CatNap Has Fallen Into The DogDay Trap...šŸ˜± - Poppy Playtime Chapter 4 Animationā”ƒComic dub

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after the test was over dog day decided to take a walk and try to find his yandere bro catnap H where did catnap go did I really imagine it and it was just a vision mhm can't be he must be around here somewhere ah there's my beloved dog day H looks like he didn't see me this time so I can try to Spook him haha great seems like this is where I saw him but he's not near this tree right nowm where am I supposed to look for him uh what a wonderful surprise dog play I'm so happy to see you haha did I scare you forgive me I didn't mean to crap I almost had a heart attack oh my God catnap what was that for were you stalking me this entire time and did you do that deliberately oo forgive me forgive me silly dog day I really really didn't mean to scare you haha it was an accident all right let's say I believe you he uh uh hey buddy here I got something for you oh thank you also sorry for take calling in sick I planned something for us back at my house it'll only be a moment you'll love it I'm sure that well actually we got to get back soon but okay you share with me right Kitty bro sure but you owe me five bucks bro OMG these two are back again why does he keep calling him Kitty it's so cold the best day to forget my jacket oh don't be sad sweetheart I'll warm you up right now and your mood will instantly pick up kitty oh dog day that's so cute I'm a little flustered though but I do feel warmer now huh do you feel better catnap I can keep you warm for as long as you need so cute I feel so happy being near her oh shoot I just need to not turn red thanks dear dog day again why I am always present look what I got for you they are so cute how come you always get pictures like this only the best for my girl besides they are not difficult to get I just have to be where kicking is oh hi there cutie are you new around here if you're okay with it let's be friends let me give you a tour of our school just you dare agree to this I'll reduce you to ashes oh you poor dear dog day when will you stop being so accident prone my heart goes out to you done you may now commence your acts of Charity and worship towards me you foolish mut haha don't overthink sunshine I love taking care of you but I'd like you to be more careful next time so sunshine hey you're too close dog day I'm a little embarrassed I love spending time with my friends makes me appreciate every moment I share with them and I know they feel the same way but spending time apart is just as important as spending time together how to play rescued princess with Bobby their stories are great and so cute I also love to sing with kicken he sings wonderfully and also his songs are we amazing sometimes we also play instruments a hanging out cooking with is great he always has delicious and novel recipes Bubba's puzzles are great too every MK we go for a more complicated one I learn a lot with it I love jumping very very high with Hoppy she shows me cool places from above it's so energetic I always draw with crafty but this time he said that I would be his model it wag very nice and relaxing the drawing came out very nice but after wonderful and long day resting with catnap is relaxing and comforting this time we decided to watch a movie those moments are warm and comforting so much so that I fall asleep always I always hope to be with him until we are older together forever for me it's super easy I've known them for so long and I'm the leader I know them from head to toe it's even obvious when they are they're more nervous attentive and even affectionate with the person like kicking lately with crafty they literally just described him I sound like a 14-year-old but my boobs are huge everyone here are some delicious cakes I made it myself kids Bobby and dog day enjoy the dessert thanks piggy so yummy those cakes look delicious do you want some I may ask her for one um piggy can I have a cake you want a cake you think you deserve to eat my cake my my dinner oops my bad anyway sorry for spill your soup what an accident but I think you have eaten enough because you don't eat much right catnap hey Piggy what are you doing why you spilled his meal do you know how hard he could have a full meal like this why you I'm here to remind you I cooked these Foods doged out how could you say these cruel words he is my best friend not an animal I cook them so I can do what I want if he want he can cook by himself or lie down and eat like a cat that's not much bad what did he do to you he even say nothing bad about you I see you has gone too far piggy you cook foods don't mean you can harass him like that I don't want to cook for an awkward free guy who is lazy and just sleep all day while I'm busy whole day just for cooking meals and doing housework he just do nothing guys we can't say these in front of kids Bobby what are they doing so I have a question catnap answer me what did you do this whole day tell them what did you do I want you to say the truth yes it is my fault I'm a lazy person and sleeping all days oh Fox he is lying oh hell I think I'm starting to morph again oh no this is so not good no I must keep going damn it hang in there catnap you can do this catnap stop what are you doing you defend her what is happening I'm scared catnap is crying I'm tired dog day I'm tired leave me alone why this always happen to me no catnap I don't mean to catnap wait catnap no no no why this happen again it is all my fault I shouldn't have forced him to eat damn I don't know what to do being a leader is so hard why everyone can't be friendly with him la la Tut H what a great day today just wonderful what what is he doing there H why did dog play come here I still don't understand what he's doing there H has been there for quite some time come on dog day think you always know what to do what can you give him hey dog day what are you doing why are you there alone just thought maybe too much and what were you thinking because from afar your anguish can be seen in my painting what H oh I'm so sorry I didn't want to sneak into your painting do not worry I can paint more of these whenever I want but will you tell me what's wrong with you well you see Valentine's Day is approaching ahuh and recently catnap gave me a gift catnap yeah you know the boy that Mr ledwin introduced us to a week ago oh ooh The Smiling kitten I have seen very little of him since he arrived yes he is very shy oh yeah it's amazing you have to see it and tell me what did he give you look isn't it pretty oh it's very pretty it looks a lot like your favorite toy you hadn't lost it that's how it is apparently he made an exact replica with wool it's so soft and smells great does he know how to knit incredible and he does it very well it looked identical he is very cute oh haha it seems like you really liked his gift doesn't it I mean yeah but but no not that way well he he the point is I don't know what to give him and I want it to be just as special H let me think what aha I know what you can give him how about some flowers everyone loves flowers it would be a good gift to start with yes yes they are perfect thank you very very much it's not that big a deal how did I not think of it before they were literally at my feet you are very creative oh thanks I'd just like to help my friends well we must go now school time is approaching with Mr Delight the children are waiting for us oh it's true I had completely forgotten how distracted I am I hope catnap likes them it will don't worry meanwhile in Miss delish's room a it hurt it hurt it hurt don't refuse it accept your true person is the way to set you free the party will start in 2 days you know what to do ashes make me happy I feel great I will turn them all to Ash catnap oh god what the hell is going on here let's move kids we are going home Choo Cho choo choo kids we arrive hooray we're back haha is anybody at home what did I see what did you see Bobby hello hey guys piggy Bobby em Miss Brooks where did you all go Miss Brooks Bobby I I don't see anything where are you Bobby oh dog day is calling you now go all right pull yourself together don't shake and just go to dog day don't be afraid catnap won't attack now when the house is full of witnesses everything will be fine she saw it but never mind time to clean the mess oh you are still here I hope you won't complain me about sleeping next time I'm I'm here I can you help me take them to the shower sure let's go to our room and take our towels kids our room is on the right hurry and we will take a shower with friends the I escaped but I feel something is not good it is happening I saw it catnap stop stop complaining I'm tired let's go girls go to that room and Bobby will take care of you kids boys this is our bathroom we are going to have a very funny bath time hey Angel I'm feeling oddly nervous H because you're about to be able to walk again no that's not it every time you're close to heart flutters me my and it only happens in such case Angel so I think that I might have fallen for you you may have anemia I guess Angel didn't get me don't be sad dog day angel will understand one day I guess it feels nice to have my legs back but it still bugs me as of why Angel didn't get what I meant it's because you spoke too quietly Angel could hardly hear your voice both you and my Angel are cutely na'vi don't worry angel I'm not as weak as how you think lamb uh um I really believe in you dog day but your legs hasn't fully recovered such danger is coming near and you still care about me angel you're so endearing I understand how good you must be feeling right now catnap but I'm going to ask you to say my [Music] name dog play I'm sorry I was just joking well don't be mad at me oh oh damn this is the end of the Prototype if you don't want to disappear from this world and turn into pathetic ashes which I won't even bother scattering join us dog day together we will become unbeatable and we can be friends again oh if you think about it it's amazing how everything turned out this way because I could have expected anything except for the obvious fact that my best friend would turn into a disgusting creature which will be the cause of the end no I won't join you go to hell why there is no reason please I said no oh please just a moment get away oh what a wonderful thing I've been able to get just wonderful I'm so happy oh a mini version of me OMG it's so cute how are you doing little guy oh silly dog day it's not a soft toy it's my special toy that I occasionally need haaha wait what what what do you mean right now damn what are you talking about are you trying to say that this is not a plush toy you'll soon become like this too don't resist stupid dog day from there the day was quite normal we celebrate the Valentine's Day with the children and everyone they delivered their gifts all but me catnap never arrived to the party or to classes with Miss Delight I went to his house but neither ey found it there at least I hoped that he'd come to the slumber party but he never showed up really keep going waiting for him it is obvious that not will come I left him a letter under the door of his home maybe he didn't know that we are here oh maybe not wants to come is understandable but neither can be left alone outside dog day no you can force it to come if him don't want the only thing I wanted was to give him his Valentine's Day gift oh dog day I wish they will give me flowers I guess you have reason there will be another moment in which I can give the gift exact let's not worry for him if he likes to be outside is because knows what to do okay I guess and tell me what happened to you I still can't achieve understand it being honest I neither I mean everything went so fast it's hard for me to believe whether it happened or not after school with Mr Delight when I got home there was a strange smoke red and the last thing I remember he's waking up in the middle of the room with several bruises on me arms I woke up with a feeling of fear but I don't remember exactly about what sometimes I don't understand what you see in Me O dear friend what are you talking about I don't understand what you're getting at I'm not like other boys I'm not strong I'm fat I'm not interesting at all I'm boring I talk a lot I can't be good at anything ah what why piggy listen up Bubba I'm going to tell you everything you need to know about about how we feel about you big boy why are you saying these sad things is not true you are kind you are strong you are very intelligent and help as much as you can I love your body I love your voice I love your kindness and intelligence mostly I love you completely and none of those sad things will change my mind I love you my little one thank you wow I didn't know you had wings only hoppy knew that so fluffy ooh I'm a little shy crafty be more careful please wow ooh damn it crafty I asked you not to I'm so sorry ooh damn I'm going to join the gym and soon my fantasies will become a reality get ready crafty you'll be mine this color suits you very well highlights your eyelashes do you think so of course you do you have beautiful eyelashes catnap you're looking at me a lot is it because of the makeup Bobby did it to me if you want she can do something to you she's practicing on US ah nowhere it's not that it's it's just that you look very pretty Al although you always [Music] are oh no it seems like catnap ripped her jeans it's not good for anyone to notice the poor thing will be embarrassed and feel terrible hey catnap I made you a new outfit you look even cooler now what do you think oh my gosh dog Playa this is so cute I'm just melting from your thoughtfulness I really love the new style thank you so much honey oh my gosh what a a sweet couple it's so disgusting to watch sometimes I think I'm going to be sick hey catnap what's dog day's problem I thought you said you were just friends but you're acting like a couple it's getting on my nerves what's your problem why are you asking me these questions it's not your business what dog day and I do are you jealous of us you stupid bunny you know if I were you I would ask him out now what K catnap and me to together dude you serious oh my gosh I think I'm finally awake H it's dog day huh he's so adorable I think I'm in the mood for some affection right now hey cutie today I'm going to teach you how to wash your face like a cat uh wait what hold on catnap what are you talking about oh just let me hug you silly dog day
Channel: SVAG PLAY
Views: 19,088
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: poppy playtime, poppy playtime chapter 3 trailer, poppy playtime chapter 3 gameplay, poppy playtime chapter 3 release date, catnap, catnap poppy playtime, catnap comic, comic dub, comic dubs, mha comic dub, comic, huggy wuggy, poppy playtime chapter 3 catnap, poppy playtime catnap, dogday, poppy playtime chapter 4, poppy playtime 4, poppy playtime animation, poppy playtime chapter 3 animation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 55sec (1075 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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