Celebrating the Giant Dippers 100th anniversary at the Santa Cruz Beach boardwalk!

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we're here oh yeah welcome everyone to elden's excursions today we're in Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk to celebrate the hund this is echoing 100th anniversary of the boardwalk actually the giant Dipper yes formerly known as cars and coasters some of you guys may have known me for that but yes we're down here and it's now Elden exur I love it I think I like it it I like my name in there and everybody else seems to like it so but anyways we're down here celebrating 100th anniversary going to check out the boardwalk maybe grab some food and maybe jump on a few rides so we'll see hope you guys enjoy the video it's a gorgeous day outside as you see obviously you can see the clouds I got an empty Starbucks cup I got to throw away but anyways I'm all over the place I'll see you guys in the bo walk let's go oh yeah it was very sunny this is my second video the day earlier I was in uh valo uh vlogging Six Flags Discovery Kingdom and it was very opposite of here very sunny and uh yeah really big bright day but uh yeah made it down here about 2hour Drive kind to hang out for the boardwalk for a little bit there's going to be some fireworks I believe tonight hopefully we get a good view of them because of how cloudy it is I'm not sure how well it'll be but uh yeah it's going to be fun can't wait holy moly it is a lot busier today than last time I was here that's for sure holy moly I think everything's pretty much open as far as I can see everything is moving on the boardwalk we'll make our way down to the end and uh see what we can get into what a gorgeous day on the beach today huh look at that overcast my goodness welcome to summer in Santa Cruz it's not usually like this in the summer just a very overcast day for some reason Carousel cones get some brother man that does sound good though I'm still full from Six Flags I had a lot of a lot of food at Six Flags oh this is a fun game CL clam bake reminds me of one of those uh fish games it's called fun fact it's the fourth oldest coaster in the world ninth oldest in the world oh wait sorry fourth oldest coaster in the US ninth oldest in the world the giant Dipper well that's kind of cool little photo op moment here the giant Dipper 100 anniversary my goodness anyway anyways this line is really long so I might not get on this tonight but we are definitely going to just walk the pier this is insane it's probably like a 3-hour wait time maybe longer oh my gosh this is like frightfest or Hollywood Horror Nights oh oh man all right I got a little stretch of room here manage to break free until we get to the next crowd oh man yeah the big The Big Dipper or giant Dipper who can go for a deep fried Oreo uh I could maybe later not now oh yeah Ferris wheel is open now if you guys remember back in the day Santa Cruz used to have a ferris wheel on this pretty much the same location and so for the 100th anniversary they decided to uh bring another one back it's kind of nice they have a nice little view up there besides only other time you get a view up there is either on giant Dipper or the log flume ride down at the end of the pier there but uh yeah it's kind of nice all right I have to show this guys cuz a couple you guys left comments in my last video everyone's got an astray from the same the same game yeah this is what my my mom used to take me down here and we used to do this all the time with with dimes nickel and quarters I'm sure a lot of people have some dishes from this [Music] game there they go hot dog hot dog hot dity dog hot dog H dog chicken rice bowls chicken wraps and corn lots of food Yoshi all right so this is the other new ride coming back to the uh coming back cuz I used to have something similar to this back in the day this is called surge it's like a little ttop spins around it's going to be fine once it's open right down from the ferris wheel coming 2024 oh my gosh who is brave enough to go on on a log flume ride in this byther this is wait a minute am I in the spash zone they have cannons here oh boy oh shoot here we go nope not in the Splash Zone that's got to be cold man oh my gosh okay I see so there's cannons up here there's four three two and then one is over here sideways you can't really see it if I go down here a little bit now you can see it so I'm going to see a couple people use it really quick before I use it cuz I want to see how accurate they are if it's worth the uh the dollar oh got me right across the chest oh got me right on the chest Bing this is not the fairest feel I'd recommend Roco plane yeah it's another uh it's kind of like a zipper almost this thing is not not the fun most funnest that's it work not the most fun let's see what the prices are these days a deluxe unlimited rides plus attractions is 160 bucks for standard unlimited rides 140 wristbands $70 unlimited rides all day huh that's a funny shirt holy moly it is it is a busy day in Santa Cruz that's for sure the boardwalk at least goodness that's a it's a line maybe we'll go on the uh we'll go on this the cave train adventure Venture and M matter of fact uh fun fact I love saying fun fact fun fact this was designed by one of Walt Disney's uh imagineer back in the day when this was built so a little piece of Disney history right here in Santa Cruz pretty cool so when I see this ride I just think of The Simpsons when Bart and Lisa were kind of going at it and milous was in the middle between the two and uh trying to spit out spit on each others and Milhouse kept getting it in the face man oh man it was it was a good episode if you guys like The Simpsons you know what I'm talking about that was hilarious it's such a good sound anyways just kind of walking around here here we have the wildest coaster in the west the Dragon as Dylan would say 100 miles hour goodness I don't know if that counts as a coaster count but uh I have not been on this oh they get to go again nice the huge 100 foot drop [Music] and it's even got a little photo uh thing here I think I got more footage of that roller coaster than the giant Dipper we'll try to get more of that but this just so it's so crowded up there it's hard to get some footage of it but uh yeah we'll see what we can do oh yeah oh these are so good man I would still get one but I I am full hot dog hot dog hot diggity dog do hot dog hot dog oh they still have ghost blasters down here I think it just got refurbished recently actually got a bunch of new lights and new signage new painting looks good and you got wipe out that looks really good definitely been refurbished this last summer or winter or offseason whatever it is but that looks good though oh man if I was hungry right now this is one of my go-tos as well I just anything with hot sauce and lime oh gosh that's that's my Mexican side man all right got my card now to go on a ride I think the cave train adventure is eight yeah eight points so we're going to go on this one let's go uh have some fun just sitting here looking at the ride I'm surprised that everything is still working all the lights 100th anniversary I guess they really went out and repainted everything and uh oh here comes the [Music] train tired reminds me of the roller coaster uh Big Thunder Mountain Railroad I couldn't think of it but uh yeah these kids in front of me are terrified but they're in line for it like it's scary but I'm going to ride it hold it only goes upside down once oh yeah here we go I'm excited it's been like 15 years maybe longer since I've been on this this is crazy here we go Charlie Cave of Wonders oh no not the Cave of Wonders come Charlie C [Music] wonders ancient marking say we are going into the Twilight Zone woo W oh my God that's a trip man that is a trip I feel weird it's so weird oh man that is weird Okay oh that's warm lava Cave Rock Welcome to our own Cave Rock City population 162 hey man that's thought quite that's quite a big turkey leg there for you family of 10 pitch hiking beach goers no ghost [Music] though bors make Boulders Dino dogs got some dino dogs for you oh we got a thief back here surf up dud surfing surfing caveman the boardwalk oh nice oh it's a whale oh that's a shark what is that at the whale from uh Disneyland oh got a fun house this guy right here looks like the guy from Rugrats from Rugrats oh my gosh yeah that's some crazy mirrors someone's getting dragged home Boulder Ballroom we go out and wait the [Music] call that's funny any ladies out there no just Kidd must be a wi today A B windy look at that monkey hey it's a Chucky it's Chucky oh not Chucky oh my gosh I forgot his name some Rug Rats oh his name it's going to kill me Stewie no no s that's Family Guy Tommy Tommy that's Tommy up here Tommy what are you doing whoa that's crazy now we're in Ice [Music] Age wa wind snowstorm woohoo all right so I think the fireworks are at 9:00 so we're going to go get up up top and uh get ready for the fireworks it'll be fun to watch hot dog hot dog holy moly yeah Santa Cruz has came alive at night guys this is insane I mean I guess it is the 100th anniversary so it is pretty busy [Music] all right so I'm in line for the gondola but the fireworks are over here to the left so we'll see if I can get a good shot I was hoping to get on the Gondola and and uh get a good view of the fireworks from up high but uh while I'm in line I'm noticed oh they're all over here behind me so yeah we'll see I think it start at 9:00 it's about 10 minutes till yeah C wheel oh yeah I got everybody out here lined up not lined up but ready for the fireworks all in this little section right [Music] there oh here we go nice ye [Music] [Music] oh did I see [Music] my oh [Music] [Music] [Music] sir e [Music] [Music] [Music] happy anniversary 100 years nice oh yeah bring it home [Music] d That's a grand finale oh yeah that was great good show Santa Cruz all right now we get to see how really busy the boardwalk is it is cold up here but I had to get this view man to get through this crowd or take the the gondola away oh oh holy moly it is freezing oh maybe I can get a good view of the the giant Dipper from here hope I can get it going by letd see shees oh my God look at the line of the giant Dipper yeah we're not getting on it today unfortunately man that is busy oh it's too bad we'll have another time to on it a cow herd oh my God insane I mean the giant Dipper is what makes the boardwalk the boardwalk hey how's it going bud how you doing he's not very friendly didn't [Music] wave my God goodness thank goodness I jumped on this I was very hesitant to get on here cuz how cold it is but after seeing the crowds down there my oh yeah I'm so glad I did this the torture is worth [Music] it dude it is like freezing up here I did not prepare for this kind of weather I got a long sleep on but yeah not nothing else I my I have a jacket that's in the car right now but I didn't think I would need it this this is freezing least I'm not going in the crowd down there though right so worth it so worth it so worth it so worth it worth it worth it worth it yeah it's pretty crazy these gondolas are held on by this little tiny little tiny arm right there very very tiny arm oh just don't think about it just don't think about it and everything we'll be okay oh man now it's in my head I just freaked myself out I this was nothing and now I'm really thinking about it like this is really high this is really high guys got can I come down now can I come down okay my all-time favorite ride on the boardwalk when I was growing up when my mom used to take me here all the time with her friends was this one right here and it is in in operation in operation oh well but one ride I do want to go on is this roller coaster here not sure the name of it but it looks fun I forgot the name of it it's not Wave Rider cuz that's the slide here but yeah that looks fun maybe uh maybe we'll get on it tonight actually the line doesn't look too bad spins as well that's crazy it's like Sidewinder Safari but on steroids oh it's a lot more intense than sidewind of safari okay it's been about 15 minutes we've been sitting here maybe maybe this was not a good idea guys I'm I'm literally stuck on the gondolas this is not good this is not good I've been just sitting here watching this roller coaster go by over and over again and I'm watching the line get longer yeah we're not moving at all oh my gosh help send help someone someone send help if uh if video does not upload tomorrow I'm still here sitting in the gondola I'm just going to start making Vlogs from from the gondola H elden's Excursion is on the Vlogs on the gondolas gonds H gonds just came over that hi welcome to elden's gondals oh my gosh Come on this is crazy crazy woohoo we're moving yippe oh my God finally all right finally made our way off to the gondolas we're going to get in line for this now eight points let's go oh yeah still don't know the name of this ride it's called wipe out yeah no that's not spray farming isn't it I have no idea I didn't see any signs guys I'm sorry okay that was fun I don't know not Berry Farm's roller coaster was a little better cuz it goes upside down but that that was cool I definitely gone again so worth it fresh Texas dut what is this fried mushrooms arti choke Hearts got all kinds of crazy stuff over here anyways yeah moving on oh man this was fun back in the day they have these Rings you throw into the Clown's mouth let me show you guys real quick anyways that's kind of funny there's just rings I to grab and you had to throw them into the mouth of the clown and then I think his eyes turn red when you hit it in the mouth it's pretty funny oh there's no rings a man oh this gu a ride stopped duh well I was going to do one more pass by the giant Dipper to see if the Lin's got any shorter but I have a 2-hour drive and it is 10:30 right now and I have work tomorrow oh man I wish I was closer to Santa Cruz but unfortunately I'm two hours away so anyways we're going to move on to a cookie spot here in Santa Cruz and then we're going to end the video from there so hope you guys enjoyed it so far thanks for joining me happy anniversary 100 years Santa Cruz you and the giant Dipper there's that ride man it was that was fun fun oh this was one of my favorite rides as well I forgot I used to like well I still love NASCAR not not as much as I used to be but the old classic NASCARs man Bobby Leon Jeff Gordon Terry Leon Richard Petty's old car uh Ernie Irvine is the only one I knew that drove that car but I know another racer used to drive that one but man yeah pretty cool I like this so it kind of sucks I have four points left on my card but I don't know where to put it I think I'm going to go in the casino in the arcade casino and play a game in there and see what we can get into so and then we'll go from there laughing s she got to say hi to got to say hi to her creepy but it's funny at the same [Music] time yeah very creepy now did you guys know this is my grandma taught me or taught me something new about this place is this is where a giant swimming pool used to be at yeah we're standing literally where a big pool was at and uh this was all like an indoor swimming pool here at the beach kind of like uh how they used to have it by the San Francisco the uh the the pools over there they call them but they're no longer there anymore but anyways yeah this is uh what it used to be here they filled it in and built a miniature golf course well the beach boardwalk was fun it was fun I I had a lot of fun now to go get my car take off to the cookie place Pacific Cookie I believe it's called Pacific Cookie Company and uh head down there you know what I paid $2 for parking I almost paid $25 for the uh Boardwalk parking thank goodness I didn't and I kept my gut and I looked for another spot and paid for parking for an hour no 45 minutes for $2 not bad at all so anyway I got to get out of Santa Cruz head downtown and uh get some cookies all right made it to downtown Santa Cruz was that a Supra is that a Supra no it's a BMW dude come on the Cookie Company oh it is a lot busier tonight than last time that's for sure oh yeah oh yeah lots of cookies oh Mint Condition getting one of those Dr midnight lemon drop oh yeah all right so I got this one peanut butter chip I got the chocolate chip Mint Condition Dr midnight lemon drop and mexican chocolate oh yeah lot of cookies what the heck what in the heck all right I've seen it all now all right that's the mint chocolate chip oh yeah got them all so good I like like to take him home put him in the microwave that's why I didn't show him in the last video in Santa Cruz cuz like to put him in the microwave for like 5 to 10 seconds and then eat him with a nice glass of milk so good but anyways try this out take off oh my God so good so good I love mint it's another interesting store literally right next door to the cookie place cookie pafic cookie place these lamps are just man these things always catch my eye but yeah very interesting store that's for sure all right guys I got a long drive 2hour drive back home to Martinez hope you guys enjoyed the video thank you for joining me and if you guys like this kind of content I Do cover other stuff uh in the area you know like theme parks and stuff of that zoos um and uh any other any interesting things so in area so I am down here I try to be down here often as I can it's my second time in about a month so um but yeah if you guys like this kind of thing sub subscribe and I'll see you guys the next one my name is Elden this is another Excursion for you and you guys have a good night I love you guys all and um see you guys later good night bye that is not that's not a Toyota bad bad
Channel: Eldon's Excursions
Views: 1,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 16sec (1876 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2024
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