Kia EV6 GT driving up Trollstigen

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yo what's up we are now sitting in the Kia ev6 GT and we are close to trollstigen so yes I will climb the mountain here uh it's five at the well at night or five in the morning now so um hopefully we get no traffic but I did not expect that it was wet on the road so that'll be interesting so yeah this is the G to the T you know it's the Grand Theft version so it has plenty of power and I have some fat tires also so you're gonna see now wait what the heck man can I turn off some of those beeps I'm gonna see now how can it climb up troll stegan so we have what was again 84 battery well doesn't matter now let me check something here so we still have here 16 to 26 degrees Celsius and the battery will it gain lots of uh heat during the way up there or what's gonna happen wow look at this beautiful landscape oh man but okay we didn't come back to enjoy the landscape we came here to hammer it wow that sound okay let me see man this happened let me shut up for a little bit let's have a little ASMR here seconds oh man that is the sound of the future I don't know why people say oh I want to have the the engine Roar no how about this and say let me reach all right let me use the strongest region here okay how about this one okay car struggles a little bit to get grip but that's fine we still have plenty of grip here oh yeah oh yeah all the campers them campers they are just sleeping right now let's get up there I don't see any cars up the hills oh yeah this is perfect only thing is that would have been great if it was not wet on the roads well I mean I'm I'm probably not going to drive on the edge of the of the trip level anyway right okay let me see wow look at this it is so beautiful here I bet if you came here in the daytime it would be super cramped buses and campers and but not now oh yeah oh man this car is wonderful to drive up these Hills oh okay slow down so a little bit here okay take it easy man this thing is a beast are we driving a Kia are we driving a Porsche I'm not sure okay it is tight over here it is just I just have one word for this effortless oh okay fever swing and okay [Music] this is so much fun okay do you have strong regions I don't have to touch the the the brake pedal it has so strong region oh okay a little bit okay yeah that's so strong regions you see here okay here coming to a curve let off the pedal oh look at that 100 kilowatt region it can reason even stronger if the speed is higher and if I touch the brake pad oh you will get a little bit of uh what's it okay I mean get that off okay okay over here I want to take a little bit easy we're getting quite high up now wow okay yeah I feel the tire is slipping a little bit in The Hairpin turns since it's wet outside maybe my racing line is not the breast but the view here is definitely the best nickel swing and they have they have curves they're just like I mean they have names these curves there's like no Slifer oh this car is mental okay guys I have to be careful here okay you see every time you get in this airplane yeah I feel slight slight slip but not that much oh man this video is just way too short but we're gonna go down there also afterwards see how it goes what did the temperature go up I don't know this is not stressful at all for the battery or the drivetrain well I'm not going that hard but uh it's not like swing and oh whoa I did take wait it has this skidding on the curves I wonder if the the car might be so sharp that yeah maybe that's it and it's a bit slippery so it just kids a bit tiny I feel in the front wheels but oh man the suspension is just nice and tight yeah oh nice and tight without being too hard so you have the Comfort but you also have the sportiness of the suspension and it doesn't have air suspension it's just the regular I don't know why is snowy up here what's the temperature one degree Celsius okay oh oh I have summer Tires on oh oh what don't want to have any unfal here oh damn gotta be careful when I go down Hill again yeah oh oh you better not have you better not be afraid of heights here oh that was Chanel we just went up around seven nice around 600 meter elevation where I can look in the compass here we have we are now at 677 meters over sea level I didn't pay attention what what we were out there earlier both well that was it we are up here oh look at this okay now I need to take um I need to make a good thumbnail here you know like I said before you can make the best video ever but if you don't have a good click baited thumbnail then nobody's gonna watch it and when I say clickbaity I don't mean like like misleading it's just that word is abused it's um I think it's more like tempting yeah you you wanna you know you're curious and you want to see what's going on okay what can I do can I make donuts here okay maybe I shouldn't make donuts here maybe I should make donuts here let me see there we have this yellow button if I press this one let me see press this one oh oh oh um now we are in this sport mode thing where the the it has disabled the the traction control uh let me see wide open area do a little uh oh you can actually make donuts here okay I'm not gonna do it I'm not gonna do it there's so much power here let me just go back to safety normal mode okay uh let's see now all right now I'm just gonna all right I made the thumbnail I'm not sure how good it is um yeah it's kind of hard to make a good one or I mean I probably have to find a place well let me see maybe it's a maximum region well this sign here says low gear well I only have one gear what to do then okay but actually it's minus one degrees Celsius it can be slippery on the road here so I have to be careful oh also especially now that I'm descending so uh I guess we just have to test the grip well actually maybe we shouldn't we shouldn't break too hard especially not downhill here let me see to find I have to try to find a safe place to test my grip hopefully there's salted stuff over here right well actually the ground might be not that cold since it heats up during the day so it takes a while before it cools down at night even though the the air temperature is minus one degree Celsius just gonna take it easy right now I guess what you can watch now is how much we reach and this is more accurate by the way 55.6 kilowatt hour that the BMS estimates okay let's say over here if I break hard-ish oh we have a good grip here no worries it's just that in the curves we we have so high steering angle that you had a little and there's a there's an RV coming well I don't know it's an RV or some van or some coming up right now so I will eventually meet it okay you can go a little bit faster down here okay okay let me just check my grip here every oil is plenty one hey I just checked my grip that we have good grip okay just go downhill again then wow this is so beautiful I guess um if you come here in summer you can come here five in the morning then there's no tourist no traffic just you you can take selfie you can just stand in the middle of the road with your selfie stick and No One's Gonna bother you except for one van coming up soon or some crazy Asian hammering up the hills but they say oh yeah okay I want to take it easy here just in case let me see how far away is that uh van I hammered it a while ago actually I hammer it by the foot in the mountain I mean I overtook it yeah and then I hammered up and then I turned around and uh well we haven't met it yet so um uh yeah we are regening a little bit now well I guess not too interesting to go downhill it was mostly the uphill that was interesting so um yeah I'm not sure how much views this video will get so at least I tried yeah I came here I had an idea and then I tried it and now we oh there's the thing yeah I was talking about okay see some Deutsche Auto foreign yeah oh that's good yeah so uh very smelly thing I think that was the only car yeah that was the only uh car okay I see downhill that it's quite clear you know what maybe I should try to get a good shot over here yeah I should I should I should okay let me just uh yeah I can pull over here I guess wait wait um yeah yeah okay let's do it here all right um not sure if that was any good shot and also I'm not sure if I should be climbing these mountains here because uh they could be slippery well this one seems Seems nice though yeah definitely nice all right now we're trying to get down let's see now in every hairpin turn there'll be a little bit of skidding right okay maybe not this time maybe because my speed was low oh yeah so um not much going on we did not overheat the car no no power gate no rapid gate the battery is still fine powertrain has plenty of power yeah I'm not gonna Hammer now yeah so I'm not sure if I'll be coming back here with another car maybe not it's just a crazy idea I had with this this um GT the eb6 GT well it was quite fun all the miners was that it should have been dry here yeah this is the thing yeah I should have how do I checked it by the way if it's dry here there's no webcam is it over here well actually there's a webcam at the at the top I could have checked that one if the road is wet over there then it's likely it's also wet over here but it's probably not something I would do on regular basis because it's a quite long drive just to get here plus driving here takes around five hours of hammering plus charging so not around about six hours just to get here and now I'm gonna head back but at least I made a road trip video so yeah so let's see if that one will get some views and if people are interested in it or not but okay so we are just right are we are we regening a lot now here I think we are 56 kilowatt hour now okay I haven't I think I haven't used the brakes much just been regening downhill so yeah so this is the beauty of EV is that you don't have to worry about the brakes overheating you know what this one kind of resembles the the run I have in Thailand Kang is way steeper and way higher of and you could go maybe with the doll sniper but we need to go from it is is at sea level and then there's a lot of uphill past there's always traffic there and then after a while from there it kind of flattens out a little bit and then you can go up doll snipper so that's one thousand six hundred meters of sea level I think it was but for stress test I actually think that in Thailand is is the best it's really stressful lots of uphills super steep hills over here these ones are not that steep at all they just even them out with just a lot of zigzag zigzag zigzag I guess it wouldn't work right well actually I wonder if this world is closed even in Winter because it's probably too dangerous yeah when it's slippery so yeah but I think we are finished now we are kind of in a lowlandish but actually I'm going to show you now in the in the in the compass we are now at 300 meter with sea level wait that means that that uh that Hill up there was there was only around 300 meter up that's not much at all okay okay all right all right it's not stressful at all for the battery or the drivetrain yeah we have to try something like Grape Wine in the U.S or yeah I don't know some other climb like but this one it's just a child's play right in comparison but it was beautiful so all right but I think that's going to be it for now I hope you guys enjoyed this video as always thank you for watching and talk to you later
Channel: Bjørn Nyland
Views: 21,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Teslabjørn, Teslabjorn, TB, Bjørn Nyland
Id: x8QsPJx3iv8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 24sec (1044 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2023
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