Catfish Bait Smorgasbord

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all right people catfish Dave here it is about 12: noon I done a video a couple days ago and by the time I caught bait I drug around till I found the fish I found those fish up on a flat in the 21t to 26t range and I was able to get some fish in a short amount of time well I've got even more time today I've got more kinds of bait Shad that I caught last trip I got some Gasper goo I got some bluegill and I even stopped on the way caught seven fresh skip Jack now whether they hit skipjack or not I don't know that's why I didn't catch 20 uh Water Tent 47.9 that's borderline typically 45 and Below you're only going to catch these fish on Shad sometimes cropping but we are in the upper 40s so they may hit some skip Jack we're going to find out I'm going to throw a little of all this bait on there uh probably start out with the skip Jack on one side of the boat Shad on the other side of the boat I'm trying out my strict nine Dragon weights from chasing cat Outdoors he's the same guy that supplies me my rods I would think these fish would be hitting small baits this time of year but these skipjack chunks are going to be pretty large I'm going to put a head on I'm going to put a chunk on and these Shad are pretty small so I'm just going to use the whole thing and just cut the tails off probably going to get more bites on the shed just because there's more small fish than big fish and this bait is something they can get but a big fish can and hit a small bait later on in the day I may put some of this bluegill and other stuff on the hook just to see if something will eat it once we've got some fish on video we'll experiment with a couple of those baits I don't need a lot of line out I'm on a 30 foot flat it doesn't very much so soon as this hits the bottom I'll put my board on it has hit the bottom I've never drug this flat and I hope it's not full of Hang-Ups it'll be a good test for these Dragon weights I didn't hang one up the first day I used them and you can hang up any dragon white if a dragon white hangs you can usually get them loose by just stopping the boat giving it a couple pops sometimes reverse the boat go back give it a couple pops uh when I actually lose draggon weights is when the hook catches something there's somebody's line down there Trot Line catches a limb of a tree if you get that hook caught you're going to have to break it off the fact that we run this flotation on there and it's up well up the bottom getting the hook caught doesn't happen often get a nice wide spread here this is nice wide flat they might not touch this big bait and again we may get a monster on it who knows let's throw it see how it goes the bait is fresh fresh is best got that one going out now let's put the skip Jack Chunk on there so we have a combination of larger baits smaller baits different kind of baits the bait is fresh gizzard Chad was caught yesterday skip Jack caught this morning very fresh I think going to get hooked up I can guarantee you gizzard Shad is going to get the most bites today it's just that time of year but we'll pull the skip Jack and see what it does we just hooked up with the first fish on the shed yeah we've been fishing about five minutes about five minutes if this flat produces well I may not even go to the others I may just drag this one back and forth stay close to the uh ramp but makes it easier on me oh he got my other line over there in my planer board I see it wrapped around him maybe he'll come out of it now he's got it he got it he sure did first little blue cat did not fish long another one on the shed feels like about the same size fish that skipjack chunk has been hit multiple times skipjack head has not had a bite yet but that don't mean it won't I just had a bite right there on that skipjack chunk that fish is even smaller than the first one there little bitty old thing little B old thing yeah that's one of them sandwich size blue catfish if you're going to eat one that's the size you eat I'll go ahead and let them have that bait we'll let him have it I'm not greeting I got plenty fish number three on the Shad every now and then the skip Jack gets a bump and here again I think uh these fish are going to become more active the lighter it gets and that's when I think that skip Jack's going to get hit so far all we're getting is some small ones on this shed another sandwich siiz fish right there another sandwich size fish the day is still early and uh there's plenty of flats around here so and this one is deeper than what I done good on last time out so you going to eat that or not you going to eat that or not number four they all about the same size we're fixing to head up to another flat all on the shed Bo these is running real small I ain't caught catfish this small in a long time so good Lord that won't even make a good sandwich there wouldn't even make a sandwich yeah we going to get off this area that's terrible right there all right y'all let's try flat number two well y'all we are hooked up already on this flat on the shed it is a smaller fish but that was quick that was quick man these fish is running small today we're eventually going to run into a real one I would think yeah that's ridiculous right there old juveniles guess if he was having a fish fry that'd be all fine and dandy skip Jack has not caught a fish and if it goes too long without catching a fish we may put some bluegill on there I'd catch way more fish if I had shed on all four rods but so far we're just getting small fish on shed so I don't want to do that on four rods oh you little things oh here we go again y'all be a good day for a fish fry skipjack just ain't getting nothing ain't getting nothing out here I'm hoping this fish is at least a little bigger than the last ones we've gotten but it may not be cuz it's coming in pretty easy yeah he ain't much at all there ain't no shortage of this size fish in this Lake right here no shortage at all I'm going to quit counting them because it I'm just going to lose count anyhow if this keeps up I guess he's a little better than some of them but still pretty pathetic by Blue Catfish standards yeah yeah I believe we do better on that bluegill than what we're doing on that skip Jack here again it's still early and that bigger fish that I caught last trip had mud all over it so it could be this afternoon for them bigger ones decide they're going to come out of that mud until they do I guess we'll be out here catching sandwich size Blues I got a good mind to try some bluegill I don't want to throw more Shad on cuz you see what we're catching on it I'll tell you what y'all we're pulling uh3 now let's let's bump it up to the fastest speed of the day let's uh try 7 see if we can outrun these smaller fish going to go all the way to 7 see if we can outrun them yeah we just got hooked up on the skip Jack going s feels a little bigger than what we've been catching I have been hit on those Shad pieces going 7 they may have took the bait off yeah I think this one's just a little better think we found a better one nothing on the headpiece but this chunk got it like I say y'all just never know he's not super big but he's probably bigger than the rest of them he's hard to pull in because I'm going s and he's just wallering in that current okay if you want to come around this side of the boat then do it yeah he is big that is the biggest one of the day sure is on a chunk piece of skip Jack I may take that head piece off put a bluegill on that one just for experimental purposes you ain't big but you're the biggest one of this trip so guess we're happy to see him yeah the biggest one of this trip so far now don't get all funky just nope nope nope nope nope nope don't get all funky yeah biggest one of this trip I'd say I've been baited on them Shad pieces cuz they bit at it I'm going to take that skip Jack head off and I'm going to put a bluegill piece on there just don't believe nothing's going to eat this larger bait today in this cold water let's put a Blu Gill head on there see what that does see if anything wants some Blu Gill you never know about these winter fish uh typically bluegill is not a good bait here but these fish get weird in the winter and and I'll bet you if I had some crappie on the hook I'd be catching something bluegill is kind of a generic form of crappie I'm going to go ahead and check these y'all make sure I got bait on them yep he bit it off there and there ain't nothing left but a a shell of that head probably the same thing on the other one when you're not getting bites on on this shed you better check it oh shoot yeah oh y'all we just hooked up on the bluegill sure did they ate a piece of that blue gill my God I don't hardly never catch nothing on Bluegill around here but here again it is a generic form of cropping now he don't feel like no big fish don't you get in that other line he's trying he's trying real hard he's trying real hard to get in that other line I'm trying to get him up there we go he ain't no big fish but he's little bigger than them sandwich size fish we was getting he did get my line that's why it's harder to pull in I see it coming out he did get it yep he got it aggravating stuff right there that is making it tough to get him in now and he got that bluegill off there he got the that blue gill off there what a mess what a mess what a mess what a mess you stole my bluegill man he swam around that line about four or five times blue gill head got eight and he is a bigger fish in them little dinkies that we've caught on the shed so there's that chunk that's left off that bluegill I'm going to put it on there you never know it's the same flavor well we ain't catching no tank fish today but it would be a good day for a fish fry with what we have caught oh yeah here we go again we got caught by one of these sandwich fish running s we sure did if I knew someone having a fish fry I know what I'd do with this fish uhoh uhoh that's the bluegill right there getting hit sure enough he wasn't a big bite but that old bluegill Center chunk did get hit so they are eating bluegill today day that was definitely a bite yeah that was definitely a bite on that bluegill chunk now I hope it's still on there after that bite gol a on the shed that bluegill did have another bite there small bite and that skip Jack just has not been touched other than that one fish definitely the wrong bait out here in these temperatures come on old sandwich size fish these water temps were two degrees warmer and I'd be doing pretty good on that skipjack but all I can say this would be a good day for a fish fry yep good day for a fish fry yeah oh yeah yeah yeah oh yeah yeah yeah yeah y'all this is on that uh bluegill chunk and he's not a bad fish on the blue Gil chunk like I say this stuff is kind of like generic crappie H he's not a big fish either just pulling hard but he's thicker than those Shad fish second fish on Bluegill and that old skipjack over there is just not getting touched I mean it is just not getting touched so we may trade it out for uh we may put a piece of that Gasper on there cuz if they're eating bluegill this fish has got mud on him so he's been down in the mud until now deciding to come out man why you want to be right against the boat I don't know how that happened he got that fin there and just twist it all in there yeah that skip Jack is about a worthless bait today so if this makes two fish on Bluegill and they've been better fish than those Shad fish we may put the Gasper goo on I've got two small bluegill left I believe if I had some crappie on I'd probably be doing real good yeah he he hit it like he meant business but yeah it's better than those other ones man so what I'm going to do is put a small blue gill on here and I'm going to put a piece of Gasper goo on the other one I've never done much good on Gasper goo they do good down in Louisiana on Gasper go but this is one of those weird days that they're not touching skip Jack only small fish are hitting shad except for one we did get one decent one on the skip Jack but that's just been one fish at all these there you go we got some gaspero we going to put it on there I'm going mash it oh we got another one on the shed there we got another one on the shed oh yeah be a good day for a fish fry y'all good day for a fish fry he's staying way out there and going to try and get in that other board maybe this one's a little better than a sandwich size I don't know look at him lining up with that board look at him look at him going right right into it look at it oh we got a mess you little sucker you dang you he's in it he's in it I know he's in that other line I think he's a little better than the other ones that we've been getting on the shed he may have come out of that line yeah he is a little better he's closer to a bluegill size fish we're getting bit on the skip Jack now look at there did he stick or did he come off I think he come off when that board broke loose yeah this heat of the day is kicking in and uh these fish are starting to eat this one is not that bad actually y'all he's as good as any of them that we've got but yeah these fish are starting to wake up out here in the heat of the day sure are I got a mess rods everywhere yeah he's one of the better ones on the shed yeah we got a mess in this boat that is definitely the best one on the shed today I got one line out cuz that other one all jacked up but I'm goingon to get that skip jack off for now good old Gasper goo see if anything will eat this old Gasper goo one way to know and that is to give it a throw give it a throw Gasper goo going to be on the red board them Louisiana people like to see me catch one on Gasper goo probably well y'all we'll see if we can catch anything on that old Gasper goo the only catfish I've ever caught on that drum is I've caught some flatheads on it using it live cut bait I don't think I've ever caught anything on it but I don't use it very often warm part of the year uh when they prefer the skip Jack I'll catch them drum and stuff and just just let them go but this time of year when these fish are weird about what they're going to eat I'll keep me some Gasper goo I'll keep me some bluegill I'll bring out here whatever I can uhoh just got a small bite on the old Gasper go over there this board here is acting like it's getting hung it broke loose there's so something playing with that old Gasper goo got something playing with the old shed oh yeah another one on the shed another one on the shed I'm about tired of pulling these Shad fish in today about tired of pulling them in definitely some small ones hitting that shed yeah there's another one of them old sandwich things just put it on a hogy yep another one of those there is no shortage of this size catfish in this Lake right here yeah oh shoot yeah he's on there he's on there we did get another one on the bluegill I went to go get some peanuts and he hit it well the bluegill has outperformed the skipjack today it's obviously outperforming the gaspero other old small fish I'm going to get me a bite of these peanuts before I pull them in snack come first there went my bluegill another sandwich size fish oh yay yay yay yay yo I got a fish on the Gasper I got a fish on the gaspero finally he don't feel too bad either he don't feel too bad he pulled some drag out he's going to head straight for this other line that I didn't put on a planer board let me slow down this boat I'm already going pretty slow see what we got here here yeah he pulled some drag out come on up here fishy come on up here fishy it's just being lazy now I think I don't know if he's just turned sideways or if he's really that heavy he did pull some drag we're about got one on that shed there come on fishy let's see what we got on the old Gasper shoot this might be a big fish y'all let's see what we got here believe it's the biggest of the day yeah it's it's the biggest of the day it sure is on Gasper goo sure enough sure enough that's the heaviest one right there come on yeah on the Gasper go I want to step on my skip Jack Rod that old gas buru I messed up come on now come on now pose for the camera it's probably the best fish of the day right there probably so on the Gasper goo yeah well all right y'all uh those Flats were loaded with fish we didn't catch No Monsters out there but we sure caught enough for a fish fry I stopped this morning caught some skip Jack and I stopped at seven because I said you know what they might not even hit this stuff in these 40 something degree water temps and I was pretty much right we caught one on it uh the bluegill outperformed the skipjack even the Gasper goo I believe had more bites than the skipjack it was like I called it Shad caught most of the fish out here trying out these uh strict n Dragon weights from chasing cat Outdoors those rods are called chasing cats from chasing cat Outdoors either way it is a video there was fish in the video that makes the fishing video this is catfish dayve with another one signing out
Channel: Catfish Dave
Views: 30,797
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fishing, Catfish, Fishing For Catfish, How To Catch Catfish, Catfish Bait, Tennessee River
Id: 5yBPzJLbHak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 46sec (2326 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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