Catherine Tate Show Nan and her sister from Spain

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she here then yeah she arrived yeah playing on time yeah got here from the airport yeah where is she oh Auntie juny my sister yeah from Spain yeah she's here I know she out this morning I know she flew in on an airplane I know where is she she's in the [ __ ] kitchen what's matter where you here is hello Auntie juny he come out and see you you come out and see me yeah oh you are a good boy oh look at you all grown up I remember when you was just a dinky little thing oh any answer I I mean he's going to break some hearts have you got a job darling uh no I'm at University your University yeah your University yeah [ __ ] [Applause] puff Jude what have a look at these old pictures you remember when that one was ton Ash Frankie and Nelly bash's wedding they went to Great Yarmouth for their UN in Moon that's right and then Frankie turned over the guest house and spent the next four years inside what he went to prison oh yeah he was in and out the Nick all his life but then they were the first people in their street to get Calla TV so got to wait all up inure look that's Jimmy long socks oh good old Jim oh why was he called long socks well he was very fastidious man he used to itch his socks right up over his knees and they had to be exactly the same height before he slit your throat what oh yeah that's right I mean they were the last thing people saw before thank you very much and hope that you like there Mickey wallet nuts that's right he used to slice people's knes off while they was just sleep yeah they wouldn't noticed till they woke up in the morning they looked down and they wouldn't have any Charlie ol he was a master Craftsman oh oh look there's Eddie the grass that must be one of the last photos they took of him why what happened they chopped him up piece by piece and posted him to famous landmarks in 15 different different countries still he always said he wanted to see the world yeah but not all at [Laughter] once who's that with you there juny oh that's Johnny clown face ah clown face was a criminal as well was he no he was a children's entertainer really now he did kill people man that's terrible oh look it was different years ago son I mean yes they boiled people alive in vat of burning oil yes they sent people to their death in concrete slippers yes they'd cut your head off for eating one of their biscuits but they were very good to their mothers and you could leave your back door wide open not that you want to that [ __ ] M run in a f look there's Tommy the the nostril very clean sense of smell yeah there's Ronnie L cardigan oh he liked a nice bit of knit wear there's Dicky bow you could take him anywhere and Johnny one leg always uping juny what I can't believe this F I can't believe what I'm hearing what you going on about oh I don't know what's a matter with him he never stops he's not lost for a bunny is he oh he gives me earache it's just rabbit rabbit rabbit all I [ __ ] long you got a beautiful chain you got beautiful SK you got a beautiful face you got Chast you got beautiful eyes he's got beautiful [Music] I don't mind having a chat now you like it I like that but you have to give it each night you w stop to me why don't you give it a [Music] rest got it's time to off your CH now you were just the kind of boy to break my heart into I knew right when I first clap my eyes on you to know you [Music] me
Channel: -=AngelGr=-
Views: 1,782,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Catherine, Tate, Show, Nan, and, her, sister, from, Spain
Id: aog6gxsycrI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 53sec (353 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 19 2009
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