Catching Giant Mackerel For Food In Remote Australia

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good bloody morning everyone this is about as good as it gets it's glassy as crystal clear the morning's just beginning and I am pumped look at it look how clear it is and oh I just lose my mind every time this happens anyway we're camping we're exploring for a couple of days I need to catch my own dinner and lunch living off the ocean here but also I have no fish at home so I'm after a giant Spanish mackerel fillets for later on or any big pelagic and if that doesn't happen a big reef fish we've got days to explore look look look look look at this BOS turn that off turn that off like that just say get [Music] a wa look at that big bommie absolutely beautiful oh my God we are on it's so nice wa big Ray oh another one look at that down there they are huge another one hello [Music] fellas oh oh my [Music] God [Music] yes is I think it's a little [Music] Spanish oh look at all the bite it is it's a little Spanish ma row no way that means there's going to be some big dogs around the loot off oh my God this guy right here is a juvenile Spanish mackerel too small to keep well I'm on the troll looking for the giant Macky I'll throw you back to I reckon like 10 or more years ago was the last time that I got an absolute donkey Spanish Mac I'll roll the clips on I'll see you back down [Music] here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] don't know what happened oh my gut just went into not before and started feeling sick so just going to pull up here and go for like a little free swim the back of the ski nice and [Music] clear [Music] I have no idea why I'm so sick but I've been spewing all afternoon I just checked the weather and then forecasting a cyclone to form over the next couple of days which is going to bring insanely good weather before for but during I have no idea so fingers crossed it doesn't come past but do not click off this video cuz I feel like this is just about to get insane and I'll see you guys tomorrow good BL morning everyone I am just starting to put all the stuff back in a ski drop the ski in the drink and get out there let's budy go if you've been following the channel I've been trying to land an absolute monster on my PO spere let's get this show on the road baby [Music] woo look at the size of that blue bone oh my God it's like 10 blood a kilo around it's blue it's blue it's literally blue it must be like 25 M here and I can make out the bottom it's blue look look look look look at all those fish I don't know exactly what they are but they're all they're all underneath look at that look look look look right up top there they're huge holy all sharks to of course I hop in and check it out though the drift goes from probably half a kilometer from 20 all the way down to I was in 50 then big drop [Music] off I've just quickly Sho back to the coast this morning I was so excited all I did was grab my dive gear no fishing gear or anything it's a bit too Sharky out there to be diving alone so going to grab the fishing gear get some resupplies maybe a bit more sun protection and uh head straight back out there [Music] oh my God oh my God W it's back the [Music] low so sick oh my God oh my God oh that's so scary oh after that shark look at the teeth literally psycho teeth just found a little bit of ground so I might go for like a deep drop see if I can get something off the bottom oh my God away that's crazy what the hell it's a that was not ready for that oh [Music] God is this is going to be the first fish on this set up please come please what what's see what do we have oh yes oh you're kidding me W oh [Music] oh oh just deal with this guy quickly and humanly and give you guys a look there you have it a beautiful big Ranken Cod absolutely delicious W it's so good never get so a little bit hot just cooked up a fee just packing that up got the car c on Wheels obviously got the ski over there just keep going and going and going until I do get my little hands on a monster M but while we're doing that we're living off the ocean speed fishing ding exploring fishing catching our food literally in the drink right there and just sort of doing my thing watch this it's going to be a big one might actually punch it home pick pick strier up and go for a late Aro Cruise out here refresh and then go again tomorrow Pon oh it's handso hello mate my name's Brody it's lovely to meet you here you go wow obviously he's feeding on the water around here that is cool Bob relax Bob relax [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] see that storm behind me that's not actually the storm that's literally the start of the Cyclone I just checked it's Blue Alert right now in a few hours it'll be yellow alert and by later tonight it's going to be red alert which means I got to get my butt home so the goal is still the giant mackerel but the circumstances have changed so even if I get a medium one or whatever just a size Ma I'm going to keep it cuz I need meat just in case this Cyclone comes through and does what I said destroys the roads or whatever so there's no food truck or anything even for a few days I'll have meat in the freezer cuz I got nothing right now so fingers crossed for a big monster Macky it's just starting to sprinkle now so the rain's going to come soon you can see it in the distance it's like a it's like a like a speedrun challenge against the Cyclone to catch a big Macky I'm in 20 M of water right now heaps of bait in this area the thing is with Cyclones coming down the coast like this the fish are normally really hungry they know it they feed just before the rain shuts them down the wind and all that and they go high just like us humans so there's a high chance that I'll come across a big school of hungry mackys oh oh oh I just seen it this is this is the giant Mac you been [Music] after look at the S of this thing no no [Music] no not sure if you guys seen that in the GoPro but that was the 30 plus kilo mackerel just spat the hooks on my way in he's obviously going to be fine but that was a monster like I'm not joking that was a monster a monster monster fish I won't give up I'll mark this spot this is a new spot I hadn't been here before I was just trolling over it bang I I can't fish here up much longer cuz I got to get in because there bloody Cyclones coming so I have a couple of flicks and then Mark the Spot and I will return mark my words that I'll be back for that fish that was the 30 plus kilo mackerel there's fish everywhere right now it's literally on wa W don't crash it look at that in the rain rain drops falling on me huge tiger shark just there right there it's tur and come stra right at me just then nah that's just amazing and scary that they can disappear that quick it's just there sh [Music] [Music] it yes oh yes Spanish mackerel I've done it in it's starting to rain again this is the fish I wanted to take home it's not as big as that 30 Kil one before it ain't no giant but that is exactly what I need for meat before this CCL but it's only just in [Music] yes yes oh that worked out so good look at that a Spanish mackerel perfect eating size this one's about 10 to 12 kilos just as the Cyclone's coming in after the Cyclone the search for one double that size no three times as big he's back on as I was riding back I forgot about the macki and I stepped in the mouth oh my God what is these conditions man this is literally what they call the Calm before the storm you would not know that a couple 100ks off the coast right now there is literally a cyclone blueing I swear on my life that this is happening right now anyway I've got my fish right here perfect size Mackie oh look at that that is literally as fresh as it gets it's going to go up to my car there I got a fish bag in my car Chuck him on ice and we got to get home pack the house up and tonight on is going to be wild this is literally where I launched the jet ski yesterday and come in when it was glassy look at it now and it's it's honestly only going to get worse I'm going to start heading home and prepare for Red Alert I done all the Cyclone prep it's just sort of gone past us now it wasn't too bad but the power is out it always happens out at my place put the generator running in there and uh we've already ate half that fish between myself and the family you're not scared of no damn Cyclone are you huh it's like 6:30 in the morning going for a ah I just CED my bum going for a swim see T it's deeper than it [Music] looks so just before we head out the back and hopefully get onto a big giant Spanish King mackerel I'll tell you a little bit about what's been going on I've had about 3 to 4 months off YouTube off social media filming or anything behind the scenes um so literally one day I was out filming and it just hit me like a ton of bricks just mental exhaustion and it was real hard for me to swallow because I was out doing this doing what I love and somewhere along the lines of the last four or 5 years they got they got blurry and I wasn't loving this anymore because I just put so many pressures on myself to succeed and to make the best videos ever and and put out videos week by week by week and it all just come crumbling down I'm not complaining because I was working on the tools for a boss not being able to do this so that's what makes it so difficult this is the best thing that's ever happened to me and you guys just watching allow me to do this this is my job now this is the way I make my bread and also just just why I got you guys now it's bit of a stigma on mental health so you got to reach out whether it's just your friends your family taking some time off work to do what you need to do we're getting better we're getting better together but I ain't wasting this glass up let's go count to 10 and it's going to go up 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 h h I no bre [Music] w oh my God God it's huge got oh my God it massive it is massive holy holy oh my God it's massive it's the monster big massive Spanish king mackerel that I wanted oh it's right there oh it's right there oh how how the hell do I land this thing how do I landar this thing oh my God that's it all right [Music] it's only just in there this is how boys become men right here if I land I don't know how I'm going to believe I'm going to have to grab his tail and just like somehow like ye it in this is going to be hectic this is going to be hectic guys [Music] [Music] it yes yes [Music] yes yes yes wait until you see this thing this is exactly what I wanted this is the sustainably catching food for the next few weeks for me and my family one fish they never get this is oh I'm going to deal with this fish put him out of his misery show you guys don't have a big enough esy and I'm so far from home probably have to fill at this guy on the beach oh my God it is huge it is so [Laughter] big oh my God I'm shaking man oh that is honestly the that I live for like it's good to come out and get one straight away but to put the time and effort into a certain species to be selective and sustainable using you know your knowledge and everything to try and catch the thing that you're trying to catch and then like succeed with one of the better fish I've caught on the jet ski probably all time ever one of the biggest fish and best fish let's go let's buddy go let's buddy go that wind has come in I finally made it to the coast along the way I got reception to call Jacko is actually bringing esy Full of ice down and me on the coast so we're going to get this guy on ice but first it's time to reveal actually how big this fell is woo you ready for this look at the size of this thing it only just fits in there all right the time has finally come to fill it this beautiful fish I do not want to waste anything of this so I'm going to try and chop it a few different ways it has been on ice now so it's nice and cool I have not filled a fish like this for a bloody long time oh my God start behind there work your way up hugging along the hard cartilage all the way up to the top of the head there the thing with filin man is that it is a very individual thing you do not have to be fast you don't not have to do it perfect the only thing you should really be worrying about is maximizing how much you get off the fish by taking your time and trying to do it right that's the thing about Fillin and catching fish like this you're doing it to eat right so that's the most important thing and it's bloody fun anyway along the back oh my God this is going to be such a big fillet I'm just sort of like outlining it this is just what I like to do strier dog absolutely loves Macky Tails favorite thing in the world so I like to cut it off about there leave a fair bit for Strider oh I actually also am very interested in a fish this big to see what it's been eating so I am going to open up the gut later on and see what's inside spin it around oh table's going to tip W wo w w sett it I'm going to just do real small cuts down the belly here just like that along the back small Cuts so normally on smaller fish I'd take that fillet off now but because they're going to be this bloody thick I want the fish to prop up it's easy for me to outline so I'm actually going to flip it over and do the other side okay mate jeez again same thing on this side up as high as you can sort of get running along just like that just sort of like scoring an outline for you bit more pressure over the fin along the back along the back all the way down to the end plug it through kick it out for straighter that t she's going to love that when I get home and give that to her she's going to go off spin her around oh my God there's so much meat on this thing oh my God are you ready for this I don't even know if I'm going to be able to lift this oh my God look at that that is an absolute monster slab of beautiful fresh Spanish or king mackerel I man I I almost get like emotional when I do this cuz I love it so much just what this means like like I've been doing it for so long living off this ocean I absolutely love it it supplies like this to take such a beautiful fish to me means a lot more than uh than most I think and uh I think it's really good to enjoy the whole process of this it's what we do we we go out to catch the fish to process it to respect it to eat it and and go on and on and on but we want to look after the ocean or we don't get this makes sense right oh yes just going to check this slabber meat on the ice to keep it nice and cool while I get that other side off look at that it's like no joke that's like 10 kilos oh you literally have a meal by chopping off where your knife can't get that there you chop it up that's the size of a fish this big you know what I mean like all that is beautiful beautiful meat so once you're done just go down chop all that off put it in a bag or eat it fresh fresh is the best you can lit oh no joke literally it's shasham you can just smash it that's it g n that's just ridiculously good proper good like doesn't even have lemon or anything crack it that right there Strider is going to absolutely smash that and love that grab a spoon any spoon and literally just start scooping away the meat all the excess meat Chuck it in its own little pile there and what I'm going to do with this later on when I do one of my Cooks is all this stuff that I going to scrape off I'm going to turn into Macky Burgers that's a big G all right let's open her up after all that it's completely empty we're back down the beach it's time to get stuck straight into this cook I'll explain as we go but we got one hell of a feast planned just going to light these bad boys up right now just F fire lighters I love fire lighters got a little bit of fire baby going right now it's the smoke coming out the chimley follow me down this way here the family over there they're just cruising we got the jet skis go for a spin later on that's going to take a little while but right here I've already prepared some parcels what's in the parcel is just a beautiful slab of fresh Spanish mackerel that's sum of the 30 kilo plus fish that I got bit of butter lemon bit of tomato some onion and I wrapped it up in this alha I'm going to do this one don't go in there guys cuz we're going to find out where whether that huge mackerel is actually delicious or I stuff it up somewhere I'm going to go join the B go for a swim I know it might not look hot but it is really hot spread them pretty evenly better the chickens off well that's pretty good and another one there that is absolutely beautiful they're just going to slowly cook hopefully in it's own juices and combine the butter and all the stuff in there oh I hope this is good you ready we're going to open these up so I'll do this better be careful w w looks good huh than you looks good what's that all right we'll open these other ones up huh crack it open all right we [Music] go want oh that is so good I want that is so bloody good well we going to smash the rest of this you want any merch young blood. that's a buy wrap baby
Channel: YBS Youngbloods
Views: 3,109,114
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qaz7jhAAVLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 6sec (2346 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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