CATNAP is NOT a MONSTER... (Cartoon Animation)

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Containment Breach Containment Breach Containment Breach what are they trying to contain and how do I turn off these alarms whatever Escape I'll go find [Music] it found it take this no my grab pack need a hand he's a lot stronger than me not to mention the massive claws I'll have to find a way to outsmart him let me go what's that cat got your tongue stop what uh what are you you don't recognize us wait maybe I have seen you before aren't you the The Smiling Critters yeah that's our name don't wear it out I saw the cartoons of you guys when I was little does that mean that he's yep catnb and we're not letting you hurt him no don't bother stepping in you'll get yourselves killed we don't care we don't want you to get hurt Oh My Little Friends get out of here before it's too late no you're our best friends catnap and best friends don't leave each other can you see this clearly isn't the catnap AP you know this is a monster catnaps no monster step aside I'm going to protect us all ow hey how are you so strong look this guy's on a murderous Rampage he'll kill you too our best friend would never do that best friend but wait I saw that cartoon R I was little you guys were all scared of that storm I can't sleep I'm too scared at least we have each other all storms blow over eventually I'm not scared if only he was here then we'd sleep fine catnap it's you having trouble sleeping in the storm don't worry I got you catnap came in and gassed you all and you went crazy he possessed you that is not what happened the tape got all warped we were there we will tell you what happened catnap it's you having trouble sleeping in the storm don't worry I got you he didn't possess us he got us to finally sleep and we all needed it oh catnap you saved us all I wasn't scared we knew you'd come to the rescue you're my best friend I love you catnap catnap has always looked out for us even from the start but didn't he forcibly transform you all into toys just like he was what catnap would never do that when I was a human I was a little orphan kid I was very sick that's why we were at play care no one wanted to take us in with all the medical bills and work to keep us healthy that's where catnap came in catnap came to me right when I needed him most hello anybody there oh yes who are you your new friend you're the toy I am and you can be too a toy boy I know you're very sick Danny what if I told you I could free you and you become just like me never get sick again spend all your time playing I'll do it he saved me from a life of [Music] misery he saved us all see katab is a good guy good guys don't cut off other good guys arms to be fair it's not your real arm now let him [Music] go fine seven against one thanks guys uh catnap you really are my best friends catnap look out looks like you're going to the down let me go shh someone needs a controlled shock C up no he'll be okay hoppy because we're going to save him yeah follow them there's kind of a giant electric door in the way I think I know my way around follow me Mommy Long Legs sorry no time to talk what on Earth are these things smiling Critters at your service oh like catnap yeah have you seen him that mangy feline attacked me and I'm not letting you do the same keep running oh get back here you smiling crens [Music] I think we got this leave it to us if we travel through this vent I bet we can find the CEO let's move fast K up we're coming guys I told you you're going to get hat A friend in need is a friend indeed oh you came just in time time I'm just going to perform a little routine procedure on our feline friend here what is that what are you planning M Dreadful sleeping gas it's really getting in my way so time to go you can't take that away that's what makes catnap special yes yes you're all very special and friendship is important now why you little pick on someone your own size sounds good to me don't worry we'll cut your loose you really are the best friends a cat could have but the trouble's not over yet yes help everyone breath powers activate H you really think your sense can get through this gas mask let's try something else wait get off me you little freaks how are you so strong right you've got this oh you [Music] don't once I'm through with catnap I'm taking care of you next don't you dare oh please without your gas who are you to stop me boys get his legs I guess he's not such a bad guy after all as long as you stay on his good side
Channel: GameToons
Views: 4,402,699
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: izdTTqGAK4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 30sec (510 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2023
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