Catching Sea Turtles!

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(intense music) - [Coyote] Alright guys we got a good turtle out in front of us, camera's rollin', this could be it. - [Man] Dead through, dead through. - [Coyote] I'm comin', I'm comin'. (splashing) - Oh, oh. (dramatic music) (splashing) - [Coyote] Australia's home to many reptilian species. And while several of them are found within the confines of the continent's interior, beyond the tide you will find one of the world's most cherished animals, the green sea turtle. In the past I've had the chance to swim alongside these elegant and timeless beings, yet strict regulations prohibit anyone from making physical contact with these reptiles. However on this adventure, that is all about to change. (dramatic music) Today the crew and I are heading off the coast of Bowen, a small town situated at the top of the Whitsundays on the Eastern side of Queensland. Under the invitation of the World Wildlife Fund, we will be given the chance to work alongside the traditional owner rangers from Guru and Bindile People. These rangers take responsibility for the management and protection of their sea country, including iconic species like the green sea turtle. Their work includes (splashing) safely catching, collecting data, and tagging these magnificent marine reptiles so scientists can then determine what is happening to the turtle population and ensure that the species is continuing to thrive in these warm waters. - And as a very order Gudjuda Elder, I'd like to welcome you to the country and hope yous have a good day. (chattering) - [Mark] Coyote, what's goin' on? - I'm doin' a smoke ceremony right now and the flames are just welcoming us into this community. - That's what the flames will. - [Coyote] I consider myself to be an expert when it comes to catching turtles. And my method of leaping from kayaks to catch snapping turtles has often proven to be incredibly successful. (dramatic music) Catching sea turtles however, is a very different challenge. (splashing) As compared to snapping turtles, these ocean dwelling reptiles are incredibly fast. And instead of leaping feet first from a slow rowing kayak, I will be jumping from a speeding boat. The good news is that I will be apprenticing a man who I now consider to be the greatest turtle catcher of all time, Aaron Taiters. He will be showing me the tricks of the trade that he has spent several years mastering and which have resulted in the safe capture, data collection, tagging, and release for hundreds of sea turtles. (dramatic music) So what are you lookin' for Aaron? You lookin' for shadows in the water? - Yeah, we're lookin' for sort of a dark brown figure. - [Coyote] Okay. - We'll see the turtle shells sit still or they'll make a move for it. The moment they move, we tell Eddie, "Yep, he's off to the right." And that's how we'll catch him then. - [Coyote] Gotcha. Yeah that's kind of the same way I search for snapping turtles. I look for a dark shadow beneath the surface, wait for it to start movin', I know it's not a rock, and then you make your go. - [Aaron] Yep. Sometimes you will get confused because there's a lot of sting ray around here. Before you see it as a turtle, just make sure you see his flippers first - Got it. - And then you just start chasing. (dramatic music) - [Man Over Radio] Gudjuda One, Gudjuda One, this is little Got Gunger, any turtles sighted yet? - [Man] Not yet but we're working on it. We'll keep you posted. - [Man Over Radio] Rodger that, over and out. (beeping) (dramatic music) - [Aaron] There he is there to the right. - [Coyote] Oh got a turtle to our right here. He's just in front of us. - I think he's goin' left. - He's swimmin' really quick. Goin' left. Upon spotting several smaller turtles and witnessing their impressive speed, I quickly realized that catching a sea turtle was going to be much more difficult than I had originally anticipated. There's a big turtle here, big one, big one. - [Man] Go, go. (splashing) (groaning) (splashing) - Yes. (cheering) (laughing) Nice catch. Oh, that was a rough miss. But the good news is that Aaron was right there to follow up with an epic dive and successful catch. Boy does he make it look easy. (yelling) And I had his front flipper in my hand. - [Aaron] Yeah I thought I saw that. - [Coyote] I had his flipper. - [Aaron] I said that, I said, "He's got it in your hand." (yelling) And he's just off cruising. - Well great catch again Aaron. (laughing) That was epic, alright. I was so close, that was the one. I had the entire flipper in my hand and it went whoop, right out. And I tried to grab the back of the shell, couldn't do it, but at least we caught the turtle, let's get it onto the research boat, get the biometrics, keep at it. As a team our rate of success was fantastic. Yet my personal performance was lackluster at best. I could feel that my confidence for catching sea turtles was beginning to sink. Yet Aaron being the incredible mentor that he was, continued to encourage and critique my style. - You see that one? - Yeah I see him. - [Man] Get out now fast first. (splashing) - Great TV. (chattering) - [Mark] Did you get a brown? (sighing) - Okay. - [Mark] It's harder than it looks, folks. - Man, it was the same thing before. I was not in front of the turtle. Time was running out and my widow to land a giant, was beginning to close. When the boat slowly motored into a clear stretch of water that revealed a massive dark shadow beneath the surface. Alright guys we got a good turtle out in front of us. Camera's rollin', this could be it. This was it, the pressure was on, and I would only have one dive, one chance to catch this turtle. - [Aaron] You see him right there now? - [Coyote] Yep, yep, yep. There, right there. Aaron kept his sights locked on the speeding reptile, waiting for an opportune moment when it would slow it's forward momentum and prepare to breach the surface for a breath of air. This would be my window of opportunity and in that instance, he shouted the command. - [Aaron] Dead through, dead through. (splashing) - [Mark] Missed it. Oh, oh. (chattering) - [Aaron] I got it. (splashing) (triumphant music) - [Coyote] Right there I was able to catch that. (cheering) Oh, careful, careful. (cheering) Caught a turtle. (laughing) Now did that feel good. (cheering) Yeah, I jumped, grabbed the back of the shell. (cheering) Man, that is a good sized turtle right there. Without question, the biggest turtle I have ever caught. (laughing) Man. (cheering) Oh, I told you guys I'd do it. (laughing) (cheering) - Oh nice. - He is a big one. - That's a male. - Look at the tail. - Yeah that's a male. (cheering) Look at that tale. (laughing) - Oh man. - My goodness. - That's a dragon's tail. (cheering) Yes, yes. (cheering) That's my dragon right there. (laughing) Man. (laughing) Best turtle catch ever of my life at least. (cheering) Alright guys we gotta get the rest of our gear, get onto the research boat, get the biometrics, and then release this dragon back into the wild. Yes. - Yes. - I hope I caught all that on this camera. Wow. (splashing) (chattering) Alright guys well there we have it, there is the green sea turtle that I landed. And he is an absolute giant. This is the first male of the trip that we have caught, an absolute beast. Can you guys believe this? - [Mark] I can't believe you caught it. That was an amazing catch. - What a catch. Well when I jumped into the water I kind of went to the side, I grabbed the side of it's shell, my hands slid down, I held onto the back of the shell and actually climbed up the side of it to get right behind the back of the carapace. And you can see how healthy this turtle is. Look at, it is actually spilling out of it's shell. I know buddy. Now let's take a look at the carapace of this reptile. It is massive and I love this teardrop shape, you see that? This allows these turtles to stay completely streamlined when they're swimming under the water. If you take a look here, look at the size of this turtle's tail. Just like a snapping turtle, male green sea turtles have an extremely long tail, look at that. As long and as big around as my arm is. An absolute dragon tail right there. Now you hear the name green sea turtle and you may be thinking to yourselves, "Well, Coyote, it's mostly brown in coloration. "Why do they call it a green sea turtle?" That name comes from a thick layer of green fat that exists just beneath the bone of the carapace that insulates them between the bone and all of their main organs. I know buddy, you just wanna get back out there into the ocean, don't you? Now this guy's just fine, don't worry. Sea turtles can stay out of the water for an extended period of time. (sighs) What a beautiful turtle. Look at those eyes. Such kind, intelligent eyes. And you may notice that the turtles eyes are very wet, almost looks like it's crying. It's not crying, all turtles are capable of secreting a mucus from their eye membrane to help keep their eyes wet when they're out of the water. This goes for all turtles, painted turtles, snapping turtles, spiny soft shells, even sea turtles have the ability to secrete that mucus. Now you'll notice the beak of this reptile is not hooked. Because unlike a snapping turtle, they're not out there actually hunting for prey. When they get to be this big, they're completely herbivores. Just kind of sifting along the bottom eating algae and sea grass. And the underside, oh let me see if you can... look at that, you see how the lower part of the jaw is actually serrated? They have bolt cutter-like power. That would easily slip off the edge of your finger. So when I jumped into the water, the first thing I was thinkin' was, "Don't get my fingers near the mouth of the turtle." - [Mark] Alright Coyote, I think, hey Mario, why don't you jump in there and help Coyote put the... - Yeah I'm gonna need some help. This turtle is so unbelievably strong and it just wants to spin. We wanna keep it as calm as we possibly can. There you go buddy, Mario, you kinda got a lock in place there? - Yeah I sure do. - Okay everyone, the first thing I'm gonna do is get the length of the carapace. Tra, see if you got that magic tape. Thank you. I know buddy, I know. (shushing) - [Mario] Trying to cool him down a little. - Sometimes what I do with snapping turtles is actually just to place my hand on top of the head. (shushing) (gentle music) Okay. Gonna try to talk a little bit quieter. Got him calmed down now, okay so what we're gonna do is go right from the front edge of the carapace there Mario if you wanna just hold that in place. - Yeah you're good. - Right down the center line. It is right at 94 centimeters. - [Mark] Can you show me that real quick? - Check that out. (scraping) Without question, the largest turtle I have ever caught. Thank you Traci. Alright so now the next thing we want to do is get this turtle's weight. (scuffling) (grunting) Getting the turtle inside of this harness was one of the most difficult aspects of this whole episode so far. Do you guys have any guesses as to how much this turtle weighs? - [Mark] 240 pounds. - 240 pounds, Mario? - 250. - 250? - Cool, okay. - Ben what do you think? - Hey Ben what do you think? - I'm gonna go 275. - 275. - [Mark] Wow alright. - I'm gonna go 230. - 230. - I say he weighs 230. (cranking) And good, turtle's off the ground. - [Man] A little bit more, a little bit more, more. - [Mark] Flying turtle. - [Aaron] Okay, okay, he's clear. - 104.1 kilos. - Wow. - Bring it down. - Careful. - 230 pounds. - Wow. - [Mark] Wow you were right on the money. - I guessed it, 230. (laughing) Amazing, 230 pounds is what this green sea turtle weighs. What an absolute giant, amazing, okay. The next thing we're gonna do, is tag this sea turtle. This one has never been tagged before so that's really exciting for today's research. Where I'm gonna tag it is right up here on it's left fin between these two scales. You see that right there? - [Mark] Now is that a fin or a flipper Coyote? - Ah, I guess yeah, it's whether you a fin or whether you call it a flipper or a foot, sea turtles, and one of the things that really makes them different from other turtles, is you can see they do not have typical toes. And like other turtles, they are not actually able to tuck inside of their shells. Even less so than a snapping turtle. This isn't gonna hurt, this is gonna be like getting your ear pierced. I'm gonna do this as quickly and as smoothly as possible. You got a good shot right there Mark? - Sure do. - Alright big guy, this is just gonna - Now their skin is really tough. - be a little pinch. - This isn't hurting the turtle. - No this skin is like leather. And I'm gonna ratchet down real tight here, ready? One, two, three. (grunting) There we go, perfect. Alright the turtle is officially tagged. And as you guys know, I name all the turtles that I catch. And I think we're gonna name this one Eddie, after the man - There he is - Who so perfectly captained the ship today and lined us up to be able to make this catch possible. I did not expect to catch a turtle this size. I was just hoping that I could catch a single sea turtle. And after getting the chance to stand on the front of that boat and watch Aaron dive in and catch several turtles. I said to myself, "You know what? "I think I can pull this off." But to catch one this size is truly something that I never thought was possible. Biggest turtle I have ever caught. (dramatic music) Wow, what an epic end to one amazing day here in Australia. And I have to give an enormous thank you to World Wildlife Fund of Australia, and the Gudjuda Rangers for bringing us out, showing us the conservation work that they're doing, and all the efforts they're making to not only preserve but also protect these incredible marine reptiles. I'm Coyote Peterson, be brave, stay wild, we'll see you on the next adventure. Alright guys, it's time to get Eddie back off into the ocean. The green sea turtle represents everything that is beautiful about our oceans. And they're considered to be one of the most revered reptiles on the planet. Their sentient nature has made them an iconic figure in the world in conservation. Yet the future of this creature is unknown. As their species is either considered threatened or endangered throughout the world wide range. Still hope glows brightly on the horizon as organizations like WWF and Traditional Owner Rangers are constantly researching and promoting the environmental preservation and conservation of this species. Ultimately ensuring a legacy for generations to come. If you thought diving in with sea turtles was exciting, make sure to go back and watch the episode where I battled the treacherous seas to swim in the presence of dragons. And don't forget, subscribe, so you can join me and the crew on our next low tide adventure. (bear roars) (coyote howls)
Channel: Brave Wilderness
Views: 9,086,261
Rating: 4.7524285 out of 5
Keywords: adventure, adventurous, animals, breaking trail, coyote, coyote peterson, peterson, wild, fantastic sea creatures, sea creatures, sea creature, fantastic sea creatures and where to find them, sea turtle, diving, hawaii, scuba diving, beyond the tide, green sea turtle, turtle, turtles, sea turtles, giant turtle, sea turtle swimming, sea turtle conservation, diving with sea turtles, sea, seaturtle, catching sea turtles, catching turtles, sea turtle catching, rescuing sea turtles, adrenaline
Id: 7c7Oz5yNGkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 24sec (984 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 28 2018
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