Celebration of Life- Evangelist Joyce L. Rodgers

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right [Music] so [Music] do [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] as they join the timmins family as they join the church of god in christ as they join members of the body of christ to give their final farewell to our sister our evangelists our jurisdictional supervisor our forever chair lady giant slayer evangelist joyce rogers receive the most reverend john henry john drew sheared [Music] presiding bishop and chief apostle of the church [Music] the first assistant presiding bishop the right reverend jerry wayne macklin the second assistant presiding bishop [Music] the right reverend lawrence marcellus wooten the secretary of the general board [Music] the right reverend brandon burdette porter [Music] the assistant secretary for the general board the right reverend michael eugene hill senior [Music] general board member the right reverend daryl lynn heinz [Music] general board member of the right reverend prince earl william bryant [Music] general board member the right reverend malcolm winslow kobe [Music] general board member of the right reverend charles henry mcclellan [Music] as we receive the family of evangelist joyce rogers [Music] more comfort and consolation [Music] have been found in the six verses of the 23rd number of psalms than any other verses found in the holy scriptures god is seen as our shepherd who makes provisions for us so we will have no need of want we are seen as sheep [Music] being led by green pastures [Music] and grazing in green pastures however god is seen as our gracious host who ushers us into a special place [Music] and who serves us from a special table [Music] the lord is my shepherd i shall not want [Music] he may get me to lie down in green pastures he leads me beside still waters it restores my soul [Music] he leads me in the path of righteousness for his name's sake and he though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death [Music] i will fear no evil for thou art with me thy rod and thy staff they comfort me [Music] you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies [Music] you anoint my head with oil my cup runs over and surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life [Music] and i shall dwell in the house of the lord [Music] forever now this i say brethren that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of god [Music] neither does corruption inherit incorruption [Music] behold i show you a mystery and we shall not all sleep but we shall be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last trunk [Music] for the trumpet shall sound and the depth shall be raised incorruptible [Music] and we shall be changed [Music] for this corruptable must put on incorruption and this mortal must put on immortality so when this corruptable shall have put on incorruption and this mortal shall have put on immortality [Music] then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written death is swallowed up in victory [Music] o death where is thy sting o grave where is thy victory the sting of death is sin and the strength of sin is the law but thanks be unto god which giveth us the victory through our lord jesus christ church be steadfast [Music] unmovable [Music] always abounding in the work of the lord for as much as you know that your labor [Music] is not in vain in the lord [Music] jesus [Music] my [Music] you are the center [Music] jesus [Music] my [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you jesus [Music] so [Music] yes lord [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] says [Music] oh [Music] the strength of god [Music] we pray for pastor simmons we pray for the members of the family that the hand of god would strengthen them now [Music] thank you jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] is [Music] my songs [Music] so [Music] so [Music] songs [Music] is and you may be seated i believe we can put a praise right there i believe we can put a praise right there [Music] the lord bless you the lord bless you the lord bless you [Music] let us receive our general supervisor mother barbara mccool lewis who will be assisted by supervisor dr wilma huey first assistant general supervisor mother mary jane walton third assistant general supervisor supervisor mother vanessa gatlin [Music] and supervisor dr gladys lockett ross and those that will accompany her in the supervisor's farewell salute after mother lewis has finished you will be in the hands of evangelist dr dorinda clark cole mother barbara mccool lewis the general supervisor of the department of women the church of god in christ will now lead the final salute it is the ceremonial phase to honor the servant leadership of the jurisdictional supervisor our dear mother joyce l rogers has faithfully completed her ministry assignment as a loyal supervisor of the department of women the supervisor's cross will be the first symbol and that cross identifies mother rogers alliance love and association with jesus christ and his suffering most importantly the cross represents mother roger's sincere devotion to the lord mother lewis will present the cross to the family [Music] now the stole it is bestowed upon the supervisor as a symbol of remembrance to recall her earthly ministry work the stroll bears the logo of the department of women the stole is a yoke of responsibility and a mark of servitude mother joyce rogers was truly a servant she has ceased her labor to receive her reward the stroll is now placed in a memorable box with a logo of the department of women and crest on the top and the general mother will now present the stole to the family [Music] lastly the shroud the shroud with its biblical and ancient is a cover that conceals the department of women includes the symbolism of the shroud as the final phase of endearment and rest the general mother will lovingly initiate the tucking away of her spiritual daughter for her final rest the white sand shroud is emblazoned with department of women logo and the logo will be positioned directly over the heart of supervisor joyce l rogers [Music] the general mother will invite the family to participate in the tucking [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Music] come on let us just celebrate the homegoing of our dear sister come on we can do better than that she's resting in the hands of jesus many of you know that she's been going through quite a bit but she is resting in the hands of jesus i don't know about you but i just feel like let's thank god for this family as god continue to give them courage and give them strength someone says when we all get to it come on what a day of rejoicing that will be oh when we all see jesus we will see [Music] i can't hear your zion oh when we all [Music] [Music] hey we will sleep come [Music] oh bless on name what we gonna do won't have to worry about sickness now this was one of joyce's last song that she sung and many of y'all know this song and i name everybody that can get up on your feet as we salute our sister and there's a song that she sung that i think everybody has watched it on youtube and that song was just so precious when she was singing it it simply says like this comes to glorify his name we gotta have a look come on one more time come on let's do it come on let's do it come on let's give him please come on if you know joyce she was a praiser everybody open your mouth and give god some praise come on cause he's worthy oh bless his name hallelujah on your way down i need you to look at somebody and tell them that i came to have church at lady joyce's funeral amen i don't know about y'all but i believe that the saints got a praise and somebody's got to get it out somebody's got to get it out because if it had not been for the lord who was on our side in this pandemic we wouldn't have never made it i know you got your mask on but turn to your neighbor and just tell your neighbor say i made it through and that's what god promised me hallelujah that's a good place right there to lift your hand it's like i good god almighty i just thought about something hallelujah we've all survived in this pandemic and god has been gracious to us i know some of y'all thinking about the goodness of jesus everything that he has done for you especially there are many of us in this room that have had kovic but thank god you made it out alive that's a really good place to praise him certainly we extend give extreme honor and due respect to this house the angel of this house one of god's generals in the kingdom and that's none other than bishop t.d jakes come on let's thank god for allowing us to be here today come on we can do that come on come on come on we can do that appreciate you bishop god bless you love you dearly and while you got your hands going let's thank god for lady sarita jakes god bless you amen we appreciate them for allowing us to have the space to be able to enjoy this great celebration this is a home going but i'm here to tell you joyce was a praiser and anybody know i know some people got tired of her standing up in the women's section but she was a cheerleader remember yes and so this is a homegoing service and we are so grateful um we want to give extreme honor to our presiding bishop our chief apostle eighth in a secession god's leader for such a time as this god bless you bishop amen certainly to all the members of the general board and of course our first and second assistant presiding bishop bishop macklin bishop wooten and to our general board let's thank god for these great men to the national office of this church um of course we thank god for our saintly mother come on ladies gentlemen let's thank god for our saintly mother mother barbara mccool lewis god bless you mother certainly i know that um that was one of her daughters joyce was so dear to her and we thank god for mother and certainly to the timmins and rogers family we thank god for each of you that are here and certainly uh to our dear brother superintendent timmons we bless god for him come on let's thank god for him he's a national officer in our church and one thing that i can't say is that this family of course has been a dual ministry it's always good to have sisters and brothers working in the ministry and they displayed that in such a way of course superintendent timmons and lady joyce rogers i want to move quickly with the service of course we are going quickly into this part of the service and thank god for allowing me those of you that have allowed me to stand in this position on today we're going to go to the hymn of assurance and that's none other than our president of our music department dr myron williams and the congregation and then the prayer of comfort will be by our own bishop carl pierce maryland's central ecclesiastical jurisdiction of baltimore maryland and the old testament scripture is a lady kathy jackson treasurer of the international women's department las vegas nevada and in the new testament scriptures done by our own doctor lawana grant first lady of the kingdom builders church of god in christ in charlotte north carolina and then we'll have the ministry of music and that is the joyce l rogers celebrated choir we will go in that order and then we'll be back come on let's say amen for the choirs they come [Music] me um the hymn of this morning is in page eight of your program and if you don't mind everyone can stand with the exception of the family as we sing what a fellowship what a joy divinely knit [Music] [Music] is oh yeah [Music] we're leaving [Music] in this pilgrimage how bright [Music] let's sing the course we are leave i'd like to hear some bishops [Music] what have i to [Music] [Music] i with my lord [Music] i want you to take your programs and let's wave them as we sing this final course come on [Music] we [Music] one more time one more time hold the music just for a second are [Music] oh [Music] shall we pray precious jesus precious jesus how we left our voices in your praise god we love you today you're some kind of god so many things we've come to understand about you your kind god your gracious god you're a good god you're a giver thank you for the gift of your salvation thank you for the gift of the holy spirit but then not only that but you give to us each other none of us really belong to the rest of us we all belong to you but you're so gracious you're so kind that you would allow us a measure of ownership even possession of that that's yours thank you for the gift of joyce timmons evangelist joyce rogers thank you that even during her pre-salivic season you had purpose for her life and you protected her and safeguarded her because in the anals of eternity you had purpose for the post-salvific joyce that so many would come to know and we give you praise we're here today dear god we've come tears of streaming down our eyes our hearts are heavy yes grief is even overwhelming many of us even in view of the fact that we we know you but we can't always explain you your god when we've done our best shots when we when we preached our best messages you must be standing back saying is that all you can do but we understand that you are a sovereign god and we're not upset with you today but we need your comfort come now lord jesus we're in the potter's house [Music] you're the potter we're the clay [Music] comfort us comfort my brother milton for the donny this timmins family comfort the church of god in christ comfort the international youth department comfort bishops and supervisors pastors and elders comfort us god the economical community because she was so much larger than one denomination god we need your comfort today and so i ask that you would walk up and down these aisles move in between these pews throw your weight around be the mighty god that you are let the breath of the holy spirit [Music] permeate our beings in the name of jesus and god we're going to praise you for it we're going to glorify you for it come on saints come on saints with the joyce rogers exhorted praise come on every time she stepped to the podium she said oh clap your hands all ye people and give the lord praise and so we praise you and so we bless you we glorify you we magnify you we give you hallelujah hallelujah and we say yes and we say yes yes lord yes lord from the bottom of our hearts the gifts of our soul and we thank you and we thank you and we thank you and we thank you and we thank you come on those hairs and give him praise in the name of the lord jesus we pray amen [Music] [Applause] my [Music] reading the old testament scripture hallelujah selected scriptures from the book of proverbs the 31st chapter beginning at the 10th verse who can find a virtuous woman for her price is far above rubies she girdeth her loins with strength and strength in her arms she stretches out her hand to the poor yea she reaches forth her hands to the knee strength and honor are her clothing and she shall rejoice in time to come [Music] she opened her mouth with wisdom and in her tongue is the law of kindness many daughters have done virtuously but mother rogers you excel at them all give her of the fruit of her hand and let her own works praise her in the gate the word of the lord for the people of the lord [Music] [Applause] the old testament scripture reading in your hearing first thessalonians 4 verses 13 through 18. but i would not have you to be ignorant brethren concerning them which are asleep that ye sorrow not even as others which have no hope for if we believe that jesus died and rose again even so them also which sleep in jesus will god bring with him for this we say unto you by the word of the lord that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the lord shall not prevent them which are asleep for the lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout out with the voice of an archangel with the trump of god and the dead in christ shall rise first then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with him in the clouds to meet the lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the lord wherefore comfort one another with these words and the people of god responded to the word of the lord by shouting amen [Music] uh look at someone next to you real hard and tell them don't wait till the battle is over tell them say you can shout now now i i know we think about in the church of god in christ it's a physical dance but i just want you i know you got your mask on but i want you to open your mouth and give god a shout right here [Music] so [Music] [Music] so when you're burning down with the cares of life and you feel like a hopeful [Applause] hallelujah you don't have to wait [Music] is is over [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] hallelujah why yeah i wait why should i wait [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] if you know when the battle is over we're going open your mouth and say come on put your hands together battle is over where are we going we're going home wow right now shouting in our section oh that's his name i'm gonna give y'all just about 20 seconds to get your praise on right now matter of fact get one in for lady joyce how about that get one in for lady george right now [Music] hallelujah we made preparations you've got your reservations here look at your neighbors say if god calls me now i'm ready look on the other side and say if god calls me now i'm ready [Music] you gotta get ready you gotta stop shouting the victory all that you've been through [Music] all where is right [Music] welcome everybody just give god a praise for the praise right there right there because when this battle is over we're all going home thank god for this awesome choir the joyce l rogers celebration choir and i don't know about y'all but i really feel like something's about to happen but we we we we hold on hold on i know i know how you feel right now i know how you feel because some of us ain't been in church in a whole year so i know how that feels i know how that feels brother timmins i know how that feels but i i'm gonna i'm gonna hurry along let me hurry on y'all gonna get me in trouble my pastor's here y'all gonna get me in trouble and he's telling me right now stick to the tab oh yeah all right [Music] all right we gotta move on we gotta move on y'all have another chance you'll have another chance you'll have another chance look at your neighbors say hold on hold on you're gonna have another chance but we gotta stick to the task bishop bishop wells you're making much pass real hard you're making it really hard but we got to move on we got to move on in this kind of celebration this is what happens when the saints go home and this is what happens when the saints live a good life we have this kind of a celebration look at your neighbor and say you'll have another chance i'm sure i'm sure you have another chance we want to move on with our program oh you all so disrespectful over here [Applause] and see i i know how that happened because it breaks out in sections but but we're going to move right on let me go right on the expressions of remembrance we're going to move in this order please limit your remarks to two minutes is what we're asking primary purpose ministry minister christopher coleman clarksdale mississippi the women of excellence evangelist danielle smalley from tampa florida is so many people here from all over the world to celebrate this awesome woman of god the international youth department bishop designate benjamin stevens former president of kansas city missouri texas northeast first ecclesiastical jurisdiction bishop james hornsby jurisdictional bishop and then we'll have family tributes by our own superintendent melton our timmons the brother of this giant slayer evangelist joyce rogers we'll come in that order and then the music will be we'll be back into the hands of our music department and that is the joyce l rogers celebrated choir you'll come in that order but please make sure that you keep your remarks at least at a minimum of two minutes not coaching minutes god bless you good morning everyone you know bishop pierce alluded to this earlier you know evangelist rogers would not grace the stage without quoting psalm 47 and one come on let's do that oh clap your hands all ye people and praise the lord [Applause] and she said the second part of this scripture declares shout unto god with the voice of triumph come on if you got the victory this morning come on let me hear you shout hallelujah come on let me hear you shout hallelujah man we certainly give a high honor to our presiding bishop bishop shared to our uh wonderful supervisor mother lewis to the host pastor of this church bishop jakes of course to the general board today i am minister christopher coleman the online property manager and content developer for primary purpose ministries and joyce rogers international and standing with me are miss sharon shepherd owner of elegant affairs and the travel coordinator for evangelist rogers miss d hammock executive office manager and miss lakeisha laws special assistant to evangelist rogers in the audience today is her best friend miss kathy cunningham who is also the coordinator of the prayer and intercession ministry and watching from home is longtime contributing writer miss michelle calloway we six comprise the core team of primary purpose ministries today we bid a final goodbye to our find our founder and friend it was in the early 1990s when a young charismatic evangelist from gladewater texas felt the urgent call of god to help young women and young men fulfill their god-given purpose and from there was birth primary purpose ministries in nearly three decades later evangelist rogers would travel the length and breadth of the united states and several nations around the world spreading the gospel of jesus christ helping the poor and disenfranchised through her philanthropic work and of course raising giant slayers and the giant slayers in the audience today evangelist rogers was without question an icon she would be sorely missed by this team and so many others we'd like to take this opportunity to thank every ministry leader both male and female who opened the doors to evangelist rogers throughout her ministry career to every television radio and magazine outlet who helped expand her reach we say thank you to our friends in corporate america who often would invite her to speak at their annual meetings we say thank you to you as well and lastly to the faithful friends and partners of this ministry and all of our volunteers thank you for your continued prayers and support throughout her ministry career in closing today it is impossible to share the totality of her life and ministry within a short window of time but we will attempt to summarize her life with two words well done good night evangelist rogers we will see you in the morning god bless you the house has officially been addressed so today i have but one question as we stand in the puddles of emotion shattered by the perplexities that consume us while managing the ferocious nature of this loss and the question is who was this the song of solomon says who is that that cometh out of the wilderness like pillars of smoke perfumed with myrrh and frankincense who was this that the country twang of her accent didn't disrupt from her eloquent delivery of the gospel that her feminine poise didn't disrupt from the powerful poignancy of her ability to prick you with the word and then propel you to lay prostrate in prayer who was this that her presence empowered women to win boys to joy and girls to dream uh who was this that her essence entangled you to believe her faith gave hope her words evoked power her correction brought conviction who was this that she knew the pain of sorrow but she preached who was this that courage was her code diligence was her dress humble was her step who was this she was a mother she was our mother she was our mother and the mark of any good mother is her fruit but that was too simplistic for the decorated ordinances of her anointing she birthed builders not by hands or concrete but by gravity the gravitational forces of her aura brought in the liars and the backsliders the messed up and the forgotten she drew everything in as gravity pulls together it never pulls apart she united the youth of a nation to minister and then she summonsed us to action who was this this was she she was a prophet the prophet was an evangelist and the evangelist was a supervisor and this supervisor was a woman and this woman was excellent formed in harmonic detail uniquely crafted for the vapor in time she dwelled among us in excellence in supreme ability holistic purpose and defined promise she was excellent her excellence made us excellent her caliber prompted us to recalibrate she was the blueprint that fossilized into a footprint to every woman who now stands in excellence because she was excellent i solicit you even in our sadness to rise and let us walk in the matchless sublime mind-blowingly awesome unparalleled grace of our mother we won't ever go back into dark places because she showed us the light of god and here we stand an army rising up together because our mother made us this way [Music] somebody say she was joyce rogers let's celebrate her life and her legacy rejoice in the lord always and again i say rejoice rejoice in the lord always and again i say rejoice today i'm ecstatic to have this opportunity to our presiding bishop bishop j drew sheard and our sainted mother mother barbara makuu lewis to the first and second presiding bishop of our amazing church and to the general board to the angel of this house bishop t.d jakes to the family of chair lady george rogers we want to say thank you for sharing chair lady rogers with us we are better because she lived we want to say thank you to so many that has come together on today and there's so many youth and young adults that are watching on today and we are better because of evangelist george rogers for many of us we entered the national leadership of our church in our late teens and early 20s and there has been an tag that has been on facebook and on social media that she raised to us do i have any youth and young adults in the house that can say chair lady rogers raised us [Music] [Applause] please don't be offended by this group of anointed sanctified holy ghost-filled young people to my right we're just the young people of the church of god in christ who she preached to charity joyce rogers we honor the lord for her life and for her legacy thank god for our new appointed president president nathaniel green chair lady george rogers served the greatest department in our church and i'll take the personal privilege it is the international youth department for more than 20 years she served with five presidents our presiding bishop bishop drew sheer general board members brandon porter and bishop michael heal she also served with our aim chairman bishop linwood dillard and for the last eight years i have had the wonderful privilege of serving with the chair lady rogers of the youth and the young adults of our great denomination celebrity rogers was iconic and innovational in her leadership she was larger than life she was generational she never met a stranger and if you met her you knew that she cared if she loved you she loved you for real she was not fake she was not phony even on her deathbed she was still calling people and praying with individuals and believing god for their miracle she was always making an investment in the lives of people on so many levels she was a globe trotter for the gospel young people theologically i want you to look at her life because she was the pentateuch in action for many in the youth department she gave us our genesis she preached and prayed us out of our exodus she was a true worshiper with a levitical anointing she positioned many to be numbered to be next she had a deuteronomy mentality that she portrayed her life through holiness and wholeness while many seek an appointment she lived in the anointing she was hilarious at her core if you ever pushed her button she would tell you quickly dr timmins stop your foolishness she never missed the opportunity to guide you and direct you she would laugh with you she would pray with you charlotte rogers loved the children of the youth department and she loved us wholeheartedly she had a unique affinity for young ladies she loved and she cherished the chair ladies on her cabinet she loved the international youth department at this time before i close i'm going to ask the youth and the young adults to stand with me and anyone that has served with chair lady rogers in the international youth department would you stand we're all here today they're bishops they're supervisors we're here today because we love chair lady rogers there will be a resolution that will be presented to the family but let me share with you as i close while she did not have any biological children she birthed thousands of children in the holy ghost the kingdom babies are here she was a sister to sisters she challenged us to do it big she taught moms how to create warriors she engaged with young women of excellence to be excellent she encouraged young men of valor she was the giant slayer an author and entrepreneur she inspired young women in ministry she gave purpose to pink and she gave pride to pearls so today we call her our chair lady the young woman of excellent part excellent and when you write the history of the church of god in christ make sure you don't forget the one and only joyce love rogers we love you chair lady god bless [Music] [Applause] [Music] you so god bless you all i'm going to ask that the all the constituents of texas northeast proper first second third fourth metropolitan would you all stand where'd you stand where'd you stand and i say that because we come out of one jurisdiction the bishop late bishop daniel haynes used to say texas northeast proper and that includes all of us and we have always been brothers and sisters and we have come here to salute the term that's been given its remembrance and i want to say that joyce rogers was a member of only two churches and those churches were in texas northeast first second third fourth she served that she was born into the kingdom of god at the rather star church of god in christ in great water and on moving to college she joined the most exciting church for students in the area which was saint andrew church of god in christ and amen she was not a church hopper i don't remember her as a church opera she in those years from the time of her birth to the time of her ascension back to god she served in two churches she was loyal to the church of god in christ in texas northeast first she always checked her calendar made sure her calendar lined up with our calendar whether it was bishop january haynes or hermione she made sure she was available and there are three things that i want to remember her for first says she was a visionary and that was given to her by god she did not come trying to find out what she needed to do she was given divine orders from god and that vision of what it should be was crystal clear in her mind and she continued to dedicate herself to prayer and fasting and in treating god and secondly she was trustworthy she was trustworthy the term that is used that the lord counted me faithful putting me into the ministry that means that you could count on her she was called upon to serve in many committees and and places in texas northeast and she served with a trustworthy spirit she was tenacious and conscientious and made sure she served with excellence and finally i want to remember her as a servant amen she did not have an arrogant attitude she was not indifferent she didn't have to beg her you didn't have to coax her and pull at her she was a willing vessel and she was a vessel that served with distinction and we want to say to all of you today and her behalf you have fought a good fight you've kept the face you finish your course and god now has reward laid up for you god bless you all as we celebrate her life [Music] when the word first got out of joy's passing i received a telephone call from a dear friend of mine the bishop charles harrison mason patterson and i said to him i said bishop patterson now i know what your grandfather meant when he said it is dark and i have never seen it this dark before bishop patterson said to me timmons but my grandfather's sermon didn't stop right there he said my grandfather went on to say but god's face is turned toward you and when bishop patterson said that what a lift what a joy i felt in my heart i want to take a moment and thank our presiding bishop and chief apostle our friend for many years the bishop j drew sheer let's praise god for bishop shearer for his love and his support working with evangelist rogers for many years i'd also like to thank our presiding bishop emeritus bishop charles edward blake for allowing joyce to continue to minister my hat is off to our general supervisor mother barbara mccool who has made herself and we accepted her as a part of our family and for the very personal touch that you've given to us during this time i'd also like to thank our general supervisor emeritus mother willie may rivers who desired so much to be here today but could not be here but sends her love and her prayers i have a special thank you from our family to the host pastor of this great church the one and only bishop t.d jakes thank you and lady jakes thank you from the time of joyce's past and bishop jakes made this church and every agency and every department that was needed for us to be successful in this service today he made those things available to us and we will always be grateful to you bishop jakes joyce was the kind of person who always opened doors for me as her little brother and i remember saying to her when i watched her stand at this pulpit and speak i said girl one of these days i'm gonna be standing in the potter's house and look what she did where's the musician can i get the musician to hit e flat right quick oh yes [Music] now i can tell folk i preached at the potter's house [Applause] the evangelist around can i have two kojic minutes okay i feel a little better you're praying growing up joyce's dream one of her dreams was to become a dallas cowboy cheerleader well she ended up being a gladewater high school cheerleader and a kyogre college cheerleader but on last night [Applause] the dallas cowboy organization for the first time in history made joyce rogers and honorary dallas cowboy cheerleader [Applause] brother floyd's gonna let let me just show this uh i know i only got two minutes look at that look at the star look at the star george rodgers [Music] now let me just say everybody in the world is happy everybody in heaven is happy except but then big mama because they said you can't be saved and be no cheerleader that's what they said that's what they said i i i remember before joyce got saved when she was a cheerleader the big mama said that dress is too short and you can't wear it and so a lady at our church named sister meredith made joyce a longer skirt that she left the house with that she left us some of y'all left the house with some some stuff in your purse she left the house with it and when she got to the school camper she changed [Music] we had a wonderful we had a wonderful and i'm going to be through we had a wonderful childhood we grew up in the great rising star church of god in christ there in gladewater we started out under the leadership of the bishop j edward lee whose widow and children are here and sitting with our family today and then the superintendent c.h mcnees whose widow is here from austin today and we just enjoyed life i i remember i remember back in the day when we would have special programs they probably didn't do this anywhere but in great water but they would have these programs and they would have people singing and close to the end you could send in a request for somebody to sing anybody remember requests to same but at every program joyce would send in a request for her own self to sing a solo she would write it down and it would go something like this dear sister carl please let george tillman sing a solo thank you george timmons [Applause] but how many of you know god fixed that thing where she didn't have to ask anybody to be on program joyce was joyce was as you know she was very dear to me and she taught us some things she was like the mother of our family she taught us that we were to obey and honor leadership and joyce did that she taught us to stick to our word if she had told a congregation of 20 that she would be there and some congregation of 2000 invited her to come she wouldn't cancel that 20 to go to that 2000 because she believed that her word was a bun i jokingly said to joyce what my mother said that uh uh my i'm just telling y'all what my dear said madea said that women don't preach oh sir y'all got a problem with my mama [Applause] that's what medea said madison said that women don't preach uh and i would tease joyce about that and joyce knew how joyce knew how to adjust to whatever situation she was in i heard her right here at the potter's house preaching i know mother mildred lens is happy that i said she was preaching joyce was preaching and i heard her say the spirit of the lord is upon me because he has anointed me to preach the gospel she came right on the great water and got up and said the spirit of the lord is upon me because he has anointed me to do some things because she knew where she was over a handful of people i got 30 seconds over half of the people in the church of god in christ still probably don't know my name i was always introduced as joyce rogers brother and you know what y'all think this is my stomach sticking out but my chest is sticking out cause i'm proud to be joyce rogers [Music] brother i want to thank people's funeral home and mr clifton maxwell from the first call from the pickup until today they have been outstanding and wonderful and let me just say if the need arises and you need the services of a mortuary call clifton maxwell at people's funeral home this is my last message oh god to my sister who i love so dearly joyce and i i heard this song when i was writing maybe with bishop walls it's a secular song [Applause] bishop sheared when i got in this car this song was playing many of the saints won't know this but i i heard this song and it's my testimony to my sister joyce it was done by a young lady named celine dion look at the young folk there joyce you were my strength when i was weak you were my voice when i couldn't speak you were my eyes when i couldn't see you saw the best there was in me joyce you lifted me up when i couldn't reach you gave me faith because you believed joyce i'm everything that i am because you loved me you gave me wings yours and made me fly you touched my hand and i could touch the sky [Music] i lost my faith you gave it back to me you said no star was out of reach choice you stood by me and i stood tall i had your love i had it all i'm grateful joyce for each day you gave me maybe i don't know that much but this i know is true i was blessed because i was loved by you [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] god [Music] trust me [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Applause] is trust me oh [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] trust me [Music] [Applause] [Music] he says i will [Music] wave at me if you're still learning how to trust it through trials and tribulations if you if you if you [Music] not only am i trusting him but while going through these trials i've learned that i'm stronger [Music] bishop can you come help me i'm wiser i'm better so much better [Music] [Applause] i realized i made it because i had him to hold on [Music] but now i can see how he [Music] oh [Music] but now now i am stronger and wiser [Music] [Applause] is there anybody in here did you make it are you stronger [Music] [Music] break it up [Music] if you are absolutely positive that after all you've been through your testimony is i've made it let me hear you give god some praise like you know you have overcome thank you holy ghost we're here to celebrate the graduation the promotion of our sister supervisor joyce l rogers we're appreciative for our chief apostle our presiding bishop the bishop j drew sheared the entire general board for our esteemed general supervisor mother barbara mccool lewis and certainly for the angel of this house the bishop td jakes and so as we continue in ministry [Music] with the expressions of remembrance she was so blessed to be a gift to the entire body of christ she was not given a moratorium just for the church of god in christ but an anointing for the world we will hear from dr cynthia james and pastor cheryl brady and following will be a man of great generosity the reason why we sit here today none other than bishop td jakes i'm going to ask that you deal with the great temptation when you mount this sacred desk and the anointing that's in the house to just keep it to two minutes please [Music] thank you so much protocol having been established but again in deference to my own bishop bishop thomas dexter jakes and first lady jakes to the chief apostle bishop j drew sheard and the assistants general boards and to the supervisor of women would you indulge a softer voice for a moment but no less sincere for indeed the ecumenical tribute is to one who was an ecumenical woman to the god who understands women's works and women's words in a woman's womb to the god who created miracles and who used his loom to spun the heavens the earth and the rainbow to the god of ecumenical women's ministry who wrestled out of the hands of a jealous void a god who rested and then gave us supervisor joyce l rogers to the god who gathered up his daughter's tears sweetened them and returned them into her belly to spring up as a whale that god heard her song and filled her jars like rebecca so that she could go coast to coast and refresh souls a daughter who echoed a divine voice and used her words to wash and to heal our wounds who who who wouldn't have preferred to just stay in an isolated euphoric mountaintop transfiguration experience rather than treading a lonely valley but those who go first those who go further they tend to have to sometimes go alone some sisters of the word speak the language of good cooking and kitchen some speak the language of marketplace with precision and pride but our voice celebs spoke across the centuries words of life and power words that were gathered from searching the white paces and pages of the letters of the scripture looking for hints of divine purpose a vivant preacher teacher teacher preacher we need not quibble because she was pointedly didactic and memorably declarative and did this lean brown queen preach she had instructions for inspiration and she had content for comfort and yes we loved it when she was at full voice but she was too solid too tried and true to rely on wind shifts in the pews messages that she must have overheard from whispers on mount sinai or murmurings that she eavesdropped on the emmaus road or down by the riverside with lydia or reading books behold or writing with deborah or dorning with esto or consoling vastai she had words words that had her caught not trapped but caught caught between heaven and earth courageous words a courageous woman she was caught so that she could be a bridge and bridge the difference that divides ordinary people where others choose to live in small demarcated social worlds caught in giant territory which overlapped a promised land an ecumenical woman is a woman with an ancient future faith a faith epitomizing pentecostalism looking up to those who she did not know stood on tiptoes edge just to look up to her small in frame but great in power her own cultural competency implying awareness and understanding and imp interpersonal skills the kind that prevents gridlock in pulpits caught but courageous courageous enough to live in a both and reality even though sometimes for women in ministry the ideal is a little less than we would prefer but she made more than what was real and managed to live inside the church and had a capacity to move beyond its borders an ecumenical woman like supervisor rogers had a strategic imperative so while others labored to pivot she was in a full-blown gracious spin adapting flexible synergistic ah brave enough to examine her own marginalization and move others from the margin to the center ecumenical women in ministry live in a grace covered gap a world of paradox transcending prejudice without accepting it participating constructively and redemptively in decision-making rooms her prayer life was too powerful to contain and inevitably exploded in a public arena she belonged to you but you loaned her to us because her message could not be minimized it was all due to grace but she gave grace all that she had she considered herself a disposable asset yielding to the master's service rabbinic history documents that there was a time when women could not wear the prayer shawl in public call the talent but those hebrew women they learned how to weave their dreams and visions and prayers they learned how to embroider their symbols and secrets into the knots and the windings of the church and like supervisor rogers they brought color and shape and design to the collar that others wore but they had moans and groans that were meant only for shekinah's ear there right there right right there under the sheltering canopy of prayer evangelist rogers encountered the holy one who is sure that her words will continue to enrich the texture of our discourse the psalmist said there is a river but i say there is a rhythm a rhythm that belongs to the ecumenical daughter to whom the lord has lent his words there is a rhythm that is essential to the preacher teacher teacher principle a careful alteration there is a rhythm of point and counterpoint of natural and supernatural of past and present of substance and symbol of local and universal there is a rhythm unique to the universal ecumenical woman and the ministry of evangelist rogers because of her continuity with the past she cared an apostolic anointing and because of her willingness to consider the whole church she had a catholicity to her message and because she shunned any hint of arrogance which would silence the divine music from her throat she was protestant but she was so much more she loved and linked she'd linked a traditional church to and use it as a passing vehicle for the work in the spirit of god a unique way of living in a marvelous way of linking and to paraphrase miss wintry it doesn't happen very often that we have these moments of incandescence where the welter of pain and suffering give way to hope and maybe even joyce where a deep distress that has dogged our souls and shaken our faith is so difficult to articulate and harder to bear is transformed into someone pure and someone precious that sinks with the drum of our blood and the beat of our hearts where grace and peace in human form show us where we have bent and where we need to go lighting the way with her words she was who we needed she was who we have been waiting for this lean brown queen showing us our hearts heritage and spirit we came enhanced we left with hope marvelous and marveling and seeing in her the best of who we are called to be and who we can be in christ so praise the lord everybody come on one more time if you love him will you just tell him right now we love you jesus we thank you for the life of this incredible woman of god i honor my bishop my pastor i honor bishop sheard and all of you who are here today accounted such a huge honor to stand and speak over the life of evangelist joyce rogers two joyce rogers brother melton i feel like i know you it was just like a movie star walking up on on this stage when you came because i've been watching you uh all in them youtube videos you were you were the the jokester and and yet i loved the the the relationship that you shared with your sister that was amazing i remember the day that she went to be with the lord i was in my house and i said there's a vacancy there is a vacancy and it was as if god said to me he started breaking down what it meant for a vacancy it meant there was a void there was an emptiness there was a vacuum and i was thinking lord you've taken her home and now there's there's this emptiness this void this vacuum but then the lord said to me it's also an opportunity notice what he did not say he did not say that that it was time for someone to be opportunistic but he said it was an opportunity which means there's a possibility which means that there is an opening in the heavens which means that that there is a moment it means that this is a moment of hope and that this is an opportune time not not opportunistic because if you knew evangelist joyce rogers you knew she was none of that she was not about being opportunistic she was about the glory of god and she was about paying whatever price that had to be paid so that god could get the glory out of whatever he was going to do in her life she was not about hope though she could hoop like nobody like no other woman i know i would try to to do it when i'd watch her i'd be in my house just hollering trying to do everything and i couldn't do it some of y'all couldn't do it either she wasn't about a hoop she was about humility that's what she was about she was not just simply about hype because she she could have hyped up a crowd but she was about holiness and you know there's a different tone that comes across when you are trying to hype somebody or when you are actually the holiness unto god she had that that kind of thing she was not about uh let me say it like this she was all about empowerment and not about entitlement you never felt like she was feel like she was entitled to be somewhere or be somebody she was all about i need power god to do what you want me to do if you don't preach we can't do anything in here if you don't show up there's nothing that's going to be accomplished we need you lord to all of the young preachers that have watched her that she birthed you you know that she was about confidence and not about arrogance lord have you ever seen a day where so many people were arrogant she was none of those things she was she was about gratitude and not attitude she was about readiness and not pushing this she was about the anointing and her attire was never louder than the anointing that was on her life and i honor her for that today jesus was everything to joyce rogers he was the hunger and the food he was the water and the well he was everything to her he was the silence and then he would turn around and be the song that she needed she would go big for him i remember let me tell you this and i'm going to my seat but a few years back she preached at women our loosed and she talked about a message i believe she entitled it go big she preached that day until i'm mean to tell you i don't know how many thousands of women were in the room but she preached until she turned the entire place upside down and the moment that she said she was off the stage and she told everybody goodbye i uh i had a little tape table like our little what a product table in the back and they put me right next to joyce rogers actually i didn't have just a little tape tape product table we had a christian bookstore okay i'm just gonna be honest that's my husband he goes big and so we had a christian bookstore it looked like one anyway and her table was next to mine next thing you know when they dismiss church if there were 40 000 women in the auditorium i'm telling you 399 000 went out to joyce rogers tape table and little by little they kept moving my table over [Applause] and my team was like okay okay we come over a little bit but this is our table this is our spot and then like pastor what do we do i said you get out of her way that's what you do you scoot all the way down because this is her season she just blessed the people of god and you need to if you have to help them get behind her table and sell her books sell everything that she's got because this is the woman of the hour she would rock wherever she went and i love you my sister i'm still mad at you though not because of that but because you would sneak into my church on a sunday morning walk through the gravel parking lot come up on the stairs come into the house and you would sit in the very back row and i would never even know you were there until you would tell me about it three four five six months later that is a genuine woman of god and if we're going to model come on ladies i said if we're going to model anything it needs to be humility it needs to be all of the things that she modeled it needs to be i'm not looking for an opportunity i'm just going to worship god and wherever he takes me here i am and i'm gonna tell him yes from the bottom of my heart to the depths of my soul somebody on a slip up your hands right now in honor of this beautiful woman of god and say yes lord whatever you want to do ever how you want to do it just make sure that you do it with me i love you my sister and i salute you in the name of jesus [Music] [Applause] greetings in the precious name of jesus christ our king you may be seated i am deeply humbled and graced to be here and quite frankly quite honored um that lady joyce's family chose to allow us to be of service to you is a great honor to me i want to esteem my deepest respects to the presiding prelate of the national church of god in christ bishop j through sheer [Applause] [Music] i have known him a long time i knew him back when i had a jerry curl yes yes i did i actually have a jerry curl and 32 waist [Music] i lost him both about the same time but i've known him a long time to the first and second presiders that stand alongside of him and to the general board to the national mother and to the entire assembly i greet you in the name of jesus christ our king special honor to the love of my life first lady jake said stands by myself today [Applause] we are here from different reformations and different organizations and perhaps even different theological perspectives and yet it does not feel so because what bonds us together is our love for jesus and the great respect that we had for joyce rogers evangelist missionary mother what she's been to all of us varies from one place to the other but she had this unique way of bringing people together at a time that the world is so divided it is rare to find anybody that's pulling people together but she had that grace on her life i sat and browsed amused and listened with great reflection and all of the testimonials that preceded me regarding her life and the impact that she had had from the young people up in this section over here [Applause] who danced so hard they reminded me how old i was uh to the various potentates and officials at grace rostrum and i just wanted to briefly join the chorus and orchestrate my comments quite briefly into the fabric of this divine moment this was a very very special lady i'm used to the program and i was reading about her life because you learn things about people at a funeral that you never knew in their lifetime who they were and what they were and when they are volumeless as this woman is the church almost consumes their humanity with how god used him and the family has to sit there and listen because what they lost is different than what the church lost [Music] and we consume them with their official titles and accomplishments and gifts and anointings and they lost family and blood and kin and it's a different kind of pain all together a little harder to shout when your heart is broken i want to say to the family we're praying for you that we deeply understand the difference between public performance and private relationship and really the anointing that is in this room demonstrated through all the people in the room is committed to lifting some of the weight from the heaviness of your heart because if we at a distance thought she was amazing then up close she must have been absolutely spectacular our hearts are with you i'll close by saying they put the date november 13th on the program as the day she was born just two years before me in 1955 she exited on may 19 2021 and all there is is a dash that summarizes all the amazing places she went to people she won the souls that were saved the people that were baptized the friends that she was to other people the support she was within and outside of the church of god in christ is all summed up in a dash a dancer could never describe the magnitude of who she was adasha could never fully appreciate the deep impression that she has left on the world that long after the funeral is over we will go back to our lives but we cannot help but reflect on the moments that we had with her not just because she was a great preacher though she was i wouldn't have asked her to come if i didn't think she was a great preacher she preached for me several times both here and at some of our largest meetings her ability to command the pulpit was impeccable and in a class all by itself her articulation of speech and commander the scripture stood in a class all of its own and yet in the midst of her being quite didactic and profound and prolific she still had a funkiness about her that made you feel like you wanted to sit down and eat ham hocks and collard greens with it it cannot be real for a minute and it's so rare to find somebody who has that level of gifting and talent coupled with sincere humility such a rare mixture she is an ointment that could only have been put together by the master himself the apothecary had mixed her so finally that she was country enough to connect with you articulate enough to impress you anointed enough to deliver you powerful enough to change you scripturally prolific enough to teach you and it was all mixed in such a package that was so powerful and profound that when she pulled that hair back into a ponytail and opened up her mouth and let it rip she could turn the place inside out and all we have left are two dates the day she came and the date she left and the bible says that even though we have been doing this for a long time that the church has never gotten it right mr blake we've never been able to get it right we try but we can't get it right because the bible says that we should cry when they come and rejoice when they leave and it's hard to do it but it's hard but it's true we should cry when they come and rejoice when they leave if you get a glimpse of not right now we're focused on who she left but if you get a glimpse of where she went you wouldn't feel sorry for her you would feel sorry for you you you would weep for yourself i learned a little bit about death by watching my wife have a baby because there is a correlation between the date you come and the date you leave see what we call birth is really death the baby has only known the world of living inside of the womb of its mother for nine months that has been its entire universe it has been the epitome of the world as it knows it and in order to be born it has to die out to where it came from to be absent in the body is then to be present in to the world and we're standing there with open arms waiting to receive the child rejoicing and praising god never recognizing for one moment that it had to leave one world to cross over into the next one and though we understand that quite profoundly when it comes to dealing with birth we seem to lose the revelation and death that this world that we're living in it's just another kind of wound and when the time is right i called her two days before she left i knew the labor pains were getting greater i knew it wouldn't be long before the water broke and the lord lifted her from time into eternity and they called me two days later and said she's dead and the holy ghost said she's not and they said she's dead and the holy ghost said she's not and they said she experienced the holy ghost said she's gone and they said she did it the holy ghost said she's not he says she's not dead at all she's just absent in the body and present with the lord and steps from time over into eternity and so it is befitting that we rejoice and praise god even though our womb is empty and our heart is broken heaven was waiting with open arms waiting for the baby to come back home to the real home where the wicked shall cease from troubling and the weary shall be at rest and all the saints of the ages shall sit at his feet and be blessed and she went ahead but we're following behind you soon and very soon with one lurch we'll step from time over to eternity and so shall we ever be with the lord [Music] bye for your time to be with the lord our sister has made her time and you ought to rejoice for our time is coming thank you you double honda mandelsi glory to god glory to god glory to god [Music] so i'm very soon [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] you what i'm gonna give you 20 seconds to rejoice like you know you've got somewhere waiting on you you've got a home beyond this home that to be absent from the body is to be present with the lord i'm gonna give you 20 seconds to put your hands together and give god some real praise [Music] and we give god glory for the ability to rejoice as we proceed we shall now hear from the church of god in christ from the general church our general secretary [Music] [Applause] [Music] for one second can i hear all the tambourines y'all thought it was extinct but i hear tamarind ministry now everybody just put your hands together this is how we used to have trucks [Music] foreign [Music] and we give him glory if you'll take your seat for a few minutes we will proceed and we'll have another praise break in a few minutes at this time we will hear from our general church our general secretary bishop joel lyles he will be followed by our international department of women our general supervisor of los angeles california the mother barbara mccoon lewis and she speaks of her beloved daughter and then we will have a video presentation of our presiding bishop emeritus the bishop charles e blake senior of los angeles california followed by this great joyous l rogers celebration choir will bless us again and they're coming in that order [Applause] [Music] [Applause] just before i came to the podium i was reminded that i am on the presiding bishop's time so therefore as dr cole said that you would have another opportunity to rejoice and to celebrate the only opportunity i can give you at this present moment is to ask you one more time to put those hand together and bless the lord for dr joyce rogers [Music] we give deference to our besiding bishop the bishop jeju sheared the first and second assistant presiding bishops to the members of the general board to the general officers chairman of the general assembly the board of bishops to our general supervisor and the assistant supervisors and to the chairpers to the i'm sorry the administrative facilitators and to all who have gathered here today and of course to the timmins and rogers family i greet you in the precious name of our lord and savior jesus christ supervisor gatlin said that i stand to represent the entire church of god in christ which is something we usually do at every home going service that there is an official resolution from the church however there have been hundreds of resolutions and many from within the church of god in christ so in deference of time i will not be able to even acknowledge them but i will ask all elect with the exception of the general board and mother lewis i'm going to ask for all elected and appointed officers as well as department heads to please stand with me to the family i wanted you to see that the leadership of the church of god in christ is here today to celebrate joyce rogers and to be with you and support you in this hour i will not read the entire resolution i will only read three lines which says supervisor rogers was a treasured beloved and devoted daughter of the church of god in christ she served the church of god in christ with relentless zeal and unyielding determination the ministry of joyce rogers could be found in almost every area of the church of god in christ she was a unique trailblazing leader with an international reach in her role as chair lady of the international youth department she inspired and empowered a generation of youth in her capacity as evangelist author conference speaker ministry leader teacher and mentor she touched the lives of thousands across the world mother rogers instilled faith and hope in people of all walks of life and through her preaching and teaching she believed that they indeed too could be giant slayers the residing bishop general board general officers leadership and the constituency of the church of god in christ today honor the life of supervisor rogers and this resolution is expression of love sympathy and support to the family supervisor rogers possessed the faith and the profound hope in jesus christ and has realized the benefits of her preparation in this life and now is in the presence of the lord given unto my hand on the great seal of the church of god in christ this third day of june and the year of our lord 2021 and it is signed by our presiding bishop and the general secretary before i take my seat there's one more thing that our presiding bishop wants to do and that is on april 28th the presiding bishop gave a list of his appointees and one of those appointees was supervisor joyce l rogers by the power vested in me as the presidential bishop of the church of god in christ i do hereby declare that supervisor joyce l rogers is appointed to the office of chair administrative facilitators and that was done the 28th of april 2021. super superintendent timmons i will be presenting this to you on behalf of our presiding bishop as she is was appointed the chair of the administrative facilitators of the department of women of the church of god in christ god bless you [Applause] [Music] will you please receive will you please receive the bishop brandon burnett porter secretary to the general board thank you to our presiding bishop and of course the host passage of this church and to each of you in the interest of time we too will expedite this order that has come from the general board i served with evangelist rogers before youth president and she chair lady as youth directors or children's ministry directors my wife could not come with my youngest son and his wife are here and one thing he said to me about evangelist rogers he said the most memorable occasion of her was when he was walking through the hotel as a young man a teenager and he did a cartwheel down the hallway and he saw her and he said oh my god that's the chair lady she said young man that's not how you do a card wheel let me show you and he said right there in the hallway she did a cartwheel down the hallway instead of rebuking him she showed him how to do it right that's the kind of lady joyce rogers was amen i will have to edit this resolution because of what bishop jake stated because it begins by saying whereas with great sadness the presidium of the church of god in christ mourns the departure of evangelist joyce rogers we got to fix that whereas with great joy the presidium of the church of god in christ rejoices at the departure of evangelist george roger supervisor of texas northwest northeast excuse me first ecclesiastical jurisdiction department of women 21 years a chair lady for the international youth department of the church of god in christ and internationally renowned evangelists whereas evangelist george rogers measurably impacted the body of christ through excellence in preaching and serving whereas known as the giant slayer evangelist rogers preaching ministry embodied the beauty power and poise of femininity traverse ecumenical spectrums and inspired the entire generation of youth across the nation and the world there's so many more acknowledgments of her excellence but let me move to the final be it finally resolved that a copy of this resolution be given to the family of supervisor george rogers and a copy stored in the archives of the national church submitted this third day of june in the year of our lord 2021 by sign most reverend john drew sheard presiding bishop chief apostle eighth in succession yours truly bishop brandon burdette porter secretary of the general board blessings to your family [Music] don't worry to our honored and prolific leader the presiding bishop and chief apostle bishop j drew sheared first assistant presiding bishop bishop jerry wayne macklin second assistant presiding bishop bishop lawrence wooten to every member of the presidium of our church to the presiding bishop emeritus the bishop charles edward blake beloved and sainted general supervisor emerita mother willie may rivers to the college of bishops gathered here today and to all of our leaders the great women of god to the jurisdictional prelate of texas northeast first ecclesiastical jurisdiction bishop james e hornsby to our most gracious and kind host pastor and first lady the bishop t.d jakes and lady sarita jakes representing the ecumenical community these powerful iconic leading women in ministry dr brady and dr james i honor my assistance mother dr wilma huey mother vanessa winbush gatlin mother mary jane walton to the administrative facilitators the supervisors and bishop's wives to this beloved and wonderful timmons rogers family precious in the sight of the lord is the death of his saints a woman of excellence joyce timmins rogers a precious daughter and a cherished friend anointed with a holy calling at the age of eight honored on last night officially as an honorary member as a cheerleader for the dallas cowboys licensed evangelist missionary district missionary of the denton district jurisdictional youth chair lady international chair lady of the youth department author humanitarian entrepreneur administrative facilitator and recently appointed by our presiding bishop as the chairperson of the administrative facilitators jurisdictional supervisor for the department of women texas northeast first above all of these lofty titles and positions remember david when he was attired in his linen ephod who danced with all of his might while giving praise and honor to god when he returned the ark from the house of obed edom to the city of david with gladness mother joyce as i affectionately called her was an unapologetic praiser and worshiper of the gods she served a special anointed vessel of honor always standing out among the thousands of saints in our holy convocation and national meetings she was unbothered by where she was or who was looking at her you would see her most times on her feet praising worshiping and interceding for the people of god most time quietly other times not so quietly and only heaven knows the price that mother joyce paid for the hours that she spent alone communing with the holy ghost for the richness of the anointing on her life she was vociferous unwavering uncompromising voice of holiness and sanctification more than 20 years ago shortly after her appointment as the international chair lady of the youth department she reached out to me by telephone and introduced herself she told me that someone had given her my number and suggested that she call god bless that individual in this room hopefully you're hearing this i had no idea how much mother joyce would bless my life clothed with a spirit of humility witty humorous insightful energetic knowledgeable she possessed a powerful command of the scriptures and was a dynamic proclaimer of god's word evangelist rogers served faithfully as the youth chair lady her impartation into a whole generation of our young people is profound and evident as you observe their walk and love for god today some of the most brilliant and creative minds on the planet are the youth of the church of god in christ [Applause] [Music] most of all they loved jesus and they were taught the ways of the lord as the feminine warrior she served in the youth department but she also served with the same fervor and impact in the international department of women coupled with her many responsibilities in the church of god in christ god orchestrated and positioned mother joyce for global influence her impact in her ministry transcended denominational borders she traveled the country and around the world headed on a plane two and three times a week every week to proclaim the gospel message we all knew about glade water not glad water i said many years glad water and she finally said mother it's glade water texas she always included life lessons learned from big mama and my dear being the authentic and transparent individual she was she shared her ministry and wisdom experiences when speaking in workshops and seminars with the new missionaries she spoke of her beginnings as a traveling evangelist i would that the credential women of our church please stand [Applause] mother joy shared the mistreatment as a woman in ministry that she endured during the early days which caused her to walk the halls of her hotel searching for an untouched sandwich or a morsel of bread on a room service tray left outside the hotel rooms this would sustain her until she could get on a plane and return home beloved mother joyce the credential holders today honor you the evangelist missionaries the deaconess missionaries the rank-and-file supervisors we are a tired in honor of the sacrifices that you made and the trails that you blazed for those who follow you now and for generations to come you may be seated as i close evangelist mother joyce rogers was the saturday night state women's convention speaker in southern california first ecclesiastical jurisdiction where i served for 33 years as a jurisdictional supervisor for 10 consecutive years she was the saturday night speaker our invitation to her was not because she was the chair lady not because she was a member of the advisory board or an administrator facilitator but for the anointed gospel message that she proclaimed her speech and teaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom but in demonstration of the spirit and the power of the holy ghost she carried the oil of a fresh anointing which would cause every year for a glory cloud explosion where souls were saved delivered and set free and so god in your infinite wisdom and in this season of our life we trust you knowing that her assignment here on earth had been completed and your sovereign will has been accomplished to superintendent milton timmons superintendent donny lady laquita who serves as the chairperson of the administrative assistant's wives circle of the international department without a doubt these last several months have been difficult for all of you but god has kept you in the hollow of his hand thanking god for your awareness of his faithfulness allow the tears to come they are part of the healing process saints everywhere are praying for each of you continually reminding you that god is the god of all comfort and his strength is made perfect in our weakness and so saints of god let us not be weary in well-doing for in due season we shall all reap if we faint not we're living to live again mother joyce is waiting for us all god bless you how sad and we were to hear the passing of our dear sister supervisor george rogers she was a powerful precious and dearly loved servant of god and she was cherished by the people of the church of god in christ it was an unforgettable pleasure and joy to experience her unique and powerful ministry letting me and i have watched god move bless and heal through supervisor joyce's remarkable ministry god used her mightily as she ministered and prayed under the anointing and unction of the holy ghost as a woman of god supervisor joyce represented our church the church of god in christ with excellence as tiny and as beautiful as she was she was known to many as the giant slayer we watched her inspire and give hope to so many of us ladies as well as men she helped us all to overcome many of life's giant challenges she assisted me in hosting several of our special morning gyms with lady mae sessions during bishop blake's tenure as presiding bishop she supported me in so many ways even by bringing 25 to 30 young women to those morning gym sessions as volunteers we probably selected supervisor joyce to share the word of god and many of the watch tonight services at west angeles church it was almost a tradition at west day for supermartha george to help usher out the old year with thanksgiving and usher in the new year with joy and praise she ministered with a passion conviction and excitement that encouraged and energized us unfailingly the entire west angeles church family loved and appreciated her ministry she blessed us in so many women's day services she was our encourager she was our helper she was our sister our daughters to some and she was our friend what a wonderful blessing she has been to every one of us there will never ever be another joyce rogers who embodies what it means to be a beautiful and strong woman of god and we are going to miss her so very much the word of god tells us in first thessalonians 4 and 13 i do not want you to be ignorant brethren concerning those who have fallen asleep unless you sorrow as others who have no hope we have a hope and a blessed assurance that we will see supervisor rogers again she has no more illness she has no more pain she has no more suffering and she is perfect and whole right now she is at this very moment rejoicing in the glorious presence of our great and mighty god lady may and i want to extend our love support and condolences to the entire timmins family to superintendent milton timmons and danny timmons our hearts are with you to the dear people of texas northeast first ecclesiastical jurisdiction we are praying for you and letting me and i love you all dearly and may god bless you and keep you always yes yes how do what you say go where you want me to go oh not my will but i will be done yes [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] yes yes he's molded [Music] yes [Music] you say go where you want me to go and we say come on church of god in christ if you still have a yes in here why don't you stand on your feet and think that's with us come on all over the building oh we stay here [Music] [Applause] come on all up and down your road i don't care what the corona virus is bringing huh i still got a yes [Applause] come on here we've lost a lot of people but come when they come with me [Music] one more time [Applause] one more time somebody shout over here if you got a yes come wipe me come let me come with me ariel one more time come with me [Music] now everybody up on your feet as we sing the hymn of the church of god in christ let the church say yes come one more time i know you may have a mask on but don't let your mask muzzle your yes let the church say yeah come on zion [Applause] we still think now do me a favor clap your hands as fast as you can and say that's true [Music] [Music] [Music] we are a yes lord church we're moving swiftly to the word of god [Music] and i'd like to thank the family and our church for giving me this opportunity to share in this wonderful celebration of life we will have resolutions and acknowledgements by supervisor mary kay sims administrative facilitator of kansas city missouri the introduction of our eulogist will be by the bishop jerry wayne macklin our first assistant presiding bishop of hayward california and then the sermonic selection lady latanja blaire of fort worth texas and then we will hear the voice of our chief apostle bishop j drew sheared of detroit michigan let's come in that order praise the lord church celebrating the life of supervisor joyce l rogers has been stated we have received numerous numerous resolutions and condolences and let us say that please allow the family to read those in their private time and they will be acknowledged in the days to come i would like to acknowledge receiving from bishop marvin weinings pastor donnie mcclurkin apostle herman murray bishop eric garns bishop marvin sapp dr sabrina ellis bishop pat mckinstry bishop mark barker bishop james nelson dr b.b winans pastor ricky rush and pastor lawrence powell and now i would like to read the resolution from the international department of women church of god in christ incorporated mother barbara miku lewis general supervisor bishop j drew sheard presiding bishop and chief apostle bishop charles e blake senior presiding bishop and chief apostle emeritus and mother willie may rivers general supervisor emerita resolution give her of the fruit of her hands and let her own works praise her proverbs 31 31 according to his tender mercy god who is infinite in his wisdom called from time to eternity our beloved sister on may 19 2021 whereas supervisor joyce l timmons rogers began her life and training in the ways of the lord at the rising star church of god in christ in gladewater texas under the pastorate of superintendent c.h magnese senior then moved to denton texas where she attended college and there served at the saint andrew church of god in christ under the pastorate of the late elder s e mitchell and presently the pastor superintendent clarence harden and whereas supervisor rogers faithfully served the texas northeast first ecclesiastical jurisdiction as the chair lady of the jurisdictional youth department and as the district missionary of the denton district she was selected to serve as the jurisdictional supervisor by bishop james e hornsby prelit and installed by mother barbara makuu lewis on may 17 2021 and whereas mother rogers was a dedicated and loyal supporter of the international department of women she was a member of the advisory board co-chairperson of the program committee under mother willie may rivers general supervisor emerita she was elevated as administrative facilitator of programming worship and prayer vigils under mother barbara mccool lewis general supervisor in march 2020 she was elevated as the chairperson for the administrative facilitators by bishop jay drew sheard she currently served as the concurrently served as the chair lady of the international youth department supervisor rogers was an anointed proclaimer of the gospel message she traveled throughout the country and abroad as an evangelist missionary her infectious energy and powerful delivery of god's word has made an indelible impact on the body of christ causing her to be deeply loved by family friends and neighbors she faithfully served the local the district and the national church of god in christ until god so graciously called her home and whereas supervisor rogers founded the primary purpose ministries to minister hope without denominational culture or geographic barriers she also authorized authored four books and whereas mother rogers was part of a loving and caring family who accepts the will of a sovereign god in the passing of their loved one there is comfort in knowing we mourn not as those who have no hope but as those who expect to meet the lord on that celestial shore beyond the sky therefore be it resolved that we embrace the family with the common bond that connects us for the rest of our lives we cannot replace supervisor rogers but we prayerfully stand with the family now and in the coming days be it further resolve that we the church of god in christ international department of women salute today our co-laborer and fellow soldier in christ supervisor joyce l timmons rogers who now rests in the arms of the lord and be it finally resolved that a copy of this resolution will be given to the family and a copy placed in the archives of the international department of women church of god in christ prayerfully submitted this third day of june in the year of our lord 2021 mother dr barbara mclewis general supervisor mother dr wilma j huey first assistant general supervisor mother vanessa gatt winbush gatlin second assistant general supervisor and mother mary jane walton third assistant general supervisor administrative facilitator supervisor barbara bryant supervisor dr grace davis harris lady barbara j mckinney esquire supervisor gladys lockett ross supervisor mary k sims and supervisor darlene stone at this time we will receive acknowledgements who will come from the honorable eddie bernice joyce the 13th district texas member of congress 30th district of texas and we're calling for renee edwards at this time to come forth um i believe the sentiments of who evangelist rogers was to all of us has been reverbed over and over so in the essence of time i shall be succinct i am reading or acknowledging just three lines of a letter from the governor of the state of texas that would be governor greg abbott please accept our condolences in passing of joyce o rodgers as a beacon of inspiration and hope joyce led a life devoted to christ and devoted to her ministry joyce's devotion to her faith and love for the lord will never be forgotten and i am certain that she will be greatly missed i know you will be comforted by her legacy and through cherished ministry memories that she leaves behind first lady cecilia abbott and i pray for god's blessing for you and your family today and in the days of head sincerely greg abbott accessory good afternoon everyone what a day this has been today we gather together to celebrate the life of our beautiful and devout sister supervisor joyce rogers my name is renee edwards and i am the district director for congresswoman eddie bernice johnson representing the 30th congressional district of texas and though congresswoman johnson is unable to be with us today she passes along her condolences to the family friends and loved ones of supervisor rogers the congresswoman like most in our community was very familiar with the work that supervisor rogers did and the body of the church of god in christ and how wonderful it is that god shared her with us and he gave us 65 fruitful years of her presence and that she was able to accomplish so much in those years it is impossible for me to properly pay tribute to the life of such an incredible woman in just a few minutes but i want you to know that she leaves behind a legacy that will certainly endure for generations to come what i believe is a true testament to her life is the outpouring of love and support that we have seen since her passing both in texas and across the country at this time i'd like to read a letter pinned by congresswoman johnson to the family of supervisor rogers thursday june 3rd 2021 dear family friends and loved ones of supervisor joyce l rogers it is with heartfelt sorrow that i extend my sincere condolences condolences on the passing of your beloved supervisor joyce hill rogers a true servant of god a prominent evangelist speaker and author supervisor rogers dedicated herself to the well-being and success of her family of her community and of the church she rose from modest beginnings guided by her faith to build an illustrious career rooted in ministry and the church of god in christ she achieved the title of supervisor in kojic just days before her passing and was surely planning to use this status as a way to expand her outreach and spread her word deeper in our community may we therefore honor her memory by continuing her work to open the doors of opportunities for others in the name of god my thoughts and prayers are with your family friends and supervisor rogers loved ones there are many whose lives were enhanced by the joy the graciousness and the love that she carried in her heart and soul as you move forward i pray that the outpouring of love that surrounds you gives you the strength to enhance each coming day with the spirit of healing a spirit of restoration and a spirit of peace thank you for allowing us to be a part of this day and may god continue to grant us the strength to go forward each new day thank you amen god bless on yesterday i had about six phone calls back and forth with my colleagues at the white house and we were trying to decide which office was going to submit a condolence for our dear supervisor and at about 9 45 a.m the eagle landed and it came directly from the oval office from the office of the president of the united states [Music] to bishop jeju sheared and to the family and the gathered loved ones of mrs joyce l rogers i want to extend our deepest condolences to the family and loved ones of mother rogers who served as president of the youth department and a beloved supervisor we share in your heartbreak at this loss of a key leader who enriched the lives of our youth for nearly two decades as we mourn the unexpected death of mother rogers i know nothing we can say will fill the void left by her absence i want you to know that we are thinking of you and keeping you in our hearts we extend our deepest sympathies to you all her family her friends and her faith community we are grateful for mother roger's service and for the love she shared with you all and with the world sincerely joseph r biden the president of the united states [Music] [Applause] thank you so much thank you and on behalf of the family their acknowledgement the family of supervisor joyce l rogers would like to take this means to express their sincerest thanks to all who participated in the life of our esteemed relative and for the love given during her illness and ultimately promotion to glory there are no words to express how thankful we are for your support during this difficult time your prayers have been truly felt and your presence helped to make the weight a little lighter whatever sacrifice you made to help us celebrate the life of our dear joyce we say thank you we love you and may god bless you we will express our gratitude in a more personal way as time passes and the pain of our grief is better born special thanks is extended to bishop td jakes and first lady sarita jakes and the staff at the potter's house for the use of this magnificent cathedral to host this service of remembrance the family wishes to extend their heartfelt thanks to presiding bishop j drew sheard the general board mother barbara mccool lewis and the entire church of god in christ's family we pray god's choices blessings on each of you god bless you [Music] thank you very much to the pastor of this church and first lady bishop jakes thank you so much for this open door lady cynthia from the bay area so good to see her the bishop sheared and to all the members of the general board who have come would you allow me just to ask them to stand and can we just give them a big applaud of appreciation we're so glad to see all of our general board members who are here what what a great team is here and to all of you mother louis thank you so much and this wonderful celebration thank you for allowing us to share and to the brother of george rogers superintendent timmins we all know your name praise god but we love you sir and our prayers are with you and your family like you i am i'm honored to be here today at this marvelous facility and this church uh like you my your sister came here before you and my sister came to minister here before me she's going on now but uh it's amazing how our sisters can help us unfortunately i do not have but just a moment of time because if i had just an extra minute of time i would set the record straight and help all of these youth department leaders who are now taking credit for her appointment to the youth department i don't have time to do that but if i did i would help them to understand that before she was there there was a con conference called aim and her first assignment was as the co-leader of the children and youth ministry for youth church for many of them who were much younger and were probably in that service were there i just thought i'd add that in what a tremendous atmosphere shifter she has blessed all of our lives i'm here today to fulfill her request a few weeks ago my phone rang and a young lady who hailed from east texas was calling a young man whose roots were 47 miles from hers from marshall texas to glen i think it's about 47 miles did not realize our connection from east texas she called me up and said bishop macklin this is george rogers now this just happened i said yes sister rogers she said bishop macklin i need you to do something for me i said what would you have me do she said i need for you to introduce the presiding bishop i said that i would she said now you need to go ahead and get that done right away i did not realize she meant it would be this soon she asked me to introduce the presiding bishop for the women's convention but perhaps what she was really saying was introduce the presiding bishop at my homegoing celebration so here i am to fulfill her request i stand today to introduce a young man who 33 years ago was assigned to church with eight members in highland park there are many who thought that church is going nowhere there are many who thought perhaps that church would never really be that much but i remember one of our former bishops bishop ford who would always remind us it's not in the land it's in the man bishop ford is gone now but his words ring true look what happened with the man and here we are now all of these years later and we've watched him move from one building to another to another until the place where he is now for which the city has honored him by changing the name of the street after our presiding bishop a few moments ago the leaders of the church of god in christ stood up those who were appointed those who were elected and you saw a great host of people credential holders all of us standing up in fact is may i ask all of those who stood earlier to stand again [Music] remain standing we recognize lady macklin as well all of us are credential holders in this great church but let there be no mistake about it while all of us carry the license of the church of god in christ here and around the world there's only one voice that's now speaks and that one voice speaks and expresses the sentiment of all of our hearts helps others understand why there's tears in our eyes and as he preaches and delivers the word of god he appoints in a direction that says peace be still and there's coming a day when all of us will gather [Music] thank god for the leader who is eighth in succession following this demonic selection this young man share the word of god that lifts all of our hearts and points us toward the savior where this great atmosphere shifter now resides at the time that he comes we will all stand but in this moment let's just encourage him now by putting your hands together as the presiding bishop of the church of god in christ bishop j drew shared put your hands together for him everybody [Music] somewhere in outer space prepared a place but it's for them who will trust him and open [Music] and although we don't know where [Music] jesus is coming back again [Music] and the countdown [Music] is getting lower [Music] every day [Music] 10 9 8 7 six five and four call upon the lord while he's near [Music] three two and one don't get cold with your work undone [Music] cause the countdown is getting lower every day oh i wanna see him [Music] look upon his face they'll just sing forever [Music] the streets of glory let me lift my voice cares all past i'm home at last ever to [Music] rejoice fly away when i die hallelujah [Music] somewhere in outer space god has prepared a place [Music] but it's for them who will trust him and obey and although we don't know where jesus is coming back again and the countdown is getting lower every day now will you be ready will you be ready [Music] [Applause] ready when jesus [Music] christ [Music] do me a favor do me a favor if the lord has been good to you tell him thank you if the lord ever made a way for you tell him thank you if the lord ever opened a door for you tell him thank you as a matter of fact after all i've been through after all the devil is trying to do to me praise god i still have my joy somebody give god some praise let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight o lord my strength and my redeemer and the people of the lord said amen please be seated in the presence of the lord we certainly are thankful to god for the opportunity to say something about my dear sister bishop macklin and i as we sat there we agreed this is a tough one because sister joyce meant so much to so many of us i'll never forget uh of course we became very very close friends and i'll never forget that when we had talked to presiding bishop owens about joyce becoming the international chair lady he said what and i said yes sir and he said this is what he said i'm not saying it he said call newell i got him on the phone and three of us he said new drew want to get joyce this girl joyce to be his supervisor and bishop haynes say i think he'll make she'll make him a good one we were in cincinnati ohio and out of the blue bishop owens turned around said come here boy when i got up i went and knelt down between him and uh bishop haines and he said to me you sure you want this girl to be your uh chair lady i looked at bishop haines to get some instruction bishop haynes looked off wouldn't look at me i said yes sir he said all right i'm on point uh i said william he said i'm gonna do it tonight and i went to sit down and i looked back because joyce was over there jumping i looked back and i was looking i'm trying to stare some direction at her she wouldn't look she was being a cheerleader she was jumping and shouting and i'm like joyce look at me and i didn't want to tell anybody else because i didn't want them to see what i was getting ready to say joyce was just jumping around jumping around i said oh she make me sick bishop owens got up and in his smooth way he said i'm appointing tonight to chair lady george rogers as the international cheerleader i look back at her she like to had a heart attack i said if you didn't watch me i'd have told you and we've been friends for a very long time i want to uh certainly thank god for this wonderful service that has gone forth amen thank you superintendent donnie timmons and superintendent milton timmons and the entire timmins family for allowing us to become a part of your family by loving sister joyce rogers we thank god for the first assistant presiding bishop macklin and second assistant bishop wooten and all of the general board members all of the board of bishops and to bishop lyles and bishop thuston we certainly praise god for our general supervisor of the women's department mother barbara mccool lewis [Music] to her assistants dr hughie and mother gatlin and to all of the supervisors that are here god bless you bishop hornsby our jurisdictional prelate and to all of the pastors and elders god bless this wonderful choir on the direction of our new president dr myron williams i understand that there are just a uh great cloud of ecumenical leaders that are here will you all please stand i see my brother bishop weining and uh bishop uh oh my god look at the oh praise god i think there's some more over there let's give our ecumenical leaders a hand don't worry i won't be long if you'll just pray with me but what a joy it is to be here in the potter's house and to be able to thank god for this uh tremendous leader uh who has opened his doors to us and has made sure that the church of god in christ is welcome here at the potter's house please help me celebrate bishop and lady t.d jakes love you bishop [Music] i'm so thankful for bishop jakes he and our friends and brothers and uh bishop jakes preached for me many years ago and um we were certainly blessed then and he continues to bless the world in the ministry i want to call you attention to a scripture and i promise that i won't be long it's found in the book of romans the 8th chapter and the 18th verse if you'll be so kind to stand for the reading of god's holy word in that eighth chapter of romans and the 18th verse you will find these words left on record for our consideration for i reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us i'm going to talk to you for the next few fleeting moments from the subject no comparison no comparison let's talk about this scripture for a few minutes when the bible speaks about the sufferings of this present time the phrase the present time may have meant that time or present age in which the apostles live which was an age where the people of god suffered much of course that was foretold by jesus christ and this was necessary for the confirmation of the gospel for grace and strength our answers to their trial and the power of god was to visibly be seen in their support since this was not the only suffering age my brothers and sisters there is something that i must share with you about this present age because when you really think about it there are some problems that we have in this present time and so uh not only was that an age where they suffered but that suffering age may be extended to life in its entirety considering this world in which we live i'm sure that you will agree that these times are times of suffering when we consider the nature of this world the state and condition of our souls the constitution of our bodies and the many enemies that we have my brothers and sisters this life can be noted as a suffering age can i get a witness here when you look at our present world we note that it has been defaced and demarred by sin sin has converted this world into a region of woe and a shadow of death mourning by morning day by day night by night evening by evening we're faced with the results of a sin cursed world our financial institutions are insecure our educational system is failing our young our medical system has very few answers for the maladies of our body this is a suffering age we're faced with police brutality racial injustice and a certain rise of inequity [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] in cases we all offend but sometimes i'm perplexed that this is a suffering age however this present time of life is the only suffering time that the saints will have to endure because when we are removed from it in that glory that shall be revealed neither wicked men nor devils can reach us that that is that place where our souls are free from sin and unbelief doubt and fears and everything that is distressing so be mindful that this present time is but a short time after a while and when all our sufferings will soon come to an end therefore they are not worthy to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed in us my brothers and sisters the future happiness of the saints is expressed by glory of which the glory of this world is a faint resemblance of and i believe that my sister joyce realized that this and made a preparation for her transition she didn't tell us because it resonated in her spirit that where she was could not be compared to where she was about to go well i've got to close here but they tell me of a place where there is not one envious person they tell me of a place where no detractors are not an evil speaker not one person with an evil heart or an evil tongue they tell me of a place where liars and backbiters and evil folk can't get in they tell me of a place where the streams are all pure the sky is cloudless and radiant the air is impregnated with pollution and holiness spreads throughout its border they tell me of a place that is a healthy place and i've been told that the atmosphere is untainted by human offenses they tell me that diseases and hallelujah viruses can't get in they tell me that the air is salubrious the enjoyments without peril and the food incorruptible if that is true and i'm sure it is there is no comparison so i came by as i go to my seat to reiterate what jesus said in the 14th chapter of john and the first three verses he said let not your heart be troubled if you believe in god believe also in me in my father's house of many mansions if it were not so i would have told you but i go to prepare a place for you and if i go and prepare a place for you i will come again and receive you unto myself that where i am yeah hey there ye may be also yes my friends don't get me wrong this world is full of god's goodness but the richer blessings mother lewis are in the glory that shall be revealed and i believe that my sister joyce realized that in this life we only have a sip a gleam a taste of enjoyment but in that glory that shall be revealed she saw an ocean a noonday light an eternal banquet of enjoyment now between the suffering of this present state and the future happiness that we shall have there is no comparison either with respect to quality or quantity therefore afflictions are light in comparison to the joy we shall have the suffering of the saints are but for a time but their joy is eternal i come to tell you that there is no comparison and let me make one more observation so i can close here but uh from this the judgment of things the apostle made he said for i reckon i think i contemplate on that which is in this life and i have deliberately weighed things in my mind and he came to the conclusion that there is no comparison [Applause] yay at some point in your life you're gonna have to make a choice joyce seemed to have come to that place in a place like where the apostle paul said but none of these things in this life will move me he she she understood that she had another place and so paul said for our light affliction which is but for a moment worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal way to glory and so i wish i could get somebody to understand as i go to my seat brethren beloved now are we the sons of god but it does not yet appear what we shall be but we know that when he shall appear we shall be like him and we shall see him as he joyce came to a conclusion and she made up in her mind that i'd rather be with jesus than to stay here with y'all and so therefore my beloved brethren be steadfast unmovable always abounding in the work of the lord for as much as you know that your labor is not in vain in the law let me call by saying no more doctors no more nurses no more medicine no more evil talk about her because she's gone to a place where the wicked shall cease from trouble and the weary shall be at rest and all of the saints of the ages shall sit at his feet and be blessed some glad morning when this life is over [Music] as we stand as we stand did not our hearts burn as our presiding bishop speak to us by the way we're going to prepare to exit the auditorium at this time i'm going to ask that the accidents would take their stations that you would remain in your seats please remain in your at your seats while you stand please remain at your seats while you stand no walking the committal will be tomorrow the final committal and benediction will be tomorrow viewing committal and benediction tomorrow the information is on the back of your program god bless you god bless your choir [Music] here we go he's my a shelter one more time everybody he is is [Music] yes everything i need [Music] everybody [Music] hey [Music] i share my strength with him you'll welcome me for myself jesus [Music] you you'll welcome you welcome me [Music] hey me me [Applause] [Music] you welcome me hey whatever [Music] says yes he will i know he will i know he will wow [Music] yes here we go [Music] will you be ready thank you [Music] god [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Catch My Praise Network
Views: 141,143
Rating: 4.8562522 out of 5
Id: QLk9SE6Ni18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 234min 28sec (14068 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 03 2021
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