Muhammad Ali vs Ron Lyle | KNOCKOUT Legendary Boxing Fight | 4K Ultra HD

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in prime time from the Las Vegas Convention Center the heavyweight championship of the world at stake remember how it was that night in 64 February 25th in Miami when Lon did not get off the stool for the seventh round Ali became the champion he was Cash's clay then but faced the media people the next day and said my name is Muhammad Ali and so it was then the extraordinary ofair May 25th 65 in in main the invisible punch the late Jimmy Cannon said he saw it it couldn't have crushed a great the befuddled referee wallot and finally the bout over in the first round it's been one controversy after another finally being deprived of his tight and stripped of his right to fight only to be Vindicated after 3 and A2 years of enforced idleness by the Supreme Court of the United States now the bell for round one Ali going right out T Lyle the two men in the middle of the Ring I will not try to kill him Lyall said in our pre-fight talk nor will I wear myself out if he lies against the [Music] ROP still Ali is a great one at devising strategy on the spur of the moment now Ali's corner is yelling stick them champ now Al Ali is in the corner with the ropa do tactic we've got a mic on Angie dunde Ali's trainer and between rounds cuz we not be cutting away you will hear what dunde tells his Fighter the champion oh a quick right by Ali that was the first decent punch he's gotten off tonight I'll leave with a right lead not way to get him [Music] in gra posture Proby he hasn't danced at all tonight the left foot in front of the right foot Ali is talking to tning him you see the mouth open the half stare across his lips oh a good quick left and right by Ali his best blows of the night ly trying to fight back coming in with a right no question Lyall has no fear of this [Music] man wild got to be careful of that straight [Applause] fight this is the way to fight Ron ly with movement to thron it SL sticking as Ali just did with the [Applause] left now how long Ali and his present physical shake and move remains to be seen but for the first time in this fight he's on his toes he's dancing in the old style not as swiftly not as smoothly not as rhythmically but there is the movement mainly to the left occasionally as there back to the right and then the quick jab that's the quick right lead that Ali has used as his best blow of the night thus far though it's registered no [Music] damage ly is unafraid looks strong that left is getting in though left again this is Ali's best round by far tonight now Ali against the ropes a right by Lyall got into [Music] him tell you this Ali must not expose himself to that ly left hook in Ali's career he's been vulnerable to the left hook Henry Cooper decked him with the left hook the first time they met Joe frasia decked him with a left hook so did the late Sunny bank and so the fight has been a tactical fight which to many of you has probably seemed largely disappointed I suppose in a purest boxing sense it's an interesting fight Ali is now covering up as ly goes after but I think that would be stretching reason a great deal I think Ali is concerned now about this [Music] fight [Music] no dancing this round fori he danced in the fifth he danced in the sixth L it seems to me the aggressor in the fight miles got in a good right to Ali's head with Ali and is a doe position while L measuring him trying to get into and let me tell you you feel ly when he leans against your body because he's 219 [Applause] lb all right we'll be back with more of the Muhammad Ali Ron L world heavyweight championship fight now let pause for this message for our local [Applause] station they've begun action in round eight when we had to break so our local stations could identify themselves Ali hurt Ron ly with a right now this is eighth round action and this is the round Ali predicted he would do away with ly L he's got a lot to have to do in a hurry I'll tell you that he said between 235 and 243 on there abouts of this round now he's opening up he's trying to he's trying to get it l Lyle is a powerful man can take a punch when Jerry Quarry beat him he hit him with everything he had and Quarry could punch I'll say that and he said I got tired of looking at the guy still coming at me Ali is scoring much better though in this round we're going to run this clock the whole round because of the prediction Ali got to L in Ali got to him again with the right when ly was off balance Ali is remember in boxing from most positions the right lead is a dangerous punch it takes longer to reach the adversary than the left which is closer to the opponent's body he is not going to knock Ron L out as CRI Al is winning this round L out as critic and the crowd knows it they're react a big round for Muhammad Ali no question about it we're going to have to break for a commercial after this round and we'll be back in a moment big round [Applause] [Applause] for welli got a good left in there Lyall got a left in by the way Allan King doesn't give you an uninformed opinion he was a fighter C out of boys high school in Brooklyn hey he hurt l a weak up to Li l is in trouble he hurt him with a left L went back against the ropes he's desperately trying to cover up Ali won't expect himself while out against the ropes but Ali smells blood 11th round action and Ali in command lyall's eyes a glassing he's staggering this time Lyall is ready to go look at that Mohammad Ali this is Mohammad Ali the way he can be even at 33 suddenly from nowhere the left cut to sent him back against the ropes Ali in total command being separated now the fight is stopped by referee bird Hernandez Lyle is objected but he is rubbery leg chicky Ferrari goes right after the referee why stop it why stop it but it's a TKO Mohammad Ali successfully in the 11th round defend his heavyweight championship of the world
Channel: ElTerribleProduction
Views: 1,544,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 44sec (584 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2024
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