Casually Explained: High School

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" fact, science has shown it isn't until the age of 25 that your brain finally starts to develop.

Until then it's just empty space inside your skull where stolen mannerisms and personality traits bounce around aimlessly until they randomly pop out during conversation in response to anxiety."

This is my new favorite quote from him

👍︎︎ 56 👤︎︎ u/imhomenobodybotherme 📅︎︎ Feb 25 2021 🗫︎ replies

Oh good, he is still alive. Or the computer had seized control of his corpse and is making videos in an attempt to communicate with us.

Either way glad to see a new Casually Explained! Always good for a chuckle, giggle, or chortle.

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/wicker_warrior 📅︎︎ Feb 25 2021 🗫︎ replies

I'm sorry but that sketchers joke was perfect holy shit.

It's weird watching these now that I'm out of high-school, I'm not so far removed to have major life revelations, but a lot of what he said hits so close to home when you're in that environment and everything feels the way that it does, and then you look back and think it really wasn't that big of a deal or you were being dramatic, but you still remember how important those insignificant moments felt and really the effects of people not liking you or saying something embarrassing or not doing something and realizing in the future that it was a missed opportunity.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/ChowderedStew 📅︎︎ Feb 25 2021 🗫︎ replies

Every time I think, "okay I'm not sure if Casually explained is still going to be relevant a decade later.." But then he releases a new video and I remember that yes, he has always been relevant.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/UnSafeThrowAway69420 📅︎︎ Feb 25 2021 🗫︎ replies

That ending was bleak.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/duhellmang 📅︎︎ Feb 26 2021 🗫︎ replies

My memories of high school:

Getting stoned on the bench behind the school during class waaaay to obviously.

Realizing girls would touch me if I was nice to them.

Trying to hold in farts.

Everything else is a blur until graduation.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/SquishedPeter 📅︎︎ Feb 26 2021 🗫︎ replies

Advice on student loans was a nice touch. Also I really wished people had hammered home the 'just ask the girl out' mantra. Like it doesn't matter, you're wasting time, just go do it.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/ActiveFrontEnd 📅︎︎ Feb 26 2021 🗫︎ replies

Whooh truely unbelievable!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/apple123pie 📅︎︎ Feb 26 2021 🗫︎ replies
bloop sponsored by expressvpn now the whole point of high school is pretty simple it's four years of exposure therapy for your host of teenage insecurities mixed in with a few facts about cell division during this time you're trying to answer the important mortal questions in life like who am i who are my true friends what do i want to contribute to the world what does a boob feel like all questions you'll likely never find the answer to so one thing everyone tells you in high school is to be yourself but the problem is when you're 16 pretty much the only thing you care about is trying to be like everyone else nevertheless what they really mean is you should go out and pursue the things that you enjoy so you can figure yourself out the problem is that during high school other kids can be harsh and judgmental and make you feel like the hobbies and activities you enjoy make you lame and uncool fortunately this completely changes when your adult because people are lonely and keep their thoughts to themselves when you're in high school your mind is young and impressionable and therefore incapable of nuance if someone laughs at your joke now you're the class clown if your crush gets a boyfriend now you're alone forever and if some kid makes fun of your sketchers time to start writing the manifesto as a teenager this is the first time you really start to build a personal identity for yourself and in high school this is pretty low resolution athlete jock stud gamer whatever you prefer to call yourself as you probably know a lot of adults tell you that high school doesn't really matter so you should just enjoy it and that's true in the sense that there are hundreds of people you're never going to see again so you do get a hard reset on the time you said orgasm instead of organism or when you're in geography class and mispronounced niger but what that doesn't mean is that you shouldn't care about high school because unresolved experiences and insecurities from your youth can affect you for your entire life for example one time i got rejected by a girl and now i have 200 000 reddit karma now a lot of teenagers think they're invincible but i personally didn't get that at all i remember kids were doing drugs getting girls pregnant and [ __ ] up the rest of their lives while i was at home studying videos of how to order at subway it is true though that no matter what you are going to do a lot of stupid stuff in high school and this is because your brain hasn't fully developed yet in fact science has shown it isn't until the age of 25 that your brain finally starts to develop until then it's just empty space inside your skull where stolen mannerisms and personality traits bounce around aimlessly until they randomly pop out during conversation in response to anxiety of course during high school you mostly finish going through puberty which means you unfortunately stop growing in both height and length through the process of puberty your body becomes fully biologically capable of reproducing you know just in case now one of the most important things in high school is dating because for most people that's when you have your first relationship the thing is it can be really scary asking someone out because you've never done it before but it's really a pretty straightforward process all you have to do is glance at your crush during class every now and then make eye contact at some point and then you just fantasize about your relationship for the next three years until they start dating someone else the good news is that by the end of high school you've been around your classmates for nearly a quarter of your whole life so everyone has already made their mind up if they like you or not so the fear of getting rejected really doesn't make any sense in this context because if you ask someone out and they say ew no it's not like they just decided that the moment you asked them out they've been thinking that for years in general dating is difficult in high school because when you're a teenager you don't really have any life experience so there's not much to talk about and you might be thinking what if we go on a date but they don't like me for who i am like bro when you're 16 you don't either so just leave it to your mutual fear of dying alone one of the best parts of high school is graduating because you think to yourself damn i was really stupid those last four years glad i finally get it now and yeah that's gonna keep happening so i highly recommend you keep that in mind literally all the time now one of the worst experiences you'll get after you graduate is looking back at missed opportunities you'll run into a girl you had a crush on years later and she'll be like honestly i thought you were so cute in high school and you'll be like ugh why didn't you tell me and she'll be like well i am telling you now and you'll be like oh what i needed to know then as you waddle away sadly what is genuinely good news about graduation is that you finally finished the tutorial and it began the rite of passage into adulthood where your path first splinters and differentiates itself from your classmates some of your friends will go into computer science university because they want to become as charismatic as mark zuckerberg some of your friends will go into trades so they can afford to live and make more trades and some of your friends will say i want to take a gap year and travel which means i want to have sex with europeans so whatever your dream just know that you have a long life to achieve it so no need to worry about finding a hot german girlfriend on your first try and the just one thing to remember when you leave high school and choose your path into the future it's that student loans follow you forever and are legally unforgivable even under the circumstance of death now expressvpn has been a prime sponsor here for a while and i'm happy to announce some new exciting graphics to explain what's going 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Channel: Casually Explained
Views: 2,517,704
Rating: 4.9774437 out of 5
Keywords: envelope laser rectangle, Casually Explained, stand up comedy, comedy, animation, animated comedy, satire, how to, advice, funny, stand up, comedian, hilarious, humor
Id: mY6c1N4WG5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 38sec (338 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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