CATCH & COOK: Whole Grilled Fish!!! - SPRING CRAPPIE!

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alright guys so today we're going crappie fishing we've been catching not a whole lot lately let's go let's go make the most of it we have nice weather today a little bit of rain but a very spring-like conditions so let's go catch some fish got these guys again I'm going to start with the live shiners though I've got some some floats rigged up this is as simple as its gonna get today it's quite no pike pike that's gotta be a pike oh we got a crab on the meat slow start but it's the right start a couple slabs slow pick put on that meat right there man that's a slab crappie man solid 14 inch or 13 and a half it's a good one let's harvest this guy grab a couple more that means life that's good that's pretty good that's that's good right there saltwater guys this is like the equivalent of a corgi or black sea bass something like that that's what I would say once they say what is the exact equivalent I'd give it right right around that ring cold cold rigging and I hooked up again if there's a stump or what's here but it's obviously the meat the meat is right there this one's a little smaller to another crappie that's what we're gonna harvest take it away let's freakin calm and everything it's their temperature 139 all right we got slabs man looking at fourteen and a half some big crappie man full legs too I'm actually gonna put this one back that's freaking huge man this one's gonna spawn out let me let's let this one go I suck man I really do suck it down man all right I'm gonna keep one more see if Mario's around you know some areas around that do want to get them a couple slabs for days slabs for days that's good we got four oh that's good sized ones too not too small I put back those real big ones just combo right here that's a dark matter rod you've been seeing me fish with this for a little while now a lot of the Florida videos nice little inshore rod this type of fishing - available from JH comm like real nice intro rod it's a new stride actually I picked up 3000 strata crown braid on it pairs nicely I haven't owned the strata kin a long time I remember they used to own the white ones I don't know those are old school ones had a couple of those maybe five six years back really smooth rail it's almost like this it's like the status quo real what do you expect that of a good quality $200 real alright let's see what else we can find here I'm just kind of soaking in the Sun right now that's cold man like this spring has been brutally cold really don't want to catch him more crap you really want to get some pike going we find in here so I'm messing with it that's a pike pike pike pike oh man what is that catfish Oh green bass green bass right there that's a green bass right there guessing around three four pounds I don't know this is a bass without stripes I know very little about them weathers taking a dump on me pretty quick man more lousy spring weather that was summertime I'd be way out of here I'd be run to the hills still not good yeah I feel that wind cold West all right guys I just got in the car so continuities a little screwed up those crop you've been sitting in ice well packed on ice on the cooler for day or two now we're gonna go see Mario today is Thursday probably packing up and leaving I mean I'm packed up I'm probably hitting the road Saturday night so Miriam Philo meeting with Mario what else is the things have warmed up so you see me complaining about cold in this video a lot you know this was Friday the last really cold day and then I think it's got nice like today don't tell anyone I just found the biggest saltwater fishing stereotype in Mario's tackle box right here the belt that's not fair I'm going to get the guys some nice homemade wine out of the VAT and he's going through my stuff alright so he's making fun of my bells here we go you know whistling here too now no whistle just to glow in the dark sticks make you so much I kind of like the bells because at night when you're fishing it's like Christmas just Santa Claus is coming when you got that hit yeah that's when I first started doing bait fishing at night you know the oh you know the bad thing is I'm hard of hearing so I really hear these things so I had to put a glow stick cuz I see the glow stick move there's the hole nice nice one look at that slabs slabs slab crap ease your abby's before I actually had ice fishing with the club or go and we grabbed a bunch of them and I we filleted them out and them a bunch of different ways but today we're gonna do something simple than anybody can do this there's a bunch of different ways to scale a fish you know there's those old-school scales that looks like a giant saw and then is the is this thing here which I didn't this thing here which I really didn't think was gonna work I got it for Christmas for manly so it actually works really well what's the magic skill at him magic scalloped edges at all [Music] you know what I also like to do too when you scale is to cut all the fins off we're gonna be grilling this so when you're with an open flame you don't want to have these fins and this fin and you know the dorsal picked pectoral and what is this the corona yeah the back fin um you don't want these will get leaves get lit up and burn and you know cause problems when you're cooking so I trim this off this off this so I'll leave this this is fine you know for the presentation you know of course we're gonna cut the gills out we're gonna cut these nice and then we're gonna stuff them we had a bowl that's what of herbs here we're gonna do herbs stuffed that's getting the nice perfume inside of the fish oh and your sound of the meat it's gonna it's gonna it's gonna be really tight and you can make it at home and you can also take this same recipe and do it in your oven right so if you don't have access to a backyard you can do it in the oven this is real and it comes really nice and then um but we'll go more into that look at this so that's one way to clean it all right let me take these scales off now if you are not well bougie and have one of these fancy magic scalars what you can do see we're gonna cut that off all right well Gill wasn't supposed to be part of the deal but yeah we just cut that right along the line so now if you don't have a magic scaler and you know say someone just bought you fish and you really never made fish before so you don't have any kind of scaling tool one of the other ways I like to go is with us actually spoon this a thin one is the best and it doesn't make the scales fly a little bit a place you just kind of get in there and you work it under the scales no scales flying anywhere from like a knife yeah unlike a knife you know when you get the knife you like flicking them off this actually gets under and breaks them free mm-hmm and don't forget when you know when you're scaling do not cut the fish first gut it after you've finished galley see how makes an easy nice piece of cake yeah it's just a simple spoon so you don't need those fancy gadgets I'm really late I get really OCD about taking scales oh no it's the worst one you see that because like I am want to get every single scale because the door to that fish you don't ever wanna I don't want to bite into one of those scales that's what's the worst I don't know it's one of those things typical gutting technique take the knife rip it right up here not stabbing myself we're gonna rip this right up through the breast I guess that's not going through so let's take a scissor I'm just gonna cut that right in man okay now at this point I like to cut the gills get right in there and this way now well this is all this is loose now there's a bio of the stomach and now we just pull out anything out the other what a fat now you want that cavity intact so you don't want to cut all the way through here we're gonna make this gonna be like a little pocket I'm gonna put some skewers in there close it up and that's it now your klappas ready wallet pins are gone you get this cavity here we're gonna stuff this is gonna be all filled with herbs and when we're grilling this those herbs are gonna steam and that steam is gonna bring the perfume of those herbs into the fish really tasty my favorite simple ways to grow fish any time we're gonna do a fish home you know just rewatch this video that's all I know I'm gonna do and it's always there for you to watch you know freshen up a little bit I do that when I want to learn my techniques my cadence Diggins oh this is a female look at the fish roe oh damn we're gonna grill that up for you Eli we're gonna eat that mmm we got a couple of kebabs going there very strategically placed mushrooms shallots and sweet bell peppers but the little mini ones crudité bar we're just gonna put that on there before we put the fish because this takes a little bit warm that cooks for the onions so this is what we're gonna do it's kale stuck on my hands I'm stuck on my face so what we always do is we always cut these little slashes right across the fish and that does two things one it helps the the thick part cook cook evenly and also when you're eating it you can you know pull apart easier and these little grooves all the herbs and stuff that we're gonna put on the outside they get they penetrate into the into the fish well we're just gonna cut these just just a little bit don't cut all the way through the bone you know I like to put four hash marks in there just gonna kind of get this whole thing nice and even can hope to get this belly there's no meat in here this thin this is gonna cook really fast when you put these here it kind of evens the evens up the cooking time and that's really the best way that's really the best thing you want to do you want everything to cook evenly you want overcooked fish with undercooked fish we're gonna really I mean we're gonna stop this cavity look look we're gonna use a lot of these herbs this is this is fresh thyme mm-hmm okay this is fresh rosemary see now you'd say oh my god he said you know that I know use that for lamb all the time what are you do you know most people don't use it to fish with this recipe it works really well I like to take a little bit of parsley also all right you just kind of bunch that up and stuff it right in the cavity oh this is gonna be a magic trick right here yeah this is gonna be a magic trick watch this we're gonna stuff it up and in through the throat unban right there you want to see what's the herbs disappear you got up that right in there you see how the shrines yeah they went right through I just know my senses are all wrong with all these fragrances yeah that's beautiful it smells great I love that smog breaking all the stems up I was like it's like if you add it's good yeah wait until wait until you smell this fish when it's cooking so now what we're gonna do also gonna take a couple pieces of garlic because Italians just don't know how to cook without calling I can't make anything without it cept dessert maybe so we're gonna put a couple of cloves of garlic in there you know this is all you know you kind of try to slip it in between the herbs and the skin does you want that you want that you want it to cook with the heat it's not buried in there then I like to take a piece of lemon and kind of shove that in there too i stuff this can be a little bit tighter than I expected Oh put that lemon in there too now over here I bet to put one clove and one lemon and one bourbon and one beer so you put that right in there and that's it that's that's that's the fish it's tough now we're gonna take a skewer after I wipe my hands flexible one and you kind of thread it stick it at an angle okay stick it again and and that's it you you you know if you if you really need to tie this down you can put a string around this but these these are you don't the belly is kind of up and inside the fish the cavity and the cut is is not the full length of it so it'll hold itself next thing that we gonna do we're gonna season it we're gonna go with just a very simple dis salt black pepper now one thing when you're grilling never ever do do not boil anything before you put it on the grill biggest mistake you make the relative drips and it just makes a flare-up you oil everything after you grill when I put this scoot when I put those Hewitt's on there's no oil on them everything afterwards that's right that's interesting I've seen a lot of people these do that and everything catches fire you know so especially if the whole fish that's easy with coated heavily you know a lot of the videos the whole port you cooking videos I used to see and that's interesting yeah if you're doing it in the oven absolutely in the oven it's not a problem if you take this same recipe and you put it in the oven you can put oil on it it's not a problem put it on a rack so the fish you know cooks all the way around that's the you know better work I like the salt that's getting really good I I'm a skinny I like the skin of the fish so we're gonna make this crispy and nice I mean if you want to jazz it up a little bit to you can't even put garlic powder on here onion powder and kind of dress up the skin a little we're gonna keep it simple because what we're gonna do is that after this is cooked this here is California virgin olive oil all right the Italian olive oil is very good but we are making some great olive oil here in the u.s. it's half the price and you don't have to worry possible counterfeiting things going on and all that stuff and this is beautiful stuff so what I did in here I graded about it about an inch of ginger who was about three cloves of garlic and about five sprigs of cilantro so and then they squeezed the half discreet the whole lemon in here so we're gonna brush this with that after it's cooked we're going to put a nice little coating over it let it sink it beautiful okay so I know a few people are gonna say to me but Mary oh I don't if we don't put oil on the fish how I mean how is it not gonna stick to the grill if this is the skin it's gonna stick to the grill two things one oil the grill is your girl should be seasoned you treat it just like you treat a cast-iron frying pan heat it up until it's really hot clean it off with a brush rub it what rub it or you even spray it you know you get the spray oils to spray it with the flames off do not spray it with the flames on turn to turn the BBQ off spray everything let it close it and let it season itself and that's it now before it before you throw the fish and what you do also is you grab a rag I like to use grapeseed oil because it has a high of a smoke point but how does a rubber band on here you just take a rig or paper towel and you you rub the grill with a little bit of olive oil or grapeseed oil in this case rub it around get that going and that's gonna help stop just stop from having the fish stick now since the grill is nice and hot you're gonna put that fish down right in there and the same thing that little trick I taught you there I'll take the fish a little bit when you get that down and it'll help it stop from sticking let's put that on the other way the same thing just Linnet let it go like that okay now we have our kabobs here they're nice and ready good charm knows we're gonna leave them on the side here you can keep them warm this side of the grill is off that's it now we're gonna roast away you should take about with a high flame actually got to turn this flame up with a high flame you're looking at getting these probably about five or ten minutes on either side we're gonna put a temperature gauge on it we're gonna pull the fish at 145 and that should be when it's done and that will it'll be succulent it'll be tricky won't be dry it'll be kind of medium to medium well by the time you already made it alright so before anybody starts saying something mm-hmm this side of the grill is off I'm not putting it on top of the fire and this is not breaking the rule that I gave you before about not oiling the fish or not oiling anything on the grill this this side is off we're leaving it here because it'll kind of the heat from the heat from the other side is making everything cook a little bit more the fish is doing really well I wish you guys back in YouTube land could smell this it smells fantastic I don't know it smells like fall and Christmas all kinds of good things this is gonna be divine I know this and now in here is just olive oil salt pepper and I put a little garlic powder in here to kind of kick up the mushrooms so what other fish would you do this any white flesh fish in general I this is my go-to this is my go-to for hold fish pork that looks like porky right now but I do Porky's like this I've done any type of fish that is you know like 14 inches or so 1618 I've never done a black fish like this though but I wouldn't I do sea bass like that when you know the smaller sea bass any any smaller fish blue fish I've done bluefish like this cocktail blues like this like the little ones right you know bigger than snappers but small right and it's just great it just it's a great simple fast recipe that brings out the flavor of the fish if you like the way fish taste do it like this because this is what fish is going to taste like this is probably great little skin yeah that always happens though seems like a little bit always ends up melting off this has a very soft skin also it's not like a thick skin so it was like sea bass black sea bass that also it seems like anytime I've ever cooked black sea bass all you lose a little bit of the skin I'm actually gonna throw I'm gonna put a little bit of oil on it's very lightly so that it doesn't drip down but we can get the fish a little bit wet mm-hmm this looks great that it really does this is the cilantro ginger garlic and olive oil a little bit of salt so I'm just dabbing this on made some lightly so it doesn't drip and give us any flare-ups bloodline they're cute thermometers kid I gotta get my place yeah you have to have an instant-read thermometer this is a thermapen do they make some of the best ones that's reading it 129 that's right on the spine and that's where you want to look because that's where that little blood that's gonna be when you go this one is actually probably done this is a smaller fish how pretty that is I'm gonna re-watch this video about a hundred times of everything in terms of the cooking ones we've done this is the one where I've learned the most principal stuff that's what's important I've learned the most well you know I kind of thought about it you know there's a little bit of technique I wanted to be a little heavy on the technique this trip unless we're doing something easy but this technique there is technique there's mistakes like oiling and the yeah I mean I put the oil on heavy this time now because it didn't matter you know look at that the steam is that that's that's all the smell the aroma of those herbs is permeating the mean because that going in there the garnishing a lot what I learned here smells amazing can you see that can you see that that's smoke coming out of there that that steam that's heaven right there this one took a little bit bigger so she's temping at okay where I'm 47 that's ridiculous man that is the most divine looking crop you ever seen like that man and then we get this here all right so I'm gonna cut a lemon and and Eli I've got a gift for you oh boy I got a gift for you let's see what is this Eli you're leaving and you know what I said to you Italian custom when you're moving to a new home you need a box of salt in the cabinet to scare away the gnomes so realize this here is your box of salt for your new home this will be the first thing that goes in my my cover you have to put in your cupboard first because you got to scare out all the evil spirits here we go that already Thank you very that's great it's the small things like this picked out seasonal yes spinach crap this sorcery when I move out of North Carolina wherever it's a different home at some point in my life I'm gonna find this in the back of somewhere oh you're gonna use it you're gonna love to use it it's obscure salts gonna pop up and we're gonna be like out there a theory goes I'm gonna be like I'm gonna have to show you how to I want to see how you're gonna how you we're gonna dig into this we're just gonna okay we're gonna dig into this huh well I couldn't eat like a servant like sometimes what I'll do there's two things that you want to do um yeah but you want to cut along you get your fork and you get your knife and you you break along where the thins are and you can just pick that up and pull that up and away yeah just loosen it up so you don't get those in there and then you can pick at it yeah you wanna you know because what happen if you don't do that mm-hmm as you're eating it'll end up picking up those bones because that skin is all cooked right there that's as good come juicy it is see this is the thing would you do it up like 145 the fish stays juicy a lot people don't like fish because usually it's dry this is so good business and good this is yeah skin is crispy it's not burnt from the oil flare-ups it's fish is so mild oh it is so sweet a neutral didn't have any fishy taste to it at all it's reacted very sweet to also um sea bass fish it's a little yeah texture is different than see that this is how you put this now I learned this one is I'm always a lot of people including myself or if the I'm preparing whole fish fry Delta fish is easier than that it's no products like the easiest thing they're just flowers growling like sometimes it's hit or miss some some fish are more forgiving like parties it tends to be more forgiving than mine they tend to do better overcook this fish you wouldn't want that if you got warmer you'd get dry yeah it would you would yeah I would totally go right into being dry yeah you wouldn't it wouldn't taste good it would we look like eating a piece of cardboard yeah I feel like some fish are a little more forgiving on the overcooking especially the moment mm-hmm a little more while it doesn't depend if they're oily you want to have it cooked a little bit more you want to get that you know there's like a blanket for fish no like it seems like certain fish sure you know you want to hit it right as soon as that it's the right temperature you want to stop yeah that was great we're gonna keep eating um thanks again to Mario as always awesome just yeah all these videos we did in the last six months doing that has been awesome oh he likes doing this he likes I have a lot of fun doing this I'm gonna miss this guy I really am mom so I'm gonna try to get down to North Carolina as much as possible I may even move there so you'll see me in my retirement doing kitchen cook with Eli alright guys that's it check out his restaurant and Park Slope anybody who goes in the New York City area I have information about that in the description and I think that's about it like the video catch up with you soon this is the last New York one so next one's gonna be a redfish for something weird missing will be a lot of fun I want to try to make it down there for that one definitely the redfish net Godspeed Eli nice good
Channel: EliasVFishing
Views: 427,669
Rating: 4.741384 out of 5
Keywords: catch and cook, crappie, fishing, cooking fish, trout recipe, fish recipe, fish tacos, how to grill fish
Id: 8nsprJ-lEeY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 26sec (1946 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 15 2018
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