Caught On Bodycam: Police Dealing with 'Entitled' Citizens In Public

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๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/AutoModerator ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 13 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

The common denominator in all of these is that they don't shut up! Oh my God I couldn't handle even 1 minute with these women. Telling and talking over the police while they are just trying to do their jobs, complaining about being hurt when they are the ones causing the hurt to themselves and then continuing with the same behaviour and expecting different results. The police get a bad name for being too heavy handed with people but they deserve a medal for not taking excessive measures with these idiots

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 47 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/onyabarnes79 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 13 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Fuck, I could watch Karenโ€™s get their dumb asses arrested all day. I donโ€™t give a shit about your entitled Karenโ€™s. ๐Ÿป

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 30 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/NYerInTex ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 13 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

They should have all gotten gagged to shut them up. They all should have went to jail. These people got off light. Any POC doing this would have gotten tazed or worse.

Seriously, they made their situations worse by screaming and resisting, faking injuries, etc.

It's amazing how they're all about backing the badge up until the badge comes after them.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 55 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/G-Kira ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 13 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

She looks like she needs a mask with a gag.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 43 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 13 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

The first one โ€ฆ fucking hell, what a cunt. She seems off her face on Xanax or something. Probably popped a few sleeping pills before her flight and sheโ€™s lost the plot

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 15 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Adept_Deer_5976 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 13 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Real simple, you are on an airplane that has rules and guidelines you must follow if youโ€™re gonna use their transportation services. Donโ€™t follow the rules canโ€™t use it. Not your human right just like no one is forcing you to use the airplane.

Blows my mind people canโ€™t understand this and choose to make scenes and fuck with their own lives and everyone elseโ€™s

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 10 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/EricPaisen ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 13 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Still dont understand why people embarrass themselves and ruined their and others entire day? Why not just put the mask on when asked and just chill

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 12 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 13 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

As entertaining as these are Iโ€™m guessing none of these women actually faced lasting legal and personal consequences. Especially the spitting lady who got to leave defiant and thinking she was in the right.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 7 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Moneymike1234567 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 13 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
[Music] she's a representative of the aircraft they don't want you flying on their plane today okay so you're gonna have to get up they made us wait and wait and wait yeah that's the way it is but right now i'm gonna do fine and i will respect that okay so i'm gonna need you to grab your bag and just i did not do anything actually we'll talk about it outside disruptive besides speak my mind okay i know i live in america and that's what fucking america is about no you know that you know that you know that give me another unit on the really if plan weren't ever gonna put your hands on grab your bag no i woke up but you don't want to sit here no one's gonna put your hands on yourself all right yeah yeah you're welcome but i need you to get up yeah you need me to get up you may need me to get up but you know what i feel my need to do as a person just like jesus motherfucking christ you need to call me no no i'm gonna do what i need to do i'm gonna say when i need you and if you you're gonna do whatever you feel you need you to meet right so i'm going to say what i have meant to say no to everybody stand up yeah everybody is you're going to get arrested if you do not stop i'm ready you're going to get arrested if you don't stand up and get off the air probably already do you want to get arrested one more time and then i'm going to have to put my hands on you okay for what reason because let me ask you that you you're and that's fine that's fine why do you have a right to put your hands on me though let's go come on no why do you have a right to put your hands on me ma'am what am i doing that makes you feel like you have a right to put your hands on me seriously though can you tell me that probably can you just help me to understand as a as a human that is alive like why do you seriously though seriously why can you just tell me that like i'm actually asking you guys at this point here's what's happening they're going to deplane the aircraft i'm going to take you off there that was already happening and you're going to jail just so you know i already have it it won't happen with me right now but if you're not going to check right now they're going to deflate as soon as they deplane you're going to jail okay that's how it's going to work do you feel that the threatening system that's the way it is not cool i want to judge you you want to trust me that's not healing we're not healing come on can i trust you tonight [Applause] let's go listen have i touched you yet i'm trying to get you off the aircraft that's all we're trying to do do a control situation if i get off the plane you said you wouldn't arrest me so you as the top should have to honor them you're trying not to arrest no you should though you should have to honor that that's my right we'll talk to the country and tell them we need to remove it so that's my fight it's like you need no we're getting to the point where you're not expecting [Applause] [Music] no man that's not okay dude that's not okay you know it's 29th century and i was calm and you honestly acknowledged me for a moment and then you didn't take your hands there why did you do that like that you didn't have to like that that's not real man just grab her bag yeah she had a green backpack [Music] [Applause] [Music] you why would i stop when you lie to me how is anyone gonna stop anything when you lie to them you had your chance man i had my chin you didn't even give me a kiss i looked at you in your eyes and i knew you were lying to me no no don't you can't bullshit sure that's funny that was the resistance that you felt no five times i saw you outside before i even came in with your mask off no you're better than that that's not cool that's not cool dude it's really hot it's really not i am not a person hurting anybody interference yes [Music] all right [Music] you know watch your head yeah she's been it's been a lot of talk i had to pull her off an aircraft so i don't know how she's gonna act now but she's been chirping the whole time so we'll see how it goes not with you because you're a liar no he said he literally the reason he has to be arrested right now why is he you you looked at me in my eyeballs i looked at you outside of the plane before i ever went in there you didn't have masks on no can i say something before anybody takes me out so that i can just say what i have to say and then i can say what i have to say and then that i i will i will do what y'all want me to do because i'm here now no no i don't it doesn't matter about that what matters is that you have been in just officers that's abusing his power and you need to know that timothy timothy hey can my mother's a social worker and you're about to like really because i you you made eye contact with me before i ever got on that plane you acknowledged the fact that you weren't wearing a mask okay and then you got on the plane and then you made eye contact with me and then you've been manipulating the situation no that's what happened like i'm sorry that's what happened so i know the here let me get your temperature at least anybody yeah oh you think he's cute oh yeah i thought he was cute too i thought he was cute too i looked in his eyeballs and i thought he looked into my eyeballs and then he abused that hello um yeah what's your name and this is i should not be arrested right now [Music] would you can i have your name please first can we just adopt something that makes me want to be safe why can't i not be safe stop i would relax if you would let me you're not michigan oh my god you have to leave my money's in this bank and i'm going to take it out well then you have to divide by the rules and you have to have a mask it's not businesses have the right to refuse service even if you're not winning that's their choice awesome well you need to go and get a mask and then take your money out you're not allowed to do ma'am listen we're gonna do this easy way of the hard way what are you gonna do arrest me yes for intruding on premises that's hilarious that's exactly what it is yeah and you believe in this i believe in it do you believe in this the law is yes the law says that i do not have to wear a mask you can not in public but you're not in public you're not in public i'm not going to argue with you about this this is not a public place this is a private business no you're not we're going to go outside are you serious do i look like i'm kidding well i don't know because let's let's go outside and you've got some issues i've got issues that you're taking away people's oh say you don't stop resisting stop are you gonna are anybody gonna like get real here really relax no one's gonna get real wow come on now you're smashing my arm into my private area your private area yeah put your hands behind your back my hand is behind my back this one turn over on your stomach put your hand behind your back relax no you are not relaxed not relaxed at all [Music] wow [Music] yeah okay stand up stand up stand yourself up and how do you suggest sir i am like a 65 year old woman here okay sit down do it stand up are you going to need pebbles stand up i usually make portfolio are you trying to speak spanish to people i do speak spanish okay well stand up are you happy i'm not happy okay stand up stand up come on you know what i think she's getting your stuff come on i think you broke my freaking foot okay i'll call and that's my business over there yeah she's gonna pick it up wow not wearing a mask people this is what they do to you what's everybody out there [Music] okay um i found my dog in my truck i got you i'm 10-4 uh send ems for a 60 year old white female she's complaining of uh foot pain yeah take a seat 49 we're out with them okay take a seat are you where's your mouse where's your feet away from you oh well i was six feet away from those people in there get inside come on you guys let's get real [Music] nice and important you probably put yourself in the position that's a typical man typical typical man to say that ma'am no weapons on you or anything like that no here no no that's okay stand up for me please no i'll just make sure you're on your level i don't know turn around i don't want to touch your pocket okay under rush of battery i didn't do any better no when you spit on people that's battery no i did not listen he verbally abuses well that doesn't give you the right to spit on him that's right you verbally abused me as soon as i got here that spit on you you're an arrest for battery yeah they're handcuffs they're not for comfortable can i take my purse absolutely come on no no you're definitely going to jail let's go fuck unbelievable can i leave my car here that's absolutely fine sure yeah this is unbelievable unbelievable this is unbelievable let's go unbelievable unbelievable well i'll get a good attorney god bless you yep god bless meet god because i'm a christian christians don't talk like you no but you know what i just went through can i put that in my purse i need to collect your property you are a prisoner now i need to collect your money i've never been to prison well you are tonight please don't know if you're going to jail please open your hand what is this that's my cleaner okay so let it go well can you give me a cleanness officer please don't just get yeah just say that they said it desired prosecution ago they said no no because they told me yes how about you just stand there and stop talking how about we do that how about we do that that doesn't give you an excuse to act the way that you're acting just stop talking you have to leave we'll take care of it thank you so much all right this officer saw me last night i've been having a lot happening in my i have friends that are muslim okay i have friends that are uh oh that hurts you're hurting my name oh they're handcuffs they're not for comfort well i've never had him so that's a no okay so those those same muslims that you were talking shit to just decided your fate and they elected to not prosecute god bless you yeah god bless them because if it was up to me you'd be going to jail but they decided as a victim that you were not going to jail oh i suggest you watch your mouth because shut up listen the particular group that you decide to mouth off to were professional or nice some people might kick you in your face and they're gonna come pick up the pieces so i suggest you watch your mouth this officer saw me last night he knows i'm not a bad person i don't think he had to know you i just thought you were having issues yesterday because of my uh card my father was with the army she was the captain did anybody get her 14th okay look what you did to me you should be going to jail huh oh can you get me my purse please hey you got hey you gotta you got a 14. no i'm getting no i thought i thought he was holding it get yourself and leave what do i do what do you do and what oh that hurts that's unfortunate well i've never had this happen to me then keep your mouth shut and you won't have it happen again literally keep your mouth shut because you spit on somebody listen you you don't know what he did to me you don't have the right to ask me how to talk to you when you're disrespecting people he disrespected me first literally spitting on people gather your belongings count your blessings and leave listen i'm bisexual yeah well you need to look that up and i go to calvary chapel you need to that's concerning very concerning yeah we'll talk to pastor doug i will actually i will talk to pastor doug and let her know how you feel about monday different religions okay for sure okay yeah 11 a.m all right good night all right good night thank you officer you have a good night respectful you're respectful they all are man thank god for president trump [Music] okay where'd you put it [Music] me let go [Music] [Music] yes let go of me you're hurting me and i'm going to show all the bruises that you should put on me if you're not going to cooperate you'll be charged shut up what an asshole thing to say to me what what an ass thing to say to me they're the law enforcer they're always gonna win that's your turn do me a favor do me a favor let go of me you're hurting me i'm not hurting you you are hurting me obstruction at the moment okay here ma'am i don't care if you record but can you just step back a little bit i can talk in her ear no you need to just let go let's walk over and put her in the car stop you're hurting me walk then you're hurting me damn it okay you're under arrest right now okay you are hurting me what you're hurting me please stand up and walk then you're hurting me let go of me let go of me oh man you're under arrest for what obstruction i didn't obstruct anything you're hurting me you're hurting me you're okay yeah what are you doing you're hurting me get out of my pocket you are under arrest stay back back up unless you want to be detained too back up i don't care if you record just back up stand up straight ma'am i am standing straight you're pushing me over with your hand i'm holding on to your jacket baby what are you talking about get out of my pants i am conducting a search if you move you will find additional charges find additional charges this is like a rest without cause do you really know what you're doing do you have any ideas just get over a little bit do you really know what you're doing you're assisting merrick garland to not show the truth away get over it i'm gonna let gjpd do what they need to do with it do you understand that is not my idea okay we have this ipad that is not my ipad that you're saying someone else's property i hear what you're saying you've taken my you've taken all my equipment all my stuff and you still can't find anything tina i'm taking this ipad it's because of this search warrant which lets me do that let me read the search box that would be great will i read it yeah but i can't exactly hold it i will have bruises to show how they've hurt you so you're going to listen to this officer but if the way he removes handcuffs that's fine no i'm not you're not being detained by me you're free to leave but if you'd like me to explain this to you i'd rather stand face to face and let you hold it than have you be in the back of a cop car is that yeah yeah that's cool okay that's great with me can you just sit back a little bit yeah thank you step on out up on the sidewalk and would you like an ambulance i took a picture of my to handsome
Channel: Law&Crime Network
Views: 16,379,192
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: law and crime, law and crime network
Id: mL51H3RlooI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 51sec (1431 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 11 2022
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