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hey everybody this is woody alpert i am the co-host of dive talk also honored to be a cave diver i'm a normoxic kiss rebreather instructor i teach on the kiss orca spirit and the sidewinder i am an instructor trainer with ssi and teach for a bunch of other dive agencies as well so i think that's part of the conversation today is why do i why did i emphasize all that various training that i have and i think that really is part of the conversation today what i'm going to be talking about is a video this video was recorded by yuri lipsky this was in april of 2000 and it's a very sad video it's about a seven or eight minute video where yuri actually recorded his death when he dove a very famous dive site it's the blue it's a blue hole in the red sea southeast of the sinai and it's a very famous dive site unfortunately has the reputation of being i think the deadliest dive site in the world i think it's also sometimes now called the cemetery now funny enough gus and i you know i co-host this with gus i could co-host dive talk wanna dive it because we're trained to dive it the conversation i want to have about this video is that this is a very easy to access dive site you can access it very easily it is has a very shallow section has a opening to the sea i'm reading some facts here of 20 feet deep very easy to get into you don't need any special gear a lot of free divers go there snorkelers go there beautiful reef gorgeous visibility lots of marine life however it also has something called the ark at a deeper depth at 181 feet now to put this in perspective this dive site has a seaward side floor that drops to over 300 feet so when you are diving in this dive site as a recreational diver you may look down and see the ark at 181 feet and it doesn't seem very deep it's relative to the overall scale of the 3 300 feet that can be a major attraction and has been to lots of recreational divers that dive it on air on a single tank and that was the case with yuri let's watch a little bit of this video and then i'm going to comment and react to it this video is not very long by the way so i'm going to let it run for a little while longer and then i already have so much reaction and commentary already in the first few seconds of this let's let it run a little bit longer and then i'm going to give some reaction it looks like a lot of confusion a lot of moving around i'm going to give some facts behind this in a second what really happened down there other divers in the picture there doesn't look very deep yet beautiful reef doesn't look like a lot of current notice it's a very mundane ordinary recreational dive at this point now that's looking straight down looks just endless cameras pointed straight down to just darkness so we have a deep sight here by the way this is a saltwater site when he was in the upper area of the blue hole it's salt water so presumably he was weighted for salt water and he also was carrying a very large camera so you got to be weighted properly to make sure you can maintain neutral buoyancy that's a very very important part of my reaction again for those of you who may know additional facts this is simply my opinion in reaction to the video as i'm watching it i'm gonna speed it up here and i'm gonna speed it up more speeding it up more right now there's still video of other divers and seems to be plenty of light speeding it up more and more listen to the work of breathing listen to that work of breathing i don't know if that's what it is because i'm just now watching this it really feels like he's having to work very hard to inhale i've sped the video up to where he's obviously now at a much deeper depth so sounds to me like boy that air has gotten a lot denser at this point listen to it still going down you can see from the particles there's a rapid descent happening here i mean from the speed of those particles some that's flying how fast he's going down down down down notice how fast he's going down and there's nothing around him he can't see the outer walls at least the camera's not showing anything it's just getting into total darkness at this point just so you know the facts he ends up dropping down to 115 meters in depth do you think there's nitrogen narcosis he was on regular air on a single tank and listen to the struggle of the breathing i'm hearing that now still descending i'm hearing that could be his computer saying you are way into deco and you are way beyond the level of depth that you should be at by the way on regular air at 330 feet the partial pressure of his oxygen would be at a level that you could easily convulse at for sure you're knocked out of your mind for sure you got to be confused you're definitely struggling to breathe and i would say you could see very easily how he would have tremendous confusion which would which would spin into even more panic faster breathing and continue to create a tremendous amount of narcosis where you're not going to know what's going on but what's interesting is what i said at the beginning of the video he was weighted with a very large camera for salt water i don't know if he broke through a halocline layer here and got into fresh water which at that point all of a sudden that wading that was right for seawater would be completely wrong for brackish or fresh water continuing the video and it looks like we may have a bottom coming up boy the breathing sounds terrible ah it's hard for me to breathe just watching it so i'm looking at his computer showing his computer can't see the depth on that he's on the bottom this is amazing to actually watch because if this looks so painful now ultimately just so you know he did not have enough lift to get back to the surface he could not ascend there was a malfunction for sure but the malfunction simply could have been that he was overweighted and he was completely confused due to narcosis and entering into this zone as a recreational diver is just riddled with possibility of having a fatality which he did and again this dive site attracts a tremendous amount of recreational divers i can't wait to dive this as a technical diver trained for limited visibility overhead environment as a cave diver on a rebreather with mixed gas for sure no way would i do this on regular air you're going to be gnarked you are going to i can't even imagine the amount of deco time he's racking up just think about that at 300 plus feet underwater and you're completely confused coming to the end of the video i want to watch it all the way through with you all and then add some more commentary it's not going to be a long one this one i'm gonna just talk for a few more minutes because unfortunately there's not a lot to talk about it's pretty obvious what happened coming to the end got about 30 more seconds and then the video is over now we have still moving around lots of noise lots of background noise he's moving it seems like an uncontrollable manner he's trying to do something now we're at the end and the camera is no longer filming and it ends let me bring in a few other facts it turns out that his body was recovered and that um terrek omar the next day he's one of the world's foremost deep water divers at the request of yuri lipsky's mother went and recovered the body and the camera he noticed that the camera was still intact what he didn't know is that when he got back to the surface that the camera was on and filming this entire thing and the mom wanted it the mom watched it so the final memory for unfortunately for yuri's mom is this video and i think it's interesting that tarak omar the one who recovered the body said that he regrets that he said and this is a quote from him i want to read this quote two days after he recovered his remains and gave his mother his belongings and equipment she came to me asking that i help her disassemble them so she can pack them the camera should have been damaged or even broken altogether because i had found it at a depth of 115 meters and it is only designed to sustain 75 meters but to my surprise the camera was still working we played it and his mother was there i regret that his mother will have this forever if i had known the footage existed i'd had flooded it i think the thing that really upset and saddened me about it was that his mom has it now she has the footage of her own son drowning and that is a quote from tarak omar so he did warn lipski against attempting to dive twice um i told you that and at 115 meters he would have been subject to severe nitrogen narcosis and obviously his judgment would have been completely impaired to the so much to that he would about hallucinous hallucinations and cause panic and confusion which seems to have been the case and by the way it says lipsky had a single tank assumed to be air so i'm gonna wrap this up i'm only 16 minutes into it here you have a situation that has a recreational diver entering into what seems to be a rather benign dive site with good visibility easy access to the sea but then as an uncontrollable descent is he diving by himself does he have additional lift with him like in the in the in the by carrying a large smb where if his bcd wasn't working he could have used that it was said that he actually removed his regulator i presume he may have done that to try and orally inflate his bcd maybe the low pressure inflator hose wasn't working i don't know so don't don't shoot me for saying that but why else would he do that or he was just super confused and removed his regulator at that point if he didn't quickly put it back in he's going to start drowning so many things went wrong here you have a dive site that's attracting recreational divers that are not equipped that are not trained to exceed these recreational depths the final comment i'll make is that i don't care who you are watching this you are gnarked whether you feel narked or not when you are narc you don't feel drunk you don't feel wasted you just kind of feel relaxed and you may not even know you're narc until your task loaded once your tasks loaded and you have to do one thing that's complicated or more than one thing you just can't think it's just confusing and your brain is not working properly but you're narched even at 130 feet on regular air whether you believe you are or not there's no scientific evidence that says you get used to being narc or that you have some special powers that prevents you from being narked the work of breathing to me my reaction of listening to that was hearing that man sounded like he was really really struggling to breathe and that would make sense that as that air was becoming extremely dense at those depths so again this didn't have to happen and it's super sad so this dive site has now the reputation of being known as the cemetery one of the deadliest dive sites it's it's um there's some writing out there that says there may have been upwards to up 200 fatalities there both during the israeli time of occupying this i think that was up through 1982 and now egypt occupying it is a very popular recreational dive site that unfortunately has people pushing their limits and things like this can happen and that's my reaction no shot of not having a fatality of going to 330 feet on open circuit single air tank it's fatal don't do it i'm sad that that happened so thanks for listening thanks for watching and stay safe don't dive beyond your training limits and don't dive beyond the gear that you have to be able to handle a dive of this type thanks a lot
Channel: DIVE TALK
Views: 330,386
Rating: 4.9083109 out of 5
Keywords: SCUBA, IANTD, TDI, NAUI, PADI, SSI, Tec Diving, Tec Diver, Tech Diving, Tech Diver, Cave Diver, Cave Diving, Open Water Diver, Scuba Diving, Scuba Instructor, Dive Instructor, Reacts, Cave Diver Reacts, Yuri Lipski, Blue Hole, Dahab, Egypt, Divers Cemetery, Diver Accident, Diver Death, Last Dive
Id: Yv4aK2O1X_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 36sec (1176 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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