Catfish // Breakdown for Breakthrough

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but the great reveal last week was talking about how so often in our lives we allow things to uh come on us and we walk around and own it and i want to talk to you about that today because where the enemy gets us when we've been catfished whether we feel catfished from a family maybe we're raised in the wrong family maybe we've had to struggle anybody in here had to struggle your whole life you just feel like you've struggled like you look at other people's lives on social media and you're like man like they they look they just got it going on like they they just they'd have babies and pop them out and they go back to snatched and i mean they got their husband looks like he stepped out of gq and mine looks like he stepped out of dq and i i just don't understand how come everybody's blessed but me anybody ever felt that way where you feel like everything's a constant struggle right well that's the enemy because the enemy knows i always tell you guys this he can't take you out so he's trying to wear you out how does he do that by making us start thinking about ourselves right when we're in a struggle when we've been in a pandemic for the last two years i was thinking today on the plane how it's so normal for us to all have masks on now like everywhere we go do you remember when we when we first started wearing masks and you felt like man we're just everybody's bank robbers you know what i'm saying like but now the what the enemy does is he a lot what's wrong oh lord is that good thank you what ends up happening is the enemy gets us in those seasons where we're broken down where we are in a pandemic and we're isolated and he starts making us feel like everything that our minds are telling us behind closed doors right you will be in the middle of church anybody ever done this you'll be in the middle of church and all of a sudden something that you did at six years old pops back in your head anybody like literally you will you will think about that dui that was 26 years ago and you'll start feeling a sick place in your belly like stuff just comes back that person you slept with or that time you were drunk and you don't remember how you got home and you just start feeling this dark pit in the bottom of your belly well when we walk through these catfish seasons the catfish season that we've been talking about around here is when it's not really god right because god's not a god of chaos and confusion and so what we end up doing is we either go to the hot or to the cold like we either go all the way over here super pseudo religious or we're over here and we're like we don't we you know we we we're gonna come to jesus when we get it together right i'm gonna wait until i find myself and then i'm gonna come to jesus or we go all the way to the extreme there's never a middle you know what i'm saying it's either right now it's either you're getting the vaccine or you're not getting the vaccine if you don't get the vaccine you're going to hail if you get the vaccine you're going to hell you don't trust god it's always hot or cold but there's never a middle and when god allows you to walk through things in your life he allows you to walk through things to make you better he allows you he's trusting you with these seasons in your life i was thinking about it on that plane looking around all of us are sitting there with these masks on all we can see is our eyeballs and i started thinking about how so often in our lives i want you to think about right now online here in this church i want you to think about the one place and time in your life when you felt like you walked through something and you never came back to who you really were think about it that one moment that devastated you whether it was a child dying whether it was a dad walking out whether it's your mom and daddy screaming and yelling at each other and then all of a sudden next thing you knew you never saw your dad again like what is it that stopped you and in fact i have counseling friends they said usually it's always a situation of where the child is stuck at seven eight four nine and they got stuck there because they didn't know how to rationalize them themselves out of a place i'm so used to struggling that for the rest of my life i'm gonna struggle i'm so used to hearing a woman yelling at a man that i'm gonna yell at my husband i'm gonna all i know is is to leave my family and not take care of my family because my dad was never there so never nobody ever taught me how to be a man see what the enemy does the enemy starts making everything in your life phony and you don't even know what's real so today i'm going to title this sermon break down for breakthrough you had to walk through that season in order for you to be able to break through you had to get to that place and so i want to share with you and this is our drive by we got 15 minutes y'all get your phones out whatever you got to do because this is a great ending so i want to talk to i want to go from romans 8 37 and it says yet in all these things we are more than conquerors ain't it crazy how when we come out of a devastating season and all of a sudden we don't feel that devastation anymore we start thinking something's wrong yeah you ever seen oh something ain't going right here oh i'm waiting for something there's something not right why it's going too good life's too good i'm getting too many breaks right but it says right here yet in all of these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us maybe just maybe the enemy is trying to stop your dream maybe just maybe you've walked through this rough season maybe you've lost loved ones back to back and now you're devastated and you've lost everything and you've got to move back in with your mama or you are you're over here having to figure out how to be a single mama after you never had it in your cards to be a single mama whatever the story is maybe just maybe the enemy is trying to stop your dream because he knows what's on the other side you write a book it don't do as good as you wanted it to so now you just throw out well i thought i was supposed to be ministry but i'm guess i am now because it didn't take off like kim's did we're always comparing our lives we're always comparing our families we're always comparing our everything well i mean my kids are 27 and 25 and they feel like they've got to have their whole entire life in order and they are beating themselves up well i should be able to take care of my wife no both people need to be working but the society and social media has brainwashed us with all these filters and all these people's highlight reels that now we're believing that everybody's life's perfect but how many of you know in this room today nobody's life is doggone perfect we're all walking through seasons of devastation and the enemy knows that you've got a voice and you've got a call and you've got an anointing and so he's using anything that's close to you to stop you anything that matters to you he's wanting to stop you how does he do it he starts messing with them because he can't mess with you hebrews 10 35-36 says so do not throw away this confident trust in the lord remember the great reward it brings you so do not throw away your confidence even whenever you gotta sell your house on the courtroom steps even when they come in and say i don't love you anymore you cannot throw your confidence some of y'all have lost your confidence you lost your confidence in the pandemic when you lost your six-figure job sir and now you lost your confidence because you loaded in the fact that you could take care of your family because that's what men are supposed to do but what happens when you walk through a devastating season and you find yourself here you're either going to get better or you're going to get better you're either going to let the devil know you shouldn't mess with somebody else because i ain't throwing my confidence away do not throw this confident trust in the lord remember the great reward he brings you he says in verse 36 patient endurance is what you need now that's when you need it huh eliza you need you need endurance because how many of you know it is not easy to get up and move when you don't know where you're going you're suffering humiliation everybody's talking about you and now you're what you're this age and at this age you were supposed to already have 10 grandkids you and you got one kid because we got the society telling us the social media telling us this is the way it's supposed to be but it says patience endurance is what you need now that means you got to hold on but you can't quit it says then you will receive patient endurance so that you will continue to do god's will then you will receive patient endurance that means stop getting ahead of god and then blaming god when it don't work out patient endurance then you will receive all that he has promised you so what does that look like since we've been talking about catfish and we've been talking about you know character and all of these things perseverance is the key to breakthrough perseverance is a key to breakthrough but here's the problem so many of us stop short of what god has launched us towards see a lot of times things have to break down so they can get back in order the way they were supposed to be in the first place right you're looking at it as devastation and failure but god's saying i never told you to go that direction and so you've been praying and fasting and now you're all skeletons your skeleton bones and you can't even lift your hand to pray because you're so weak because you've been fasting over something that i never told you to get in in the first place you're over here being loyal to a mistake you're being oh honey what you're over here letting your problems be your prison and wondering how come i can't get up but you've lost your perseverance when one door closed you sat for too long you quit coming to church you started laying in your bed eating bonbons scratching you behind i did it until i went to the doctor and they said girl you overweight and i said no i ain't he said yes you are i had to get myself back in line why because it wasn't gonna fall off by itself i had to do some things that made me sweat i had to do some things that were hard but we stop short of what god has launched us towards and then we give up right before it's time to go up we stop we're supposed to go up but we stop we allow fear to paralyze us and then we start hearing noise voices because the enemy will sin counterfeit situations oh girl i think this is it i've been struggling for a long time i think this is my door you jumping at every door you can jump in because it ain't moving quick enough but one thing i've learned about my god he don't move on your time schedule don't that stink why if he's a good good father don't he move on my timeline i got myself together i'm doing so good but we give up and then fear starts paralyzing us because the more we give up the harder it is to get up because then all of a sudden the law of draw negative nellie's start coming around us all of a sudden we realize everybody else's life looks worse than ours so we're good oh we're good so we just end up camping out over there in mediocrity because we're better than everybody else in our circle that ain't good either oh so we stopped short of our purpose that has been promised by god exceedingly abundantly more than you could ever ask or think you're over here struggling like oh my gosh you can't even barely put food on your table and instead of asking yourself y'all god what do you want me to do next instead you're getting so busy that you can't even hear god keeping yourself so busy scrolling scrolling scrolling for a word for a word for a word for a word but you ain't opened your bible one time well i don't understand the bible they got the whole thug bible that talks like most of us basically the thug bible's like girl bye sit down till i tell you i will knock you upside the head when it's right right we will stop getting in catfish situations when we realized oh no joker oh no no no i just saw you when your credit card didn't go through on our date you just acted a whole full so guess who ain't never going out with you again me no we don't do that we just we just allow ourselves to to just fall into places where we feel like i'll just take a crumb of this and a crumb of that so we stop short of our purpose and then all of a sudden we lose the promise that god has for us it says in second corinthians 1 and 20 for all of god's promises have been fulfilled in christ with a resounding yes and through christ our amen which means yes ascends to glory from glory to glory to glory to glory which means everywhere we go glory to glory glory to glory blessings and favor and abundance start chasing us down well how do i get that when you're in a negative horrible situation instead of complaining and calling people and talking about your spouse talking about everybody about job it's just so crappy instead you walk up in there favor upon favor upon favor i'm not staying here i'm going to praise my way out i refuse to complain where i'm at you want better do better it's easier said than done you ain't getting up anytime soon cause you're right it's easier said than done it's easier to be negative why because we like to look at the water in the cup half empty instead i got some a water faucet and i could put some water in it if you've got a pulse god's got a plan he says for all of god's promises persevere means to persist in anything undertaken anything maintain a purpose in spite of difficulty and obstacles or discouragement continue steadfastly you know what i've discovered that anything in life that ain't going right it's your attitude why because we get prideful her husband brings her flowers to work but he's probably a hellion at home well i just don't understand why my husband doesn't do that your husband goes and works every day of his life right but what we're doing is we're getting caught up ain't enough ain't enough and then before long marriages are splitting apart because we're looking at the way he does her on social media because we're always relationship goals and most of the time the relationship goals are not really relationship goals y'all we live in a society where we literally go eat and before we even talk to the person we're eating with we're taking pictures of our food for instagram with sparkles on it but we're comparing and comparing but it means to persist but we have to make up our minds i'm not going to be catfished in this next season this was this was an event this is not the rest of my life the only reason the enemy's fighting me is because there's something in me if y'all would get to a place where you realize every single mountain that you're complaining about right now you've already made it through before well not this but you've made it through something and if you want to get off of that road of destruction you want to get off that road of repeat cycling you got to make up in your mind i'm looking at me well it ain't me kim it was him well you chose him you got to get to a place where you start praying instead of praying for them every day pray for yourself pray for whatever it is inside of you that keeps attracting those things instead of getting defeated sitting on the front row because you feel like it's oh my god they didn't see me today they didn't see me they didn't say pastor kim didn't say nothing to me today instead come over to me high five me girl you bad today i'm like girl you bad today what what what what just happened you got out of your feelings and got into some healing but see pride stops us so we persevere which means to persist dog come on i got five minutes see god makes promises i had a whole story i ain't getting to none of it i'm talking about jericho talking about jericho how something that was supposed to take 11 days ended up taking these people 40 how long because they wouldn't shut up mimi says don't you say shut up i said hush up but sometimes you got to say the other word just so you can because you are cursing your life every time you listen to what they said about you every time they say you're not easy to love now every time you walk in a room you're saying oh ain't no man gonna ever be able to stay with me because i am a boss instead of walking in saying hello is it me you're looking for i can be a ball shape but when i come home i'm your wife see that's what we have to do but we get to a place where we got all this pride and we build these walls and we think we got to live alone for the rest of our lives with our dogs our 10 cats and a pillow and god is the devil is a whole lot but what we got to do is get our hearts right and realize i'm not going to go around a mountain that was supposed to take 11 years i ain't going to do it yo i ain't doing it it ain't gonna be no 45 years for me and anybody that hangs out with me you better get it together because you can't talk like i am the queen of you coming up in my place saying girl i don't know but hey did you see what she i'm uh i give them the hams i'm doing you a favor cause i don't want you to curse your blessing i want you to realize that if god said it he means it and if he ain't doing in your life it's cause you in the way you are in the way god is not a psych kind of god he is not up in heaven wanting you to moan and complain and struggle and be on food stamps and wait for your stimulus check every week no he wants you to be able to give stimulus money away [Applause] but we've gotten caught up in all of these mountains in our lives and now we are like these people walking around this wall i even had this example i wanted to show who's really big in this church bigger than me who's bigger than me ain't nobody bigger than my son come here lincoln run up here as quick as you can lincoln run run run run run he ain't even in the building i bet he is getting starbucks who's big eliza come here here's what we do come on come on you bad man pajama your man's coming girl here's what we do watch stand that way look that way here's what we do this is our mountain and we're so busy looking at this mountain talking about this mountain like the children of israel that we're looking at this mountain and we don't realize that the walls that erected are going to come down the more we stop looking at the problem stop looking at this problem and begin to look at what's there see this problem is trying to stop us from getting there and the praise that's going to come out of our mouth is going to get us there but every time we start saying lord take this mountain take this mountain oh take this mountain see you can't get around it at all you got to begin to say oh mountain you're teaching me something but i ain't staying here because i don't gotta be behind you i can praise my way in front of you and just like that [Music] i'm not yeah you're gonna sit down i'm not looking at the mountain that thing ain't scaring me no more that credit report ain't scaring me no more losing that home may scare me no more that toxic marriage ain't scaring me no more that loveless marriage ain't scaring me no more because i know greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world i know if i change they'll change i change if i change if i stop getting ahead of god you can stand up on your feet if i kim it's easier said than done get around new people [Applause] go do an inventory check of your news feed who is always responded bitter betties then you're bitter always stirring up conflict always debating everything always forcing everybody to be what you think they are instead of getting to know them for yourself god is saying no we got an army at this church and online all over the world we got australia we got a ghana we've got south africa and all over the world people are stirring a revival everywhere they go why because one can put a thousand to fly two will put ten thousand to fly the enemy can't touch you he can't touch you he can't touch you he fights you but he can't touch you because he can't be in my house and yours so it's those things that we got to let go of today what is it what is it what's making you march around these walls what's making you go to the well all by yourself at the hottest part of the day because you don't want to look at people because you are ashamed when your testimony is going to be so oily that your testimony is gonna meet more people and get more people set free than my mother who ain't never had an alcohol in her mouth [Applause] what are you gonna do today you gotta make that commitment we're walking out of the series what did you learn in the series y'all i'm just depressed one day i'm up one day i'm down you better stop it well i can't just fake it you know it can praise is your weapon the bible says that life and death are in the power of your words i will sit on that front row and have an argument with the devil get out of my head so what's in your head today what has he dropped in your spirit in this season trying to take you out because he sees you're right there one ounce of obedience will do more for you than all the prayer in the world but you can't hear obedience when you're hanging around with all your old crowd well i can't just let them go kim yes you can you outgrow people just like you outgrow clothes [Applause] every day on social media with these people just sucking me dry take the straw away and let your testimony be the testament of how god set you free i have watched marriages that were literally destroyed from from adultery that now they're leading the pac-man together why because they got out of their feelings and got into some healing they stopped listening to the old words oh oh sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me they kill you so what are you letting go of today what is your breakdown that's really meant for a breakthrough but you're still broke down well i don't see nothing i don't feel nothing i've been praying i ain't felt nothing kim it's cause you're so clogged up you need a spiritual enema you need to go to walgreens and you need to buy what's it called magnesium sulfite citrate and you need to let it go don't do it you need to let everything go that is not of god in your life how do i know if it's god or not cam because it don't sit right this is not a season where you're going and begging to sit at people's tables this is a season where you're gonna go build your own doggone table why because my daddy is a king lift your hands so father in the name of jesus forgive me of anything that is not of you father i invite you to live in me forever and ever father i say yes to you i say yes to you tomorrow i say yes to you the next week i say yes to you lord i thank you and let me pray for you now you just got saved all over again oh father i just thank you i thank you right now for do-overs and we ain't gonna do over surprise me this week don't let me give up when i break down don't let me get in my emotions when i break down breakthrough breakthrough breakthrough breakthrough it's my season a breakthrough fresh anointing all over me well it's too late kim i've been ratchet i screamed all the way to church it's not too late there's nothing better than a messy testimony turn to praise i prophesy over you limitless that man you going from messi to motivate her that you're going from a wreck to a worshiper that you're going from pieces to peace this week god is about to give you clarity i come against confusion i come against everything in you that has made you feel like you stuck you ain't stuck cause you ain't no dog on tree so god i thank you for stealing marriages i thank you for bringing spouses to the singles that are ready for their bound chicken wow wow i thank you that we are set free from the top of our heads to the soles of our feet nothing can harm us no coving no cancer no high blood pressure no cholesterol we are free and friendly and father lastly i pray an abundance of finances in this house i thank you lord that we are dripping that we can go and we can give our cards out our limitless love cards out this week we ain't going to dunkin donuts or mcdonald's for dollar 12 coffee we're gonna have a breakthrough in our finances and be able to bless people and starve up because you're a god of more than enough we ain't lacking nothing we ain't left behind we in front of the line jesus name amen amen man i love y'all go crash it you
Channel: Real Talk Kim
Views: 2,407
Rating: 4.8876405 out of 5
Id: T0rL9U0cVBE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 23sec (1703 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 29 2021
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