Susan Choi: 2019 National Book Festival

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>> Peter Vankevich: Wow, we've got a nice little introduction here with our good friend, Ron Charles, who's probably the most present of the Washington Post guys and gals that come here for the fiction there every year. So I want to welcome you and you're back to back. You'll be doing one right after [inaudible] so. Ron writes book reviews for the Washington Post. He said that's enough to say about him. So I'll leave it at that [laughter]. So he's going to introduce and have a nice conversation with Susan Choi. Welcome, both of you. >> Ron Charles: Thank you. >> Susan Choi: Thank you. >> Peter Vankevich: Thank you very much. [ Applause ] >> Ron Charles: First, a word of thanks to the Co-Chairman of the Festival, David Rubinstein and the other generous sponsors who have made this event possible. And if you'd like to add your financial donations to this event, please note the information in your program. We will have time for questions after this conversation so I would have to remind you that if you come to the mike and ask a question, you will be recorded in the video that's being made and will be shown later. So if you're, you're on a witness relocation program or something [laughter], just stay in your seat [laughter]. Our guest today is Susan Choi. She is the author of five novels including "American Woman," which is the finalist for the Pulitzer Prize. And "A Person of Interest," which was a finalist for the PEN/Faulkner Award. She is a recipient of fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Guggenheim Foundation. She teaches fiction writing at Yale. And her new book is wry and brilliant. It's called the "Trust Exercise." I'm so glad you're here. >> Susan Choi: I am so glad to be here. Thank you. [ Applause ] >> Ron Charles: I have loved all your novels. They're super smart, very witty. The "Trust Exercise" on one level, is about a group of high school students who revolve around the charismatic drama teacher in an elite academy of the performing arts in the 1980s. What is it that makes the academic setting so attractive to you as a fiction writer? Because you're just great at it. >> Susan Choi: Is it attractive or is it irresistible or are those the same things? You know, a friend of mine once said to me after my third book, "You just can't leave the academic setting alone, can you?" And I was sort of shamed. >> Ron Charles: You hadn't noticed? >> Susan Choi: I hadn't noticed, no [laughter]. We're so blind to ourselves. Now, I really noticed. I sit down and think like, "Not another student-teacher story." You know, it's a setting I've spent a lot of time in. I'm a professor's daughter. So I grew up in an academic setting. I went to school like many of us but now, I teach school too. So I've sort of been in academic settings continually from birth. And I find them interesting. I keep finding them interesting. >> Ron Charles: Those teenagers especially, this is your first, the first time you set us a novel in high school, right. >> Susan Choi: Yes. >> Ron Charles: Those teenagers are so tumultuous and so intense. And for most of it, it's the time of radical transformation, both physically and mentally. The voices in this book seem just right. How did you get back into that mindset? >> Susan Choi: You know, maybe I shouldn't say this in public. But I didn't have to get back [laughter]. It was, it didn't occur to me until after the novel was finished and people started asking me that question that I might need to worry. But no, I found the, I found the characters to really be there. And I didn't ever have to think what would a 15-year-old think or how would a 14-year-old say that or would a 15-year-old be in this situation? The characters just were the characters to me. And thank God, it wasn't until the novel was over that I noticed that I actually have a 15-year-old at home, my very own and my child. My older child is now 15. The idea that my characters and this person, my child, are the same age is like horrifying to me [laughter]. Because I look at him silently thinking, "You're not like that, are you?" >> Ron Charles: Are you? >> Susan Choi: So I don't know. The characters were there. They were just there. >> Ron Charles: You write about teenage intimacy in a very intimate way. >> Susan Choi: Yeah. >> Ron Charles: Teenage sexuality. >> Susan Choi: Yeah [laughter]. >> Ron Charles: Yes. >> Susan Choi: And again, no. No, my 15-year-old is not allowed to read my book [laughter]. >> Ron Charles: All the copies in the house are under lock and key with the alcohol. >> Susan Choi: They're in the basement, yeah. It's not his thing anyway, I don't think. >> Ron Charles: No, but [laughter] as you think about this, I mean, how do you write about teenage sexuality at a moment when the characters are just discovering it with such intensity? >> Susan Choi: You know again, and you and I have had very funny conversations in the past about the difficulty of this sex scene, right? Didn't you once call me late at night to inform me that I've been nominated for it's like [Inaudible] Literary Tribe? >> Ron Charles: That was me. That was the Bad Sex Award from England [laughter] which I didn't think was fair because that award is supposed to be for people who write badly about sex. But not you. >> Susan Choi: Not people who write really well about bad sex. >> Ron Charles: Which is what you do. >> Susan Choi: That's what I did. >> Ron Charles: She writes really well about bad sex [laughter]. There's no award for that. >> Susan Choi: Just to be clear [laughter]. >> Ron Charles: That award you should win. And you didn't win the Bad Sex Award anyhow. >> Susan Choi: Oh, thank God [laughter]. >> Ron Charles: Yeah. >> Susan Choi: It was an honor just to be nominated as they say. [ Laughter ] >> Ron Charles: I thought that I was the one to tell you that night too. I had forgotten that. But you wrote a lot about sex in "My Education" too which is another hilarious brilliant novel. But that's at college level though or graduate school level. But there are challenges in writing about sex, I'm sure. >> Susan Choi: There are definitely challenges and I think one of the challenges for me has always been to not, to not sugar coat it or gossify it or metaphorize it or to not write badly, to not bring a lot of really bad gooey prose to bear on this thing that's very human. And so, I think in the effort to write about sex in a way that's straightforward and honest, I think I've wound up writing scenes that sometimes make people uncomfortable. With this book particularly, because the characters are so young. >> Ron Charles: Young. >> Susan Choi: I think that there are readers who have sort of, who have sort of gone whoa. But at the same time, I, you know, like let's not deceive ourselves. >> Ron Charles: No. >> Susan Choi: Like these are -- >> Ron Charles: High school kids do sometimes, I mean, I didn't but [laughter]. High school kids do sometimes have sex, I suppose. >> Susan Choi: It's been known to happen. Statistically, we have proof that this is happening. >> Ron Charles: Drama class. >> Susan Choi: This is not happening with my high school student, but you know, elsewhere. >> Ron Charles: Drama class is the perfect setting, isn't it? It's all about running to manufacture authenticity. >> Susan Choi: Yes. >> Ron Charles: Which is such a metaphor for your teenage life. >> Susan Choi: Yes, yes, yes. Yes, how can I best perform like you know, spontaneity? >> Ron Charles: Yes, so you spend all day trying to look casual. >> Susan Choi: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Be cool, you know. Don't try it. >> Ron Charles: Were you one of the drama kids? >> Susan Choi: I wasn't one of the, oh, I wasn't really one of the true drama kids. I was a, I was like a fish out of water drama kid to use like a terrible metaphor. >> Ron Charles: What do you mean? >> Susan Choi: I was in a drama program in high school. It was a really, it was a really bad choice for me. >> Ron Charles: You weren't good? >> Susan Choi: I was terrible. I was so terrible and I was so shy. And I was so awkward and stiff. >> Ron Charles: Why would you make yourself do that then? >> Susan Choi: I don't know. I don't know. It's actually one of the mysteries that I haven't really been able to solve. I can, I can penetrate the inner motivations of characters better than my own. I tried out for a drama program in high school. I got in. I was miserable from then on. And I wanted to be a writer, you know. I would like sit in the corner and write in notebooks. I was not made to be on stage. >> Ron Charles: It's a perfect capturing of the drama classes, just everything about the pretentiousness of it, the exercises, the dialogue. I thought it was spot on. >> Susan Choi: But also that there's real like there is authenticity. I mean, that the students really, really want. They want to achieve. They want to be stars. They want to get it right. >> Ron Charles: Right and some are good. >> Susan Choi: And some are good and some are not. >> Ron Charles: Right. >> Susan Choi: But they're all, they're all caught up in something that's very, as I recall it, it was, you know, very intense. And writing this book and then actually revising the book, talking to other people I've known who've, you know, even briefly sort of dabbled in acting class, we all remember that amazing intensity. >> Ron Charles: And vulnerability? >> Susan Choi: Yeah. >> Ron Charles: Right. The charismatic manipulative teacher is such a common influence in many of our lives. I think your drama teacher, Mr. Kingsley, is the best since Miss Jean Brodie. >> Susan Choi: Oh, wow. >> Ron Charles: It's just, I mean, he is -- >> Susan Choi: I may cry, actually [laughter]. Thank you, Ron. That's one of my favorite like in my top five of all time. >> Ron Charles: He is a special kind of person in this book. He's a serpent of a particular kind. >> Susan Choi: But he's not all, he's not all bad. >> Ron Charles: No. >> Susan Choi: That's the thing. I mean, you, I wanted readers to understand why it would matter so much to have his approval. >> Ron Charles: The kids, that's who want his approval? >> Susan Choi: Yeah and the reader needs to, needs to empathize with that. He can't be this two-dimensional villain. That's not interesting. That makes the, that makes the students seem dumb. And they're not dumb. >> Ron Charles: No, they're not dumb. And he's so complex and so witty himself. Was there someone like this in your own life? >> Susan Choi: I've had so many teachers who have had elements of that charisma. >> Ron Charles: Yeah. >> Susan Choi: That sophistication, I mean, I have other characters, as you know, who also, you know, fulfill these characteristics and yeah, I've had many teachers. Many teachers who were dazzling in all of the good ways and in some of the bad ways. >> Ron Charles: And that changes over time. You look back at some of those teachers and you think, "Why was I so in love with her?" >> Susan Choi: Why was I so dazzled? >> Ron Charles: Yes. >> Susan Choi: Yeah, yeah. It's a certain kind of person. >> Ron Charles: Other people you realize you didn't appreciate enough. >> Susan Choi: Exactly. Again, it's like a force of personality thing. There are some teachers out there who do amazing work very quietly. >> Ron Charles: Yes. >> Susan Choi: And you don't realize until years later why that person changed me. >> Ron Charles: Right. >> Susan Choi: There are others who there's a lot of fireworks. You're dazzled and then later, you think, "Oh my God." >> Ron Charles: Yes. >> Susan Choi: You know. >> Ron Charles: Yeah, this is the first time ever people have come by my office, several people and said, "I loved that novel. What happened?" [ Laughter ] I mean, much of the pleasure of this novel and we're going to be very careful in our discussions today to not give anything away. But much of the pleasure of this novel comes in the sudden bewildering twists that happened twice in the book. Would it be fair to say that this is a novel about how we construct what we know and what we think happened? >> Susan Choi: Yeah. I think that's fair. I think it would be fair to say that it's a novel about how we tell our story and who else may be trying to tell our story since our story, our stories usually entangle with somebody else's. Usually, a lot of somebody else's. So that's question of like who's telling the story and who's getting it right or wrong, in whose opinion. You know, people remember the same event. People who have experienced the same thing. >> Ron Charles: Right. >> Susan Choi: Will remember it very differently. >> Ron Charles: We're used to that sort of conundrum. But what you do in this book is constructed in such a complex way. I'm wondering how you did that physically. Did you have the whole thing planned out? And you understood where these twists and turns would take place? >> Susan Choi: God, no, no. And I [inaudible]. I had nothing planned out. I'm not a planner which is, which is the fun of it. I've never successfully planned anything I've written. I go slowly. >> Ron Charles: But how can that be? I mean, the first part of the novel is so complete and so compelling and then we turn a page and everything seems to up and revolutionized. >> Susan Choi: Yeah, that's kind of what happened. I was writing this book. I didn't really, I didn't really have, right, I definitely didn't have a plan because I, as I said, I tend not to make plans. >> Ron Charles: Go ahead. >> Susan Choi: But I didn't, I mean, so really the only, I have to say Ron, it's like the only department of my life in which I don't make plans. I'm a big planner. >> Ron Charles: Generally. >> Susan Choi: In general. >> Ron Charles: Okay. >> Susan Choi: Vacations, you know, all that stuff. But in my writing, I tend not to plan because it, I'm never successful so I've given up trying. And with this book, I had a different project that I've been working on for years. Years. If I ever actually try to plan any project, it was that one. >> Ron Charles: This other project? >> Susan Choi: It's another project. >> Ron Charles: Never published? >> Susan Choi: As of yet, no. And who knows if it will ever see the light of day requiring all this research and thinking and talking to people. So there was some planning involved there. And it was going so badly, this project, that I would play hooky from it and go work on something else just for fun and that was what turned into "Trust Exercise" eventually. But for a really long time, it was just the writing that I was cheating on my other writing with [laughter]. So I would sneak off and hide from my failed planned book with this other thing. And so I didn't, I, you know, we had no long-term plans together because like we weren't supposed to be doing this. I was supposed to be writing the other book. >> Ron Charles: It's just a fling. >> Susan Choi: It was just a fling. And I really, I really think that ultimately, that was what made the book work was that I didn't have a lot of premeditation about it. I would sneak off with it for these flings every once in a while and I'd put it down for like seven to 10 months a year. And give it no thought. >> Ron Charles: Well, I mean, this isn't going to be fair, but do you know what happened [laughter]? >> Susan Choi: You're in danger of making the book sound confusing. >> Ron Charles: It's not confusing. It's confounding. Do you know what happened, really? Or is that the point that we cannot know. >> Susan Choi: No, I do know. >> Ron Charles: You do know. Will you tell me later? [ Laughter ] Your title, I'll move on. Your title, the "Trust Exercise" refer to an exercise you do in drama class with Mr. Kingsley with the students. But it has a larger meaning in this context, right, about how we trust one another in relationships and friendships. Can you talk about that? Trust as an exercise? >> Susan Choi: Trust as an exercise in this book? >> Ron Charles: Yes. >> Susan Choi: Well, I mean, I think the main thing that comes out of the first section of the book is on, oh no. I'm in danger of giving things away. >> Ron Charles: It's okay so everything about the first part. >> Susan Choi: You know, the thing about this book is that I wanted the reader to kind of relax and open up into this complicated world of emotion and first love and sexual obsession and all of these juicy, human things. But then, this question arises and the question is, is this really the way it went down with these people? Or is it possible that the person that we've been trusting to tell us what happened has something to hide? And so, I think that's where trust comes into the book first and foremost is, is you suddenly realize that storytelling always has an agenda, right? I mean, even stories that present themselves as being objective have an agenda. >> Ron Charles: History, yes. >> Susan Choi: You know, we know that history is, history is written by people, right. It doesn't just come down from like some mountain carved on stone slabs. There's always an agenda. So I think the question of like who do we trust to tell our story is one of the things that I was trying to get at with the book. >> Ron Charles: And this book makes us a participant in that process which I think is really unique and special about this book. >> Susan Choi: Well, because you have sort of decide who you trust. >> Ron Charles: Exactly, yeah. >> Susan Choi: And there are some competing, there's some different folks competing for your trust. >> Ron Charles: Right, right. I think that was just really a fascinating process to go through. This novel takes place in the '80s, decades before the Me Too movement but definitely it seems very contemporary, very relevant to what we're going through now because it involves issues of sexual harassment or taking advantage of people. About the complicated exploration of our discussion of sexual harassment and the way predators exploit particularly young women. How have you been talking to people about that? And I'm sure people must have asked, women must have asked you about that issue. How does it make you think about that? >> Susan Choi: Well, I mean, one of the things that was so extraordinary about this book was the timing of it but then also I always, you know, because people say like, "Oh, gosh. The book seems like it's about the Me Too movement. What amazing timing." But on the other hand, I always sort of want to make the point that the Me Too movement is just a moment in the history of sexual harassment and sexual misconduct which has been going on probably since, since there were people. >> Ron Charles: Yes. >> Susan Choi: And so, these issues that the book is exploring, the book is set in the '80s. These issues predate the setting of the book. They predate Me Too. But the ways in which as a culture, we've started thinking more, I mean, I don't know what adverb I want to use here. It's always a problem in writing adverbs. So I think I'm not going to use an adverb actually which is like my little rule. If you're not sure, just don't use an adverb at all [laughter]. We've been trying to think more about all of these issues. And I think, when I was working on this book and as I said to you, like not really planning or thinking about it, it's not true that I wasn't taking in stuff that was happening in the larger culture. And there have been so many, so many reassessments of especially educational situations that we've been reading about for years and years and years now. The Horace Mann School is one really good example from you know, my neck of the woods. I live in New York where students from the '80s who, you know, in many cases, never said anything until they were adults or parents themselves and then, finally, you know, decades later were able to say this situation that I was in educationally wasn't right. It wasn't right that I was never really able to speak about that until now. And so I was, I was thinking a lot about this and reading a lot about this and thinking a lot about the ways in which our cultural norms have changed over just like the handful of decades since. I mean, I'm not that old, you know. And the '80s were a really, really different time. We as students, I think, accepted certain behaviors that I would never accept such things that were happening in my child's school. But it was, so it's remarkable the evolution. I think we've evolved a really long way in a really short time. But it's also remarkable how long it took. Like why did it take so long for us to sit back and go, "You know, wait a minute. Like the way in which this teacher is interacting with these very young students, there's something fishy about this. It just doesn't seem right." >> Ron Charles: Right. >> Susan Choi: You know, so and we're still dealing with it. >> Ron Charles: Right. Colson Whitehead's book, the "Nickel Boys" made me think that what took so long? Why and people, and you go back and you see people were reporting on this school throughout the whole period of its life over and over again. The scandal would be revealed and then the outrage would just sort of dissipate and the school went on. >> Susan Choi: Yeah, yeah. But we could say that about so many things, what took so long? And we'll keep saying it. >> Ron Charles: These women are not helpless in this book. They're not -- >> Susan Choi: No. They're not helpless but it's complicated. It's complicated for them. I mean, one of the characters in this book is as a young woman involved in a very damaging relationship with a man who is much older than she is. She's a minor. You know, she's 16 years old when she becomes entangled with this man. This man is much older. He's in a position of trust, as we say. He's a teacher. >> Ron Charles: Yes. >> Susan Choi: And she really struggles as an adult with the question of her own agency. You know, to what extent was she an agent in this situation and what she's unable to see even as an adult, this character is the degree to which she was powerless. Yes, she wasn't helpless but she was, she was a 16-year-old student and this was a teacher invested with all of the authority that a teacher is invested with. So even if she might have fought at 16, oh, you know, I liked his attention. You know, what culture is it that tells a 16-year-old girl one of the straightest paths to achievement and significance for you, 16-year-old girl is to capture the attention of an older man. That's a cultural message. >> Ron Charles: Right. >> Susan Choi: You know and if a 16-year-old girl hears that message and falls prey to it, and later, when she's 30, looks back and thinks that was my fault, she's still not really seeing the big picture. >> Ron Charles: Right. The novel, this novel explores that in the most interesting and provocative and thoughtful way. >> Susan Choi: Thank you. >> Ron Charles: Would you be willing to take some questions from the audience? >> Susan Choi: Of course. >> Ron Charles: Can we please ask the questions, not spoil any of the twists or suspense in the plot? There are people here who would like to read the book and have that surprise. >> Susan Choi: That's a tall order. >> Ron Charles: I know it is a tall order so I've asked you to police yourselves. Also, we are completely -- >> Susan Choi: We can't see you. >> Ron Charles: Not at all [laughter]. It's completely black out there. The lights are so bright. So wave your hands around and Susan would point to you and take your questions. >> Susan Choi: Oh, I see him waving. Yes. >> Hi, how are you doing? Ron, you're the best [laughter]. Susan, thank you very much. This is a great book. So I'm kind of sorry to ask you this question. But there are some similarities in structure, it felt to me, to Lisa Halliday's "Asymmetry?" Not in the, not in the plot or anything along those lines. So like just in the, in the structure of that and I'm wondering when someone else, another writer comes out with a book that has, that has some of the structure you're using while you are still writing it or whatnot, do you just kind of go, "Damn, that sucks," or what, it's interesting. >> Susan Choi: I mean, luckily, I didn't, you know, in the case of this book, no. I wasn't, I was pretty fortressed while I was working on this book from sort of what might have been going on elsewhere in publishing. And I didn't, I didn't really worry even after I knew about "Asymmetry" and knew about like the, I think, structural similarities. The books still seem to be pretty different. I mean, going back deeper in my career, I did, I di have like a complete meltdown the year that two books about the Patty Hearst kidnapping. Two great, two great novels about the Patty Hearst kidnapping and not both of them written by me. They came out very, very close together. Mine and Christopher Sorrentino's great book, "Trance" and I did at the time, feel like the world had come to an end. But it hadn't. The world has room for both. So it was okay. Thank you. >> Ron Charles: You really do need to wave your hand. We can't see you. >> Susan Choi: I'm not sure if we have another question as yet. So - >> Back here please to the microphone. >> Ron Charles: I think there's someone there though. >> I'll just make a way. She's making a way over. >> Susan Choi: Okay. >> Ron Charles: All right. >> Susan Choi: Why don't we ask each other questions while we wait for a question [laughter]. >> Here she is. >> Hello, thank you. >> Susan Choi: Hi. >> I've a question about like your narrative process? Earlier on, you were discussing how you prefer not to plan when you're writing and just to go spontaneously? So how would you describe your process of creating characters and worlds and tying them together when you're first trying to create a new narrative novel or book? >> Susan Choi: Because I don't plan [laughter]. So just to make sure I understand the question. It was a question about sort of how I build narrative given that I don't kind of engage in like outlining or other sort of pre-writing. That's a great question. And I think the answer is that a lot of, a lot of that for me happens in the writing. As strange as that sounds, I write a lot. By which I mean, I sit down and generate prose as much as I can. I always tell my students whenever I get them at the beginning of a semester, that I want them to write every day because that's kind of an ideal that I try to fulfill. I fail most days. But when I am kind of in active writing mode, which is usually like, you know, as [inaudible] second manage it, I sit down and try to fill a page with writing. And I don't really think a lot about what that writing is going to be about. I have written thousands upon thousands of pages of just stuff waiting for something that will seize my attention and compel me to build on it. And what seizes my attention is almost always a situation between characters who feel to me as if they have the spark of life in them, to be honest. I mean, I've written lots and lots of prose about places and things and conversations. Just all sorts of stuff that is description that every once in a while, as I'm generating my daily writing, a situation emerges. And it's a situation that has tension in it. It usually has all those things your writing teacher taught you to try to infuse your stories with in high school conflict. The thing with me is that I find it really hard to sit down and invent a conflict, to sit down and invent tension. It's really hard to sit down and say, "I'm going to write a story today about people in enormous conflict." You know, that's a great way to just have writer's block for the rest of the day like what do you do? So I just try to write stuff. I have a lot of generative tricks that I use. You know, I often just start describing something that I saw and allow the associative process to carry me wherever it will. With "Trust Exercise," I, as I said, was escaping a difficult project that was just not yielding to all my efforts and I sat down one day and thought, "I'm just going to write something really short today." And the first sentence that I wrote was "Neither could drive." And oh, who are they? And immediately I knew, I thought these are teenaged kids. They're in love. And they want to get together but nobody has a driver's license. There's no public transit. What will they do? So that was, that was a moment in which the sentence started spooling out conflict and desire, problems that I wanted to solve. And it ended up being the first sentence of this book. The rest of your question, I think can only be answered by really sort of specific and not general statements. You know, once I have that situation, I just try to pursue it as far as I can. And I build on it. >> Thanks. >> Susan Choi: Thank you. >> There's another question. >> Susan Choi: Yeah. >> Hi. >> Susan Choi: Hi. >> So you touched on this a lot. But what do you think is so fraught about that sort of student-teacher relationship where both like why is the teacher so interested in the student and maybe not only in predatory ways and then what sort of drives there for that student also not inherently predatory or generally? >> Susan Choi: Yeah, that's a great question. Wow, I feel like I could answer that in another book. >> Ron Charles: No [laughter]. >> Susan Choi: You know, that I mean, as someone who, so I've been teaching now at the high school and the college level for about half my life. And it only gets more interesting. I have to say that the struggle and the drama of trying to teach is, is just bottomlessly fascinating. It never, it never gets simpler and I think there are a lot of reasons why. I think one reason has to do with power and how confusing it is to think about and to talk about power in a pedagogical situation because in a pedagogical situation, you want on the one hand, a feeling of equality and colleagueship between yourself and your student. I always want to treat my students as equals. I learn a lot from my students, possibly more than they learn from me. It depends on the year. And so there is this dream of or an idea of equality that I think is incredibly important. But at the same time, it's not an equal relationship at all. The student is not the teacher's equal. There is a power in balance between those two halves and so that contradiction alone, I think leads the way to a lot of the really complicated and thorny issues in the student-teacher relationship. And it's very similar, I think, in a lot of ways to the parent-child relationship especially now that I'm a parent. And you know, find myself in struggles with my children that aren't so dissimilar to struggles with my students where I both want to be, I want my children to feel that they're my equal, that I'm their ally. That they can always come to me. And at the same time, there's still in an authority relationship there, right? They're still my child. So I think that, I think that that contradiction between the equality that we want and that imbalance of authority, I think that that's for me at the heart of why the teacher-student relationship is so complex. And then I just think that also learning in our country is an incredibly endangered activity. And -- >> Ron Charles: Endangered by what? >> Susan Choi: Well, so many things. I mean, I don't want to go too far off into the political realm here, in the nation's capital but [laughter]. >> Ron Charles: You're among friends, I bet [laughter]. >> Susan Choi: Well, I mean, you know, just to put it simply, like teachers are really stressed at like every level of teaching in our country. I think teachers are really, really stressed. And they're not receiving the respect and the support that they deserve institutionally or culturally. And so their job gets harder as what they do gets more and more important. I mean, how many things that are happening in our culture right now do we think might be due to the failures of our educational system. [Applause] A lot. Like I think we could trace our biggest crises and I'm not going to name them but I would say that one I would say is environmental and one I would say is governmental. I would say that we could trace these crises to failures in our educational system to a populace that isn't as educated as it should be or could be. Everyone deserves to be educated and you know, students aren't getting education and teachers aren't getting support and providing it. And so I think that that's leading to a lot of tension also. I think teachers are stressed. Students are stressed. Teachers and students are stressed out [laughter]. >> Ron Charles: Yes. >> Susan Choi: I don't even think that begins to answer your question but thank you for asking it [laughter]. >> Thank you. >> Ron Charles: We have another question here. >> When you set something in a particular time period, in this case, it was the '80s. Do you intentionally think about whether you want to include some historical things that were going on to make that time period come alive? Or do you try to leave that out to make it more universal for every time? >> Ron Charles: No, [inaudible]. >> Susan Choi: That's a really great question. You know, in the, in the case of "Trust Exercise," I didn't want to, I didn't ever want to hammer on it's the '80s, you know. I didn't want to, I didn't want to mention parachute pants or [laughter] you know, [Inaudible] or any of the other great things about the '80s that I loved. But it was important that it was the '80s. So I think that just from a craft perspective, what I always wanted to try to do if I'm writing something that is set in the time period other than the present, is to try to have that time period really organically, just in every, in every fiber of the story without having to like stick little flags in the story that say, "It's the '80s." You know, without having to like have Ronald Reagan on TV giving a State of the Union address. I want the world to be the world as it was then and so, how do I do that? It depends on what the concerns of the story are. And with "Trust Exercise," what it really was about was, what was this whole question of the teacher-student relationship and how different that was several decades ago. How differentially though of that was. All of the aspects of it that weren't really thought a lot about. >> Ron Charles: Right. >> Susan Choi: And so, and that was the way in which to me, it was the '80s, if that makes sense that these cultural and social norms and mores were different. But I didn't, I didn't want to get hung up on you know, people's musical tastes or their hair. Although one of the characters does in a way that I found poignantly '80s, sorry, she does try to go punk. You know, like years too late because like punk had that highly delayed arrival in the American suburbs. And so it was like, you know, many, many years after the Sex Pistols, she's like got a punk t-shirt on. But for the most part, I try to do time periods through just what, what it was socially and culturally like at that time, if that's relevant to the story. >> Ron Charles: You have written several that like I call historical novels but they're definitely based on particular historical events. Do you find that structure, was it more freeing not to have that, to just invent everything? Or do you find you like that kind of to base the story on some historical event that we all know, Patty Hearst or the Unabomber? >> Susan Choi: Yeah, yeah. I mean, in the cases of both of those novels, it wasn't so much that I wanted the structure as I became so incredibly obsessed with the historical event that the only way that I could really get over it was to explore it fictionally. Because you know, fiction gives you the opportunity to try to figure out what all that stuff that doesn't make it into the paper might have been. >> Ron Charles: Right. >> Susan Choi: Right, which isn't to knock journalism at all but journalism doesn't necessarily tell you how everybody felt. >> Ron Charles: Right. >> Susan Choi: And that was the thing that was fascinating to me about the Patty Hearst kidnapping. How did it feel, you know, for those very, very, very young people to do what they did? So I think that it's more that I get obsessed with the real historical event and fiction is the way that I work that out. >> Ron Charles: Fascinating. Anyone else? >> Susan Choi: I see a sign that says five minutes. Thank you [laughter]. >> Ron Charles: What are you working on now? This other project that has dragged on and on? >> Susan Choi: Yeah, so the other project that's dragged on and on, I literally drag it around now. I manage to, I have the sort of like obsessive-compulsive disorder with disorder. I couldn't stand how disordered this project was so I decided that it all had to fit into a, do people know the Container Store? Are people fans of the Container Store? >> Ron Charles: Yes, I do. >> Susan Choi: Because I really love the Container Store. And they make these clear plastic shoe boxes with a lid. So this is the best box for a manuscript that's ever been made. It's made for like a men's shoe but it's a great manuscript box. You can enclose the manuscript. You can still see it [laughter]. And it can still see you [laughter]. But it's become a discreet object and in a way, it feels like you've taken care of it [laughter]. So that's where that project is now. It's in a Container Store shoe box. And I took it with me on all my travels this summer. And I never opened it [laughter]. >> Ron Charles: Oh! >> Susan Choi: Never opened the shoe box. >> Ron Charles: That's so nice. Yeah, that's nice. It's just, it's the first time I've had a chance to meet you. It's been such a pleasure. I think you're such a brilliant novelist. >> Susan Choi: It's such a pleasure to meet you. >> Ron Charles: And please go buy this book, if you haven't already read it. If you have read it, buy a copy for a friend [laughter]. >> Susan Choi: Or five. Thank you. [ Applause ] >> Ron Charles: And once you buy your copy, you can get Susan to sign it at 4:30 at the signing table. >> Susan Choi: Yes, that's right. >> Ron Charles: Right, thanks so much. >> Susan Choi: Thank you. >> Ron Charles: Thank you very much. It was great fun for me.
Channel: Library of Congress
Views: 1,309
Rating: 4.7647057 out of 5
Keywords: Library of Congress
Id: 2d8410gWIEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 56sec (2336 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 06 2019
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