Century: Spice Road - GameNight! Se4 Ep32 - How to Play and Playthrough

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[Music] you [Music] kay night tonight on gay night Stephanie Lincoln Nikki Aaron and myself Dave are going to play century spice road a game for two to five players designed by Emerson matsutake and published by Plan B games so let's mispronounce names of spices hey Dave yes long-haired side of the table yeah we teach this sensory spice road I will all right in century spice road we are leaders of our Caravan traveling through the desert trying to trade spices to essentially give you points as far as I can go with the theme we're each going to have a caravan let's just draw one of those now but I'm excited oh thank you you turn it over and this is kind of fun thing you have the little start player markers so you will be the star player you are going to start with three yellow cubes also known as turmeric or turmeric oh you get four of these I get more than this guy Nikki you get three in a red now you're going to do running tomorrow we're going to time it and linking you also get whatever three in a red because of your honor correct yes turmeric saffron cardamom and cinnamon sweet and they are weighted in that with their red one to Nick yes she doesn't know you do thank you so there's the most of turmeric not the most they are weighted in that order in the end that's the leaf cinnamon is worth more than cardamom is worth more than saffron is worth more than term well there's more cubes than there are the brown ones to write little isn't are there there are definitely definitely there's a smaller than that and there was the most of yellow me saying how I know it uses many of them alright on your return starting with Stephanie you do you must do one of the following four things and then bads your entire turning and do one thing on your turn then you than me and we just keep going around around around til the game ends which I'll explain how that happens later so one of these new your turn is you can play a card from your hand we start with the same two cards this card right here just gets you stuff that's what this card means that's what this card right here if you require anything I mean you just play it and you take T yo and you put it on your counter map alright I mean turmeric your Caravan no you put on your caramel your Cara man can hold ten key to record scary game always be can hold 10 cubes you are allowed to acquire more than 10 cubes on your turn but at the end of that turn you will then discard down to ten all right but you're not limited but if you can use them for something in the mail there is no using okay so you only do one thing on your turn so if you if on your turn you acquire tubes that are end up with more than 10 in your Caravan you will then before the end of your turn discard at a time so you can play a card gift you cubes you can play we all have this card this is an upgrade and it essentially takes it's a it's to upgrades and that can only endure it I'm going to upgrade to yellows to a red and climb up the ladder or I'm going to upgrade a yellow to a red and then it red to a green and obviously if I had other cubes this can be split up amongst two different teams in the regs but it's it's a double upgrade I'm usually only two cards we start with so one of the things you can do is you can play cards another thing you can do is you can acquire cards that's this bottom row down here these cards come in two flavors that is the same as this essentially you just plant this Imperial savory a reddit in yellow and then these are trade cards and when you play a trade card you are trading whatever is on the top above the arrow for whatever is below it so this would trade two greens for three Reds and two yellows hot when you play a trade card once they just were in my hand and I played it you can do this as many times as you want that as part of your turn if I had three Reds I could trade all three Reds for nine yellows but you're not required to and again once I had more than ten cubes on my card at the end it how to yeah yeah to acquire these cards that's a no thing you can do a turn you just take one this one is free as you might suspect it's like a lot of games these essentially cost a cube to move up so if I wanted that card I'd have to do this and if I wanted that car that have to do this it can be any give you any cube you want although obviously the yellows are the cheapest you may go there for the next person who take effect that is correct the cubes that are on the cards stay there obviously if you take say this card these would slide down and you credit draw it in here yeah card you could say this card I did I didn't say this up front but the game does not come with his mat this is an add-on it comes with everything else with the cups and the cubes and the coins and the cards and everything else to start committer see your card Imam and the cinnamon everything is local I wonder - nicely done and the calf rod and the chimeric coumarin so you can acquire a card when you require a card it goes into your hand a third thing you can do on your turn is you can rest when you rest and take all the cards that you played the table and you bring them back in your hand that's your entire trophy and then the last thing you can do when your turn is you can trade your cubes here for these victory point cards there will always be five they're worth this many points at the end of the game the number of the bottom there are gold and silver coins two times number of players and they are worth extra points and this is worth three points for gold and one point for a silver and if you happen to make this it comes with a gold clamp oh you like this it comes with the silver if the gold runs out these silver coins will slide down to this slot and then that would be made for silver but regardless of which one you make we just fill in any one mm-hmm excuse me these also slide down so if this one gets made this will become the new gold this will become a new silver and this will fill in from here and we are going to do that until a player has five of these scoring cards when you get one of these they say to keep it facedown in front of you when someone acquires a fifth one of those that is the last round so linking you will have the last turn of the game but if he acquires a fifth one of these on her turn then you have your turn in the game is over right now we don't have another complete round and when the game is triggered then you add up your points points are the number of the cards plus three for a gold and one for silver and any non yellow cube still in your Caravan is where the one point yeah and there we go that's the all right so these are in your hand yeah and you are the shark Clara we are traveling on this road are we all together like traveling companions really like get the best deal tomorrow sounds like a little like caravan bumping like on the way to market is Daniel that was ours right man look at all know you successfully she's a trash dump look at all of them and things that are there that you can acquire and get I think before you are that I want I don't know if I want that card or not let's do this yeah well you'll be doing it since it'll be done by the time look at it like a good one he's looking good if I go into camp goes into your hand you can play it right away I'll play right now [Music] good I'll do something similar I'll take this card Wow no you James the built-in card you've changed just you have the person what Aaron you can not take that cause I'm the one I wanted you started this whole I'm really what double upgrade just to agree double upgrade you mean hi to mom Trey he's trading it he's trading - it's an upgrade I'm ready for everything Adam really hard to the train no they're all these train cars how could we operate how can you upgrade one you're trading you're not a nurse I'm Rob Tim ricke looks like it looks like she's in case you might be aware it was no exchanger - yeah that's really good gingerly okay this is too good to pass up yeah no it will take that and that's like a whole turn yeah that's right it's like a bonus car yeah just a bonus card hold on us I said oh nothing and you bet I did I'm trying to figure I'm trying to figure it out I don't know that playing card I guess I'll take that one that's scot-free put the favori stuff here those devices where Kerrigan is pretty tight though the only skip the 10 spikes only 10 camels okay you don't use a whole camel friend they're big bags of spice that was a great upgrade trade I was it okay get on there these are really trade cards and the other ones are upgrades I'm going to take a - turmeric and Assaf on thanks no one's made and I'm just mad about saffron jerk yeah you just didn't use very good all right so if these cubes run out like if the saffron runs out is that it you can have any more saffron no you are not keyed limited it says like use something else my mom told me I wasn't capable of it I assume that it's only gonna its be a problem if I played or and only turmeric it seems like a there's a lot of a a lot of cheap turmeric yeah like getting up you're not going to run out of cinnamon whose turn is it Lincoln you don't know my life is about I'll upgrade Oh upgrade that's great are your attention to them oh great then to a superhuman would eat these isn't it exciting I know this is good art this isn't is intense oh I like it music I like it to become here I really do like it yeah literal writing soup it's so terrible I liked it I think I will I'll take different look sure mmm Gollum ah look at that did you clear eventually what do we got magnificent I mean how we want it spicy huh I'll take the free card excuse me Dave yeah give my reach is there any limit to carbs I can have to have 15 cards in my hand yes the way I want to go yes you can team on you're good surround you get a bonus like hey you've got 15 cards I put my favorite gold I will only make up my house it's not a miracle today I have to have the most cards right a lot of place will come right along with it there's no it's not a great secret goal but I'll be happy you know it me upgrade so I'm gonna go all the way to great unpardonable cardomom oh I don't want to hear any color names I only want spices okay guy rhyme room yeah well they're right there pictured right here yeah you get the card among the only tyrion are you happy you'll see sunshine is like a and you Bob Danielle and Merrick no he to Maris you go to tumeric Valley spy oh my gosh Oh bad and that was the reaches joke I think you've ever done alright like it was pretty far I accept what day on the breach - tumeric oh my gosh is too bad thank you tumeric I'm gonna play my upgrade and upgrade this one saffron - a simple ok first cinnamon no second I think you go on a cycle training go Lincoln not even for you I thought of sound what no we broke the sound barrier your last yeah I thought I'm gonna now - entertainment barrier then get for gonna flick and one saffron for her it's pretty cool cardamom great almost like it is yeah - hello / red to yellow for red to red for green but but you don't declare the card you're exactly right yeah even you action these the points on the cards for example match the Cuban card oh right hmm pretty there's some of the cube but I don't want to wait until my five seven eight one two why do you do let me get all the hmm all of them that now yeah there's more I'm wrestling okay you're out you genetic igniters yeah she's right I was making is 3x a grand gesture oh my god come with a game you get to go in the back and like sleep on the cot take like a little for the rest are yeah will rust which is another C word chat now wow that's an herb not a spice right I think so I think you could I don't think you would spice you have to season food with it right yeah you could see the river anyway yeah yeah I don't think you would I'm gonna get generally you don't know my life what you gonna do cinnamon breath listen man I'm gonna greatest I'm in man or okay get more out of it one of each pretend helpful for buying the top row mm-hmm not yet no we're good here oh you could get a card next turn instead of roasting hey cuz yeah that wasn't it guys quistis care canard mom it comes with a free time Eric pretty awesome yeah it gives you to brown for 3 red I know if it made it to me we don't get our I don't think it makes it to me it's gone I shouldn't help set you get out there I was already considering it you play this thing so 1 2 3 4 5 are you doing I'm changing green 5 turmeric for 3 card mom oh it's right not green that's good job Dave I'm doing it just for Erin I don't want to kill that bikes details I'm cuckoo for cardamom no I'll sign off on that kick it up Chris heading over all the way to green in tada - tada a lot of yellow for that guy what happens to be dextran out Dave Wow maybe they wouldn't it seems Liberty High senior graphic I'll be shuffling they're never gonna run out alright challenge accepted I just keep drafting guys I like it I got I got a little combo going here just take so many turns and I don't move it engine cinnamon and it turns into three saffron done hmm exactly why that this one seemed the good doesn't it seems a good you're good there's someone who seems good does it take you minutes it's a medicine right no else oh right now you only have a little your change right it's a it's a specific type of upgrade you're right it's like a forced but I took it but now you have two of them but it's really essentially yes yeah and you're gonna and there's lots of ways to get yellow so upgrading yellow is good but with that one it's always just yellow yes one word you can't are with red and we wanted to correct right you right ah whatever I did it okay okay Dave very good terrible choice hey quit it is terrible Fred hey runt I'm gonna ask Oh get this one I feel like this is a game where every move somebody makes them like charging on that ya know I wanted that one I mean they will for that okay so we know he's watching us right now right no I'm okay oh there are so many levels he knows that you here how did you do you turn that I got that draft in the car oh we got that okay nice oh that's good [Music] come on Rachel are I'm just a little bit well close to it really how you've done far too I basically just going to the market gun like tumeric anybody hand it over this production I'm he's down while I rest I'm good baby oh we got one all the way there comes a woman somebody in rebellion art right we mark different but if you different oats either starting cards are blue border and then the like the rest art yeah yeah good yeah good looking out egg oh just this one yeah the car glass blue though so you can see what yep start with yeah yeah I know just I counted it to Green for three oh I'm sorry I don't care Oh Aaron cares to car mom for three south learning to to turmeric got a lot of spice however your camels are house - yeah you had no free camel and he's like a bucket so what do you treat me with ice and eggs bags bags bags hey spice bag seeds okay so I'm going to upgrade upgrade for to cinema nice cine mom there's a lot of free stuff on that one oh wow makes a cardamom and cinnamon cinnamon to the mother sin / managers I think I want that free card I'm think I'm going for I'm going for the big hand strategy so I don't have to rest very much I might work out yeah I got it on that we're on the other hand it's a good idea but I've chosen you there there yeah we met seven cards I think you got to commit we're gonna maximize your actions maybe maybe I don't know when they start taking out in just a point indeed we do wait what have we done man matter cos fools what did you do hubris yeah lose you okay then why did we have taken to a bris hey you're okay right doesn't like it like a live one not just a fancy button-pressing they do these days I'm much more fancy book wow this is legal in kind but it's me we can thinkin [Music] cool I'm never gonna ever gonna rest I'm just gonna draw cards yeah yeah you never just draw a card played Ross I think it's bad I think so but there's been good for you guys it kind of gets to me like oh yeah turn that down I know yeah you can't leave it no I think okay there we go turning for turmeric for ya cardamom and a cinnamon is there anything you just get a cinnamon I don't think so I don't hang me up a brown and a green what what what how dare I already said the right words I am leading it for you dope fish you can't remember which way to do if this almost going to look like that part alone Simmons nothing happens how dare you get my stuff I am serious you have to invoke the spices by using their proper that's right I'm gonna be level double to Delaware that Devils upgrade I'm using this biggie biggie smalls I'm underneath and yes you buck for two cinnamon good job thank you sir well I am rusty why we're all confused no no the whole demon nothing she's operating man option trading and she trained up yeah Tritan up kind of tiled up yeah I named Stan why am I going to eat them mm-hmm it's to a delete deluxe apartment in the sky mm-hmm I'm just going to produce to turmeric turmeric memory here we go is it a big I am Mary I'll ask people to perhaps lucky into whatever the next card is yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna do it Wow what does this represent if you go into a spice Margie Polley go cific marketers a specific like look at that Emperor has ordered those spices words to note okay totally opened a jar machine you yeah two Merck dunno why food turmeric to paradise maybe that's right okay I'm doing the trade for a cardamom and two turmeric for two cinnamon look at that wow he got there right there huh yeah can I wash this top row card I don't know nothing not a lot of there's no vomiting dunking on his way to the market yeah one two three I'll just do this one I guess I lucked into it too saffron one cinnamon one card Amaya good mm-hmm yep hmm humming ham in any other I'm gonna humming ah they said technique good same things that make you go hmm we could run out of these cards but just maybe oh yeah if you're just people they're out yeah you keep what you have huh no wait yeah there's no reshuffle because there's no cards going back in very for me it it is still a lot you would have liked yeah two red four red for a green and three what I'm our nominee you're not I don't understand this green after you kiss a fan for a car you don't hurt her I know three there you go how dare you okey-dokey I will purchase nice yeah why mega hell yeah swipe down take a gold going be going and those all slide down yes she does close come close so someone could snake it from me like oh no no that doesn't send you good sure does this not even deal yeah no one can speak from you yeah I'll do it on your next I can't Josh you got two turns away yeah I don't have that I'm just going to take four turmeric absolutely close gasps I'm entitled thank you sir can I just grab for Joe did not think I was going to actually well care of spice magician okay is not buy that / - you done - here to chinos please so I'm resting okay all right you go bed refreshed sorta but now I'm three turns awake oh no I want to see one I'm gonna happen in my madam I don't the production that she has to rest there and then most can get to this yeah I think never does you wanna take that take that and that guess what resonating rusty take a card I could take a card I thought about it that was not bad now if you want to roam energy definitely stalling I kind of in your spell yeah I had I probably said one term I could have done this a little sooner but I think well I'm going to do a second Wow what is the second one it's three Turek into a luminous that's awesome yeah yeah good until the hell we play powerful cards have your Nana record what a sucker we were all but I'm good yeah I know I have missed ahead I'm just taking it on principle it does it for communication well yeah I know I'm saying when it gets down to the affordable well if you're floating and turn I mean this one's not great when you're that green and yellow one I'm being totally different yeah there are different we made you at that but there are definitely better product I haven't even been looking I've been covered announcing in to the wrong land a great long-term ROC have a good thing now yes yeah she got that but it was a great upgrade upgrade and even though she's going to buy it our next turn because her caravan is fall no there is actually an argue to me that she doesn't have to do that yet right because if no one can do it they can't beat her to it right her thing is home right so but if she see the card she really wants it doesn't hurt her to stop a turn correct since what if she could never tell her there's a whole card on the way there's no like kaboom I take two actions and do a thing that you didn't see coming let me know that surprise there yeah I guess I will time to rest yet turn these three into a cinnamon I can't open up the lack of green and that top that true or once Nikki takes that one way there's none you mean car I love it I'm going to gamble anyway Wow in the desert green green it's three greens three cardamom and just hope they show up it's a big dick yeah it's not I got stuff they can do you can upgrade it with good engine and stuff all right here we go a bit exciting new entry to go around 2000 are zero errands no urine and we can mine zero who is that I don't know you look around here I guess we are 11 Homer you know not cool that's not very great it's worth 300 I mean you were three more points I would do it oh look at that four day what we're green Evan it's like you that is reject that isn't like you set it up to have my car do stuff with great I was just getting you a it is male Lincoln's turn I'll do an upgrade for cinnamon saffron and to to mix as a good card see what does of it well when you have that synergy light right and something that produces green and then turns it at all this is the one for me right this green gives me these yellows and then five of them I have a separate one gets me back to you I am like no I guess we'll do it oh yeah if you can do it hmm maybe maybe a gold how we want to do it wait am i define about yeah that's fun spend this book yeah it's only 505 comments on again huh I'm gonna rest feeling it that also got silly just like hmm you guys talked her to that but that's pretty great right there she had I know I had it but Oh minute waiting points but I have to spend - well I'm assuming you know yeah oh I see I didn't even see that was there that's 115 between wife for 15 verses oh no horse no no I don't know that I don't I I don't know I don't know well here's the thing she can do this now yeah right now yeah I mean if unless someone else does no I'm not I mean I like you figure that I have I'd really here see that no one I didn't table talk and consider but I did consider that and I felt like this was better that well you were talking us out of it really well because I really wanted to wait for a higher number yeah yeah because if you get five cards you're I am desperate you're welcome to Uruk true liquid return cinnamon for cardamom saffron and a tumeric not accumulate hey needed to be said again yeah never better knowing that it's never been even old or in it or I don't know is it I know is it do you want to take that card nope yeah you might as well wait right like there do I take turn and get for that one oh no I should gamble I don't know what card you guys have listen to it I'm just double check to brown to cinnamomum and two different I care about is almost empty whoo - twenty big one yeah are not the highest might be an undertaker cubes I'm tell you them are cinnamon remember these are essentially four three two and one point as far as the card values go I'll do I mean this you're close to my house or to ending the game but I have almost as many points as Nikki which are apart yeah it's true can I get into the game a saffron and tonight five cards is again sickly one a saffron into two marks no that was like the best side turning in five tumeric three four five four two cinnamon thank you sir mmm-hmm do three two Merck for a staff run in the car loan oh good thanks no tumors mm-hmm I'll two three turmeric for assuming thank you sir you really like the people on that side of the table have to you know make a lot of change now my restroom yeah dang it I'm resting as well yes I'm going to get to to Rick cheating on the number of spaces they're not even uh fine can work in Riften thank you you're welcome things like to saffron for my upgrade please upgrade like seven correct sir [Music] good there's again yes I'm genius to double that I did it the funky way done all right to tumeric resting listing card safe don't want to do that I don't now do you like not also going to take those other cards whoa Wow that is a pretty good kind of level red is pretty good but you also made the other cards so II D and so fun for other people I did want to do that so do I get a doze - cinnamon into those things oh I kind of like this one I don't have the cubes despair so I'm going to I want to called calling I'm gonna deliver two cinnamon and three snaps a frown yep I did the radius turn for this wondered if you were going for that one oh I was wonder what he's doing well he if nobody's going for four dreams he can afford to wait yeah yeah yeah but I blew it because if I I could have done this in the upgrade instead of the cinnamon oh and then I couldn't just bought that when I moved it down oh but if I didn't know you're gonna do that right that's now setup for Lincoln if you wanted yeah well he could have also spent a turn I was trying to beat him to the other one because he was the only person it was close I was to turn to this one yeah right why yeah you had plenty of time okay because I would have to do an upgrade then do that but I didn't know what part you had in your hand until you rested oh yeah I don't know what my man it was not happening all day to play well you're welcome I gave you an 11 point okay okay I'm going to play this then I'm going to turn Gio is in the two legs all right I'm going to take that one I'll buy that one for a dollar there it is there is one Wow o-line bro the one filming producer I didn't know yeah there's also I think a three upgrade so that makes a deck that makes sense I think so I've noticed are you listen either there's one three I had it really a man named it seems like the best communicate it was lovely it was lovely mm I'll take for Turk sorry I'm sneaky okay thank you extend that to cinnamon for two green and three bathrooms thank you sir there you go to cry moment excessive she's all over the place she says green and cardamom and I found at the same time I like it the next generation exchange I guess or trade but pneumonia like to go to the hotel Thank You about it so silly I'm going to rest for turn lock into a green and a brown keen word I got one of each PFL I bet there's a one of each gardener that turns into this done okay I'll be funny yeah that'll be something turning in a saffron to get a sense cinnamon mmm cinnamon I know it sounds of Dave sing a song we don't know Camelot touch of the sea oh he did so but he spelled it right now he didn't either you still let's see you yeah it's off a slide slide some card s did you play cards on it no I do he took the phone that was I'm sorry I thought your tip from here that makes over - there was turmeric on a work queue of them Manju or good you are not free when Joe chooses to [Music] answer cinnamon two three saffron three red please and I'll take two of these they're small done okay huh that's funny okay um I'm gonna do it just keep digging you wanna see what's on the end oh no three upgrade there you're at it would you take by the way not that it's really going to affect my straw the cinnamon lady yeah nice yeah oh yes I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm so weary when ready she left me ready to go wait I'm doing this I'm gonna return me again I'm gonna bet me junior Oliver Oliver yeah I'm doing this to cinnamons please certainly I'm sending to cinnamon to connect to Cecily for this cheap one yeah it isn't uh we could got it it's got Lincoln right all you got it man over make me out of here what I'm she's not doing it now I'm gonna do it as well yeah okay well you guys start from scratch now give three cards now look she's got a handful of cards yeah no spices on his Caravan yes I basically have no stuff we have you have 15 points on your Caravan I'm gonna take I'm gonna care what their permit look I don't really I could even lose the game and you would have taken it there good one card mama man the space here is really hindering yes yeah yeah you got a do stuff with Aaron's got his little school - yeah actually Nicky this folder and Stephanie's not take photos but I have a lot of life we read for for two or three for two cartons I don't like making it out yeah I'll look at that never in a room I got room for all that no remember he only needs three slots for that be keppard yeah because you're spending the time and still a lot of flosses and that's only grace you're a lot of camels to burden I'm resting yeah yeah mm-hmm I never talk don't know I'm sure it gets you green gets me some cardamom okay I'm gonna just take my free cinnamon wah oh yeah yeah pretty cinnamon I'm gonna exciting women maybe what what nothing I'm not - now take my card she'll take in the car taking the cards making my way downtown sounds nice assess market mm-hmm you have to shift gears I think I need to shift gears i justit scares the only goes 50 years at some point right now this done yeah shifting oh just a green now david why that yep you force me into it of course yeah you did got to do it now no more no time to dawdle no dawdling up dear what oh I don't know what I wanted to right now I want that so I'm gonna upgrade upgrade from um it's pretty awkward oh never oh yeah it's fun you should show that one's long ago it's sadly relevant it really isn't I agree it wasn't for that wasn't easy that was an easy cheap shot yeah isn't sorry I don't know if I don't know what I'm doing this turn I said I was going to upgrade now I'm taking you too much I wanted to make a fan I don't have to as much to think about it right I don't know Kay you're gonna get that you've got that so I'm just going for that yes why no no you're gonna do wait yeah a green police are harder and harder mob is what you need if you're go if you're dying for that I'm going for them go for that you guys go because you're going to wait until we get those got their own map make sure you wear in my hand right exactly yeah mm-hmm and the coin thing is the gold coin so I'll get your own gold coins short arms I got shorter Wow I got nobody back arms can't leave the gold going to France - we're so silly you're gonna do that shoot pew pew pew pew how do I get there yes I am no yep grating yep red - a salmon yeah to yellers get that I know thank you Jane - right I don't have to right why does he shouldn't have to good you can't get it nobody else can get we all chose it if you as long as you don't have it I can't do other stuff so you know the American get a green right now are brown right now then you lose this house missiny then this is even more right well I see yeah she's there yeah good there's no reason for me to take right climate right exactly if she takes this yeah I'm except then she's giving me an extra point I'm taking this before Nicky can get it yep yep yeah no I was I was mad as it was absolutely the right man that's why I waited on the green so that this would get there yeah here's my here's my market delivery huh I got that I'm not an 8 in a 10 in here I have to yes you're gonna save up for a big move I can't just willy-nilly do I can yeah we're gonna take that one Wow a six I now have four cards oh what's that Larry Larry five cards is end-around and remember all neon yellow Q is the game all non yellow tubes yeah no kids I'm right or not he's not a threat to immediately end the yeah yeah but so if you get this card we finish out the round when you utilize the last time right sorry Mickey if I took it for sure right I have no sorry no sorry no I'm you've got you have plenty of flexibility urns inspired yeah I took the only thing I could get story in my life hey that's not fair you and I shot down there plenty more cards I'm just too glad you can just get right now what yeah I can't bike you at one time enough no but no but why don't you take whichever ones cooler no just do that one too and 214 yes good yeah okay remember Steve that make you okay probably in the Stanford m6 but we'll see Safran no no Safran could anybody else have taken it for me that's the question I think could any of one have beaten it eating you to it yeah yeah but we did yeah mm-hmm I don't know it's exactly what I had so I just went with it yeah I then I think it was the right move we'll talk about it later but like what it doesn't hurt Stephanie anything to take a third commentator fourth right now I know you're a threat to take a fist card correct so which could happen pretty quickly well you did the one the good thing is is you're not giving them any more points by these move around Yeah right like if she could buy something over here and not worry about you know yeah but I probably should look back write down time for temperance and I will list all these transfer over to you you know like sir dave lessons Thank You Thomas Jennifer cardamom saffron and turmeric 21 or 21 yeah well which one's harder for the rest of us to get I guess I was trying to think about it looks like the three cinnamon one is pretty hold about three cinnamon yeah it was about equal I say take the silver one because otherwise you upgrade this one to 23 for the next person that's what I was thinking Yeah right yeah trying to china bedroom yeah yeah think of that ma'am you got paper let Hannah go yeah you brought that - you bought it she delivered the spices yeah she's right ah specula yes I'll do I'll just turn three turmeric into one cinnamon in turn making a car mom done okay five yellow turmeric is it or Cheers cinnamons nice thank you I told you there was going to leave I want to beat you over that you did that upgrade Karl Armand yes to turmeric for to Simmons - - turmeric and uh that's a good round please yeah I was like the first production I got it seems like a pretty good one too [Music] resting resting resting resting dang it I've already played by upgrade card and I keep thinking I just wanna upgrade those well spend two cards for this and then upgrade but that's not right now yeah it's true and yeah you can just rest and do the thing yeah right yeah from let that burning and not learning to spice on it I think I might need to do that let's see what else can I do no no no I am going to do that I'm afraid it's going to end before I get to do something cool so I'm resting all right and it turns into carnem on turns into the saffron in four days what are those days to memory person or turmeric turmeric is what gives mustard of yellow color is it really good I think so how does it go in mustard seed I doubt it right I looked it up a few weeks ago I was like what is what is that you know if I'm involved yeah right now she upgrading to us and I'm sorry right whatever you said I know it sounded so sure of it yams like I planted it assurance in the mission right take two they're small they're good why am i laughing I don't know 207 I'm gonna upgrade this to a cinnamon here from you to look into to mine me 18 yeah yeah you mean 21 with a glow yeah did you get the coin yeah okay thank you how many cards you got next three three corners three scoring cream good fax card mom's thank you thank you may have a tournament already actually thank you Volta doing pretty good I think anything does a nice mix emoji I did too I just didn't want to all be sort of hanging to you sort of saying the right thing and weekly I want it pick a fact for the last round I says we can forget that one's on your bed Matt do you for three cards are for just to me okay maybe things that's all I'm concerned about right now you might still I had a lot of points though in my Apple cheeks he's got some good no I just didn't know if it was like threatening the last round as while I was checking I'm I'll take my for turmeric production I don't I go only have three camel spaces I'll take a bit enough you can only take it yeah it matter you just take four then you throw in when you throw but you do anything away right I could throw I'll take it two yellows in a red what discovery because I'm stumbling I'm tired now high five of these Wow three four three three yeah day of stewing it dang it I was just trying you're going to get that one so I was just trying to be able to get something can I do anything if I do that but you can get this right you're the only person who can get that right no Lincoln can get it - no Linc is gonna get this one I know but then so this is yeah and you were going pretty honey thing else yeah no but I'm definitely gonna do yeah you want any effect yeah it's isn't gonna be over and I won't be able to Canadia you shouldn't do it on your turn now why shouldn't he if you think that he makes this worth one more point to me about doing but if you oh and he gets the last term correct he's gonna get to go out can wiggle if you know then I'll do it oh I didn't know she could do it yeah then yet oh yeah yeah he's got to do it you forced them you sort of that's an interesting thing about this game is like trying to turn key you essentially force somebody's moved by threatening but I had to do that to instead forfeit some other points for buying one yeah so cardamom three saffron cinnamon and se Rick and I got a day order take the gold Cole and I got it I got a duet I know it could be hurry hurry I'd be perfect one less points for me yeah yeah I said this one yeah I'll agree and luckily Lincoln's purchased not to mine into the gold coin slot well you're not a - a gold coin slot maybe I oughta wait he can't wait if she doesn't get her channel I can't wait I can't wait to be back we're gonna talk about three million wait no no talking skimming at the keyhole then Oh God and then you get there anyway but we all have yeah but one Megan well you get to get cute this point yeah yeah look you belong you slide down you can't you have any cards will get you cute hang on yellow which won't get me going you can you can't well you you can upgrade you know doesn't matter no can't upgrade your beam into any other - no you're fine I need to greens to do it I'm just gonna take the two yellow cuz I can there you go but they don't do anything tiebreaker can you convert those to you of course I'm just trying to suit there's something else it would be lovely in my hand I don't think so so I praise those two - I'm not laughing don't you care nothing right yeah so card points coin points and then one for each non term yet you yeppers and the gold is three corrects 50-ish no numbers you know no car dimande you're scoring yes oh that's alright I'll translate it into spices for you okay here we go let's one player order around the table and declare scores 58 60 to 67 58 61 oh now I doubt you'd be closer I don't know if I got into two sort of level 16 goes to 3 so first only having four cards with it we're all yeah no Amina that's a nine point spread for the entire game that's kind of my highest my highest one was the fifteen and without your two coins you have Lincoln's score right I believe that's the reason that I'm just trying to see how important the coin I had three cards and two one for that first one and we were all like oh wow that is low cards I think was not great I think I should await it but I feel like that could certainly be part of our rushing the end of the green game but not your first economy it just depends though right we don't have to spend school somebody else can get them as well yeah if you feel that you have an engine that can upgrade that in a relatively quick time then it's worth it yeah I had a good engine I don't think I needed to do that all right Stephanie what you think in this game ah this is my first play and I like it I enjoy engine building I enjoy trying to figure out if cards are worth it or not with free cubes on it and then whether or not I need to put cubes out there to get cards I think I want the interesting part is whenever it ends you know in like if your first player you don't get a chance right would try and do that so that's that's good I was first player if I felt that tension and that heat and yes I liked it it's pretty cool what I'm interested any thoughts I think to me my lot of people are comparing to find her with her I mean in its base level it is but what's interesting about there's two big differences what's interesting is the upgrading I like I like the shifting things trying to get optimized stuff there do seem to be some cards that are a little powerful that are out here that not everybody has a shot to get right that's kind of rough but that's okay it's just it's how it works out we did get the did somebody take it no matter there yeah that is about right absolutely and the first thing that I think that would be the first player advantage for example is that word that were here in the first three cards from writer writing start player especially it was mostly like stuff like that you're writing a cinnamon down I wouldn't be able to use not just getting stuff there's there are many like airhead crises you checked online I took thing get it on right yeah this was the only college than the original six that God like you God wasn't a dream car yeah the other thing we know that Dave is going to agree upon you know this yep so there's no stopping anybody when they have when they've got them yeah when they've got it you can write about it and take a couple you know a coin like you can't split them so yeah that's not necessarily a bad thing all that is looking future well it's just weird though because some people just have to do what they can do and it makes this three point through somebody else that's already kind of doing well and you can't like just in that one case there it did give him three more points right I don't know how 67 so you're still a far ahead of us but the thing is is it was what you want a clear unit 62 right yeah I can't pass up a 14 point because you can't there's nothing you can do to turn that around and that's only the only thing really is kind of weird for me about it for me okay so this these coins just seem random to me I have no basis for this but this feels like they play tested they gave a bunch of times and someone said you know these five cards are just here and if I if I can make any one of them that I've never really fighting anybody for anything and so someone said well what if we made this card just arbitrarily worth an extra points and that might focus people in this sort of fighting for it it's the arbitrary nature of an extra three and an extra one well but like I I didn't bother getting in the green engine because you guys have the green so it's like there's so much stuff I'm not going to be able to do right that's the downer about that system for me because you're what are you going to do there you can't you can't make something out of nothing in that regard you know I mean so that's tough you have to just take what you can take then you know Stephanie took it you know she took a couple suboptimal car to or two again you don't know for sure the only good one I got yes I was it was a twenty one as well it was ya know here we're going to take that one so made this one yeah didn't make them they could have taken that one it would mean that maybe I'd rehab would have been a twenty twenty-one twenty-three so that was that there and that was a good point right which maybe I should have because he had all those green and he was going to end the game right so maybe no I didn't have him at that point yeah I was turns about what did you think Nicky I enjoyed it I played it I think there's a third time I played good and I still like it I like the simplicity of it I like the fact that you're just straight up engine building and upgrading there's something fun about just that with real other things going on I like the upgrade thing too I think that's what is more fun here in splendid well let's let our super e hyper first Flender and here's why the thing that's the thing that I think meet here that I that you a lot of people responding to is that unlike splendour in which you are I mean you could argue that splendour is an engine building game to a certain extent but really it's it's with resourcing as far as just building up Jim you something you thing though they get the other thing the trade aspect of this is just more interesting splendor is straight forward to the point where it's not necessarily interesting the notion of okay I could do this to go back to here and then move to here and write that in that's really fascinating and when a card all of a sudden shows up here that you look at your hand and think oh man that fits so great with each other too so you have almost like a deck building aspect here that you don't have in splendor but what I like and splendor that I don't see in this game is that I can look ahead and splendor I know what the top goals are in splendor free points I could build a passel of it and I can see the three levels of card and I can build a path towards that more importantly I can secure that path and maybe deny one of you that path by reserving a card in splendor yeah one of the main reason you can't stop that you can't just pull it off and one of the main reasons that I won this game is the ridiculousness of the fact that this car just came off the deck ya know I built two green because that's what my card you even said that he said I hope there's green coming out well I had to write so a grunt I built two green was green traded in this stuff yeah yeah and I just took a chance and that though cards can flip up in splendor that doesn't happen in splendor as much right as in this game yeah the one thing I wanted to add is is the addition of having this limited exactly space oh yeah because if it was all about just collecting cubes and then just regurgitating them out and buying 16 cards at one time or whatever anybody say your identities well absolute fact that I you have to constantly keep working around the space here right Superman is the problem right part of the problem is that you love to go over ten and well maybe and maybe that's not a bad thing if going over ten gets get to exactly but yes I think is he doing some of it but I didn't have a lot of yellow I had the same problem I'm like I don't want to go over ten so I played this game once before and I had so much yellow and out of the game the turmeric I had so much it was actually kind of interesting because I had cars like that right but this when I was actually I was dealing with higher end stuff you had a cinnamon engine that's yeah but yeah wow this is well yeah ya know Carla okay they weren't necessarily coming up in the right especially when they had a lot of green there's a couple that right I've got like that had a green with you did you have one Stephanie this was my engine that I was trying to do so yellow to red Reggie Christian green to cinnamon if I want well I'm going to do three turns to do that and then I got this awesome that's a pretty good that's annulment like an exact straight up so that's pretty cool it's still five turns out though well it's four turns to do it and then to maybe use it but a lot of the stuff out there actually didn't need a lot of high cinnamon cinnamon occurs on I mean it's obviously on all the high scoring cards it's going to be I really needed to turn I really needed to turn it right oh my basic elite oh yeah and then it comes to which is kind of cool yeah I like I do like that stuff it's just boy this one this game is definitely reward you with multiple ways right you know we really understand and know what the cards might be able to do yeah I really like it seems like 20 days I suppose is a little arbitrary but I like the coins and these extra extra victory points essentially they introduced a sort of time and strategy element that wouldn't be there if there were just five cards up there okay right it's under the only person who can do this card and you can see around the table clearly Stephanie doesn't have five card Omar's saffron and then Lincoln's three turns away from getting it then what they didn't even wait as long for long run yeah they did a guard came up yeah he was the only person with four green so he waited all the time till it was down now Nicky his players okay I made it here because Nicky beautifully done you can essentially wait until someone makes that card worth more point exactly or or threatenings when she gets five red then I take this card again where it but essentially it gives up four slots my clarity does an entire time but if you'd rather david water you know that i'm guaranteed victory on this particular case i mean you wait because it was only four cubes but if i'm if i can hit with six cube coordinates here not a way to here you can't really behind you has had way more cards whatever yeah there can be some timing element I waited on this one the SS until someone else got it then I could just wait right for it to be where form it's almost like you need to find two cards that are ten cubes right so if this four cubed thing comes up then I can look at a six cube card and try to basically make my card my my Caravan so that it's both have too many engines turning at once yes assuming that no one else is doing that so that I thought he was definitely on your heels on a lot of that yeah yeah totally what was the big ones that you had their new GP um yeah I ever saw it was pretty great institution really good that's really awesome let's go in here right in the game I played that me angry I didn't I went to green I didn't do a lot of I didn't even I think I used that one I didn't do a lot of that and I probably should have done more of that taking stuff from job you know like um turning iron Sam groaning into different things this is my only card that does that so I probably should have done more of that but I was like I don't know it seems random I mean it balanced but like I don't know what I'm going to need one cardamon and you know it actually worked for me that's how I did all my stuff yeah yeah I mean I basically barely took anything and just converted and shifted and you know it was pretty effective well was really saying was how many cards he took the beginning before you had to rest for the first time yeah when I just kind well I was gonna do it no Mike no these guys are crazy one day the car is going into your chance as long as you can do it you're free or cheap just keep doing it well I've arrests but you are forfeiting and you're forfeiting potentially something sorry right right yeah and I um maybe did such like especially if there's free spices on yes I'm tend to not for the card but just access I know I there's one I absolutely took the game you ready yeah I just took it for coming I never interpret this was the flight the first time ever had three red you know 307 well he took a card that I never played James because and had a bunch of stuff on it on this card no she said that she had the one is five to the C cinnamon uh my it was surprisingly enough and towards the end of the game it was difficult to use this card because my care hand was full oh yeah I couldn't I could I have ways of getting more yellow did you have it not just for it right on in a UK yes so you needed to save it you're the green likes me a cardamom spots yeah so whose first time is it playing mercenary yeah so I definitely think games like this like splendor and engine building games like you play your first time yeah and then you figure out what type of engine works for you in that game because it's different but it also it really didn't if I would answer it shows up yeah and that's what I feel well there's fine I actually shouldn't judge this because I only played with three I think maybe four I play with our eye we did not get that far through the deck oh you thought we might go the challenge you did not get a challenge well how many how did you come across I have no more Aaron and I the newtonís first to run one yes one two three four I have nine on it oh I'm eight I have a nine including it's okay they asked are Salomon nice yeah considering you know you had the most efficient you actually really into resin did you like the five different caravan art cards but yeah mine's like a nighttime party they're pretty I do like the fans like they're something honorable Hawks like rocks there's a couple of panels but they're like we're like turbines from different places man I'm all we get Egypt in here we've got sheep and go to India I got all camels I definitely have turban where my dudes okay I went to come another game there aren't a lot of games that have built the start player into the game can you go another way another much but I can't think of one I like that you that's just on one of the game components I need to always have to use that caravan King of Siam is true you you hand out cards to tell you start with a yellow cube and a red cube and they had the player order right okay and there are also games I guess where you start with like a random like you flipped cars do you have a random number of money and like whoever has the least or I listed driver enhancer you just hand out random player order cards like one two three and - alright and they came to our game yeah come part of the game then I give arbitrary just for them I know it there's no way it hasn't been done before right yeah you don't think it but yeah literally like your Caravan oh yes dollars you just play with this and however many add in you know do this - five minutes IQ I would like we say at the beginning that I got you know the coins are two times number of players oh right there would be interesting and when I two-player game in a two-player game I believe you need six of these standing it you're not five I wonder why they didn't do different levels of scoring for the different spice cute yeah I think that we have then it wouldn't know it wouldn't matter yeah then we can add on to the harvest exactly you would just you would just oh well I didn't get that car but I think one anyway having Indian spices yeah it would make it to you would it would make it not enough of a reward endemic scoring organic yep then I guess would be too much to do fractions like to bran is worth one and then so this card is worth five points in cubes if you only have the tombs the dump right hard right you can give sends only two points and cubes right that's a good deal there yeah you shouldn't get 17 points at the end again yeah yeah you just came right right yeah all right cool thanks Damian thanks for teaching yeah that's century Spicer [Music] you [Music]
Channel: BoardGameGeek
Views: 79,686
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Keywords: GeekUsername:heccubus, session, board game
Id: Hqpo0kTN6Y0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 48sec (4488 seconds)
Published: Wed May 03 2017
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