Belinda Lee's Testimony

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well um today like I said I'm always nervous um to stand on stage to share my story oh god sorry because it is not a glorious past that I had so today it's nerve-wracking but I am ready to share with you because I believe God's story is gonna touch every one of you in a very personal way and you know I had a very difficult childhood and I was constantly struggling with my self-worth who I was and where it came from that's how she holder one what each the self I thought he was should say what's a--what's outsources simmer what each should say when one says he's just here when he's Alchemist ow - oh ho I'd say what Sally Sherman King kwinda I wasn't born with a silver spoon my dad he ran a small business and my mom was a full-time homemaker they had three children two feet and I was the youngest so she sat on sweet soda the hummons I'm going to Sanka highs away that's it you got cooker to make ends meet my mom would try to do all kinds of odd jobs like sewing umbrellas okay let me just show you a quickly how I look like when I was a little girl yeah since the shower she heard the wall I know I look like a boy huh but a girl a girl a very cute girl who look like a boy I think I was probably like two three years so a guy's 11 cents a share how about and so she could I okay Roy chunk that hole what you pecans so already choked and you just always mode you know what uncle my uncle I I was kind of cute when I was very young but not so cute when I started to grow up so let's talk about my mom you know she would do all kinds of odd jobs you know just to make ends meet just to make sure that she provides for the family like sewing umbrellas you know and how can we say T ha ha I think I uh come on irony and I think I which is out teeny horse ma and also she would babysit you know like they say oh yeah okay I tell you first I will have a lot of sprinkling of Hokkien because my mother is a Hakim so my Hawking not bad nah and my papa is a Cantonese ah no con tomate okay okay go okay Wow very motive lingo I think that the best part about you know being born in Singapore and into of into a family that speaks dialect so young people out there trust me Golan dialect is the best thing you can ever have because that's how you connect with the elderly I know a lot of you want to do voluntary work at the old folks home you know at some places gonna learn some dialect it would really do you a lot of good because all these grandparents will love you and adore you because you can speak Hokkien Cantonese Hainanese and all choo-choo so I'm very grateful that was born into a family that could speak dialect and now talking about mom she would also have to dry econ beliefs in the baskets under the hot Sun we call it Papa yeah you know it's really really tough job and she was pregnant with my sister when she was doing that and she had to fold Joss paper also known as spirit money him so ah so all these efforts all these different different jobs for very very little money so every dollar and cent that we earned my parents and was very precious to the children both parents they suffered a lot especially my mom so as children we were taught to be as shifty as possible my schoolmates I still remember they would buy a few sets of school uniforms a year a few you know shoes like pairs of shoes a year but I could only afford one set of uniform a year maximum maximum two sets of uniforms I would have to wear them till from quite the aterna to yellow from sky-blue they turn to Dowe blue like very light blue and even when it comes to school shoes or CS take a so - y'all trying to put on weight what's hide-and-go my Cinda I had to wear them wear them till they were completely worn out and had holes in them then I could ask for money to buy a new pair of shoes and because of that I was often judged and looked down upon by my school teachers and friends because of my shabby appearance in Wilkinson I'd Samsung de la Wanda so you know Honora polio boost even walk Lucia Johan Johan walk I hated school from the beginning let me tell you why I still remember the first day of school I was at the back of the classroom I was very dark and skinny like a gumbo Nikken you know come pumpk way son Pete bomb and mommy will call me this is how I used to look like a you're the small one is me yeah the small one is me that company can over there is me I told you Chanchala how some milk I could I do eBay so yeah so I feel that during that period of my life I wasn't that cute um so I remember during you recess time the primary six children they would come to my classroom to pick the primary one primary ones students like myself to go to the canteen for breakfast so the big sisters they would choose the ones whom they liked at first sight none me and mother died so they happily they all chose a kid whom daylight and then held their hands and went off to the canteen guess what I was the only one left in a classroom no one chose me at 7 years old I picked myself up went to the canteen to eat alone I was deeply affected Marian one mirror and I watch it she don't see her now go and shun scene but I could tell nobody ok can say sure she sure will aim for EML sure anyway what was that smoke inhalation finish now we're singly made an encore so during special occasions like teachers days and children's day I would never get a chance to get involved with any student performances because because my classmates would tell me you're not talented enough to be part of the team yeah any pockets ha ha so you nipple Keiko amazing cow nipple Keiko mean CNC guess what I'm doing for a living now I'm an artist by God's grace in all my friends they discriminated me some of my teachers they did not like me to one of my teachers she actually punished me by physically abusing me a few times she would pinch you know and flip my eyelids inside out general synagogue MP Funaki inside our fun to light ryona power in our data light strong it's also ok bang my head on the desk and even caught me stupid just because I forgot to bring my teensy Apple I know you're well you're heartbroken for me right but a wet shoe is really really true what I went through as a little girl another teacher she accused me of stealing and even humiliated my parents by telling me that my parents must be uneducated illiterate because she claimed that one of the characters in my Chinese name did not exist in the Chinese dictionary it's caught Lee seen you as you can see on screen right now how say take a you you know Lee senior it's ago who are you sure it's not in a dictionary so the first thing that I did when I went home was to look up the dictionary to see for myself if the teacher was right yes what I found a Chinese character it is a very uncommon Lee used Chinese character this year so the very next day I was very excited a one back to school I showed it at a teacher working out so now SHINee Kanaka what a means of leasing you it's ago you recently or that sir the only miam and it has got a beautiful meaning to the zoo this year actually means a transparent jae-ha sheikah fate hung Chioda told me you 200 so don't you lose that every day palming the should fade Hamlin shoutout Oh so I explained so hi said she she what a means it means a transparent shade in the shape of a heart how beautiful is that is my name really nice it's wonderful name I know now I really appreciate my name and I told the teacher she brushed me off and she did not even apologize then she was each other Obama Oh Papa mama poetry that means a higher holla Lee senior anyway thinking anyway what without a poke want so so much the same though she was seen she saw you here while you're here in San scene so you're seen she saw mates am i right to say that just use your heart to do anything anything will work your family life and trust me it will never be wrong because you use your heart and your sincerity to treat life and treat people with love I don't know why I didn't have much luck with very nice caring teachers in school another incident that left a very deep scar in my heart was when I was asked by a teacher to stand in front of a bench in front of my classmates when they like like me you know standing on a stage so that everybody at the bottom could could see me so I was standing there and my teacher pointed her finger at me and told everyone that I was a bad role model she said don't be messy like her look like her look at her she's like a jungle girl you must never be like her Wow I thought to myself I must have looked quite bad for her to humiliate me like that you know I can laugh about it now yeah I can stay have a smile on my face but back then I felt that my world completely turned upside down it was the very first time in my life that I understood the meaning of humiliation I was probably only eight years old nine years old I felt that you know I was some Paris I just wanted to dig a hole and just die inside well tonight I'm wagget on justice asylum a hollow Busan sea in general what you know what this is our ocean my young I felt like a complete idiot I've never felt so ashamed so rejected and so condemned in my life I felt that no one loved me and I was a nobody's child it was during that time that I started to develop an orphans heart Oprah's always summer what kind of song sing it girl who world is seen hi well push the core dance is seen lenient on judo what she took were anyway want my urine I another reason why I wasn't popular in school was also because I wasn't very good in my studies I have to be very honest I wasn't a top student my grades weren't fantastic but I always managed to pass my yearly exams you know I'd always talk to my aliens selgeh Wow very hangman well never feel that you know I really that was how I used the time I said no need to stay back in school one more year and my my results with Sony do mediocre to a point that my mom she couldn't take it anymore I she couldn't stand it anymore and she actually asked me to quit my school quit school and come out to work so that I can earn some money to support my family I remember she said it in the Hokkien but Lina as she calls me but believe Ocala coma Lobos okay Amalia wah lui ha tonight so can tan temple Louie halachic a hobo I see Ramon not better yet I always tell people I am an alien at higher you know so yes it was true it was sure that I hate at school but I knew the importance of completing my completing my all levels at that time so I persevered of course I know that it doesn't mean a thing now you know all levels is really nothing at all times have changed and I know that I didn't know God at a time Jesus Christ but I could sense that there was a higher power always watching over me especially during my exams period otherwise I was thinking how was it even possible that I could pass every year many NKT konohana consumed Johann Halle 50 upon hundreds of pass what kind of 55 young Tutsi Kalamata would weigh so I view that God probably he knew you know he knew that if I have failed and had to retain in school for one extra year I would have completely given up on myself I always talked about how people they suffer from low self-esteem I suffered from no self-esteem I did not even know what that was it was that bad honestly I don't even know how I managed to overcome all these obstacles and not some better or way what you know and you know to treat an Jesuit I'm always moment so we push it away sumo Romeo PNY since young I've always yearned for acceptance but no matter how hard I tried to please others I was never accepted all I got was rejection of the rejection condemnation after condemnation I was caught names Hanoi Sasha Holland don't know it's always here hunting that means I was always told that you're good for nothing you know Nimue young lee bo-young no way but we never once at you boo-yah Anita you're not good enough and you would never amount to anything in life I never had any words of affirmation when I was a little girl so I grew up believing that I was a low-life not having the courage to dream at all because I believe what people told me what sounds intrinsic also means downlights on the whole anyways should by meeting she answered by Durden grew up thinking that I would fail you know weekly so that's why when the books were so down how can it be not because I doubt but I have to put all my trust and my faith in God because it is not by my own doing by my own talent but it is through His grace that I am able to stand in front of all of you to share how amazing he has been to me in my life of my 40 years of my life so as a little girl my heart was completely broken well you know life did not get any better when I was growing up people always say oh the entertainment industry is very dark and complicated you lachan have food sada okay well I'm not gonna lie to you they're not too far from the truth I had to learn to put up with criticism from the public the general public it was very torturous I was very concerned with how people would look at me do they like me do they not like me digger sensei quanto suppose I want any money but we wait how are my boys here so the public's opinion mattered so much to me that I became a people pleaser I would only say yes and I would never say no I didn't dare to stand up for myself I was afraid of offending or rejecting other people because I was afraid of being rejected huahin path Chitauri biron cheese reappearance anyway woman part-timer with choo-choo I even tried looking for true love and acceptance at all the wrong places yes boyfriend one let you go yogi go I had one felt relationship after another and I'm not proud of it if I ever have a choice again I will rather just have one partner for the rest of my life but life is not that simple is usually a little complicated because we complicate things what was I really searching for and all these people whom I dated and had really relationship with all I was searching for was security and a sense of belonging with the man whom I was with well child awash in Jerez Simha & Schanker way suka Genesee wanna go to Ithaca Jeong Jeong I water run but I found myself plunging deeper and deeper into darkness after each broken relationship my love life was in a mess my career as an artist wasn't smooth sailing either during the first few years of my contract with the local TV station Mediacom as all of you know I had to take on projects that I wasn't completely comfortable with because I knew I was so you know discovering myself and I wasn't exactly in my element hosting a lot of wacky variety shows though Taiwanese Sheila how you had or the cha media mo Maceo caocao ya ha ha see ha see ya does your sewer would you that housing cool because I wasn't really like that you know so anyway what's inside I was uncomfortable with the way I performed it's very natural for the audience to not like my performance as well and they started criticizing me humming hey I should push you humble up and then they were Kwanzaa would say a lot of facial 19 the Wow they were say things an iota Belinda Leah so thick on TV no so unnatural she lost like a cell table or on TV yeah and he wouldn't say things like I can't stand the sight of her and some would see me on the streets come up to me and tell it in my face that there was switch channels whenever it is see me on TV they would say well confounded your town yet Wow to make things worse I was voted I was voted turn off of the Year by a local newspaper one year ago Pandita you know about Paul Jung they sure worship me and to so healing rent how in the new Asian it was a very big blow to me now that you know about my past I was like god what have I done wrong I tried so hard but I always ended up getting condemned by people I tried my best but my best was never good enough I remember one producer telling me before that Belinda you need to be neutral you need to be emotionally very strong if you want good presenter but the real Belinda is a very vulnerable soul and I often wear my heart on my sleeves and I still do till this very day because that's the way I have been created I am like that I am soft I am you know the way I am I just didn't know how to be strong and to be something that I wasn't so over time I started to feel more and more detached from work I was very unhappy and I was on the verge of giving up Jonathas he hollering draw well how's our funky in 2007 I was already Christian but I still had no faith in God how many of you can identify me right ziggety due to tension each Emil Titus in seen me very shocked did my daughter since in I was still living live and resolving issues based on my own strength I was so tired whole a I didn't I didn't understand that it was not by my own might but by the power of God that would turn my situation around I wasn't sure if God knew my circumstance did he even hear my prayer my mind was just swamped with all these negative thoughts I was thinking to myself wow Belinda you have been in the entertainment industry for so long but I didn't feel that I made a name for myself well Judah was at a college in some Ithorian that's your so P butcher that one cheung-kong she's what you don't watch by maybe water ex-boyfriend she Toyota maybe my ex-boyfriend was right he told me Belinda you have missed your boat you're better off just getting married to me and have kids you should just forget about pursuing your dreams hoggle sure how many conley or chances do you have in this a in asia say swan lapa ca1 son says your son Jackie was just wanna say Murdoch we all sound funky need the money Simba imagine somebody whom you have love with all your heart tells you to forget about pursuing your dreams it was very very painful and I'm glad he's an ex right but girls out there you know what I mean i-i-i was dejected and I started losing my vision and was of all I slipped helplessly into depression I wanted to just throw in the towel and just end it all my work and my life well we eat an end hole Joshi said I'll finally see what's is he fancy show me when I was at the lowest point of my career with no work for about six months no projects whatsoever one day my company caught me and told me there was a new travel show that required me to travel off the beaten track around the world to look for Singaporeans and it was caught find me a Singaporean CEO T was anxious outside so the poyo you'd see way or can't go coz they have has anyone hey that's quite a lot of you thank you for supporting this show thank you and I know your support because Michael um was in one of the seasons am i right did you like the show thank you thank you thank you thank you so much yes it was this show caught co t find me in a Singaporean now there is a little story behind this okay so when they called me to tell me to host this show the reason was because another host wasn't available Evelyn ah okay Jiang are you suggesting that you more housing the concept I need to chill aha income Hamer tourunogre to join economy Oh calm then he lights Ola down and I thought to myself ha why why am I always the second choice why can't I be the first twice you know it almost felt like boy who here my whole you know no fish nevermind at least got some prawns you know and I didn't feel like I was a prawn I felt more like a heavy a tiny little shrimp who happened to be free who happened to be available at that time I remember I hung up the phone I immediately debated with God and I told God God I am very very sick and tired of hosting all these silly variety shows well haole what's in the halay if this is a project that is planned by you given by you then you perform a miracle vocation consulting pan care with Yuma I've never done it before but I quote I said honey I was in I told him what I wanted I said I wanted the show to be on prime time and it will be a show they would touch and impact the lives of many that was my specific prayer lo and behold it really happened find me a Singaporean was aired on primetime and it went from a half an hour show to a one-hour show because it got very popular most importantly the stories that we featured was so inspirational that many viewers wrote in to share with us how impacted they were with the show now before I carry on I also wanted to share with you something that you are seeing on screen right now this picture is taken in Hong Kong in one of the slums new into the sanctum Mahan fan wha then she sank on your face huh taupey encuentran comin true the truth is here rooting through the audience on me and just saving Kyla eager he could see our ego Frances tomandcheu Sousa Lamia I see a face on waiting you know your tie from Doha Hamlet our two-way base way way so I was in one of the houses and I felt like a different person altogether because for the very first time in my life I felt that I could have fought to be the real Berlin door on TV you know I could cry whenever I'm very moved you know and and and and smile and laugh whenever I'm very very happy I didn't have to pretend to be something that I was not I saw how God's hand was in the picture molding me shaping me into the person that I am meant to be into his original image into his perfect image but I have learned in a Bible if God is for me who can be against me shun raw punctual woman Shane indeed a woman for his thoughts are higher than my thoughts his ways are higher than my ways para de Gaga would hae had a towel ooh Coco water down low and now you see pictures of me cooking I'm gonna show you I think many of you still have not had your last breakfast right on lunch ah guarantee you're gonna salivate you're gonna draw okay for finally a Singaporean yo Chu the idiot I am always being asked to go cook a Singaporean dish but a Singaporean living overseas okay it can be anything so how it sounds you are like a miracle chef it cigarettes you and pandan cake I have to learn how to make pandan cake cigarette sounds nasi lemak you have to learn how to make my Salama these are the following pictures nasi lemak oh yeah I remember I had to cook this in Scotland had to bring order katenka Chang mother peanut la lemongrass chilli nasi lemak rice coconut everything I brought it from Singapore all the way through overseas so that I could get ready to cook all these delicious Singaporean dishes for them this is nasi lemak I cook in Scotland yeah hi oh hi oh hi oh hi Poway your Haida your pider rendition this one is Germany the ladies I missed I talked away so the producers a go and mix hey Doc wait I don't know just go lund I don't care so tight okay here's a Jung soo-jung Zuzu light up and this one wow this is black pepper Lobster hey who's our long CI and make or and in the states I remember same thing now pour a one-way ticket Singapore ena has some nice Janaka hey hotel panacea Nene sheet Suba oh boy papa ishizuchi sure and then I remember when I went there I got other ingredients except for the seafood I had for the first time in my life I had to good because no crabs so I have to buy live lobsters I had to physically slaughter for whole lobsters live lobsters so that I could deliver this black pepper lobsters for the Singaporean staying over there and I remember I right as I was killing them so this is black pepper crab and quit by D Quay mighty in the Middle East I remember and I took like more than five hours to cook this you know you must be wondering to yourself Wow Belinda what's happening you are such a good chef man but how come you never cook for us my friends will tell me that huh and to be very honest with you I don't even cook in Singapore I really really don't how did I even manage the channel or these local dishes when I was overseas I don't know I really don't know I always pray so hard for God to help me because I don't even know where to start I would sometimes ask me Mamiya tsukitachi lee hak-su boy you gotta quit Butler will be how to equip on holiday or Cabo you know it's always always like that I remember and then those that she doesn't know how to cook then I will have to go watch YouTube so YouTube became my best friend because I needed to find out recipes from YouTube so even pandan chiffon cake even though it was big lopsided it was all based on YouTube recipes so I would say this is definitely the miracle of God that I was able to deliver time and time again four seasons of find me a Singaporean imagine how many dishes I have cooked it also means next year maybe I would be selling a Belinda Lee cookbook already here over here will you buy yeah I am my manager is already he's already thinking about is maybe but Linda Lee cookbook for next year huh so yeah so it's not to make you MVS or to think that I or how tall ewout lee highway normally how talented when it comes to cooking I am NOT talented but it's truly by the grace of God that I was able to do all these things many people did commence it that find me a Singaporean coz and a lot of my travel locks they have a very different spirit for me it was God's Spirit his overflowing love and compassion for the people in my show especially the poor and needy so my career started to take off again after the success of my travel locks and I realized that God has allowed me to go through difficult childhood with so many setbacks is because if I have never tasted what it was like to be poor to be rejected condemned abused and depressed I would never have been able to understand and feel the pain of the people whom I have interviewed and even wept silently with them many of you have watched me tear on national TV God has chosen to use my past hurts and witnesses for his greater purpose he has allowed me to go through brokenness so that I can be used as his vessel to reach out to the brokenhearted he specially used me in the entertainment industry to be a mouthpiece for him to be a voice for the voiceless they rejected abandoned wounded and depress this is one of my favorite pictures you saw me walk onto a intro video your THL what really he got lotsa shots i simple shy and I picked up this baby at the dumping ground she was really naked like that I saw her I fell in love with her and I knew that I needed to take a picture with her of course I couldn't bring her back to Singapore right but I wish I could but that was the best memory ever at a dumping ground at Cambodia low vision low vision which is a non-profit Christian humanitarian organization they saw God's compassion through my programs so they approached me to become their goodwill ambassador in 2014 until this day I am so actively involved in their young leadership outreach programs and child sponsorship programs and yeah so there will be some news about this ambassadorship but for me it's not about the newspaper coverage that I wanted to get it's more about truly trying in my little ways to help the people in need this is one of the girls whom I am sponsoring and she's in Nepal this picture was taken after I climbed 2 to 3 hours up the mountains to visit her in a family to be honest with you can you see that I'm wearing my high heeled shoes and my ankle is very swollen now because during my trip in Nepal after visiting her I needed to sash and go down a mountain and was completely dark I didn't know no I did not know where I was stepping and a trip and I fell and twisted my ankle and it's been an old injury all the way till now so as I'm talking to you actually I'm in a lot of pain and later on I might need some help to bring me down this dish because yeah it's already swollen but for me it's all worth it because to see the smile on my sponsor child face is totally worth it and I also I am also sponsoring another girl Vivian from Cambodia this picture was taken last year when I went for a Christian conference so all these life-changing experiences like you said Belinda you travel so much yes I've traveled so much I've met so many amazing people these life-changing experiences inspired me to write my own book called larger than life celebrating the human spirit it's not even about my story it's about the stories of ordinary people living extraordinary lives it is a collection of heartwarming stories that I've gathered from many inspiring individuals whom I have met during my travels they're larger than life not only because they have the hearts of giants but because they have risen above the things that could have weighed them down being poverty timidity disability in order to fulfill their life's purpose last year larger than life worn popular Readers Choice Award alongside history makers like the late subas and London who was Singapore's best-known criminal lawyer and our Enron and our founding father Lee Kuan Yew Ockham's book and my book was being placed at the same Paris tour with their books I once again I was shocked and I was overwhelmed that's why I know that God is so real in my life and like I said go feel free go grab a few copies during this Christmas and even give it to your friends your loved ones after Christmas is over during New Year because christmas is a time of celebration Christmas is also a time when many people are living in hopelessness this book has saves quite a few lives from killing themselves during Christmas season because somebody bought the book and gave it to somebody suffering from depression and because of that they walked out of depression and they told themselves they want to live a life with purpose this book traveled all the way to the prison where a lot of these prisoners they have gotten no entertainment all they could do was to read my book went into the prison they read the book pass around to the rest of the inmates and they told themselves when I go out I want to be a better man I want to love my family I want to find a proper job it's a book that inspires changes lives motivates so I would strongly encourage it each and every one of you to go grab the book not just for yourself but also for the people whom you know who might be going through some struggles in life right now and for your information all proceeds of this book goes to helping more people who are under the care of war vision so nothing comes to me it all goes to doing more work out there and I record in 2012 during Christmas season Augustinian sinner should sing la I was in church singing praise and worship and suddenly I felt the Holy Spirit impressing on my heart it says Belinda go to Bible School next year and I promise you that I will bless you abundantly and in ways that are beyond your imagination so I took that leap of faith and took six months of no pay leave yeah I'm a graduate so I took six months or no pay leave for my company and many people thought to you know taught me Belinda are you crazy it's not a wise move to do that especially if you still want to do well in the industry you shouldn't take leave you should work very very hard but for the very first time in my life I did not go around seeking for advise and approval I made up my mind to do what I deemed was right because my heart felt right even my mom who was initially against my idea she eventually gave in she actually said in Hokkien she said haigha bulimic alikom na lutetium car look at our house a boy who Tom a busy cab okay thing on this shoe at so samito to see me wahid oh ho that was what she said she said sweetheart you know Belene you know you've got no family you've got a lot of freedom you've got no children no commitment just do whatever makes you happy I'll give you my blessings as long as you're happy with her blessings I took six months of no pay leave and I went to school of theology twenty-eight days I see remember 28 days after I started school I had to attend our company's an all-star award ceremony inya he did a home symposium I remember I when I went to the award ceremony with Matthew 6:33 engraved in my heart I backed three awards that night it's another miracle I warn best infotainment hosts top 10 most popular female artists and best shape award what especially reward meaning a nice big hola you know how shuns hi this is this entire insole young and on that very night I remember specifically I felt like the gates of heaven were wide open from each other's and sounds and not so what's in a cake country down Hinton the man Thomas John Qaeda God he poured out his blessings in abundance for all to see his glory was showcase was showcased in the most splendid way so splendid so glorious that the reporters actually asked me who was that Yahweh who might think on stage you know so take a poll after you receive an award you go back station awesome around here they're all crowd around you did ask and they were asked hey Belinda Ksenia woman ela you can't hesitate on seats in the kahan island I need a Yahweh like I always say need a boyfriend no way and I say yes yes he is my boyfriend from heaven I don't mean sit down yes so Yahweh Jesus Christ and then of course sometimes being media being reported he'll go because disappointed not like a physical boyfriend you know actually to me to me I feel that he is better than a boyfriend because this boyfriend will never leave me nor forsake me amen he kept his promises he kept his promises seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto me unto you since showed haddock or Hawaii she said Thomas II dope beats Arcanum Allah during my six months of no pay leaf when I had very no no TV project and very very little exposure God he showed me that he is also my provider by blessing me financially with a few reputable endorsements with high visibility lots of engagements as well Hondo gonca honto that Hong Kong Mayo Mayo render the program Lou some Meccano it was a miracle because usually these endorsements are given to the most popular artists with the highest exposure on TV and all these as you can see and they are all very reputable brands that I was associated with in fact I feel that he gave me more than I have asked for it was clear it was very very clear to me that all God wants it for me to do was to stop pleasing the world just go please him and he would take me to places that I could only imagine in the past some of you might not know this but I have officially left media card beginning of this year was it difficult yes was it a struggle yes did I take a long time to think about it yes but I knew I had to do this it was another big leap of faith because I chose to get out of my comfort zone to pursue a greater a greater purpose in life and if I do not do that I think most likely pasta I wouldn't be here standing on stage sharing on a Christmas day my testimony with all of you anyway we're in guy who ate spicy what I call white so should see my income you can see way you would see a CEO licensure without so much to hope no go for Shashank D so to me this is definitely one of the best decisions that I have made and that is to pursue a greater purpose in life now that I am on my own all the more I need God in every situation that I am in no matter what happens I just keep telling myself Belinda God is in total control of your life and he will never leave me nor forsake me he is my ultimate boss potential change and allow pankot I sure would a CEO whoa boom ha ha I shall not have any fear this is what I kept telling myself even when it comes to the salvation of my family God in His perfect timing took care of every my mom who told the whole world that she would never become a Christian received Christ when I was still schooling in Bible College this picture remember you guys had Becca's water baptism today this was taken during her water baptism is wow look at her face it was radiant and for your information she actually went for what the baptism on her own she didn't tell the family well Baba she's healing miracle woman Terrence young lad pageant see that light I saw sinks when Elka like Congo Congo it down say I can't even coma what's wailing yeah like that you know and it was truly amazing and you know for me that's the true form of conviction because she willingly she willingly did it no pressure nobody forced her she did it on her own accord because she truly wants it to know who does amazing goddess and she welcomed him into her life my mom she was so hungry to know more about God she prayed unceasingly for God to teach her how to read the Bible because she was illiterate she was uneducated well mama she pushes to the Mayo to go show a miracle did happen one day she came to me beaming with joy sharing with me that God answered her prayer this is the next picture she can finally read the Bible not every word of course but she could at least understand the gist of it this is my mom lying on the softball couch very comfortable reading Chinese daily bread not everything she understood but at least she could understand a little at that time I was thinking wow she must be imagining things you know cannot be but my neighbor she came to me and she rebuked me by telling me Belinda you have too little faith in God because she prayed for her own elderly parents to also be able to read the Bible and God perform a miracle on them so for those of you out there Ruben Newsome Papa mama alcohol mama coming to the house our area so that's just I'm a bush the capitana Kishan Singh some more we're dancing Sione wait Hammond taka see Yanni South Hammond see Josh auntie Kate Hammond secrets away second only trust me God would truly perform a miracle on your grandparents and on your parents as well because he did the same for my mom at that time all I could say was praised the live what a miraculous Abba Father I served and even my this is my mom when she celebrated her 66th birthday I remember she was so happy she pointed out her fingers like that she said well no Shalu say hallelujah that was what she said during her birthday and even my sister my own sister whom everyone also believed would never become a Christian she also gave her life to God shortly after my mom became a Christian and now I feel that my sister is even more fervent than I do and she's really going around purring for people truly believing that God is such a faithful God in February 2016 my beloved mother she passed away after six years of battling with cancer during her last remaining days not only did she not complain about why God did not heal her she continued to spend her time praising and worshipping God every day till the day she went home to be with a lot coming ideon to each setting by tomorrow she taught her so she's young I remember a week before she finally took her last breath she instructed one of my auntie's to cook a scrumptious breakfast to serve her friends the members and the pastor's of the Chinese church that she was attending because that was what she was she was used to do when she was still mobile whoa mama say hi mayo pink outreach and I'm here to attend her gender chula how do--how yeah okay sorry the mini way most high up on your chair tell me if and you name it awkward huh summit oh hey Tommy come on down baleen what boat huh quit hey what Bobbi have attacked a parent and see what Howard said yeah righto boss retention with true fan or serum was your non call Yong Hwa's ilet's hi nan Chi for Shanti versus something the Palio forces Santina hides them so that was what she used to do and a dying woman like my mom she was not thinking about how old needs or she was blaming God when she was you know on her deathbed all she was thinking about was God I just want to continue serving you what is she for SHINee I just want to serve your people to the very end on my life that was what she said that's why she would instruct me have instructions to make sure that other people her loved ones will be able to do the same for her do all the things that she wanted you for the people in church I still remember my mom will cry out loud to God in the middle of the night to take her home whenever she was in great pain she would suddenly have supernatural strength to get up in the middle of the night hold on to the window grill walk slowly to the Wardrobe where there was a mirror there near tidak at a time she was already under morphing Toyota Murphy needs to doubt how weak they can be she looked at herself in the mirror and with all her strength all her might I don't know where she got her energy from and she started to shout this is the exact volume that I'm gonna demonstrate to you that was what she said yeah that was her volume she said Jehovah I begged you to take me home my family knew that she was ready to go home it was painful to let her go but we knew she was ready her deep love for God has touched the hearts of many people so during her funeral my auntie my uncle decided to give their lives to Jesus Christ mom's unwavering faith her faith continues to serve as a powerful testimony to myself and to the people around her even to this very day for me my family's salvation is even more precious in any of the awards I have worn watch our another GOP watercooler jihad Samsung hyojeong way because their salvation is eternal so Yom HMDA all these blessings came not because of how many good deeds my mom and I did it was because we stopped struggling we finally stopped stop struggling to please the world I stopped asking the world for opinions mom and I we chose to fix our eyes on God and God alone he was the only one who could carry us in his arms and walk us out of the shadow of death mom she did not fear that because she believed with all her heart that our Abba Father was going to welcome her with open arms and finally and personally lead her through the white gates of heaven when she meets him one day and I know mama is looking down from heaven at me smiling and saying hello to everybody and I know that she's doing that I know she's so proud that her daughter is spending Christmas to reach out to more hearts more lives out there to get to know who this amazing goddess as for me it is the Ameritech grace and mercy of God that has helped me to stand tall again it is his faithfulness is this unconditional love that has given me this courage to stand in front of all of you to share my story Jenna Bush su'ilat I know shit-hot gay what Antion because if God is for me then who can be against me you know friends during this chart joyous Christmas season I believe many of you are having a well-deserved break right now you have worked so hard over the past one year some of you may have just gone back from your holiday and some are actually planning to leave Singapore tonight to have a nice holiday with your loved ones Christmas is truly about spending quality time with their loved ones and changing Christmas gifts I know that but I also believe that there are some of you out there who might be spending Christmas alone you might go to parties have fun with your friends laugh with them but you will go home feeling extremely empty and lonely on the inside how many of you know what I'm talking about you know you're in the room filled with people but somehow you can't help but feel so lonely on the inside because you feel that nobody truly understands what you are going through these are many and where the quinsy need at home may rinse it out so what do you do you tend to keep everything to yourself your past hurts your past pains your worries your disappointments your fears your heart your broken heart based on my experience I know that there is only one person who knows and understands exactly what you are going through and how you're feeling on the inside and that is your suit see - that's Jesus Christ sums 56 eight it says you keep track of all my sorrow you have collected all my tears in your bottle you have recorded each one of my tear in your book this particular verse has given me great comfort during my darkest moments I realized that was so loaded amazing in lay paddle me along faith the Bible says that God is very close to the brokenhearted he will turn our tears of sorrows into tears of joy Hanako barwoman patiently and lay quadrants illa ala during this Christmas my dear friends my sisters and my brothers out there are you willing are you willing to just surrender and let go of your pride your ego your anger your shame your anxiety pain heartache illness and despair and cried out to Jesus and say father Jesus I can't do this on my own I'm so tired I'm about to give up I need your help today this morning this afternoon let me tell you the good news I have received the greatest gift of all gifts during Christmas a few years ago and you go tell him you tell him God I am willing to give all of me all of me in exchange of all of you so please don't fight so hard anymore on your own because they are truly not alone just open up your heart and take that one step of faith towards God and trust me he would take that 1,000 steps 10,000 steps to what's you because all Jesus wants to show you is that he is the truth the way and the life path now Lou does it gently touches on me I have made many many decisions bad decisions in my life but one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life was to become a daughter of God so Ashanti to hide them I gave my heart to all the wrong people well powered Nick has seen rocky its holder him because they abused it they even crushed it and it threw it away but the moment I gave my heart to Jesus not only does he cherish it he actually engraved my very name on the palm of his hands had a show John seen her what it means that I had a show John seen Belinda Lee sin you what a pop in your that's how much I know he loves me so go ahead friends go ahead and allow Jesus to come into your life as your Christ and Savior trust me when you do that your life would never be the same again I don't promise you a better process but it will be a transformational one remember this no matter how you feel on the inside today you are made for greatness never allow anyone to tell you this can everybody put your hand on your chest on your heart Bonnie - open tiny de'cine jelly Hama need a Zhang Jian I repeat after me three times that I am made for greatness haha 1 2 3 for greatness one more time I am made for greatness the third time I want you to close your eyes and say it out loud to yourself 1 2 3 I am made for greatness yes you are made for greatness I believe in one thing not everybody is born to do great things like Bill Gates or Mother Teresa but I believe with all my heart that everybody is born to do small things in a great way so let all of us be an effective ambassador for God in a marketplace in our homes and in everything that we do may God's goodness and mercy continue to follow you and all those around you for the rest of your lives you are made for greatness thank you very much and have a merry merry Christmas Shunta
Channel: My BBTC
Views: 80,647
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Length: 55min 4sec (3304 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 03 2018
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