Catholic Mass Today | Daily TV Mass, Friday March 4, 2022

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ANNOUNCER: From the historic Loretto Abbey Chapel... With the kind cooperation of the Toronto Catholic District School Board... The National Catholic Broadcasting Council presents... The Daily TV Mass. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. PARISHIONERS: Amen. The grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of the Father, the friendship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. PARISHIONERS: And with your spirit. Welcome to the celebration of the daily televised Mass during this season of Lent. I am Fr. Michael Coutts. The televising of this Mass is made possible by a contribution from three donors. The first is Lorraine Boyce from Mont-Royal, Quebec, in memory of her sister, Betty Blahovici, and for the deceased members of the Boyce and Grace families, and in thanksgiving for blessings received. The second is Audrey Williams, also from Mont-Royal, Quebec, in loving memory of the deceased members of the Williams and Cunninghan families and in thanksgiving for blessings received. The third is Yvonne Lajoie from Ruscom, Ontario, in memory of the Lajoie family, her parents, Bernadette and Walter, sisters, Madeleine, Juliette, and Corinne, and brothers, Raymond and Edmond. Also, in thanksgiving for blessings received and for the daily televised Mass. Our thanks go out to the sponsors of this Mass. And as we get into this joyful season of Lent, we ask the Lord to forgive us our sins. You were sent to heal the contrite of heart. Lord, have mercy. PARISHIONERS: Lord, have mercy. FATHER: You came to call sinners. Christ, have mercy. PARISHIONERS: Christ, have mercy. FATHER: You are seated at the right hand of the Father to intercede for us. Lord, have mercy. PARISHIONERS: Lord, have mercy. May Almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins, and bring us to everlasting life. PARISHIONERS: Amen. Let us pray. Show gracious favour, O Lord, to the works of penance we have begun, that we may have strength to accomplish with sincerity the bodily observance we undertake through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God forever and ever. PARISHIONERS: Amen. A reading from The Book of the Prophet Isaiah. "Shout! Do not hold back! Lift up your voice like a trumpet! Announce to my people their rebellion, to the house of Jacob, their sins. Yet day after day they seek me and delight to know my ways, as if they were a nation that practised righteousness and did not forsake the ordinance of their God. They ask me of righteous judgements. They delight to draw near to God. 'Why do we fast, but you do not see? Why humble ourselves, but you do not notice?' Look, you serve your own interest on your fast-day, and oppress all your workers. Look, you fast only to quarrel and to fight and to strike with a wicked fist. Such fasting as you do today will not make your voice heard on high. Is such the fast that I choose, a day to humble oneself? Is it to bow down the head like a bulrush, and to lie in sackcloth and ashes? Will you call this a fast, a day acceptable to the Lord? Is not this the fast that I choose? To loose the bonds of injustice, to undo the throngs of yoke, to let the oppressed go free, and to break every yoke? Is it not to share your bread with the hungry, and bring the homeless poor into your house? When you see the naked, to cover them, and not to hide yourself from your own kin? Then your light shall break forth like the dawn, and your healing shall spring up quickly. Your vindicator shall go before you. The glory of the Lord shall be your rearguard. Then you shall call, and the Lord will answer. You shall cry for help, and He will say, 'Here I am.' The word of the Lord. PARISHIONERS: Thanks be to God. (Organ playing) # Have mercy on me, O God # # According to Your steadfast love # # According to Your abundant mercy # # Blot out # # My transgressions # # Wash me thoroughly # # From my inequity # # And cleanse me # # From my sin # # For I know # # My transgressions # # And my sin # # Is ever before me # # Against You # # You alone have I sinned # # And done what is evil # # In Your sight # # For You have no delight # # In sacrifice # # If I were to give a burnt offering # # You would not be pleased # # The sacrifice acceptable to God # # Is a broken spirit # # A broken and contrite heart # # O God # # You will not despise # (Organ playing) # Praise to You, Lord # # King of # # Eternal glory # # Praise to You, Lord # # King of eternal # # Glory # # Seek good # # And not evil # # So that You may live # # And the Lord # # Will be with you # # Praise to You, Lord # # King of eternal # # Glory # The Lord be with you. And with your spirit. A reading from The Holy Gospel according to Matthew. PARISHIONERS: Glory to You, O Lord. "The disciples of John came to Jesus, saying, 'Why do we and the Pharisees fast often, but your disciples do not fast?' And Jesus said to them, 'The wedding-guests cannot mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them, can they? The days will come when the bridegroom is taken away from them, and then they will fast.'" The gospel of the Lord. PARISHIONERS: Praise to You, Lord Jesus Christ. Out liturgy has been described as "the joyful season of Lent." Pretty difficult to get into that idea of a "joyful season of Lent" when you hear Isaiah and fasting, when you hear Psalm 51 that says, "If you, O Lord, should mark our guilt, who will survive?" And, the dreadful story in the gospel of a bridegroom being taken away. And yet, Pope Francis has said, "We, as Christians, should not have a face, a demeanor, that looks like we have just come back from a funeral." We should be joyful. So, how can we be joyful when we hear Isaiah speaking about a fast that you and I do? And he said "Ah-ah, that's not up to the mark. It... you need to go deeper and it means something more." Or you hear the gospel where you have this beautiful celebration with the bride and bridegroom, and there's wine, and feasting, and dancing, and songs, and right in the middle, there's somebody that kidnaps the bridegroom and takes it away. Everybody will be totally distraught. And then Psalm 51 which is said every Friday all through the year in the Office of the Readings when we speak about, "God, if You mark our guilt, who will survive?" It's rather difficult, and yet, in the (Unclear) order to the Joy of the Gospel, Pope Francis says that every individual Christian and every community should enable the poor to be a part of the society, should allow them to realize that they are special. This is the joy of the gospel. So what does Isaiah say to us about this fasting? He starts off with something negative. He says, "This is not what fasting is all about." Says, "Any fasting that does not have humility about it is not fasting. If I fast, and I blow the trumpet, and I put it in the newspaper, and I tell everybody 'Hey, look at me. I'm fasting.' That is not fasting at all." Also he says, "If you start fasting in order just to please God, just in order to get blessings from God, just in order to get rewards from God, that is not fasting at all either." Well, we do fast in order that we may give gratitude to God for the gifts that He have given us. It's quite different from trying to just please God in order to get something. And then he says, "You have to be bothered about fasting which is just a façade. It just covers all the sins that I have been committing, and, in order to show that all the things that I've done wrong are bad, I fast and put on this demeanor of fasting and doing penance." That is not what it is all about. But, what is fasting? He says, "Fasting simply means three things." He says... In the first place it says "to set the captives free." Now, you and I don't think we have captives, but in something that you and I have been experiencing over the last two years, and people just don't want to even mention it, we have been captives in a way. We haven't been able to get out of our houses. We haven't been able to do the things we want to do. We haven't been able to go to cinema houses and theaters. In one way, we are captives, but that is not exactly... But you know exactly what it feels to be like that. But I can make people feel captive with my fasting when I fast and set such a high standard that people who do not have the skills, the opportunities, or the means to fast the way I am fasting because of the privileges that I have. I put a pressure on them and make them captives. The second thing that Isaiah speaks about fasting is, he says, "Take the yoke off the necks." And in this sense, it speaks about the debts that we have. If we can relieve the debts that people have, both individually, and in countries, then it will be fasting that is worthwhile, its name and worth its salt. So many countries in our world today, the third world countries, have received loans, have received money. And they, the gr-- Great-- Sorry. The GNP of these countries, half off it goes towards paying the premiums on these loans. And the Lord says, "Set these people free." It's good to look back into the Old Testament where they say that, "Every seven years you should set the people free, and every 49 years cancel every debt possible." And finally, he says, "Sharing bread with the poor." This does not only mean that we should share what we have, but also, we should not waste what we have. We should not complain when we do not get the things that we want to get. Francis set a beautiful example. It is said that any groceries, any produce that grocery stores have, they cannot throw out at the end of the day, in order to raise the prices the next day. They have to be given, by law, to the food banks and to help the needy and the poor. That is what fasting is all about. Which brings us to the gospel where the disciples say-- The disciples-- "Your disciples fast..." "Our disciples fast, but your disciples don't." Jesus is acting prophetically here. He knows that these people are waiting for the Messiah. The Messiah has come. The signs of the Messiah has come. But they don't want to accept it. And as a result, He knows what will happen to Him. That he will suffer, and die, and rise from the dead, but also, Jerusalem will be destroyed. He acts prophetically. And so he speaks to them of this terrible thing, of a bridegroom being taken. He says at that time they will mourn and they will fast. So as we get into the season of Lent, a joyful season of Lent, may our fasting be worth its salt. God bless you all. Would you join me as we pray together? For all those in our daily televised Mass community who have asked to be included in the Prayer Intention Book, especially for those who are seeking a deeper awareness of God, we pray to the Lord. PARISHIONERS: Lord, hear our prayer. Gather into one body, all who bear the name of Christian, that the world may believe that in Christ, whom, You, our heavenly Father, has sent. We pray to the Lord. PARISHIONERS: Lord, hear our prayer. Loving God, show Your love to all those who are suffering. Open their eyes to the vision of Your revelation. We pray to the Lord. PARISHIONERS: Lord, hear our prayer. Loving God, we thank You for this joyful season of Lent. Help us to get into it with the true spirit of fasting, so that we may give glory to You, through Christ our Lord. PARISHIONERS: Amen. Blessed are You, Lord, God of all creation. For through Your goodness, we have this bread we offer You, fruit of the earth and work of human hands. It will become, for us, the bread of life. PARISHIONERS: Blessed be God forever. Blessed are You, Lord, God of all creation. For through Your goodness, we have this wine we offer You, fruit of the vine, and work of human hands. It will become, for us, our spiritual drink. PARISHIONERS: Blessed be God forever. Lord God, be pleased to accept these gifts that we offer to You with humble and with contrite hearts. Pray, my sisters, my brothers, that this, our sacrifice, be acceptable to God, the Almighty Father. PARISHIONERS: May the Lord accept the sacrifice at your hands, for the praise and glory of His name, for our good, and the good of all of His Holy Church. We offer, O Lord, the sacrifice of our Lenten observance, praying that it may make our intentions acceptable to You, and add to our powers of self-restraint. We make this prayer through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever. - PARISHIONERS: Amen. - The Lord be with you. PARISHIONERS: And with your spirit. Lift up your hearts. PARISHIONERS: We lift them up to the Lord. Let us give thanks to the Lord, our God. PARISHIONERS: It is right and just. It is truly right and just, our duty and our salvation, always and everywhere to give You thanks, Lord, Holy Father, almighty and eternal God, through Christ, our Lord. For by Your gracious gift, each year, Your faithful await the sacred paschal feast with joy of minds made pure, so that more eagerly intent on prayer, and on the works of charity, and participating in the mysteries by which they have been reborn, they may be led to the fullness of grace that You bestow on Your sons and daughters. And so, with the angels and archangels, with thrones and dominion, and with all the hosts and powers of Heaven, we sing the hymn of Your glory, as with one voice, we acclaim. (Organ music playing) # Holy, holy # # Holy Lord # # God of hosts # # Heaven and Earth # # Are full of your glory # # Hosanna # # In the highest # # Blessed is He # # Who comes in the name of the Lord # # Hosanna # # In the highest... # You are, indeed holy, O Lord, the fount of all holiness. Make holy, therefore, these gifts, we pray, by sending down Your Spirit upon them like the dewfall, so that they may become, for us, the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. At the time He was betrayed and entered willingly into His passion, He took bread, and giving You thanks, broke it, and gave it to His disciples, saying, "Take this, all of you, and eat of it. For this is my body, which will be given up for you." (Chimes ringing) In a similar way when supper was ended, He took the chalice. And once more giving thanks, He gave it to His disciples saying, "Take this, all of you, and drink from it. For this is the chalice of my blood, the blood of the new and eternal covenant, which will be poured out for you and for many, for the forgiveness of sins. Do this in memory of me." (Chimes ringing) # The mystery of faith # (Organ playing) # We proclaim Your death, O Lord # # And profess # # Your resurrection # # Until # # You come # # Again # Therefore, as we celebrate the memorial of His death and resurrection, we offer you, Lord, the bread of life, and the chalice of salvation, giving thanks that You have held us worthy to be in Your presence and minister to You. Humbly we pray, that partaking of the body and blood of Christ, we may be gathered into one by the Holy Spirit. Remember, Lord, Your Church spread throughout the world, and bring her to the fullness of charity, together with Francis our pope, Thomas our bishop, the bishops across Canada, and all the clergy, and this entire people of God. Remember, also, our brothers and sisters who have fallen asleep in the hope of the resurrection, and all who have died in Your mercy. Welcome them into the light of Your face. Have mercy on us all, that with the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God, with Blessed Joseph, her spouse, with the blessed apostles, and with all the saints who have pleased You throughout the ages, we may merit to be coheirs to eternal life, and may praise and glorify You through Your Son, Jesus Christ. # Through Him, with Him, and in Him # # O God, Almighty Father # # In the unity of the Holy Spirit # # All glory and honour is Yours # # Forever and ever # # Amen... # # Amen # # Amen... # At the Saviour's command, and formed by divine teaching, we now dare to say... ALL: ...our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come; thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Deliver us, Lord, from every evil. Graciously grant peace in our day, that by the help of Your mercy, we may be always free from sin, safe from all distress, as we await the blessed hope, and the coming of our Saviour, Jesus Christ. ALL: For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are Yours, now and forever. Lord Jesus Christ, who said to Your apostles, "Peace I leave you. My peace I give you." Look not on our sins, but on the faith of this, Your Church, and graciously grant her peace and unity in accordance with Your will, who live and reign forever and ever. PARISHIONERS: Amen. Peace of the Lord be with you always. PARISHIONERS: And with your spirit. And wherever you are, share with one another a sign of this peace and friendship. (Organ playing) # Lamb of God # # You take away # # The sins of the world # # Have mercy # # On us # # Lamb of God # # You take away # # The sins of the world # # Have mercy # # On us # # Lamb of God # # You take away # # The sins of the world # # Grant us # # Peace # Behold the Lamb of God. Behold Him who takes away the sins of the world. Blessed are those who are called to the supper of the Lamb. ALL: Lord, I am not worthy that You should enter under my roof, but only say the word, and my soul shall be healed. May the body and blood of Christ bring us and all our dear ones unto life everlasting. PARISHIONERS: Amen. (Chimes ringing) ANNOUNCER: Please join me now in this act of spiritual communion. # Let us pray. We pray, Almighty God, that through partaking of this mystery, we may be cleansed of all our misdeeds and so be suited for the remedies of Your compassion, through Christ our Lord. PARISHIONERS: Amen. The Lord be with you. PARISHIONERS: And with your spirit. May Almighty God bless you. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. PARISHIONERS: Amen. Go in the peace of Christ to love and serve the Lord. PARISHIONERS: Thanks be to God. ANNOUNCER: Our thanks to our donors for the gift of this Mass. # # Lord of all hopefulness # # Lord of all joy # # Whose trust ever child-like # # No cares can destroy # # Be there at our waking # # And give us, we pray # # Your bliss in our hearts, Lord # # At the break of the day # # Lord of all eagerness # # Lord of all faith # # Whose strong hands were skilled # # At the plane and the lathe # # Be there at our labours # # And give us... #
Channel: Daily TV Mass
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Keywords: mass, catholic mass, catholic mass today, daily catholic mass, catholic mass today live, daily mass youtube, catholic daily mass, catholic mass youtube, daily catholic mass today, daily mass today, catholic daily, catholic mass on tv, the daily mass, daily mass on tv, mass on tv, vision tv daily mass, sunday mass on tv, the catholic mass, daily mass, daily mass online, daily holy mass, daily tv mass, mass today, mass today catholic, sunday mass today, daily tv mass today
Id: d8qiAkqxt3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 4sec (1744 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 03 2022
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