Catching ANIME CRIMES - Anime Police Sketching

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sometimes a anime do crime how do you catch crime of anime you draw them that's the premise of the [Music] show I am here to report a crime this this all just happened to me so I'm going to uh need to get a quick refresher on who I am talking about here yeah so our quick surveillance camera footage was able to get uh an image of this guy okay yeah it it was real bad I was at the street corner and this guy he just walked up to me offered me drugs and then when I you know being a cool kid said no of course grab my oh real distinct look too uh he had kind of like a a pointed head but it was off to kind of like the side almost like a his head itself yeah his his head like like mac tonight well almost but like not entirely like it's not a whole Crescent it's like it's like a slight wave almost like a shifted spear Point almost just the top of the head just the top and it it may have been his hair because he was covered in bandages which was like he has a very thick head too like it's prominent thick head yeah uh like that his eyes were oh God very lifeless eyes they they St stared through me it didn't even look like he had pupils okay and the dude had real poor dental hygiene too uh it was kind of Real gross like he has like some missing teeth that were a little crooked here and there but he had this wicked disgusting smile big old smile and like some nasty teeth so uh how big is the neck the body neck God it looked like he almost had no neck it went straight into his shoulder frame yeah jowls to like shoulders almost like and he and he wore what looked to be I guess what you would describe as like a trench coat okay okay trench coat like like that yeah never seen this man before in my life I think that's the the most I can give you for him all right then I guess I'm done I iess I guess like this this is not bad okay would we catch this man who grabbed my some bad guy from Big up oh yeah I'm going to go get assaulted somewhere I've committed a crime you've committed a crime never mind I'm going to R Stephan I've committed a crime did it again oh my God all right there you go so I was I was walking down the street and I got ConEd you got ConEd yeah what does that mean it means I had an ice cream cone and someone just went by and and she grabbed it by the cone and then she kept walking and then she grabbed Nick oh wow having a rough day yeah a lot of lot of I'm sorry to hear that all right so so woman it was awful yes okay and you know what girl boss her so you respect this person yeah we should have more female criminals okay well what what do they look like like like like in terms of like small I think she was like small she had she had blue hair and she was like she was small small she's got she was like what what did they look physically like like what was the way I can't draw even draw a head cuz you haven't given me enough right now she's got a head that look like a woman's head okay just a crime has been committed average average head average head well actually it was a little larger than her body okay so so larger than average head but like portioned averagely sure yeah yeah okay that's safe to say she had hair look like hair looked like hair can you can you give me a like a style of hair it was hair quality hair how style like like what what kind of hair did this person like hair that went whoosh went whoosh yeah like a like a hair and then it goes like can you describe a person a person shoulder length maybe that's something longer longer longer than shoulder length was it frizzy was it straight was it curly none of those there's not many options outside of those Jesse it went down it was like here so straight hair sure it wasn't curly and it wasn't frizzy so I guess it has to be straight so it just goes down and she had like uses in it whooshes in it yeah some hair stuck out yeah okay so like kind of messy yes okay so kind of messy like my testimony all right we got kind of messy hair uh bangs no what no no bangs no bangs so just like what went up like that yeah and like big old eyes big old eyes yeah she had murder in them I know if we would have stuck around maybe something something worse would have happened so murder eyes yeah okay eyebrows thin bushy the middle of that not thin and not bushy okay just like average all right nose uh I've never thought about describing anyone's nose before she had one small large small okay tiny nose little little little tiny nose and she was smiling smiling the whole time she was big old smile on her face like she had a secret okay we got a smile here uh makeup on the fa on the on the mouth any no no makeup she's very Kawaii that's Japanese for scary I I don't understand I don't even know what that is never heard of a Japanese I've just heard about it yesterday clothes like like like anything going on there school uniform school uniform okay what kind of school uniform like a skirt I'm not going that far down so all right collored shirt yeah like Catholic school uniform yeah okay like a Catholic school uniform I don't know if she goes to Catholic School uh like tie and neck tie no I think I'm done then based on that description yeah that's her this is this is what I got that's exactly what she looks like I think we cat catch her oh that thing oh she has a little there's a lot more going on her hair is so long her hair hold it up to the audience Jesse the the hair you there are bangs there Jesse I don't know what bangs are what I'm not sure we'd catch this person based on that cuz there's tendrils going on in the hair it looks exactly like her you're a great artist describe I'm not questioning myself here Jesse listen don't be so hard on yourself get out of here okay I need to hear about the new crime that's been done to Nick I got to commit a crime okay you won't believe this but I I was in the parking lot and more crime just right in our parking lot right in the parking lot hold on I'll I'll I'll tell you all about it in a second security footage yeah we definitely have the security footage okay there you go I I I found like I was out in the parking lot and there she was just you know I was minding my own business heading out to the car you know I thought my day was done here and uh this girl could couldn't have been older than 12 like she's young so a child uh yes see it seemed like a child she was kicking cats into the road into the road wow so this isn't necessarily crime done to you just one you're reporting yeah I'm just reporting this crime it was not done to me she had a very round head but her hair was very distinctive okay in what way in the way that like the she had this like bang she had a bang at the front of her forehead it it it came kind of like in almost like a a diamond pattern like above her brow but and it was like this very like it barely looked like it had strands at all like it was almost like one solid lump like her hair may as well have been made out of clay another like set of hair beneath the band kind of like came down this way over her ears and her hair just kind of like swooped out almost like it was almost fishlike they they looked she had like this like jellyfish tendril thing going on down behind her almost okay so like bizarre cyan blue she had very big eyes large eyes almost cowlike eyes that were like almost a little bit more like ushaped than ovals like you know what I mean like round at the top but very much pronounced like at the bottom a little button nose almost like a check mark in the front of her face plain looking smile this tight lipped small smile she she almost had a kind look on her face like she thought she was doing these cats a favor or something gotcha okay uh so people size like like relative to the eyes what would you say larger than average again they they they're very cowlike I don't go looking at cow's eyes so I'm I'm not sure what that means all right well you and I have very vastly different Hobbies top of the hair what do we what do we got going on there top of the hair it's like this almost jellyfish like Dome that like goes above her head and connects those little tendrils that I saw like flapping out to her side like like that yeah wider even like those tendrils were out like okay she almost had like an umbrella on top of her head almost okay uh what about uh any clothes she had a she had a very plain white dress on uh actually very non-descript and boring I think that was on purpose so that people wouldn't be able to report her very easily for kicking these cats I think I think we got there I think I think we got there think I think we're done okay the tendrils weren't quite as far out as I thought she did have a hat on apparently yeah yeah that that's that's a little different uh a little different little different hopefully she stops kicking cats very rude I I wouldn't recommend kicking cats I I hope we catch this person and send them to a you know just to just like get them some help that their child like they need restorative justice all right oh boy so I was leaving after telling you about the crime and then I saw another crime mhm I got ConEd again you got ConEd again I was getting some ice cream out of the police station we do we do like sof serve here at the anime police station at at the anime police station I got a a Twist and I was like I'm going to get over the trauma of getting ConEd and then I was leaving and I got ConEd again what are these crimes happening here I don't know I think we I think the problem is we just draw criminals we don't we just put up posters and say hey have you seen this person and then and then if they do they can come and describe it to us so we can draw some more yeah we're not going to do anything about it but um but I'm glad you're you're doing God's work I'm doing my job there was a man he was tall and he had a helmet on a helmet on what kind of helmet like a silver helmet and that's that's a color of helmet that's not the kind of helmet how you think I'm an it like a football helmet is it like a a knight's helmet like a like a man who wants to hurt me that doesn't tell me what kind of helmet to draw it goes down and it comes his face okay is it like Dome like yes okay like a doome like and it covers his face it like it like went down to his eyes it went down specifically just to his eyes yes form up like a around the nose like that yeah I think his nose I can't remember if I can see his nose or if it was covered it was so traumatic he was a fancy lad okay uh what general face shapes muscular like like thin yeah he was probably hot under it hot is not she's like a dude so that's enough strong jaw is that what you're saying it wasn't soft but it wasn't strong either so average average you could use the word average just I don't want to be rude if you think you saw the nose what kind of nose would it be an average nose an average nose not a very hot nose but also not a I guess we'll decide what the average nose is right now yeah what what kind of nose do most people have I don't know okay I've never described anyone's nose before today but okay mouth what kind of mouth uh Mo average average mouth he was dressed fancy so I think he had CL dressed fancy yeah he was he was like a general almost like a general yeah a general of what of being an okay so any any any other distinct features about the helmet cuz like this is this looking pretty bare at the moment bigger than that but like just it was bigger than this yeah there was there was more to the helmet there was more to the helmet then I guess I'm done okay I think I know what character this is but not because I'm close from your sketch I think it's someone entirely different than who you think it is I would draw based on like who I thought it was I I that would be cheating okay that's who I thought it was and I but I can't add those features cuz he didn't describe all right this is what I drew if you've seen this man he ConEd me get out of here try not to be cried Stephan I think someone like took my parking spot out front I think I got a good look at him but not sure okay uh describe him okay real beautiful man you can only see one of his eyes you had it like kind of Squish off to the one side I think uh I think it was his right eye yeah just like that just like that just like that um uh I don't know I don't know you don't know we need more than that are you sure almost looks perfect he had kind of a dead face to him a dead face like he was handsome but he looked like he was through some like some uh kind of Bor looking no uh uh yeah kind of like that yeah okay he had a very unique eyebrow though it was like almost like a swirl okay other end other end of it other end I would just say like a flat like just just just like that mhm stubble yeah stubble okay like that yeah and it was kind of fancy he did have like a a big ass big ass cool collar okay big big big ass cool collar cool guy collar might have said cool and then guy on the other side okay he did have a a a noticeable butt this man took my parking spot I'm not sure that's a crime right he had a very tall head and this guy we we were out there and I mean you tell it better than I do well I was afraid of getting ConEd for a third time today and so I got my ice cream I was afraid I was going to get ConEd I was like guarding it and then he just came out of nowhere where I just pushed the ice cream right into my chest then all these feral cats just started entering the building I think it was from that lady that was kicking the cats yeah Aller it really spooked him then the cats just mauled poor Jesse here was bald he was very bald very bald hovered in scars almost looked like burn wounds from like the top of his head down to like his uh lot lots of but they looked like they had long since healed like what about what about other other features ears uh were ears also long his ears were not long per se they were fairly normal but proportionate to the length of his head mhm they had kind of like a cool glint to them they were very dark eyes very dark eyes Okay an average mouth he had he had a little bit of a sneer to him like not like a open mouth like a open lip sneer or anything like that but he he definitely had like a bit of a Grimace to his face gotcha gotcha um I know he was wearing again this is another guy in a trench coat I I think that's just in fashion right now okay maybe he shops at the same shop as the bandage head dude another trench coat fairly normal looking notse as far as I was concerned okay eyebrows might have been a victim of the burn honestly okay both I think he had I think he had one over his left eye yeah may may have been a college prank maybe maybe he was like rushing or something like a like a what's it called the Cults the boys go to in college a fret yeah I think I might be done I might have over accentuated the longness but weirdly it doesn't not look like him but it doesn't look like him we're going to catch everyone that we've described today you guys let us know which of the ones we've drawn do you think we caught based on the draw we can bring it to Justice with your help would you catch these criminals based on the drawings we made and if so which ones let us know in the comments below and let us know if you want to see more like this with like a broader category things it doesn't have to just be anime in the future tell us about your day how's it been engagement what's life been like lately bad how are your teeth getting close to them goals are you dieting we're concerned about you [Music]
Channel: FourStarBento
Views: 39,170
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tfs, tfs abridged, team four star, teamfourstar, lanipator, comedy, anime, funny, drawing, sketching, dbza, goku, lucky star, big o, one piece, sanji, sanji vinsmoke, nowacking, jesse nowack, nick landis, composite sketch, game, gameshow, mobile suit gundam, gundam, char, ghost in the shell, gits, stand alone complex, gig 2, squid girl
Id: zlXGa61MAwU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 11 2023
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