Catching MONSTER CRAPPIE Fishing Bridges At NIGHT!! (LOADED)

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good morning guys welcome back to fishing with Norby when I say morning I'm talking 3 30 in the morning slaving we are going bank fishing for Crappie today we're fishing near a bridge we came to see what this is all about here on Lake Guntersville ever since I've moved here I've heard about you got to get out there like one two three a.m and fish before daylight and slam knock Hammer the crappie that's the goal of the day so we got our rods with us we're gonna be taking those out we got our jig box with us gonna be taking it down there along with the bucket I'm gonna try and film it for you guys just to give you a little glimpse of what some 330 slabs look like this is the earliest I've ever gone crappie fishing in my life I'm a little bit crazy I think but you got to be crazy to get out there and do it sometimes and make it happen so I'm excited today I'm buddy Blanton his buddy's coming out you guys will meet them when they get here we have to give them a hard time they slept in they slept in just a little bit they'll be here in about 15 minutes we're gonna walk down there and get us a spot to fish there's already three cars here what is the Deep it's early let's catch him today it's gonna be fun guys there's some pigeons flying around going no way my first cast oh my gosh no way so let's go guys First cast at the bridge it's awesome they're pulling 90 000 gallons today pulling lots of current I guess that's a big player gotta have lots of current for the slabs here we go first one in the morning water in our bucket [Music] let's think about 10 seconds we're gonna have some fun today there he is second cast no way yes we found a little pot of them looked into a spot my buddy Blanton's been hammering him out he said cast right there that's what we're doing today look at that got the double rig jig going let me tell you about my setup here already got two they haven't even haven't even showed up let these cars go busting hear me all right throwing a seven and a half foot ACC stick lose reel [Music] got the double jig rig going on here so got the Shad color on the bottom one 24th ounce with a white head got that black and chartreuse it's a tight lines UV thick solid core tube 124th ounce the double jig rig you gotta have Loop knots on there I'm gonna have to do a video talking about Loop knots uh just allows that jig to sit horizontally in the water looks more like shad ER Third cast guys no way they are on this is awesome let's go this one's bigger than the last two I think he ate the bottom Shad colored one foreign so I expected it to be pitch black here but really got street lights that give these crappie a reason to be here at night and to feed at night is the only place on the lake that has this much lighting with current they just stack up that's three in a row let's go four in a row thought that was good not catch one that cast nope they're still biting we got to give them a hard time when they get here there he is yeah five loaded guys absolutely loaded I think we're gonna catch our limit today I'm gonna shut the camera off till they get here and we'll see how many we catch it's about time you boys showed up half the day's over here jeez what's up Bland you ready to smack them you wake up yet yeah we none on tail what up oh what's up Banks you all smash have you ever done this I have it all right it's the first for me too they're biting let me tell you what we already got a bunch in the bucket guys six in there so far that showed up right after we shut the camera off back in that's how it's done look at that little twitch little twitch twitch missed it there he is oh no bro thanks I got a good something I got a big something Banks just fell in the water good thing it's not freezing today I got something big is this a cropping man 's got the net let's go if this is a crappie oh I couldn't even tell couldn't even tell it might be a bass yeah it's a bass hey that's what I came for right there always thanks man that's a stud I wanted it and get that tangle out in a minute look at that guys yeah gets me a three and a half four pounder are you getting me a pig all right well seven pounder man I bet that was a fight on the crappie gear really oh get him dang it bright thank you it's gonna come under here nice nice and white what their deal is they left crappie left you going please be a crappie Hawaii the whites moved in weird that happened to you yesterday well let's think 15. there he is crappy oh oh it is fighting hard man that Harry is they're gonna bite again man there he is oh he got off good one man let's see heck yeah that's what we're after where are you from thanks close to the land there he is that might be a crappie yeah diecast I came right next to that second pillar real close to it there we go now they're gonna bite the cast right up here with us I got like one of the natural Shad gray gray looking ones on the bottom they've been crushing it but they're eating that blackened chartreuse one too there he is seeing they're biting my uh they've been hitting my bottom one but he ate the top one I guess what do you think on him C9 I don't think so you got the board okay let's see he's gonna be real close hey at least I didn't fall he is nine in a Nine and Nine and three eighths thank you what do you say something nice get on oh dang he's got you behind the piling oh no did you get it nice that's a good one thank you yeah they've been fighting on you your last one took off up the river that's a little better one foreign over here Banks got one come over here that's a good one oh dude he got off of dang it that's probably another bass he broke me off he broke my bottom one off dang he whatever it was hit around that piling and cut me in a second there he is in between the this one was in between the pilings yeah had a little Dead period but that's a stud right there he ate the top one the black and chartreuse hey that one guys yeah he does that's a good one thank you nice all right 10 seconds there he is that's a crappie maybe I can't tell I think so yeah it's a good one look how fat that fish is man that is such a fat fish look at that guys all right lamp found a little bigger part of them we'll take the 13 14 inches all day are those balloons kids pigeons [Music] there he is close to the bank same spot I've been casting at the bridge my first cast back out there there he is another one guys foreign there he is foreign [Music] [Music] foreign that means it's getting close to Daylight you going uh Missing I realized he was caught okay this one that's a five bro hold that second look at that guys that's all right I thought Blanton had about a three pounder hooked in the side he's got a five that's a good one man there he goes nice one bro had a blast out there this morning it's kind of crazy getting out there 3 A.M but the fish were biting they really were almost caught my limit a couple shot of it I think and Bland and his buddy we had a blast so hope you guys enjoyed the video I want to share a little something with you guys uh you I hear people ask how do you hear God speak to you how do you hear his voice how do you know what he wants you to do and really there's there's a few different ways but the main one's pretty simple and it is through his word it's his word it's his voice speaking to you so dig into God's word and you're going to hear his voice you're going to start hearing what you read throughout the day when decisions come up you're gonna be guided by his holy spirit so the in Genesis it says in the beginning was the word the word was with God the Word was God the word is that important in Hebrews it talks about being sharper than a two-edged sword the word of God dividing between joint and narrow like the word of God is truth God so dig into God's word hear his voice when you read it before you re sit down and read this is for somebody just pray that that you would understand the word of God and that he would speak to you through it and just whatever he has for you just receive it as you read the words so just want to encourage you with that today and I hope you guys are all doing well please subscribe to my channel for more videos let me know if you want to see us go hit another Bridge another morning that's super early I normally like getting out there uh in the daylight at least and especially for Crappie but had a blast so I was super thankful Blanton invited me encouraged me to go or I probably would never have have gone so he'd been catching them so that's always easier to go when they're when they're catching them but when you don't know man I don't know if I could do it and get out there but hope you enjoyed the video God bless you subscribe for more we'll catch you on the next one here at fishing with Norby [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you
Channel: Fishing with Nordbye
Views: 748,993
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Id: s1QKnT5KF4g
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Length: 20min 1sec (1201 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 03 2022
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