Legacy of Kain: Defiance Movie (All Cutscenes) (2003)

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given the choice whether to rule a corrupt and failing Empire or to challenge the fates for another throw a better throw against one's destiny what was it [Music] but does one ever truly have a choice one can only match move by move the machinations of fate and thus defy the terrorists stars [Music] [Music] [Music] and so I returned to the sanctuary of my enemy the fortress of the Sarafan Brotherhood deemed impossible for any man to penetrate impossible for any man [Music] deep within these walls my prey awaited Mobius the time streamer deceiver and eternal gangster using living beings as his pawns we had swept that area already not well enough we purged every last one of that treatment filed in their souls no rest nor dubiously pleased it was time for Mobius to answer a few questions I hoped for his sake to find him in forthcoming mood from time to time it is necessary to feed and the unusual event of a feast prepared by the Sarafan must be savored [Music] what was that the touch of water is like acid to a vampire I had to find another way to pass this message out - the tiny streamer my prey was nearly in my grasp but the door had been sealed by a blessed barrier as I approached the river resonated in response perhaps its dark sorcerer could dispel these holy barriers [Music] [Music] locked what a love of doors these pathetic humans have this emblem was unmistakeably of vampire origin and designed to enhance the Reavers power but this coincidence seemed too convenient mobius clearly meant for me to find it don't let him escape surround him surrender fiend and we will promise you an easy death I could promise you the same but it would be alive this door had been equipped with a singular lock requiring an unusual key somehow I would find it yes it will be done the stage is set you needn't linger in the shadows came it has been a long time you know Bantam obvious you know why I'm here yes Raziel you sought to introduce your own pawn into this game and now he's been swept from the board by your hand I suspect where is he perhaps you should ask when how humiliating it must be for you to come begging at my doorstep for us enough wordplay don't you see I have the upper hand a remarkable that the great cane should to come to the scepters power like any common vampire still so arrogant after all these years thinking you devise some brilliant plan you know nothing you have read the signs but missed them meaning you believe you are that myth a vampire prophecy a scion of balance and that Raziel holds the key to fulfilling your destiny but your messianic delusions have blinded you to Rossi else true nature you have no idea what you've Unleashed there was a time when you might have heeded wise counsel when it was offered now your vanity has made you witless you will have to learn the truth for yourself you'll be needing this your strength will return after I have departed but by then you will have more urgent concerns than pursuing me perhaps when we next meet you will have learned a little humility these strange creatures seem to manifest from Rivera shadows Mobius is attempt at stopping me was not one of his better efforts when I found him it would be my turn to offer a few surprises surrender Raziel abandoned is petty rebellion it was I who made you your life had played out and in my grace I spared you you are my Reaper of souls you have no other purpose no higher destiny just this except you're calling Raziel let go of these vain hopes relinquish your will and feed no what do you profit from this defiance there are some grim satisfaction in infuriating you my patience is eternal Russell how many aeons can you bear to languish here the Wheel of Fate must turn all are redeemed in the cleansing agony of birth death and rebirth this is the engine of life the purifying rhythm of the universe to which all souls are irresistibly drawn yours is a necessary and noble function ratio enough of your sermonizing are you trying to ball me into submission why must this game go on we both know what you are you will know better than the vampires you so despise a voracious parasite cloaking its appetite in a shroud of righteousness I can see into your heart abrasion it is not your will but cowardice that keeps you here how so you know what fate awaits you when you leave the underworld that phantom weapon you bear is a constant reminder isn't it the sword is waiting for you out there somewhere and you carry so as not to meet it I could not deny it as long as I lingered here defying my captor I was able to postpone what I feared was my inevitable doom to become the ravenous spirit imprisoned in the river blade but that sentence was no worse than the stalemate I now endured better to face one's destiny that cower from it harvester of souls I created you and to this function my Angel of Death you will return enough yes I submit very good indulge you are [Music] yes it breaks your calling ratio you will find that just as defiance as its price so obedience as its rewards and submission is not always what it seems below me swirled an ominous looking mist I knew that if I fell it would mean my peril but leave your worthiness is so easily proved your way is sealed until you have offered further evidence of your obedience I must feed you before I depart this place you must feed yourself for us yet the wheel must turn now you understand you may go but remember you are mine you can no more escape from me then you can escape yourself [Music] [Music] clearly my escape had not been anticipated or my benevolent master would not have expended such efforts to prevent me from going and if my departure displeased him then that was a victory however small for me at last I discovered a conduit into the material realm I would finally escape the spirit world and take one step father from my tormentor did you think to receive the same favors after your rebellion as before no Horacio I have no need for you to enter the physical world so no conflict will be granted you serve me adequately as a race and a race you will remain so my restraints had not been removed only loosened I would not be held prisoner in the spectral realm there had to be another way [Music] as I emerged I was granted a vision of what I would become if I did not escape the spectral realm for these two were agents of my master hunting the lost souls that struggled to escape the endless twilight of the underworld the Masters plan for me was ominously clear like these mindless hunters I existed only to fuel him with souls siphoning their energy to feed him in his wheel of fate I had to break these bonds I still possessed my own will this artifact seemed as though it was made for that unusual lock now the door could be opened Malik the great Seraphin warrior I had met him before his sword and shield seemed to have gone astray tell me where can I find your master quickly Mobius is not our good dog Malik's missing shield I hated to restore his dignity but I would need to return this to his monument before I could progress Malik's sword belonged in his right hand however distasteful this errand was I would return it to its proper place the way to the town lay before me I look forward to finding Mobius and resuming our conversation [Music] here you are at last I see you found a fragment of the balanced emblem this will be of even further used to you if you can find the other three now shall we yes let us continue our conversation but on a somewhat different footing now what do you have to tell me well yes you cannot kill me we both know that this is not how or when I die death is not the only a possible outcome your delusions of fulfilling the vampires foolish prophecies have badly distorted your judgment and a CL is not what you think you dare imagine what I think so you prevented Razia's soul from entering the Reaver do you believe for a moment that by this you are the verted your fate or is all that of Nosgoth itself your manipulations are pathetic the atrocities his free will and that's what frightens you isn't it Mobius you cannot see his path and so you cannot control it and neither can you yes Raziel is shrouded from us but we see the ripples of his potential actions and every path he might choose leads to the same outcome he will kill you King in sparing Raziel you have written your own death sentence you still have not answered the question I came to ask where is Raziel he is not in a true sentence here not now don't try my patience Mobius what have you done with him he is contained in time it may be safe to release him his destiny must be completed he will enter the stored with until that time he is dangerous far more dangerous than you could understand and your incontrovertible evidence the answers are plain if you know where to look go west of the pillars there you will find a Testament written in stone but stones too can lie the pillars of Nosgoth stood pristine against the horizon to the west I would find the enlightenment mobius felt I lacked there had to be a way to escape the spirit world without the help my master was pleased to deny me only in the material realm would I have a chance to seek my destiny or change it in this crypt I discovered ethereal gases rising from the mouldering quartz with him as I neared I felt a distinct spiritual pore and a closer I approached the more in the end it was not difficult I projected myself down into that tomb and found myself reborn into the material world as a loathsome vessel but with an effort of will that too could change he says he won't go near the place I tell you the pillars are haunted haunted I heard a woman's voice talking and moanin and there was no one there how many vampires have you killed and you can't face down one ghost I knew who these were vampire hunters scouring the countryside destroying what had once been my kind my god what is that a vampire or a demon we're here get him quickly now Marcy these were Mobius as hunters mercenaries enlisted in his crusade to exterminate the vampires his insignia was unmistakable but this meant I've been captive in the underworld for centuries I had lost 500 years then I knew what ghost it was that haunted the pillars area the specter of the murdered balance guardian perhaps she could provide the answers I sought but first I would have to find a way out of this cemetery this temples facade hinted it some ancient vampire origin for it bore the sign of the Weaver and was marked with the elemental symbol of light the mystery of the Riva might be answered within but this edifice was too high for me to reach another temple this one marked with the elemental symbol of darkness this edifice like the other one was too high for me to reach an ancient gate sealed by the powers of light and darkness barred the way to the pillars beyond to depart this place and continue my journey I would have to find the means to open it what is this you are nothing it seemed my method of entering the physical realm was not altogether original but where had these beings come from this edifice marked with the elemental light symbol was clearly much older than the wounds and the rest of the cemetery the door was far too high to reach to open it it seemed the weaver would need to be imbued with the power of darkness clearly I had more to accomplish before I could discover what may [Music] as some arcane sorcery transported me away civilization perhaps here I would finally decipher the riddle of my destiny throughout these ruins I found murals depicting the seminal events of vampire history these scenes commemorated a great war between the ancient vampires and their rivals in triumph they banished their adversaries from the world and raised the pillars as the lock that binds them the image of the Riva was inscribed throughout this place always depicted with reverence the vampires holy weapon was destined to be borne by their prophesied hero for whom it was forged but if this was my destiny why had the Reaver tried to consume me this scene depicted the appointment of the original vampire guardians each summoned to serve when the pillars were raised each guardian is aligned to the principle of the pillar he serves and the balance Guardian is the axis of them all [Music] at last it was done the Riva was forged with darkness as I felt this new power coursing within the Wraith blade I knew that now the light temple would open to me against all odds I had stumbled it to Kings own mausoleum this seemed an unlikely coincidence again as I was transported to the vampire ruin once more but this chamber was different than the first in their defeat the vampire's enemy retaliated with a terrible curse afflicting the vampires with a blood thirst that turned their once noble race into ravenous predators this curse plunged the vampires into despair and apparently drove many to madness and self annihilation what was it that so devastated them that they were driven to suicide I had succeeded the Riva was forged with the power of light and now my way was clear I would seek out ariel at the pillars and see if she could enlighten me at last the gate yielded to the powers of light and darkness with which the Riva had been forged the way to the pillars was open you how strange to see this place long before my birth centuries before the corruption set in that would poison the land and put me on the treacherous path I still followed in the future these edifices would be condemned to darkness and decay I would cause their fall and build my Empire upon their ruins was it still possible that with the right knowledge the right moves I might one day see Nosgoth restored the pillars pure once more my answer according to mobius there somewhere to the west of this place i could restore the world perhaps but never again could I give Nosgoth back her innocence my path ended here offering only this empty Vista was this another of Mobius his little jokes or a puzzle for which I had not yet found the answer another fragment of the balanced emblem this one endowed with the properties of dimension perhaps this would reveal the mystery that lay west of the pillars if mobius spoke the truth and there was indeed something there to find the miss that shrouded this Lake miraculously now cleared away revealing an ancient citadel so mobius had not lied or perhaps this was simply another of the times streamers illusions meant to slow my true endeavor [Music] [Music] the vampire hunters brazen as they were feared to warm from his paths I knew one spirit or want in this place perhaps there were others as well I sought to unravel the mystery of my fate and in this image lay my first clue for this scene depicted the forging of the river the weapon destined to become my prison and I recognized its maker the years had changed him but this was unmistakably the vampire Vora door and in this era he still lived if I could reach him before Mobius his mob hunted him down he would provide the answers I sought these images Chronicle Devorah doors creation as I already knew he had not been born a vampire that had been turned by the infamous Janos Aldrin but this mule suggested that Voridis origins were even more significantly apparently he was the first human to whom the dark gift hadn't passed this was the vampire's desperate bid to preserve their bloodline for their enemies had cursed them not only with blood thirst and with sterility as well approaching the tomb I was met by the specter of the Guardian himself eternity anyways I have a solution to my apparently atonement but your moment of existence has passed come and be released [Music] apparently a singled soul was not enough to activate this spirit vessel perhaps another Spectre was looking around here somewhere I was met by the specter of the nature guardian monstrously deformed since its death centuries ago rejoice creature [Music] as the river absorbed the souls of the nature and conflict Guardians it was imbued with the elemental power of fire with which their principles were aligned I was now equipped to reach the pillars [Music] once again I beheld the pillars of Nosgoth crumbling and decay now following the corruption of the circle here I would find Ariel the specter of the murdered balance guardian and the last pure undefiled member of the Guardian circle bound here upon her death she was doomed to haunt these pillars until her successor fulfilled his terrible duty and balance was restored what manner of creatures approaches I know you well area though you do not yet know me I have no time for riddles a strange one all you have is time I have come to seek your guidance i can'ts is only one man and you are not me but you will know in season the contagion of York is coming to an end my kind what exactly do you think I am your name shall remain unspoken as decreed by our ancestors you serve the one who so brutally took my life and set this tragedy in motion but even now who is it work balance will be restored and your kind will be expelled forever you have pinned your hopes on Kane he will disappoint you what can you know of Kane more than you could ever fathom he will do what he must by choosing his own death a sacrifice for the world you don't know Kane very well I know what he is called to do my faith sustains me is it faith or fear you know that if Kane refuses the sacrifice you will never leave here and you begin to suspect I will not hear your voices grant me the answers are required and I will leave you to your pathetic delusions ask they I seek the vampire Vora door to kill me perhaps or to join him in death but became he is the last Moebius is mob has done its work my reasons are my own he is a refuge lies in the heart of the Black Forest and may you Mulder they're together until the end this one apparently aligned with the elemental power of air [Music] these murals had suffered some damage once again I recognized the vampires hero but this scene reveals something new for here they had also depicted his destined adversary now partially obscured who seemed to bear a flaming sword in winning oh we lost all in winning what we thought mattered we lost what truly mattered but for you there is a chance what chance is that the Bliss of death I offer it but I do not accept those cars submerged happier yeast never [Music] as the Reaver absorbed the souls of the mind and dimension Guardians it was imbued with the elemental power of air with which their principles were aligned with the Riva in doubt the elemental power of air the way to war adores refuge lay open at last if the old vampire still lived he alone could tell me how to escape the terrible destiny charted formed when the Riva was forged to [Music] Vora doors refuge was hidden deep within the Black Forest I hope to find him before Mobius cut from State [Music] you [Music] and so I arrived at the citadel of my vampire ancestors long abandoned since their extinction eons ago perhaps it still held the wisdom of its creators here Mobius said I would find proof that Raziel was not what I thought he was or hoped he would be but in sending me here Mobius had done me an unexpected or perhaps an unwitting service for it was mostly not Raziel my role as tsiyon of balance whose secrets I was here to discover here no doubt was the evidence Mobius wished me to have but the vampires had prophesied not one but two champions one destined to be Nosgoth Redeemer the other its destroyer the vampires hero wielded the Reaver forged for this very purpose his opponent was clearly the champion of their adversaries the Hilden and brandished a flaming sword the foretold outcome was unambiguous the vampire hero would fall these statues were singularly inanimate I knew better than to assume they would always remain so [Music] the third fragment of the balance emblem endowed the Weaver with the elemental power of lightning [Music] a new area of the vampire Citadel they open I still had much to discover nestled deep in the Black Forest Vora door had once held court over a private kingdom as decadent as it was depraved now all was still I hoped I had not arrived to relate this pool seemed related to the portals which had transported me into the vampire ruins but its surface was disturbed by the spouting of these gargoyles these gargoyles were effigies of the vampires enemies in the corresponding murals they were impaled by heroic vampire warriors perhaps this was a this mysterious chamber was clearly significant perhaps I would finally find the elusive aura door within [Music] this statue appeared to be the same hero I had seen depicted in the fountain room this had to be significant this was indeed the vampire warrior depicted in the fountain room for here was the hero's weapon this could be the key to solving the riddle of the fountain this third and final weapon the mystery of the fountain would finally be solved [Music] [Music] here the images were unadulterated and their meaning ominously clear the vampire hero the bearer of the River blade was confronted by an adversary worthy of his powers the enemy race long banished had a champion of their own with flaming eyes and a fiery sword the resemblance I bought to the adversary mocked all my hopes had came in the vampire hero of prophecy all along did he suspect what I was for if I was this foretold adversary then Mobius was right and had always been right I was destined to fight Cain and destroy him or be destroyed what part did freewill play in any of this [Music] once more the Riva absorbed the spirits of the former vampire guardians and thus was imbued with the elemental power of water perhaps now I could enter that mysterious crypt at the end of the garden so our wretched little Savior returns come to join the last pathetic battle of the vampire race but on which side I wonder I've not come to fight you for a door you don't know why you're here I know this much that you are the author of my fate and as such only you can rewrite it you give me too much credit you forged the Reaver I have seen the evidence I was its maker yes then you know its purpose no only the scraps of prophecy my master shared with me and do these scraps explain why you would Forge a weapon to imprison your Savior oh well then it seems we have our answer you've chosen your path I have chosen nothing I've been deceived at every turn you seem to know what I am tell me I thought I did once but now all the prophecies have failed the pillars are corrupted I am the last of my kind and when Mobius is hunters find me it will have all been for nothing you forgotten about Kane ah yes Kane I fear he shoulders a greater burden than he realizes I cannot help you even if I was inclined to I crafted the Reaver blade but only at the behest of my sire yah no Soren what sorcery he and the others laid upon the sword afterward I cannot say Janos tried to give me the Riva before he died he said that it was forged for me but what did he mean as my weapon or my prison perhaps you should ask him yourself Janos is here in a manner of speaking [Music] the greatest of us all the father of our race the Seraphin tore the heart from his living body five centuries ago but there's no sign of decay how is this possible after all these years somewhere the heart still beats and while it does the body will remain preserved if his heart could be restored jános might yet be raised and you haven't tried to recover it in all these years many times but our enemies hid the heart - well it was taken as a trophy - a Verna's Cathedral centuries ago were they christened it the heart of darkness believing that it embodies the essence of our dark gift they hid the heart away lest it fall into the wrong hands our hands redeem yourself you may be our last hope perhaps you alone can find the heart if it is meant to be found if he annals can be resurrected he will have all the answers you'll acquire this key will open your way to evanesce but be advised there are dark sorceries at work in the cathedral you must be on your guard a Vernis is in flames and with it our hopes may evaporate how can I find the heart in the midst of such chaos you must act quickly but beware and ancient evil dwells within long unspoken among our kind undoubtedly this is the source of the corruption that infects the circle if you are to succeed you must resist its influence [Music] this history in part I knew already how as the vampires began to die out the pillars summoned human Guardians to fulfill their roles it seemed the ancient vampires had adopted and were necessary abducted the human guardians and made vampires of them when they came of age until the humans rebelled against their masters and here I made a surprising discovery it was Mobius the time streamer and more taneous guardian of death who led the bloody revolt now I understood why Mobius hated me so intensely I was the first vampire guardian in all these centuries and he knew what my coming signified or perhaps I reminded him of all he had forsaken since I was confronted again with depictions of the vampires champion the bearer of the River blade adhere to was his Hilden adversary with blazing eyes brandishing a flaming sword two heroes locked in combat which only one would survive but which one these murals prophesied two possible outcomes I didn't know what Mobius was trying to concoct but this all seemed too convenient with this fourth and final fragment the balanced emblem was complete I now had the means to unseal the mysterious chamber at the heart of the Citadel ancestors the dark gift was clearly a curse damning them to a kind of spiritual purgatory but why were they compelled to seal this chamber so securely perhaps the lock was not meant to keep intruders out but to imprison something within can sire of balance savior of Nosgoth what is this your arrival is foretold the faith's of wilmut is that cell I am the Oracle of your ancestors I could provide the answers you require you needn't speak I know your mind you seek knowledge of your creature ah Sierra this second offer if you will look he has found the body of Yanis water he journeys now to have an escape intro to seek the heart of darkness you know what this means and why would I trust your prophecies these events are already written just as you feel but there is still time he can be stopped if a Vaness is in flames razzle is five centuries beyond my reach I may aid you in this regard as well this portal will transport you in time to the very hour the drazi el arrives in heaven this task is yours to carry out since it was you who made him what he is when you already who may pass I knew of course that this Oracle was not to be trusted but in the end what choice did I have [Music] this peculiar sensation was familiar to me and the chamber did indeed appear watered by time in this regard at least the Oracle seemed to have been truthful I have delivered you faithfully to the very hour you desire you know what must be done came there is only one way to prevent Russell from doing great harm he is not my enemy but you are here from this vantage point I could see the city of a Venus in flames the Oracle had indeed brought me to the time it promised it might also be true then that Razia was already there seeking the heart of darkness if so he had to be stopped I could not allow Janos to be raised somewhere in this great Cathedral the heart of darkness lay concealed the city outside was in chaos and the Cathedral would not be immune for long during such times buried secrets were often suddenly revealed or lost forever I had seen this symbol throughout these ruins I should have realized what it was they worshiped now there was no question for this scene depicted the ancient vampires torment and despair as their curse cast them from the Wheel of Fate so this was the God whose abandonment had driven them to madness and suicide finally I understood it was not the blood thirst but their immortality that was the true nature of their enemy's curse the wisest strongest most noble race gulled by the voice of that old parasite but I had seen him and whatever he was he was no God [Music] rejoice [Music] it's duster your wheel is alive come [Music] as the river absorbed the souls of the original energy and time Guardians it was imbued with the elemental power of Earth with which their principles were aligned as the handsome coffin hides the putrifying corpse within the great Cathedral of a Vernis seemed to hold its own secrets hidden in the catacombs beneath its vaulted chambers was this the source of the corruption that infected Nosgoth Vora door had ended it's something more history is written by the victors beneath the vaults of avarice I discovered scenes that told a familiar story but from a very different point of view this was the work of the enemy race and revealed what the vampire histories had conveniently omitted how the noble vampires God ridden and righteous had started the wars that would destroy both races Victor and vanquished alike their adversaries opposed the vampires God and refused to submit to the Wheel of Fate for this they were banished I now understood the poetic irony of their curse and my resemblance to the vampires enemy no longer seem so accidental the banished race foretold a hero who would deliver them from their oppressors and destroy the shackles of the vampires tyrannous God the same hero that bore the flaming sword what game was this where every player on the board claim the same pawn so ratio your true nature is finally field you are never the vampire Savior it is to the Hilden race who belong and when Cain realizes this what do you think he will do great fashion dick we hear you we offer this sacrifice upon the culture of the world in the depths of a Vernis Cathedral I stumbled upon a bloody ritual was this the source of the corruption that had overtaken the city may this blood nourish you for all eternity the wrath of hasha geek has once more been averted depart now as ever in his service [Music] what was it that these deluded humans worshipped with such fervor was this the dreaded unspoken that Vora door had warned me about this hideous throat cut first blood gouging then it falls into the pits the sacrifice is rejected you will know my wrath not possible no it could not be stand away monster know that voice not possible I know that voice but he fell the abyss ended there I did not fall into the abyss it remembers that does it I was thrown in by my own brethren and what you did to them and now you have found me at last Tyrell Tyrell yes that was my name then the others were grotesque but yes I am changed have become a god greater than you ever were Raziel you were never a god grazer even then Cain it is to you that these humans offer their blood sacrifices ha ha ha yes but how did this happen I was summoned there was darkness and great hunger and then I was found why did I stay in this terrible place why stay would I remain if I could get out while they hound me and terror at me and the hour is at hand as it was foretold Tyrell use his voice to command the disciples above which meant offerings to keep the hosts an olive he has been a durable vessel but you can take us no further you must prevail the champion of our enemy draws near I must have blood bring me blood or feel the wrath of your God you yours yes it will strengthen me against them what are you doing now no more questions no more worship time to run time to scream time to die [Music] yes now go speed your endeavor they say tell him to stop the binding at last we shall all be free come to me my undead son make haste enough kill us the stage is set for the grand finale you will have your vengeance more taneous so you have come out into the open at last the binding must be fragile indeed but you will find you are too late what am I too late for this time no no not now you are too late for the victory your sort I have beaten you after all you have mistaken my identity have I you forget who schooled me in the ancient prophecies this vessel speaks truly you are indeed a vacuum but it no longer matters in the list with or without you we will prevail so I finally meet the unspoken and here it is nestled in the heart of the circle itself ironic for what justice to top all the foundations of the pillars from within we shall have our revenge in full measure and for all time this one has little strength one must not break your kind does not like to lose I seek the heart of darkness ah now you think of that but as I told you you are too late the heart has served its function I have used it to send prophecy in motion I created the champion foretold by my masters who is destined to be your destroyer the scion of balance will save nosgoth the pillars will return to vampire guardianship as intended and your race will be cast down forever King you use the heart of darkness to create Cain how else I refuse it fast to believe the ancient myths I thought the vampires were simply a plague upon mankind a pestilence we had to control but they were right and we were wrong to overthrow them Mobius and I we didn't understand what it was the pillars were holding back I have made my atonement I will continue to make it to the end which will be soon now but I know Cain will set it right he will restore balance and none too soon my enemy is growing stronger where is the heart of darkness now did you destroy it you still don't understand do you you cannot make use of it as long as Cain guards it with his life Cain has it it is in Cain check and mate this deed will redeem first me and then all Nosgoth it must this one Brow's wink we will soon have a stronger vessel the long-awaited hour approaches our release is at hand oh I must finish it now Kaine why is this no surprise because our Destiny's run together Raziel like two rivers that have met and can never be distinct again at your every fatal turn you'll find me and the free will you said was mine what has become of that you still have it and that has everything to do with my presence here now it was your machinations that set my destiny in motion the coin you've tossed has struck the earth now you must abide by its outcome the coin is still turning Raziel to reach the resolution we both can live with that will best serve our futures Janos Aldrin must not be raised because you do not wish it is my free will to be exercised only when it accords with your whim there is much more at stake in this than you know yes and it is Janos who has the answers I desire you must trust me Raziel our intentions for Nosgoth for our futures are not so diverse I must trust you or have not come here to threaten you Raziel you say that while you hold in your hand the instrument of my doom I saved you from the river once I have no intention of imprisoning you within the blade at least not until the moment it serves your plans to do so you are not the only one at risk I may carry the instrument of your destruction but I too have taken a chance in coming here who haven't you realized you bear the only weapon that can kill me then you know what I am and who you are I believe I do and still you think you can move me about like your pawn think again take heed Razia why if we are who we are then are we not destined to fight to the death to decide the fate of Nosgoth don't be a fool I will not fight you and that will be the prophesied hero's battle I win because you will not fight me the mighty Kain Sian of balance would be savior of Nosgoth surrenders before the final battle even begins very well if this will make you see reason now you will listen to me the heart of darkness must remain undiscovered great harm will come of its use you don't know where it is do you know you never looked for it it doesn't matter Raziel listen to me you must understand that every creature is bound to one predestined path we are all shackled to the wheel of fate believe me I know that even better than you do all but one because of your remaking you are the one unbound creature the one among us all that truly has free will you have a choice Raziel which I'm sure I must make it your direction your porn has reached the end of the board Kane and now my powers may even surpass yours how ironic if the creature that you made should prove your own undoing no we finish this once and for all [Music] you know Razia faith victus I didn't whoa to the Concord I have found the heart of darkness and you came was gone the madness of this place had somehow fueled my rage and as it subsided I felt no elation no sense of victory only a calm certainty that we had once again walked blindly into our enemy's trap I couldn't be sure the cane had truly intended to destroy me and now it appeared I would never know in my absence the estate had been overrun by mobius his soldiers I hope that they had not yet found the entrance to the crypt or discovered the body of Janos Evora door there was no sign Raziel the conquering hero I understand we are to offer congratulations gained at last is dead I suppose you expect similar congratulations on the death of Oradour or has he eluded you we have him but not without a considerable price in blood that will have pleased him let it sustain him until his head is off and every vampire in Nosgoth at last is dead and will that knowledge sustain you you two are going to your death for a true servant of the one God death is never bitter I will go again at peace with the knowledge that I have played my small part in our masters plans Kay is it last destroyed and you have carried out the deed which hero do you think you are now the vampire Savior or the other one have you realized yet that it didn't matter to us which one either you thought you were so long as the result was the same in the end and now Kane is dead really I cannot thank you enough so this has all been arranged every step of the way and Kane thought I truly had free will oh but you do and there's the greatest triumph of all to have compelled the one player who could choose into doing exactly what we required well done faithful servant and now I have an execution to see to this relic had come at so higher cost my blood offering for the answers I sought from this enigmatic corpse it was the price of my freedom for which Cain had paid with his life had I journeyed so far and forsaken so much only to have it end like this [Applause] I remember Razia the air of prophecy you came for the river just before the Seraphin found me you've been entombed here for five centuries your murder is a long dead 500 years and followed are also dead your bloodline is erased the age of the vampires is coming to an end then we must waste no time I'm not who you think I am nor is this a benevolent act I have questions that apparently you alone can answer Brazil there are forces in this world that will strive to deceive you and pervert your destiny but you must believe your arrival foretells the salvation of the vampire race why then with the vampires devised a weapon to consume and imprison their Savior no that cannot be while the blade yet exists I am drawn inexorably toward my doom it was you who bound me to this fate only you can release me Raziel you have been misled you are ordained by prophecy to wield the river and so I do though not quite as you'd envisioned Redeemer and destroyer is it possible did i miss read all the signs it seems your destiny is more labyrinthian than I had imagined you must trust me ratio we may have very little time I will convey you to the place where your answers lie where have you brought me we are within the ancient citadel of the vampire race long ago defiled and abandoned this fortress endured through centuries of war against our great enemy the Hilden yes from this chamber we witnessed the summoning of the pillars and the banishment of our adversaries from the land this is a dire omen the binding is in peril the hour of prophecy is at hand it's too late the pillars are already damned as long as a single one of us stands there is still hope the pillars must not remain under human guardianship they are not competent to serve why then did you allow the pillars to fall into human hands Horacio there is no tie want answers the world can end this instant for all I care very well the Hilden cursed us as they fell afflicting our race with a predatory blood thirst but with this transformation came our enemies true revenge immortality they liberated you from the Wheel of Fate they imprisoned our souls in this flesh expelling us from the purifying cycle of death and rebirth and yet you passed the cursor it was a necessary evil our immortality banished us from God's grace he turned his sight from us and felt silent many took their own lives unable to bear the separation from our God not you though curse or blessing it is the price we pay to keep the Hilton banished from the land to sustain The Binding we had to preserve our bloodline and so we passed the dark gift to the human successors of our fallen guardians they rebelled inevitably refusing the curse and seizing the pillars as their own and so we come to our present dilemma while mankind governs the pillars The Binding decays the Hilden strain against the barriers of their prison scratching to gain a foothold back into this world and what does all this mean to me we stand at the threshold of a new Aeon Razia and you are the fulcrum upon which our destiny turns beneath this room lies our innermost sanctum the outer chamber has been opened it appears events are already in motion this token is the key to the mysteries you seek I cannot accompany you you must face this trial alone if you prevail you will have your answers and if I fail the test then you will not return should have known I'd find you here here and everywhere now and always I am the wheel and it's turning I am the circle of life and death and I am beginning to think the vampires committed suicide only to escape your voice do not focal my favor with your impertinence Messier you have finally fulfilled your purpose I what are you trying to a bitter eight here then what is it about me that has you so afraid your fate is trivial Raziel it was Cain's destiny that mattered all along [Music] it is accomplished the Forge summons the spirit of every balanced Guardian to itself for this purpose area you yes not yet yet I am much more than I was the is lifted from my sight my spirit United with the souls of my predecessors is drawn here now for the final baptism of the blade to restore balance the sword must be rendered pure I spirit release me Razia the Soul Reaver has a power release us for this [Music] you but there is one more trial fear too bad you must unite what has been said [Music] Oh [Music] the river now blazed with purifying flame but far from being enlightened I found myself in tangled in an even greater web of mysteries what had Janos expected me to learn and what of Ariel's cryptic message if the sword was in doubt for the sign of balance for Cain and he was now dead what hope remained I needed to find Janos and soon I dreaded to think what these ominous rumblings might portend jános what is this the binding is failing all is lost we had arrived at that cataclysmic moment when a younger came faced his fateful dilemma as balance Guardian choosing self-preservation over sacrifice he doomed the pillars to eternal ruin Brazil there may yet be hope there is one who will be called you must seek the scion of balance dear God Graci only meet again you have played your part flawlessly it is gratifying to attain both freedom and vengeance in a single stroke no you cannot this one is strong good my next move requires a more durable host mortals are such fragile vessels willing or not you have provided the instrument of our victory I wouldn't celebrate just yet you you haven't got a clue the seduction of the circle at possession of Mort Aeneas Ariel's murder the corruption and collapse of the pillars or orchestrated as a prelude to this moment we sought an incorruptible vessel and you provided one we require the blood of our ancient enemy and you delivered Janos Aldrin having first been lured to the heart of darkness best of all you murdered the scion of balance to get it we've already won you must not allow them to carry out their plan kill me and you end it now suicidal like the rest of them know your place vassal the true hero plays his role and then steps aside you deluded fool do you so wish to die a martyr for the vampires lost cause you're not leaving this chamber I will destroy Janos if I have to very well Raziel finish it before he returns now which is finished and thus anew and that has its begin do you see however far you stray you will always return to me surrender Raziel your efforts are wasted Raziel that weapon you dare however endowed remains only a wraith blade it cannot touch me I will not be your prisoner you have no choice your task is fulfilled Cain has been cleared from the board and this chamber made ready for my more malleable servants there is nothing more for you to do I have refused to bend my will it has always been my will you satisfied never your own parasitic fraud you're forced to imprison me because I possess free will who possess nothing as you are undying your soul cannot be returned to the wheel but it may concern you to abide here in eternity with me Mobius my good servant I call you to the place of our first meeting returned to me here I awoke to find myself in a shadowy realm a disquieting stillness lay where my heart had been the heart that had belonged to Yanis warren all along I was it possible that I still lived what is this place into which I felt strongly drawn compelled even not to linger here but to go to the vampire city to at once I knew what ominous hour this was in Nosgoth history for here was the event that had shaped my entire existence I had cast my fate refusing the sacrifice damning the pillars and founding my doomed empire upon their ruins I would raise the Seraphin priests to be my closest lieutenants and would one day cast the strongest of them my servant Raziel into the abyss dealing one last hand to play against fate but in the end had it made any difference had I misread the signs as Mobius told me in my arrogance had I missed my cast a destiny the Hilden are merely an inconvenient consequence they will be dealt with in time it is a small price to pay but Caine's debt you're a bit premature Kane is there a crack in your omniscience after all Mobius first your omniscience and now your powers you're slipping badly this is not possible the part of me that staff affected is no longer in its place but you already knew that didn't you I always was considered heartless and now Mobius it is time to kill me again your only solution for every problem kill this is not a debate you see this time you have nothing that I want this will matter but I show one who has power of a life and death then go to him I am his obedient his devoted servant soon all pain will fade and my must will bring me life once more Master my apologies a momentary oversight somehow Cain still lives has unexpectedly dispatched me make use of your good servant and go to your master then I release you to the Weaver now you see now the monster that you served is this what you imagined when you worshiped it and in that knowledge go and feed it I release you your petty actions are irrelevant Recio mobius was a good servant but he was of no further use his long life that run its course you see even when you repelled you are doing my will perhaps but something has changed hasn't it you didn't foresee Kane's return you have both traced your paths along the wheel this is where the journey ends you haven't the means to kill either one of us ah but you can't be stopped and you will come to understand how oblivion can be a mercy you and Kane will spend eternity buried here together praying for the merciful release of a death that will but I was armed with newfound knowledge and it burned within me Redeemer and destroyer mobius had never seen his master until the Soul Reaver purified his sight even the ancient vampires had no idea what it was they so righteously worshiped you must unite all the conflict and strike throughout history all the fear and hatred served but one purpose to keep my Master's wheel turning all souls were prisoners trapped in the pointless round of existence leading distracted blunted lives until death returned them always in ignorance to the wheel the coin is Stilton but what hope had there been one cannot fight the unseen only bangable despair Raziel there is no escape it was then I knew what I had to do I alone could end this kay do you so enjoy death yes no yes this is how No Razia the Soul Reaver pure of all corruption this is what it is for this this was I the two become one booth so rebus together and the tsiyon of balance is healed and I have not your enemy not your destroyer I am as before your right hand your sword No lasya this can't be the way and now you will see the true enemy Raziel and it was there I saw so I am revealed to you at last what in hell I am the origin of life the devourer of death I am the hub of the wheel the purifying cycle which all souls must redraw had I condemned Raziel to this nightmare when I cast him into the abyss you may prompter the futility of your ambitions as you spend a deathless eternity beneath a mountain of rock you and your Soul Reaver will go equally mad as the eons pass the citadel of the apostle's will become your dividend [Music] your words are hardening for you would not fit unless we could try do you harness no you are nothing false god this is the end the final turn of your wheel the engine of life itself the wheel will turn the plague of your kind will be purged from this world and on that inevitable wretched stagnant soul will finally be mine in the meantime you'd best borrowed now at last the masks had fallen away the strings of the puppets had become visible and the hands of the prime mover exposed most ironic of all was the last gift that Raziel had given me more powerful than the sword that now held his soul more acute even than the vision his sacrifice had accorded me the first bitter taste of their terrible illusion Oh you you
Channel: iampanax
Views: 122,315
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Keywords: legacy of kain defiance ending, legacy of kain defiance intro, legacy of kain defiance all cutscenes, legacy of kain defiance all bosses, legacy of kain defiance raziel, legacy of kain defiance raziel death, legacy of kain defiance moebius, legacy of kain defiance moebius death, legacy of kain defiance walkthrough no commentary, legacy of kain defiance walkthrough part 1, legacy of kain defiance full movie, legacy of kain defiance full game, soul reaver, legacy of kain
Id: 17UkLUCQrwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 10sec (6130 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 06 2020
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