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[Music] welc aboard smiling Airlines everyone this is Captain kicking speaking please buckle up cuz we're going to fly high and have a good time Lobby is this light going to be okay I have a bad feeling about you don't say that word crafty it's going to be okay worst case we'll be dead all right Auto pilots on time for the captain to take a break for some important business that noise mother hand heading straight for the ocean come on come on come on go why did it decide to break now hang on did that chicken pilot learn to fly from a recipe bker one I told you that we should take a train calm down calm down everything you'll be fine what up everyone are you okay what the I should have realize sooner the chickens like you can't fly quit barking you stupid dog huh what's that oh jeez is that a forest monster wooo time for kicking chicken to strut his feathers fear not citizens I'm here to save the day and Hunt that monster Smiley Aura Smiley Aura sounds cool right it means let's do this smiling Critters you just made that up nobody's going anywhere we got to stick together to search shut up scaredy cat we'll all starve if we just sit around here I kicking captain of smiling Airlines and hero of men and going hunting kicken wait for [Music] [Music] me you your chip T CH okay seems we have a safe home now H it's been a while and the hunting Squad still hasn't returned could they have been eaten by that monster already no it's not going to be that bad I'll go search the forest don't worry everyone I'll find them oh speed the head yeehaw [Music] now we Chop Chop got to chop up this pig ASAP to keep that meat nice and tender don't place it like that you'll mess up the meat hey who's the expert here I'm the one who caught this Pig come on kicken listen to piggy she's got experience with you know P sweet what is this is that the spirit of the pig returning to haunt [Applause] us oh KCK and chicken must have been scared to death tell me what monster did this to you what nonsense are you talking about he I already killed the monster and even caught a wild pig for dinner woo hitting two birds with one stove you youro chcken hey I can do that too but after the meal maybe I've got mushrooms Ken chcken where are [Music] you huh ah oh catnap you scared the pants off me what are you doing here oh okay you're being catnapped anyway have you seen kicken I've been searching everywhere for him oh well thanks anyway maybe they've already made it back to Camp I better head back and check again yum yum yum oh no this is so tasty what's going on here there's no monster because you're the monster brothers and sisters get her wait what are you doing ow oh gosh I'm wasted wait where's Bobby Did anyone say blue cheese I thought I heard brownies well I'm hungry already I said Bobby huh look at those bloody Footprints is that a monster and I don't think there is only one monster holy moly they got Bobby those evil creatures guys grab your weapons we're fighting to get our beloved Bobby [Music] back rock paper sciss man this is so not cool why do I always end up losing this game 1 2 3 4 5 6 10 11 12 20 21 22 30 31 32 41 42 kicken check it out that's one funky fridge rules are rules dude you lost so now you got to find us I mean I'm the one who brought you here and all wait where'd you go the early bird gets the worm or in your case early chicken gets the worm hope we not that first could be both of us come on please [Applause] me 97 98 99 100 ready or not here I come oh man where can I hide now gotcha well well well didn't expect to have kicking first oh man we're going to hide now found you found you found you found you looks like I found everyone but just to be sure let's do a quick head count puppy crafty corn papa pig I'm starving anyone wants bacon W hey how about I treat everyone to a big meal at dog day's Place heck yeah count us in let's hop hop hop we we coming coming may I present to you roasted pork just so you know it's from my mom Bona Petit oh man this is awesome [Music] yeah it's been ages since I had pork this [Laughter] good hey why is there's an extra chair did we forget someone must be catnap spot [Music] holy moly my heart almost jumped out of my chest yo cat up want to join us for crap that guy's so weird who cares it's just catnapp being catnap all right let's make this meal a party and Cheers Cheers Che I'm coming [Music] gotcha man this Summer's being epic I wish we could keep the good times going forever yeah let's keep the party rolling guys check out these fresh ropes I just got this smell feels so good but Bobby S it's unbeatable right where's Bobby at yeah where's she been lately I really miss her warm freeh Hawks oh please you guys are are just making a Fast I've just made a recent [Music] uh I know where Bobby is I'm going to fetch her right now what's wrong with kicken I don't know let's just steal him and find out Bobby where you at speak off Bobby come on out girl please oh no the bridge Bobby heck di I'm coming for you I SP I push that's I might thing I guess this [Applause] one maybe if Bobby managed to get out oh man Bobby's necklace no way Barbie no this can't be [Music] happening Woodle do here where's Bobby Bobby she's in there oh what a stupid little chick how' Bobby squeeze into that Tiny Box right [Music] hold up is that yeah that's B's chain he's got stuck in the fridge and got squished she's gone can't be real how this even happen oh my dear Bobby hey guys you guys looking for me Bobby you're alive we thought you were toast from the fridge how did you escape actually it's tup who saves me then we had a really good time together what about our hide and seek did I win sorry for leaving you in that shaky fridge think about eating and forgot about you day wait I didn't even try to find me oh my gosh the game's not over yet I could have been the winner yeah you know that we can't focus that well pleas next time don't hide in the fridge or your friends might leave you by behind and you'll get squished hey everyone let's hurry up the human world show is starting soon come on turn on the [Music] TV get someone else to S will you all right thanks kicken craving an original burger [Music] we have burgers made with 100% fresh beef crunchy fried chicken with loads of flavor super delicious super tasty super healthy Barbie what are you doing let me see don't be scared kicken I'm here so nobody's going to kill you for fried chicken funny [Music] ah pigy oh no it's elevation let it go I'll draw you a 100 Burgers I want burgers and that's it everyone no more human world [Applause] show I just want a real Burger the juicy be crispy chicken all right this weekend how about we follow can up to McDonald's in the city remember it has to be a secretay all right everyone let's go go go go go hey keep it down guys wa look at this city so much cool stuff don't wander off guys it's complicated here don't worry I've got [Music] this found him let's go what the heck Bubba where is everyone um they go everywhere I I couldn't stop them oh look Piggy's over there hey are you blind we're flying pigy slow it down this is so much fun you totally deserve it kicken don't worry his chickena still beating I was not worried about him y I'm Happ the Hot Scotch want to hop to the Moon with me puy girl don't fall wow this was fun finally got everyone under control I want to go to the Moon me too C down guys Bubba let's run quick we're here at McDonald's are you ready to eat we've got a special happy meal deal for you Critters I have a hot dog H burgers all the way all chicken nuggets sprice please ice cream shake for us here's your meal F A that'll be $120 please wait we have to pay we don't have any budy don't worry I've got this we don't accept rocks sorry here's the money still $119 short hm we don't accept bones uh we need to leave it out right now what [Music] [Applause] the ouch my head is everyone okay where are we huh a [Applause] fairy are they taking us to the kitchen to make food I'm not ready to die yet no we got to get out of here like now welcome to McDonald's since you could not pay you've got to work for us work hard you'll be out of here soon now pay later that's the harsh rule of the human world we got accept it but if we stick together and work we'll be out of dead in no time there all right let's hustle [Music] oh yo where are our Burgers hot soup with all the fixes coming in F extra cheese please woo here comes the H Fried Chicken Baba can't you do it properly this burger is a flop let's throw it away it's perfect give me go do here's your burger what's in this burger you trying to poison me papy was wrong this ain't a normal Burger it's a fancy one by Kick a chicken are you messing with our business you'll get punishments now I get why they don't usually hire kids enough arguing if anyone can handle it step aside from me I can't stick around here any longer is the safe job good enough kick it looks so funny got to take a picture all righty then the naughty one is punished now let's get back to [Music] work let me help thanks Bobby bones are all stacked up ready to go great job crafting [Music] corn ah go go go Dante we're getting out of here soon huh are we leaving now not yet but we are getting there we've been working so hard and still haven't paid off our debt I'm exhausted got to take a [Music] break let me spry off that meat for you oh Bubba stop that's line [Music] biggy oh I'm good oh no that's your dead how will we pay it off sto that Deb board exploded so nobody will know if we have any debt at all dog day don't worry I'll talk to the McDonald's boss to find another way to pay guys I've got a plan Doug day your Dead's gone and here's some extra cash thanks godav turns out we had to work this hard to find money and take care of us at the play care yeah but it's so in the past now we won't have to work so hard anymore cheers I'm going to Ser your guard for illegal Animal Train okay why are we being [Music] so hey guys yo yo yo morning y'all yo where's crafty corn piggy didn't you tell her about this meeting of course not I gathered everyone here cuz I want to throw her a surprise birthday party aw piggy that's so nice of you oh snap you're right doesn't crafty corn always throw us those awesome surprise birthday parties taada happy birthday thanks a bunch happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday piggy you should make some delicious birthday cakes and we will take care of decorations good luck piggy crafty Corn's going to love it of course of course I'll whip up the tastiest dishes ever had oh it's wake up time ah where is everyone all right today is my birthday you must be getting ready for a party outside wo wo wow this is so exciting morning smiling Critters huh only catnap hey catnap have a chill morning huh huh that dude's really weird la la la morning piggy ah morning hey do you see anyone around I've been searching all over play care but it's like everyone got kidnapped kidnapped no what nonsense are you talking about uh I heard that they've all gone for a picnic or something they've gone without inv fighting me it's my birthday come on girl look on the bright side even I the chef didn't get at oh my gosh uh sorry but I'm kind of busy right now so uh can you leave what are you working get out all right all right oh Lord even sweet pigy is giving me the cold shoulder huh wait a sec the ride's still here that's strange even with the ride they're still stuck in this play care there's no way they can get out of here maybe Dog Days locked up somewhere and served as other smiling Critters food nah that's too dark or maybe they're all scheming a surprise birthday party for me H something smells fishy fingers crossed it's all worth the hustle oh my gosh who's there no one okay I must have Mard something's not making sense here I got to go inside to find out C the at no one's here are they playing hide and seek behind that door here goes nothing what's this place it's gross and scary and smells awful huh why do piggy have a dirty basement beneath her Bakery what's that wow this bat looks perfect got to control myself but dog day looks so good I got to eat who doesn't stay good for long oh my piggy I didn't know you were that kind of pig huh what a nosy girl I was trying to be nice but you ruined the surprise for the party you know the rules curiosity kills the Unicorn hey wait up stay away from me you Hall somebody help me crafty corn why are you running stay right there I'm being murdered murdered what are you talking about help me surprise happy birthday crafty corn crafty corn why were you so scared I was trying to tell you that I made some dishes and they look exactly like everyone here [Applause] really thanks piggy didn't know chicken could taste so good yeah best food ever woohoo hey somebody ate mine sorry sorry dog day I got too hungry in the kitchen back then promise it won't happen again and here's your cake crafty corn of course it's not like those fancy unicorn Foods you see online um thanks [Music] [Music] [Music] nowhere else smells and looks as amazing as this campsite I need to take some of these flowers back to the tent to Spruce it up ouchie what the oh no dog day I didn't mean to are you okay I'm fine craft aorn what harm can these tiny flowers do to me [Music] do are you sure you're okay I'm totally fine I told you I'm not feeling sick you're really under the weather dog deer basically if someone has a high fever like this they might pass out oh my goodness what should we do now don't worry Let Me Whip up a bowl of soup for dog day once he slurps it down he'll be all right here you go a yummy and healthy tomato soup how do you feel wo I actually feel better my precious tomatoes sou oh oh what's the plan now the fever's due to the high temperature maybe we need to cool him down cool him down I got just the thing come on dog day step right in you'll feel better in the Jiffy okay there we go it's working I'm a genius I tell you seems a bit strange but let's see I'm really worried about dog day I'm afraid he might freeze to death gosh please have patience greater rewards come only through suffering rewards my foot get him out of here [Music] I'm sorry everyone you were supposed to have a fun G trip not to look after me that might be unnecessary um how about you just relax here while we go out and play huh you guys aren't leaving me here are you oh but I want to paint something and I want to read and watch the critters around here I want to cook up a batch of tasty grilled pork and hop and Skip around it's the perfect spot for fun but I'm sick what if I Fain and never wake up at first you said you weren't sick and even if you are it's just a little cold you're not going to lie there and die right H but is that okay if he's not feeling well how can he let us know just ring this Bell if you need us and we'll come running okay [Music] feel [Music] oh okay [Music] what do you want can you help me close the curtains I'm I'm freezing too dark too bright a bit open that's way too much ah hey duck day are you trying to stare up trouble why are you yelling at me like that sick folks need a comfy space to get better you know don't play innocent you keep asking for stuff we don't need you just want attention feels like a showdown coming huh oh kidnap perfect timing let's smoke Dr art so he can sleep through it all chicken chicken come on don't leave me hanging here hold up catf we are camping I want to have fun [Music] too piggy you're totally blocking my view with your barbecue shark are you serious How can there be a shark in a freshwater Pond you guys crack me up kicken chicken I'm coming guys yah no no no yay more grills fish for [Music] us the prankster getting his own punishment he totally deserves it why he didn't nice sleep maybe it's because of my stuffy nose didn't inhale that red smoke guys I'm coming I'll come over to it's all right Still Standing I'm good wow this spawn looks so fun well hold up dog day don't just jump seriously this icy Pond won't be too welcoming [Music] yay told you I'm [Music] fine feels so refreshing I've never felt better than today see no illness can be duck day guys [Applause]
Channel: SM Games
Views: 58,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SM Toons, sm toons, smtoons, boxy boo animation, rainbow friends, boxy boo song, boxy boo origin, poppy playtime boxy boo, boxy boo poppy playtime, huggy wuggy, mommy long legs, boxy boo, boxy boo vs huggy wuggy, poppy playtime, poppy playtime animation, poppy playtime chapter 2, poppy playtime chapter 3, rainbow friends animation, project playtime trailer, huggy wuggy cartoon, boxy boo project playtime, lunch boxy boo, boxy boo presents, fash, smiling critters, catnap
Id: rD6DD3s9kZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 50sec (2090 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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