Casual's Guide To Boss Mules : MapleStory Reboot Guide

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so you're stuck in the mid game and want to know how to make boss mules welcome to the casuals guide to making boss mules up to crra Why make boss mules moving past the mid game requires 20 star items and they can be quite expensive boss mules are a consistent and easy source of getting a lot of msos without devoting too much time every week plus it helps out with Legion you will have to fund these characters but in the long run you'll make it back and get some more out of it a fair warning is that there are better boss meal classes that will take less to fun compared to others so I'd look at a chart or video ranking them also my Legion and Link skills will differ from yours so the results May Vary a little so with that out of the way let's get into the guide to start off I would get your character to level 210 to 220 this way you have a lot more skill points into the hyperstat page and also the powerups from fif job getting to that point any equipment can do I usually just stick with penciler gear until I switch it out a bit later for the face and eye accessories you can get the condensed power Crystal and the Aquatic letter I from normal zakum to fill out the pocket slot and belt pink bean will drop the pink holy Cup and the golden Clover belt there is a chance for the black bean Mark to drop so if it does for you I would switch it out for The Aquatic eye accessory because of the larger StarForce potential chaos horntail is up next dropping the Silver Blossom ring chaos horntail necklace and Deus earrings filling up a ring pendant and earring slot Bon Leon will be the main boss because we are going to need the entire Royal Bond Leon set only the hard mode will drop gear but the normal mode can drop coins which you can change for the GE the set is my go-to to making bossing meals it's really easy to get the Flames are crazy on them and the set effect is great the plus 30 attack and the 20% boss damage is the main selling point it is a lower level than the penciler equips but I prefer it because of the set effects and Flames when you get 10 accessories you can trade it into ifia to get the noble ifia ring filling up another ring slot you do have to finish the Von neon quest line on the character to obtain it the normal ifio ring can also still be equipped so you can use it as a fill for the last ring slot you can get the treasure Hunter's John ring from the NLC coin shop all you need to do is follow the public safety quest line until you get the one coin as your reward normal arcarum drops the mechat and Dominator pendant the mechor pendant drops every fight so I'd use it in your secondary pendant slot if you manag to get the dominer pendant I would swap it with the chaos hornel pendant lastly before any of the harder bosses defeating normal Magnus will drop the crystal Ventus badge and the royal black metal shoulder easy Magnus can do the same but I think the drop rate is lower with that all your slot should be filled and you should also get the boss accessory set effect for the boss drops plus 45 all stat plus 30 attack and 10% for both boss damage and ignore enemy defense when you're happy with your equips epic all of them and get at least 6% main sty on every item you can do this from buying epic potential Scrolls from Legion only two every week or rank them up with mystical cubes it may take a while with the cubes though also star for them all to 10 to 12 Stars for your emblem weapon and secondary I would recommend that they're at least unique to get the higher percentages try to get two lines of attack on any item and mix and match boss damage and IED depending on what you need for CRA having around 85% IED or higher is optimal for doing damage at the end of the day you have to tweak and figure out what amount of each is best for your character if you get any of the princess no accessories you should equip it not necessary right now but nice to have with all your equips you should be able to take on all the cles up to the three doors of CRA I've noticed that if you have around 8,500 main stat the three doors should be doable without too much trouble once you get enough fragments I would make the CRA hat top and bottom a fun fact is that you can use the transfer Hammer to transfer your bonon hat to a pelier hat then to the c one so you can keep the Epic potential and a couple of stars I would also recommend keeping the CRA 3 set to Unique with two lines of main stat just due to the fact that you will not be replacing these and you're going to need the stats for vellum with that you should be able to take down hard Magnus it got a lot easier because of the removal of buff freezers so no need to rebuff Magnus can drop a Tyron cape and has amazing stats so you should replace the Von the on one Magnus will also drop nine Magnus coins after a couple of weeklys you can exchange them for any Tyran equip all that's left is Vellum you'll probably struggle versing Vellum for the first time but if you manage to beat him congrats if you don't you just need to learn the mechanics more and alter your equipment little by little until you're able to win I've noticed that 10 K main stat usually does a trick remember don't forget about the IED 85% and above should be pretty good once you beat Vellum and are able to get 15 pieces of Destruction make your fafner weapon and it should be way easier every week and that's the guide hopefully it helped you out and gave you a general direction on the equipment path Bellum is really hard don't get too discouraged it'll take time but you'll eventually beat it once you get those 15 pieces it is smooth sailing good luck out there and have fun see you in the next one
Channel: Saigrin
Views: 23,990
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MapleStory, Reboot MapleStory, MapleStory Guide, Boss Mule Guide, CRA, Chaos Root Abyss, Boss Mule
Id: sYWtmKcN1uM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 3sec (303 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 12 2023
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