Catherine Tate Show NAN "Ugly Child"

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is that you darling hello nan it is you all right can't leave me Garcon enter yeah I'm nervous type ah do you help me shoe polish cup and get it good yeah I know you I'm gay bro can I take your button be able to get it didn't have it did guy I know no button have you cook we get it Kutcher now get you're gonna charge in super happy should get it I said you wouldn't get it but you got it oh oh you are a good boy I do me best sarong mom I know you won't get it then that's the one you always have yeah I'll show you sister to die did you she's like the body buddy oh no she said - bye babe although no girl I know she come up here shaming this she you shaded oh she should come up man it's like a little dinky thing like that little not don't big on a night I wish let me older have you yeah I'm you shake yeah kappa i never seen such ugly charm it's right in the pocket I never seen a child with so much hair on it it's like a big area locking up at you know I knew Lee had a bilious attack the planet neck all units some funny name and all I'm not calling it some funny name Franchesca click Olynyk Tesh comes in a francesca calling a poor child chess come oh I sure don't call it Tesco Starling whatever you do it have enough [ __ ] problems looking like that and it's got a funny shape head and all of it oh no come on it was a forceps birth it was very traumatic for them I should think it was traumatic when that came out oh I've run a mile if happen mom and it's got a wonky eye and it he's got a wonky eye had a child mind you get shot from that ugly get of a father he's got that I know one eye looking at you the other one looking for you oh that's wrong that is I mean a pair of them together they look like a more Fraggle Rock don't you say things like that no no no not up my ass oh no no she's a very good girl to me she is she looks after me your sister I said to her you're up for money darling yeah take this tenner gone by so for pair of tights she said I'm all right man I said take the money she said I want the money I said take the money she said though what the money I said take - I go what the money I said take the money you'd bleed me dry if you could now take that ten pound note by that child a bonnet and tied over his [ __ ] right no she said to me you're wicked you are your delusions we gonna put you in home no you don't whoa would until I get a ah what up there with all the old girls playing ping pong single on a max by could I've sitting in your own [ __ ] not me love you ain't slinging me at that NAT iesson I shall have some champagne with me winkles thank you very much I don't like crumble neither so you can take that away don't like it I need it now self but I could oh I I don't want it and that's it in fact you can take the crumble take the old gal's take max hydros take your sister take the fellow in a monkey I take the [ __ ] Gloria shove him up you know some piss old family now you've got to stop this you can't keep talking about people like that it's not funny oh it's not funny Matt seriously stop it Oh [ __ ] [ __ ] out why you like this I am what I am I am my own especial create Sean come take a look Marcia it's my world that I want you I'm a little pride my world and it's in your place I f2 are you know life is no other time Joe you can shine watch me out shut up sharply noise my Cornish magna try to shake things from a different angle your life is a chain Joe you can shout sit down haha you
Channel: -=AngelGr=-
Views: 843,425
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Catherine, Tate, Show, NAN, Ugly Child
Id: w4TquU3sab8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 59sec (419 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 16 2009
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