Celebs talking about Harry Styles Part 1

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you how would you describe his personality he's fun he's very chilled but he said he's just a comic little genius he's hilarious really yeah and you know one of the greatest things about Harry though is whenever he meets anyone he will always introduce himself and Harry Styles or just to carry if it's no be other clear who he is so there's just something so refreshing about that when he does that totally genuine when I met Harry Styles at a sushi restaurant how did you go up and that was actually a really funny I met him again another time was super normal but like I just got in LA and it was like the first week I was there and I saw him there and I was like geeking out which I wouldn't do now because he is literally a person but I I treated when I saw him like oh my god what a weird day Harry just walked in but I forgot I had my locator on so literally everyone came in ten minutes there were like 200 feet outside it was kind of madness he was think you about that did you know about look at the Billboard Awards when I saw him backstage he was like oh that was you that's right I remember you how old are your daughters now vivy is 8 in Georgie is 5 and because of Jenna and and because they're great but my five-year-old spends a lot of time on a fake phone talking to Harry oh really and he was kind of bugged by him I was like Harry's annoying like Harry I got I can't even hear you thank you look at me and she's like her laser she's literally laid off Harry I already caught anahi she's driving me crazy girls reveal the advice band member Harry Styles told them I remember we were we were in rehearsals and he came up to us and told us as a group you all all said you should be on the same thing and the closest things to each other because around all five of the people they're going to come and try to snatch it we're going to try to break you guys apart so as long as you as long as you five are your best friends that's the most important Harry that's creepy if you got your face tattooed on the thigh or would you like it it wouldn't surprise me if he did because he's crazy I met him he's amazing dude he's really chill like when I first met him I was scared that he'd be like I don't know like big pop star and like super famous guy but he was just like what's up and he's like a 20 roll dude and I'm 20 so the bondage is great are you guys writing you are right no well then everyone's telling you not everyone telling you I want to Illinois style spank club I think he's an amazing writer I heard he wrote like ariana grande songs and stuff Harry was brilliant in it like acting it's a queen I do Lily there's nothing he can't do genuinely yeah there is nothing out of the realms of possibility for him like he's he's got that thing which is kind of unquantifiable you know like Justin Timberlake has yeah you just gravitate towards it whatever he's doing and yeah he was completely brilliant yeah they all were yeah he's a great kid in and we've got got on really really well and we've had a lot of fun I've not actually had any acting scenes with Harry but you know he's a sweetheart and you know I think you know nobody can be that charismatic on stage and not transferred to to film acting and you know Chris would not cast the 1 unless he knew that they could do it so I'm really looking forward to seeing what he can do in the movie and he's a great great kid and we put a lot of fun together Harry's Harry's cool like he's doing it the strangest thing about about Harry is he he lived my flat for a while but like he had a house but he had two houses this is before it's less 1d right now this is after he's well this is like this is like a couple of months ago we had two very posh houses in London who just come and stay and I'll be like what did you want to like live at your house for a bit knees right now I'm cool when Jenny lives just it makes house it's like it's it's it's cool because obviously he has to see his friends every day and you wouldn't want to be in a big house on your own I just see it you know for a little bit I was just like man he should live in your house for a little bit you know because most my stories that I say on radio kind of end up in in in media I'd like to put something out there as well that I found that the other day that no one them no one wrote about but going back to Harry roat I swore him in LA about three months ago and he he had a day off and he went out no no no one no there's no one's written about it and I'd like for press to write about it because I think it would be a nice thing but he went out on his day off and spent write two or three grand on Domino's pieces and drove around for the whole day just given it to homeless people and I think that's an amazing story that people should why I should cover was little things written about one Direction's little things do you know Harry leaks a picture and so this is over he he's previously making it up it definitely hasn't got a little things so no I did not right what am I looking forward to I looked at that style of kids the Harry Styles guy that styles styles guy all right Homer raving after I mentioned IBM hadn't really seen a lot of pictures of them until recently and I didn't know that the band was morphed together in the in the social medium form that is the x-factor right crazy right not know that and so I I like the bad guy and funny well you know you that you learn you learn come from you everyday talk a little bit about your parents we've been seeing that with Harry Styles telling on that friendship came about I don't I really don't know like but these all this button I remember being ten or eleven and he was at my house and I was like and I was never like a huge One Direction fan but like I was still a teenage girl and I was a case which was by Jackie just hidden my daughter become really good friends and I think she just like feature on two by family even yeah he's the sweetest kid and I woke up to him so much I love having him around Justin Bieber Rihanna hey woman why the thing I never saw human drool oh my god I haven't seen I've had a lot to do them yet um but I'm and I don't know much about his work he is a very very undoubtedly and fairly really handsome young man what surprised me the one night then that when we had to drink together about four or five is a lot of young guys in the cast but he was so funny and witty I've been watching the football and the Germans are beginning to lose against the French and I there was a picture in the German crowd and I said um oh look at the Germans looking really serious and he said [ __ ] I was like that's not how they normally look they normally look like it's pretty witty and he's very quick but I know the stuntman is a lot of stunts in it and he has to do a lot of them not comfortable stunts and he's just so positive and brave and brilliant they all think he's wonderful I think he's making a great move personally because I think if you do have a lot of souls he surely does then um you can you can share more of that through acting in film then you can I think to popular music both things probably will be his his are in his option but ya know he sees remarkable young men there a lot of remarkable young men in the film and actually you know the amazing thing - he just blends in with them all but just seems one of the group he's not what got any airs or any other I can't see I can see why people very very um very fond of him uh you know he was visiting the studio because he was in town because he had a date on his tour in LA we keep them in studio and they were like Harriet automated films are like sharing and so I was like it's nothing me doing does he write self art music I mean I guess so I didn't know I mean I knew him as a vocalist they're given as a member of One Direction I looked you know immigrants like Harry from one direction yeah I didn't know as much as like a writer or you know anything like that so it was such a pleasant surprise I was like wow we sold incredibly gifted I don't really glad that you know people get to see that bad it's no great what would you like to work with or with his energy great very funny he's very silly and very very sweet very professional and um never too serious like I would be I would be singing in the booth and I was terrible he liked all that was terrible he tried again we use like Justin is very nice very really fair thing is though he's pretty amazing got a magnetic quality about him and if he looks in you it's like staring into the face of a lighthouse it's just I don't know what it is about our boy did it yeah who else do you want to make out with is there anyone that you'd like to mark I've been reading about people that you have a cushion yeah okay so you know I have a thing for Harry Styles yeah well he looks like a young macaca how much you reckon you fancy might of like say ten kind of like being honest I don't really know him like the ins and outs to know someone to fancy them you can fancy them I'm not too might love well then a ten that's had you actually are a big supporter of Harry's I'm a big fan of fan of Harry's yeah he's very talented he's lovely I wanted to open a barber shop with him called Harry Styles but he would be mom cos he won't do it he's missing out he doesn't call me back Harry has come to a couple of our shows under his suite gone since I think I probably said the same thing about chemistry cotton really member tstewy enamored with his hair cut quite a haircut I was like this pretty sure I was a straight guy cause I'm here for the [ __ ] aliens it's unbelievable stelson good it's a shiny skippable body it's a song that was written by the handsomest man in the world Harry Styles he couldn't be here so a substance on top to cover it for you
Channel: Swiftstyles II
Views: 996,192
Rating: 4.9784474 out of 5
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Length: 10min 43sec (643 seconds)
Published: Thu May 25 2017
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