Catch The Fire Toronto - Live April 11th, 2021

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everybody hello glad to have you with us it's a rainy day in toronto for those of you that are in the gta uh you already know that but for those friends that are watching from all around the world it's a beautiful day but it's a spring rainy day here in toronto and it's interesting because the theme for this month is all the different ways in which the holy spirit is talked about in the scriptures and rain is one of them but that's not the one we're talking about we're talking about fire of god today and every sermon that we're going to be having this month is loosely focused on acts chapter 2 where if you remember the believers saw fire on each other's heads and were filled with fire the community of believers sort of the community of jewish people that were in the city jerusalem heard wind and so that's going to be talked about in in next week by david benay and then when the believers came out of the house and so the fire mixed with the wind people then there was wine and the 120 believers were accused of being filled with with wine with alcohol they've already been drinking and peter goes no no it's only nine in the morning we're not those type of people eleven o'clock people maybe but not nine am people that's not in the scriptures anyways so the focus today is on welcoming the holy spirit as fire and remember john the baptizer prophesied that we would be filled with the holy spirit and fire and we're really privileged to have john and carol arnott our founding pastors that are back with us today and so they're going to be the ones who are ministering after we have a worship time for about 45 minutes or so sandra and i'll come up we'll have some flow holy spirit connection time with you and for those of you that are watching for the very first time if you're watching on youtube and you're not used to us hit the subscribe button and that just allows you to be able to get notices two or three times a week there's new content on our youtube channel so if you press subscribe that gets that for you and everyone whether you're watching on facebook or youtube if you don't mind taking 10 seconds go to the share button click that invite your friends to come and join us for the church today i'd like those of you at home to stand up with us those of you in the room we have about 200 people in the room today that's our our limit and those of you in the room if you'll stand with us as well we're just going to welcome the holy spirit and then see what he wants to do today sandra hope will you pray so holy spirit we thank you that that you're here we thank you that you're in our homes right now where we're at we're at holy spirit i'm asking that you would just come and just move ahead of us lord that you would allow us to see what you're doing this morning and father i'm asking that you holy spirit you would release your peace into our homes into our family situations work works our jobs all those things but father today our eyes are focused on you and so holy spirit we want to just give you this time as we come to this place of worship that we look to you and we just position ourselves and in everything lord we give thanks lord you get all the glory you get all the honor it's all about you everything that you've done it's about you and so we thank you for what you've done here at catchfire toronto and what you're doing in our city lord and we just give you praise and we just thank you but lord this morning we just want to reach stretch our hands into the heavens and lord we just want to begin again by thanking you and praising you and honoring you in this place and so father come and have your way and lord be with the worship team today be with our our team that's in this room lord that is facilitating the cameras and the sound and all those things lord just be with them fill them up in the name of jesus jesus let's worship amen we've known your kindness peace that lasts me on the night and hope that never leaves a fire always insane your love surrounds us you're faithful in the fire faithful in the flood your love god your goodness never sleeps and there's no promise you won't keep time and again you stand beside us you [Music] thank you for the vivid [Music] thank you that you're working when i cannot see thank you that your love has got a hold on me hold on hold on thank thank you for the blessing that is thank you that you're thankful in the mystery thank you that you're working when i cannot see thank you that your love has faithful [Music] keeps calling foreign thank you the river that will not run dry thank you for the blessing that is thank you that you're working when i cannot thank you that your love has in the fire faithful in the flood your love keeps coming it won't give up faithful in the battle you are strong and your love won't [Music] won't stop [Music] spirit of wisdom opened my eyes again of revelation open my heart spirit of wisdom open my eyes again spirit of revelation open my heart cause i wanna see you lord i want to see see you rightly jesus i want to see wanna see see you rightly [Music] open my eyes again spirit of revelation open my heart again spirit of wisdom open my eyes again spirit of revelation open my heart [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] sounds like waters jesus you're beautiful i know that your eyes are like flames of fire your head is is [Music] i jesus jesus you're beautiful jesus you're beautiful jesus you're beautiful jesus [Music] there is no one like you in the heavens or on the there is no one like you in the heavens or on the earth there is [Music] [Music] jesus is [Music] so jesus you're beautiful jesus you're beautiful jesus you're beautiful jesus you're beautiful [Music] jesus you're beautiful jesus [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] jesus you're beautiful with eyes of fire you're beautiful is [Music] jesus there is no one like you in the heavens around the earth there is no one like you in the heavens or on the earth there is no one like you in the heavens or on the earth there is no one like you jesus you're beautiful [Music] [Music] [Laughter] um [Music] there is [Music] there is is [Applause] [Music] here is jesus [Music] jesus oh yeah give us eyes to see jesus [Music] jesus you're beautiful jesus you're beautiful jesus you're beautiful jesus you're beautiful yeah just take a moment just to just to focus him we're not in a rush [Music] he's the reason we're here today he's the reason we get to worship [Music] just take a moment just to picture him right in front of you the lamb of god with eyes of fire [Music] hair white is wool and his voice this sound of many rushing waters here with you here with you what a privilege [Music] what a privilege [Music] now from that place why don't you just let let the praise all the adoration in your heart all the thankfulness it's within just to bubble up and spill over on him just to pour out at his feet the beautiful one the worthy one let it pour out from that place of just looking at him of knowing he's with you [Music] jesus you're beautiful [Music] jesus you're beautiful [Music] jesus you're beautiful [Music] jesus you're beautiful [Music] jesus you're beautiful jesus you're beautiful [Music] jesus you're beautiful [Music] jesus you're beautiful come on don't hold anything back oh jesus you're [Music] beautiful jesus jesus you're here jesus you're beautiful [Music] is [Music] jesus yes jesus jesus [Music] [Music] so speed sun [Music] as we [Music] we need a fresh wind the fragrance of heaven pour your spirit out pour your spirit out [Music] [Music] king and kingdom [Music] out [Music] for your spirit [Music] eyes [Music] [Music] upon our praise as sons and daughters we can hear the wind blowing remember upon our praise eyes the power of your presence for your spirit fill your spirit foreign [Music] pour your spirit out pour your spirit out of holy anointing the power of your presence for your spirit for your spirit pour your spirit out we pray holy and we pray we pray for father for holiness to the power of your presence let it fill us this around us [Music] we pray we pray [Music] we can hear the wind blowing [Music] the wind prophesy pour your the power of your presence hold your spirit up [Music] pull your spirit out pour your spirit out pull your spirit on a sweet [Music] [Music] [Music] worthy is holy is he [Music] singing a new song to him and said song [Music] is [Music] i see and i will adore you [Music] clothed [Music] is [Music] to you the only [Music] is of kings [Applause] [Music] is [Music] we will adore filled with wonder ah struck wonder at the mention of your name jesus your name is such a marvelous mystery [Music] filled with wonders jesus water holy holy is the king of kings yes [Music] is come with all creation i sing praise to the king of kings you are my everything [Music] that last phrase is really the the only adequate response is with all the goodness of god i adore you and those of you at home those of you in the building how about you just close your eyes [Music] just feel being in his presence god's with us in our homes and your cars in this place he's with us [Music] and if you're a follower jesus we can say thank you we can say we worship you we adore you you're our king you're our everything [Music] and our hearts know it's true it's true [Music] i'd like to talk to those of you that aren't necessarily sure that you're a follower jesus don't really know that you've connected with god so whether you're at home or in the building jesus met a gentleman by the name of nicodemus who was one of the the rabbis in israel and here this man who's very educated knew the scriptures left right back forth all over knew the scriptures and he met with jesus because there was something unique about jesus and in there one on one jesus said something shocking to this very learned god lover and that was you need to be born again [Music] even though you can know god and feel god jesus said every single person has to have a personal relationship with jesus with him and so he said to nicodemus you must be born again not should be not could be you must very strong words and nicodemus had a little bit of struggle trying to figure that out jesus explained it to him and as we see from later in the scriptures this rabbi had a born-again experience and became a follower jesus and was born again how do you become born again friends it's really very very simple [Music] uh church family you'll have heard me say the abcs but it's it's all the way through the scriptures as jesus is talking as other writers in the scriptures are talking about how do we connect first of all it's to say i admit that i've sinned and come short of the glory of god romans 3 23 and the bible says all of creation every single person is born with sin and has sin it's part of our dna and that's the part of us that needs to be forgiven that's the part of us that needs a loving god to come and to eradicate that from us because the consequences of sin is death eternal death eternal separation from god and the good news is that jesus came to die on a cross and to take away our sins he took our sins on his physical body while he was on the cross he took our sins into the grave and as we celebrated last sunday he rose three days later with no sin consequences on his body in fact his body was a better body he was able to transport he was able to go through walls he had a what's called a glorified body no evidence of sins restrictions on his body it's one of the big deals about resurrection sunday it proves to us that there's life after death and that god has forgiven us so the a is i admit that i have sinned and b is i believe that jesus is the way the truth and life i believe that jesus died on the cross for my sins went into the grave for my sins and that when i believe in him when i give my all to him give my heart to him my sins were buried in that grave and when jesus rose with new life that's what happens to me i start over again i'm born again and then the letter c bible says this that anyone who calls upon the name of the lord will be saved it's a great word you're going to be so zoed that's the greek word perfection comes everything good comes when we call upon the name of the lord and so friends if you're in this room and you aren't really sure that you've given your life to jesus you can be sure right now and those of you that are watching from your home from your car wherever you are i'd like everyone to say this prayer with me so just repeat after me jesus i admit that my life has been full of sin i've said things i've done things i've thought things that go against god i admit that i'm a sinner and i believe that jesus died for me say it again for me for me for all of my sins he died and jesus i call upon you right now come into my life wash me clean forgive me and by your spirit may i be born again right now friends if you're watching and you said that prayer with us we'd love to make a connection with you right now and if you go to our zoom link which is our website ctf get prayer now it's going to be on the screen get prayer now we have some amazing people that would love to talk with you and pray with you right now now if you're not comfortable to do that the other thing is just to go into the chat and say i just said steve's prayer actually it's not my prayer bible prayer but just say i said that prayer and one of the monitors there one of the folks on the from our team that's watching that they'll be able to connect with you send you a personal message and you can just have a connection via chat right now so i want to encourage you to do that and those of you that are in the room here if that was something that you just said for the very first time connecting with jesus if you'd like someone to talk with you and minister and pray with you right now i want to encourage you just walk around over here and just come right over to this spot over here just to the side of the stage and some of our team will be there and pray with you right now amen church those of you in the room stay standing today sadly was a record number of people contacting kovid in the history of canada in the province of ontario and santa and i want to just pray over you and pray health but we also want to lift off fear we want to lift off apprehension sandra and i went for a walk yesterday afternoon maybe three o'clock something like that and it was very interesting because there's two or three believers on our court and so some of us were talking and wearing masks there was one lady who wasn't wearing a mask that was gardening and here we are and i had to go back to my house i forgot my water bottle went back in and another neighbor was there and i said why don't you come over we're all just chatting and she said no no no i don't want to be close to people and she was if i could say it had a little fear that just being with neighbors that something would happen to her negatively and just from reading the social media friends people who don't know jesus are living with fear they're struggling and there's anger and so we just want to pray that off of off of you if you're feeling weighted down if you're feeling anxious we want to lift that off of you right now in jesus name so those of you in the room those of you at home how about you just lift your hands holy spirit we welcome you to come we're welcome welcoming the protection of the lord on us of good health our immune systems to be strong our breathing to be strong father keeps sicknesses and diseases away from us [Music] and father we're asking especially for the anxiousness that people are feeling the heaviness that people are are having with what's happening to our society how come all these changes are happening and father may the spirit of god come and just bring us peace [Music] i was reminded when we were worshiping about a month ago the power of prayer but you'll remember on the news about the volcanic volcanic eruption that that happened in iceland and i remember there was just right away facebook prayer everywhere and they were praying and they were just saying please pray that the gases go into the sea that the the lava goes into the sea that the the the lava the hot lava does not cross the road the main road from the airport into the city and that the lava does not go into the the main city and so people all over the world began to pray and ask god to blow and i just feel like that's what we need to do right now we need to just ask the holy spirit the wind of the holy spirit to blow this covet into the sea come on are you agreeing with me right now those that are here those that are watching online right now father we just thank you right now that father you answered the prayers of iceland lord and you blew those that those dangerous gases and you blew that just all into the sea father and the hot lava and now these people are literally i heard that they are just going to visit the places where the lava was and they're just oh my goodness look what happened father may people come to our nation lord where whatever nation you're living in right now may they look back and they'll go this is where the holy spirit was and this is where the miracle of the holy spirit came and blew covet out of our nation name of jesus amen good well welcome church family those of you that are here you may be seated church that's at home thank you so much for joining us today uh just a couple quick announcements for you for all of you that would like to be in our meeting next week starting at one o'clock every sunday afternoon is when you can register for the next meeting we are going to be limited to 200 for this month the intent of the new lockdown law is that we stay stay safe and even though we're allowed to have higher numbers we want to honor the intent of the law not just the letter of the law and so we've chosen to limit to 200 so just let you know you can register as a one o'clock this afternoon how many of you like to collect rewards from credit cards from tim hortons starbucks those kind of things yep if you have the opportunity to go into a restaurant and you've got a credit you have an opportunity of going to tim hortons and you get to cash in some of your your rewards it's nice little feeling to be able to have a free coffee or a free donut or those kind of things when i used to travel quite a bit having free flights with air canada always amazing to be able to have a free flight saving thousands and thousands of dollars do you know why i had that because i'd invested i'd purchase flights in the past and every time i do that i get a credit every time you go to tim hortons or starbucks and show your card you get a credit did you know that as a follower of jesus every time that you give you get a credit did you know that churches get credits in heaven here's what the bible says philippians chapter 4 paul's writing to the philippian church and he says moreover as you philippians know in the early days of your acquaintance with the gospel when i set out from macedonia not one church shared with me in the matter of giving and receiving that's what we're talking about as we give we receive it's one of the reasons why followers of jesus around the world are the most consistent and extravagant givers of any faith of any group of society followers of jesus in canada statistics canada says it revenue canada knows it christians are the most generous people in canada period yep why do we do that because we understand we understand giving and receiving we understand how the kingdom of god works and so paul says for even when i was in thessalonica you sent me aids more than once when i was in need so they're sponsoring paul is a missionary and our church has missionaries as well that we sponsor he says i don't desire your gifts what i desire is that more to be credited to your account as a church that church in thessalonica was gaining credits with god that they could cash in when they needed to i've received full payment and have more than enough and i'm amply supplied now that i've received from epaphroditus the gifts that you sent they were fragrant offering an acceptable sacrifice pleasing to god and my god will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in christ jesus to our god and father be glory for ever and ever amen friends here's a practical thing just you may not know this but that passage about churches getting credits this is a tithing church so we believe that from the beginning of the scriptures to the end of the scriptures that god is asking for a tithe and so as individuals we do that sandra and i give a tithe automatically no questions asked just deducted from our salary go straight to the church as our saying to jesus i trust you we trust you but we as catch the fire church all the catches of our partner churches around the world there's like 150 churches all of them also tithe and we tie them to a central pot and from there another tithe goes out to missions and so this principle of giving and receiving and having credits is just consistent in the scriptures and so for those of you that are givers i want to just bless you you've got credits that when you need them you can call it to god and say this is the time i could use some free coffee please i could use a free flight or whatever it is that you're able to get back from the lord amen on the screen is all different ways to give and for those of you that are in the room if you'd like to give your gift today on the way out right by the door is a box or if you'd like to use a credit card or debit machine head into the coffee shop after the meeting thank you so much for all of you who are generous givers to catch the fire amen perfect well church i'm going to invite john and carol to come on up and john if you don't mind bringing the uh did you bring the wipes perfect church let's stand up this is our founding pastors and some of you that are new won't know john and carol as much did you bring the lights off i'm going to wipe this one down for john there it is santa's got it perfect thanks all right for those of you that are new you won't know that john and carol you probably know this but they started this church in may will be 32 years john if i'm correct 32 31 something like that the church started in 1988 made 1988 and they've moved the last couple years to stratford ontario which is where carol's from and so that's where they live now so we don't see them too often and the last time that i asked john to come he was supposed to be here on the sunday between christmas and new year's which was john's birthday was turned 80 on christmas day so he was supposed to be here but we couldn't have a meeting and i i was trying to get john to come in in front of the cameras and he goes no the next time i come i want to have a live audience and it's like perfect second sunday live audience john you're back so thank you for that and they're going to they're going to kick us off in this series about the holy spirit today we're talking about the holy spirit fire next week the holy spirit wind and david bene from the school of ministry is going to be our speaker and then in two weeks dan slade who is perfect at saying come holy spirit and wine flows when dan preaches and so that's the focus in three weeks from now so john and carol welcome thank you so much for coming and uh the rest is yours whatever you want to do oh gosh it's so good to be back steve come on woo lord i just having an awful time not going around hugging everybody but anyway big hugs and lots of loves to you all and we're just so delighted to be back in toronto and john's going to be speaking on the fire woo and are you ready to receive the fire just say holy spirit just i am ready to receive i open my heart and i say lord fill me with your fire and acts it says the holy spirit and fire and we want that fire of god to burn within us just to impart to fill us so that we can go and be effective witnesses to healing the sick to preaching the gospel to loving one another and so i just am so excited about today and being with you and we bring you lots of love from the jubilee in stratford and it's just great to be here [Laughter] phew fill them up lord let the fire come let your holy spirit come oh i'd love to go and lay hands on just begin to yes drink drink drink ah just breathe him in he's all over this place ah thank you lord more let it come holy spirit just fill them fill them fill them fill them all the way right through in jesus mighty name wow this church is called catch the fire because we want you to catch the fire and uh that name came from the very first conference we did following the outpouring of the holy spirit because um we we wanted to name it something significant really and uh we we thought of parties to go um but catch the fire seemed to really really summarize what we were trying to convey because god wants us to catch this burning presence of the holy spirit that has refining power for each and every one of us causing us to be more like jesus but fall deeper in love with him that's that's the whole purpose and so let's all catch the fire and so many of you watching at home today we pray that this message will stir you deeply and call you in all right thank you carol so much can we begin with the word of prayer together lord i thank you that you have such a great plan for the whole earth and for the whole universe really and that plan is involving us calling us deeply into your glory and into your power and into your love and so as we think about these things today give us an eternal sense of where all of this is going we want to be a part of it with everything that's within us in the name of jesus amen right well just to give us some context this morning friends the bigger picture is this jesus christ is planning on taking over the world i don't know if you knew that or not but his plan is right on track and that day is is getting closer and closer and closer and it's actually imminent right now and so we've had coming up on 6 000 years of human civilization on earth it's been 2 000 years almost since jesus was here israel of course once again is a nation jerusalem is their capital and the world trouble is brewing perhaps like never before according to luke 21 and matthew 24 and all these amazing scripture and god has planned for you and i to be able to access his supernatural presence and power and some of the symbolism and some of the pictures of that is represented in the feasts that were given to ancient israel and you know one way you could say it's their feasts but in another way it's the feasts of the lord and so we're talking this morning about the feast of pentecost shavuot in hebrew the feast of weeks and steve is going to be featuring three symbols that that presented when this was fulfilled in the new testament and launched the church and so when we read it in the book of acts we find that first there was a rushing mighty wind and then there was fire that came and rested on them all and then finally there was new wine because they were overwhelmed with this presence and don't be surprised at this when the holy spirit comes upon you there's something debilitating about that you just don't carry on in your full strength like normal this has an effect of overwhelming you i don't it's no surprise if god's going to touch you even in an insignificant way the miracle is that you live through that wouldn't you agree and so these things are coming our way and when we we i want to give you the context first of all the the feasts of ancient israel who who can tell me what they are there's three main ones first one is passover which has three parts to it the second one is weeks the feast of weeks or pentecost and then the third one is tabernacles which also has three parts to it and passover began with a very significant event way back in egypt when it was time for moses to lead the people out the tenth and final plague was this passover and god said all right egypt you won't let my my people go my son israel you won't let him go and so your firstborn is going to take a big hit tonight so the angel of death and judgment is going to pass through the land told israel kill a lamb catch the blood paint the blood on the lintel and the two side posts and so actually they make the sign of the cross over their door and he said then when death goes through the land when i see the blood i will pass over you and your firstborn will be spared it's amazing isn't it now why did that work what do you think i can't wait for the uh home audience to respond so i have to just pause briefly and then give you the answer that worked because it was a prophetic picture looking forward to a coming event when the son of god much like abraham sacrificing isaac the son of god would actually become that lamb just like john the baptist said look the lamb of god who will take away the sin of the world and jesus much to the chagrin really of the leaders in israel he actually was crucified exactly on the passover they didn't want that to happen but that's how it all played out he became the passover lamb and he died right on the passover now that feast had some elements to it there was the passover celebration where the lamb was killed and eaten and then a few days following when um the sabbath was passed the first day of the week was called the feast of first fruits and it happened to be three days and three nights after he died so he he probably died on the on the wednesday evening thursday friday saturdays in the tomb sunday morning bright and early he rose and he wasn't alone there were a number of others according to matthew's gospel that rose with him and that's called the feast of first fruits and throughout the whole week both before and after that one they were eating unleavened bread and that's called the feast of unleavened bread not to confuse you but just to give you that so counting now from the feast of first fruits seven weeks seven sevenths led to pentecost and this corresponded to another event in the old testament where it had its beginning and so seven weeks after coming out of egypt they arrive at mount sinai all right and uh i i would like us to to look at this and uh see what this exactly looked like and so if we go to exodus chapter 19 and and and verse verse 16 we can read the story about moses on the mountain in in saudi arabia and uh i want you to know that this was a fearful incredible time that they had together so go with me please to to that verse of scripture i'll just find it quickly exodus 19 and 16. then it came to pass on the third day in the morning that there were thunderings and lightnings and a thick cloud on the mountain and the sound of the trumpet was very loud so that all the people who were in the camp trembled and moses brought the people out of the camp to meet with god and they stood at the foot of the mountain now mount sinai was completely in smoke because the lord descended upon it in fire say fire its smoke ascended like the smoke of a furnace and the whole mountain quaked greatly and when the blast of the trumpet sounded long became louder and louder moses spoke and god answered him by voice and then the lord came down upon mount sinai on the top of the mountain and the lord called moses to the top of the mountain and moses went up and the lord said then again to moses go down warn the people as they break through to gaze at the lord many of them perish and so moses went and did that and uh then he came back up with aaron and some of the other leaders but here's the point that mountain was on fire uh jonathan can i have that slide just real quick um there is a friend of ours named ron matson who just one year ago went and visited the real site of mount sinai which is in arabia exactly like paul the apostle said and um uh you you can see from the picture is it forthcoming guys have we got that yes no anyway whenever you get it ready just put it up i'll keep talking and uh you can see how this is uh actually pink granite is what the mountain is made of and yet it's burned black and he brought a sample of it back and and showed a a geologist who knows about rocks and things and he says i i just can't explain what this is this is pink granite but the the surface down to about half an inch or so is burned black so i don't know can you blow it up at all that's ron and behind him is the mountain and you can see the top of it is burn black and uh so it's a real place he said it's like an untouched archaeological site absolutely amazing and this mountain was smoking like a furnace and the fire of god was resting on it so the old testament fulfillment of beginning i should say of this looked really really scary and now when we move into the new testament we have a new testament fulfillment of this and we we see that in acts chapter 1 where jesus is speaking to the apostles telling them to wait acts 1 4 being assembled together with him he commanded them not to depart from jerusalem but to wait for the promise of the father which he said you've heard from me john truly baptized with water but you shall be baptized with the holy spirit not many days now and john the baptist had talked about he's the one who's going to baptize you in the holy spirit and fire and in verse 8 you shall receive power when the holy spirit comes upon you and you shall be witnesses to me jerusalem judea samaria and to the ends of the earth and so when we get to acts chapter 2 we see the fulfillment of this and i want to read it to you in the first 13 verses acts 2 when the day of pentecost had fully come they were all in one accord in one place suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind and it filled the whole house where they were sitting and then there appeared to them divided tongues as of fire and one sat upon each of them and they were all filled with the holy spirit and began to speak with other tongues as the spirit gave utterance i think this is interesting when the feast was initiated in the old testament on mount sinai with moses fire came and rested on the top of the mountain to the point of burning it black even to this day when it when the feast is fulfilled in a new testament sense right here in acts chapter 2 now we see fire coming and resting on the tops of the people right on the top of their head i don't know if it singed their hair or what happened but i know that they got mightily blessed woo raise your hands to him say oh lord i want that holy fire to come and rest upon me because it's introducing us to the god of power and love there were dwelling in jerusalem development of every nation when the sound occurred the multitude ran together confused everyone heard them speak in its own language they're all amazed marveled how is it we hear each in our own language in which we were born and lists them all in verse 12 says so they were all amazed and perplexed saying one to another what could this mean what could this mean and so we're wondering what could this mean well it means god is wanting to empower you to be a part of extending his kingdom to the absolute ends of the earth and in order to do that you need to be filled with the power of god and so the power needs to be not so much on a mountain as a demonstration but on you and in you so that that fire can burn and just transform you now this is the very thing joel prophesied peter points that out this is exactly what joel the prophet prophesied in in joel chapter 2. it shall come to pass says god i will pour out my spirit on all flesh your sons and daughters are going to prophesy old men will dream dreams young men will see visions on my servants and hand maidens i'm going to pour out my spirit how many of you are getting prophetic dreams wave excitedly if you're at home wave excitedly and say oh lord yes but i want more i love it when i get prophetic dreams and seeing visions carol's had some amazing visions and we are entering into a time where this is about to be heightened listen god is about to release on the earth the greatest outpouring of the holy spirit that the world has ever seen and it's culminating in the return of christ i believe it's very soon how many want that yes we do and so lord we we just say here we are we want this i don't want the fire on the top of the mountain i want the fire on top of me and inside of me and so fire in scripture is often talking about burnt sacrifices when something is offered to the lord the fire consumes it moses first met that fire and the burning bush in exodus chapter 3 verse 2. and then we see fire in first kings 18 when elijah and the prophets of baal are having a face off and the challenge was build the altar put the sacrifice on but don't put fire under it because the god who answers by fire let him be the true god and so the prophets of baal did their thing all day long and nothing nothing nothing and then elijah said come on gather close to me and when he prayed the fire of god fell burned up the sacrifice burned up the rocks burned up the water i mean uh it was just a day and the people fell on their faces they said the lord he's the true god it was a demonstration of his power by fire and then later that same elijah was taken up to heaven elisha was there said i want a double portion of your spirit he says all right if you see me go it's yours and suddenly horses and chariots of fire swept up elijah into the heavenlies and elijah elisha picked up his mantle and now was a prophet instead of eli elijah but mighty in god and then one time when he's surrounded by a syrian attack force uh his servant came in what are we gonna do we're surrounded and he said lord open his eyes that he might see do you know what he saw the whole mountain around them was full of horses and chariots of fire what does that mean angelic forces were all around them how many want those angelic forces all around you and i am praying lord open my eyes that i might see these things because we're all together too reactive to what's going on around us whether it be covid or circumstances or finances or whatever it is and of course one one last one second chronicles 7 1 when solomon prayed and dedicated his new temple he had this beautiful prayer and i'd encourage you to to look at look at that passage second chronicles 7 verse 1 and following but after he finished the fire of the lord fell the scripture says and burned up the sacrifices and then the glory cloud of god came in so that the priests could not stand to minister i think that's funny this is their big day dedicating the temple i mean it's show time they're on and they can't get up off the floor because they're overwhelmed by the presence and the power of god now through the years we've seen people overwhelmed by the fire of god i think one of the first times was we carol and i were doing a meeting in texas and uh this pastor there just took off and he's running round the room like really really fast and uh so i talked to him later i said so what was going on with you why were you running i couldn't help but notice you were running around the room what was going on he said i felt like my feet were on fire well see if your feet are on fire you're going to do something like that aren't you i remember another time we went to the uk and we did a pastor's meeting and there was like a hundred or so pastors there it wasn't that big a room and this one guy i i don't know what denomination he was it might have been anglican or something but he was rolling and he'd hit the wall and bounce and hit the wall and you know hit the wall and hit the wall it was kind of like one of those early video games you know bowing boing and i asked him after sir why were you rolling now my mother told me about holy rollers oh you don't want to get mixed up with them i'm like mom come on nobody rolls what are you talking about oh she says they do too my my dear baptist mother you know she she was worried if i gets mixed up with these charismatic pentecostal people but sure enough this guy was rolling and i asked him later i said sir couldn't help but notice you're rolling back and forth what was going on you know what he said i felt like i was on fire well when you're on fire that's what you do you roll back and forth hoping to somehow contain it put it out or whatever it's amazing amazing amazing another time i i was in india ministering we were there with terry virgo and some others carol was with me and uh we prayed for this guy and he's he's standing there and he's like oh oh oh and he's shaking his hands like this i said what's going on he said my hands they're burning they're burning they're so hot i don't know what to do and finally he ran into the men's room turned on the tap and put his hands under the tap to try to cool them down i tell you what this fires real friends this fire is real it can be a refiner's fire because god wants to refine you is that okay with you you want to be refined listen like it or not we are on a journey to become more and more like jesus and so he wants to refine us you can read about refining like in malachi chapter three uh verses two and three and around there it talks about refiners fire like silver do you know how they refine silver they take this the silver ore and they heat it up to about a thousand degrees c and it separates the silver from all the rock and the dross they call it and they skim that all off skim the dross off and let it all cool down so it's more pure now and then they do it the second time the same thing more dross not so much but they skim that all off and let it cool down they do that seven times until the the jeweler or the purifier can see his perfect reflection in the silver much like a mirror today where they have put silver on the back of the glass so that you and i can see your reflection and god wants to refine you and i until he can see his reflection back to him in what is going on he wants to let that fire come upon you and burn in you now one last scripture let's go to hebrews chapter 12. and in hebrews 12 we have verse 18 to 27. it's telling of this for you you and i have not come to the mountain that may be touched that burned with fire and to blackness and darkness and tempest the sound of a trumpet in the voice of words so that those who heard it beg that the word should not be spoken to them anymore for they could not endure what was commanded and if so much as a beast touches the mountain it shall be stoned or shot with an arrow so terrifying was the sight that moses said i am exceedingly afraid and trembling but you've come to mount zion and to the city of the living god the heavenly jerusalem to an innumerable company of angels to the general assembly and church of the firstborn who are registered in heaven to god the judge of all to the spirits of just men made perfect to jesus the mediator of the new covenant and to the blood of sprinkling that speaks better things than the blood of abel good verse right there friends the the blood of abel was crying for justice what was what is the blood of jesus crying father forgive them for they know not what they do see that you do not refuse him who speaks for if they did not escape who refused him who spoke on earth much more shall we not escape if we turn away from him who speaks from heaven whose voice then shook the earth but now he has promised saying yet once more i shake not only earth but also heaven and this once more indicates the removal of those things that are being shaken as of things that are made that the things which cannot be shaken may remain and it ends with these two verses therefore since we are receiving a kingdom friends you're receiving a kingdom it's a kingdom ruled by a godly righteous amazing incredible perfect king his name is jesus it's ruled in love it's ruled in fairness it's ruled in justice we're receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken let us have grace by which we may serve god acceptably with reverence and godly fear for our god is a consuming fire wow you kind of you have to really work on this a bit to think about i want to snuggle up close to daddy god here abba you know but wait a minute he's a consuming fire i know but when you have been purified by that fiery presence right there you are welcome this has been his heart and his desire all along so those of you here why don't you stand with me and those of you at home you can stand too if you like and we're gonna get ready to just close this right now so normally friends we sign off at the top of the hour and if you'd like to leave us now and i don't recommend that but if you'd like to leave those of you at home and have someone to pray with you if you go to get prayer now until the bottom of the hour live people are going to be there to pray with you but what we normally do for those who are in the building is we have ministry after we shut the cameras off we're not shutting the cameras off today we're gonna have a bonus time for you today so those of you at home do as john said stand up those of you in the house here stand up carol come on up let me get the wipes yeah she's good yup sandra do you want to toss me the lysol again please this would be for your holy fire to come and rest on us the very thing that gave birth to the church was the fulfillment of the peace feast of pentecost the feast of weeks but lord it happens on a regular basis now it is the father's promised gift that jesus wants to give to you and i so hold out your hands to him steve's already led us in a forgiveness prayer but lord we see your kingdom coming and we know your will is being done on earth as it is in heaven and we want your kingdom to come lord in acts 1 the disciples said lord will you at this time restore the kingdom to israel and he's like it's not for you to know guys not right now but that day is coming that day is coming when jesus christ will reign 1 000 years of perfect peace on earth and he wants to reign in your heart but he also wants to equip you to be a part of his loving family that's going to be bring peace and love all over the earth and so we asked lord that we would be baptized in the holy spirit and fire we want to be immersed over and over again and that glory and that fiery love of god so i pray that you will send your fire onto all of our viewers right here let that fire burn let it refine lord let it bring us joy and peace and life every dark thing is driven away and every life-giving blessing from the father comes resting upon us lord let those flames of fire burn on our heads right now just like on that mountaintop and let fire penetrate to every cell in our being in jesus mighty name lord god holy spirit we just invite you right now wow we invite you to come you were the one wow that came like a mighty rushing wind you were the one ah where the tongues of fire rested on those disciples and lord you want to come with your fire and baptize us afresh with the holy spirit and with fire whoa lord i ask right now that you would just come at every person that is watching right now everyone that is in this room now holy spirit will you come and fill us whoa to absolute overflowing wow lord would you let that fire begin to burn oh lord let the fire begin to come whoa thank you lord lord just move amongst the people lord i just ask that you would give them oh hunger to say lord don't pass me by lord i want to be refilled i want to be filled with the holy spirit and with fire lord the times are short whoa the lord is saying i want to pour out yo i want to pour out on you oh my spirit i want to rekindle reignite oh whoa that has been laying dormant in there oh i want to come and reignite you because i want to use you in incredible ways yes use you to ah bring in this last time harvest use you to heal the sick wow to do signs and wonders and miracles wow and i break fear off we say fear get lost in the name of jesus i take authority over it and i say there is no fear in perfect love wow and lord let your perfect love just come and rest on each one wow lord we say yes to you like jesus you said yes in the garden of gethsemane we say yes yes we do and we say yes to you holy spirit here we are lord wow come and fill us in our heart to you we welcome you holy spirit wow let your electric presence just tingle upon us right now let that heavy weight of glory settle down upon us right now let the fire of your heat and your burning rest upon us right here right now lord we love it lord we we receive it we welcome it we did it in the name of jesus we believe in impartation we believe in supernatural encounter with the holy spirit wow you can analyze it later friends just go for it right now those of you at home feel that heat welcome it yes we've asked for bread he's not giving you a stone let your glory settle down on your people now in jesus mighty name my god we cannot get enough calls that are in you we blow them into fire fire [Music] holy spirit [Music] blue blue the fire ignite turn to your friend and just blow in their belly there let those coals flare up right now and burst into flame one more time in the name of jesus [Music] let your fire burn on your people yes lord whoa your debilitating breath comes upon us in the name of jesus wow follow that wonderful keyboard player there [Music] more lord holy these friends poured in these friends keep coming holy spirit keep coming holy spirit this is your house this is your meeting we want to catch that fire over and over and over again do not pour it let the fire go out the fire on the altar in god's tabernacle and in god's temple was never supposed to go out they kept it going day and night lord we want fire burning on the altar of our hearts continuously let it burn and burn and burn and burn and burn in the name of jesus for your great name's sake fall upon these dear friends at home let them catch it let them keep it let them spread it and give it away that's the one thing about fire it's very contagious provided we got some good dry wood around and something that'll burn burn baby oil i don't know burn yeah just if you're here with your spouse just say burn baby and lay your finger on them and let them burn right there in jesus name burn david oh yeah in jesus mighty name all right
Channel: Catch The Fire Toronto
Views: 2,693
Rating: 4.9012346 out of 5
Keywords: Worship, Praise, Canada, Music, Christian, Spontaneous, Live, Encounter, Presence, Transformation, Church, Production, Broadcast, Stage Design, Musician, Catch The Fire, Christmas, Message, word
Id: Og9hL0iy8vQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 3sec (6303 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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