KUWTK Livestream: Everything You Need To Know Before Season 18 | KUWTK | E!

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I literally just had to block Tristan okay what happened I'm really so just sick and tired of being the bigger person I just in serie don't want him at shoes party and that's not wrong of me right just don't even communicate until then if he shows up he shows up don't talk to him ignore him don't let him kill your vibe I want to uninvite him should we tell Tristan that he just shouldn't come no no it's her dad you guys can't I just think honestly it's gonna be such a spectacle I think everyone's gonna be looking at you you've invited so many people this is a party that you've planned you honestly this is why I want to tell you because I know I know all of these things but I've already invited him I'm not like but I know I know I know I feel like a bad part I know I know I know I know so today I woke up and my hands are a bit swollen it's like the anxiety if you're what one is coming and then I'm just like I just I'm like freaking out I have a baby on the way I've lost school it just really can scare you when you start really thinking about how much this is gonna really change my life like what that means so you don't know like that's that's the scariest part is we just don't know oh no one's Friday a Texan feels like I'm here and like I brought through the door to answer that but she was so excited it was so really feel she was really excited like jumping in my arms what she thought was really good and then literally he was just kind of like lingering another so he put her to sleep tonight like yes cut with intention to see me because any was like so do you wanted like grab a glass of wine and I'm like I must say jump in or on my forehead and he was like no Victoza and then he said can I have a hug and I like one hour hug him and he was at one of one-handed paws like yeah public bath states but not that many rated like history and I know you I felt this is a problem with you you can't just like take what you get whatever and then in this morning he was like thank you for letting me be true she looks great you look even better what's happening I just asked him or what what's going on he didn't like that we put run away to you guys narrative but that's fine it's it is what it is but I don't need it my daughter's birthday for any of this to be a discussion Wow what happened [Music] [Music] you invited him to dinner I think you've got to do what's best for you if you want him to have a drink at the end there's nothing wrong with that that's beyond generous of you right no I think what you're doing is a nice thing I think it's beyond generous of you that you invited him loved you it was like a drive-by gossip session oh my god Keeping Up with the Kardashians new season coming soon Oh Bianchi [Music] Tristan never should have had a conversation like this at our daughter's first birthday party just shows the lack of respect again he has for me my family or anything that I'm trying to throw so maybe it's like is it a lesson to like keep everything separate or you still want it check out no I don't know what I want I mean definitely I think for a little bit separate it's like there was a massive earthquake and you still haven't stopped having aftershocks learning how to coexist and co-parent with someone that is really really difficult you did what you said you were going to do which was always keep her father involved as far as letting him come to her birthday party you did that we have your sleeves up so today I'm getting an ultrasound on all of my joints to see what's going on I hadn't really felt that kind of pain physically ever and do not do not have lupus and rheumatoid arthritis okay so you can reassure all your buddies I'm going to give this to you as a party favor yeah I don't know what you're talking about I've never dressed like you Oh is there a fight no but Danielle was like when your public total perv Danielle's there hi Danielle I dress completely different than Kim I'm not trying to cup your looks but on am on the same designer you can't ban me from Bowens when I wear men's Graco it [Music] so ask me say hey are you wearing this white Rick Owens dress I wanted it she might pull things and then when it comes here I say no no no no no yes yes yes yes yes Kim and I just got into the biggest fight she just was going so crazy she's sending me the meanest text messages you would die so I called Kourtney and Kourtney's like screamed at me on the phone you and was like you think I like your style you have the lamest style I said you're going just school to become a lawyer and help the world and these are the kinds of problems you have it's not about you having your own personal style it's about infiltrating on my actual relationship I really don't take it personally like I know it's not something that I'm doing it's just hurtful I was having a freak out to do hope you've got about 30 40 years old I forgot everyday a breakdown like four weeks crying yeah good night America three minutes I don't owe anything well you look really good you got it out today was the day it's like the next at 6:00 the christening other [Music] No hey guys welcome to improv class so let me just start by saying though I'm very shy this is we're here for Scott just hang we're gonna just assume poorly done warmups we make it up on the spot you never know where you're gonna get hit really I didn't yeah yeah so are you being sarcastic about it you know if your public speaking or whatever doing in problem help you be prepared for that so this kind of just warms you up the warmups they're silly so [Music] you want to do expert panel yes okay great okay so let's get Scott up to do one we're gonna give you something that you're supposedly major experts on we're gonna try and pick things that you don't know anything about just make it up maybe as specific as you can confident yeah the invention of the first shoe I'm here today with my husband Bill Todd thank you everybody appreciate you having us here and it's funny I notice all of you are wearing exactly what I invented a very very very very very long time ago and it was difficult very manly as you can notice my hand still didn't get hurt because you were nice enough to lick the wounds and be nice like the business I grew the shoe into a speaker oh I mean it's amazing and and when I try the first wooden shoe on I was a little splintery well that's when you said we were going for my wood [Applause] keeping up with the kardashians new season coming soon Oh Bianchi so I feel like do you ever have a problem getting into Kim's house with her new security well I normally go through the front door like a normal person Chloe every time I go over there they still don't know who I am Naomi you are there Tom they're following protocol she has like a Navy SEAL team over there you know there's been all those robberies in Hidden Hills so now we have the remaining house security guys a day I just feel like the security should know me you know yeah hello wait what I have to look at the surveillance right now why on earth would someone tackle my mother got you is this the normal person but in a booth so the purpose of my prank was to say we love that you have this security but we would just love to have some clearance so we can come in and out of your house and you can have all the clearance you want oh my you just don't waste it Wow brought you a little short look at you you sure did do you have a wheelchair to get me out of here we have will query model I just got a you can't drink and drive lady I'm trying to wait for your sister oh my god - Leopard I just want like you to be happy I feel like this whole situation needed to happen for a reason for me for her for you for everybody she was my security blanket she lived with me we did everything together and I feel like there's a part of me that needed to grow without her and sometimes people are there for certain reasons at certain times in your life and then not there for others I feel like we're just all so lucky to have each other because I feel like a lot of the reason why I am the way I am is because of you guys everything's post up and for a reason and I feel like this is like the season to filter through the bull mm-hmm and you know only the strong and loyal will survive you would want vanilla possess if she scratched you I would give her a spanking for sure my daughter are you talking about scratch you have what my daughter's ass if she touched you know scratch a little six-year-old growing warmer kids whoop her ass is yeah that's how anybody talks about just when they can't whip their No anybody wants to have a relationship with me they need to know how to communicate [Music] so cozy in here this is really nice thank you I took down those star lanterns oh yes that was a gate it just looks so much more open well I'll do this mom has been telling me every single time she comes here that it's like offending her and this whole thing starla the star lamps so then one day out like at 7:00 a.m. she emails me this is an emergency to the whole head coach was take down the star lanterns now it's obstructing your view and I go oh my god an emergency and that day they thought taking anything was last week and it she's right but like that really obstructed your view I didn't realize Wow and I have to find any light fixture for my front entry she hates it darling lights but I'm I just takes me a minute to find something I love yeah don't rush into that I'm not a Russia with my lighting how was the game was good you guys looked so cute you looked like you had fun so that was that I just hated the reports that were like Kim is booing Tristan yeah that's just crazy if I was literally up going just not your five to cheer anyway but no it's crazy that this world is that sick that they would think you would go you and your husband would go to a game deliberately with the intent of booing truths dad they would much rather believe some nasty exaggerated bull than just the truth yeah more family were supporting him great it's exciting so bizarre [Music] Scott do you want to talk about Finland yeah what's going on with Finland you're going No what is there in Finland do you ski Santa Claus lives there I was first gonna go to Finland as a girls trip and then it just seemed like a lot of the activities or things that my kids would love so are you definitely inviting Sofia yeah I never want to miss out on anything when it includes the kids I just need to go like this I mean I think you're fine I'm right here so Jojo see wha facetimed North you know just to like meet her and then she said would North ever want to be on a YouTube channel so it was like does she do it does she you know right but North was like mom I'm gonna get a real youth video on YouTube you know I go but you're gonna be so shy when you get there I go imagine if the cameras are here so that's why it's just a little confusing like I don't want her to ever feel like it's a work thing and she has to do it I don't think Kylie ever really looked at her job as work when she was that young and I just kept shocking her money away every time she did something and one day she said she wanted to start a lipcott business and she I said you've got to use all your own money if you believe in this that this is yours to build yeah so I think you can create some boundaries and let her have fun you guys will be wasted I am all for having a good time but I am NOT in the head space to get faced with this girl like Malika was with me the last time I got drunk it wasn't a pretty sight can you hang out with me I am I'm hanging my stuff up so I don't have to worry about it I don't have a good time and you're not with me and I think that's not a great time I'm having more of an annoying time because you're annoying me but I'll stop annoying if you just give me what I want you left one of these earrings huh why do that for these earrings on the top oh you're a lot more sophisticated with me when Courtney's around your turn into a five-year-old when it's just that I think like you put so much pressure on things to like make it perfect I do that too but I've been not really doing that as much anymore and you just think like oh it's one more experience we have that we didn't have before now that I know people are having a good time I realized that I can spend some time with Sofia alone and not feel bad [Music] pay candles is it delicious is it delicious snacks snacks little stale so why am I here without makeup on first of all look how cute my PR thing is with Olivier so cute right so we did the colors and stuff off of the sauce collection so I need to create a look for the models oh no don't even worry about it I need to create a look for the models so since you're a model I need you here to try to create a look who closed the show he wanted hostiles and fun colors maybe like the green and the pink or something sure I love just having a day off with no makeup so I must really love you for letting you do my makeup for no reason thank you baby Lamoni you should do your makeup like in high school no you did not you're such a liar I know you would ask me to do your makeup sometimes what are more so like when I started getting bad skin oh do my makeup in the morning we'd get to school every day do you remember in the carpool line like when we got out I'd be like is my skin okay uh-huh you definitely shaggy but what are you supposed to do say no no no I'm glad you did lie to me nope Harbor a highlighter do you know I never wear powder I'm so happy to be your first I just like to be doing I'm letting you do your thing that obviously but dewy we're powder oh hi wow I'm not your average make already really are something else I really was may have started with you wanting to figure out ball mom I just turn into you winding let me go man so sorry thank you so much honey yeah for being here for being cute for not really needing makeup but accepting it anyway no well let me just put a little more anywhere this is where you go I just want you to be like real shiny just leave it and go to dinner and play tricks on people and yeah I'm Kylie Kendall you don't look like you're [Music] no one's gonna believe that this is we need this off-camera to explain that this is my waist this is this thing the theme of this year's Met Ball is camp which is just theatrical overly dramatized I had a corset fully made by mr. pearl the legendary corset maker because I wanted to completely accentuate my body to make it as campy as possible this lady stole $700 out of my wallet then she stole $4,500 out of Scott's then my security who's here today just said he's seen her two times with her flashlight on in the office stand your ground this is your home with your kids like a coat on stairs Cortney go talk to your security why are you texting if someone's telling you that wait I can't wait to hear this this is better than real housewives I want to go up oh my god we need to debug the house and I want to take every device and unconnect it from my phone and next time we have learned a huge lesson they cannot step foot in here for an interview without us having their social name and address I am gonna go and be in this music video with Paris for one of her new songs no way yeah she asked you yes we get well I said as long as I don't dance you look so amazing I'm so excited to have you in it because you are like the ultimate and like the song is like everybody really my spray tan destroyed my hairline it's all like orange do you know that I'd like never even knew what a spray tan was until I met you ready to fill up this music video is like a club it's so fun every town we'd go in Paris and I used to find the best club and we'd be there all night long so this is just like one of those nights I don't know why I get so nervous for the men maybe even more so really just because there's pictures from every single angle beautiful I like it higher like that is it better this arm down always yeah but you guys I have to pee what wait also standing next to Kendall I don't want to feel like I should have done black but I'm not gonna feel like okay what time is it it's 5:15 oh my gosh sweetie please please please no please no questions no bus leave your seven covergirl officially made in every year that I go I still pinch myself because I'm just like I can't believe I'm invited to this [Applause] [Music] this is what they first gave me and this wasn't sweet enough for me hey you let that can't really this is so sweet is it reasoning or wow it's like sweet sweetness or you try this I love your beret so much you looks you're so beautiful you look so fabulous you're so beautiful cheers to you Jin's you guys got to start complimenting people okay it makes them feel so good and I compliment people all day long only people you know you don't probably know I do it's great I want you to go here this is your dear Derek I want you to go up to someone at a table mm-hm and up and I want you to go give them a compliment you look beautiful oh right in the birthday week she's a Scorpio too Hey stunning autism yeah damn good-looking family almost as good as looking as they are almost almost we're not there yet I'm gonna leave this with you so I'm getting in trouble by my family but that was the greatest puff in the world oh thank you oh thank you mm-hmm what else you gonna dare me to do Chloe who's gonna be next well don't knock anymore why No okay just go share your wine the two of you can do it together hi everyone do you guys want some wine we wanted to offer using them why you want someone this is what you want wait for it rather away anything me can you give me that is so funny you want some red okay I shouldn't offer it to you I was gonna say you look so good for me 21 it's an instant party oh good we're presenting the Dare is that I'm coming on a wine tasting trip come on keeps Chloe watch your coat with the drinks no watch yours keep walking so I'm trying to rush to get to the hospital and I can't get ahold of Kanye right now it's game time like it's gonna happen in like within the hour and I need to him to get to Cedars and he's not answering it's like who doesn't answer the phone okay okay he has to be here late within the hour hi are you at the hospital oh my gosh you didn't tell me I was it was such a surprise party oh so what's happening who's coming court staff okay that Melissa Jesse Virginia receiver Jerry Annika Sarah okay she's nothing but nice so do you want to go yeah before Chloe comes she's really scared of girls chest hi everyone so are you gonna drink yeah wait can i videotape that yeah go ahead see Courtney I told you we're gonna miss a post I am gonna let loose have fun what I have some tequila we don't have to crowd where you're sitting on your sister's lab she doesn't we never got a so bright that's in the so you have no idea what just happened what honey had a meeting here like a breakfast meeting earlier and he was planning our anniversary with like some new planner and I was just like oh my god wait I was planning something does he know that you walked it off yeah and he was like oh I want to introduce you to this guy Bruno and I wanna you know they do all of Axl's events and Axl introduced us then I was like okay no so I at first was gonna keep it a full surprise and then I heard he was trying to plan something and so like everyone was kind of being really weird and I was like well guys he's trying to plan something and I'm trying to plan some things someone has to say something and we'll just do it together we are not gonna show the actual vows we wanted to keep them really personal and its really private for us hysterically crying in the bathroom I I'm like okay I don't know someone's name in the stores what happened without me the Arecibo she just had feel so bad that they go in the bathroom they have a positive waffle no she was talking to us like we don't care blah blah I don't want to kill your vibe I do think that you to like compete maybe prefer like pay attention I do think she it's like I don't know if jealous is the right warning that's too extreme but I do think there's some sort of that energy I don't understand like this is like I'm sorry the stupidest thing I've ever heard of my life [Music] [Music] [Music] you're gonna be butyrate I like to like this is a sport actually what you guys I now I need the coat with the gloves I'm gonna be fully boxed in [Music] the house washes dishes my gosh I didn't even think you would actually do this yeah that's the thing you would actually do it [Laughter] [Music] I've been seeing it for a minute that Lamar is gonna be writing a book about what I have no idea so I'm getting nervous whoa what terms are you guys on right now have you guys spoke personally no I haven't spoken to him since like we were married talking you know after you know his situation and then we just we just stopped talking after that I have nothing like I'm not worried about if Lamar were to be honest about him RI or his relationship with our family I just want people to tell the truth so I'm gonna go to desi soon I'm gonna speak at the White House oh my god for what for like prison reform stuff they are gonna start like a second chance hiring program where they're gonna help the people that are coming home get jobs you're doing such a great thing and I mean you're changing literally so many people's lives I found out that mom's lying to me this SoulCycle thing is all a lie what happened Lamar in the book he's saying how my mom did tell him where to go that's so crazy it's exactly what I thought happened which he denied to me forever there's no way he could have followed me let me know what do you know I meant SoulCycle in Beverly Hills at 6:00 a.m. okay so we want that guy and this guy uh Khloe again yeah well you should answer what if it's something serious and not just like work-related no I'm just gonna ignore her why on earth would she be ignoring me like she's scared that you're gonna confront her about that SoulCycle thing we got to find a way to just expose mom okay you may just want to get her face-to-face yeah hi what's wrong all right listen I'm gonna grab some soup and some goodies and I'll be over just as soon as I get it together okay very nice again well you need to eat keep your strength up aha any clue what are you doing here I'm just taking care of Scotch is quite they literally can't get you on the phone for three seconds so all of a sudden you just have a free day where you can just sit here and bottle and she was battery no I told your day for Scott part of it yeah I think it is nice the more people you can be in touch with like in a nice way I agree I just don't I mean I like miss him all the time but not in a place that I could want to get back with him so he called me and he was like I just knew we were all gonna talk again at some point I'm just so happy he was like I would love to see you I've been dying to see you in person I just feel achill II have so much to talk about I mean I think it would be nice if you guys like how to face-to-face I just feel like maybe you have to get that out and you know just feel like that awkward what if if we ever ran into each other was it was such an anxiety filled situation for me thinking about it like what if I ever saw him like what would we do yeah but for him to say he's sorry publicly does make you feel really good it made me feel good and it's you know you're just like the closure that you needed it felt good to finally feel like oh thank god just that my relationship was validated to me [Music] by the way this is the one and only song Kourtney's ever learned and I was sitting right next to her while my dad taught it to us do you not and she's I know half of it and she you don't know any other Soleil it's the only thing she's describing I can say something to scare ya it's how you were like like warming up I just think Kourtney wants to do 40 things in her forty year she is almost 40 she hasn't even done 40 things in her life you know what in duolingo French she's on I think one percent so what are the things I stopped but that's my point all you do is what do you want do you want to go skydiving no I don't so named 40 things let's make your list all right I'm gonna put it in my phone because then I can constantly add review hey play the piano oh my god round one speak French hmm I think skinny-dip in the ocean okay skinny-dip in the ocean I would like to fully fully which I'm working on this daily finalize the splits hey go on over and over again you're gonna be 40 by the time you get this list finish that you better hurry learn how to roll sushi with Nobu that's a fun thing for 40 No well your list 240 you're really going to get there babe I promise you since we went to Costa Rica before North has not stopped talking about it she likely loved it and I didn't even think it was like anything crazy I have been a little bit busy but I want to plan this how many nights three four okay if you want to go right now you go in an hour yeah I just want to get worth of stairs I'm so excited to do all of the things that North wants to do but first I have some work things that I just have to take care of there's like so much that goes into this everyone needs you I'm just trying to have the balance of working so hard mom guilt is so real oh my god did you see that article hold on it says poce Stimson once brags about his hot tub hook up with wife's best friend Kris Jenner that led the momager meeting hospital treatment what Simpson reportedly claims the size of his manhood sent Kris Jenner to the hospital according to his former manager Norman Pardo quoted Simpson saying that he that [ __ ] until I broke her who is Norman what first of all never heard of this person and that never happened that big piece of so I'm so upset by this whole article saying if someone should how many people lie on their dicks all day long it's what losers do who cares you know it's just it's all just after 25 years you think that it just wouldn't be I think I think the law should be funny commercials that we can launch through social meetings like a mock infomercial that's your mom you know that's why my mom with all of her friends because that's what their air I've been reading a little funny snippets of my sister's used to grant like one minute in commercials so this is what Kim wants they have me dancing the baby shark sucking on a lollipop and wearing kimono what is going on here how awkward first baby shark and now Kim has Kylie whispering to herself it's insane today my girlfriend's Lisa Rinna and Kyle Richards and I are shooting an infomercial for Kim's new shapewear line it's gonna be winging this have no idea what order this is without alcohol we're gonna stop and get a bottle of champagne because I'm bored back here I don't know what to expect I really don't even know where I'm going so I just have to have something to take the edge off I guess I like honestly want to thank you you know like I dealt with the law in high school I had really bad anxiety depression my body image issues were through the roof and I was only 16 I want to take my symbol of strength to prom so we can be strong together yeah can't wait to dance but don't think I'm dancing like you guys dance I have no idea how you guys dance you want to go down I have a great memory of now what prom is for me but things just getting a little fuzzy so I got to go [Applause] [Music] [Music] hi beautiful what's going on how are you good just down let's have a visit I haven't seen you in a while I know how are you feeling I woke up a few weeks ago and my hands were really stiff it was really weird they felt different I went to go get my phone and I couldn't like my hands were kind of numb the next day I woke up and I literally couldn't lift my toothbrush and I couldn't like take my bra that's extreme Hanson dream for you it was something that was really wrong at this point I'm still waiting to get my test results back and I am going and to see my rheumatologist again to discuss what I can do if I have lupus or if I have rheumatoid arthritis and what I can do to keep it as calm as possible for the next few days it's gonna be how wondering what I have what's going on and how to fix this I would be so sad if like the baby came and I couldn't hold my baby yeah they can't even hold my phone I can't even hold I couldn't hold a bottle like I wouldn't be my job I feel when I go to pick up your baby so yeah all the rest of the babies I they go yeah when you're too young for this so I said there's this one thing I can I can send to you it's a little blue bottle and it's called des or DMS or something CBS is good too so you can't see anything I've had a few drops of those myself or my neck sometimes I'd like overdo it and I'll put too much on and then I get very sleepy or lazier I just wanted to [Music] who would ever think that hey I want to do something that would be disrespectful tough world even when you're not trying to hurt anybody well they're saying that I'm cultural appropriating do you think it's gonna hurt your business now I think it's too early to tell yet in a perfect world if I could just save let's change the name right and it would be that easy then I would do it in a heartbeat do you know like how many goods you've like made hundreds of thousands we would lose like ten million dollars what hey I just saw the letter from the mayor of Kyoto I definitely want to take this really seriously kimono is a traditional ethnic dress and truly symbolizes sense of beauty spirits and values of Japanese reading that letter I felt an understanding how does everyone feel about skin skin okay raise you're going to be like skims okay more like skin we've got like a lot of options to repurpose that inventory can we make the September launch timeline at this by this skin of our teeth we're okay so it's nothing into the world it's not the end of the world my kids eat at home really healthy really really healthy and the one day they want a Candyland birthday party and you're saying they can't have sugar I'm not letting treats candy land there's candies that are not disgusting and filled with chemicals show me some you're like dated you're like in the pack of candy land theme party yes that's like what the party is about candy land it's not in gluten free land over here we need to have some JD Athena as the party because that's something you do new party and I'll do my part okay great so what are you gonna do about Penelope and NORs birthday parties I'm having my own party so you guys are more than welcome right we're not do my party birthday no this is all so petty it's also childish it's their daughter's birthday they want to celebrate together I feel like you very oftentimes think that you are right no matter what because I usually am okay I'm sorry if you think that I just want it my way because I want it to be a mutual party and I just don't think it's the way to be all right do I look at you yeah just at me so we don't answer that no listen do you want to I don't know no no we're just having a conversation you don't have to stare I'm not gonna not look at you that so you're super prepared all right so today we are going to talk about co-parenting you want me to interview you sure what's the biggest challenge you've faced so far while co-parenting and how did you overcome it how do you recognize and handle these challenges just being more honest about things I think I was afraid to like tell you certain things because I thought I didn't know how you would react the end of the day we just want to figure this out so we can get along and then that trickles down to the three unbelievable kids we have and we don't have all the answers but luckily that we have our friends just and the love that we have for each other we're able to talk and figure it out yeah well I appreciate your understanding I appreciate the precision sorry anything up I've got to get home for do you do the kids are waiting it's been a pleasure co-parenting with you cope end of the year [Music] like I never saw the photo on I didn't go over there either I saw everything out Kylie did a phenomenal job she went all out it is a pink explosion of love and fabulousness you can go a little faster can I do it my birthday wish is just to have peace if I want to put everything behind me and I want to have forgiveness and happiness in my life who's this it doesn't say anything [Music] different it's from Tristan what he asked for help to surprise you with something what anything thank you so much for my necklace I was literally startled I love it but what's it for just curls all right how do you aren't this nice to me when we're together ever trusted w necklace when I was in Connecticut what where he send it to her hotel mm-hmm it's nice but last night when I get home he was like I want to give you your birthday present oh I don't want a present from you he was like please so he gives me a card and he goes and I hope you accept this ring and I go no no no no no so do you remember where we got Gabbana I reached out to him and I bought a dog for Chloe as a surprise look at this puppy oh look it's kissing it they're so sweet I think it is the absolute worst idea however Chloe bought North a hamster without my permission so I will happily go with you to pick up a few of these dogs for her and drop them off and they're big huge in her kitchen oh my god what is happening okay stay in here I'll be right back what's happening surprise happy birthday Chloe here's your new babies where are the dogs oh I mean what don't make that face that mean what I told mom not kidding three times in writing I couldn't have a dog right now and I think she got me a dog for every time I said no three dogs is wild to give somebody [Music] good morning do you hate me member I have to say I had the best time last night so I am being responsible for being incredibly emotional and inebriated and not using my better judgment and being a complete piece of to you because I love you so much I'm really sorry well you can go say that to Chloe you were being that the same person I was new to her too yeah and they give it to the people you love it's true don't say it loud her head hurts like just go in there by yourself Sam sorry you're hurting I love you thank you so much I feel so awful having press Chloe to have a good time because I know she wants to do anything to make sure that I'm okay but because her migraines are so debilitating I don't know if it's the best time for me to talk to her okay it's me I don't want to further aggravate her so I guess I'm just gonna have to find a better time to apologize but at least she'll know that I'm here for her if she needs me I love you too I have my phone in the other room so if you need me just text me I can't look at my phone okay we'll give you a minute I'll just come back and check on you in like 1520 yeah okay [Music] Brittany Mathis hickey on your neck my hair is here No you have a hickey on your neck just let me live okay mate she's interesting yes that's the homo Beale where is she going why are we going did we just pull up to some random house she's waiting that she's getting out she's getting out Wow look at her outfit what's our plan what you're doing oh it just came to layout do you think it's funny Oh what are you doing here I'm having a meeting with who for posh about what if I have boundaries huh respect them so here's a stack of letters that I feel like are really good ones okay I'm one in here which I immediately could do something hello Kim my name is Paul I'm 24 years old I'm currently in North Carolina prison now my sentence is over and I have had time to mature and I've set some goals for myself there is one thing in the way though my face tattoos I want to humbly ask if you would help me get the tattoos removed from my face thank you for your time stay blessed and then he sent me the prisoner address and his parents phone number thank you oh my god that's so nice so nice to meet you you proved me wrong really yes he harassed me for your letter a lots of times I mean for your address and I said boy leave me alone ease up season everyone get your letter it's not bothering me so you got out in March yes yes we working every day to get to this day right here this is been a process so you just saying you're just done with the face task well I actually like him but I just don't feel like I'm in a position in life to where you have him I want to do everything that I can to help him succeed where do we stand with what we're comfortable filming what we're not comfortable filming I don't think you and I have to answer I don't feel like there's much more that I can give I have other things to squeeze into my day not only is that other work I had three parent-teacher conferences this week the show is not my only thing in life I don't think anybody has an issue with your boundaries with your kids I have things I do at nighttime also so I usually do right but that's me I need to have some things to myself but we're saying you got a budge at some point like we all budge but what is there that you're missing out on like you know talk about your boyfriend you don't talk about has a boyfriend or dating or your last boyfriend we don't know and date literally don't know what a date yelling because their sinks everything's changing it's not [Music] just might net you're not going any further what the machine mm-hmm what do you do you stab a little area what's it has the pimple no this one is worth it okay don't hurts well it's for a reason we're not done you know you have like a few here but I don't have to I can't take this I miss I'm real happy next customers coming in so guys the reason I wanted you all to come is because I feel a little frustrated and anxious about how everything's been going lately so I've decided that we're going to take a family trip and go to Wyoming I love Wyoming I'm enjoy oh I want each one of you to pick one person sitting here and tell them what's the one thing you'd love to focus on strengthening in your relationship I feel like Courtney and I sometimes fizzles so I think I would love to get us back on course or you say it a lot like you're always like we can't be so judgmental but you are too like we all have to realize that we all are yeah I want to fix you know my relationship probably Courtney for those main reasons of those themed comment are you saying that both yeah I mean I guess so mean no you guys go back and forth though it's in people I think it is so amazing that you came I really did not think you were coming the fact that Kylie didn't come it's so mean she just you know she like doesn't really very much like I literally we couldn't have made this easier we're on a private plane you land here it's like so away it's two days of your life in two days hey oh man sorry I know Mom hit me inside the earth said that I didn't come I feel really bad I didn't know how important this was to you I promise have fun I promise I'll make it up to you we'll do something when you get back I know the theme of the day is teamwork and communication I really don't like this guy's like I'm not gonna last long I'm afraid of heights and I don't care to get over my fear I don't care people judge me I'm afraid nights and this is cruel and I don't give a [ __ ] I don't need to do it Chloe are you scared don't talk to me Chloe do hands first who are you to give them directions you didn't even do it you're a bully and you're a [ __ ] okay you're a [ __ ] what do you get out of being a jerk why are you leaving because I do it why would I want to be here with a bunch of people who literally they just pick on me we are sisters Doe at the end you get it remember that sometimes sisters are just like that I get it but there's also a way that could be to be more helpful [Music] [Music] [Music] still fishy oh yeah like a glove yeah I always knew the Lord was in here somewhere just had to go find Lord Disick the Lord is back the Lord comes out when necessary small occasions sometimes big but definitely has to be an occasion so for a Westminster Dog Show prancing around town I would want to be the Lord [Music] and by the way if this dog stops off the way I know she is she's probably gonna start making me money you want to feel a little working yeah sure sure I'm one truck [Music] got are you taking a little break are you [Music] [Music] [Applause] the competition is high but we've got a star on our hands and it's very obvious that our wiener could go places that's our big ol bleeder could take it to the top all of us it's not built her I got you don't even worry about it hello my brothers hi how you doin you are beautiful thank you for sharing your son with me oh my goodness hey guys want to take her phone by that bridge I was thinking maybe the grass okay I could do grass if I starve you don't scream no don't even know my god I dropped a pen I do this [Music] walk on grass guys and people say you have no time right [Music] we're k1 k2 and k3 who do you think I'm gonna be number two or number three I'm gonna be number one I'm not gonna I'm winning I'm a really good goal for you guys mom where are you at four six and seven one in one mom how many times did you swing to get it in there one but how many swings you have to count how many swings it takes to get that one I got one swing I guarantee you did not get all that it's on tape who would tell me later when I got the two one below you win [Music] [Music] you're in for a treat today that is sweeter than candy candy with a k' she's the youngest sister of the most powerful sister in Hollywood she's a mom a best-selling author a model and fashion designer and an entrepreneur who all of you know from the hit reality TV series she stars in with her family called Keeping Up with the Kardashians welcome to divorce sucks Khloe Kardashian well what an intro we are you so psyched that you're here your parents split up in 91 so how old were you then Khloe I was about four or five okay um and I always remember though how amazing I'm sure now that I've gone through it myself trying to co-parent that they were so seamless with it I never ever heard my parents talk disrespectfully about the other life for me true is one and like a month old right so she doesn't really know what's happening but hasn't me she does nobody feels energy and I'm a big believer at that so I do like everything in my power to not put I would like just any sort of heavy energy around her I mean as a kid I didn't know my parents were so good at not letting us feel whatever they were going through and I want to give her the same thing totally and I know her dad is a great person I know how much he loves her and cares about her so I want him to be there Khloe thank you so much for being here today on divorce sucks thank you for having me hi everyone Kris Jenner here I want to read you guys an amazing story the great book of kardashian-jenner tales once upon a time there lived a powerful queen who gave birth to five princesses each with their own gifts and passions from health to beauty this is gonna be so big for Kylie goes but it's a human we have to talk about our next play I'm thinking I trust that light for my mom but as their kingdom grew stronger say - did the burdens that came with it oh you want to know what happens next well honey you gotta stay tuned oh yeah I'm pregnant a big fat ass okay
Channel: Keeping Up With The Kardashians
Views: 5,377,386
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kim Kardashian, Kourtney Kardashian, Kanye West, Scott Disick, Keeping Up with the Kardashians, Kardashians, Kardashian, KUWTK, family, Kendall Jenner, Kylie Jenner, katch-up, super katch up, live stream, youtube premiere
Id: bOshW0dudL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 56sec (4136 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2020
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