Flex Seal applied to ARMOR PLATE

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hello everyone this is jeff of taofledermaus and i hope you're having a great day we had some flexi left over from the flexi Elend slug video and a lot of viewers wanted us to shoot at the Flex eel I decided to coat an AR 500 plate with with three layers of flex seal giving us about a quarter-inch thick coating on it the idea is to see if we can control the splattering some people call its poly and I think the correct term is splattering or fragmentation welcome back top later folks Jeff in the og out here with you today you might remember a recent very cringy video about flex seal we're gonna take the rest of this can of flex seal jeff has coated this ar500 plate this side of the plate is standard AR 500 steel this side of the plate has been coated with three layers of flex seal and those of you who know about these things realize that an armor plate when it is shot by a hand on a rifle round the bullet doesn't bounce off it splatters if you look at it in slow motion it actually splatters they can actually zip off and injure the person who's wearing the the steel whether that's a police officer or a military member so what a lot of companies do is they coat their armor plates with an anti spalling compound which is essentially just bedliner rubber coating just like this this flex seal so we are going to start today shooting it with a nine millimeter Smith & Wesson M&P 2.0 shield we're gonna put a nine millimeter round on here and show you the spalling on the steel and then we're gonna flip it over and show you the 9 millimeter round as it hits the flex seal and see if it does anything different we're then going to move this up to a 40 caliber and even an ar-15 put a 5 5 6 round on it for you we'll be putting drywall style sheet rock next to it to show any fragments okay first we're gonna shoot speared gold dot 124 grain jacketed hollow point nine millimeter okay here we go splattered that round and you can see over here on the drywall where it made a perfect line of lead and copper jacket fragments that splattered along in there so if that was your chin and you were wearing this plate on your chest that could hurt now from a different shield we're gonna shoot 180 grain 40 caliber federal HST now if you shot at this steel plate with a BB gun yeah the BB would bounce back at you but bullets behave quite differently they just splatter almost up at a 90 degree angles across the surface of the plate since these fragments are still traveling at a high velocity they would definitely injure you all right so 40 caliber round hit right here you also saw the splatter you heard a little bit louder ding downrange this line back here was our nine-millimeter we rotated the board but look at this there's copper jacket that has been lodged into this drywall board along with the splatter so you can imagine that was your fragile fragile chin it's like a ninja star that this shouldn't ok was a half way buried into that drywall board so if that had been you know that would cut it a you know picture a carotid artery yeah that one that would definitely suck but look at the extra material here that blasted off yeah yeah so not good to stand in front of or to stand above a steel plate yeah I could hit your hit your wrists and everything you know arms you know whatever you know so let's try them against a little bit of flexi yeah let's see if the Flex seal will fix that plate we'll flex seal fix our play problem I hope so it can fix a boat okay I'm ready when you are all right nine millimeter you can see it kind of came separated from the steel you can see how thick that was though yeah yeah it's nice to clear flexi oh it did blast out of there though we don't have that line now we don't have the line we don't have the sharp little line of the of the round splattering so it didn't splatter so much it did come apart and the pieces kind of still went over there and in fact came out the back so Wow they've got a little energy when they when they do bounce off of his board well we did see a few fragments in the cardboard the amount of fragmentation was reduced by quite a bit the flex seal did absorb a lot of the energy of the fragments and the fragments that we do see were thrown kind of back outwards a little bit not at that 90-degree angle okay 40-caliber despite being a heavier faster bullet in this shot the Flex seal was even more effective when shot more towards the center of the plate well I believe most of the fragments would have not hit the shooters chin or neck or anything like that there's still a chance that the shooters arms could have been hit by some of that splatter so our 40 round hit a little low tore a bunch of Flexsteel out of there caught it we didn't get any splattering show up on this board at least I wouldn't want to be around it still but knocked a big chunk out of there sent an airborne yep let's hit it with five five six and like up in this area and it's all dirty five five six rounded of an ar-15 okay sixty five grain spirit gold dot soft point okay I am ready five five six round right here again tour the Flexi lout Wow even see it was stuck on there really well he around left a little tiny divot on the steel down there left a little bit of splatter out here not a whole lot though very light little dust these marks are from something else this is from when the cardboard fell and got banged around but the round splattering left little tiny shards they would not be fatal they would not be pleasant but you could live through I think the the flex seal helped a little bit yeah didn't work as good as the proprietary stuff that they use the tiny line-x or whatever better than wearing flat steel against your face yeah yeah that's good well in conclusion we did see quite an improvement in the control of that fragmentation used in flex seal now in retrospect I thicker layer probably would have helped even more and maybe even if I even prepped and roughen up the surface of the steel better it would have helped to but the biggest surprise was how effective it controlled the fragmentation of this five five six round the flex seal was already pretty compromised and delaminating a lot of parts but it still did really well against the five five six high-velocity rifle round I hope you enjoyed this video and I hope you'll take the time to rate the video well it seems like every other channel out there just completely ignores your comments I know they were ignore mind we enjoy using your ideas and we try to interact with you the best we can we want to also thank our patreon supporters for making this video possible we probably won't be filming for the next couple weeks because I sent the Chronos high-speed camera back to Canada for upgrades the camera I was using was a prototype so we should be able to get some much better imagery with the new upgrades
Views: 351,319
Rating: 4.9172268 out of 5
Keywords: flex seal, home repairs, camping, bullet, amazing, flex tape, science experiment, curiousity, mythbusters, urban myths, demolitionranch
Id: mg3pEN0AKeI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 32sec (512 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 30 2018
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