C.A.T.I. Armor Takes Rounds, Delivers Hits

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hey there Sean from we like shooting and it's another beautiful day at the range in Colorado a couple weeks ago we did a video on front doors and whether they're covering concealment we shot them with all kinds of different calibers and cartridges and today we decided to destroy something else for you because it seemed like you liked that so today we've got this KD armor and that c ati armor and this is level 3 hard armor we've got the front plate in the back plate this is actually Aaron's armor but the problem was he had to put both of them in the front to cover him so I just didn't work out he's going to look into just wearing a Volkswagen and we'll see how that works for him but the great thing is is we're going to take all this armor and we're going to shoot it with all these rounds you now you may be wondering why do I need body armor well if you go to some of the public ranges in Colorado it's probably a good idea to wear body armor and you know even if not if you just have a plate carrier if you're a meal Team six operator maybe just do that where the body armor get the shemagh going I like to assume a yard and you know get to the range and have some fun but there's a lot of purposes for body armor a lot of people wear it I know some paramedics wear body armor some firefighters and EMTs it just depends personal choice and what they feel and this is some really good body armor and we're gonna we're gonna see how it works so the cartridges that were gonna shoot today are 22lr 389 millimeters 45 223 we've got the m855 green tip armor piercing five five six we've also got the 308 the seven 62 by 39 the 3030 300 Win Mag 458 SOCOM and a shotgun slug I did all that without even looking at them so let's see what happens all right so first we're gonna take some of this Winchester mo shooting a 36 screen projectile at 1280 feet per second it's going to be coming out of this AR with an 18 inch barrel 22lr all right so we shot the 22lr and we're gonna go up and look at the plate and see what happened all right so you can see that the round went in there obviously no deformation on the back at all just a little bit of I bet you the round is inside this this covering right there will cut it open a little bit later so 22lr obviously will defend against it from a rifle and we're at about 25 yards or so all right so now I'm going to be shooting this Glock 42 380 ball ammo jacketed we've got the Glock 42 here let's move up and see what kind of damage it did to that plate all right so as you can see it's not the same it looks like a big huge mosquito bite with the protrusion on the front no visible or felt deformation on the back not much different than the 22 actually all right so we'll be shooting the 9-millimeter ball ammo out of the Smith & Wesson M&P 9 Pro with a 5 inch barrel so even from here I can actually see that the nine-millimeter did a little bit of deformation on the front of the plate we'll go see what it did to the back and what the front looks like all right so here's a 9-millimeter you can see each one has a little bit of deformation one of the things that I really notice here is that I don't see any spall in the dirt it looks like it's capturing and encapsulating those rounds as they go through as you can see no deformation on the back of the plate at all so it took all that energy and dispersed it enough to not damage the back of the plate you're still going to feel that obviously but so far it's looking pretty good alright so for the 45 we've got this grand power P 45 that will run through just a little bit and see how that works all right so as you can see we've got the 22 9-millimeter I'm sorry 22 389 millimetre 45 it's capturing the brass and you can actually I can see the bullets inside of that coating now I didn't hit the 4 with the 45 here and here but we had this at an angle and it deflected both of them up into the berm so on the back absolutely no deformation at all visible or felt so definitely hold up to these pistol calibers all right so now we'll be shooting some of this precision ammo this is 5 5 6 and we'll be shooting out of the 18 inch barrel on this ar-15 okay so the 5 5 6 actually knocked a plate over obviously some more force behind that all right so 4 5 5 6 you can see that it hit here where one of the 45 skipped off earlier there is no penetration so it looks like it didn't make it through the coating that's on the on the plate however there is no deformation whatsoever on the back of this plate so it was standing straight up and down it hit it you can see the burn where it hit but definitely no penetration alright so now we're going to use some of the dreaded ma 55 green tip all right so the dreaded m855 that the ATF wants to ban has been shot and knocked played over again tons of energy behind that it again we can see the strike point we can see how it's kind of ripped the material that covers this plate oh my gosh look at that there's no hole in the back no deformation at all so from 25 yards that m855 that the ATF wants to ban because it's armor-piercing didn't pierce the armor oh no so this is 7 62 by 39 in this Kalashnikov concern eysie something a K all right so that was some seven six two 39 out of that a K and looks like I hit low right Jason got some splash all the way back there not sure if that was dirt or lead or steel all right so I hit here looks like a constant of the jacket there some of the jacket there you can see that and the coating is definitely deformed here so there's going to be some stuff inside there on the back I see no visible or felt deformation at all so it's stopping all this stuff so far so this black ground ordinance 308 the fallout 10 model 18-inch barrel and America all right so 308 knocked it over a lot of energy behind that we painted a pretty little picture and now we're going to go see what we painted so here we've got the coating on top you can see that the coating is about 1/2 or I would say it's exactly the same thickness as the plate here and it's peeled it back we hid looks like about right there and finally we have visible deformation on the back all right so yeah visible deformation you can even see the deformation right here if you can zoom in there so yeah definitely a hit you definitely stopped the projectile from going through with me and that's going to give you a bad day I'll tell you that here we've got a sears and roebuck lever-action 3030 I cost about 14 cents in 1970 and it's worth about 19 now so it's definitely a collector all right so just a minute ago it decimated a creep soda so we'll see what it did to the plate now grape soda I'm not a really big fan of and bought me some this morning and I didn't really like it but I pretended like I liked it so he didn't get upset all right so 30 30 hit right here you can see penetrated deformation of the coding no visible deformation on the back at all so cowboy gun not going to go through all right so we are going to shoot some 300 Win Mag out of this tikka t3 that's been sport arised I guess I don't know if I'm excited or scared but one of those things here we go all right so 300 Win Mag definitely if you want to hunt Tyrannosaurus Rex an excellent cartridge kicks like a horse so you can tell I hit right here definitely oh oh look at that Wow look at that right through that now we'll go get a good look at what what that actual cartridge was but let's say this so we've shot 308 a ar-15s so it we've got some ar10 we've shot ar-15 we've shot to suppose at 855 armor-piercing rounds and then a good old hunting rifle is the one that actually pierces the armour so if anyone says that you know ammunition bands are anything but political this just goes to show that it's ridiculous all right so once again we've got an appearance by our friend 458 SOCOM and this headhunters firearms rifle fun cartridge big huge bullet alright so 458 SOCOM it's gonna hit like a plane crashed into it but I'm pretty sure that does it didn't go through it's just a lead projectile no jacket nothing like that so all it did is give the hill a headache so yep right there the case captured it all no visible deformation on the back so so far just keep score the 308 gave it a nice big dent 300 Win Mag I think went through the berm and a house and the engine block like six miles away alright so here we have the Mossberg 535 shootin some slugs these are remington remington slugs pretty excited got some really nice true glow sights on this go stream site we're excited about that too excited about a lot of things all right so that was a big Remington slug direct hit thanks to those true globe ghost ring sites that are really badass that I'm immediately buying when I leave here and curious looks like a hit right here looks like it went in right next to another whole huge deformation just the slightest almost imperceptible bulge on the back there so there you have it zoom in right here so you can see once again where this this front coating is separating from the plate after all these ridiculous rounds but yeah it's holding up all right so now we're gonna do the bonus round we had a Weatherby Vanguard show up in 30.6 so we've got some 36 rounds here and just for size comparison to the 308 so we've got that size there 308 is closest to the camera 36 is a closest to me okay all right so 30.6 you know that's that's the round that I use when I'm hunting and I'm gonna guess that it went through do you think Aaron with you right yeah alright [ __ ] right here deformed the coding and started to break through the coding on the back but didn't actually totally penetrate so there you go so now let's take this well take it over the table will pull this coating off and see what we see inside you did well I'm really impressed I'm also impressed by how well did the hell it don't all those round it did I mean not just the fact that it it stopped all the round to stop all the rounds on the one plate yeah now I'm not a big plate expert you know rody he's he's done a lot of our armor reviews and stuff like that so I do have to say that I am impressed I mean 300 Win Mag the hunting round is the one that went through yeah everything else it captured but you can actually see besides the one and there's the lead falling out of it because we started taking off the covering yeah but you can actually see the hole and how I just went through I mean and that's a that's a hunting ground that's not here's your standard here around this on your 308 round yeah it's not it's not yours you're dangerous black rifle round yes this is a hunting round and legal in every state yeah like I said I mean it's all politics it has nothing to do with the reality of the situation so I mean we have this this coating and we shot him with at least 12 different calibers yeah so I'm impressed yeah I mean - so the big key is this coating when it hits it penetrates the coating hits the plate and then the coating keeps it inside and if we could if we had Jeremy here we'd have him rip this off and actually see that all the rounds are still captured in here and you can see when I set it up all this wood just falls out all this fall that would otherwise go into your face and neck and testicles yeah and that's great you want that now we didn't notice that when it was shot at an angle like this didn't penetrate at all skipped right off of it like a stone on a lake that's correct so definitely if you fall down take your plate plates off and now if you stand back up put them back on I think as the key that would make sense yes oh well yeah I'm impressed like I said not a huge plate expert but this definitely held up one round out of all the ones that we shot went through around and very cool stuff see ATI Katie armor see ATI armor calm you know what's prices in this I don't but when we talk about but that'll do a voiceover yeah exactly it'll be genius will football will put it right here somewhere see the price right now yes right here it's been in the whole time come on guys cheesy I hit so there there we have it Katie armor I'm impressed that was a lot of fun thanks to everyone who is out here helping and by that I mean no one yeah appreciate it yeah it's good to see you yeah you do we hug it oh I'm not going to what are you doing that there's people around
Channel: We Like Shooting
Views: 21,643
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 22LR, 38sp, 9mm, 45, 223, 556, 308, 300 WIN Mag, 30-30, 458 Socom, 30-06, hard armor, plate armor, CATI Armor, C.A.T.I Armor, level III body armor, Shooting, Armour, Shooting Sport (Sport), rifle, pistol, Action, Adventure, Range
Id: QvXAXAuyQoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 13sec (973 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 30 2015
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