CCNAv7 SRWE Skills Assessment

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okay connect the devices use connections copper straight through cable gigabit01 to facetime five if i set another one towards okay between switches and six to the pca and 18 on s2 to pcb okay this is the addressing table and these are the instructions configure r1 configure r1 okay all this disable dns lookup okay access using the laptop this cable click on the laptop terminal okay then enter enable configure terminal disable dns lookup no ap domain lookup or hostname r1 hostname r1 domain name ccna ap domain main dash name ccna encrypted privilege access password cisco and pass enable secret cisco and pass console access password cisco compass line console 0 password cisco compass don't forget login ok to request the password and exit set the minimum link for passwords 10 characters security passwords mean length 10 create an administrative user admin password admin one pass user name admin secret password admin one pass okay enter set login on bty lines to use the local database line bty all lines from 0 to 15 logging logan use the local database to use this username and password vty lines to accept ssh connections only transport the input ssh and group the clear text passwords exit from line configuration mode service password dash encryption configure message of the day banner banner message of the day for example now to rise access is prohibited another reset access enter enable ipv6 routing ipv6 unicast routing and configure interface you go with 001 and sub interfaces okay according this addressing table so configure all these all these sub interfaces description ipv4 ipv6 link local ipv6 address and activate the interface okay start with this the sub interface you go with 0 001.2 okay interfacing with 0 0 1.2 the description okay this sub interface is the belongs to belong number two bikes so you can use likes as the description or use any other description okay bikes ap for others ap others 10 18 8 1 26 is 182 enter uh configure ip routing on lan sub interfaces is only a java if that sub interface is already configured as part of an eye ao2 that's one a02 that one cube okay and don't forget the end capsulation dot one q number two okay so in this case sub interface number two belongs to b log number two so i will set that one cue that one cue number two number two enter and now insert the iprs 1981 and 26 is 192. and the link local fea 0 column column 1 ipv6 address fva0 column column one link local the ipv6 address this the global unicast two zero zero one dba pc a column column one prefix 64. okay and ready and the next sub interface this that three description you can use [Music] trikes for number three okay for number three trikes trikes the encapsulation that one q3 the ip address 65 27 is 224 link local the same link local and the global unicast the unicast is big column one okay the next dot four okay all these the description is you can use any description but i will use management the name of the belong the name of the belong okay management the encapsulation that 1q4 the ipl is 97 97 and 29 is 248 the link local address the ipv6 address c column column one and the next sub interface number six 1.6 description this [Music] is the native native and the encapsulation [Music] six native specify is not deep okay enter and activate the interface the physical interfacing with zero zero one no shut down very good now configure loopback zero all this interface loopbox0 description description is a loopback interface look back uh ipv4 address apis 209 165 2011 divided by divided by two thirty four [Music] link local address the same link local address the va 0 column column 1 link lock card the ipv6 2001 db8 acad 209 we're not going to one prefix 64. okay no shutdown is not necessary because loopback zero changes state to up okay generate an rsa crypto key exit from interface configuration mode and create a key generate rsa general general keys modulus 1024 enter okay very good and configure switches similar configuration like the router to configure s1 go to pca desktop terminal okay similar configuration enable configure terminal no ip domain lookup host name in this case is s1 case sensitive it be domain name ccna enable secret cisco and pass inline console 0 password cisco compass login exit user name admin secret password admin one pass um line vty 0250 login local transport input ssh exit service password encryption final message of the day on how to write access is prohibited enter [Music] 1024 enter enter the management interface ipv4 address ipv6 link local address ipv4 ipv6 ipv6 others okay for s1 on vlan 4 interface vlog 4 might be others 10 19 8 98 285 285 248 29 is 248 ipv6 others maybe six others fe h0 column column 98 link local link local okay enter and the ipv6 address 2001 dba acad c column column 98 profit 64. okay and you can set the description like management then exit the default gateway for ipv4 repeat get away 10 19 897 10 18 897. okay but the same configuration for s2 remember is for s1 and s2 so go to s2 using pcb console connection enter enable configure terminal no ip domain lookup closed name s2 and maybe the main name ccna dash club dot com enable secret cisco and pass line console 0 password cisco compass login exit username admin secret password admin onepass nine bty 0-15 login local transport input ssh exit service password encryption banner message of the date now to write access is prohibited crypto key generate rsa general dash keys mode you lose 1024 very good management interface according the addressing table on vlan 4 interface belong for ap address 10 19 8.99 285 3525 248 ipv6 address v80 99 link local ipv6 address 2001 dba acad c column column 99 prefix 64. a2001 dba dc adc 99 profit 64. you can set a description management okay [Music] now shut down exit and the default gateway for ipv4 repeat of the far or gateway dash gateway 10 19 8 97 okay only said the default gateway on ipv4 because the default gateway on ipv6 is automatically assigned on a real network okay and now configure vlan's ranking ether channel the lens ranking header channel k4 s1 create the belongs go to pca now you are on s1 milan 2 name bikes milan 3 name trikes belong for name management management billion five name parking okay sensitive vlan 6 name native exit trunks nativiland6 interfaces one two and five okay one two and five okay interface range that's ethernet one two comma five [Music] okay and switch for switch port small trunk switch for trunk tv lan 6 okay trunks use nativiland six [Music] create a layer two other channel for group that use interface facet at one and two exit set the range only interface range one and two use lacp protocol channel group number one about switches okay uh for lhcp okay enter interface range 1 and 2 channel group 1 mode active configure host access for vlan 2 interface 6 okay this interface connected to pc interfaces exit interface faster than 6 switch port mode access switch switch port mode access switchboard access vlan 2 vlan 2 for security hello three mac addresses switch port enable switch port port security for security okay and mac the maximum three maximum three mac addresses secure all used interfaces assigned to vlan 5 parking belong in access mode add a description and shut down click exit and set an interface range uh one two five and six in use so the interface is from three to four one two in use five and six in use from seven to twenty four and gigabit one and two okay and set the description uh description and when you say we use it switch port mode access and access to vlan 5 the parking belong it says and shut down okay now configure s2 okay and you will see this message natively long mismatch because as one is using native lang uh on six with s2 is still using native language by default is using nativi one so that's why you will see this message native belong mismatch so now configure s2 go to pcb enter vlan 2 name bikes vlan 3 name trikes belong 4 name management vlog 4 name management william 5 name parking billing 6 name native exit okay k sensitive trunks on fuzzer.112 these two interfaces was there one and two interface range for satellite one two switch port mode trunk enter switchboard switchboard trunk tip vlan 6 okay and now you will see port consistency restored okay now what size are using nativilan six letter channel faceture one and two channel group number one lacp exit set only the range of fasteners one and two okay very good okay active for lacp vlan three on facet18 the connection to the pc 18 ambulance 3 trix exit interface for settlement 18 and three switch port mode axis switch for axis belong three for security allow three mac addresses switch port port security first enabled and then maximum three macadamias secure orange used interfaces vlan 5 mode access description and shutdown ports in use are 1 2 and 18 so use the following range exit interface range 1 and 2 in use so start from 3 to 17 18 in use and from 19 to 24 and don't forget gigabit 1.2 so three port mode access switchboard access vlan 5 the parking belong and the description will use and shut down very good okay and configure host support configure r1 configure the file routing go to the laptop enter password cisco compass enable cs comm pass configure terminal create the forwards ipv4 and ipv6 using loopback zero okay ipv4 the forward is ip root zero zero zero zero zero zero zero blue box zero okay don't worry about this message and for ipv6 ipv6 root this is the default root column column 0 blue box here configure ipv4 dhcp for vlan 2 create a dhcp pool for vlan 2 consisting of the last 10 addresses in the subnet only so you need to exclude okay ipdhcpx dash address and on vlan 2 okay on this belong okay and okay this is the host the thirds and 19. 8 1 prefix 26 so i know the network address is 10 19 8 0 prefix 26 so the range of cost for ip host is 10 19 8 from 1 to 62 okay from 1 to 62 10 18 8 62 this is the range so you need to exclude from [Music] from 10 19 8 from 1 to 10 19 a 52 okay okay so from 53 to 62 you have the last 10 addresses okay so from 53 to 62 you you will have the available 10 last addresses okay enter okay and create the dhcp pool ipdhcp pool for example vlan 2 or bikes any that you want just network 101980 this 26 25 35 285 182 default router is the router is the first ip is this the number one 10 19 1981 and domain name domain is ccna dash a dot net enter specify the default gateway ready okay very good okay and now dns here ipv4 for vlan 3. create dc pull for vlan 3 consisting of the last 10 addresses okay look at this this is the first ip host the first type because the 65 prefix 27 the network address will be 64. prefix 27 and the range is from for ip host from 65 to uh 94 okay from 65 to 94. so exclude okay exit here and exclude excluded addresses from from 65 from 65 to 84 okay so from 85 to 94 you will have the last 10 addresses available okay 84. enter [Music] the dhcp pool vlan 3 you can use any name i'm using this name the network is 64. 27 is 224 the default router is the first ip65 this ip 65 the domain ccna dash b dot net and exit configure host computers pci pcb dhcp for ipv4 and ipv6 and statically assign the ipv6 addresses and link local addresses okay configure pcs according this addressing table pca close the terminal ipconfiguration use dhcp for ipv4 okay very good for ipv6 set according the addressing table two zero zero one dba acad a column column 50 prefix 64 default gateway fv 0 column column 1 okay and pcb close terminal ipconfiguration dhcp for ipv4 very good ipv6 address b column column 50 prefix 64 default get the fea 0 column column one okay very good and test and verify end-to-end connectivity from pca pink 10 1981 from bca pink 10 19 a1 success this ipv6 ping 2013 a current one success 65 on ipv4 65 success b column column one b column column one and knight d7 on ipv4 knight seven might be successful c column 1 98 the switch 98 switch s1 success you can repeat a 99 switch switches to 99 success pcb ipv4 and the ipv4 of pcb is 85 85 success and b column column 50 for ipv6 b column column 50 success the look back pink 209 165 2011 very good and ipv6 209 column column one success and from pcb all these tests from pcb comprom and then look back r1 ping 209 165 201 that one success ping the ipv6 209 one success this another ip pink 10 19 a1 success ipv6 a column column one a column column one success 65 and b column column one 65 and b colon color 1 97 97 and c column column one switch 198 and switch to 99 switch 198 success and switch to 99 success okay very good but the completion is 85 so what is missing go to check results assessment items and now you can see the maximum static max or when you set ports the maximum static max okay obviously this is not advertised this is not an is an instruction but the maximum static max on when you set ports okay so close this go to s1 go to terminal okay cisco compass enable cisco and pass configure terminal the interface range the induced ports in use one and two five and six you support three to four five and six in use so from seven to twenty four and gigabit one and two switch port switchboard port security switch four for security maximum three okay now you have completion 92 exit and s2 go to terminal okay enter cisco compass enable cisco mpass your terminal in the fifth range uh you support one and two and eighteen so from saturn 3 to 17 and to 19 to 24 and gigabit one and two gigabit one and two switch switch support for security maximum maximum three okay now you have 98 percent check results again and now you will see the excluded addresses from 2 to 52 i use it from 1 to 52 and from 66 to 84 but i use it from 65 to 84. my configuration is very well configured my configuration is correct but this can be this can be valid also valid because first interface is used by the router okay and anyway go to the router and configure from laptop enter cisco compass enable cisco and pass show running config down arrow and now modify this your terminal remove this it's very easy no ip dhcp or use the copy copy use no space and paste and remove this line remove this line with no keyword and before the command and configure the correct ipdhcp excluded others 10 18 8 from 2 to 52 okay enter and remove this another no space copy this paste no and the command 65 to 84 and now use from 66 to 84 enter very good now you have 99 of completion check results [Music] and the user name the username is incorrect router and switches okay and close this okay what is the difference um username admin password admin but i use it secret password encrypted password i will try to not encrypt the password that is not recommended okay go to pc and show running config i use username admin and secret password and configure terminal remove this okay and no username admin secret admin one pass remove with no keyword and use the following username admin password simple password enter okay this is not recommended but anyway use this okay remove the secret and use the simple password okay go to pca to configure the switch no ip in global configuration mode no ip user name admin secret admin one pass and hey sorry no username admin secret add new oneplus and use username admin password admin one pass enter and finally on pcb terminal okay enter exit global configuration mode no username admin secret admin oneplus and use [Music] username admin password admin one pass okay now you will have completion 100 okay thank you very much you
Channel: Christian Augusto Romero Goyzueta
Views: 1,496
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: switching, routing, wireless, essentials, srwe, skills assessment, sa, vlans, subinterfaces, intervlan routing, trunking, etherchannel, port security, ipv6, dhcp, static routes
Id: jA03LZkNut8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 37sec (2977 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 18 2021
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