Catching massive redfish on bass gear!!!

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a week at least driving from Crestview I got it I got a 21 gallon tank oh Jesus oh I got him he's on his own eyes on a trout that is not a trout oh my God I didn't know he took the nudity he knows this look now oh my gosh oh my God my drag is locked down yes I got 18 pounds of drag on this reel [Music] uh maybe not here we go ah come on Oh no you're fine y'all keep fishing oh my gosh he's way out there yeah he's he might be he's fighting like him coming right in front of you perfect oh I'm in front of you he's watch your head watch your head sorry sorry oh he's back back on this side no you're good I can ah oh my gosh this thing's huge oh yeah I think it's the one I had yesterday or close to it oh my gosh I have to go get my scale away oh well yeah come on stupid fish oh my God it's so big oh yeah trying to [Music] oh oh my gosh my arm's getting tired the sad part is I can't keep him he's too big oh yeah oh my gosh oh my gosh this might be my biggest one yet foreign [Music] well my biggest was 21.5 pounds so if he beats that it's my new [Music] hey I'm trying to keep him over here so I don't oh you got one too [Music] oh my gosh Come here ah oh my gosh really foreign I hope you don't okay yours is out there it looks like oh I Gill hooked him I can get him I think maybe if I don't fall oh my gosh hey girl oh my gosh [Music] huge [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] I had it in kilograms [Music] foreign [Music] okay that's right where I caught that big red yesterday we're right where you right where you casting oh oh there's some I think it's a trout oh no it looks like a red it's like a little little rat red foreign oh yeah nice it's a little bigger than a rat come here buddy let me land you golly he inhaled that thing tell me oh oh no no no no no no he popped off come here no sir come here I gotta measure you no come here oh my gosh so slippery no come here God damn come here guys so strong no no no no no no no golly ah there we go that's a keeper size I think I got one at the car oh good if you don't mind 19. oh that's perfect oh you're actually 19 and a half almost 20. hell yeah perfect appreciate that heck yeah the wife will be happy now I'm just like hey man and I was like hey what's up there you go reel in that other one that's definitely a big red there you go so you just had to get a little distracted to catch a fish foreign oh yeah bud s oh see I got mine handy right here if you want to use these ah you might be riding that edge you know they shrink in ice sit I'd sit on the edge of that one right in front of you there to your right where the mall says you got Clear Rock on one side because if you stand on these you're gonna bust your ass I bust my ass three times yesterday yep yeah right there yeah I think he's a lot bud oh yeah oh yeah he's going in the cooler very nice oh yeah that's a slab there dude got him got him yes yes Big Red let's go finally yes yes yes oh ribbon drag oh he broke off no no oh massive redfish broke my hook out broke my hook oh [Music] there's some something small it's perfect Kevin food look heaven look Kevin I got you something [Music] yeah look at how excited Kevin is cool let me get that calm down calm down here Kevin food buddy sorry about your luck I hear Kevin get this hook out your mouth Kevin here you go Bud come here Kevin come here look Kev put him right over here for you ready here he is get him Kevin here you go buddy you're welcome [Music] there's one Kevin dropped his last fish I gave him so so this guy will calm down I'll get him unhooked I'll give this one to Kevin I really don't want to get hooked oh yeah Kevin yeah he wouldn't survive back in the wild anyway his lip is mangled here you go Kevin get him buddy don't drop him this time [Music] someone's chasing me oh I watched him come over and eat it what is it that was so cool that was so cool oh I watched him wake on it and everything feels like a little red it's lighting like a little red staying down shaking his head a lot oh come here oh come here come here what are you what the what is it oh it's a little catfish oh God it's a catfish catfish hit a top water are you kidding me oh my gosh this catfish just hit a top water don't worry I'm gonna release him oh there he goes he released himself a catfish hit top water wow foreign there we go there we go I knew it would bite eventually little trout okay okay that's what he's out here pop in the water hey calm down calm down calm down oh damn guy beautiful sunrise little fish foreign
Channel: Tight Lines with Spencer
Views: 132
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: VX9koOIE38Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 28sec (1168 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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