Castlevania: Curse of Darkness | Cutscenes - Movie (English)

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1476 pleasure a Great War raged between dracula and humanity just when it seemed that there was no hope for mankind to prevail out of the darkness and despair a champion arose a true-blooded vampire hunter named Trevor Belmont Belmont and his comrades triumphantly slew Lord Dracula a truly glorious victory for all however the evil one did not pass from this world in silence with his final words Lord Dracula left a demonic curse that enshrouded all of Europe misery and torment ravaged by hideous play in dire famine the people's hearts turned black and murderous the week was slain without pity while the land imaged in Scrooged without remorse me years of passes as the death of Lord Dracula and the invocation of Dracula's curse so yourself Isaac I know you're here Hector is that you I finally tracked you down you tracked me down hmm I was the one who lured you here Hector the fool who betrayed our Lord Dracula that matters not I've come to exact my revenge upon you for the death of Rosalee oh and how you have this revenge when you are utterly at my mercy you relinquished your powers you couldn't even protect your own woman and now will you think to defeat me lord racula is gone but his powers are still here in valachia even you must realize devil fortune indeed with this the most forbidden of arts a wisp of conjured matter can be transformed into a hellish devil there are but two humans who possess this magnificent power you and I yes to our lasting shame but I shed that evil power never again will I use it ah but you will Hector and soon you have no choice without it I could crush instant but that wouldn't be very satisfying now would it you deserve a most gruesome fate for the humiliation you brought upon me three years ago bereft of the power of devil forging you cannot hope to pursue me that is why you will reclaim your powers and thence follow where I lead you but in the end the glorious vengeance you seek will not be yours twelve wait Isaac tell me so Fiat was descend into darkness and reclaim that Ackerson power once more heed my words I will hunt you down like a beast you are I will have my revenge this unearthly power is it coming from that tombstone how conscientious of him he carved the instructions into stone along with the most difficult visualization so that's how badly he wants me to regain my powers very well he my words are great powers of darkness released the tortured souls let me infuse him with my lifeforce and awaken him to the the living immaculate be appear before me well well devil forging isn't it never seen that before quite impressive it's enough to make your blood run cold who are you oh my apologies my lord I should have offered an introduction I go bows and I am here for one purpose only to purify this land of the pestilent curse which infected I see you on the other hand are pursuing the other devil forge master are you not the one you seek fled toward the chapel on the other side of the mountain he made his escape through the back of the castle what concern is this to you he is the one protecting the curse ergo he is an impediment to me and to all those who abide in this land I see very well I Hector thank you for your help now if you'll forgive me I must be on my way it can't be that's impossible she can't be alive Oh may I be of service oh no forgive me my name is Hector what are you doing in a place like this I could ask you the same question sir I am searching for someone a man bearing the same Chris Tyler and this man is he your enemy or your friend you sound as if you know him yes quite so now answer me be he your friend or foe he is my most bitter enemy I see in that case I shall help you pardon me milady but by what reason would you offer me this boon indeed by what reason should I trust it your enemy is my enemy that is reason enough if you are a devil Forge master you shall need a place to keep your little friends safe rest assured you have no reason to refuse my help you seem quite knowledgeable who are you exactly a witch I escaped from the western lands where we were hunted like vermin I have the power to envision the future how interesting and your name Julia my house is further on I shall prepare an elixir that may be of use to you farewell for now Julia she's the very image of Rosalie I've been waiting for your Hector devil forge master how do you know me who are you saint-germain I won't bandy words with you I have an urgent request please refrain from pursuing Isaac any further bastard so you're with Isaac that does not follow Isaac wishes to fight me for what purpose do you make this request this will not make sense to you but to put it simply I seek to maintain the flow of Greater will this is pointless out of my way your beloved was killed on false allegations that she was a witch I know how you feel and I sympathize truly but please do Patrick how do you know of these things that I cannot tell I know far more than you imagine but I cannot act upon that knowledge that is my arrangement I may only observe I have no choice but to excuse myself please consider my request the world hangs in the balance goodbye who was that wait that crest are you the devil forge master that whip could he be answer me are you the devil forge master I am this is the hour of your death on your oath are you truly the devil forge master and if I am for one that served under Dracula you seem much too weak it's been said that the devil forged masters power rivals that of death ah so you are hunting for Isaak as well I see as well then you're not wait I recall there was another devil forge master they say he betrayed Dracul enforce war his powers but that was three years ago during the war could he have survived it cannot be believed what you like but answer me this are you not Trevor Belmont the one who defeated Lord Dracula that I am though I did not fight alone there were many brave warriors beside me and your name sir Hector Hector I shall remember that name ah I'm pleased to see you are unharmed did you think me dead I saw him earlier I feared that perhaps I came too late then which way did he go along this path lies a forest he went there probably making his way to the village on the other side and what of your mission to purify this land and remove the curse yes the curse in the end it is all Isaac he is the source of this pestilence he ha ha how could I forget there is a matter of I must attend to buy your leave you again oh did you ha ha I was expecting somewhere else you spoke with him didn't you and why should I answer to you perhaps you'll accept my advice then you would do well to avoid to him do not be drawn in by his words your advice is neither solicited nor welcomed I will use any means necessary to achieve my revenge you've been warned I would like to speak with you further but I must track him down quickly he is the one being was beyond my recollection goodbye for now that is why I am telling you this voice says who could it be do not go beyond your bounds you mustn't speak nor act upon matters related to failed you had better refrain from saying anything unsuitable oh that is correct of course but what about you is it a ludicrous for you to be guiding a traveler in these circumstances I am merely lending assistance but to one who is seeking what he already desires it is the same with the curse that's ridiculous you have different rules for yourself this discourse is at an end I cannot have you interfering any of I will keep returning one till the day you finally surrender no one escapes from me so those two are enemies so you've caught up already Isaac huh it's still too soon but all the same I'll test your abilities and see how much of your power has been restored ah how gratifying your power is indeed returning but it's still not enough stop Julia return able mother what an annoying interruption well so be it it's still too early to finish you anyway regain more of your power first you'll need it all if you hope to kill me you are not getting away oh let him go so I was taken in you were in league with Isaac all along think what you like but I do wish for you to stop him honestly then why did you keep me from him because it is too soon you still lack the strength and spirit to defeat him I know that my strength is still growing but what do you mean by my spirit you must understand this my brother is in the venomous crypt of Lord Dracula's curse the desires of a single man need nothing the curse rules him then go with Belmont or one of his vampire Slayer's someone you can be sure of no Hector you must be the one to defeat him my brother has always respected you only you can free him from the curse and also if you are the one to slay him only then could I sleep with it I understand of course he is your brother forgive me I was vexed I did not mean to offend I will take my leave of you now and I will do what I can be vigilant Hector I have an ill feeling it bodes not well oh but unexpected guests so Zedd hasn't slain you yet I see you were spying on us but I am an expert of miraculous escapes despite that however I have fallen into his trap at last trap what trap well the space itself is a barrier which leads me to question how did you get here on foot there were no barriers interesting most interesting just that is quite possible what are you saying but in this space I may be partially freed in the festive time well that means I can have a direct physical effect here for example I could fight you so is that your intent to stop me by force not exactly by finding you than I need to know do you think I surrender I promise not to interfere with you again very well I now see how fascinating time or rather fate truly is just who are you a traveler only half here not allowed to speak the truth not allowed to act upon reality yet one who knows all that about covers it I see not allowed to speak the truth please forget everything I have told you a traveler merely passes through touching nothing changing nothing but there is one thing I can tell you what is that I feel a new destiny flowing out of you walk the path that is meant for you without fear for you are no longer alone give my regards to Z when you see him why not that skill you think wish lord racula by a fluke a mere twist of fortune yet I grant you our a dip Hector I need not linger here any longer I've gotten what I need but mark me well I will slay both of walk without fail so he escaped he fled when he saw you there can be no doubt of it then you are indeed his enemy just as I told you when we first met be that as it may I am the one who shall vanquish him your meddling is unwelcome leave him to me pity how unfortunate such a rare opportunity squander on the contrary to obtain the vengeance I seek Isaac must be slain by my hand alone Erick oh nothing was lost thank you so then you shall be glad to know where he is bound and where might that be the castle ruins where we first met do you remember the place how could I forget well said at the top of those ruins there is a hidden chamber tis there you shall find him then that is where I must go ah I'd almost forgotten saint-germain gives you his regards saint-germain you say did you beat him in the Clocktower just so he pledged he would no longer interfere in this matter it cannot be no that is not possible I must make haste to complete the final touches I beg your leave dude is that you Hector it is I was told a hidden chamber lies beneath this castle Isaac is there now what that's not possible in order to open the passage to that chamber the blood of my clams Oh so that is why [ __ ] me earlier what is it Belmont it cannot be avoided you must show me just how much power you've gained weight I have no reason to fight you this is your reason defend yourself it's as if you're an entirely different person so this is your true strength why did you attack me the place to which Isaac has gone can only be entered by those who possess very advanced powers I had to test you I see meaning you would have me pursue him indeed but first you shall need my help come there tis done some the Belmont blood acts as a key and what lies beyond this point do not ask if you knew your HUD might waver for now hold the image of Isaac in your mind think only of defeating him very well picton hunt him down and when you have him show him no mercy what is this this enormous power Dracula's castle if I arrive too late friend what are you doing here I can't have you interfering beyond this point I left that seal to Hector impossible the seal cannot be undone except by a torrent of demonic energy Hector could not know that do not equate a devil forge masters power with that an ordinary sorcerer for a seal like that the magic produced in battle is more than placing a guard there proved to be your downfall enough talk time to die before you stands Dracula's castle I the curse that was unleashed three years ago still emanates from it does this mean the source of the curse is still present at this rate is likely the remnants of Dracula's magic and all because of me damn I know not what happened to you in the past but there's no time for regret we must try to cleanse the castle and dispel the vile curse if the curse spurs from demonic power I may be able to find the source indeed I must for this is something only I can do then make haste if the castle is fully resurrected it is possible that Dracula's revived if that is so we must call Belmont it is he who slew Dracula before he can help us now alas he cannot but why he suffered a terrible injury I barely saved his life but even now it hangs by a thread it was my brother's work and no other I see a devil forge master is easily susceptible magic do not let the curse take hold of you I'm certain that she would not wish you to pay such a price for your revenge so know about Rosalie the hours delayed away to your purpose and you to safety back to your home Hector please do not die you resurrected the castle Hector Bravo you wanted me to regain my powers now I see why I fell right into your plot after three years of peace I'd lost my edge and I've sharpened mine I've been waiting quite a long time to blot my revenge not only did my lord die because of you you stripped me of my pride my home no I shall make you suffer his eyes you shall die a most painful death I do not let the curse take hold of you I'm certain that she would not wish you to pay such a price for your revenge this murderous impulse is thirst for bloody vengeance this is not me tis the curse sir Acula scars Oh Oh and you would not fall prey to the Gus praiseworthy indeed I wonder why was your desire for vengeance weak or was your spirit strong no matter either way tis well finished your efforts have been a great boon to me the moment you wavered was all I needed said so you're the one behind all of this you could say that you used me to revive Lord Dracula even so Devil Forge masters allo Nassif used in my Master's magic thus only a devil Forge master can be the vessel for his reawakening I knew you would be the best material yes much more so than Isaac that is why I guided you here so that you may fully regain your powers who are you however for Lord Dracula to be reborn in you the curse had to take hold of you when you rejected the curse you proved to be useless truly tis most unfortunate weapon you one another than soon my master will enter Isaac's body though you were favored ice-t will do Draculaura walks all over the mat and as for you it is time for you to die ah the traitor Hector Lord Dracula you are inborn why did you betray me why did you unleash your hatred upon the humans when you began slaughtering them indiscriminately I had no choice but to disobey you you side against me for the sake of humans humans are not worth the air they breathe I was simply cleansing the world it's not your place to judge the worth of humans the powerful always judge the weak humans made their judgment of me as well thus I sentenced them to extinction sympathy is merely a form of witness you betrayed me and for that the punishment is death I stand ready I will not flee if I did before the transformation was it not complete so it would seem ah the curse my soul may return to the abyss but the curse will not be lifted it will fester in the hearts of humans until they all reiterate themselves have you forgotten I am a devil forge master I can turn your cursor side transformed into something harmless and so it shall be rest in peace now that I reflect upon it Isaac's madness and rosalee's death were both caused by the curse this den is the final forge he my words oh great powers of darkness at least me and the tortured souls let me infuse him with my life force and awaken him to the world of the living immaculate being appear before me tis done the struggle has ended I feel I can let go now and die in peace you look gasoline Julia why did you come here I thought you might be contemplating something foolish like letting go you see through it all don't you you've paid your debt have you not from this day on you must live true to your own heart you are wise indeed Julia I cannot fall knowing that you would fall with me now that you realize we must go let us depart quickly farewell Oh tis over at last even so I pray this will truly free the people's hearts those hearts are yet filled with darkness the curse has reached deep inside of them its mark will not easily vanish for my brother only death could erase it Julia all the same people are not such fools their hope lies in one another they shall realize that in time scars will fade and be lost to memory let us have faith in the morrow indeed faith in the morrow those are fine words but not for me as one who travels through time I see the morrow a bit differently all the same the flow of time has stabilized at last for myself I think I will go far into the future and see what awaits there is one great battle yet to be [ __ ] the final battle between Lord Dracula and the humans perhaps they will remember your fight or perhaps it will start anew what now Hector where will you go well I have many friends I must conceal from the humans I suppose I'll seek some hidden place where I can live in peace no need to search out such a place I know of one pray lead me there I am in your debt all that you may need you shall find here if that is fine with you oh I suppose to stay here with you Julia it is not a bad idea you you true is cool Oh wrong but your Astri Oh you Russia but some and please you you Oh sir and Oh still to Oh oh you're that's led to Oh Oh
Channel: silenig
Views: 201,283
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Castlevania: Curse Of Darkness (Video Game), Castlevania (Video Game Series), Action-adventure Game (Media Genre), Cutscene, Video Game (Industry), Vampire, Dracula, Vampires, Night, Symphony
Id: x8MPNj0SOfI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 22sec (2662 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 28 2014
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