module hey ma Nene Raja Patti Trump ki beti yard Ahmad sati 2010 putney rush the teeth on my module hungry jahar purpurin piranha 3kc you converse essentially ari Hait parampara hey Jeb LeCroy rush detection hot Artie hey oh hey summer her pubic guard of honor theater orab rushed uppity Ivanka for caught me Sheila T Co venca alcaman who are Hey as my own commission to you the US president will be received at the gates of rashtrapati bhavan by a cavalcade of the president's bodyguard and on the screens now you can see the President of India mr. Ramnath Govinda and his wife the first lady mrs. covin being received by the Honorable Prime Minister and as he walks down and acknowledges the greetings of the members of the delegation here so an air of ceremony of pomp and grandeur we've also got the Tri services guard of honour which has six officers and 150 other ranks led by Lefton and Colonel Ashish taku who is the parade commander the army unit is led by Army captain of a Shiraz son who the Air Force unit by squirtin leader dks Chauhan and the naval unit by leftenant commander EK mohanty so he send it to creo que Sat military band yogi doneghy brushstroke a raster guard keepin the guard of honor ke Samia jaga Ivanka Trump and Jared Krishna center in the lineup of the people who will be introduced to mr. Trump as he walks down all eyes now awaiting the arrival of mr. Donald Trump and Melania Trump as they will be accorded the official reception by the President of India of me building Syria track' the hot girl Minami Russia patty Donald Trump had a poet a good rap came in with a bad meal and Carnegie sathi Motorama Fishbach a subset but a cricket stadium a block who knew such even a money me - Betty Trump or money me how to keep it hummin three million the Modi case on both engage America desperately trumka Hamish's Akiane raha hai ki America loves India and America respects India a supreme or is he so hard is he other Kip how co-production kiya-jaye raha hai respect Hamlet take bother her Kimani me to be America Ronald Rumpke argument Huachuca hey it's what mr. pokey salami Peter he had rushed PDK interaction with them Poirot he accepted wahakura heaven has always hosted defense investiture ceremony swearing honored its Brave Hearts and she was about speeches of world leaders signed pacts and treaties with various countries and celebrated India's independence and Republic Day and other festivals in this arena the Beast as the vehicle of the President of the United States of America is called making its way to the alighting point escorted by the president's bodyguard an elite force and seen a most unit of the Indian Army [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] under zena's among good this is nude [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there's another man good photo just she may understand as a manga of Ganesha flip cup led by Lieutenant Colonel Ashish Tucker of the 5th battalion of the 1st Gorkha rifles taking the president of the United States of America mr. Donald Trump for his inspection we have six officers and 150 other ranks in this guard of honor that draws its men from the three services the army led by captain of a Sharra's son who the Navy led by Lefton and Commander a K mohanty and the Air Force led by Squadron Leader DK is Johan mr. Trump is the 7th US president to visit India and has had a really busy schedule since yesterday when he landed in Ahmedabad moved to Agra in the evening and now in Delhi which is a day long program that is really packed to the hilt after the inspection of the guard of honor mr. Jonathan and mr. Govan shaking hands as he will now introduce mr. Trump to the Indian delegates who are assembled here and we begin with the military secretary actually with the Prime Minister mr. Narendra Modi mr. Raj Nath Singh the defence minister mr. Jaishankar the foreign minister mr. harshwardhan the Minister for Health and Family Welfare general VK Singh former army chief and now Member of Parliament in the Lok Sabha the left and end governor of Delhi mr. unno betcha mr. Rajiv GABAA the cabinet secretary naruban a army chief secretary to the president Sanjaya Qatari also harsh with an arugula foreign secretary dr. Bala Prasad special secretary to president Randhir Singh and Hill Kumar Jaiswal joint secretary LuthorCorp has reached OSD Prime Minister office shaking hands with the joint secretary Ajay raha do best secretary Ajay Kumar Singh and the Dean of the diplomatic corps ambassador of the dominican republic hands Dannenberg Castellanos now President Trump introducing the US delegation to our president you've got the US ambassador in India the US Secretary of Commerce the Secretary of Energy the National Security Advisor Seanie advisor Ivana Trump and her husband who's also a senior advisor Jared Kushner the White House principal deputy chief of staff EMA Doyle Stephen Miller the adviser to the president the White House director of social media and assistant to the president dan scavino lynsee Renauld the chief of state the chief of staff to the first lady Rob Blair and Stephanie Grecian the White House press secretary president Covino and mrs. Cohen mr. Ciampa hand and Anya as they move back to their positions and as I mentioned to you earlier he has a bath today after the reception this official reception at Rashtrapati Bhavan mr. Trump will move to Raj cart where he will pay his respects to Gandhi Arkell he Jessica Sabarmati ashram a America run in a rush fatigue Donald Trump named Gandhi ji Maharaj Oh sir ah ha and now President Donald Trump along with the President of India Sri Rama kurinji Prime Minister Narendra Modi for a group photograph which is going to be a memory indeed smiling faces the second day of his visit to India president Govind and president Trump exchanging a few words as this moment is captured for posterity he has a lot of official meetings today delegation level talks an exchange of agreements perhaps and then there is a lunch hosted by the Prime Minister after which people have meetings with the vice president and the External Affairs Minister and he'll also visit the US Embassy in India in the evening there is a dinner hosted by the Indian president a trust fund Robin which will be an official banquet in honor of the visiting president of the United States of America and of course he leaves later in the night back to the United States a really quick trip for the Trump's we hope that they have enjoyed their sojourn their maiden trip to India the Cadillac making its way out now from the forecourt after the official reception hosted by the President of India to the visiting president of the United States of America twenty four quart of posing rushed paddy power beautiful scenes of President Donald Trump and President of India and Prime Minister bidding add you
Channel: President of India
Views: 12,243,204
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Keywords: Rashtrapati Bhavan, Presidents House, Kovind, President Kovind, President of India Kovind, President Ram Nath Kovind, Ram Nath Kovind, President of India
Id: zonT7rvMJE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 46sec (1246 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 25 2020
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