Celebrity KUWTK Cameos, Kim's WILD Beauty Treatments, Fights & More! | House of Kards | KUWTK | E!

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[Music] Oprah how are you are you do nice to see you welcome come on in welcome here they come here they come hi this is opra she's like everybody's Aunt the one lady that you never met but you feel like you could talk to her be yourself around just to meet her it's mindblowing you know people always say to me oh you look better than you do on TV I think you look just as good as you do on TV cuz I think when people say you look better that's I think do I look really awful on television they're like you are so much thinner than I thought and I'm like believe me I get that a lot I get that a lot I think we're going to go over to this staircase family and do some photos yay makes a good photograph I tell all my girls at school one two y first it's like a group photo and then it goes like my mom and Bruce Lamar and Chloe Scott and Courtney Oprah or whatever and then it's like Kim thanks Kim Oprah and like just Kim Kendall and Kylie and then and Rob hi Hi and then I'm like on the end and like Kendall's like towering over me I don't even want to be a part of this Scott hey man I'm doing the Arthur George thing with the socks and then I'm going to extend underwear and like undershirts oh that would be perfect with the same name but Lamar would want to be involved too but Lamar doesn't even care about the name he just wants to be involved it' be awesome I would probably do anything I could to help Rob out in a business sense just because you know I think he's struggling a little bit he just doesn't really know how to focus and put his mind to things and he's kind of used to his mother doing things for him he needs to understand that being a man sometimes you have to do everything on your own the sakul is signed up right yeah but I need to get the contracts finished I get confused hello okay Kylie Kendall is the tall one her name is longer okay Kendall is the tall one her name was longer shorter okay short one no someone said to me they well kall has dark hair everybody has dark hair in this family do you want to listen and watch what's going on or do you not okay so Lamar and chlo are going and then you and are second I'm ready so excited thank you what do you get Lauren what are you get the oredy with the broccoli and it's delicious where's the oretti what what I love you this is reie should I answer yes yes do it now yes yes yes you're going to do it hello okay wait you're telling me to have Miles Austin pay for a car wash listen anything else you are absolutely loud and clear I will never ever confuse the car washer when he thought it was your car Kim and Reggie both get their cars wash at the same car wash place and they accidentally charged Reggie for Kim's car wash because they both have the same kind of car How could a person really be mad about something like a car wash I think Reggie is mad about something else don't ever call you again okay he just called and said don't ever charge a car wash to me again you can have miles Aus pay for it I feel like my past relationship ended months ago and it is hard when you don't want to hurt someone's feelings but you're trying to move on wow he keeps on texting me that validated it like now there's not even an answer of a question of are you doing the right [Music] thing hey there you are look at you how are you doing I'm doing good good to see you thanks for coming out it's nice and warm today yeah I know we got a little warmth should I change Putters is the question you putt good with your putter think yeah but maybe there's one that I can just kind of stand over and it just goes in the hole I wish shall we play you need anything I don't let's do it all right have fun thanks all right so I'm warning you I'm not a great golfer oh come on I'll get you there I promise let's go warm up I love playing with the you know with the ladies the guys everybody's like beating on each other and saying dirty things you know the girls are more civilized and they have boobs yeah yeah and they're more pleasing to look at there you go still got that little fade get this shoulder little just a little bit more there see seey look at that that was long and straight golf with Angie she's a great looking lady good golf for great conversationalist you know if you want to water your game down and play from the women's teas it's okay I'll take the challenge Bruce I can play off the same teas as you I mean come on am I in heaven yeah look at that damn you're going to out drive me by a mile I actually did out drive you on that one one down 17 to go it'll be a good day what the hell is this our avocado pudding I literally have this every day for breakfast no you don't you do yeah Kim hates it so is it going to gag me or you don't know it'll probably gag cat most things do hi honey how are you sorry about our weather I can't I'm here for one day this is it wait hi m m you look beautiful should we hide my water yeah you're selling smoothies today baby it has been 11 seasons and we are still Keeping Up with the Kardashians between their reality shows their appearances their apps their fashion lines their books their Cosmetics we're exhausted exhausted you brought us something yes this is from your your new app right y okay this is avocado Manuka Honey non dairy okay does time taste better at home does mine tastes this one tastes this one tastes weird it doesn't have the honey don't even try it's missing I like it needs more more Manuka one thing as we're leaving yes are you and Scott getting back together we friends at this do you miss him when he's not around I don't know I mean we talk all the time so I feel like I don't really get that chance but you know all righty we got nothing nothing righty bye bye sweetheart I literally leave tonight at 10: okay all right get home to the kids 44 [Music] [Applause] [Music] 40 I hate leaving Chloe alone with Cadia and Bobby coming but it's part of the [Music] business Joe what up what's up ain't nothing what's good relaxing man chilling take a nap I think I'm going have uh Chloe cook and invite you over for dinner hang out a little bit you know what I'm saying that be I she could cook yeah she could burn it down I'm scared a little bit but it's just dinner you know just take baby steps one day at a time for the next couple days I have you come over we going to chill out a little bit have a drink get something to eat yeah that be nice are they here oh my God hi hi say hi girl mommy look at all that hair you have hi hey there hi there baby hi yeah there you go right on time feel new babysitter babe new babysitter what hours again I am so happy to see kesia don't get me wrong but she forgot to tell me that her brother is with her Bobby is way too comfortable they have I think 12 suitcases a beautiful baby and then a pretty routy dog excuse me what the hell was that they dogs running around everywhere I'm just like oh my God hey um yeah let me call you in a little what up which uh movie studio was it the chairman of I don't know one of the big ones here come here one of the big ones one of the big ones how you doing how you doing oh hello hi we get to meet you yes how are you good how are you hi hi I'm Paula how are you good to meet you do you guys live here we don't we shoot here once in a while our show is set out here but we all kind of live in the city and drive out to shoot let's go look at the boat who was in the scene with them yesterday you too I was not he was in the scene and then the girl who plays my love interest Chloe was awesome she was she and glad her and not me I think you would have done great should we give Courtney uh Khloe's line and have her deliver it yeah absolutely what was Chloe's line and I'll do forgot to bring the retainer she thought that they were dentists at first and she thought she was talking about a literal retainer in her mouth she was not kidding no she was oh no she didn't really look it over at first what's a retainer is it what you put in your mouth no it's a thing you sign oh do you put that in your mouth no Chloe and it's out there somewhere you can feel the electricity all in the even air but I'm just going to let something new to me and it's all right all all right we just knew that Soho would be the perfect space for a dash store we're in a 2-year lease and I'm so excited to turn it into something amazing W this is fun it is Amaze hi hello I'm Gregory I'm K nice to meet you we've hired a designer Greg from Studios go who we're really excited to work with and get this Dash space started if you can imagine this whole thing lined with fabric floor to ceiling right the walls all the walls from this point so while Greg is going on about all the plans for the store I get a text from Kanye West Kanye and I have been good friends for a long time you know he's someone that we definitely respect his fashion taste and his style and so we wanted him to come check out the [Music] store Mr West is in the building what's up hi okay we're going this way to the left wait have you ever been on the subway are you joking Kim and I went on it yesterday what you have a subway pass I have a subway pass I have two Metro cards wait what is that that makes serious Adrien is my friend and my brother's ex-girlfriend she is an actress and has done many TV roles and movies my agent called me and was like do you want to do One Life to Live and I was like totally I'll do it like just for fun you know wait you're actually going to be on One Life to Live yes they created a character for you yes but I don't know how to act and on the end of the script it says to kiss the guy Okay and like don't you feel like that makes you like a [ __ ] are you crack right now no it just really makes me feel uncomfortable what if this is an opportunity that opens up to other opportunities but what am I going to do I'm not going to be like Nicole Kidman I need to see what the script is okay I have it back in the place okay we should read the script Adrien is like the perfect person to tell me exactly what to do let's see where does it start but I didn't do anything I wouldn't have done anything if he hadn't done it first you can't SM stop smiling if you and I were handcuffed to each other in a serious situation we obviously committed a crime would you be like I wouldn't have done it if you didn't either no cuz I'm not an actress like I feel okay if somebody literally had us handcuffed together and we've committed a crime okay we're arrested stop smiling okay why are you smiling I feel like it's so lame okay stop laughing hello hello hello Chloe how are you it's so good to see you so happy to see you thanks so much you look gorgeous oh so do as always hi CL Hi how are you God hi look at my body you look amazing you look amazing honey I'm trying to keep up with you oh my God how I know who you are you never know hi I am so excited that tan from queer ey is my stylist I cannot wait he is so fabulous and Fierce and I know he's about to bring that to my wardrobe try to be as honest as you can with your dad I think like you have to live for yourself self love is not selfish so I was say that's a good one on that and I got play that okay you guys Bond and play games than the catwalk girl let's see it let's do the first look tell me what you think okay so amazing like this is my like pretty girl moment I mean like Big M you are a very pretty woman okay so how you feeling about that conversation with your dad I want to know what will you say practice on me my heart is racist I have so much anxiety is so crazy D I know believe me I know we've all been through it I know uh um what did you say I love you I want you in my life but I've got something to tell you I am gay that doesn't change what um how was it after that uh to be completely real it was hard at first um the first few months were very very difficult it wasn't that they were mean to me it was just that they didn't understand you've got to accept the fact that they are going to be shocked your dad is it's not going to be like oh okay great this is yeah and there are going to be questions yeah okay yeah I think I'm be as ready as I could be at this point in time well I simply I'm going to give you a hug I am and I'm hoping that this is what your dad's going to do too yeah I spent the large part of my life trying to please my dad from joining the military to trying to act Macho to hiding my sexuality and I'm at a point in time now where I want to be my real self I have been really eager to meet with Tyler who is a medium he's still young he's 19 I think these are my sisters oh my gosh great to meet you great to meet you I actually know your cousin Cara he works with my cousin all the time so I feel like there 's a family connection and almost it's like Cosmic that I'm supposed to be meeting with him the general idea of how I do what I do is that I actually work as a clair voyant so I see information um as opposed to audibly hearing it I get visuals did you always know that you had like a gift when I was 10 years old my grandmother was Ill with terminal cancer and as she was getting really ill I woke up one night and knew she was going to pass and we got the call 2 minutes later that my grandmother had passed oh my god wow and so that's kind of was a a pretty dramatic moment but I believe we all have an intuition but to varying extense she always tells me she's psychic well I don't think I like could read her palem but I have a very great intuition and I feel energies and Spirits really well and I'm not saying oh my God there's a ghost in the corner but I know when I feel something and I like pay that respect I think gr tuition is almost like a compass that we have inside of us and if we go with it it can really drastically improve our life so and if I haven't like how you see things or whatever if I that hasn't happened to me yet like would that never happen to me it's one of those things that you don't have to embrace but if you chose to embrace it and chose to kind of connect and not be afraid of it that's the biggest thing fear is the quickest way to shut something down you definitely do have that really Keen intuition does she I would say both of you out of you two probably the strongest for you two I feel that about you yeah I don't feel it about you also interesting to note this house has something in it what do you mean I don't know it's kind of an odd feeling right when I walked in it was like there was a feeling like there was something here this is one of those weird things that's kind of coming through I'm referencing my smelling diee I don't know what this would be you know ties like people wear I'm pulling it out but I'm holding it to my face what if it's dad my dad had hundreds of ties and I always smell his stuff like I have a jacket and his shirts and I haven't ever wash them and I just always like smell them yeah a I love this time of the year it's my favorite time does everything look cute looks really good they're really going to like it right yeah oh hello Mama Joe well look who's here the three Divas have arrived Merry Christmas you guys sit next to me darling you look gorgeous honey oh thank you all right the je here hey Scotty merry Christmas happy Hanukkah everybody time year I love it it's that time of year oh it's the jingle bells jingle bell Batman jingle all the way oh what oh sing it Bruce I'm the last here I've never been last to anything when I think I found the perfect gift you don't get as excited as I am I have a video of you guys one year and I gave you all matching Cartier watches and the reaction was not exactly what I expected expected and then when I gave them some dolls well you guys look at the difference I were all on this side so [Music] I'm oh my gosh that's so cute Kylie what'd you get look at that K that dance is really cool you're so cute Kylie I'm not using my shw balls over they're they're going to the Smithsonian as a grant in my name I was excited Kim was so excited Kim is good to give a gift to yeah Kim is I had a dream last night that I was getting this for my college graduation happy graduation I don't think I knew what was happening I was probably drunk I have no idea get a closeup Courtney I do I really do the gorgeousness oh my God you're welcome I'm dying you're welcome I'm dying gets nervous when she gets a gift Courtney doesn't care I just get very uncomfortable when I get gifts I don't yeah I feel so guilty I feel guilty too okay oh yeah I do would you give back those watches [Music] [Applause] then surprise guys where you going look oh what are you going to do to me oh you hooked it up give you a kiss M okay just waiting then I know do you like the look at the Mavericks on the gingerbread house you got me candy can't eat too much candy no more either okay too I'm too fat you're so so unaffectionate these days just you typically would like T me down you know what I'm saying like I want to be here want to be in LA in my house right how you think I feel Dam right wa you are emotional I just wiped the makeup off your nose freak Show I'm AC tired Hampton Hi how are you I'm Mark to meet you I'm to meet you nice to see you you guys having a good time it here congratulations you just got married right yeah thank you my oldest son just got married on the 21st right yes so they're in Hawaii right now having a good time so yeah we heard you're having a big um parade on Friday we are we've been fourth it's one of the old Fourth of July of ju packed it's packed one of the oldest parades in the country like the fire department the fire department's from all over the ambulances we have from all over the place fireworks we do actually uh Friday night the kids would love that yeah the parades in the morning maybe you float Courtney totally and decorate decorate it and wave Scott's from around here right he's like our claimed to thing well he's he's actually from Manhattan and he grew up there but he moved here um I think when he was like 13 yeah Scott's kind of our claim to fame too nice to meet you guys so cute thanks for stopping by no [Music] problems hi Chris how are you how are you D good to see you thank you so much for coming I'm so excited and I'm Chloe hey Chloe hi hi David nice to meet nice to meet you hi I'm Robert hi nice to meet you you guys smell so good who [Music] knew I'm so excited to meet Dava chappella my only concern is that I just have seen a lot of his work where most people are nude he does them in an artistic way but this is still a Christmas card shoot so I just hope that this is like a PG version over the years we've done these family Christmas cards I've seen this will be a little different it's not going to be Christmasy we're not going to be wearing hats with red balls no it's not like red and green or anything like that but it will definitely be something really unexpected it's almost like opening this surprise what are your ideas cuz you have such crazy Amazing Ideas I love taking High art and sort of mixing it with contemporary pop culture and you know I want to make it visually just interesting and beautiful and then you can drawn in but on a deeper level it says something about the time and place where we live you know I you know I am not this artsy fartsy [Music] brain I really don't know what he's talking about in this meeting you know like it'll be an experience for sure but what I did take from this is that this is not your typical Christmas card well I started with this idea there's like this futuristic kind of messy world work you guys behind these windows and a street outside wind machines blowing and there's a lot of electricity there's a lot of smoke there's water an action film set it's an action film set literally God I'm almost wiing fire I mean there's going to be an upside down vehicle on the road like spun out and it's it's nuts what about my kids when it add the kids it becomes a little bit more complicated the lights and the core you know it's just going to add a level of stress and I won't be able to focus and maybe it's better to leave um the kids out David would feel more comfortable shooting if my kids weren't in the Christmas card but I really think my kids should be a part of it I think' be cool to see girls you represent the matriarchs of the family you know what I mean it's the women if anyone copies me on this situation here what I already tagged those I already bought them all last week when I was here good for you last year Courtney and I got into the most epic fight because she fully copied my lights the guy called me and said Courtney showed me the video that you sent that's a lie well they told me that's a th% lie this makes me not want to have a big family cuz no one's original I have warned everyone that I will come for them if they even dare try to copy anything that I'm doing this holiday season oh I love this clear plastic I want this for my wrapping last year you copied my rapping no I just asked him for the and he's showing me the color so I can choose my color do you have it in black or clear I'm getting clear I'm getting clear real black it kind of uh where is it in clear it's right here oh I'm not I want it for my wrapping for my packages not my trees yeah so you do your trees I'll do my pack no I might do packages no no no no so that's what they call black that's cool cuz I need to switch it up this year see this is the kind of Christmas tree I want I want like a real bark tree I won't tell all my ideas out loud my mom is somewhere lurking what vibe are you going after those are really I'm going for my same Vibe as last year well why we not talk about our Vibes that way no one can like steal a Vibe look at that gold Angel oh my goodness well I just took photos of it uhuh you just said that cuz oh no I can show you in my phone brown poodle I have all the info on them matches Kim's outfit can they be outside yes they can they're good for the weather when it rain rains it's fine so what else are you doing I don't know we're getting disguised oh okay oh my God you're freaking me out like Planet of the Apes you look kind of like cops you look like a porn star well that's great you look hot nobody's ever going to recognize me where are the kids trucks in recent years it's become a little more challenging to go shopping to say the least because we start get recognized and the minute you take a selfie with someone everyone wants a selfie and then I get distracted and I can't get my shopping done so leave it to Jonathan he thinks it would be a really good idea for us to go in a disguise now I'm sheia pet it's the perfect solution to not really being able to concentrate and focus on our Christmas list what are you doing hi y'all how are you have you met my friend hello 50% off all carpets going out of business what are you guys doing we're going shopping for some trucks for my grandchildren guys I'm in the middle of doing interviews well you can go take your interviews and screw yourself [Music] adios hey oh my God hi how the hell are you how good are those gingerbread cookies oh good I'm good how the hell are you Grand I don't want to get you sick I'll sit with the Bears okay Jo can you believe the dog attacked it and we put it back together again no way when Kendall was living here when I was on maternity leave her dog devoured the whole thing and Kendall was like I need to tell you something sister and I was like what she was like six8 Joo was like that's the only thing I have of my dad's like why would six go for just that yeah and look it's back together again a jao no no hello Jo hi hi guys never seen those pants before Mak them feel like they're usus I'm kidding CL all right guys so what is the plan for Thanksgiving I thought we're going to Palm Springs I don't know I'll call Mom are you sure I can call her it would be my pleasure hello hey Mom hi honey we wanted to get the plan for Thanksgiving well I want to take everybody to the desert if everybody would come there how much fun with DY for all to be together there Mom I'm going to be in Cleveland as you know but it does sound like so much fun I'm feel so excited that we're all going to be iner and celebrate Thanksgiving and start a new like this is exciting and I love that we're all staying together that's what makes it so fun even if there's sleeping bags and we're figuring it out and sleeping on the couch that's what makes it fun this is like the good old days in Lake Tahoe oh my God like n yeah you are did we ever do that at NAS it was just us now it's just us and our grandkids or our our kids don't I'm not that old yet Grand I just had baby 8 months ago what the are you talking [Music] about so I have a missed call from court and I call her back and she was like this isn't to criticize you or anything like that I'm like anyone who starts a conversation like that okay and then she was like me and Kendall we're talking about you and she goes you're really scared about how your life is going to turn out what a she thinks I'm scared and that's why I'm acting out cuz I don't want to let my old life go what what she's so off I just was blown away by her this is just absurd absurd absurd absurd and cuz she Courtney was like and Kendall agrees with me no one understands us like us what are we going to do cuz it's hard for me to like even be around her at this point we should just call Kendall cuz like I just don't get why she's such a freak hey how much were you talking about me on a scale from 1 to 10 um we W talking that the fact that you even hang out with Courtney you're such a freak what I'm just kidding why you're my best friend right now Kim is my best friend right now I question your morals why I question your Humanity she told me she's going out of town with the kids for the holidays what what I thought that was weird but I I tried to convince her out of it a little bit like that is just the wildest thing it's not okay no I think she'll end up coming that but do you think it's like a cry for help like like a cry for attention is she the new Rob yeah that is crossing L it makes me sad if she's not coming cuz I'm just going to miss the kids and just the tradition of it all I just think given everything that's gone on the last thing we need is separation like this and for Courtney to say she doesn't think she's going to spend Christmas with us it's just so excessive it's like ridiculous at this point the Divide is going to get worse and worse the more time that we just ignore what's really going on every time we talk about her I get more upset she drives me so crazy I just don't even know what to do this frozen yogurt machine frozen yogurt machine I hear it in that room it's so annoying the baby hears it in her room I'm getting a thing built around it well while you're in this delicious mood why don't we discuss Christmas Eve okay what about it well you're a little tough on me as far as doing the same thing every year so I just don't want to disappoint any same I just think the kids have evolved from like having it just be your friends because like it's kind of like this older party it's like kids we don't even know there's a bunch of people on S that we like there's literally people we don't know our Christmas Eve party was this fun party that I just remember of being friends and family in my grandparents and cousins and it was just the best night ever but my mom's been doing it for so long that it's turned into something different like it's just kind of a party just for my mom and mostly her friends this Christmas party it's such a beautiful night but it's turned into such a show with so many people that we only see at this one night a year right we want it to be a place that we could just have fun and it's all of our friends and definitely family and my mom's friends too but a good mix of of both so we can have a good time and really just enjoy each other the time has come that maybe we switch the location and we have it here at our house I know Kanye like loves to put things together so if he knows that we're doing a Christmas Eve party he'll have like so many ideas and we just have a different vibe and different energy and we all collectively all the siblings feel that way so I'm outnumbered you're outnumbered well that makes me sad I want you to like give us your blessing I don't want to like just steal it from you now I want you guys to be able to do this till you're my age and one of your kids takes over that's the whole that's the joy it's just the the thought of actually not doing it at my house I'm getting emotional makes me sad it does it makes me so sad a you know it's just that magic that you can make and make everybody feel so amazing on one night a year you know it's that love you're like making me cry saying you cry it's just a party I know but it's not just a party it's changing of the guards well you can have the party it's the right thing you can have [Music] it I can't hear the you're going to have to talk up we need to get Bruce earplugs for next Bruce we should Diamond earing diamonds and earplugs that's exactly what I need right now body piercing I've always thought about you know pierced ears I see a lot of guys have that now I got the opportunity let's go for it what is Chris going to think of this it'll be interesting to see her response hold my hand okay hold your hand thanks Rob I'll be F that's what I did when he was getting you had this done before you guys ready I think I [Music] am I've never seen [Music] some wasn't that bad at all now do you get one earring or two earrings Rob the second one here we go one two 3 4 I'm never getting my ears pierced it actually doesn't look bad it's the new Bruce you did it I never thought this would [Music] happen actually I was surprised that didn't hurt at all I want to go masturbate what the hell are you talking about no you say no to what you talking about Willis what the hell you talking about anybody know where there's a 24 hours something open there's a Carlos Jr get off [Music] here those Cris burritos sound pretty good wait the Western bacon6 looks really big huh mhm your price coming you you're a gentleman you're you're what I wish I was thank you I'm so drunk right now have a good night Rob did you get give me some here you go here you go idiot hey hey hey heying my car you're so who watch yourself watch yourself watch yourself wo W home is sweet home are you and Jesse sharing a bed Bruce Bruce are you already taking the shoes off I want sleep see you Bob yeah we got to say this p later Bruce all I know is my ears are still ringing from that place so how's the baby so good I've never to see her today on a walk oh there's my baby coming in hi what's his name here's one of my babies what's his name Cruz Hi how are you good how are you good how's your baby so good I was just going to show him a picture that's I found a side by side of me and her we kind of look alike right so you guys look exactly like I have to change go you go what a luxurious dentist are you guys working on kid number two trying I'm what is that your wife looks so skinny she works hard at it it's so hard does she have like stretch marks or anything no she's got that nice Latina skin ah you're so lucky no but I mean listen you go through three kids it's really hard things kind of move around yeah inside thank God for plastic surgery really well I mean you know a little nip here and a little top there it can't hurt I know so you look like you lost most of your baby weight or all of it are you back to where you were mhm how hard was it more so much easier to gain weight I just love eating okay okay lift your chin hurt I swear to God um it hurts me to hurt you okay you're all done today I'll I'll check on you later see you H there's like Scrubs to clean the toothbrush apparently dude I could use that so you were upset that I don't want to shave for the photo shoot yeah it's a little offensive first of all it's lucky enough that I can shave my legs there's a huge stomach here in the way so like you're asking a lot to shave down there but I'm down I just need some assistance listen to me if you would have asked me you would have known when I was 11 years old I worked at a barber shop for 3 days I could trim you up real nice it's going to run you at about 1350 though her bush is hanging out like it's the80s and I'm not going to stand for that so if I got to get my hands dirty I will you're in the right place little girl you're going to use that honey I'm going to part you like the Red Sea that thing is not going inside of me you have hair growing inside of you no but like the edges you got to get in there a little I don't mind doing a little sarini do you want me to lay here well let's do it before and after for instant no stop I don't want a before and after what are you doing we're doing a little vagine trim oh God all right can we make some moves flip around what about this you guys I can't see anything so this is a lot of trust are you being serious now stop this is disgusting are you looking at what you're doing cuz I can't see he's looking ow you'll be all right you'll be all right you're kidding buddy this reminds me of a water birth it almost looks like she's giving birth to a little man with a very hairy little head you want to take a peek gorgeous shines like the top of the Chrysler Building all hooked up partner and give me that 1350 boom there it is guys y I see you [Music] girl so cuz I have like stretch marks and cellulite he does a little more for me you don't have stretch marks I'm sure that's okay God is fair God when you are photographed all the time it's natural to have insecurities or want to change certain things but yourself my God what are you doing you guys you look so pretty today what about me my turn you look amazing did you darken your hair no she pulled it back and I had it picture no no it was just that picture I know everyone thought my hair was darker yeah we were talking about it today what are you guys doing I'm going to get my whole butt the stretch mark and the cellulite laser that we're doing on my butt I know I don't really have anything to do stop no cuz I got a tan so I can't really do much so you're just here to enjoy the ride yeah hello hi are how are you how are you to see you good so are we ready for yeah H I got you a dress well I see like your ass is so huge I just don't know if it'll fit your ass do I give it to Kylie or do I give it to you what do you think we're doing we're trying to make it [Music] smaller wait what that is so cute it hurts is look good stings like a mother I just looked right into the is it going to do something to us yeah I'm looking at it for the past 10 years nothing happens okay whenever you guys want me to go I'm good to go perfect yeah [Music] yay do you have the thigh high boots with all the cutouts I think I tried these before it is never fun to be on the worst dress list so I have to go on a major shopping spree SE in like a 36 and a half this is our last size our L here unfortunately I want these so badly that you want everything Kim has always loved fashion and always loved clothes ever since we were little girls and she's always worked really hard to buy whatever she wants but I think lately she's just going way above what she should be spending don't you think those are kind of cool I do like those they like that yellow shoe can I try those and those front Croc ones yeah she won't no but my new trick is if you say yes cuz I always say no to her so if I say yes I love it she literally won't buy it I'm going to try it right I'm going to see these are like all the kind of boots she had do you have to unlace these all I think you should get those [Music] mhm no okay awkward thank you you're very welcome thank you I will thank you so [Music] much hi sorry hey guys hey how are you good thanks thank you pretty all right let's do this all right so which one do you want to try first um let's do this one okay cool is some of this off yes they took out 70% of it but we can take more off if you [Music] need shut up she real this is amazing I mean do you think we should suffocate should it be like this tighten it and then I can like loosen it after we can add more Hooks and then after the carpet if you want to like let it out a little bit we can add an extra hooks so that it's more comfortable all right where's Ariel he needs to see this that's an insane dress no was of time today if there one thing wrong that's all everyone's going to talk about I am a makeup artist obsessed with skin any excuse to go to somebody in the top of the skin industry and have them even look at my face is like prettying awesome okay so I just need to get my assistant in here to help me hello what are you doing here I'm here to help help me pull this up what is this this is infrared and so it's helping stimulate her circulation you can lose inches with this plus it just like your joints like you said your muscles are sore it just kind of helps all of those things not only do I have nurse Jamie sitting here but now I have Chloe Kardashian and that's surreal so we're going to put this mask on and then she's going to put this silicone pad on because you're s sleeping that's what these little lines problem we're n Jamie knows I hate like the lines in my neck and I'm always like what how am I this old she's like you're not she's like you are a sid sleeper yeah it's the number three cause of premature aging is poor sleep position Jennifer Lopez sleeps only on her back and she has pillows around her anything JLo can do we got to do too I'm never sleeping on my side again I don't care if I have to surround myself with a thousand pillows and lay straight and perfect and never wrinkle this is like a treatment that's going to help on popping out these lines for you I'm going to have you come back every week and we'll get you ready hello hello hi I'm haly nice to meet you hello hello I definitely trust Chloe's Glam team anyone they touch it looks amazing so let's just chat real quick about the hair real quick this is the reveal we want we bow I definitely think it's time for a trim my hair has grown so much it's so so heavy when I out I feel like it's weighing me down so for face I I love Glam I love the whole like have an amazing canvas to work on first of all by l oh my God I hear the scissors cutting you hear you're hearing glamour glamour who are you revealing to well my reveal comes with my revenge daddy my revenge is on my father me and my dad have a little bit of a complicated past and just growing up he was very abusive towards me and things were just like kind of horrible I'm hoping over time that my dad can approach me after seeing all the hard work I've put in and how far that I've come hopefully I can Inspire him to work harder on himself if my father doesn't come tonight then I have told myself at the end of the day I've realized who he is and what he's capable of and I'm still proud of how far I've come I definitely believe that we should all forgive and move on no matter how long it takes so this will be like a good release yes yes it's a celebration it feels so good to tell people that you worked hard on something and you really did do as best as you could we're so excited for you I'm like just want to jump cuz I know like this is such a big transformation and like such an amazing moment for you so thank you thank you for being a part of my journey I am so ready for this [Music] reveal
Channel: Keeping Up With The Kardashians
Views: 79,813
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zr8rQTHbX3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 42sec (2982 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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