Casey Gerald: 2019 National Book Festival

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>> John Haskell: Dr. Carla Haden the Librarian of Congress just told me to remind you that this is the best free event in Washington DC. [ Applause ] And not only that, it's better than most of the ones you have to pay for; so welcome. The Kluge Center is proud to be sponsoring three events here on the history stage, including this one. If you don't know about the Kluge Center, its mission at the library is to bridge the gap between scholarship and the policy making community and the interested public by bringing leading thinkers in the humanities and social sciences to the library, for periods of residence to do research in the collections. And by showcasing the work of those scholars and other prominent writers in public events and other forums. I want to highlight a few of the events we have coming up this fall for the public at the Kluge Center in the library. One is on the dynamics of the presidential primary process with Amy Walter and Julia Azari. Also complicity and accountability and the great recession. And Ron White will address leadership lessons from President's Lincoln and Grant. Also I should point out that in conjunction with the shall not be denied exhibit at the library, the center will host an event on 100 years of women voting, featuring Christina Wolbrecht from Notre Dame University and Jane Jun from USC. Today the Library is honored to have Casey Gerald at the National Book Festival for a conversation on there will be no miracles here, a memoir from the dark side of the American Dream. Casey grew up in Dallas. He majored in political science and played football at Yale University. Then while studying for an MBA from the Harvard Business School he co-founded MBA's Across America, which is a movement of MBA's and entrepreneurs working together to reinvent business school and revitalize America. Gerald has been featured on MSNBC at Ted and SXXSW on the cover of fast company and in the New York Times and other major publications. Casey is going to do a short presentation followed by a conversation with Colleen Shogan who is sitting to his right. She is the Assistant Deputy Librarian for collections and services at the library. Colleen is also Vice Chair of the Women's Suffrage Centennial Commission. Join me in welcoming Casey and Colleen to the stage. [ Applause ] >> Casey Gerald: Thank you John. Thank you all, beautiful people for being here this afternoon. Not long after I finished the manuscript for this book, I came across a conversation between Sonya Sanchez and Luca Clifton. And somebody asked Ms. Clifton, "So why did you write such and such a poem?" And Ms. Clifton said, "Well this was a poem that wanted to be written, and I was available." And I felt very similarly about this book, except a bit more strongly. This was a book that kidnapped me and held me until the ransom was paid. And I began it simply because I knew something was wrong with me. I had achieved my - my late 20's everything a kid is supposed to achieve in this society, going from this little poor kid in my forgotten world of Oakcliff, Texas. And done the whole Horatio Alger song and dance. And despite doing it, or perhaps because of doing it I was very cracked up. And I wouldn't necessarily say I was having a nervous breakdown, but I was not too far off. And I was awful sad either way. And a great number of my friends were cracked up. And this was 2016, so as you know the world was very cracked up. And so I set out with this book just to trace those tracks with words. And what came out on the page was about as strange as I felt at the time and this alarmed some people at first. I sent a few early chapters to a very esteemed journalist who will remain nameless. And he wrote back and he said, "When can you hop on the line?" And so we got on the phone and he said, "What is this man? You've been hired to write an autobiography. This is straightforward exercise; it's got a beginning middle and end. It's grounded in the facts of your life. And by the way, there's a great tradition of autobiography in this country led by people on the margins of society who right to assert that they exist. Go read Frederick Douglass man. Go read Mya Angelou. Learn from them because you are going in the wrong direction." Now I was so grateful for my friend's intervention because it helped me realize very early that I had no interest in writing that kind of book. I didn't need to write a book to know that I existed. And even though I had grown up and lived grown a poor, black, queer, damn near orphan - I hadn't lived on the margins of anything. I thought of what the great Kendrick Lamar, Pulitzer Prize winner Kendrick Lamar says on his mix tape as [Inaudible], section 80. He says "I'm not on the outside looking in. I'm not on the inside looking out. I'm in the dead fucking center looking around." That was the perspective from which I wanted to write this book. And then the question became to what end? One of my closest friends from college who is like a little brother to me, a few months after I began this work took his own life. And he was the first person that was close to me to commit suicide. And I felt a great deal of guilt in some ways because I had helped recruit him to Yale from St. Louis. I had been as any 20 year old is to an 18 year old, something of a model. And so I didn't know what to do. And a few weeks later he came to me in a dream. And he was sitting in a booth in a diner. And he leaned back and he smiled and he said, "You know Casey, we did a lot of things that we would not advise anyone we loved to do." I knew exactly what he meant. I knew that if you looked at it from the right angle, a kid picking themselves up by their bootstraps looks just like a suicide. I knew that this American Dream that we sell to young people in this country is a very dangerous, dangerous, dangerous, dangerous thing. And so I began to think about this book much like that warning on the pack of cigarettes. It says smoking can kill you. Now you can't sell a pack of cigarettes anywhere in this country without having that warning on it. People are still going to smoke, of course. But you at least have to tell the people; hey this shit can kill you. And that is what I hoped to do in part to the American Dream. To try to understand what it would look like to truly live, to be whole, to be free, to a better friend, a better brother, a better lover. To know God for real, not just some worthless ritual and fear. I thought of that great interview that Little Richard did about Jimi Hendrix in the 70's and he said Little Richard was a star when I got him. Little Richard's first gig was playing background for - I'm sorry, Jimi Hendrix was first gig was playing background for Little Richard. And he says, "Jimi was a star when I got him. Everybody is a star, the only difference is you got to be placed into the dipper and poured back out on the world." I have no idea what that means. But I could feel it kind of. And so this book was in part me being poured, placed into the dipper. And poured back out on the world. And so I'll read just a very quick part of it that I think touches on many of these things and since we're in Washington it includes the President. This book was changed tremendously by a chance encounter I had with George W. Bush at the Bush Library in Dallas in 2015. I had just listened to him speak and was rightfully enraged. And so I went up and there was a dinner after his little talk and I was in the buffet line, still enraged at George W. Bush, still swearing to never enter the Bush Library ever again. And then I felt a hand on my shoulder. And I turned around and it was the President. And what I'm about to read comes from that encounter and it gets to the American Dream. John talked about complicity and the great recession. I was an intern at Leeman Brothers in 2008, which I think is the height of complicity in the great recession, but here we are. I say all that to say, the American Dream is real. Not that foolishness you hear from politicians if you work hard and play by the rules, you can do anything, be anybody in this country. I'm talking about the real American Dream, the way the country actually works. If you know the right people, they can help you do anything, be anybody. Rules and hard work be damned, as long as they like you. They do have to like you. And that takes a good deal of work. This dream of course, cannot be extended to 300 million people, and therefore cannot be confessed to any. So despite the fact that America is designed from Rooter to Tooter for most of its citizens, to have nothing and achieve nothing. The political version of the American Dream is essential, kids like me are essential. Something and/or someone has got to keep the esteem down. Perhaps that's why this crazy thing happened that I wasn't going to tell you about, since I think I've made my point. But it's one of those stories that will make you want to die all over again if you die without telling, so I'll just tell it real quick. One summer evening not too long ago as I stood near the end of a long buffet line in Dallas, I felt a hand rest on my shoulder. I rarely like to be touched without notice, so I just stood there a second or two hoping it might be a phantom sensation before I glanced back. I saw then that the hand belonged to George W. Bush. For some reason, the 43rd President of the United States had to stand in line for dinner just like normal people. And also like normal people, but unlike me, he did not want to loiter there fondling lint in his pocket and pretending to appreciate the art on the walls, which was his. The President wanted to talk, fine. So we talked as we moved along the line and put a few rows in potatoes and if I remember correctly, a slice of salmon a piece on our plates. The secret service or somebody took the President's plate once it was full. They did not take mine. So I held it between myself and the President who squared up with me before we went to our seats. "Let me ask you something", he said, scrunched his mouth. "Was your dad around?" This felt as out of the blue to me then as it may feel to you now. Or six or seven minutes the President and I had run a pretty good gamut of gab, talked about his paintings and his school days and his brother Jeb, who was at that time campaigning poorly to be the 45th President. Yet after all that Mr. Bush needed to know or wanted to know, I'm trying not to speculate, whether I had grown up with a father. And since I had mastered the art of giving people exactly what I thought they wanted, which got me into a lot of trouble, not all of it bad. I replied without even thinking much, "No sir. Both of my parents were gone by the time I was 12," which was not quite true. But not entirely untrue either. I don't remember what he said right after, but I do know because there's video evidence that two years passed and I remained on the President's mind. He was sitting on the stage in Beverly Hills being interviewed by a gentleman who had also been famous for a long time. First for his success in finance, then for the felonies which had, in part made the success possible. And finally as is the American way for his good deeds. The man wanted to hear about the President's latest good deed, a program that he and the 42nd President had launched around the time we met. And Mr. Bush seized the opportunity, with a check this out, flick of his hand. A case study. So I'm sitting next to a young African American kid so I say, "What do you do man?" He said - he skips ahead. I said, "Where you from?" He said, "Dallas." "Where?" "South Oakcliff." The President lowers his voice to tell this part. "South Oakcliffs, you know on the other side of the Trinity River." Then resumes. I said, "Wow did you go to college?" He said, "Yeah I went to Yale." Then he looks down, continues, I said, "Interesting. You know you must have had parents who drove you." Then he looks up and out at the audience. He said, "Not at all, my dad died early. My mother is in prison. But I had an aunt that focused me, plus I was a pretty good football player." He shrugs again and smirks. I said, "I didn't know Yale cared about football." Then smothers the laugh line. "Anyway so he goes to Harvard Business School and he applies to the program." Now when I first heard the President's story I thought wow, that kid is impressive. Then I realized that the President was talking about me. And so I felt a bit confused and a little dirty too. But I was not upset at all. I couldn't be. In our buffet line conversation I had offered Mr. Bush a vague compelling story. The kind of story I had learned to tell years before those shorter and more to the heartbreaking point. And he, being the world class politician that he is took that raw material and fashioned an even more pointed and compelling version so inaccurate that it became a new delicious story of its own. The kind of story a man needs if he's going to keep his subjects from despair or mass unrest or most of all from the truth of their society. I imagine that is one reason he became president and I reckon it is also why so many people said nice things to me like "Casey you are the embodiment of the American Dream." But it took me many years to realize that instead of smiling and saying thank you, I should have wept. [ Applause ] >> Colleen Shogan: Thank you Casey. You've written a beautiful lyrical book that's really about the American condition today. Why write a memoir? Why not write a book a history book or a book on public policy? Why did you choose memoir as your genre to write this commentary on the American Dream and the condition? >> Casey Gerald: Well to be very honest I don't really think about the genre of it. I find myself in a tradition of confession, you see? Talk about complicity. And confession in the modern sense has been kind of confuse with divulgent salacious detail. Whereas the kind of confession I'm talking about is the confession of the penitence center who says "I've really messed up." And I need some help. And so I saw the exercise of personal narrative to one more - most importantly to be about a journey of healing. But also as it pertained to the intervention I was trying to make, I felt that if you went through the eye and you did it right and you went through the eye tunnel, you'd come out on the other side we. And that was the gamble. Almost a year later I hope I've been right. >> Colleen Shogan: You make a distinction in the book, I think really interesting one between religiosity and spirituality. Why was this important for you to make this distinction? >> Casey Gerald: Well I tell people all the time I had to let go of the God I was given to find the God I needed. And the most important spark to that journey was you know, realizing as a young person that I was gay. And it actually was a great gift you see. Because there was no reconciling it. My grandfather was an old school Baptist preacher, pastor of a very large church in Dallas. And when I was seven my uncle died of AIDS, and I'll never forget we went in the hospital the night before he died. And you know there were three or four men in our church who died, this was 1994 within a few months. And they weren't allowed in the kitchen even at their own funerals it was very clear that the eulogy was they're going to hell and anybody else along these lines is too. So the - the - it did not feel like a gift at first. I spent so much time trying to get rid of the gift and it took such a toll that by the time you're a young adult, I didn't even want to live. And I know so many queer people have experienced this. And so the religion was untenable. And it struck me that it didn't make a lot of sense to die in this life just to avoid hell in the next. And so I said well to hell with it. At first I took on the stance of kind of a spurned lover you know, he ain't shit. I don't need him anyway. You know, that kind of thing. And that got me a little ways. But then at a certain point I got so sad. And I was so low. And at the lowest point in my life I felt something grab me. And I called the something God. But a friend of mine sent me a great sermon by Frederick Buechner. And he says if you really want to know God, the best way to know God is to assume you know nothing about God. And that to me, becomes a great adventure. And so I know this thing is realer to me than you or any other actual human. And I've turned it into an excitement about that mystery, and I know that so many queer people - and not just queer people, but folks who feel abandoned or orphaned by their religion of origin just because they've left the church doesn't mean they forfeited their spiritual lives. And that to me was very important to differentiate. >> Colleen Shogan: As John said, you were very successful as an undergraduate at Yale, by all objective standards. You did very well, got great grades, you were a Rhodes finalist, you played varsity football, you started leadership organization for black men on campus. But you wrote something in the book that I want to ask you about. The sentence really stood out for me. You said, When you were there Yale was the loneliest place in the world for you. And I wanted to ask you why did you write that and why was that the case? >> Casey Gerald: Well I wrote it because it was the truth. >> Colleen Shogan: That's a good start. >> Casey Gerald: You know I was lied to so much as a child and I think my generation was lied to so much. I mean again I as a summer intern at Leeman Brothers in 2008. And the first day they fired 3,000 people. And the third day the COO comes in and says, "Hey I know there's been a lot of noise about what's going on out there, but let me just assure you the fundamentals of this firm are strong. And we've been here before; we'll be back again. You're going to have a great career with the firm." And he resigned the next week. I mean so - you know I have such a violent hostility to lies that - that in a lot of ways made this book difficult to write because there's a great tradition also in memoire, I think of lying so that the book can be simpler and more sellable. But we'll skip that. So anyway, I wrote it because it was true for me and I'll give you an example of what this was. I went back a few years ago, this might have been two years ago to speak to the freshman induction of the Yale Black Men's Union, which was a group I started when I was there. And it was 50 some odd 18 year old black boys from all over the world who were there in Battel Chapel. And the first - one of the first black senior administrators of the college spoke to them before I did. And he said "I've got some advice for you. You may be a token, but just be the best token you can be." And I just wanted to lie on the floor and weep in anger and heartbreak, because I knew that that advice was a piece of the advice of so many of our institutions, so many of the people in our lives who say, hey we'll give you the keys to the kingdom. The right school, the right degree, the right job, the right invitation will let you on the right stage with the Library of Congress. In return you've got to leave pieces of yourself outside. You've got to mutilate yourself so that other people make sense to you. So you make sense to other people. Be a stranger to yourself, you see. And what I'm trying to say here is that bargain is not worth it. And my Godmother who is a 40 year public school teacher called me a few weeks ago; I just released this essay the Black Art of Escape in New York Magazine about the 400th anniversary of - thank you. The 400th anniversary of the first enslaved Africans who were brought to America, what is now America 1619. And where we go from there, she called and she said, "You know, Casey you can't build your whole career on alienating people." With friends like this. And I said, "I'm not alienating people. I'm - I'm creating a new public." And what has been very clear through this book and through that essay and through conversations with folks all over the country and really the world, is that I am not alone in having felt alone. And what is I think possible if you do the literature right, is that you can create what did Jesus say? "Low I will be with you always." You can create a book that creates that kind of experience. >> Colleen Shogan: Ask you about some of - I really enjoyed some of your commentary about football in the book. And this is fall and people are starting to think about football. At one point in the book you seem very critical of it. You say that it taught you that if you - you are willing to endure personal injury to yourself, there's no heights that you can't reach. And then another point in the book, you're looking back on your days playing football and you say that football was the one true meritocracy that you experienced. So do you have - do you feel like there's an ambivalence towards football? And also what is the role that football plays in this myth of the American Dream? Particularly for black men in this country? >> Casey Gerald: That's a juicy one. Okay. Let's see how we're going to take that. Couple things, one to the last part of that question everybody should read Bill Roden's 40 Million Dollar Slaves. Full stop, that is the best study of the intersection of athletics and injustice that I think has ever been written. So I'll leave that to Mr. Roden. Football in this book is a couple things, one it's a great deal of fun. I had one rule in this. I didn't read growing up, not that I couldn't read, I just didn't. And not that that means I didn't get vital information, but I didn't really begin to read in earnest until I was nearly 23 years old living here in Washington and I had no money. And I went down Capitol Hills Books and I saw all these great books for $2. And I said, "Okay let's go." And so I had one rule in writing this, which was don't be boring. And football is just a helluva lot of fun. And they're not a lot of folks who had written about it from the inside, so I wanted to do that. My father is still considered by a lot of people to be one of the greatest high school football players in the history of the state of Texas. He went on to be the second black quarterback at Ohio State, played for Woody Hayes, won an Orange Bowl MVP. But by the time I was nine, 10, 11 all I knew and all I was told was that he was a drug addict. So I walked into school one day in sixth grade and on the front page of the Dallas Morning News was my father behind bars. And the headline was, "Once the Pride of Texas, South Oakcliff star saw his life sacked by drugs." That was the only story I got. Well in writing this book I came to understand it a little better. My father broke his back in a game against Purdue his sophomore year in college. And Ohio State continued in the season. They were doing very well and they made the Orange Bowl. And Woody Hayes comes to him and says "Hey Roger we need you." And this was the kids whole identity. And he says he wants to play. He's not totally healed. He agrees to play. Before that Orange Bowl game somebody comes and says, "Do you want me to give you something that will help you play like a champion?" Hands my father, 20 years old an envelope. Inside of the envelope is cocaine. He takes it. He had never taken it before. Had the game of his life. He was Orange Bowl MVP and he never played another game without using. And from there when he couldn't afford cocaine there were other drugs. So you see, the whole narrative that I got was that he was this dumb kid that threw away his life. It was never the true story told that he was also happened to - and I try to bring that reality not to let him off the hook, but to put him in a context you see. And so that as it pertains to what I'm trying to do here is a bit like Robert Carroll. What I love about Carroll's work is that he never lets his personal feelings about Lyndon Johnson for example; get in the way of him doing his job, which is to tell you how the country works. I've lived America from the very bottom to the very top and I thought that if I just gave it to you straight and didn't try to you know put my spin on it, you'd be madder than hell enough and I wouldn't have to you know - >> Colleen Shogan: Last question before we open it up to the audience for their own questions. You've said many times in interviews that we can't know where we're going in this country unless we know where we are now, where we are today. So I want to ask you where are we today? How would you describe the American condition? There's obvious reasons for concerns and pessimism. Is there also reasons for optimism? >> Casey Gerald: I hope so. And I think so. I think the human record is on the side of hope. That's one. Where we are and that kind of goes to the other reason I wrote about football so intensely. My freshman year at Yale the team was horrible. I mean really, really bad. And there were a lot of freshman who traveled with the varsity. And our first - maybe the fifth or sixth game we played at Penn. And Penn embarrassed us so badly. And on the bus ride back 12 of us freshman decided to stage a coup. And we held a freshman only meeting, 30 freshman which is unheard of. Freshman never have anything to meet for. And so we met and we said these guys suck. And we're not going to deal with this shit anymore. So we went from that day on and we stopped listing to them. And we gave them hell in practice and we tried to hurt them if we could. And we took over the team and our sophomore year we won and Ivy League Championship and we went on over the next three years to be one of the winningest classes in 30 years. And I tell that story because at the end of the day people say to me all the time "Well we got to get back to civility and politics." And when are we going to work across the aisle. And I laugh and I laugh and I laugh because I say, have you read any history? Do you not know the - you know the treasury secretary was shot to death by vice president, what are you talking about? Do you not know that Mr. Lincoln, who you want to look at as this very kind and gentle soul said in essence "I will kill as many people as it requires to answer this question correctly." I have no interest whatsoever in sitting down for dinner with the neo-Nazi. I think what we have to do at this moment first of all, as I write in the black art of escape. The most radical thing we can do is marginalize people is to be well. I have no interest in devoting another generation of black people or women or queer people to die for this country or for any other cause. I want us to live. And I want us to be well. And I want us to know some real deep peace and some real deep joy and in our free time, as a hobby we can perform our duties as citizens, which I believe at this urgent hour is to eradicate from public life every single individual who represents and advocates for a retro-grade vision of this country. [ Applause ] You know there's no - Michael Bennet, the Senator is a dear friend of mine and I love him to death. But I say, "Mike you know you got to - you got to you know, kick these men in the head. What are you talking about? You can't just sit down and have tea and crumpets with them. You've got to get them out." So I'm a bit you know, that's why I'm not a senator. >> Colleen Shogan: Do we have any questions? We do have microphones set up if there are any questions. It looks like we have one over here. >> Hi I just came in and I appreciate some of the things that were said. I am the IP owner, the copyright author of Black Lives Matter, All Lives Matter and Blue Lives Matter. It was my sermon and I am Missionary Range. I have the question what happens when in society we develop creative original works and false narratives overtake and hijacked the actual meaning, the purpose, the moral integrity of the work? And I guess I ask because of course Black Lives Matter is mine, but Black Lives Matter is supposed to work with Al Lives Matter. The two work together. They're from my sermon God Says All Lives Matter; we are our brothers and sisters keeper. So my question is how do we get back the true narrative because that work was a peacemaker and the types of things that can heal all people are found in that work when they work together. >> Casey Gerald: Thank you sister. What happens when lives are told, people suffer. I got in a fight with Vincent Cunningham from the New Yorker, who I love dearly and respect his work a great deal. He's a big Peter guy, the Apostle. And I'm more of a Paul guy. And I said, "Vincent you're full of shit man. I don't like Peter at all. And I'll tell you why - and I'll tell you why." I said, "Here's Jesus of Nazareth" I'm not talking about totem pole Jesus. Here's Jesus of Nazareth. And two people betray him. Jesus only goes into church for two things to tell people they're full of crap and turn tables over. So two people betray him, his dear friends Mr. Judas and Mr. Peter. And Judas has enough guilt to jump off a cliff. Peter comes and says, well Jesus is dead you all, I'm in charge and we're starting a church. That's nuts to me. So - so I think people suffer. But as it pertains to this question of Black Lives Matter. I don't want to get all into it. To be honest with you, some of my dearest friends, I was just in Edenborough with Duray McKesson who I love dearly. >> He is not my - he is not my - my leader. >> Casey Gerald: That's all right. >> I just want you to know that. >> Casey Gerald: That's all right sister, I appreciate it. But let me tell - this is why it's so important this conversation grounded in love. And I said "Duray I care much more about you then I care about the movement." This is - this goes to this thing about being well. I'm not interested in us spending another 50 years fighting about this thing. I want us to really try to figure out what it looks like to love each other, to be well, to be alive. I have no interest in Duray dying for Black Lives Matter. I have no interest in you dying for Black Lives Matter. I have no interest in another black person dying in this country for anything. >> Yes. >> Casey Gerald: So whatever it takes to get there I support you and I love you. And if we disagree, I love you still. And that's all, thank you. >> Okay and I'd for you to tell Duray he needs to call me for permission. >> Casey Gerald: Thank you. >> Colleen Shogan: Okay we have a question over here. >> So you started the talk with the metaphor of - the joke of being a hostage in terms of the process of this book and it read to me like a process of healing and talk about being well and well yourself. But I - the question raised the loneliness aspect of it struck me that this journey for you, and you mentioned pulling up by bootstraps. That you've had to do this yourself, but for others wherever they are in their lives that have struggles and try to come out the other end as you've worked to do. Do you recommend therapists, friends and what - I can't imagine you did it all your own, or I hope you didn't have to. And just what advice through that process do you have for people in that journey? >> Casey Gerald: Absolutely, first off I would say therapy for sure. Start there, and not in - I go to a somatic therapist because so much trauma is embodied. And you've got to heal - I talk for a living. I can go and talk for 50 minutes about anything and not get anywhere, you know? I want to try to process that internal trauma; so I would start there. I have a lot more thoughts on this in the black art of escape, which is the essay and it's free, so I'm not selling it to you so you can just go to New York Magazine and read it. But I talk very seriously about what that process looks like, but I would definitely say therapy is one of those things. And you have to remove as much as possible every toxic force in your life. And sometimes I love that old play I can do bad all by myself. Whether it's my mother, my father, my sister, my grandmother, my cousins, my friends, whoever it is. You've got to be willing to do that purge, but I'd hope you read the black art of escape and take some more from it. >> Thank you. >> Colleen Shogan: Over here. >> Hi thank you for this presentation. You mentioned how so many people lied to you about what was real. Do you feel that the Library of Congress lied to you in any way to get you to come here today? [ Laughter ] >> Colleen Shogan: Boy I hope not. >> Casey Gerald: No, but now I'm in intrigued by your question. >> Colleen Shogan: I am too. >> Casey Gerald: I hadn't been looking for the lies, but you know the lies are a little bit like roaches, where there's one there's a whole million of them. So no, I don't think so. I love the Library of Congress. >> Colleen Shogan: We have time for one more question. Yes? >> Hello, my name is Anthony White. Mr. Casey, my question is you said you had to let go of the God that you were given to find the God that you needed and when you talk about your intersectionality of being black, queer and Middle Class. What God did you find? Since there's no miracles. >> Casey Gerald: This is a very pro-miracle book just to be clear. And I'll answer your question and then I'll end with a very quick deal. It is the God of the Frederick Beakner thing if you want to know God, the best way to know God is to assume you know nothing about God. God is just language for placeholder of the divine, the luminous, the universal whatever it is. I like short, what do you call them, Germanic words God is - yeah I can get it in - I can get in and out quicker than saying the universe and what does it even mean? So that is it. A few books that have been helpful to me one especially is A Return to Love by Marianne Williamson who I know has run for President to many people's chagrin. But - but aside from her political work, her spiritual work has really changed my life and helped me to be on a path of spiritual healing. So I would probably start there. As potential the question of miracles and then we'll get you all out of here. This title comes from an art installation by a Scottish artist Napin Coley. And I just found it on Tumblr back in 2013. I was in New Orleans and found it and I said, "Oh that's beautiful." So I put it on my phone and then sometime later I found the story behind it and it's a powerful story, a village and medieval France in the 17th century or so - and the peasants in that village started witnessing miracles sort of what we would call mass hysteria and they stopped working. Put down their plows. And of course this pissed off everybody in charge. And so they tried to get the peasants to get back to work. They tried to cajole them and convince them to no avail. And so finally the folks in charge went to the King of France or help. And the King's solution was to have a sign placed in the village square that read "There will be no miracles here by order of the King." So this book is written from the perspective of those peasants who say, that this deal does not work for us anymore. Maybe they were experiencing miracles, maybe that was just the most efficient language to us to do what they were trying to do. But I think we find ourselves very often in the position of those peasants. And all I'm trying to get us to do a little more quickly, a little more easily, a little less lonely is to put down the plows that aren't working for us. And to know that the king is going to always say or the president or whomever, you can't do this; this is how it's always been. You got to get back to work; and here we are in 2019 and the King of France is dead. >> Colleen Shogan: Please join me in thanking Casey Gerald. [ Applause ]
Channel: Library of Congress
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Keywords: Library of Congress
Id: Xy7Tnk051IA
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Length: 43min 0sec (2580 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 16 2019
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