Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2- All Cutscenes (Game Movie) 1080p HD

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign uh [Music] [Applause] so [Music] steady lads we can take it god protect us what a timely coincidence i'm dying for a little drop of blood [Music] [Music] um [Music] but a miserable pile of secrets hmm god is with me monster that will be your ruin i will purge the world of your presence hmm come on smash him against the castle come here [Music] um [Music] so [Applause] huh [Music] you don't belong in this world [Music] but your god showed me another path macias today is hey [Music] [Music] in ages long past there was once a warrior who was both noble and brave beyond all measure his deeds of heroism and skill in combat were legend his name was whispered within the hallowed halls of men for countless generations yet now his name is lost lost in the mists of time forever it is said the destiny delights in the misfortunes of men and so it proved true for gabriel belmont for even after defeating the lords of shadow and ending their reign of terror his soul was consumed by the very darkness that he sought to destroy has that ancient prophecy foretold whomsoever defeats the lords of shadow will sit upon their throne to rule as the prince of darkness but before fate had played its hand and unknown to gabriel his beloved wife marie conceived a son by him the brotherhood of light warned her of that ancient prophecy and the terrible fate which lay before her husband so with heavy heart she concealed her pregnancy for it is written that only the blood of that lineage has the power to defeat the prince of darkness thus when newly born the child trevor was hidden from his father and raised a holy warrior of the brotherhood in secret so that one day he would be ready to stand against his own blood as foretold that day would come some 25 years later for what had once been gabriel belmont was now a powerful vampire known as dracula the dragon the brotherhood of light fought against the onslaught of his dark armies which laid waste to towns and villages across the land but to lift the veil was now fully grown to manhood and the truth of his origin and destiny of the belmont clan was finally revealed to him so he set out to confront his father and end his family shame forever but trevor failed and was mortally wounded in the confrontation with his father he was no match for dracula's terrible power yet as he lay dying trevor finally revealed his true identity dracula was driven mad with grief and rage over the revelation he desperately sought to save his dying son by giving him his own lifeblood but it was too late or so he thought dracula buried his son within the walls of his great castle and then swore bloody vengeance upon the world raising an army of creatures beholden only to him he struck with fury and merciless cruelty at humanity he vowed to hunt god's children for all eternity but fate still had one last card to play dracula's blood had power and that power now coursed through the veins of his dead son slowly reviving him over many years until one night he emerged once more into the world not as a man but as a creature like his father what had once been trevor belmont was now gone forever he was now a vampire like his father though he swore that he would not be like him he would take the name a card he would be a force for good opposing his father's capacity for evil in that very moment alucard swore to destroy drake but fate had something else in mind meanwhile trevor's own son grew into a fearsome warrior with a reputation that far exceeded even that of his illustrious father simon belmont knew little of his own lineage nor his importance in the events to come all he knew was that his mother had died at the hands of dracula's minions when he was but an infant and his father had been killed in single combat with dracula found and raised by the people of white mountains simon had but one purpose in life to destroy dracula for the murder of his parents after years of training in the arts of war simon set off for dracula's castle and a date with destiny once in the castle simon met alucard and knowing little of the true identity of his companion joined forces with him blood bound them together and fate took a hand once again as finally they met their dreaded foe in mortal combat simon defeated dracula with his whip and yet alucard sensed that all was not as it should be dracula would return [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] an unusual hiding place for the prince of darkness don't you think zobeck where have you been all this time and what have you why have you been hiding all this time gabriel don't you dare call me that isn't dracula what do you want old friend satan's acolytes are readying for his imminent return help me stop him or you and i will become his favorite pets for all eternity [Music] so [Music] so help me and i can free you of your immortality uh [Music] wait gear [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm uh can you come here look daddy the man's moving captain you come here oh you now away from them [Music] no wow hey huh it pleases me to see you recovered old friend indeed old friend [Music] relax our guest is just a little confused i know what he wants [Music] you see before you the legendary vampire killer your old weapon if you recall the only weapon capable of ending your immortal life you thought it destroyed but you see you can have the eternal rest you crave after all but first you must help me prevent satan's return to the world then i swear to you i will deliver the fatal blow to your heart myself and i am sure you will fulfill that vow since you sent satan back to hell a thousand years ago his human offspring or acolytes as they call themselves have been dormant i suppose that they that all of us feared your wrath and great power but not now now even my bodyguard is more than a match for you the acolytes know you are weak and are preparing for their father's return now they fear nothing don't they fear the mighty zombie only you in full possession of your powers can defeat them follow me please we must find and destroy the acolytes before they can finalize their preparations for satan's return it won't be easy they govern the world of men from the shadows not even i know with any degree of certainty who or where they are they won't come out into the light unless we can force their hand the acolytes must never know who hunts them down the element of surprise will give us the advantage until you are at full strength again and you don't know who they are or where they are did you know that this city is built upon the foundations of your castle the acolytes are focusing their attentions here for very good reason satan has specifically chosen this place for his return he means to enslave you first to humiliate you for what you did to him let's get on with it the acolytes must plunge the world into chaos before satan can be summoned their activities leave spectral traces which are difficult but not impossible to follow this is the headquarters of a powerful pharmaceutical corporation i suspect that one of the acolytes is operating from there the complex was sealed two months ago and is protected by magic if i were to use my powers to see what is happening there they would be able to trace it back to me within a matter of minutes so i will send you to the corporation via a portal but we must be quick so as not to arouse suspicion the longer the portal remains open the more likely we will be discovered look for any sign of the acolyte but be careful what are you waiting for so [Music] um [Music] i sense the presence of a golgoth god you are no match for this enemy i can hide that [Music] [Music] christmas [Music] foreign access [Music] who are you follow me if you wish to recover your sword [Music] what kind of miracle is this [Music] [Music] you'll pay for what you did to me and my mother [Music] trevor the void's on don't we are your true we are [Music] is this is yours [Music] you can't you belong to us [Music] [Applause] [Music] so oh stop my lord my my friends [Music] we will kill anyone who tries to take you away [Music] no this boy is under my protection you're not our lord anymore [Applause] uh son i heard no yes you did take this use it and i will come [Music] is this real not just a dream hello uh what are you talking i'm back in the real world come back to us [Music] um stay where you are something's wrong here they are synthesizing a substance a gas they plan to release it into the atmosphere to infect the people tonight there's something else there is someone special here different from the others very very very powerful i'm being censored i'm going to retreat be careful we can't escape don't breathe the gas [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh you need to capture her and bring her to me we should be able to discern much from her regarding these acolytes and their plans if i had known you were comfy i would have made myself more present who are you and what do you want i see now i'm gonna have such fun with you come on is she dead no only unconscious i'm opening a portal [Music] [Music] stop playing around open it you've lost your chaos power now the gorgons have it you're going to need to get it back so wait medusa has your king's powers lord oh what a great and unexpected honor my friends what what can this humble servant do for you my lord medusa where can i find her i know she is excellent if i were squeezing this prison i can help you find her [Music] try any one of your tricks and it'll be the last thing you'll ever do you all regret it most gracious [Music] my lord my prince thank you thank you thank you so much for this infinite kindness i don't know how to thank you enough you gave me your word make sure you keep it of course my prince of course um [Music] i hope i have pleased you excellency get out of my way whatever you say my prince um with your permission majesty i would like to reopen my humble shop here in the castle for your own personal needs of course um with your leave sire you can count on a most generous discount on all articles for sale i hope to be of service to you a great and powerful one so my lord the power of chaos uh [Music] [Music] where is your sister she won't belong look here she comes the now we can't let you leave here my lord [Music] wow uh [Music] foreign uh foreign [Music] so hmm [Music] [Applause] so [Applause] hmm oh my prince what a great honor to have you in my humble business please come in come in make yourself at home [Music] we haven't got much merchandise we've only just opened to the public please understand majesty well then what do you think of my shop sir the world is what you make of it sir if it doesn't fit you make alterations now tell me sir how may i help you where's my prince your emblem [Music] the dragon returns the provisional number of victims makes us fear the worst for our colleagues the green cloud is expanding over the city transforming both living and dead brutal creatures are coming out of it by one scene in the images the cloud the creatures are extremely violent and the security forces have set up barricades all around the city to try to contain them many people are now asleep at this time of night citizen collaboration will be i've been informed that the governor's appearance has been cancelled and he's not answering calls from our newsroom the worst thing is this is like nothing we've ever seen before it doesn't make sense anymore look for your loved ones has she said anything yet yes to tell you the truth she hasn't shut up do you find me attractive my prince i've tried reading her mind but there is only chaos and fury there something is very deep you both are but i'm unable to see it oh my dear so if only you could see what i see then let's give her back her humanity oh make me pretty again oh yes please pretty again this disease is manufactured so they must have made an antidote as well it must have been created when developing the virus to protect those chosen to serve them judging by the look of you sadly it would seem you're not one of the chosen my dear no my dear sadly i am just one of satan's horse i'll go back to the corporation look around see what i can do very well but make your own way there it's risky to open a portal it's likely the acolytes are aware of her disappearance by now i don't want to leave supernatural traces that could lead back to me you pigs you disgust me you scum you scrum [Music] foreign [Music] uh um see uh dude um so uh [Music] watch out i am the only one who lives forever uh the next time you creep up on me from behind will be your last zodiac sent me he feels you might need my help cause you're still weak i can look after myself boy i don't need anyone's help least of all yours what are we looking for this train leads somewhere important i saw many of their elite burning it find where there's leads and we find the antidote come on let's not waste any more time i have to go now father mother is very frightened can you come with me no what's happening someone wants to hurt [Music] us [Music] my son [Applause] [Music] my lord carmilla this must be a dream and if you were never to wake again would it matter i destroyed you a long time ago but that wasn't you all those years ago i am yours now do with me what you will now i am inside of you and your weakness will be my strength [ __ ] you'll never leave here my breasts [Music] murray gabriel are you real or just a dream too i am here [Music] what power is behind this you're standing here as if a thousand years had not passed since the last time i saw you alive hidden deep inside you i had to protect him from you gabriel they knew they told me what you were going to become i had no choice and did they tell you of your own death at my hands did they tell you what would happen to our child did they did they tell you that blood would fight against blood for all eternity you were deceived marie tell me is this god's reward for the devoted and the foolish you are no fool gabriel i am no longer gabriel woman i am the dragon dracul i am the prince of darkness i am and will be forever a thorn in his side [Music] i know who you are and i know you want this to be over but this suffering had to happen and it will come to an end soon my love i have been sent back to help you you cannot help me you're not here [Music] you're not real i am as real as the blood of that witch that is poisoning you as we speak ah this castle and its inhabitants fear that you will leave this place forever they will stop at nothing to keep you here your power keeps them alive i know this place has been my home for many centuries now all i want to do is escape i've seen our son here this is no place for a boy it's no place for you either gabriel it never has been [Music] it's time for you to go it's time for you to return to earth to your family now you must drink my blood it will help fight carmela's spell [Music] [Music] wow [Music] remember i am always with you you're not going anywhere my prince don't think you've defeated me my [Laughter] princess [Music] [Music] my love i thought i'd never see you again now drink from me again the witch's blood is powerful close your eyes no gabriel this is pointless he knows your tricks only my blood can undo the spell choose me i am your woman i am yours deep inside you know the truth you must choose i have faith in you no my prince no what a disappointment you are you bad choice [Music] now you are going to be mine it's in heaven ugh [Music] i'll make you love me if i have to gabriel no in your dreams [Music] oh access granted [Music] [Music] [Music] now the antidote access grunt come on through injection in the neck what i was able to open a portal near your position i can't keep it open for long without being discovered what [ __ ] have you injected me with you in fact your own antidote my dear when your possession disappears you are going to tell us where the acolytes are my eyes don't know find them for eat no boy i know at all it's near my [Music] something's wrong the possession isn't disappearing how fortunate that you should crawl out of your hiding place though the dragon still lives we thought you did no matter you want to know where the acolytes are behold before you a child of satan my father fears you if he is you may ruin his plans i cannot allow that nothing will stand in the way of his return you see my father takes this all very personal far out you and your lucky have a date with hell and my father will know that it was i his beloved daughter who sent you there lucifer in on the omeo negotia made resistance [Music] where's she gone [Music] nowhere [Music] using so much power will alert the other acolytes i will cast a smell of confusion around her to block any signals finish it off now [Music] i will bathe in your blood in the presence of [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] ugh [Music] [Applause] so time to wake up father trevor [Music] so mother says that you're going to return with us that you never really wanted to leave but you had to go she says i shouldn't be angry with you that we've got to help you leave this evil place this one look father it's you the mirror's missing father i can't play without the mirror of fate will you bring it to me please it can't be far pan i always of the knew your son is so very fortunate at last this has proven to be of some use after all [Music] you remember your brother sacrificed himself for a cause that he believed in it wasn't his god but yours and for what to bring the world under your dominion sell me vampire do you think that is the will of god hear me well agrees god failed and your brother was naive now give me the fragment i have nothing against you [Music] i have waited for this moment for a long time now my wait is over [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] got you you shall not pass uh [Music] wow [Music] this what's up have you brought the mirror i'm sorry it's broken broken that's strange no matter can you find all the missing pieces from me father i'll try wait for me here huh oh ladies and gentlemen boys and girls if the dream of reason produces monsters the theater dispels them with its magic now be afraid before the conjurer who conquered the creatures of the night with his genius and his heart give a big round of applause for the mighty toy maker [Music] so the famous and beloved toy maker we will learn has a sad fate over his head for in spite of his goodness path of tragedy and death he will tread day and night in his workshop he labors he hammers he sweats and he fasts and with every blow he strikes sighs fly from his soul to the figures he crafts [Music] splendid choice [Music] his fame spreads in whispers across the land far and wide until his name is known and respected by every man and child [Music] one fateful day a nobleman knocks at his workshop job he's jolted from his work with a start the promises and smiles of walter bernhardt can see a dark affidavit [Music] one fateful day a nobleman knocks at his workshop door excellent decision walter offers a roof friendship protection a heart the bernhardt's castle will be a dazzling mansion for the old toymaker and work on his craft [Music] i curse on you walter bernhardt for deceiving such a good soul may you be damned to spend all eternity in hell's darkest hole offers a roof in the bernhard's castle [Music] very astute our hero works away happily in the castle of his dreams but soon we will see his perfidious master's purpose is not what it seems oh my god this is no castle but a prison poor toy maker now you understand how close is your petition hide yourselves boys and girls water bernhard is preparing an invocation here terrible creature of hell is about to appear this is no castle but a prison a terrible creature of hell is about to appear extraordinary oh no the demon is countering a charm take cover now if you're easily alive oh no the toy maker's talent now comes to his benefactors far behind him now are the toys and the theater he had made oh if only to undo this vile spell there were some chance and so released the good toy maker from the grip of his vile trunks the toy makers talent toys and the [Music] theater phenomenal his mind may be in the fog but the toy maker's good heart shines through you can tell and a little love is all it takes to destroy the terrible spell but now you must think fast toymaker your situation is dire walter bernhardt is returning i don't know how you can escape from this smile oh what a terrible unfortunate idea boys and girls come on little one hold on to that heart so pure and true in a distant and hopeful future you may return it to the one who gave it to you ladies and gentlemen this is the heart of a man whose goodness listen now and decide that you will wake [Music] up uh [Music] [Music] um oh hello there thank you for returning my heart good sir how long has it been never mind your face seems oddly familiar [Music] oh you must forgive me i'm just a little confused you see i suppose my memory will return in time your memories are of no interest to me toy maker i'm looking for the mirror of fate if i'm not mistaken the mirror was broken many years ago yes now i remember it was when the lord of darkness was defeated by his own son the castle came down and the mirror broke i vaguely recollect seeing it amongst the ruins wait [Music] i found a fragment and i kept it now i remember what's happening time to play [Laughter] what have we here today a walk-on actor let's see how well you improvise the valiant sir walter degray brandished his infallible sphere [Music] [Music] what happened [Music] what was i saying [Music] you were about to give me a fragment of the mirror of fate ah yes here it is oh yes good good you know it's all starting to come back to me i i know who you are oh my my goodbye old man guard your heart well [Music] have you brought me another piece there are still some missing pieces there is one other piece and i know who has it but he isn't here in the castle where is he sam close your eyes just for a moment very well i'm pleased to see you again what happened to you after you destroyed the acolyte i lost all trace of you where have you been attending to my own affairs ah i see but of course you have been away such a long time everything appears to be in order sir the other acolytes will know one of them is dead by now indeed but they don't know who was responsible i'm sure word will reach them soon i have little doubt that they will discover who it was before too long i'm afraid that they already suspect you have come out of hiding my friend even as we speak a powerful presence searches for you in your little hideout in the church home an envoy of the acolytes i believe though i cannot be certain i'll go and see for myself whoever it is may lead us to accompany him no i don't need a dog [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] be careful there is a tremendous power close to you it's not the acolyte it's something else something i have not found for the brotherhood of light its force is affecting my abilities i did not expect this [Music] your sinister powers will not work [Music] [Music] oh uh i'm victor victor belmont commander of the brotherhood of light protector of humanity and the last of my illustrious bloodline we thought you were dead i'm immortal warrior something you belmont don't seem to understand we're hiding people here who haven't already been infected i don't know how much longer we can hang on not long take it it's an antidote to the infection wait whose side are you on i stand alone you help me maybe i can help you you're looking for the acolytes are you not you know where they are not exactly but i do know how we could flush them out follow me uh [Music] [Music] maybe you or the brotherhood are going we're under attack now hide yourselves is is challenging we must say cover or his sacrifice will be invaded so amen now you are the last belmont [Music] there is one other piece and i know who has it [Music] the last piece perfect thank you father [Music] oh i thought i took care of that boy a long time ago he has inherited all of your worst traits don't you think who the hell are you i am the blood that runs through your veins i am the dark shadow that chills the hearts of men as you pass i am the fury your hate and your vengeance i am your destiny what have you done with my son he doesn't belong here only you down of your seed on your soul i will you cannot destroy me you and i are one i will be with you all trevor mother it's all right i mean everything's all right i promise i will end this father [Music] don't let the acolyte escape [Music] i'm able to trace the power of the acolyte to that building in front of me this is the headquarters of the biggest weapons manufacturer in the world they hold great power over men with influence from politics to economics it makes sense that one of the acolytes would be a part of this conglomerate you have the advantage of surprise but don't be overconfident i sense this rival is going to prove do my eyes deceive me [Music] [Music] uh from so the dragon lives we thought you did where are you going little dragon eternity alongside my father awaits you one cheap trick is this [Music] what in hell's name very clever so you have lured me to your castle my power here is pathetic i can see that i have underestimated you accept my apology it won't happen again [Music] is i won't make you suffer um but i will not be defeated by you i will know oh [Music] [Music] thank you for bringing me the murder of fate father you know only you're able to fulfill your destiny i saw my destiny in this mirror a long time ago but you were alone then now you have mother and me [Music] that's true the mirror can help you sometimes when it wants to there is no armor against fate then make me a promise [Music] what is it when this is over choose your family i've already done that a great victory my friend there's still one left indeed and i fear that it's only a matter of time before he finds us since the death of his brother and sister the third acolyte has come out into the open and is unleashing all his power to find those responsible he's more powerful than the others and appears to fear nothing this acolyte commands ultimate possession and control over others religious power there's a conclave in the basilica of the city the church leaders have been locked inside there for weeks the acolyte must be one of them remember our deal gabriel destroy the acolytes before satan can be summoned [Music] and you will have the eternal peace you desire every second comes [Music] go with him o you who inhabits the primordial heir whom from the corners of the earth are all powerful to you it is said contemplates the glorious face of satan the beginning of all consolation and whose eyes give clarity to the stars let the seasons be confused and let it be that no creature shall be equal let all men fight among themselves let their work be mutilated and their homes be no more life we must destroy him before he can summon satan you did that [Music] the way out of the castle is there remember the throne [Music] [Music] what you are looking for is in that book [Music] gabriel [Music] time to wake up father remember remember remember everything uh [Music] [Music] god is with me monster that will be your ruin [Music] uh [Music] [Music] but your god showed me another path macias emmanuel sotter the power of your god foreign incorporated trevor trevor died a long time ago father you made me what i am i stand here before you reborn a vampire i am alucard why are you here you know better than anyone i cannot die my immortality runs through your veins too of course only my father gabriel belmont can destroy dracula it is too late for me how can you be so sure the roots of evil are deep irreversibly so in the hearts of men it is their true nature their destiny i was their most devoted warrior a champion of light but i fell fell into darkness and now i am feared as the prince of darkness ironic don't you think the mighty zobeck hides from me like the scared rat he is even satan himself is too afraid to leave the pits of hell and fight me but if i die now i'll uk they will simply take my place evil will prevail it is the natural order the world is like this [Music] abandon all hope no what if there was a way to destroy their evil forever to free mankind from tyranny if they believed you dead they would come out into the light once more would they not this is the crusade i forged this weapon from a fragment of the vampire killer you drove into camilla's heart i found it in the castle all those years ago the first time we faced each other in combat if your heart is pierced by this weapon you will fall into a deep sleep it will not kill you but you would lose all your powers and would not be able to resurrect until it was removed this is not the true death you desire but satan will think you dead centuries will pass and his acolytes will start to prepare for his return zobek will no doubt think that satan is going to return and he will be beset by panic zobeck knows only too well that he has no rival for satan so he'll look for me in the hope that i'm still alive somewhere at the appropriate time i will remove the sword i'll make sure that zobeck finds you he knows only that with your help can the acolytes be destroyed and satan's returned foiled i will be too weak zobeck will see through the charade easily the long sleep will fragment your memory zobeck will only see confusion i won't remember this conversation and zobek will see only dark shadows in my mind but how can you be sure i'll collaborate with him because in exchange for your help he'll offer you the one thing you really desire [Music] true death eternal peace so back has the vampire killer yes you thought your weapon broken but he has found the fragments and rebuilt it only he can grant you eternal rest you must allow the last accolated summoning ritual to bring satan to this earth we can trap him here and we can destroy him forever for that to happen you must recover all your powers again in order to confront him at that critical moment you're asking me to free the world from satan again to sacrifice everything for humanity again yes i am within this last moment you will hold both zobek and satan within your grasp [Music] then do it push that damn sword into my heart before i change my life son well will i meet you again when i put my hand on your shoulder father um it's been a long journey remember remember our pact [Music] open the mysteries of your creation and walk with fire upon the earth oh powerful king blast the gates of hell wide open come let the industrial heavens serve you one last time oh true lord tell me the exact place in which you desire to be reborn i understand where has he gone i don't know that language is unknown to that me its ancient enochian the language of satan miserable traitors now receive your just rewards for your disroyalty betrayal he is mine may you and your spawn be done forever [Music] [Music] uh good [Music] [Music] so we must separate to find out where the last acolyte went yes father we need to hurry i'll let you know if i find him he is here let's go in the name of satan lord of the earth king of the world i order the forces of darkness to pour its infernal power over me let the gates of hell open wide and from the abyss greet me as your brother and friend i order everything to be as i command my lord [Music] oh i despise incompetence i must congratulate you i confess i had not expected to see you here we could share this world you and i but you desire to destroy me i see that now i'm very well aware of your power gabriel however i desire to destroy this world if i cannot rule the world of men then no one will it's time stop him before he escapes [Music] [Music] we must go up try to avoid the explosions of energy let's keep going up we need to reach those chains go back to your left there's an access that will allow us to reach the back of the beast um destroy it now [Music] uh no foreign [Music] come closer son i want to embrace you i like this body let's see what it can do your son hates you gabriel what did you do [Music] don't hit me father without reservation how much punishment can this body endure foreign what now prince of darkness are you going to kill your son again i know you gabriel belmont your feelings will betray you you won't kill your son to destroy me you don't know me satan wow [Music] you were wrong about me uh [Music] father the sun is rising it's time to go what happens now um who knows what fate has in store [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: The Ladslade
Views: 6,950
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2 Walkthrough PART 1, walkthrough, Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2, Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2 PART 1, castlevania, lords of shadow, lords of shadow 2, dracula, alucard, gabriel, gabriel belmont, los 2, lords of shadow 2 boss, lords of shadow 2 ending, lords of shadow 2 review, lords of shadow 2 all bosses, all bosses, boss fight databose, lords of shadow 2 final boss, lords of shadow 2 all bosses with cutscenes, cutscenes, lords of shadow 2 full movie
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 169min 9sec (10149 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 03 2021
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