CAT 2024 Complete VARC Strategy | Shabana Shahab #cat2024

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hey everyone good afternoon I can see myself online so I think even you can see and hear me confirm go guys jii so we can get started with the session new Learners cat 2024 new Learners yes I can see you all there great welcome to the session everyone so why have we assembled here today it's just to discuss a few things related to your VC preparation maybe you are starting your prep now or maybe you started two months back and then you left it because of college exams or some wedding or some trip or something and now you want to resume that preparation so are you feeling lost you are wondering where to start H that's why I'm sitting here with you today I'm just going to give you a road map on how to go about your prep it will guide you guys it will show you the goals clear goals and yes one tip before we start break down your big goal into various small goals it becomes very very easy for you okay we'll talk about that in a moment from now first let me show you the quick announcement Sonia hi yes I can see you okay this is the big discount that's going on 20% off straight 20% off on your subscriptions so in case you have uh decided to start the prep now take this or in case your subscription is getting over you want to renew it go for this okay so 22,400 is the price that we pay for 14 months of Plus subscription iconic it's 35,200 Plus or iconic me okay so that's done in case you're taking 18 months you get 5 months extra so that works out to 23 months and for that you pay almost like 30,000 okay this is done you can use my referral code Shabana live s h a b a n a l i v e in case you are taking a subscription and making the most of this offer uh H done okay so these are our Toppers our winners Achievers you could be the next person on this panel please give us a chance to help you prepare for cat it is a prestigious exam you are trying to do MBA you are aspiring to do MBA don't get uh distracted by certain things along the way people will lot of people will come and people will say you know but please stay put on the track keep an keep a firm eye on the goal guys MBA to help uh help yourself give yourself a chance come on to the platform and you could be the next person on this Banner zero to Zenith batch 17th start I'm going to be there as part of this batch course what happens in a badge course you get to do all the topics of on the syllabus all right without any hassle okay we are done with all these yes the referal code that you need to use is Shabana live s a na Li I'm done okay cat 2024 here's the road map for you broken down into simple parts I'll take only 15 minutes of your precious time and ask after that you will feel enlightened okay so let's get started now what do you need to remember Rome wasn't built in a day you are doing VC you are doing you're building up a language it's different from QA and D LR you can even ask qadr Educators they will confirm the same in their subjects what happens you get some formula you get to practice okay let's say one educator comes along he gives your shortcut okay shortcut you apply it to your questions and you'll be able to solve 10 questions based on those shortcuts that doesn't happen in VC unless you build up a certain level of reading take so here we are talking about a language so please everyone including rishikes Nisha Sonia chayan Gori please bear it in mind unless you build up a certain level of reading all these techniques and concept conepts that I teach you in the class are going to be of no use at all all right so next one how much time do I need now first decide your level check your level that is why I keep giving you these short tests tests for assessments and we also have these um short scholarship tests so you need to check your level if your level is very weak you need 7 to8 months yes you can complete VC in 7 to8 months even if your level is weak if your level is average 5 to 6 months I would say safe five months if your level is good you don't need a day more than three months okay how do you check your level you come to my classes you take a short test and you assess your level grammar RC VA part be you need to find out where you stand and please let's all be honest with ourselves sometimes we tend to be [Music] delusional just be open just I need some help from my Educators and then start preparing got it guys H good evening Kesha good to see you okay topics on the syllabus let's get clear about these things VC syllabus actually reading comprehension you get four passages okay on the D-Day 16 questions that means four questions per passage reading comprehension takes the Lion's Share that means 16 questions out of a total of 24 questions and you need to do well in reading comprehension why because it's a very doable area parajumbles in which four to five sentences are given and they are shuffled you have to reshuffle them and form a coherent paragraph you've got Paras summary Paras summary paragraph the question will be please uh uh give us the best summary for this so which sentence which of the following op options brings out the summary the best summary we have critical reasoning parac completion odd one out grammar fallacies fallacies of reasoning and figures of speech now you will be covering all these topics as part of your batch courses or even if you follow a particular educator for your VC so let's say you decide to follow me I will be giving you all these topics but there is a difference that you need to understand batch courses may you get all the topics but in a basic way basic plus a little bit of practice if you follow a particular educator let's say you follow me for VC you will get reading comprehension in 10 different ways okay all the subtopics of reading comprehension come up to you in a in the form of a course yes BMW what happened scored well in VC only 90.7 8 percentile forced to repeat once again okay so wanted to thank you for helping me mean BARC a section where I had absolutely no clue yes BMW I remember you very well you used to sit even for my editorials and other Wht sessions thank you so much for the appreciation you actually made my day trust me guys every educator needs your appreciation and thank you for these kind words so go for it once again and maintain your scores in VC well done okay coming back to the topics I I was discussing the topics now if you ask my two cents on this you are starting now get started with two topics promise you this is going to work wonders for you instead of focusing on all the topics and getting confused about it like shab just pick any two topics if you have to set the ball rolling with two topics I'll tell you reading comprehension and short summary get started with these two next month you can give yourself two more topics so Feb already 15 days are over I would suggest whole of March give yourself the whole of March to reading comprehension and short summary I'll give you the pairs reading reading comprehension and short summary okay next pair can be par jumbles and odd one out okay the next pair can be parac completion and you can put critical reasoning along with it okay or maybe you can put grammar along with it so two topics at a time just pick and you go ahead with that okay this will help you okay now topics not on the syllabus yet very important reading you have to do 30 to 40 minutes of reading every day so if you're starting your prep now clear everything out you know just like we do spring cleaning of the home clear your mind start with two topics I said reading comprehension and short summary give yourself one month for every two topics every pair that you pick up but your short summary reading comprehension parac completion odd one out par jumbles all these depend on your level of reading so the first thing is get started with reading 30 to 40 minutes of reading is what you should give yourself daily okay I'll give it to you right now basic level zero level philosophy today history today okay mint m i n t Times of India Hindustan times I'll repeat philosophy today history today Times of India Hindustan times me doesn't matter right okay so these are basic them easy sources if you have a slightly better level you can start reading uh Scientific American I hope you're listening and noting down moderate level Scientific American Smithsonian Eon a e o n but don't read the whole of eon essays just read three to four paragraphs you will do well startings I'll repeat Scientific American Smithsonian Eon and you can read a little bit of maybe Telegraph BBC and Economist EC n i e o n o m i s Economist all right if you are somebody of a very good level you can start reading Atlantic a t l n t i c you can read uh the guardian you can read New York Times and you can read the whole of eon essays or maybe other sources that you have okay so I have given you these sources be very particular about your reading how do you build up vocab vocab is very important because without vocab you won't be able to understand the RC's that you get on the D-Day so start reading and by way of reading start remembering the words and phrases that you come across please do not try to mug up the words do not try to cram too many words into your head because after 10 days or so you will forget the entire lot all right so just learn vocab pick nice words interesting words and phrases while you're reading next how to read what to read I gave you this make a list of reading sites make a list of reading topics in case you want that work to be done for you join my telegram Channel come to one of my classes I'll give you the link for the telegram channel on the telegram Channel I have given you a list of read sites and a list of reading topics also topics 20% tips RC Basics I did in October 2023 get started with that course that will give you the entire insight into rcing skipping process of elimination everything you'll get to understand in that course that's a plus course that I did in October 2023 that is for 2024 so I started my batch the entire preparation Journey for 2024 in October last year go and check that course next one editorial session on Tuesday Thursday and Saturday I do this 20 minute thing every Tuesday Thursday and Saturday I take up an editorial or an opinion piece or a column or a just an article and I do an analysis on Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturdays what do we do in those sessions we take the Crux tone and flow what how will this help you this will help you understand exactly how to go about your RC passages on the dday how to read less how to understand more so that you can save time and the last tip is read for long-term benefits if you read every single day keeping that goal in mind cat RC you will get bored very soon you will absolutely fall out of line on the other hand if you think I'm going to read just so that I can feed myself things I want to know this I want to know this I want to know this I want to know this so I'm going to read and if I read more I'll be a better Communicator if I read more more I'll be able to give my inputs while I'm writing my essay while I'm write while while I'm doing my Pi personal interview any topic that comes up I'll be able to give my inputs so read with long-term benefits in mind you will stay motivated every single day and you will feel like taking out a site and reading yes thank you so much BMW I'm glad that you followed those things and scored well thank you so much and I sincerely hope others get inspired by what you are saying okay guys vocabulary the Evergreen vill G feel vocabulary okay but vocabulary can't be built in a day as I said earlier mugging will not help so please if you see advertisements a 3,00 and I can make you Crum those words but the thing is retention you will not be able to remember the words after a period of time got it that is why I'm absolutely against mugging and cramming in a day not more than three to four words words or phrases or idms whatever and pick them while you're reading do not open the dictionary and try to eat the dictionary lick the dictionary word power Made Easy by Norman Lewis is a very good source to get started Baron's list which is easily available on Google is another source a good source to get started these are two tips from my end all right Shivam cool next tips learn phrases not individual words this is for vocabulary I'm telling you connect and write on a page check my vocab courses I'm going to come up with vocab courses one every month all right this is related to VAB now pause here there's a reminder just the syllabus will not help you what do I mean by this means you have those topics on the syllabus I showed you those but if you just stick to those topics and if you continue doing classes classes practice courses it's not going to help you what you need is that extra dose of reading that I told you if you are doing the courses and classes 30% and reading 70% you you will crack cat if you inverse it you are doing reading 30% and classes and courses 70% you may not be able to crack it because VC depends absolutely on your comprehension power your interpretation power your the ability to draw inferences and the ability to mark your answers correctly so just the syllabus sticking to the syllabus joining every class thinking question that will not help you increase your Gan widen your base expand your horizons okay now batches or individual Educators be important Point benefits of batches absolutely wonderful they give you Clarity you join the batch we are starting it on 17th 0 to Zenith you will get all the topics that I showed you that's fine but if you follow an individual educator along with that like you identify that for VC you want to follow me what happens I will give you various different ways different techniques different ways different courses besides the basic stuff that's given as part of the batch course so I have got a whole VC calendar my VC calendar month after month the courses that will come up everything is neatly listed where will you find the calendar you need to join my telegram Channel where the calendar is pinned you can take the calendar those are plus courses okay so if you take the calendar you will be able to see so you can take a six Monon subscription maybe or a one year subscription accordingly getting my point so that VRC calendar is there on the telegram Channel and every month I have listed out the courses in a very nice organized way okay by June your syllabus will be complete so what are we going to do after June eat drink make Merry no we are going to focus on time okay how many educator Educators should you follow please do not follow more than two for every subject for VC if you want you can follow two otherwise stick to one because even if we talk about RC every educator has a different way of teaching RC what will happen you do classes you go to some other Educator's classes you mix everything k p explode right so how many Educators two Educators per subject but please divide the topics let's say RC and short summary you think I'm going to follow one educator for these verbal ability portion par jumbles uh par jumbles um odd one out par completion educator follow you can do that so clearly divide the topics all right okay how to go about the topics topics topics on the syllabus and off the syllabus Basics plus practice make a list of your topics okay put that list on the wall near your study table keep checking them off how reading comprehension reading comprehension Basics and maybe 100 questions for practice think clearly so Basics shab let me go back and check the now m' is doing inferences even if you don't do practice on your own I guarantee you that is going to be good enough for okay so for every topic all of you should remember Basics plus practice Basics plus practice take life classes and self- practice attend a few life classes because you get the Y from the Educators and self practice sources are there from where you can practice I'm coming to that practice take up your weak topics first so if you are a repeater and you know that you're weak in RC do not start with others get started with the with the weak subject and then gradually move on to the subjects that are more in control got it this is clear okay the second leg of your prep Journey what should you do time based prep okay sectionals mocks overcome your fear and do some Advanced courses so on my VRC calendar you'll see there are various Advanced courses after June those will be focused more on time management okay and higher level questions so this should be your second leg so first leg of the journey May Basics practice Basics practice reading vocab I'll repeat Basics practice reading vocab topic that is how you're going to proceed fine second leg of the journey it's clearly written over there sources for practice now notes you have got notes as part of your subscription on your app you have it so just go to your app an academy Learners app at the bottom you will see self study click on that self study you'll get notes notes May VC VC take up any topic that you want done pyqs the best source for practice at least 20 2017 to 2023 should be covered without any fail I'll repeat 2017 to 2023 that material is easily available on Google okay and posted in the group there are various sites that I keep posting on the channel telegram channel for reading comprehension there is GMAT material so GMAT RC directory GMAT CR directory you can just go to those sites they are freely available on Google and you can practice from there those are very reliable sites got it that's it I uh I request all of you get started with your prep guys it's uh February there will be a lot of impediments along the way you will be getting off track many a time so do not take it for granted that I'll start in August and complete it in three months VC build up if your level is weak so the journey the the guide that I gave you the path that I showed you please pick that and in a nutshell if I have to say till June try to complete your syllabus by doing Basics and practice and July onwards try to focus more on sectionals Mock and time management plus higher level questions I hope all that is clear now the house is open to questions tell me if you have any doubt lingering on your mind yes guys anything peeps no doubts I can see everything is clear okay then we'll wrap up and I'm going to meet you later we have got a special class today at 8:00 that will be on critical reasoning so in case you are a newcomer and you're just you're planning to learn a little bit of critical reasoning Basics you can join me for that session I'm going to see you guys okay
Channel: Unacademy CAT
Views: 3,972
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cat varc strategy, cat preparation strategy, varc strategy for cat, cat 2024 preparation strategy, cat quants strategy, varc strategy, varc cat strategy, cat varc preparation strategy, cat 2024 varc strategy, strategy, cat mock strategy, cat 2024 preparation, cat 2024, cat exam preparation, cat 2024 preparation plan, best cat preparation, cat preparation, cat entrance exam preparation, cat 2023 preparation strategy, verbal ability, CAT 2024 Complete VARC Strategy
Id: lq_Uo0uf99A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 47sec (1487 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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