Bodycam: Cops Arrest 12-Year-Old Girl for Allegedly Stabbing Little Brother to Death in Oklahoma

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come here come here I'm just gonna put handcuffs on just for now where's the knife anymore I'm so sorry how old are you I'm 12 years old where's the knife Disneyland you threw it where it's upstairs not not right there it's the room this is the other room it's right behind the apartment this apartment right here so where would the knife be on that side yeah I'm so fucking sorry I'm sorry I don't know what happened this is something about it what's your mom think what what's your mom's name I'm so sorry come over here so we're out of the paramedics way I'm so sorry hey what's your name for me so crisscross on the grass okay just sit there for a second you don't have the knife on you right no I swear I don't sorry I don't and don't worry [Music] is there anybody else inside the house hey how would I get to the knife is there the back side I can show you okay I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I really didn't want it just happened like this this sucks I'm so sorry you're probably gonna go to jail he's gonna live the rest of my life that's it right there okay do me a favor we're gonna sit crisscross applesauce right here okay first apartment right here take him [Music] he threw the knife over here it's right there okay [Music] stick your hands out like this for me do you have any cuts on you where at which which arm s did you cut yourself actually I'm at my right arm it just has this moment sorry I don't know what the fuck uh mom and then fire and emsa was [Music] hey real quick I'm gonna take you out of handcuffs and I'm gonna take your hoodie off okay that way we can see the cut that you have take your hair off for me is it just those look old are they old um yeah those are a little this one those are old do you have any new that's from today with the same knife do what what's that can you watch her for just a second so I'm getting her to gloves [Music] thanks [Music] what's happening with her what's gonna happen with her I need to go to the hospital I don't know yet you don't know yet you go with the hospital we'll come and talk to you okay just be calm okay I don't know what happened tonight I don't know what the fuck I did I'm so sorry I love you foreign I think we're good I'm gonna stick your hoodie back over okay okay let me clear my car and put in my car take her to my car okay okay ready we're gonna get up there we go let's go this way we're gonna figure it out okay I'm so sorry I don't know what happened yep [Music] what's your last name how do you spell your first name yeah what's your birthday okay let's back up so you can have room to you have shoes or anything no just thought okay I have stickers in my in my socks right now a lot of stickers is uh he going to the hospital okay it's okay it's okay [Music] can you work on calling crime scene yeah I'll call crimes here all right Whitton is texting you mom's info I already got Mom's well I got Mom's name and phone number okay so um I'll call Crime Scene uh well I'll step by the car everything [Music] all right I'll be out here if anything okay all right how old is he he's nine years old nine years old okay all right I'll be right here okay just hang tight you're not going anywhere right now what did you what was that [Music] right now let's just you know bro calm down a little okay I don't know what we're gonna do right now all right right now we're investigating take a deep breath okay I know there's a lot of things going on right now just take a breath I don't know why I did it just take a breathless let's not think about it [Music] math teacher he he had a cancer so he wasn't at school for a really long time and yesterday was his first day back in school I really hated math but I started to like it because he was there [Music] oh what the fuck is my birthday from the hospital he's in the hospital right now little lady yeah pretty sure he will there's the doctors doctors are all over there he will take care of him your mom's over there too [Music] is he just never gonna forgive me it's okay take a breath [Music] s you know nobody's here in life okay all right okay [Music] who watches you guys when your mom goes to working on that it's it's it it's just me you mean your brother yeah babysit because I have I have a two I have a three-year-old brother he just turned three in October but he goes to estad every week he used to his status every weekend but we got a day early today we just went to his dad's house and dad's house huh yes okay I already know that was that I already know I'm gonna go to jail for the resume you are not going to jail nobody knows that all right okay cool we are gonna get through with this okay [Music] am I gonna be able to go back to school huh am I gonna be able to go back to school bye um right now calling people I don't know when possibility yes I don't know I can't answer that for you all right okay I guess I want you to go back to school bye to a lot of people say good morning it's really bad let's not think about that okay I think about that calm down a lot of things are going on right now okay a lot of things are going right now okay okay are the handcuffs unnecessary I'm a good child very good child about this [Music] I don't even know if my mama want me to live there anymore [Music] uh I'm not saying that I will go to jail but if I want to go to jail how long would I be there for so that's kind of a difficult question um so first of all you're too young to go to jail so juvenile detention in jail two completely different things um because you're 12 correct so you got to be at least 13 to go to jail [Music] um but I have no idea if you do or don't and how long you'd be there okay get that spelled off all right we'll get you those handcuffs it's me let's go through that door right there there's some call somebody Hey Joe how do I get in okay all right sounds I'm sorry was that yeah hi everybody okay so I'm gonna take you back here just one out of cuff sort of yeah we're gonna teach that across okay okay Lean Forward sorry my little flashes just go ahead and work put earlier go ahead and turn your hands over sleeves for me thank you okay our restroom's ready where's the bathroom sadly we only have one oh okay sorry and if you need water or soda okay it's just a one Cedar um I've got everything for him [Music] she was asleep she was good does she know no she doesn't know that I'm not telling her anything yet okay I'll let you do it I understand we're gonna go this time no thanks I'll take this guy I'll bring it with us we're gonna come over here your mom's here too they just pulled in okay okay I'm going to kind of walk you through everything and we'll just go from there and we'll just hang out in here for now okay well we're going to talk to your mom your mom do anything to drink to bring a soda or water do you want to SmackDown it's fun okay because we've got I've got snacks it's really cold in our building so we have a blanket for you too okay okay and then um let me ask are these the clothes you're wearing all night okay and then if you ever need food or anything let us know obviously okay I'm gonna sit down with you if that's okay okay so right now he's breathing they're doing everything they can but it's I just just talked to the doctor and she was saying it's all good things right now [Music] I I know that this is a probably I mean hey Sarge I'm uh with Mom uh what's up I'm working on it right yeah she just walked in I'm working out right now all right okay and I'm gonna have uh okay Roger all right I'll call you back yep okay and I'll send you his information and uh all right give me one second and I'll Roger I'll call you right back here in about five minutes all right I know 142 today sorry about that that was my supervisor but I said I cannot imagine what you're going through right now I've never been aggressive or anything yeah I don't like her like like they bully each other like brother and sisters but it's never they never like fist fight or do anything like that so this is just completely it was in bed it was downstairs trying to sleep I don't know why she even went down there like what the hell is she I don't understand any of it all I know is I heard him screaming like the worst scream ever and I thought maybe he was having a nightmare so I started to try to wake him up and there's blood everywhere and he said she stabbed me she's stability and he started going in and out of Consciousness and so that's what they told me to put him on the floor do chest compressions and and I couldn't find my daughter anywhere I was screaming her name and she ran out after she did it because she was scared and so right now she's safe and she's in custody with us right now uh it is a really over like I'm I mean as this is a very um there's no words I can tell you that's gonna those ranchers we're going to be looking for yeah never would have assumed she'd do something like that that's crazy to me like she was like I don't know why she's just fucking crazy I don't know she doesn't even curse like I don't know it's just yeah I can she's not a bad kid like she doesn't do bad things you know what I mean like she's totally out of trouble it was weird yeah what's her name his ex-husband you're talking about this is their father it's his father yeah Levi he's on his way up here right now and I called you earlier and you can totally disregard that because now the nurse you're totally good yeah with all the time like they look at things like that's their granddaughter too like she doesn't get left out like I just don't understand why she would have so much especially bedtime yeah it's so weird no well there's nothing I don't blame you there's nothing that you could have done differently I mean there's nothing that you could have done differently I mean don't blame yourself for any of this him like his home he's supposed to feel safe well and again like my own sister you know that he will never forgive her she will never it will never be now between them like what the hell is she picking well done I mean she's 12 years old at that age you know there's a lot of things going on in the brain she probably wasn't thinking hello okay he's here so I'll meet him in the window she's gonna meet you in the waiting room for you back here yeah this is the waiting room with the children hospital the children's emergency rooms yeah the children's side okay Saint Francis Children's side yeah so real quick I know that I'm the probably the last person you want to talk to right now but so what we need is to get as a search waiver for the apartment so we can go through have our crime scene detectives go through and do a thorough investigation of this so you don't have to authorize us to do this but I mean it would really Aid in our investigation I'm trying to figure out everything that's going on we know what happened my daughter says she got a knife and stabbed him three times well we need to find the knife and we need to do all that can I be there uh I just don't know I don't have anyone there right now well there's nothing it's not like I mean if there's any like we're not looking for any like I I'm not saying I'm just sitting like drugs or anything illegal that's not for that I just don't yeah it's fine to sign it I just I just don't have anyone I can be there right now well and that's things there won't be any like because this is like crime scene detectives that go through and it could even be homicide that goes through and we do have two cats there too I don't want them to get out and they're not gonna get out they're okay yeah so your name is and you're only authorizing us to go through there did she not get the knife for you guys when well she got well if it's inside the house said it was in her room okay well so that's the thing we can't just go in there yeah uh so the only thing I need to get from you is your signature right here uh here's a pit right here yeah and then today's date six what uh what's your apartment what's the I'll give you guys uh let's go back over there and give them some time she was upstairs he was downstairs asleep and she just heard screaming come down there and she thought that he was just having a nightmare until she saw the blood Okay so and shit makes you wonder what's going on in a 12 year old
Channel: Law&Crime Network
Views: 6,383,060
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: law and crime, law and crime network
Id: Ei5oOwjwDJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 9sec (1509 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2023
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