Santa Cruz, California We Go For A Night Walk • Bad Vibes, Where Is Everyone?

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what's up everybody Welcome to Santa Cruz California we're gonna go for a little walk here at night gonna walk about maybe a few city blocks to go to a Mexican restaurant get something to eat never been here before we're exploring I'm not sure why Katie went that way but uh welcome to Santa Cruz this is right outside of uh San Francisco and San Jose area the Bay Area way on the south end of the Bay Area facing Monterey Bay let's go get some Mexican food brand new Marriott that they just built brand new Marriott they don't put brand new Marriott just anywhere so this is a good sign for hotels now there's a lot of like little bed bug in looking places it's only been open for about a month and there's already graffiti on it that thing California might just ain't right hopefully it's just nicer than Venice that fence was a nightmare at night see I walk places so we're almost to the restaurant um this looks a little sketchy at night people drive really aggressively you can smell it in the air which it's not really most places we've been in California you can't really smell it that much but you can definitely smell that out here and of course homeless people everywhere so this walk from the hotel to this Mexican restaurant was definitely sketchy um and it looks like most restaurants are closed even though it's early in the day so it seems like it's kind of a slow kind of like sketchy um definitely the sketchiest looking place because it's kind of empty and a lot of people driving are kind of not sober you can tell they're driving around a clean stuff so let's come here and get some tacos real quick and I'll show you guys the walk back for the most part looks pretty sketchy okay that was good food I liked it you didn't want to share that quesadilla did you you didn't ask I know you wanted I even gave you my taco you would have asked I would have given it to you why don't you ask okay so this looks super oh it's so empty out here so I don't know if this is normally a busy town but right now it's like that it's only 6 30 at night and something tells me this place has some of the sketches Vibes I've ever seen I really don't like it we do a lot I do a lot of night walks this place for some reason just really puts me uh not at ease so hopefully I'm wrong about my gut feeling right now I got feelings telling me this is not a good scenario I got Katie with me which is kind of like she's a good bait because I can run away and leave her behind but uh that's really not how you just do Katie right so let's keep it walking here um like I said I really don't like The Vibes of this place at all like I just get some really really don't like this place vibes I thought this was like really fancy like we did videos in other spots like um Monterey and stuff but this place just doesn't there's the reason I just don't feel it bro I feel like but there's like a lot of women walking around at night so I can't maybe it's not as bad as I think it is just don't like the Vibes man and it's like super empty so early like that's what I caught me off guard like half the Mexican restaurants so we won't go to walk past we're close and I'm thinking huh on a weekday everything's close something told me this was like a fancier place but I'm starting to feel perhaps this place is an expenses I thought it was I just thought since I've heard the name there's even a car called Santa Cruz to me all that would kind of indicate like there's even a car named after this place to me all that would kind of indicate that maybe this is like some fancy little speech town but am I getting some bad vibes off this place I'm not sure why could I be wrong absolutely I just don't let the Vibes I'm getting and most of these California beach towns have been scheduling but I figured since it's a Beach town cars drive like they're gonna be running over here that's like the first thing I don't like our culture is San Francisco it's just really don't like it bro you got to pay to drive through here what's up with this crap as you guys know the Santa Fe is a new model of Hyundai made in Montgomery Alabama I don't know about you but people in Alabama struggle to make a hamburger I wouldn't want to buy a car from somebody that struggles to make a hamburger but uh the drive-up of California has been really awesome for the most part and like there's literally it's only 6 30. literally nobody at all except for a lot of homeless people of course typical California beaches right there and there is up here two piers two there's just one I guess it's not too bad if there's people walking and jogging and stuff so I guess if there's people walking around it can't be too bad it's kind of cool it's probably in the 50s and we're just about an hour outside of the Bay Area you know San Francisco San Jose Oakland Electric to see so hopefully tomorrow we can wrap up whatever we need to do here and head on that way I don't think I've missed anything important here if I had kept going but I was just tired it's been a long trip this is day 14 on the road trip and at this point you're just tired you're exhausted it's like overwhelming it's like you're tired you're exhausted tired and exhausted solution all right you know these road trips take the life out of you they really do it's road trips are hard and this will be the longest one we've ever gone on the longest road trip we've gone on so far with 17 days around 14. and we're further than we've ever been so this will definitely end up being the longest road trip we've ever gone on the difference is the other road trips been going on we're in like Yukons and big pickup trucks and this road trip is in a little Toyota Camry so it's been a little bit more uncomfortable but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be what do you think Katie I'm more comfortable I thought it would be yeah it hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be people were just getting into the car yeah right I just feel like I thought it would be worse so luckily the car hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be and again it's just awkward the beach town was this empty so early lots of the restaurants are closed when they were supposed to be open today kind of odd to be honest I mean from Florida we're not used to this cold weather it's nice but it's also takes a little bit of getting used to so tomorrow we'll step foot into the Bay Area I don't think there's much else to see around here we've been kind of playing along the coast exploring more of these little beach sounds than we probably should have Monterey took up a good two and a half threes uh there's so much to see down there but up here I think it's a little bit less it's like at least from seeing this place at night I don't really see any reason why I don't want to stay here any longer hotels were shaped though hopefully I can rest early and be out the door a little bit earlier than usual and that will definitely help us in the long run to be out the door earlier so we can cover more ground tomorrow these strips are exhausting I mean but it's like I'm thinking how a lot of people get to do stuff like this with their life it's cool to be able to do this ATV bro that's pretty cool they have ATV police so you know right there but we don't do that we don't do them type of things like that that's just a place of sitting right in there we wouldn't go somewhere like that that's just not what we would do that it's a lot of party that there went too far down there tell you what I just don't see me doing something like that remember this crap to like Fort Myers Beach really Fort Myers Beach this is like packed with people before the hurricane I mean like people everywhere you know what I mean like on a weeknight doesn't matter restaurants packed can't find a parking spot even in the off season you see this place it's like completely devoid of Life bro it's almost depressing so it's weird because I expected there'll be more people here there's like train tracks too you walk down the staircase holy a ghost town and even though it's legal in California I haven't smelled too much of it in most of California other than like Los Angeles during rush hour but out here it's a pretty good smell and I say pretty good like like it's the pot it's in the air um I don't like that crap but uh it's uh interesting note that because I haven't really smelled as much in California is in Florida where it's not legal so it's weird because even though Miami you go to Miami Beach it's not legal in Florida but you can't even breathe in Miami Beach it's that much but it's interesting how it's California that has that reputation when Florida really does a whole lot more of it than here and I don't like it not one bit I'll just see all this crap just empty tomorrow we step into the San Francisco area and the reports of crime coming out of there are really bad now San Francisco does have the highest rate of property crime in the United States that's breaking into your car smashing your window type things um and those statistics are usually pretty accurate so we have to move a little bit carefully in San Francisco because we have a lot of State tags we thought the same thing about Los Angeles I had no problems it just seems and we were in bad areas we were in Compton we were in Long Beach we were a lot of places that are quote unquote sketchy and how many problems but uh let's see if it's all hype about San Francisco or if it's all true there's no way to find out are there a lot of the things that we heard about uh Los Angeles turned out to be not true and in particular the exaggerations about you can't wear certain colors no problems notice other people are wearing all types of different colors I think what you do one of one in Los Angeles isn't so much the colors but the sports teams it means more because it's more specific but um I feel like too much is is just uh BS basically BS exaggerations not accurate at all is that a royal palm tree I don't think it is it's a queen Poncho but the Bottom's really one oh this one right here I don't know what this is it's beautiful yeah I like it I just don't like the vibe of this place though how do you feel it's not the worst place no it's definitely not the worst but it's definitely doesn't feel inviting anyway does it I don't like it yet though it seems kind of weird and sketching I really don't like the vibes do you feel it or not who it's not as bad as planets Amanda she thought was worse okay I don't know but there's more action there this is more dead I'm gonna take a look at some crime stats and see where this place lands on crime stats I think all types of goodies these palm trees over here are kind of neat very tall palm trees over there don't like the way people drive around here they seem like they're not really gonna like stop for you when you're walking as a pedestrian I think we could make it up to Seattle yeah yeah still on the five I think we'll be all right head straight there yeah oh we're gonna do Portland way up probably they're definitely not States worth being too long in though especially this time of year creeps me out about California is that nobody blasts music here it seems like in Florida people blast their music everywhere they go yeah here people don't play their music while anywhere not sure why maybe they're scared of getting their car broken into them maybe it could be respect for other people could just be that but I don't like it at all I think it's creepy and then you're right it might just be the people here just more uh since the population density is higher people are just more conscious of other people's needs not just their own that's definitely a possibility but I have like if this is Florida every car's blasting music when they pass by foreign walk to get the tacos today though gotta work for those tackles they won't let you pick the floor unless you all right we're film tacos today huh oh yeah I work for a taco foreign
Views: 8,220
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Santa Cruz, California
Id: F0nYbSixezw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 4sec (1024 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 07 2022
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