CBI Boca Livestream: Yom Kippur Services - 9:00am

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good jantip everyone good morning very nice to have you all here on this yom kippur morning for our long extended day it is believed that as opposed to other certain days of the year where our services are cut up into different pieces even though there is a morning service and an afternoon service in the ila it's believed that yom kippur is actually one long service so we're actually not cutting anything in terms of ending songs and things like that because it's one one long service so we hope that you'll be with us in the morning and then come back again at 4 30 for fast talk and then stay for the rest of our of our service those of you on our live stream hello to to you hope that you are having a good morning we are thrilled to have you also joining us we had a little live stream problem so i'm actually hoping i'm waving to someone and that you are watching if you need to follow along with us in our moxor in our high holiday prayer book there is a virtual option for you just go to our website cbiboca.org and wait wait for a second there'll be a drop down window that happens automatically at the top of the screen for you thanks to our great marketing team and you'll press that button that takes you right to the hi holidays it's a special high holiday drop down press that and then scroll down a little bit and you'll have an option to press for the virtual mox or the virtual prayer book and so that way you can be with us at all parts of our service throughout the day just as a reminder please check your cell phones this would be a good time so nothing's beeping or buzzing or chirping throughout the throughout the service and also uh thank you so much for wearing masks uh covering both your nose and your mouth throughout the whole service for everyone's safety thank you so much for everyone to everyone who is who is doing that please make sure you have a prayer book also if you're here with us big silver one believe it or not we're gonna go through a whole bunch of it today so uh yes to begin our morning some thoughts from a colleague rabbi wolpi why do we ask god for things when we pray imagine a man sitting in his boat on the lake pulling himself by means of a rope back to shore to someone standing far off it might appear that he is moving the shore closer but of course it is only the boat that moves similarly people think that they are moving god when they are in fact moving themselves we are the boats and god is the shore god does not need our flattery but we need reminders of god's greatness god does not change in response to our prayers but we do god remains unfathomable but with each earnest prayer we come to understand ourselves better with each pull we draw closer to god and if our prayer draws us closer to god then the prayer we hope has been answered we continue now with the baraku on page 178 in our makhsorim 178 and together we stand oh we continue on page 184 bring us in peace from the four corners of the earth lead us with upright pride to the land that is ours you are a god of miracles and wonders from all the peoples of the earth you sought us out and brought us near to your great enduring truth so with love we acknowledge and proclaim that you are one baroque 186. israel please be seated we continue on page 188 196. oh i am is continue with the amidah page 198 and together we stand and my mouth may declare your praise hello oh ah ah again is so um please be seated on rosh hashanah and it's written and the face of yom kippur sealed who will live and who will die who will reach the ripeness of age who will be taken before their time by fire who by water who by earthquake and who by plague who will rest and who will wander who will be tranquil and who will be troubled we continue in a ton of took f 208. meditation 210. and so a great shofar will cry a still small voice will be heard angels in the world of fear and trembling will say behold the day of judgment for they too are judged in your eyes and even they are not blameless all who come into the world pass before you like sheep before their shepherd as a shepherd considers the flock when it passes beneath the staff you count and consider every life you set bounds you decide destiny you inscribe judgments two hundred twelve foreign foreign um foreign me me foreign foreign me me m people and rosh hashanah this is written on the facet yom kippur this is sealed how many will pass away from this world how many will be born into it who will live and who will die who will reach the ripeness of age who will be taken before their time who by fire and who by water who by war and who by beast who by famine who by drought who by earthquake and who by plague who by strangling and who by stoning who will rest and who will wander who will be tranquil who will be troubled who will be calm and who tormented who will live in poverty and who in prosperity who will be humbled and who exalted but through return to the right path through prayer and righteous giving we can transcend the harshness of the decree we continue with the kedusha on page 218 and together we stand you're m oh we oh oh 228 you are holy your name is awe there is nothing divine beyond you as the prophet isaiah taught the source of all might is exhaust all exalted through justice the god of holiness made holy through through righteousness blessed are you adonai holy sovereign continue on 233. eternal our god remember us be mindful of us and redeem us for a life of goodness and blessing we take some time now for our own silent prayers and thoughts and meditations beginning here on page 33 through page 250 from 233 to 250 whenever you are finished please be seated it i um you we continue on page 246 shall oh me see oh oh hey a so oh make there is uh something about chocolate ice cream with swirls of marshmallow and caramel with bits of chocolate that just hits the spot sorry we're fasting uh but i wanted to talk to you today about ice cream and not just regular ice cream but especially delicious ice cream called fish food which is a ben and jerry's flavor there is nothing like taking that paper lid off the pint and digging in with a spoon up until july fish food was my favorite ice cream ever however i will no longer be having that ice cream on july 19 2021 ben and jerry's released the following statement we believe it is inconsistent with our values for ben and jerry's ice cream to be sold in the occupied palestinian territory what does that mean it means that ben and jerry's claims that parts of israel are occupied and therefore they don't and won't be selling their ice cream there anymore ben and jerry's statement uses the term occupied territory the biblical text calls that region judea and samaria and it is most commonly known as the west bank and parts of east jerusalem now the issue lies in the term occupied territories implying that the land doesn't belong to israel the entire region in question was acquired by israel during the six-day war in 1967. so the statement from ben and jerry's immediately started an uproar from the jewish global community jewish stores and marts and vendors who sold ben and jerry's took the ice cream off of their shelves so this is where it becomes obvious hopefully that this is not a sermon about ice cream that would be unbelievably cruel to continue talking about chocolate ice cream and caramel on a fast day the sermon is about israel and the misconceptions and the misinterpretations of the language people use to describe parts of israel as you may recall on may 10th a conflict with hamas began in the gaza strip 11 days of fighting ensued there were casualties on both sides and property damage but the largest piece of damage was to israel's image social media was filled with anti-israel and anti-semitic hatred and rhetoric celebrities took to their social media platforms many speaking badly about israel without really having evidence or knowledge of the situation one organization that consistently helps to perpetuate the negativity about israel is the bds movement what is bds the boycott divestment and sanctions movement commonly known as bds says on its website that its ultimate objective is to utilize international pressure to end israel's occupation of the west bank that is the same exact terminology that ben and jerry's used in their statement in july from the jewish perspective bds is a campaign of hate opposes israel's existence in any part of the region don't believe bds the purpose of bds is not to protest change israeli policy as some claim instead it's trying to isolate and pressure israel until it collapses the organization's sole focus is to create a campaign of hate the co-founder has said we oppose a jew estate and the jewish people quote are not entitled to their own statehood unquote to be clear ben and jerry's has stated on their website that they are not officially part of the bds movement but history shows that bds has been pressuring ben and jerry's and their parent company unilever to boycott israel for years and it is interesting though that they claim not to be part of the bds movement however they use the words occupy territory and they are bore cutting that region both of which are outlined in the bds mission statement bds has called on the international community to pressure israel economically as a form of civil resistance to israeli occupation that means bds supporters don't want consumers to purchase products produced in this part of israel again that means that bds supporters don't want consumers to purchase products produced in this part of israel don't believe bds they want to hurt israel economically by boycotting products that are manufactured in the west bank and just for our own knowledge here are 10 companies bds wants you to stop using don't use them they say because they are partially produced in that region pampers victoria's secret volvo intel tribe or sabra hummus motorola hp ahava mcdonald's and sodastream in addition to these companies what bds won't talk about are the many israeli inventions that are part of our everyday lives drip irrigation iron dome the usb flash drive the game rummy cube the pill cam firewall face id ways and the sniff phone a brand new device that can identify diseases plus fauda and schtissel and those other excellent shows you watch on streaming which you should watch after the holiday so the combination of chocolate and ice cream and caramel and marshmallow and the bits of the chocolate may be delicious but i'd much rather have carvel rather than support ben and jerry's a company that follows bds ideology giving up our favorite ice cream is one thing but we can't imagine our lives without face id or intel don't believe bds this is not a sermon about ice cream it's not even a sermon about traveling to israel that one's coming soon it's a sermon about having an awareness about what the world is saying about israel let's not let social media in celebrities sway our own views about israel know the facts access trustworthy resources and stay educated may we all be sealed in the book of life our days are speeding toward you the year has begun yom kippur is here like a sun filled with so much potential for new growth avinu malcano infuse our every day with your spirit avinu malcano open our awareness of you until we see and we see you like we should we continue aveeno malkenu 252 in your maksurim and together we stand oh oh laid down oh oh oh no foreign oh oh me let's read together in the english on the top of page 253 avinu malcanu we pray do not turn away from you with nothing avenue welcome love accept and embrace it towards us befit your name avenue act for your sake if it's not ours ours avenue almighty and merciful answer us with grace for our deeds are wanting save us through acts of justice and love is remain standing as we continue with senator creator of service reading the torah which can be found on page 255 um i team me 256. ah of endlessly patient loving and true showing mercy to the thousand generation for giving evil defiance and wrongdoing granting pardon shimmer is oh oh you please be seated good kantra muchnik will be chanting for us uh from the uh torah portion called kedoshim that is not true he'll be chanting for us from the torah portion that is not true he'll be doing that later actually he'll be doing that in the afternoon um that is not uh so you should be here for for for that part but um he'll be he'll be chanting nitsavim what's that i know i just you're you're going to be doing that later you'll be doing kadoshim later but we're going to be doing savimnos because that's the torah portion you're supposed to do on yom kippur morning so we're going to do that one um so if you want to follow along there are a lot of pages for for me to tell you now um the uh the torah reading is on 266. if you want to follow along with the actual torah reading that's 266. if you want to follow along with uh the blessings there on 258 so 258 are the blessings 266 is the torah to uh to follow along if you'd like to and just like for rosh hashanah we're going to do one aliyah one congregational aliyah so if you wish to be part of the aliyah and stand we'll ask you to stand right now and we will continue with our big communal one aliyah which we would not typically do we would usually have people come do it individually but pandemic and all we are going to do one aliyah together again that's on page 258 if you want to be part of the aliyah 258 we'll do it together with you can be seated 266 oh i'm not sure that was fast enough can't you much nick i'll go faster next time all right great uh let's do uh the uh blessing after torah if you wish to continue please stand or at the bottom of 258 so amen please be seated with the torah in front of us we think of those in our community who are in need of healing a physical emotional or spiritual healing if there is someone that you are thinking about and you wish to share their name please share their name at this time which the one who brought blessings to our fathers abraham isaac and jacob and to our mothers sarah becca rachel and leia bring the blessing of healing to those who are ill may the holy one bless source of life and healing sustain and strengthen them with compassion and restore them to full health without delay for all who struggle against illness let renewal of spirit and renewal of body come soon as together we all say amen we are continuing now with uh chanting of haftarah for this uh yom kippur morning kendra machnik uh will be chanting haftarah for us once again speedily uh so i i would imagine the blessings if you want to follow along for haftarah are on 275 that's where they start 275 are where the haftarah blessings begin and the haftarah itself 277. it's a very beautiful haftarah from the book of isaiah that connects perfectly to yom kippur with shofar's sounding shafarot sounding and fasting and reflection so it will be coming from isaiah chapter 58 again on page 277 blessings on 275. is is that was fast we are going to return the torah to the ark now so we're going to ask everyone to please stand and turn to page 291. a a we remain standing uh continue with the vidue 296 296. on god and god of all generations may our prayers reach your presence and when we turn to you do not be indifferent i deny we are arrogant and stubborn claiming to be blameless and free of sin and truth we have stumbled and strayed we have done wrong we continue with the cantor with asham new m i continue with our alphabet of woe at the bottom of page 296 let's read that together in the english of these wrongs we are guilty we betray we steal we scorn we act perversely we are cruel we scheme we are violent we slander we devise evil we lie we ridicule we disobey we abuse we defy we corrupt we commit crimes we are hostile we are stubborn we are immoral we kill we spoil we go astray we lead others astray continue on page 306. oh for all these failures of judgment and will god of forgiveness forgive us pardon us lead us to atonement please be seated we continue with shema kolenu on page 316. oh oh so to feel oh new kick head knew know oh know new oh to feel if you're my age or older you may recall a song sung by the likes of frank sinatra and other crooners of his generation the song was called the best things in life are free i wish that were so i am sure that so many of you just as i have experienced enough of life to learn that some of the best things in life are prohibitively expensive often they appear to be freely given but carry an invisible price tag love is one of those things those of us who have lost loved ones have learned in our sorrow that we pay an enormous price for love when it ceases to flow we pay in the coin of grief longing yearning missing it hurts so much the bitter truth is that every love story has an unhappy ending and the greater the love the greater the unhappiness when it ends whenever we permit someone to become very dear to us whenever we love someone we pay an enormous price we become vulnerable to disappointment and heartbreak what then is our choice never permit ourselves to love anyone never permit anyone to matter to us to deny ourselves the greatest of all god-given joys if loving is expensive being unloved and unloving costs even more i believe that even in our grief we can still agree with the sentiment of the pote alfred lord tennyson who wrote it is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all and one more consideration if some fairy angel came to us in our deepest sorrow and offered to remove all our pain and all our longing but with them would also remove all of our memories of the years and the adventures we shared would we agree to that bargain or would we consider those memories so precious so infinitely dear that we would hug them close to our hearts and refuse to purchase instant relief by surrendering them an ancient greek legend gives a clue to the choice we would probably make it tells of a woman who came down to the river styx where karen the ferryman stood ready to take her to the region of departed souls karen reminded her that it was her privilege to drink of the waters of the river leafy and that if she did so she would completely forget all that she was leaving behind eagerly she said i will forget how i have suffered to which karen responded but remember you will also forget how you have rejoiced then the woman said i will forget my failures and the old fairy men added and also your victories again the woman said i will forget how i have been hurt you will also forget countered karen how you have been loved the woman then paused to think the whole matter over and the story concludes by telling us that she chose not to drink of the waters of leafy preferring to hold on to the memories of her suffering and her sorrow rather than surrender the remembrance of life's joys and loves friends an old yiddish proverb consoles us in our suffering by reminding us not to have had pain is not to have been human the pain passes but the memories remain loved ones leave us but having had loved ones endures and we are so much richer and so much more blessed for having paid the high cost of loving let us remember our loved ones and be the richer for it as we continue with escort page 544. m they sorry is we continue now with our own silent easter beginning here um sorry beginning on page 570 through page 593 silent esker 570 through 593 you you you you me is more a on for she ah this this you let's read psalm 23 together 594 at the top of the page a psalm of david the lord is my shepherd i shall not want he maketh me to lie down in green pastures leadeth me beside the still waters here restoreth my soul he guideth me in straight paths for his namesake yea do i walk to the valley of the shadow of death i will fear no evil for thou art with me thy rod and thy staff they comfort me that prepares a table before me in the presence of mine enemies now it's anointed my head with oil my cup runeth over surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and i shall dwell in the house of the lord forever five hundred ninety-seven rabbi mendel there is nothing more whole than a broken heart our loved ones live in our broken hearts and the times that bring some measure of healing their acts of kindness and generosity are the inheritance they leave behind we feel their absence but the beauty of their lives abides among us as it is said the name of the one who has died shall not disappear and loved ones names and their memories will endure among us and these are the names on our lips and in our hearts for those who have died between last yom kippur and this yom kippur rachel winick lawrence ducat abraham portnoy elizabeth salmon jacob bootsy saul singer jerry lee lawrence apothecare joseph cammer cheri may wagner al smith meyerson alfred jacobson sean friedkin freda mattis edith gilbert jack seidman louis beutel conseta pecora marshall kaplan aina stanley charlotte gottlieb marcia shapiro teckel barry glick trudy berzan melissa schaffner anita hoffer sylvia linder ross radkay harriet fertig jacob mizelle burton wiseman edwin frederich philip dratler arnold postilnik burton stevitsky wendy pastor selma stein we continue el malay rachamim 598 together we stand you foreign oh mom is merciful god god most high let there be perfect rest for the souls of our loved ones who have gone into eternity may they find shelter in your presence among the holy and pure whose light shines like the radiance of heaven compassionate god hold them close to you forever may their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life may they find a home with you and may they rest in peace as together we say amen continue mourner's kaddish 606. please be seated we have announcements for you i'm going to try and make them brief um of course once again a special uh thanks to uh cantor to rabbi silvers uh the uh the clergy team thank you all for being here uh in in person uh and for those who on our live stream the goldstein kesticher live stream here at congregation within israel thank you so much i wanted to quickly mention once again all of our board board members and our past presidents uh sharon landau our president ira eric ginsberg uh vp of financial uh vp financial asset management robin rubinoff our vp of education jen stein our vp of membership sean tiber our vp of communication and technology andrea cannon our vp of development phil rothschild our vp of strategic planning david hollander our vp of administration jeff cannon immediate past president and our board members annie becker drew demers susie glatz gill kamener julie note brittany cohn tevye kozak president of our brotherhood dan meyerson ali myrick sabrina schwartz corey shapiro our slj chair our religious school chair darris siegel uh brother president of sisterhood taylor weiss uh nce and cece chair our chair of our preschool and our past presidents sue goldman david cantor leslie cantor phil nadell renee nadel joe wash gary weiner and peter weintraub also of course we've been thanking every single service uh darren mathias and yasa politeva and paul paul namin all of our music and our sound thank you so much to to all of them here is where you should stick with us for the rest of the day uh yom kippur is you'll you'll see there's no there's no elenu there's no conclusion to our to our service uh so um our children's service is at 4 30 that's virtual that's for our preschool-aged children uh it's on our live stream also at 4 30 in this very room is our fast talk with dr bob dobrin don't miss that come back for that um and then minha and naila are closing services our afternoon and our closing service 6 p.m back in here tonight we'll still be here uh to to do that thank you to our ushers thank you to steve allen our executive director for all of the wonderful things that he continually does for us and takes care of huge thanks to minda shaymin our program director who also uh well without her we would not be able to any and do any of these uh any of these things and uh have this beautiful service with all of you here and checked in thank you to our admin team our security our maintenance a couple of quick things the brotherhood is building the sukkah this sunday if you want to join us uh 9 30 a.m in the uh in the courtyard where we're building our sukkah and then there's also on that same day on sunday at 3 p.m there is a pre-school drive-through for sukkot have to register for that though and then uh quickly quickly our first day of sukkot festival service the 21st 10 a.m bourbon and bros the brotherhood celebration on the 22nd at 7 30 p.m erev simchatura where we dance with the torahs 20 27th at 6 p.m and at simchat torah the conclusion if you will of sukkot and simchat torah including a yusker service 28 at 10 a.m what else nothing that's it that is it okay so uh we begin to conclude here 315 in your maksorim 315. god god open unto me open unto me light for my darkness open unto me courage for my fear open unto me hope for my despair open unto me peace for my turmoil open unto me joy for my sorrow open unto me strength for my weakness open unto me wisdom for my confusion open unto me forgiveness for my sins open unto me tenderness for my toughness open unto me love for my hates open unto me yourself for myself god god open up to me hayao yo mahayom 318 i i am i am please don't leave them in the cubby spot so we can take them outside and have them sanitized for our next service easy and meaningful fast for everybody we look forward to seeing you back come back 4 30 p.m tonight go marthov you
Channel: CBI Boca Livestream
Views: 3,089
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: zRlabMeyN30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 54sec (6534 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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