CARVECO simple 2D design and machining for beginners

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hello there and welcome again to my workshop to another caf-co tutorial I do notice on the Caracol information pages people are asking where are the tutorials there are literally hundreds and hundreds of tutorials they're all linked to at Camp caf-co is app cam just under a different banner that's all so to get to them you can either go into google or whatever your your search engine is go into YouTube for tutorials for at cam or if you want to you know if you're watching this video go to my channel page come over to this side scroll down wrong computer scroll down and you will come to at cam okay and the easiest way I have found of course this is under the banner of Autodesk but these tutorials still apply because it's the same program okay so the easiest way to look at these I suppose it's just go to videos bring them all up and you can scroll down through obviously these are about make actually making 3d reliefs for newcomers that might be a bit complex but if you scroll all the way down there are many simpler ones these are still 3d actually these are using at cam reliefs you've got two and a half D there this is a good one I've actually done that one myself I've actually done that one but you can follow along as you can with any tutorial but there's very very good information in here and it does apply to the caf-co pro program I'll prove it to you in a moment so it's sign-making you know simple sign making two and a half D curve in coin making and mold-making now this is where I started I started right back 11 years ago and some of the tutorials here you know like I mean I can remember you know sort of making a 3d relief by color all these still apply and this is where I started 11 years ago and this is how I learnt so and I suggest you to do the same the project today that we're going to put together in Caracol you can view the machining of it in my video 297 so this is the Camco opening screen when you open the program up so you need to go into this top corner here but it says new model click on that and this dialog box comes up now the first item you need to deal with is the X on Y size of the material in X&Y now the bad stock material that are used for this job is in the X was 105 millimeter by a 50 millimeter okay so that's the bar stock size that's set incidentally this is this is a machining into solid aluminium bar so now this is the start of the program okay so you can start in the middle and any corner for this machining operation for this I carry this it on a milling machine a CNC milling machine which is normally this but you you set the 0 0 in this back corner this this is actually what is known in G code as the G 54 now you really don't this is just a label that's given to it and it's really not necessary to sort of pay a large amount of attention to the actual label other than this is the step position of the the whole job so the computer running the machine actually knows exactly where it's got when it's that position is in relation to the working envelope of the machine so that's the zero zero I normally leave this resolution slider by in the middle it's fine and obviously we're dealing in millimeters so we're going to okay that which will take us into the program screen this is the 3d screen actually at the moment but we want to D so I am going to I'm going to start with the outside okay now this little aluminium container was with purpose made for a job so gonna get the square rectangle we're going to just do all that now there's a couple of things we need to do here in this wizard or dialog box and the first thing is the actual size the actual size of it was 100 millimeters and it was 48 millimeters 48 millimeters so you can see now that the the box knows jumping as we're altering here is jumping to the correct size and position or close to it no I wanted rounded corners and I wanted a 6 millimeter radius so that is that there's the raid radius 6 millimeter but I want this object to be set right in the center of the stock material there to do that is fairly easy and he's actually set right in the middle so at cam has determined that yes I wanted that right in the middle and it's put it there and now we can create that and there it is so we can get rid of that okay so the next operation we need to do is to copy this vector and a vector is any line on the screen any line any shape at any angle it's a vector so we need to copy this vector inwards two millimeters and there is a tool to do exactly that now this one and it's commonly known as offset vectors so we'll choose that one we want to copy this inwards and we just want a you've been copy to either side outside or inside a specified amount and the specified amount is two millimeters because we want a two millimeter wall and radius corners yes we we we have the choice here of deleting the original vector if we wish okay so this is now okay so we can offset and that's exactly two millimeters in which is just under eight of an inch so we can get rid of that and we can click off that now in the center we want the central boss okay so we take our if you'd notice when we get somewhere near the center I have snap turned on so I'm getting near the center you notice that the cursor changes telling me that I'm at the center I want this to be minus 25 that's correct by 32 and it is in the center that's telling me do you remember that the Vostok was 105 millimeters long so that has gone right in the center so it's telling me that the it is in the material center that is exactly we wanted so we create and we can actually to save ourselves a little bit of time and effort by drawing another circle because we want to drill a hole there we are going to we're going to use this tool again I'm going to offset inwards now we need to offset inwards three and a half millimeters three point five millimeters inwards radius this is all okay offset so basically that is our path but we need a machine so now we will go to the machining operation this is a straight two and a half D machining operation so we come up here to tool paths it's a 2d operation and the first thing we're going to do is machine the profile around the outside so we choose profile so select a vector okay so you're telling the program and in this case the wizard but well this is the part I want you to machine I want you to machine on the outside so you can you know select the along if we wish the center of the tool will go along it or inside it as depicted on the little diagram here but in our case we want a pro foot we want to profile the outside and it's the selected vector we've already selected it so the program knows exactly what we're talking about that this we can leave alone it's you know it's a it's a radii so it'll just follow it around start depth zero we want to start at the top of the material and we want to finish sixteen millimeters down okay tolerance 0.025 millimeter that's fine it's not an absolute precision there now that we're going to use is this one it's an extended eight millimeter three flute okay see the three cutting face is there three float beautiful this is a tungsten end mill very long-lasting and it doesn't exist in our tooling list so we're going to create a tool in the tool in list so what we're going to do is choose a six-millimeter copy it and choose the one above which is the copy and we're going to edit it so this is just representing a mill really doesn't matter but the number so we're going to put here 8 millimeter millimeters millimeters per second that's the feed rate diameter H this is okay we can leave that because that we can change all that all these numbers we can change when we go into the okay so now we can change the the actual speed and feeds speed and feeds here we go now and this is where you change the speed and feeds or select the speed and fees for a particular job now you must sort of in the back of your mind have an idea okay what is the material and what will the tool and the material withstand in cut in step over now I've got quite a small it's a converted a Sig x2 melon machine it's only a little 3 350 watt motor or 375 watt motor so it's like half horse so it won't withstand a great deal I mean it does the job ok so we're going to say we want to step over and the step over is how deep into the material that it will go 3 millimetres a little bit too much for maybe it possibly could do it and actually fact the maximum step re we require is two and a half note we're going to say three millimeters we're going to say three millimeters here because as you know we want to do it in one go and we're going to ensure that we do it in such a rate that it's capable of handling two millimeters now that's step down so each time it goes round it's going to step down into the material two millimeters 76 millimeters per second a feed rate I don't think so this is very high this is set for a commercial CNC router or even you know something like a house or something like that so we're gonna say something in the region of 12 millimeters a second but bear in mind whatever I set in here I can alter it in Mach 3 to you know 10% of that figure if I wish which will be 2 millimeters a second which is very very quiet I normally set the plunge rate of half the rate of feed rate so that's 6 and don't forget this is going into aluminium now I know that flattered that little sig and the way I've got it belted will do for not 44 4000 rpm well I don't have a tool changer so that's not going to matter to us now climb milling yes if you have the option always climb milk it just cuts an awful lot better addley Dean and leader moves definitely distance in diameter that'll be I'm going to go ten millimeters five millimeters so what I want to do if you've got the material good piece of material this will do so what I what I'm doing with this a lead-in move because I'm going to running around the the south side I want it to come in to the side then start going around but I want to come in gently yes a so that's what I'm set in these figures up I'm saying well come out ten millimeters then come in gradually ramp from surface I know need to wrap the surface but this is what I want I want it to come in at a nice segment then sort of like this as depicted in here and I want to I want yes radius 5 because I've set the distance here 10 so I need a radius 5 to come in and you see on the on the video indeed that's what happens Ramos I will include Ramos zigzag 10 there's no need to now there's no need to this will sort it actually because this will do it right from the very first cut it that'll handle it no need to do any more they're cut sequence no this is okay save 20 miles safe area above the material that's fine now let's define the material now what you got to think of is okay I have the material clamped in a vise how much am I going to have sticking out so I know safely if I I can grab hold you know I can clamp three millimeter and I know I want to come down sixteen millimeter so that leaves me two millimeter clearance between where I'm cutting and the top of the vise so I'm going to tell this that the material thickness is 18 and model position is in the top this Saul cake yep model position top zero is in the top [Music] okay okay that okay so it now we label this now I abbreviate everything [Music] cannot calculate for the following reason the leading distance must be less than or equal to the radius see now I made a mistake here albeit a deliberate one to show you the radius R is 5 over cut is 5 distance diameter 10 so actually that is supposed to be 5 now that's the beauty of this program - there's that much thought gone into you know this the the making of this program and over the years the modifications program that you know it won't allow you to make a mistake if possible so calculate now and it's done so now we can get out of that one and there is the toolpath there and use the lead lead in and lead it moves so it's indicating it's showing you it's done so what we're going to do now is what there's known as an area clearance so we want to machine this area out now between the inner wall area and the outside of this so you select that so notice now that this vector is showing that it's been selected but what you do you press shift and select this vector as well so when we select the machine in operation you'd say between the selected vectors okay so toolpath still a two-dimensional operation it's an area clearance [Music] and selected vectors that you have a choice okay so selective vectors we've selected the vectors so it actually knows that you want the inside material machined out there now that stop depth zero finish depth 14 millimetres to allowance so now we need to add a tool to machine this open eight millimeter there it is we put in the tooling list before we're going to use the same tool to clear this out now select that okay so we've selected our tool now we are going to set the parameters step over we're going to make we're going to make this easy life on the tool we're going to say 2.5 millimeters step-down of 2 there again 12 not forgetting we can alter this in in Mach 3 it's not set in concrete 6 4000 doesn't matter to us about the and this is set right for us we want to do an offset in other words we want to come in with the tool I want to come in with the tool and it will start in the middle here and it will machine from the center and work its way out and then go like that not come in and go back and forth that's not the way to do it in this sort of circumstance you need an offset climb milling I always use climb milling inside start point start in the middle of the material independent finish depth they'll see if I wanted to do a finish cut I don't want to do a finish coat our grant moves definitely 10 degrees 10 degrees that's okay minimum length I'm gonna 10 millimeters zigzag height 5 millimeters so that means it's going to come into the material it's gonna go Zig just goes gonna go zig zag zig zag zig and go into the material gently not come in and go okay this is all set up that's it's fine so this is the second cup so I abbreviate everything as I said cut to eight millimeter n mill oh don't say where it is so to the inside okay can't commit and there it is how we can get over that one so we've done the outside we've done the inside o facing operation actual fact I forgot about that so what we need to do is face off the top first actually so we can do that now is no great no great drama now for me to machine for me to machine the top off this I have to draw an additional vector I'm just going to get rid of some of these lines that are let's turn these off there we go so what we need to do so I can face off the whole material is draw a box I'm going to use a big 19 millimeter tool so I'm just going to draw a box around the outside there doesn't have to be exert an exact size that's one of this sort of overlaps so I know that I'm going to machine the hole and not miss any we can get rid of that okay I've actually pulled up this now you can get to the toolpaths up here okay but you can actually get to them here as well so select the vector you want to deal with area clearance in 2d so selected vectors which is that one start get zero finish tip I want to take off one millimeter one one millimeter I'm Terrence okay I'm gonna have to make another tool because it's not in my tooling list so copy pick the top one go it's going to be a larger size hit it 19 now 19 now all step down I'm just gonna say two-millimeter you know I can alter this you know on each job 15 thirds and I'm gonna leave this as it is because I can alter it then on the job select so here it is let's have a look step over you know that's one millimeter depth that's probably okay I'm gonna I'm gonna run with that step down I'm going to do this in one cut one millimeter feed rate I'm gonna go ten millimeters a second plunger eight five millimeter so I go fifty percent of whatever the feed rate is I find that works in this case it's going to be 2,000 rpm tool number it really doesn't matter in this case I want to do a raster so that means I'm going to come in here and go back and forth and work my way across the material six and a half millimeters each step in or at most I always use front MOS this is okay this again is okay I know exactly what that is I can leave it at that and then it is done and I know I'm gonna get all the material in its not gonna be any left there so I can turn these on now there we've got a visibility of all tool paths it's okay so we've got one left now and that's a drilling strategy and that's this one in the middle and okay we come up here [Music] to the drilling stat depth zero fresh depth no and you want to go in ten millimeter just a little bit of a Fredo in there ten millimeter you change to mother with us okay select the tool I'm going to do this with a three millimeter end mill select Spector's that's correct [Music] use Peck drilling absolutely now what Peck drilling is it's it's like a bird picking corn it's going to come in drill a millimeter come out another melon meter come out another millimeter come out and so on and so forth it all gets all the way down so it means that it brings out the material and gives you no transfer for the the fluid the coolant to flush out whatever's in the left in the hole so that's what we're going to do now so the attraction I need to retract five millimeters OTO leave that on automatic machine surface composition this is all okay so so that is our part so what we'll do now is go to the 3d and we will get out Whittle button or tool I'll move it up I'm gonna put this at an angle like this and we're going to say that will let's get its let's simulate the tool pass it's only a small job so we can do it standard so here we go oh I didn't say C now I made a mistake there so what we're gonna do is we're gonna simulate we're going to simulate all tool paths not just one there we go there's the outside it comes the inside I think my computer is busy sort of it's updating windows I think in the background so it's made it a little slow but that's what we're going to end up with so the next thing to do is to save the toolpaths you can either come here and press save to a puzzle you can come up here and get to save to a pass here so we do it here and the you know there's many different ways of doing it it depends on what your machine is I so if you to move them around you just select them and use the arrows to move them from one side to another so you know it's up to you whether you want to which one you want to start with first but I would probably start with probably start with the face in which is the 19 mil and save it to wherever you want one one word of caution here there are many different g-code ways in which caf-co will save for you know a house or anything like that it's got certain code that's you know certain G code that is made for it and this is what they call a post processor so but normal machines like at or Mac or something like you know any CNC router or anything like that you come here normal G called millimeter tap or G code inches tap all machines understand that unless you have a specific machine so you just save it to wherever you want to removable drive or you know is save it into a file in your computer and that's basically how to do that okay so I hope you've enjoyed this caf-co tutorial today this tutorial set it really for the beginner to suck you off on 2d design and simple machining you really need to get a handle on that first before you start machining 3d parts so thank you for joining me and please like and subscribe and also subscribe to the caf-co and at cam tutorials and even Facebook the curve Kok there's a lot of good information on that so I hope you come and join me again for the next installment so for me now it's bye for now [Music]
Channel: Roger Webb
Views: 4,931
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ArtCAM, Carveco, Delcam, Autodesk, CNC, DIY, V bit, VCarve, Pro, Vectric, Aspire, Workshop, Wood, shop, turning, router, Laser, Lathe, how to, maker, eBay, Alibaba, 100, watt, CO2, Fusion 360, 6012, 6090, 6040, Cura, thingiverse, G code, Tool, paths, Mach 3, Mach 4, Grizzly, Sieg, Milling, Machine, Top Gear, Grand Tour, Amazon, Matthias, Wandel, WWMM, Frank, Howarth, Barnacules, Perks, Bobby Duke Arts, Adam Savage Tested, colinfurze, CAD, CAM, conversational, wizards, speeds, feeds, NYC, USA, America, Yankee, India
Id: _uuH7206rsw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 11sec (2411 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2019
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